Mrs. Dumas’ Lesson Plans AP English Language and Composition Week of: March 24, 2014 o o o M O N D A Y T U E S D A Y W E D N E S D A Y T H U R S D A Y F R I D A Y o Discuss Carter’s inaugural address Satire: Prezi presentation A Modest Proposal – Read and answer questions (finish for homework) HW: Read pages 472-485 in textbook; summarize Writing assignment for A Modest Proposal Discuss homework reading Hand out research paper info – choose topic by Friday HW: Whole Foods Satire article Intro to formal logic – Prezi Logical Fallacies Read “What Do Murderers Deserve?” in textbook and answer questions; create the syllogism from this article Review logical fallacies Rogerian argument – Prezi Letter from Birmingham Jail – read and answer questions; analyze the argument. How is this Rogerian? o o o Collect research paper topics Toulmin Argument – Prezi Singer Solution – read and answer questions o o I can evaluate the meaning of liberty and equality I can analyze the prupose of Carter’s inaugural address and the language used to achieve this purpose I can define satire I can evaluate the rhetoric in A Modest Proposal and analyze the argument within the satire I can understand formal logic and logical fallacies I can analyze the argument in a text I can understand Rogerian argument I can analyze the argument in a text I can understand Toulmin argument I can analyze the argument in a text