REGISTERED DIETITIAN EXAMINATION November 2002 PAPER I (Physiology, Microbiology, Biochemistry) Time: 2 hours Marks: 100 SECTION - A 1.Calcium homeostasis is regulated by (a) ACTH and TRH (b) TRH and PTH (c) PTH and Calcitonin (d) Calcitonin and TRH 2. Which is an essential component of a balanced diet? I (a) Oleic acid (b) Palmitic acid (c) Trans-linoleic acid (d) Cis-linoleic acid 3. Water activity required for microbial growth can be reduced in foods by (a) adding ice (b) adding solutes (c) adding acid (d) adding alkali 4. Aflatoxin resulting from spoilage of cereals and nuts is a (a) neurotoxin (b) enterotoxin (c) hepatotoxin (d) endotoxin 5. The holding temperature for frozen desserts is (a) -13°Cto-9°C (b) -8° C to -8°C (c) -4°C to - 0°C (d) O°C to 4°C ", 6. The expected purity of potable water requires (a) zero E.coli in the sample (b) less than 1000 E.coli in the sample (c) less than 10,000 E.coli in the sample (d) less than 15,000 E.coli in the sample. 7. The function of Vitamin E in humans includes (a) the synthesis of glycoproteins (b) prevention of oxidation in cell membranes (c) maintenance of Calcium phosphate balance (d) aiding reproduction 8. The regulatory proteins of muscle contraction are (a) actin and myosin (b) collagen and elastin (c) troponin and tropomyosin (d) myosin light chain kinase and calmodulin 9. The BMR of an overweight girl compared with a normal weight girl will be (a) less because she has more fat tissue (b) The same (c) more because of higher weight 10. Which of the following statements about HMP shunt of glucose metabolism is correct (a) the pathway is favoured by tissues which require NADPH (b) the pathway yields more A ATP than the TCA cycle (c) the oxidation of glucose is not complete SECTION - B (50 marks) 11. State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE (1 x 5 = 5 marks) (a) Heparin inhibits conversion of prothrombin (b) Insulin functions by promoting cellular oxidation of glucose (c) Aldosterbne regulates sodium balance (d) One of the earliest indicators of iron deficiency anaemia is low levels of serum ferritin (e) The optimum ptl for growth of bacteria is 4'0 - 5'5 12. Fill in blanks (5 Marks) (a) The major lipid in adipose tissue is (b) Multiple forms of an enzyme within a cell are called (c) PKU is characterised by a decreased activity of (d) The most abundant bile acid is (e) High concentration of salt / sugar bring about food preservation by 13. Name one organism involved in each of the following: (5 Marks) (a) Botulism (b) Typhoid fever (c) Wine making (d) Yoghurt manufacture (e) Bread making 14. Differentiate between: (9 marks) (a) Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria (b) n -3 fatty acids and n -6 fatty acids (c) Haemoglobin and myoglobin 15. Match the enzymes with the end products of the reaction (6 marks) (a) Glucokinase (i) Acetyl CoA (b) Arginase (ii) Tyrosine (c) Pyruvate dehydrogenase (iii) Lanosterol complex (d) Hydroxy methyl glutaryl (iv) Glucose 6 CoA reductase phosphate (e) Phenylalanine hydroxylase (v) Urea and ornithine (t) Alanine transaminase (vi) Mevalanate (vii) Oxaloacetate and L. glutamate (viii) Pyruvate and Lglutamate 16. The major area where most of the nutrient absorption takes place in the gastro intestinal tract is ( 1 mark) 17. State whether TRUE or FALSE (4 marks) (a) The heart rate is controlled by the hypothalamus (b) Salivary amylase is inhibited by an alkaline pH (c) The enzyme renin secreted by the kidneys act on angiotensinogen found in plasma (d) The neurotransmitter norepinephrine has an inhibitory effect on the gastrointestinal tract. 18. Explain the terms ( 8 marks) (a) Freeze drying (b) Azotemia (c) Biological oxygen demand (d) Carrier 19. Lactation depends upon hormones and ( 2 marks) 20. The maintenance of water balance requires all except (a) ADH (b) Cortisol (c) Thirst mechanism (d) Aldosterone ( 2 marks) 21. Which of the following biochemical reactions cannot occur in animal tissues? Give reasons. (3 marks) (a) CO)2 + Acetyl CoA-+Pyruvate (b) Pyruvate-+Acetyl CoA + CO2 (c) Pyruvate + CO2-+Oxaloacetate (d) Oxaloacetate-+PEP + CO2 SECTION - C (2 x 15 = 30 marks) Answer any TWO questions 22. What are the different types and composition of plasma lipoproteins. Discuss the role of LDL and HDL in cholesterol metabolism. 23. (a) What are the hormones related to stress? Describe the physiologi cal changes brought about by these hormones. (b) How does constant stress lead to chronic conditions? 24. "Liver is the key metabolic organ in the body" -Explain the statement REGISTERED DIETITIAN EXAMINATION November 2002 PAPER II (Nutrition, Dietetics, Food Service Management) Time: 2 hours Marks: 100 SECTION - A Answer ALL questions Tick the correct answer (10 x 2 =20 marks) 1. Sepsis, fever infection and trauma accelerate (a) N2 (b) Se (c) Ca (d) Iron loss further 2. The one nutrient to be reduced for a patient having Hepatic Coma is (a) carbohydrate (b) Fats (c) Protein (d) Branched chain Amino acids. 3. Name one ingredient used as an adulterant for turmeric powder (a) Chromium powder (b) lead chromate (c) Chalk powder (d) Papaya seeds 4. Mention 2 advantages of Line Organisation in Institutions (a) Slow but steady decisions (B) Quick decisions & Direct responsibility (c) Indirect response & hazy understanding (d) Unclear understanding and direct responsibility 5. The protein content of human milk is (a) 3.2 g (b) 1.1 g (c) 2.1 g (d) 4.3 g 6. The IDA was founded in (a) 1963 (b) 1968 (c) 1971 (d) 1974 7. The average recommended height for a sink top is (a) 70 -80 cms (b) 85 -90 cms (c) 90 -100 cms (d) 100 - 110 cms 8. Diabetes Insipidus is due to the insufficiency of (a) Glucagon (b) Insulin (c) Vasopressin (d) ACTH 9. State whether TRUE or FALSE Cool at room temperature in order to. save refrigeration for meats is a practice to be encouraged 10. State whether TRUE or FALSE All frozen products to be maintained at Zero degree Fahrenheit or lower during delivery. SECTION - B (25 x 2 = 50 marks) Answer All questions 1.Define the food calorie. 2.Differentiate between hyperplastic and hypertrophic obesity. 3. Convert 3000mg potassium to rnEq. 4.Arrn span length used to measure height in 5. What are the major objectives of CARE, Outline? 6. Give one example each of a sensitive test used in bio-chemical measurements to assess Nutritional Status for the following (a) Lipids (b) Vitamin 86 7.What is. Erythropoietin, where is it formed & what are its functions? 8.What is oncotic pressure? 9.List four caus'es responsible for low serum HDL. 10. Explain Anorexia nervosa and what is the age group it affects and why. 11. Mention 4 main steps involved in a work improvement programme. 12. Outline the steps in decision making especially for a supervisor. 13. Explain two measures for reducing noise in a dining room. 14. Give four reasons why a chronic alcoholic with Cirrhosis is also malnourished. 15. Name the first President & Secretary of the IDA. 16. From which year has the RD Board started functioning? 17. There is no reason to restrict protein or potassium intake in Acute Glomerulo nephritis. Why? 18. Give the formula for estimating the energy needs of a child admitted with burns. 19. Give the calcium content per 100 g. of (a) Milk (b) Ragi. 20 . Name the amino acid which improves cell mediated immunity and wound healing. 21. What special dietary precautions would you advise for a patient with dumping syndrome? 22. Give the BMI! which is considered as underweight for an individual. 23. Give the calorie and protein content of 50 g of Recupex. 24 What is Spirulina ? 25. What is the EFA requirement. SECTION - C (2 x 15 = 30 marks) Answer any TWO questions 1. Plan & calculate a non veg diet for a 52 year old woman suffering from CRF and is undergoing CAPO for the past 6 months. Her weight is 52 kg & height 160 cm. Biochemical parameters: Creatinine2.5mg I dl, Urea 50 rng I dl, Blood Urea Nitrogen 30 mg Idl 2. Plan & calculate a vegetarian diet for a man (35 yrs old ), weighing 85 kg, height 160 cm. He is allergic to buttermilk and curds. He was admitted with symptoms of breathlessness, chest pain & tachycardia. He is an information technology executive. Biochemical parameters: LDL 210 rng / dl, Triglycerides 200 mg / dl, Total chol. 300 mg / dl, HDL 20 mg / dl 3. A 36 yr old male (Ht 5'7", WI. 60 kg), chronic alcoholic is admitted with Abdominal distension, blurred speech & ascites, Glucose fasting 107 mg %, SGOT 681U / L, SGPT 38 IU /L, Bilirubin total 3 mg %, Albumin 2.2 y %, Total protein 6.8 g % Plan & Calculate the diet you would recommend giving the basic principles.