Honors Psychology Life Span Development TIMELINE PROJECT Objective: Identify events from your past, present and future life, apply a developmental stage to the events and explain how and why the event is an example of the stage of development chosen. Purpose: Create a timeline to examine and analyze YOUR life span development via the theories and stages discussed in the Life Span Development unit: 1. Physical 2. Cognitive (Jean Piaget) 3. Moral (Lawrence Kohlberg) 4. Social (Erik Erikson) Event Requirements: 1. Choose the way you wish to display your timeline for the project such as Word, PowerPoint, iMovie, Prezi, Poster, book or any other way you can think of and CHECK WITH ME before doing. 2. Create a list of at least 10 events from your: past (4 events), present (3 events), and IDEAL future- (3 events) a. You must go at LEAST 20 years into the future. (40 years old). 3. A picture must be included with EACH event. a. Pictures can be from clip art, personal photos, drawings, etc… Event Requirement EXAMPLE Each event must include ALL of these (in this order): i. Title (make it fun!) 1. “Potty Animal” ii. Age 1. “Two years old” iii. Type of development and correct stage name that we used in class. (Puberty and menopause are the only physical stages you are required to NAME IF you use them for PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT events) 1. “Social Development Stage 2- Autonomy vs Doubt” iv. Event Description (maximum 3 sentences telling me what happened) 1. “I started potty training when I was almost two years old and it was an amazing experience! Every time I used the big boy potty my mom would clap for me and tell me how proud I was making her (sometimes even give me ice cream!). When I did have one of my many accidents, she never ridiculed me, instead she would ALWAYS encourage me to just keep trying because she said, “everyone has accidents Jeffy, but what is important is that we all just keep TRYING to get better.” v. Picture UNDER THE PICUTRE Developmental Stage application REQUIREMENTS: 1. Include an explanation of HOW and WHY the event is an example of the development stage you chose. (3-5 sentences MAXIMUM for each event) a. Make sure to include details from the Event Description that connect the event to the stage of development you chose, required vocab and suggested vocab. Example “Potty training was a major social developmental event in my life and luckily I had a favorable outcome in this stage. My mother never criticized me for attempting to use the big boy potty and she also never ridiculed me if I had an accident. During this stage of social development I developed confidence in my ability to try new things, make choices on my own and be independent during my later years because my mother gave me constant positive reinforcement and reassurance. Thanks mom!” 2. You CANNOT use a stage more than ONCE. (You can use Concrete Operational Stage AND Formal Operational Stage, but CANNOT use Concrete Operational Stage TWICE.) 1. Physical Development (The body/biological changes) a. Maximum 2 events b. Minimum 1 event 2. Cognitive Development (Piaget) a. Maximum 3 events b. Minimum 2 events 3. Social Development (Erikson) a. Maximum 3 events b. Minimum 2 events 4. Moral Development (Kohlberg) a. Maximum 3 events b. Minimum 2 events Submission: DUE ON Tuesday, October 27th. You must have your project ready to submit ON TUESDAY. Computer files must be emailed, no flash drives!!! (jbaird@rlas-116.org). Please save/email your project as Last name, First initial, Class period (Baird, J 8) Prezi or other websites links must be emailed to teacher TUESDAY. “This project is all about YOU! I want you to think about yourself and how you’re developing; this project could be a major wake up call for some of us, or reassurance in our journeys. Either way, this project will give you back exactly what you put into it.” Required Vocab (You will NOT use all of these, but you MUST use some of them.) Type of Development Physical (2 max) Puberty Menopause Cognitive (2-3) Sensorimotor Pre-Operational Concrete Operational Formal Operational Moral (2-3) Avoid Punishment Selfish Conformity and Approval Law and Order Human Rights Human Ethics Social (2-3) Trust vs Mistrust Autonomy vs Doubt Initiative vs Guilt Industry vs Inferiority Identity vs Confusion Intimacy vs Isolation Generativity vs Selfabsorption Integrity vs Despair Suggested Vocab (These terms have been discussed in class and could potentially make your project better, but they are not required to be used.) WORDS ARE IN A RANDOM ORDER Motor skills Conservation Object permanence Separation anxiety Learning Conservation Retrospect Trial and error Socialization Conformity Punishments Animistic thinking Right and wrong Reflex Symbolic thought Personality Moral reasoning Accommodation Assimilation Self-awareness Role-play Identification Imagination Maturation Schemas Senses Experience Social interactions Self-esteem Teratogens Deductive reasoning Perception Self-image Confidence Egocentric Values Intelligence Hypothetical What if scenarios Observe Abstract Contemplate the future Irreversibility Conditioning Language Identity crisis Rational thinking Consequences Seriation Reason Logic Imitation (monkey see, monkey do) Mental processes A not B error Social order Problem solving Independence/dependence Memory shame Rewards Checklist for Success Physical 1-2 events Cognitive 2-3 Moral 2-3 Social 2-3 Title for EACH event Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Age you were for EACH event Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Correct stage name for EACH event and stages only used ONCE *will only have a stage name if the stage you use is Puberty or Menopause* Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Developmental Events Required amount How many do you have Event description for EACH event (Maximum 3 sentences) Picture for EACH event Explanation of why and how your event is an example of the stage chosen. (3-5 sentences each) Did you use required vocab for EACH event Did you use any suggested vocab for your events Yes or No *Only possibilities are puberty and menopause* Yes or No Did you complete at least 10 events Yes or No Did you read the directions Yes or No Did you read the rubric Yes or No Did you check the website Yes or No Did you check your project using the rubric Yes or No Did you save your project as (Last name, first initial, class period) Yes or No Did you put your name on your project Yes or No Example of **EXACTLY** how a stage **WILL** be written and set-up! Potty Animal Two years old Social Development Stage 2- “Autonomy vs Doubt” I started potty training when I was almost two years old and it was an amazing experience! Every time I used the big boy potty my mom would clap for me and tell me how proud I was making her (sometimes even give me ice cream!). When I did have one of my many accidents, she never ridiculed me, instead she would ALWAYS encourage me to just keep trying because she said, “everyone has accidents Jeffy, but what is important is that we all just keep TRYING to get better.” Potty training was a major social developmental event in my life and luckily I had a favorable outcome in this stage. My mother never criticized me for attempting to use the big boy potty and she also never ridiculed me if I had an accident. During this stage of social development I developed confidence in my ability to try new things, make choices on my own and be independent during my later years because my mother gave me constant positive reinforcement and reassurance. Thanks mom!