Notes on Hooking Up to Other Pieces of Equipment to Your Guidance System GPS By Randy Price K-State Extension and Research Introduction: It is highly likely that your GPS Figure 1: Typical 9-Pin RS-232 signal will be derived from a guidance system or Connector a stand alone GPS unit. In either case, you may want to pipe (or send) this information to other pieces of equipment (such as an Insight monitor or PDA, etc.). Typically this is done through a 9-Pin RS-232 port on the back of the unit (USB cabled GPS units are available, but not as common since they must have a driver loaded to communicate correctly with the piece of equipment, making them not as practical for plug and go type operations). Two make an RS-232 connection, two operations must occur: Getting the right cable (null modem or straight through) and setting up the equipment to transmit at the same baud rate and sentence structure. Cabling: Pin outs for RS-232 connectors are shown in Table 1. These connectors come in two styles: DTE and DCE depending upon whether the equipment was set-up to transmit signals or receive signals. Cabling for the RS-2323 connector exists in two main types: a null-modem cable and a straight through pass cable. Typical in most cases, only three pins are needed (pins 2 and 3 - transmit and receive - and pin 5 - ground) to make a working connection (note though that in some equipment, DTR and DSR lines may be needed). Null-modem cables switch the transmit and receive pins (numbers 2 and 3) while a straight through cables do not. Depending upon the cable you have, you may have to use a null-modem adapter which switches pins 2 and 3 for you, and a gender changer, which switches the type of connectors (male/female) to fit (I frequently have to use both in series to make a connection). These connectors are available locally at Radio Shack (although not that cheap - $7 or more). If you are unsure which cable you need, carry a straight through cable and have a null modem adapter and gender changer ready to flip pins 2 and 3 (switching pins 2 and 3 will not hurt any equipment since these are only digital lines). Note that if your equipment supplies power through other pins on the cable, you may have “break” pins off to not transmit this power (possibly causing grounding or shorting). I once had an Insight monitor that sent power and ground across several of the pins on the 9-pin cable, and had to make an adapter using this technique to only connect pins 2, 3, and 5. In some cases (but not very often) you may need leave pins 6-8 connected for other communications (DTR, DSR, etc.), but most RS-232 connections only need pins 2,3, and 5 for transmitting and receiving. Screwing in connectors will help prevent problems in connection as many connectors may pop-out and lose connection, while still looking connected. Worn connectors may suffer the same problem. Baud Rate and Sentence Structure: Once a cable has been formed, the second step is to set up the equipment to operate at the same baud rate and sentence structure. Some 1 receiving pieces of equipment do this automatically, but it is not very common, and typically you have to set these to match. This process involves specify the baud rate (typically 4800 to 115,000), bits per word (7 or 8), and parity (even or odd). These is typically done somewhere in menu, software, or switches. The most common sentence structures is 4800, 8, N, 1, but some newer GPS will use 9600, 19200, or even 38400 baud, and some older equipment may use 7 bits transmission and no parity transmission. Check the manual to make find out. You can try different baud rate, etc., but this usually takes to long unless you have a good idea what it should be. Note that if cables are extremely long, or have bad connections, you may have to reduce the baud rate for the cable to transmit data (this is usually not recommended since bouncing of the vehicle, etc., will typically cause transmitting problems). Other Ways to Connect: Most equipment should work with the techniques above. If you still have problems, the circuit below may help if the equipment is need the extra lines to complete handshaking. Source: AirBorn Electronics Table 1: Typical Pin Specifications for the 9-Pin RS-232 Plug RS-232 9-pin signal definition for the DTE device - looking into the DTE connector* DTE RS232 device is often a PC. Pin No Circuit name Abbreviation 1 Received line signal detect 2 Receive data RXD 3 Transmit data TXD 4 Data terminal ready DTR 5 Signal ground 2 Source 6 Data set ready DSR 7 Request to send RTS 8 Clear to send CTS 9 Ring indicator DCE RS-232 9-pin signal definition for the DCE device - looking into the DCE connector* DCE device is often a modem. Pin No Circuit name Abbreviation 1 Received line signal detect 2 Transmit data TXD 3 Receive data RXD 4 Data terminal ready DTR 5 Signal ground 6 Data set ready DSR 7 Clear to send CTS 8 Request to send RTS 9 Ring indicator Source DCE Source: *Notes: - The most important pins are shown in green. - Only the transit and receive pins are switched between DTE and DCE connectors. 3