Economic Crime Prevention - Independent Media Center

It's just as the STASI treated
Dissidents in Former East Germany,
except this Human Rights Abuse is
Happening Here Today
This paper is a blueprint on the use of the Zerzetsen “no
touch” Torture Technique to break individuals and
destroy families. Zerzetsen is a process of character
assassination and threats – its purpose is to poison every
aspect of a person’s life. Today Zerzetsen is being used by
the MI5/MI6 Intelligence Agencies in the UK, and CSIS
in Canada to persecute a decent family for people in the high
establishment. Human Rights Organizations & Politicians are
scared to help.
Roderick Russell
#207, 1733 – 27 Ave. SW
Calgary, AB T2T 1G9 Canada
Tel: 403.229.0864
Former Police Chief – “[MI5] Infiltrate organizations, people’s jobs and lives. They
operate almost like a cancer. At the moment the acorn of a STASI has been planted”
Former CEO of international arms co. on MI6 / CIA – “I was subjected to
harassment, burglaries…surveillance, bugging, telephone tapping … my family
suffered considerably … my brother was killed in an accident never satisfactorily
Table of Contents
Zerzetsen Torture – Developed by the Stasi to
Pressure Dissidents; being used by MI5/MI6 &
CSIS Today
3 to 16
Zerzetsen in Summary (Pages 3 to 5)
Zerzetsen Torture – A Serious Human Rights
Precedents – 10 other cases of Zerzetsen
Why Zerzetsen is a human rights abuse
17 to 25
Grosvenor & its establishment relationships
The Big Lie Strategy - Defamation & Slander
The power of the Big Lie
State Cover-up Conspiracy – UK & Canada
To Pervert the Course of Justice
31 to 46
Zerzetsen Death Threats / Psychological
Multiple Examples of Actual Zerzetsen Threats. How
the Intelligence Agencies’ do it
26 to 30
Neutering our Human Rights Industry –
Amnesty International, CHRC, the Guardian
47 to 53
54 to 59
Role of MI5/MI6 & CSIS Intelligence Agencies
in Zerzetsen
60 to 63
Sources of proof
Conclusion - Victim's Request for Help
64 to 66
Chapter 1: Zerzetsen Torture – Developed
by the Stasi to Pressure Dissidents; being
used by MI5/MI6 & CSIS Today
The measure of a country’s integrity is not whether societies adhere to
Rule of Law most of the time, but whether they still adhere to rule of
law when it becomes inconvenient for their establishments to do so.
This Human Rights abuse relates to torture and the countries involved
are the UK & Canada.
Shots fired, a car run into his house, threatening phone calls to
his children, he is under surveillance, and he can’t find work as
people are scared to hire him. A true story; it is my story.
In an article headlined “The Persecution of Roderick Russell” a UK
periodical described this as “a very significant story”. What is so
significant is that the threats are being carried out by the intelligence
services – MI5, MI6 in the UK, & CSIS in Canada – and 2 governments
are trying to cover it up. They use a process of no touch torture that
the STASI called Zerzetsen (or Zersetzung).
Executive Summary of Zerzetsen Torture
Zerzetsen is about lies, defamation, intimidation, harassment, death
threats, surveillance and telephone tapping – and it never stops.
Zerzetzen (or Zersetzung) means “Oppression by systematic
decomposition" and its purpose is to destroy individuals and break
up families. Rhisiart Gwilym so aptly described this in Media Lens –
“Roderick Russell getting precious little help from anywhere, as
the Black Dogs of Animal Farm persecute him illegally.”
Zerzetsen is not the bloodier old fashioned medieval type of torture
that leaves marks, but a more modern “Orwellian” form of no-touch
torture that was developed by the former East German secret police
"The STASI" to persecute dissidents. Zerzetsen is a very sophisticated
torture technique and, as the Stasi reported, Zerzetsen is designed to
cause “severe and prolonged suffering” without leaving marks. No
touch or not, Zerzetsen poisons every aspect of a person’s life. It
combines character assassination and defamation, with threats &
intimidation – both different sides of the same Zerzetsen coin.
First, the slandering
Zerzetsen starts with slander and character assassination – “It's
about manipulating people or groups of people by typical STASI
methods (hearsay, gossip, lies, spreading rumors about someone …
the list goes on).” The object is to render its victim unemployable and
ostracized from his community. Some examples of the defamation
program are shown in ‘Chapter 3 – The Power of The Big Lie”.
Then, the threats started
10 years of ongoing Intimidation, Harassment, Telephone
Tapping, Surveillance and Death Threats followed on. Examples
of some of the threats are shown in Chapter 5. As one can see from
reading this Paper, there are many witnesses to verify the threats.
A quote from: The Boston Center for Refugee Health & Human Rights
states – “Direct threats to him/her or to a relative are by far the
most common form of torture.”
And then there is OMERTA – a shut down of all forms of help. A
cover-up conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, by ensuring that
the Zerzetsen crimes are never honestly investigated.
Zerzetsen is
always a crime of the intelligence services. Once MI5/MI6 & CSIS are
on side people are scared to help. Police, politicians, and human rights
agencies – no exceptions. The extent (and proof) of the cover-up
conspiracy is dealt with in Chapter 4.
As the former CEO of an International Arms Co. (Astra), Gerald R.
James, wrote about his Zerzetsen persecution by MI5/MI6 – “I was
subjected to harassment, burglaries...surveillance, bugging,
On Page 2 is a Table of Contents with Chapter Headings, each
of which relates to a different aspect of the Zerzetsen story.
Attached to these Chapters are files of correspondence (from police,
politicians, etc.) that are evidentiary and back-up points made. Click
on the URL links in each Chapter to see this evidence for yourself.
-------------------------On pages 17 to 20 is a description of other victims of Zerzetsen
torture – Diplomats, Business Executives, Journalists, Police Officers.
“Eternal vigilance is the price of democracy”
Thomas Jefferson
“It is necessary only for the good man to do nothing for evil to triumph.”
Edmund Burke
WHAT MI5/6 & CSIS INTEND ZERZETSEN TO ACHIEVE -Seizures - Suicide - Murder
TAKE THE CASE OF MARK HIGSON – the former UK diplomat and
whistle-blower, a victim of Zerzetsen torture whom the intelligence
services persecuted for years. Mark died from an accident caused by
severe epilepsy, which was brought on as a result of his persecution.
There are many other examples of severe conditions, such as Mark
suffered, that are a common development for those who are
persecuted with Zerzetsen and epilepsy is only one of the effects that
MI5/MI6 & CSIS try to induce in their victims.
My wife is another example. Imagine what she has been forced to deal
with over the years bringing up our three children while being
subjected to continuous threats and abuse against her family. It is
hardly surprising that she has developed a severe health condition.
The stress of our situation has weighed heavily on her health and she
had her first seizure (in 2001) in the middle of the night, while asleep,
and after hearing the previous day that a motorbike had been run at
me in London. Although she is not affected by seizures now, this is
considered to be a serious health issue and life threatening without
proper prescribed medication.
As the Stasi reported, Zerzetsen (or Zersetzung) is designed to cause
“prolonged and severe suffering”. So it should be no surprise that
some victims of this torture experience seizures. Many other victims
eventually commit suicide which MI5/6 & CSIS intend to happen (there
is written documentary evidence of suicides caused by Zerzetsen).
On occasion victims of “Zerzetsen” are killed; but usually their murder
is disguised as an accident.
To see evidentiary examples of some of the actual threats, look at
Chapter 5: “Zerzetsen Death Threats – Psychological Torture”. For a
definition of torture and how these incidents relate go to Chapter 2:
“Zerzetsen Torture - A Serious Human Rights Abuse”
It started with a Worldwide Slander Job by MI6 & CSIS
In my family's case it all started with a professionally executed
defamation job in Vancouver, Canada after I decided to resign as
Group Controller of Grosvenor International. At this time, I had no
idea what was going on or why it was happening, since I have never
done anything wrong (see pages 24 to 25 for explanation). Friends
and head-hunters who once eagerly sought after me for senior
positions, now avoided me. I applied for thousands of jobs to no avail.
I had become unemployable. Gradually I became ostracized from all
my friends and from the community.
What effect did this have on my family? Well we began to run out of
money, and we were bringing up three children. We had to sell our
house in West Vancouver and rent, use up all our savings, sell both
our cars and still the street beckoned us. We continued to survive
because some relatives stepped in to help. I had gone from being a
sought after senior executive to being close to living on the street. This
is Zerzetsen Torture, developed by the former East German secret
police to pressure dissidents and used by CSIS in Canada, and
MI5/MI6 in UK – but I didn’t know that then.
Then Surveillance, Phone Tapping, Intimidation & Harassment
Then the “Zerzetsen” tactics changed. We began to get many
hundreds of telephone calls with no one on the other end of the line.
Yet people who genuinely phoned me could not get through, but were
answered by shrieking fax tones. Stalkers began to follow us around
quite openly. We were clearly under surveillance. People in cars staked
out the house, and sometimes waited right in our driveway. Street
Theatre acts were put on for us (a known intimidation tactic). Our
Telephone was clearly being tapped and mail interfered with. My
computer was going haywire with threats appearing on its screen. We
feared for our lives; yet not one word was spoken to us – This is the
Zerzetsen “no-touch” torture technique, though I didn’t know it at the
time. One of the advantages of this technique to CSIS is that it is
designed to mirror the complaints a paranoid would make (see page
19, item 8), except that I have plenty of witnesses to corroborate.
Death Threats, Shots Fired, Children Threatened
Thinking it was just West Vancouver and Canada; I fled to the UK in
2001. The threats on my family got worse. The old implied threats
continued, but now my children and I were getting death threat calls
(some recorded) and threats from people in the street, our apartment
was smashed into, and shots were fired at my eldest son (in front of
an independent witness) and at myself. Now outside witnesses were
also threatened. One woman was sexually harassed and threatened
twice in 24 hours. Threats of violence or death were implied heavily
against my children. Cars and motorbikes were run at me at high
speed and right up onto the sidewalk. We were even threatened with
helicopters (hovering close beside the bedroom window in the middle
of the night).
Threats in the name of the royal family (in view of the cover-up, the
involvement of MI5/6 and Grosvenor's close relationship with the
Royals, I felt this might be genuine). We reported the crimes
numerous times and each time it was covered up. Often the police
start being honest; then they get the message – cover-it-up. Police
cars fired firecrackers under my bedroom window in the middle of the
night and set their sirens off, hoods pointed guns at me in the street
In 2006 we returned to Calgary and there have been a number of
threats here though less so than before. For example, people moved in
to the apartment block and started harassing us, my daughter was
threatened in the street, and much more. Recently I have had
extensive computer interference (which I can prove), some open
surveillance, and my daughter has had a large nail driven into the
same tire on her car three times in one month (Nov 2009).
Imagine what my wife has had to deal with bringing up our three
children though this. For 10 years she has had to live with the
knowledge that her children have been under constant threat of
murder by very powerful people, and that the very people who should
be protecting you (government) are the persecutors and are coveringit-up.
A UK-MP brought all this to Tony Blair’s attention in 2005, and it was
covered-up. It has subsequently been brought directly to the
attention of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, through
intermediaries, and it is still being covered-up
It all began years ago when I chose to leave Grosvenor
International, a large private company owned by The Duke of
Westminster. I had worked in Grosvenor International’s worldwide
head office in Vancouver, Canada as Group Controller. Though I had
done an excellent job, years of character assassination followed.
Damaging rumors would also circulate behind the backs of other
executives who left Grosvenor’s Vancouver office. This company is a
powerhouse in financial and royal circles. A former Deputy Chief of UK
Defense Staff, the Duke of Westminster is reportedly Prince Charles’s
closest friend, and has boasted about his intelligence connections.
Then the Zerzetsen threats started. There is sufficient corroborative
evidence to prove torture and a government cover-up conspiracy (to
ensure that the crimes are never honestly investigated) to the full
criminal “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard, several times over.
Before speaking out I made every attempt to go through normal
channels - police, politicians.
The late Roberto Calve of Banco Ambrosiano referring to the high
establishment said they exercised what he called “potere occulto” –
i.e. secret power. A prominent lawyer referring to Grosvenor, said
that company “has far too much power”
There is evidence that suggests to me that close Royal Family
associates may be involved; I don’t say that evidence of Royal
involvement is itself beyond a reasonable doubt, but, in the absence of
an honest investigation, there are sufficient grounds for me to have
reasonable suspicion.
No touch or not, when you read this Paper you will be left with no
doubt that “severe and prolonged suffering” has been the result of
MI5/6 & CSIS’s use of Zerzetsen torture in UK and Canada.
When these crimes were reported the matter was covered-up at the
highest levels of Government in Canada and the UK. Are the
politicians scared of Grosvenor, or perhaps Prince Charles’s
associates, or just scared of their own intelligence services?
The key that enforces a cover-up conspiracy is the involvement of the
intelligence services. To see proof of involvement of the intelligence
agencies in Zerzetsen go to page 60 “Chapter 7: Role of MI5, MI6, and
CSIS in Zerzetsen”
ZERZETSEN requires an OMERTA (i.e. silence, a cover-up) from
Police, Politicians and Human Rights Organizations, so that the victim
has no help. Substantial evidentiary proof of this Omerta (the coverup) is included in this paper. Indeed, once the authorities start
covering-up, there is no end to it – the authorities then have to
continuously cover-up their earlier cover-ups, and in doing so they
create new lies piled upon their old lies.
Police cannot operate where MI5/6 & CSIS are involved and
where government is covering-it-up - evidence of the cover-up is
outlined in Chapter 4. This is what separates Zerzetsen torture from
crimes; the
in Zerzetsen
themselves. CSIS have overridden “Rule of Law” in Canada, and
neutered our police, our government, and our democracy.
MI5/6 & CSIS - Neutering the Politicians
The key that enforces a cover-up conspiracy is the involvement of the
intelligence agencies. The politicians are scared of them. CSIS & MI5 /
MI6 must know all the politicians personal secrets; so their ability to
blackmail is very real.
Few people (certainly not most politicians) are without some form of
skeleton in their past; so if the intelligence services go rogue, the
mere thought of what CSIS might disclose would make most politicians
tremble. See “Chapter 7 - Role of MI5/MI6 & CSIS in Zerzetsen”.
Those familiar with the well-publicized Grant Bristow (a CSIS Agent
Provocateur) affair of a couple of decades ago in Canada, and his likely
effect on the election chances of the then Reform Party, are well aware
what CSIS can do to SMEAR politicians if it chooses. A former UK
Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, complained that MI5 / MI6 were out of
control, and out to smear him (and this was 40 years ago). No Prime
Minister would want to risk potential scandal with disclosure of his MPs
personal secrets, and MI5 / CSIS must know all the politician’s secrets
As Former Astra Chairman Mr. Gerald Reaveley James, who has had
similar experiences, writes – “Politicians and civil servants and
other leading figures who get out of line can be surveyed or
bugged and then threatened, blackmailed, framed up or worse”
But it is not just the politicians who are scared of their own intelligence
services - so are the Press and the Human Rights organizations that
should be helping. Look at page 54 “Chapter 6 - Neutering our Human
Rights Industry”
“Noam Chomsky” may have come closest to an explanation when he
points out that the Media (and I would also add in Human Rights
Organizations, Press, Police, etc) will follow the Establishment Line
wherever Establishment Elites have formed a broad consensus
- and that a small highly placed group of Elites within the
establishment can form a consensus on its own where, as in my case,
there is no opposition from anybody powerful.
A former Sunday Times Editor further explains this apparent Press
Censorship saying that when it comes to the establishment our Press
has a history of “Reservatio Mentalis” (closing ones mind to
inconvenient truths) “to make obedience easier”.
Obviously either my well-witnessed accusations should be
investigated, or I should be prosecuted for making false allegations.
But as our Intelligence Agencies don’t want evidence of “Zerzetsen”
torture coming out in open court, they resort to SMEARS – An old
secret police trick to avoid risking embarrassing disclosures of the
truth in a Court. They say it’s a hoax, or he is nuts - Whatever excuse
is necessary to make obedience easier so that our institutions, instead
of helping, apply a double-standard and march to the establishment’s
drummer, putting deference to elites ahead of truth.
As Dr. L. Dove reports, victims of Zerzetsen will “be accused of
paranoia as a part of the actions taken against them by the security
services.” But it can get worse than just untruthful Smears. On Pages
19 & 20, item 8 of this Paper is a summary of how MI5 got an award
winning journalist wrongly certified and locked in a mental hospital.
Similar SMEARS are known to have circulated against other
critiques of the Intelligence Agencies or critiques of the Royal
Family - and my issue may involve both.
In typical Stasi-style, the formula used is -- First to Threaten, Then
to Cover-Up by Ensuring No Honest Investigation Takes Place, and
then to say you are Nuts when you complain about the Cover-Up.
There are independent eye-witnesses to some of the threats,
recordings of telephone death threats are in police hands, and there is
considerable documentary proof of the cover-up.
Zerzetsen is always a crime of the intelligence services. Once MI5/MI6
& CSIS are on side people are scared to help. 15 years ago former
Chief Constable John Alderson tried to warn the UK about the direction
their intelligence agencies were heading, saying “MI5 … infiltrate
organizations, people’s jobs and lives. They operate almost like
a cancer. At the moment the acorn of a Stasi has been planted.”
Proof of the Government Cover-Up Conspiracy
To see examples of the cover-up conspiracy, go to “Chapter 4,
pages 31 to 46: State Cover-Up Conspiracy – UK & Canada”. The
purpose of this huge cover-up conspiracy is to pervert the course of
justice by ensuring that the reported Zerzetsen crimes are never
honestly investigated. The evidence of a cover-up conspiracy is
overwhelming. Some of the cover-up evidence is a file of letters from
Cabinet Ministers, Police, etc that proves that the matter is being
covered-up at the highest levels (proven written lies from Cabinet
Ministers, etc) to ensure that no honest investigation takes place.
Check it out, read Chapter 4 and see clear evidence of the cover-up for
yourself, then click on the URL links provided to examine the letters.
It is important to understand the high level connections outlined in this
paper; Stasi-style Zerzetsen torture is a crime of the intelligence
services, and powerful establishment elites. Once these elites have
MI5/MI6 & CSIS on side, people are scared to help.
The real story should be the institutionalized wall of OMERTA that
these high establishment figures seem able to surround themselves
with. Whatever happened to equality before the law?
There is sufficient evidence to prove Zerzetsen torture and a
government cover-up conspiracy to the full criminal “beyond a
reasonable doubt” standard, several times over.
It is the involvement of the Canadian State (CSIS with Zerzetsen
torture; Canada’s government with its systemic cover-up conspiracy)
that turns these crimes into a serious Human Rights issue, and this is
why they were brought to the attention of Prime Minister Harper.
The measure of a country’s integrity is not whether societies adhere to
“Rule of Law” most of the time, but whether they still adhere to Rule of
Law when it becomes inconvenient for their Establishment Elites to do
These crimes were covered-up at the highest levels of government in
Canada and the UK -- Simply because our politicians are scared of
their own intelligence services; as are the press and our human rights
That our politicians are scared to enforce Rule of Law is symptomatic
of a crisis in democracy
“It is necessary only for the good man to do nothing for evil to triumph."
Edmund Burke (1729-97)
Zerzetsen is more common than one thinks. There are many
precedents. Take a look at Chapter 2, pages 17 to 20 for a
description of other Canadian and British victims of Zerzetsen –
journalists, police officers, senior diplomats, the CEO of a large Co.
with CIA & MI6 links. Kick the tire. Google their names into the
internet, and see their stories of “Zerzetsen” for yourself.
A Stasi-style “Zerzetsen” persecution could not happen in a real
democracy. Either there would be an honest investigation of my
well-witnessed complaints, or I would be prosecuted for
making false accusations. Since either choice would involve the
evidence coming out in open court, neither will happen – hence
Omerta rather than Justice.
“Eternal vigilance is the price of democracy”
Thomas Jefferson
Chapter 2: ZERZETSEN Torture - Is a
My story is not unique. Examples of where Zerzetsen torture has
happened to others are outlined below. This chapter also shows why
Zerzetsen is legally defined as torture. For actual examples of
Zerzetsen threats, go to Chapter 5, pages 47 to 53
This chapter covers the following topics:
Precedents – Ten other cases of Zerzetsen by MI5/6 & CSIS
Why Zerzetsen Torture is a Human Rights Abuse
How Strong is the Proof of Torture and Cover-up?
Grosvenor and its Establishment Relationships
Precedents – Other cases of Zerzetsen torture by
MI5/6 & CSIS
The following 10 cases show examples of where Zerzetsen has
happened to others – top journalists, police officers, senior diplomats,
company chairman. It is not as uncommon as you think. In each of these
cases you can Google their details into the internet, and see it for yourself.
The pattern of Zerzetsen is remarkably similar. Kick the tire, and see for
1. In an article published on 10 Oct 2004 in the prestigious UK Sunday
Times headlined “Lies, Threats and Whistleblowers” journalist Liam
Clarke reports how honest UK police officers were persecuted by UK
intelligence using Zerzetsen tactics to keep them quiet. Mr. Clarke
describes the case of a former special branch police officer – a whistleblower. He is subjected to death threats and he can’t find work.
Sounds familiar? It does to me. Referring to this Zerzetsen treatment,
Mr. Clarke says (quote) about the use of Zerzetsen in the UK alone “it
is a phenomenon I have witnessed many times before”.
2. 15 years ago UK mainstream newspaper “The Independent” reported
that a Police Chief, John Alderson, former Chief Constable of Devon
and Cornwall had voiced concern about the direction that MI5 was
heading, stating - “MI5 .. Infiltrate organizations, people's jobs
and lives. They operate almost like a cancer. At the moment the
acorn of a Stasi has been planted” Zerzetsen was developed by the
former GDR secret police "The Stasi" to persecute dissidents. Canada’s
equivalent of MI5 - CSIS - was formed in 1984 with the assistance of
MI5 and uses similar techniques.
3. Then there is former UK–Foreign Office whistleblower Mark Higson who
was persecuted to his death as described in Chapter 1 of this Paper.
He is not the only former senior UK Diplomat and Whistleblower
currently being persecuted. Zerzetsen is more common than one
4. Closely parallel to Zerzetsen, but not involving the intelligence
services, is gang stalking. One individual has compiled a list of over
800 victims of gang stalking. Some years ago it was widely reported
that Tony Pellicano (subsequently imprisoned) made a business of
terrorizing enemies of his Hollywood clients.
5. As former Astra Chairman and CEO, Gerald R. James, wrote in
reference to his persecution following whistle blowing that was
embarrassing to MI5, MI6 – “I was subjected to harassment,
burglaries… surveillance, bugging, telephone tapping … my
family suffered considerably … my brother was killed in an
accident never satisfactorily explained.”
6. Citing other cases like Matrix Churchill, Ordtec, Euromac, Atlantic
Commercial, BNJ, SRC, Forgemasters, Walter Somers, Polly Peck,
Foxley Ferranti/ISC, BCCI, Maxwell, as well as Astra, Mr. Gerald R.
James writes that they – “all involved the gross abuse of power by
Government, concealment of key evidence, intimidation,
threats... perversion of the course of justice.” He then goes on to
discuss the cover-up conspiracy stating – “Politicians and civil
servants and other leading figures who get out of line can be
surveyed or bugged and then threatened, blackmailed, framed
up or worse”.
7. On May 31, 2006 Journalist Colin Freeze in Canada’s “The Globe and
Mail” points out that CSIS has used something similar to a milder form
of Zerzetsen, though he doesn’t use the word Zerzetsen. Under the
headline “lacking a case, CSIS disrupted suspects life” Apparently –
“officials adopted ... diffuse and disrupt methods ... clients
complain of harassment by authorities … [and being] followed
everywhere by Canadian agents”.
A former Canadian intelligence insider has recently (July 2010) written
to several journalists (one of whom copied me) claiming that CSIS is
currently using Zerzetsen to persecute other victims, including himself.
Apparently CSIS calls Zerzetsen “D & D” (disrupt & diffuse).
8. A review of the book “Unperson, A Life Destroyed” quotes how this
award winning journalist, Denis Lehane, refused to work undercover for
the CIA and MI5 who, in revenge – “spread [false] rumors that he
was insane, an alcoholic and a serial rapist …. He was [ later on
in London] arrested on a trumped-up charge of terrorism,
forbidden to choose any lawyers, tried in his absence and
condemned to a psychiatric prison”— Mr. Lehane is no madman
and was hastily released after another journalist began a TV
documentary on his story. This is a severe form of ZERZETSEN by the
UK’s MI5 intelligence agency and even the STASI were not usually as
filthy as this. To see the book review click on:
9. Quote from: Boston Center for Refugee Health and Human Rights –
“Direct threats to him/her [the victim] or to a relative are by
far the most common form of torture.”
Referring to the “abuses”
developed in the late GDR that it called “Zerzetsung”, the Center
goes on to state – they [Zerzetsung] could easily, inconspicuously be
implemented by “democratic systems”.
10. The Stasi produced huge documentation on Zersetzung (note the
spelling is different); some of it can be viewed (in German) using
internet search engines. Anna Funder wrote an excellent book (in
English) called “Stasiland”. And note journalist Liam Clarke’s statement
that he had seen use of Zerzetsen by UK intelligence “many times”.
Why Zerzetsen Torture is a Human Rights Abuse?
Zerzetsen is torture and as such is a severe abuse of human rights. It is a
breach of the UN Convention on Human Rights, of The EU Code, and of most
countries own human rights laws. Both through the involvement of MI5, MI6,
CSIS in carrying out the crimes, and in their cover-up conspiracies, the
Governments of the UK and Canada are practicing torture. Prime Minister
Harper and former Prime Minister Blair are aware of the facts.
By definition - “Torture means any act or omission by which pain or suffering,
whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person” One severe
act such as threatening ones family members is usually enough to
demonstrate mental torture, though usually there is a pattern. We have had
both – many times over.
Definitions of torture
The UN Convention against Torture defines torture as – “torture means
any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is
intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as …intimidating or
coercing him or a third person … when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or
at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official.”
Inter-American Convention to Prevent and Punish Torture, ratified by
17 nations of the Americas, defines torture more expansively than the UN
Convention Against Torture – “Torture shall be understood to be any act
intentionally performed whereby physical or mental pain or suffering is
inflicted on a person for … a means of intimidation … as a preventive
measure … or for any other purpose. Torture shall also be understood to be
the use of methods upon a person intended to obliterate the personality of
the victim or to diminish his physical or mental capacities, even if they do not
cause physical pain or mental anguish.
Quote from: Boston Center for Refugee Health and Human Rights – “Direct
threats to him/her or to a relative are by far the most common form
of torture.” – And we have had plenty of this.
Proof Zerzetsen is torture
To prove torture one has to show that there has been:
1. Severe and prolonged suffering, and
2. State Involvement
1- Severe and prolonged suffering:
You only have to look at Chapter 1 of this Paper under the paragraph
heading “What it is like to be a victim of Zerzetsen” to see a pattern of
severe and prolonged suffering - such as threats against one’s family.
Then go to Chapter 5 of this Paper headed “Zerzetsen Death Threats Psychological Torture” to see a list of some of these horrible crimes, with
dates, witness names, etc. It defines the threats into four categories, and
provides details within each category:
(1) - Direct Threats: such as shots fired, recorded death threat messages,
vehicles smashed into property, etc;
(2) - Indirect threats: a thousand threats such as street theatre, continuous
surveillance, following/stalking, harassed out of apartment, etc;
(3) – Ongoing bureaucratic harassment, and
(4) The cover up conspiracy.
2 - State Involvement:
Involvement of officials of the State in the acts of torture – such as the
intelligence services MI5, MI6, CSIS directly in some of these acts – or of
police, officials and politicians in covering them up.
Look at Chapter 7, pages 60 to 63 – “Role of MI5, MI6, and
CSIS Intelligence Agencies in Zerzetsen”. They show clear proof
of involvement of MI5/6 & CSIS in the torture.
Then look at Chapter 4, pages 31 to 46 “Government Cover-up
Conspiracy – UK and Canada”. It shows clear proof governments
are involved in a cover-up to pervert the course of justice. Note the
huge amount of documentary evidence that proves cover-up.
Details of the types of threats can be seen by going to Chapter 5
“Zerzetsen Death Threats / Psychological Torture”.
There are multiple witnesses to support my allegations of threats and
cover-up, and before speaking out I made every attempt to go
through normal channels - police, politicians.
Zerzetsen (or Zersetzung) is torture by definition, as it was
deliberately designed by the former GDR secret police “the
STASI” to be torture.
How strong is the proof of Torture?
As outlined later in this Paper:
3rd party evidence proves that 17 major threatening incidents have
happened. Include corroborative evidence from family members for
verification and about 50 threatening incidents are proven. Go to Chapter
5 (Zerzetsen death threats / psychological torture) for an evidentiary list
of some of the reported Zerzetsen threats. A URL link to a transcript of
some of these threats is also included in Chapter 5. Note the significant
amount of evidence that is available to verify – witnesses to corroborate,
recorded death threats, property damage, etc.
The cover-up conspiracy is 100% provable from independent 3rd
party evidence alone. Cover-Up by the State is as much criminal
intimidation as it is cover-up. Note the huge amount of 3rd Party
documentary evidence available to prove a cover-up conspiracy. It begs
the question - What have the Authorities got to hide? Go to Chapter 4:
“Government Cover-up Conspiracy - UK & Canada” pages 31 to 46 for
details of some of the cover up conspiracy.
Clear proof of MI5, MI6 & CSIS using Zerzetsen threats in UK &
Canada. See Chapter 7: “Role of MI5, MI6, CSIS intelligence
agencies in Zerzetsen” – Each of the 14 points listed in Chapter 7 have
at least one source (some of the points have over 20 sources) of
independent corroborative evidence to back them up for verification.
Some of the threats have linkage back to other incidents. There seems to be
two direct linkages – to Grosvenor and to Government. For example: (1) in a
private telephone call to my daughter, I referred critically to then Chairman
of Grosvenor (Duke of Westminster). Minutes later I received a threatening
phone call, and the next day my daughter was threatened. (2) In 2004 I sent
a complaint to the Grosvenor Trustees and 4 incidents followed, 3 within 24
hours of their receiving the complaint. There are many other areas of linkage
(over 15) that have been brought to police attention, in writing, together
with supporting evidence.
Grosvenor and its establishment relationships
Few companies are as well connected as Grosvenor. Grosvenor is one of the
world’s largest property companies, and has been in business for 300 years.
Its Trustees/Directors are a “who’s who” of the world’s establishment and
included a former Governor of The Bank of England. Their owner & Chairman
of their Trustees is The Duke of Westminster. A former Deputy Chief of UK
Defense Staff, he is Prince Charles’ closest friend. The Press has reported
that he has boasted about his close intelligence connections. An article in the
“Daily Mail” dated 11/2/2007 and headlined “The Duke of Westminster: so
rich and so very foolish” provides some background. Grosvenor was run by
another man who went on to run The Duchy of Cornwall, Prince Charles's
largest income source. The Chairman of their Board is the titled heir of a
former UK Prime Minister. A prominent Lawyer referring to Grosvenor has
said -- “That organization has far too much power.”
Grosvenor International - MI6 / CSIS - Slander
After I left Grosvenor International (in 1986), I was defamed behind my back
and blacklisted. I had been Group Controller based in its then Head Office in
Vancouver, Canada. The first Zerzetsen – its purpose to make me
unemployable and impoverished. The effect on my career was devastating;
the lies rendered me unemployable in Canada. Since I had high earning
potential, it has caused enormous financial damage. The year before I left,
another ex-executive had been blacklisted – I was told that a former
Chairman commissioned the intelligence services (MI6) to blacklist this other
ex-executive. Years later a third executive left and devastating derogatory
rumors circulated about him too.
I had decided I did not want a long term career with Grosvenor, as there
were a couple of things I was not comfortable with. I knew that the company
had slandered other leavers and did not think it possible to job search
without Grosvenor knowing (the MI6 relationship). So I gave the company
six months notice, giving myself time to look around openly, and worked like
a Trojan to ensure the smoothest possible transition. I had done an excellent
job for Grosvenor, and had an excellent career track record before joining
Grosvenor. As written references show, I had headed up financial reporting
and corporate accounting for one of Canada’s top 10 multinationals, and had
a history of achievement and promotion in various positions since qualifying
as a Chartered Accountant with what is now a Big 4 firm. During the notice
period, I was twice asked by Grosvenor to reconsider my resignation, and
refused to do so. I expected the job search to be smooth since I had been
courted by head-hunters in the past – in fact I had already been blacklisted.
The professional campaign of slander and defamation is outlined next
in “Chapter 3: The Big Lie Strategy”.
Chapter 3: The Big Lie Strategy Defamation & Slander (The 1st Zerzetsen).
The Power of the Big Lie Technique
The other side of the Zerzetsen coin is The Big Lie Strategy - professionally
done defamation and slander designed to impoverish their victims by
rendering them unemployable, and designed to ostracize their victims from
their professional associates – all done with lies, and untruthful rumors. It is
the Big Lies that do the initial damage. In fact the threats are to keep the
executive victim from complaining about the lies.
The big lie technique is based on this premise – That people will more readily
believe a Big Lie, if it is big enough and if it is spread repeatedly, than they
will believe the truth. The Daily Express disclosed that MI6 has a secret “dirty
tricks” unit called I/OPS that is used to smear the good names of individuals.
A journalist, referring to the current persecution (by MI6?) of a former UKAmbassador and whistleblower, describing Zersetzung quotes – “It's about
manipulating people or groups of people by typical STASI methods
(hearsay, gossip, lies, spreading rumors about someone … the list
goes on).” There were 4 big lies professionally spread that I know of. They
all fit within the pattern of the big lie technique.
Here are 3 of the big lies that were professionally spread to smear
me –
The first Big Lie was a rumor spread (initially in Vancouver, Canada)
that I was so incompetent at Grosvenor that I would damage any
company that employed me. Apparently it came from all angles (i.e.
professionally spread) so it had to be believed. Ironically not only had
I done an excellent job, but am sitting on two good written references
from my bosses at Grosvenor – their then Group Chief Executive and
Deputy Chief Executive. Good references to my face and shafted
behind my back. I still have these written references. In fact I have 18
excellent written references from senior executives I have worked
with. Since I can prove the opposite this lie dropped years ago; but by
then it had already destroyed my career.
A second Big Lie that spread years later was that I had some sort of
an association with an international drug dealer. Nothing specific; just
a rumor initially told me by two London Head-hunters (possibly doing
me a favor in telling me) who work for an offshoot of Egon Zehnder. I
went to the Police, asked them to talk to the head-hunters, and then
trace the lie back to its source. The police did nothing, but this lie
The third Big Lie is that my complaints of intimidation are all a hoax,
but that I genuinely believe them because I am a nut – and they used
a crooked Judge to lend a false appearance of credibility to this smear.
Look at pages 43 to 45 to see details of this smear. Also look at page
19, item 8 to see another case where MI5 / MI6 used this smear to
wrongly incarcerate award winning journalist Denis Lehane in a mental
hospital (his crime – he was asked by MI5 / CIA to spy for them, and
reported on it).
This particular smear was a well known “Zerzetsen” technique used by
the Stasi when their other lies ran out of steam, since it locks the
problem up without risking embarrassing disclosures that might come
out in a court case. Please note that there are numerous independent
3rd party witnesses to some of the threats, and that recordings of
telephone death threats are in police hands. There is also considerable
3rd party documentary proof of the cover-up conspiracy – including
the involvement of Hazel Blears, the UK Cabinet Minister then
responsible for the MI5 Secret Police.
MI6 / CSIS Lies & SMEARS have a Dual Purpose
The purpose of the original smears was to impoverish me, by rendering me
unemployable (so they were along the lines … he is incompetent) ... and so it
was for many years.
But smears of “he is incompetent” don’t provide sufficient justification for not
investigating serious criminal offences, which is what Zerzetsen is. So MI5/6,
CSIS had to think of something else. So the smear has to change to
something along the lines of … he is deranged to suggest that his complaints
are all a hoax... is a common one they use. As Dr. L. Dove reports, victims of
Zerzetsen will “be accused of paranoia as a part of the actions taken against
them by the security services”.
This was standard STASI practice, as is described on Page 13 of this paper
under the sub-heading “Reservatio Mentalis and Smears”.
But other derogatory rumors can also permeate the community. Some
victims (not me, as far as I know) have had completely untruthful rumors of
reprehensible sexual behavior; narcotic drug use; alcoholism; fraud, etc.
float around behind their backs.
After a while one does not need a specific Big Lie to do the damage, since the
SMEARS are coming from all angles and create a false smell about the
victim that warns people off. Derogatory rumors about the victim seem to
permeate the community; though they are a little like trying to nail jelly to a
tree, because they are vague and when one tries to check them back to
source, they don’t lead anywhere.
One thinks: Where there is smoke, there must be fire – no one considers that
the smoke is entirely a manufactured defamation job.
What are the criteria for the Big Lie Strategy?
My experience shows that there are 3 criteria that need to be met for this
strategy of deception to be successful –
The big lie has to be colossal – literally a big lie. As Hitler wrote in
Mein Kampf, The Big Lie has to be so "colossal" that no one would
believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth
so infamously”
The big lie has to be professionally spread (multi-sourced) – so that
it comes from all angles and therefore has to be believed. Academic
Stephen Dorril in his book “MI6” writes that MI6s IOPS section uses
tactics they call “surfacing” (untruthful rumors) and “double sourcing”
(i.e. multi-sourced rumors) so that damaging lies are spread about
their target victim from all directions. Dorril says that the MI*s have
covert agents working deep undercover as bank executives, in
accounting firms, and the press to help spread their lies.
The big lie has to be confusing – like sticking jelly to a tree it must be
difficult to get a handle on details and therefore difficult to disprove.
Anna Funder in her book “Stasiland” reports that Zerzetsen includes
“targeted spreading of rumors about particular persons” (i.e. multisourcing) and “creating confusion over facts”
But the psychology behind the smear side of the Zerzetsen coin is more
complex than just the big lies themselves. It involves creating confusion over
facts. Even if people believe your story, they will always think if I take this
guy on will I be subjected to pressure from the intelligence services.
I can refute all the defamatory slanders if given the opportunity and show
them up for what they are - a very sophisticated and evil MI6 / CSIS SMEAR
If one takes each slanderous rumor by itself in detail, I can easily disprove
the rumor; then if you take all the disproved rumors together they just show
a pattern of deceit, misinformation and CSIS, MI6 manufactured lies.
But Zerzetsen is also about Intimidation, Harassment and Threats so
that victims are scared to speak out in their own defense. The formula
used is – First to Threaten, Then to Cover-Up by Ensuring No Honest
Investigation Takes Place, Then to Say You are Nuts when You Complain
about the Cover-Up
Zerzetsen uses the Power of “THE BIG LIE STRATEGY”. Translating, one
German reporter defines the defamation side of Zersetzung (ZERZETSEN) as
– “It's about manipulating people or groups of people by typical
STASI methods (hearsay, gossip, lies, spreading rumors about
someone … the list goes on).”
As a former MI6 Officer said – “spooks excel at the lying game”
Chapter 4: State Cover-up Conspiracy – to
Pervert the Course of Justice
This Chapter describes the cover-up conspiracy in Canada and the UK.
The purpose of the cover-up is to ensure that there is no investigation,
as two governments are scared as to where an investigation might
lead. Files showing documentary proof of cover-up are linked to this
Chapter. Click on their URLs and see cover-up for yourself.
The intent of the cover-up conspiracy is to pervert the
course of justice by overriding Rule of Law in Canada and
the UK -- Its purpose is to ensure that my Human Rights
complaints are never investigated.
The cover-up conspiracy is 100% verifiable from
independent 3rd party evidence alone. Some of the proof of
cover-up is attached to this Paper; see for yourself.
The cover-up is itself a Zerzetsen threat since the State is saying
you are on your own; your enemies (MI5/6 and CSIS) are Above
the Law and can act against you with impunity.
An Overview of the Government Cover-Up Conspiracy
Read the examples below to see a description of the cover-up, and if you
want to examine some documentary proof then:
Click on this URL
to see letters to/from Cabinet Ministers et al that prove a cover-up
conspiracy in the UK.
Click on this URL
to see letters/emails re PM Harper et al that prove a cover-up conspiracy in
There are over 100 examples of 3rd party verifiable evidence
that proves cover-up. Just look at 4 of them in summary:
1 - UK Cabinet Minister Hazel Blears/Police & Home Office
Look at:
to see letters to/from Cabinet Ministers Hazel Blears et al, that prove a
cover-up conspiracy in the UK. These letters were written in response to
letters from a UK Member of Parliament who raised my issue and asked for
an honest investigation into my complaints. Hazel Blears was then the
Minister responsible for MI5 and Special Branch policing in the UK. These
letters can be read in conjunction with the more detailed narrative in Section
A below.
What the letters show is her determination not to investigate my complaint.
Just compare her letters and look at her different excuses for not
investigating. Actually all her written excuses are provably untrue. I was also
being threatened by MI5 in an attempt to stop me from complaining to
Minister Blears. Each time I complained I was threatened (look at page 2 of
my letter dated October 14, 2005 for details of these threats). Minister
Blears’ 4 written reasons (excuses) for not investigating all contradict each
Cover-Up is 100% provable from available 3rd party documentation
In most cases the cover-up is just buck passing (ostrich disease), but such
an extensive pattern of buck-passing. In both the UK and Canada the buckpassing alone proves cover-up.
Investigations by four primary police departments, the IPCC, Manchester
Police Internal Affairs, Home office, Crown Prosecutor were all stopped. At
least 3 originally tried to investigate before being stopped.
2 - Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper
Look at: to see
letters/emails re PM Harper et al that prove a cover-up conspiracy in
Canada. Both the Zerzetsen slandering and threats began in Vancouver,
Canada. My family and I fled to the UK only to find that the threats got
worse. In summer 2006 I was still in the UK, but my daughter had returned
to Canada.
In summer 2006 my daughter was threatened, in connection with the
Zerzetsen, while walking under the 8th Street Bridge in Downtown Calgary.
The police determined, from his modus operendi, that her assailant had had
operational intelligence training. My brother-in-law contacted the local MP
who went into the usual cover-up mode. When I came back to Canada I
contacted PM Harper asking for his assistance since the cover-up had clearly
reached political levels in Canada.
It is the systemic involvement of the Canadian State (CSIS with
Zerzetsen; Canada’s government with its cover-up conspiracy) in
these crimes that turn them into a serious human rights issue, and
this is why they were brought to the attention of our Head of
Government, Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
Meanwhile, possibly because I had contacted Prime Minister Harper, I was
getting harassed and subjected to considerable bureaucratic harassment in
Calgary, much of it out of Government Ministries.
The attached file of letters shows my complaints to Prime Minister Stephen
Harper and then Public Safety Minister Mr. Van Loan.
Most of the letters were transmitted by email, fax and mail to make sure
they got there. The May 6, 2008 letter and its attachments were delivered by
hand to one of PM Harper’s assistants who agreed to get it personally to him.
I was subsequently told that there had been no action because “Ottawa is so
Prime Minister Harper is aware of the situation. Two governments at
top ministerial levels have placed toadying to the establishment ahead of rule
of law. These threats started in Canada years ago. I fled to the UK where
they got worse, I returned to Canada where they continued again.
3 - MI5 smears using a crooked Judge to provide their smear
with a false show of credibility
Deputy District Judge Jones, Manchester County Court. Case # 6MAO2655;
Appeal # M6X086
Look at item C (Page 43), under the heading below "The Crooked English
Judge" and contrast it with the commentary under "Chapter 3, pages 26 to
30 - The Big Lie Strategy - Defamation & Slander” It speaks for itself,
note the smear (used to help promote a Big Lie) and note all the evidence
that can be provided – court approved transcript, detailed written
submissions made to the court. This Judge deliberately assisted the MI*s
with a smear campaign that he knew to be untrue. The appeal judge has not
dealt with this issue – it is still being covered up.
How did this happen? There are about 50 junior Judges in Manchester –
obviously MI5 ensured that the one they could corrupt was allocated to my
case -- See section 3 below for details under the caption "The Crooked
English Judge"
This particular smear was a well known “Zerzetsen” technique used by the
Stasi when their other lies ran out of steam – The formula is first to
threaten, then to cover-up to ensure that no honest investigation
takes place, then to say your nuts when you complain about the
cover up -- This was standard STASI practice, as is described on Page 13 of
this paper under the sub-heading “Reservatio Mentalis and Smears”.
Similar smears are quite commonly used against critiques of the Intelligence
Agencies themselves, or of the royal family - and this issue may involve
both. Go to page 19, Item 8 – To see what MI5 did to Mr. Lehane.
Please note that there are numerous independent 3rd party witnesses to
some of the threats, and that recordings of telephone death threats are in
police hands. There is also considerable 3rd party documentary proof of the
cover-up conspiracy – including the involvement of Manchester MP Hazel
Blears, the UK Cabinet Minister then responsible for the MI5 Secret Police
(see Item C, below, for more details and proof).
4 - Ostrich Syndrome
These crimes have been reported in two countries to 4 primary police
departments – the UK’s Independent Police Complaints Commission and 2
other police review bodies – The Crown Prosecutor -- 6 Cabinet Ministers – to
Alberta & Canadian Human Rights Commissions -- by myself to a key
assistant of Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and by a Member of
Parliament to then UK Prime Minister Tony Blair.
In some cases (like Hazel Blears) specific lies stand out to prove involvement
in the cover-up conspiracy -- But, in most cases it’s just buck passing
(ostrich disease) but so much of it. Review the correspondence in Canada
and the UK and note that – dozens of people who had responsibilities for
dealing with this issue have passed the buck.
A More Detailed Review of the Cover-Up Conspiracy
The preceding overview of cover-up on Pages 31 to 35 was highly
summarized and is 5 pages long. This next topic covers the same
ground, but this time in much more detail (11 additional pages
that prove cover-up; or alternatively go to Chapter 5).
Some of the 3rd party evidence available to verify cover-up is
documentary, and on the internet. The following information (and
referenced URL links), on pages 36 to 46, are for those who want to
kick the tire and review “what some of the documentary evidence of
cover-up conspiracy is” in much more detail.
(Almost entirely based on letters sent by Ministers and Police Authorities to
MPs – Letters referred to in the narrative of Section A can be made available
as evidence; On appropriate letterhead, signed by the Minister, etc. A
selection of these letters can be viewed by clicking again on this URL:
(The Police Report and other evidence referred to in section B can be viewed by
clicking here
Note that Police were not allowed to contact any witnesses to the threats, or
investigate any of the cover up conspiracy evidence at all)
(The Approved Transcript of the Court Hearings and the other documentary
evidence referred to can be made available)
A – Evidence of a Centrally Coordinated Cover-Up
Conspiracy – Role of Cabinet Minister Hazel Blears
###### (This narrative clearly proves cover-up in UK by Minister Hazel Blears and
Police again and again. The narrative is a chronological story entirely based on
letters (to/from Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers, Police, Police Review Bodies, etc)
copies of which are attached to this Paper. Read the narrative first; then check any
items you want back to the original letters by clicking on the
file ) ## ##########
On 26th Oct 2004 my wife and I met with PC Bowman of the Didsbury Police
and made a complaint regarding four years of criminal intimidation and death
threats. We discussed the intimidation, and left Mr. Bowman with written and
other evidence relating to our complaint and a covering letter that
summarizes it all (see my covering letter to police dated Oct 25th 2004). The
following week we returned to the police and were told that they would not
investigate since the evidence was circumstantial. We were also told that Mr.
Bowman had tried hard to get an investigation approved but had been
overruled by a Police Inspector.
I then wrote to the Home Secretary, copying the President ICAEW and my
then MP, the Rt. Hon Keith Bradley (my letter dated Nov 6th 2004). Mr.
Bradley offered to intervene and approached The Home Secretary
personally on my behalf and was told that the matter was “under
investigation” by the Home Office and he told me so in writing (Mr.
Bradley’s letters to me dated Nov 24, Dec 6, 2004 & Jan 11, 2005). This lie
told to Mr. Bradley by the Home Secretary’s Office was the first Home Office
lie, since as subsequent events show the matter was never being
investigated at all, but instead was being covered up. Mr. Bradley’s staff
continued to chase the Home Office finding, as they told me, great difficulty
on this matter. My telephone line was clearly being tapped by the intelligence
services – as I was even being intimidated just for pushing this issue with Mr.
Bradley’s office on the telephone.
Finally Minister Hazel Blears dismissed my complaint on the untruthful
grounds that I had never been to the police in the first place (Minister Blears
letter to Mr. Bradley Mar 16 2005). This was clearly contradictory to the
facts, as the Police accept, and to the Home Office’s previously stated
position. Nobody bothered to check the accuracy of this untruthful excuse for
dismissing my complaint by either calling me or PC Bowman. Ms. Blears
letter was dated 16 March 2005 and I was again intimidated on the same day
to STOP (stop complaining, further proof of complicity between the Home
Office / intelligence services and the crime gangs).
As a follow up, my eldest son in Birmingham was then intimidated with death
threats in front of independent witnesses. He reported this to the Kings
Norton Police who recorded the threats, took notes, issued a crime number,
and began to investigate. The following night a car was smashed into my flat
in Manchester. This investigation was also stopped and the police have never
returned any of our follow up calls.
Mr. John Leech MP then passed a letter headed “Death Threats & Serious
Criminal Intimidation – Minister Hazel Blears MP – Cover up by the Home
Office” (letter dated June 15 2005) onto the Prime Minister. Mr. Leech
confirmed by letter to me (dated 25 July 2005) that the Prime Minister
had now received the letter. Minister Blears replied on behalf of the Prime
Minister on July 12 2005 to John Leech MP with the same old canard – she
said that I had never been to the police, and she ducked the questions in Mr.
Leech’s letter relating to the cover up conspiracy.
In the meanwhile (August 2005) Mr. John Leech MP personally contacted the
Didsbury, Manchester Police and confirmed that I had in fact met with them.
Indeed I subsequently confirmed this at a more recent meeting, and that the
Police still have in their possession the detailed 57-page typewritten
complaint that my wife and I had handed them back on 26th Oct 2004.
Meanwhile my eldest son (in Birmingham) is now getting threatened with a
helicopter hovering low over his house in the middle of the night and shining
a spotlight on his bedroom window. The reason the intelligence services are
concerned about him is that he was intimidated in front of independent
witnesses and the death threats are also recorded.
On 8th Nov 2005, Mr. John Leech MP forwarded to the Home Secretary a
letter drafted by me on Oct 14th 2005 that is headed “ RTM Russell –
Intimidation & Death Threats/Cover up in the Home Office / Letter to the
Prime Minister/ Minister Hazel Blears / Gross Abuse of my Human Rights”.
Minister Blears’ reply of 18 November 2005 now stated that I had actually
reported these incidents to the police in the first place, and that they had
investigated them. Please note that the Minister is now for the 1st time
admitting that I had gone to the police a year earlier, whereas previously
Minister Blears was stating that I had never gone to the police at all.
However she is now introducing a new lie, stating that the police had in fact
investigated whereas previously she (and the police) had agreed that no
investigation had taken place. Indeed the Home Office had known for a year
that the purpose of my complaint to the Home Office was that the police had
never been allowed to investigate.
Cabinet Minister Hazel Blears (on letters she sent to Messrs. Bradley & Leech
MP) was also now stating that my complaint was a civil matter. This despite
the fact that, in the letters she was replying to, serious criminal offences
were described – death threat calls, vehicles driven at me, intimidation of my
daughter and eldest son, myself shot with a pellet fired from a gun, laser
attacks, prowlers. Minister Blears is a lawyer. Lawyers surely know the
difference between civil and criminal law
One may be interested in discovering which of the alternative written
statements from the Home Office / Minister Hazel Blears is the truth; since
their written positions all contradict each other. I am sorry to say that the
answer is that they are all lies.
So far in date order of events, the record of correspondence from the Home
Office can be summarized as follows:
----------- Their letters stated---------------------------------------------------------------26/10/04 – re Police -- Russell did meet Police / Police did not investigate
06/12/04 – from Home Office – / HO is investigating
16/03/05 – From Minister Blears – Russell did not meet police HO is not investigating & police did not investigate.
12/07/05 – From Minister Blears – Russell did not meet police HO is not investigating & police did not investigate
18/11/05 – From Minister Blears – Russell did meet police / Police did investigate
Note: Same information – 5 different answers – only the first one is true.
On 9th December 2005, Mr. John Leech MP referred the matter to the
Independent Police Complaints Commission – Mr. Gavin Forward “Casework
Manager”. I added further information by letter to the IPCC on Dec 17 2005.
Mr. Forward passed it on to the Manchester Police Internal Affairs and it
seems to have been bounced around between various Chief Superintendents
and Superintendents and back and forward to the IPCC with nothing
happening. Subsequently I received a letter from the IPCC stating that the
matter is still being considered – though nobody has actually done anything
at all (this was only window dressing pretence because John Leech MP was
pushing them).
On the Evening of 19th April 2006 I met with Detective Sergeant Mark
Hudson in the Didsbury police station and we made a 2 ¾ hour videotape
(takes up two tapes) of my evidence. Mr. Hudson took 17 pages of notes and
indicated that we would turn it into a statement. Afterwards I advised
Sergeant Hudson that he would never be allowed to pursue this as the
criminals involved are above the law in England. The Sergeant indicated that
they would follow the evidence no matter where it led. Despite a reminder
telephone call from me I did not hear from him, or from any other policeman,
or from the IPCC again.
After much pressing by Members of Parliament, the Police issued a report on
22 June 2007 that was drafted by Detective Chief Inspector H Harrison. The
police had not interviewed or contacted a single witness, and had had no
personal contact with me since my meeting with Sergeant Hudson on 19
April 2006. See The Police Report click here~~
The UK government / intelligence services’ cover up continues. The police
must know who impeded their investigation; since they know who stopped
them from investigating properly.
Cabinet Minister Hazel Blears, Intelligence Services certainly know who the
criminals they are protecting from justice are, since they would not be
orchestrating a cover up conspiracy otherwise. All the Home Office / UK
Government are doing is lying and covering it up to protect the criminals – a
clear signal that these criminals are above the law in England.
Letters from Ministers, Officials, and Police referred to above can be
made available on appropriate official letterhead with the
appropriate signatures. An abbreviated selection of these letters is
included in the attachments previously referred to.
B – The Police Report
On 22 June 2007 a Police Report was issued in the name of Detective Chief
Inspector H Harrison (with whom I had never had any contact). The
detectives I have had contact with did not write or sign the report. The report
accepts that some intimidation has taken place, but is otherwise inconclusive.
The Police Report and my comments are available. There are considerable
and easily proven irregularities in the report – the police simply weren’t
allowed to investigate properly. Part of my complaint (re cover up – see
Section B) related to Hazel Blears who had Ministerial responsibility for
policing and MI5.
As the report shows, not one single witness was contacted by the police in 18
months of pretend investigation and my computer (there had been
considerable destructive downloads sent) was never examined by them. How
can one investigate properly if one doesn’t contact any witnesses?
According to the police report, the only person (other than myself)
interviewed by the police in this matter was the Group Chief Executive of
Grosvenor, who denied involvement (I had never accused him personally).
As the report shows, the police misrepresented my complaint to minimize it.
95% of the complaint is not referred to in their report, including most of the
intimidation and all of the cover up evidence (to protect Cabinet Ministers –
Hazel Blears had ministerial responsibility for policing and MI5!). This
extreme misrepresentation of my complaint is provable, as my complaint was
detailed on the videotape that I made with Sergeant Hudson, and also
provided by me to the police in writing and by a Member of Parliament to the
IPCC in writing. These letters are available, as is the police report. How can
one investigate properly if one starts by misrepresenting the
complaint so that most of it isn’t dealt with?
I had told Sergeant Hudson, after we had made the videotape, that the
police would never be allowed to investigate my complaint properly and it
seems I was right.
Basically, read the Police Report – Note that in 18 months of investigation
not one single witness was contacted. Isn’t this odd. Compare the police
report to the written complaint and note that 95% of the complaint (including
all the cover up evidence) is not referred to in the report and not
investigated. The police were not allowed to investigate properly
Click here to view
The Police Report with my comments, which I sent to the Police Chief
Inspector, is available.
C – The Crooked English Judge – Assisting an MI5 smear
Ultimately they took the opportunity of a debt issue, that I have, to get a
part-time Judge to dishonestly question my sanity, presumably so they could
quote it (to lend an appearance of credibility to an MI5 deception campaign see "Chapter 3: The Big Lie Strategy"). It is not the debt issue that is
important, but the Judge’s dishonest smear tactics.
After I had reported the intimidation to the police and had heard from a
Minister that an investigation was in progress, I thought my problems were
over and borrowed some money to get myself back on my feet. When the
government cover up started and it was clear that my problems were not
over, I stopped servicing the debt, advised the bank, explaining the issue in
writing, and they went along with me. On December 17th 2005 I wrote the
IPCC providing additional evidence that shows intelligence service
involvement in the threats and cover up. Immediately the bank foreclosed on
the loan (too close in date to be coincidental). I decided to defend my
position, pleading the legal defense of the common law doctrine of frustration
of contract, citing threats and cover up by the civil authority as reasons.
The Judge adjourned the 1st hearing (5/6/06) after noting that defense
evidence filed in court had disappeared. So far quite fair. But it changed in
the 2nd hearing (2/8/06). The Judge moved quickly to judgment without
examining the evidence at all (stating “I’m not going to let you have a
soapbox”). He accused me at length in the Judgment of having a mental
issue (this accusation was never made in the actual hearings).
To view a transcript of one of the recorded telephone threats, click on
Objecting thoroughly to this dishonest move by the judge, I then interrupted
the Judgment, telling the Judge as the approved court transcript shows ~
~~“This is disgraceful. That’s an outrageous suggestion. You
should be ashamed. There’s recorded evidence of death threats
in police hands. You haven’t checked with the witnesses. This
is a legal lynching”~~
It should not be thought that the judge made an honest mistake because of
the unusual nature of my defense (intimidation and government cover up).
He was aware of other unusual things such as defense evidence disappearing
from his own Court Papers. This Judge had been fixed. He also refused to
examine exculpatory evidence that would back up my contention of threats,
intimidation and cover up.
As the court transcript also shows, the judge had:
1. Refused to call a single witness to the threats, and some of the threats are
2. Refused to examine a letter written 5 days (28/7/06) before the 2nd
hearing proving that a Police Chief Superintendent was taking my complaint
of threats seriously.
3. Refused to review the documentary evidence, primarily letters from
Cabinet Minister Hazel Blears, in the hearing that prove the cover up – the
evidence that he agreed had disappeared from his court papers.
4. The Judge was unable to explain why this defense evidence had
disappeared from the court for the 1st court hearing, only to reappear for the
2nd hearing after I made a written complaint to the Judge – evidence he
then refused to look at, or discuss.
5. The Judge refused to examine a letter, dated 19/04/2005, from “Chris
Elliott” Managing Editor of the Guardian accepting that earlier copies of this
same documentary evidence had disappeared from the Guardian’s secure
offices. The fact that I can prove that written evidence from Cabinet Ministers
et al had disappeared twice would have put an honest judge on guard that
something very unusual was indeed happening.
MI5/6 had used a dishonest judge to lend credibility to a misinformation
campaign to smear me with rumors of madness (presumably the Judge’s
handlers wanted it in the Judgment so they could quote it to others). This Big
Lie Technique worked since the growing support I had with MPs, and the
media disappeared almost overnight.
As MI5 / MI6 do not want this shocking evidence of Zerzetsen
torture coming out in open court, they resort to SMEARS.
As Dr. L.
Dove reports, victims of Zerzetsen in the UK will “be accused of paranoia as a
part of the actions taken against them by the security services”. On Page 19,
item 8 of this Paper is a summary of how MI5 got award winning
journalist Denis Lehane wrongly certified and locked in a mental
hospital (his crime – he was asked by MI5 / CIA to spy for them, and
reported on it). Read it and one will understand just quite how crooked this
judge is.
The Zerzetsen formula used is – First to Threaten, Then to Cover-Up by
Ensuring No Honest Investigation Takes Place, Then to Say you are
Nuts when you complain about the Cover-Up
What is the other evidence available?
The Approved Court Transcript of the hearings is available, as are all the
written submissions and evidence submitted by me to the Court (and
receipted by the court as having been submitted). The letters referred to in 2
and 5, above, that the judge refused to look at, from the Police and The
Guardian are also available. And of course significant independent witness
testimony to corroborate, recorded death threats, and evidence of property
damage is also available to verify.
Basically read the Court approved transcript of the Judgment – Note that
while the Judge was eager to smear me he was not eager to call witnesses to
the threats, or examine any of the 3rd party documentary evidence relating
to the cover up. As I told the Judge after the hearing, in presence of
Plaintiff’s Council, this was a fix (to lend credibility to an MI5 smear
campaign). The matter was appealed on grounds of “unjust hearing – bias of
the Judge.” Four years later no date has yet been set. There are witnesses
aplenty to the threats, and I will happily undergo any form of examination by
honest people
Copies of all documents referred to are available for inspection by
seriously interested parties. They are on pdf files and constitute
about 200 pages.
The preceding 16 pages (i.e. that constitute Chapter 4 of this Paper),
summarize some of the areas of cover up, and include URL references
to a small portion of the documentary evidence. What is described
here is just the tip of the iceberg; the overall cover-up conspiracy is
much more extensive than the few items précised in this paper.
“It is necessary only for the good man to do nothing for evil to triumph.”
Edmund Burke
Chapter 5: Zerzetsen Death Threats / NoTouch Torture. A List of the Threats
The UK Intelligence Services MI5, MI6 and Canada’s CSIS are known
to practice Zerzetsen torture, though they deny it formally. In Chapter
2, page 17 to 20, 10 examples are described showing where Zerzetsen
has happened to others – top journalists, senior diplomats, company
chairman. It is not as uncommon as one thinks. This Chapter provides
numerous specific examples of the different threats than have been
made against my family. This Chapter is essentially - A LIST OF
THREATS MADE. A transcript of some of the telephone death threats is as
These Zerzetsen Threats can be
Divided into four categories of
◦ Category 1 – Direct Zerzetsen threats.
Death threats, shots fired at you, vehicles driven at you, your children
threatened, property smashed into, etc.
Category 2 - A thousand indirect threats
Category 3 – Bureaucratic harassment
Category 4 – The Government Cover-up Conspiracy
Aggressive (in your face) surveillance and telephone tapping, prowlers,
numerous calls with no one on the line, street theatre, harassed out of
apartment, etc
Constant harassment from government agencies and utility companies,
designed to make everyday life difficult. By setting up a situation that most
people will think of as fantasy CSIS can poison every part of a person's life.
Category 1 – Direct Zerzetsen Threats (Some
Shots fired, a car run into his house, threatening phone calls to
his children, a motorbike run directly at him, he is under
surveillance, and he can’t find work as people are scared to
hire him.
There follows a selection of 6 of the many major threats showing that some
have significant sources of 3rd party corroborative evidence for proof,
whereas some can only be corroborated by family testimony.
Recorded death threats, vehicle smashed into property –
on same day.
--23/3/05 – Cover-up documentation mysteriously disappears from The
Guardian’s secure offices in Manchester – Letter from their editor confirms
--1-2/4/05 – Eldest son in Birmingham receives multiple telephone death
threats. They are recorded and in police hands. Also independently
witnessed. Crime number 20/E2/3302/05 is issued by police. Police confirm
threats made from stolen phone. Click on this URL for a transcript
of a few of the threats.
--2/4/05 – My flat in Manchester smashed into by vehicle the next night.
Massive 3rd party evidence available since it woke up the whole apartment
block and there was considerable property damage for further verification. 4
family members in flat at the time and woken up – the crash was a hell of a
bang, and the whole apartment shook like in an earthquake.
--4 other incidents in this series of threats, including sexual threats against
an independent female witness.
Shots fired, etc
--Nov 2007--Shots fired into the living room of my eldest son’s house in
Birmingham. Reported to police (with spent shot handed in) by my son and a
German National who were joint complainants and witnesses. Witness further
intimidated in this series of threats.
Laser Incident
--20/5/04 – Sent an email to a known Grosvenor contact in Mayfair, London
asking for fair play. Email is available
--21/5/04 – Severely damaging download sent to my computer. Computer
can be made available.
--22/5/04 – A high powered laser beam (possibly a strobe) was fired at me
where I was working on the computer in my living room on the third floor.
The beam lit the room up as if a flair had been set off inside, and made a
huge noise as it came through the glass windowpane. My wife and I were
present in the room as witnesses. Two other incidents in this series. The
criminal may have turned up to orchestrate the fun in a new Rolls Royce that
I had seen outside the building just before the incident - I suggested the
police check to see if the nearby ducal estate or Grosvenor Hotel in Chester
had any record of using/hiring a Rolls on that date.
Raymond Incident
--28/5/04 – From Manchester called my daughter, Amy, then a student at
Aberdeen University. In this private phone call told her about the laser
incident and said a fool turned up in a Rolls Royce to watch the fun.
-- 40 minutes later I received a telephone death threat from Raymond with
my wife present. I called him back later with two witnesses on the line. He
mentioned the security organization (could have been service). Police later
confirmed Raymond was using a stolen phone. Also further proof that my
phones were being tapped.
--29/5/04—my daughter Amy was threatened in Aberdeen.
The Motorbike Incident
--13/6/01—accelerated a motorbike fast at me in London – I jumped, it
swerved and missed me by about 3 inches. This happened close to a huge
police station that is by Victoria Train Station. 15 minutes later walking along
Turks Row (by York House) a car stopped beside me and the driver pointed
out, in a threatening manner, how easy it would be to kill me.
--Next few days—I was noticeably under surveillance around London.
Amy threatened by intelligence operative in Calgary
--My brother-in-law (a Canadian and Scots CA who is Chief Financial Officer
of Pembina Corporation) in Calgary attempted to provide help to look into
this issue. It became abundantly clear that the help (lawyers, private eyes,
etc.) was getting scared off. There is huge 3rd party evidence of this.
--24/7/06 -- by email and phone call I asked my daughter Amy (now working
in Calgary) to write down all that was happening to the help.
--26/7/06 –Amy was accosted and physically manhandled on the street in
Downtown Calgary as she crossed under the 8th. Street Bridge. The hood
had followed her from her place of work. As he stopped her from moving and
banged her on the shoulder, he said “Don’t do it. Just don’t do it” (i.e. don’t
write the report that I had asked her to write about the "help" being scared
The police booked a crime number. The officer said he could tell that from his
modus operendi that Amy’s assailant had had intelligence operational
training (MI5 or CSIS?).
The above is a small selection - There have been dozens of other
major threats.
Category 2 – a thousand indirect Zerzetsen
The crime of criminal intimidation is psychological torture and
meant to be. A pattern of Psychological torture is as much
torture as physical torture and it is designed to break people.
The philosophy that underlies the lesser Zerzetsen threats was
developed by the Stasi, and the UK press has reported that MI5 is
using it today. Unlike the major threats, no direct verbal threat is ever
made, yet by setting up a situation that most people will think of as
fantasy, MI5/MI6 & CSIS can poison every part of a person's life.
There follows a pattern of the lesser Zerzetsen threats that have
happened to us. Police who have experience in these issues will
recognize this sort of pattern.
In West Vancouver in the 1st 18 months alone we received 500 plus
telephone calls with nobody on the line.
11 clear incidents of Street Theatre. Such as a man in Manchester
pretending to have been stabbed, and a woman panicking beside him
(all an act). Other incidents: Cars gyrating around me presenting false
plates that sent the message rat/gag, and another car gyrating that
had replaced a plate with a sign that just read “mafia”, etc. etc.
Strangers (many times) talking to me on the Street quite normally,
and then introducing just a comment or a hint that shows that they
know about the intimidation. E.g. in Manchester I was having a
problem with hoods who were sending threats using false car number
plates. A woman talked to me casually on the street. Suddenly she
said her friend used false plates and the police were scared of him.
Cars following me around many times. Several times they waited in
my driveway then in West Vancouver for me to come out of the house
and would drive off just as I came out the door – and I would see the
same car wherever I went.
Periodic appearance of being under surveillance so that you know it.
A hood moved into my last apartment building in Calgary – all sorts of
problems surfaced, and we got harassed out of it and moved. 3rd
party evidence available.
Constant aggressive phone tapping (MI5 & CSIS). Evidence to back it
Mail post, email interfered with and email interference used to
intimidate. Massive sophisticated computer downloads and spy
programs used.
Substantial sources of evidence exist to verify each of the above
points. A list of this evidence has been provided to the police.
Category 3 – Ongoing bureaucratic harassment
Constant harassment from government agencies, utility
companies, etc. designed to make lots of little things go wrong.
Lots of it in Calgary. I have huge 3rd party documentary proof to
prove bureaucratic harassment designed to constantly cause me
problems – a Zerzetsen tactic documented by the Stasi for their
training programs. Particularly noticeable during the period I was
complaining to Federal Politicians and Prime Minister Harper about the
cover-up conspiracy in Canada. Matter was stopped after written
complaints to two Alberta Deputy Ministers and The Attorney General.
Bureaucratic harassment is used to make routine everyday things
problematic for their victim as part of the Stasi strategy to
“undermine, subvert and corrode” their victim by manipulating
bureaucracies to cause unnecessary problems for their victim.
For example – threats to cut off my electricity – my telephone going
haywire – my mail going array – medical insurance cancelled for no
reason. All of these get sorted out, but they are an ongoing harassing
nuisance – The clerks involved don’t understand what is happening
because their systems and processes are being messed around by the
CSIS secret police and they don’t understand it
Just take the electricity example! Here, the electricity company
threatened to cut off my electricity for non payment, but I didn’t know
what to pay since I had not received any invoices. So I contact the
company and ask for an invoice. But no invoice arrives, just more cut
off notices. This happens 5 times, and nobody can explain. Finally it’s
resolved. Meanwhile my telephone is going haywire. This is resolved.
Dealing with another government agency they can’t find my file – it
has disappeared from their office. And so on.
Category 4 – The Government Cover-up Conspiracy
Two Governments are involved in the cover-up conspiracy, as indeed
their intelligence services are involved in the threats – UK & Canada.
For details go to Chapter 4, page 31 to 46 - ‘State Cover-up
Conspiracy – to Pervert the Course of Justice”
The cover-up conspiracy is intimidation by itself, because the effective
message of cover-up is: You are on your own without protection;
MI5/6 & CSIS are above the law. For details, go to "Chapter 7, page
60 - Role of MI5, MI6, CSIS intelligence agencies in Zerzetsen"
Chapter 6: Neutering our Human Rights
Industry – Amnesty International, CHRC,
The Guardian
A truly free press is one of the essential pillars of democracy. Without
a free press it is hard to see how real democracy can function. Human
Rights organizations that can stand against the power of government
and the establishment are equally important for democracy.
What this Paper shows is that when the high establishment
pulls their chain it doesn't take much for our human rights
institutions and the press to throw every concept of rule of law
and democracy to the wind.
This Paper is about the use by our intelligence services in the
UK and Canada of STASI developed no-touch torture techniques
(Zerzetsen), yet what is interesting is the absence of the
human rights industry.
Consider the following:
The Guardian
In 2005 I went to The Guardian in Manchester, UK and met with their then
Northern Correspondent. I showed him correspondence from UK-Cabinet
Minister Hazel Blears (then responsible for MI5 and Special Branch) that
proves that my complaints of serious human rights abuses (Zerzetsen
torture) are being covered-up. He was appalled and told me that he would
recommend to his Editor that an investigative journalist be put on the case.
The Editor turned him down.
Threatened for visiting The Guardian ~
Returning home from The Guardian’s Office my wife and I were threatened. A
week later my eldest son (then in Birmingham, UK) received a series of very
nasty telephone death threats, which he recorded. 24 hours later they
smashed a vehicle into my house in Manchester. Meanwhile my
documentation had disappeared from The Guardian’s secure office. A
year later I filed copies of this same documentation with a Court in
Manchester, and it disappeared again for the second time (stealing critical
documentation from secure offices is a known MI5 tactic).
Now The Guardian had every right not to publish my story, but it seems to
me that The Guardian failed in its professional responsibility to protect its
sources since these threatening incidents were clearly meant to punish us for
going to the Guardian – not to mention the theft of my documentation that
they were responsible for. I had booked my appointment at The Guardian in
person, and nobody except the paper’s staff knew we had met with them.
Attached is a letter from the Guardian’s Editor confirming the disappearance
of my documentation, a few of the letters from Cabinet Minister Hazel Blears
that shocked their correspondent, and a transcript of the death threats.
Is our Media Censored by Elites?
“Noam Chomsky” may have come closest to an explanation when he explains
that the Media (and I would also add in Human Rights Organizations) will
follow the Establishment Line wherever Establishment Elites have a broad
consensus - and that a small highly placed group of elites forms a consensus
on its own, if there is no opposition from anybody powerful.
Former Sunday Times Editor Harold Evans further explains this apparent
censorship in his book “the paper chase” saying that, when it comes to the
establishment, the UK Press, which he describes as being only “half-free”,
has a history of “Reservatio Mentalis” (closing ones mind to unpleasant
truths) “to make obedience easier”.
It has been suggested that the intelligence services have penetrated
the press and my experience with the Guardian suggests to me that
this is true. The real dab hands at censoring in the UK and Canada are
MI5/6 and CSIS. In British Journalism Review Vol. 11, No. 2, 2000, Mr. David
Leigh of the Guardian wrote - “journalists are being manipulated by the
secret intelligence agencies, and I think we ought to try and put a stop to it.”
Indeed the example of the persecution of Mr. Denis Lehane by the
intelligence services (see page 19 & 20, item 8) suggests just quite how
strong this censorship is. Mr. Lehane is a journalist; yet it seems that the
press couldn’t protect one of their own. Why is the press so fearful of the
intelligence services? Whatever happened to investigative reporting?
Just sticking with The Guardian. In 2002, they reported on famous publicist
Max Clifford, under the headline: “Journalism is bloody horrible”, quoting him
as saying -- “I censor things as well”… “For every story I break, I stop a
dozen” … “I’m good at covering up anything I don’t want people to know”.
One is left with the impression that the Media is too easily censored.
Amnesty International (Canada)
Amnesty International in Canada were contacted in 2006 by 4 (yes, four)
witnesses and made no attempt to investigate, even though some of their
activists were bothered by Amnesty’s cowardice. They made no attempt to
meet with us, talk to us, check any of the evidence or do anything
Their avoidance of this issue was amazing – right from the start, AI stuck its
head in the sand like an ostrich and refused to talk to anybody or look at any
of the documentary evidence whatsoever. As I told AI, it is clear that they
will not look at any issue where the potential wrongdoers are the high
Establishment - too close to their main funding sources perhaps. Yet my
experience is not unique - others have reported similar failures from
the UK & Canadian based human rights industry. Yes, they may check
out a Cabinet Minister here and there, but not the real establishment.
Attached for verification is a file of correspondence with Amnesty officials.
The letters -
Here is an example showing where CSIS frightened off one of our
Human Rights agencies (CHRC) on my issue.
Canadian Human Rights Commission & CSIS
On the advice of a Human Rights activist, I wrote to the Canadian Human
Rights Commission (CHRC) bringing my complaint against CSIS to their
attention. They phoned me at home on 11/8/2008 to discuss the case. I was
not in and so their lady arranged with my wife that she would call back early
that afternoon to talk to me. Her line number was 780.495.8680. She did not
call back as she had arranged. Indeed I left innumerable messages and she
never returned any of my calls. She had been frightened off our case.
Something had happened after that call to my wife that morning that caused
her not to call back as she had wanted to do. Most likely CSIS who tap my
phones (and would have heard CHRC’s call to my wife) contacted CHRC and
scared them off. On March 4, 2010 I posted this example of CSIS interfering
with a human rights agency on former Ambassador Craig Murray’s blog.
Later that afternoon my wife and I were both intimidated in Calgary.
We have little doubt that it was because of my publicly commenting
on a blog that CSIS had interfered with the Canadian Human Rights
Is this Torture too Unfashionable for our Human
Rights Industry??
It does seem that the big battalions in our human rights industry
divide torture into two categories:
1. Fashionable torture, which they slaver over with righteous
indignation, and
2. Unfashionable torture that they ignore completely.
Of course the AI’s of this world do some excellent work. It is after all
fashionable to fight the CIA on War on Terror, Rendition, Guantanamo,
Torture in the 3rd World, etc. …. and issues like Burma and China offend no
one in the West and are excellent for fund raising.
But it is unusual to find our human rights industry target our own intelligence
services at home (MI5/6 & CSIS) to any great degree. As others have
commented, AI will not look at unfashionable human rights abuses in the UK
or Canada where they may suspect that our own intelligence services at
home are the abusers.
There is no doubt that an issue like this one is a very unfashionable issue.
How unfashionable? In 1993 Pierre Sane the then Secretary-General of
Amnesty said that – “Governments are prepared to go to great lengths to
cover up their crimes…. So, they set up phony human rights institutions”. Of
course this does not suggest that these organizations are necessarily false
flag operations. Indeed, according to Dr. Dove’s “The Torture Report” one
(human rights) organization in the UK complained of being targeted by the
British security services. This kind of harassment, plus the certain loss of
government funding, is intended to keep human rights organizations 'in line'.
A sad reflection on our Human Rights Industry!!
To be successful, ZERZETSEN requires an OMERTA (silence) from the
Press and Human Rights Agencies, so that the victim has no help.
“Deference to the Authorities” (toadying) is such a powerful practice today,
that human rights organizations seem to conform to it. That is why in “Don
Quixote” style our Human Rights industry tilts at the windmill of politically
correct issues in order to justify their existence. Lions when dealing with
Pinochet-types thousands of miles away, they are scared to deal with human
rights issues that relate to their own elites at home.
A sad reflection on the state of our human rights industry (that just sums up
my comments) was made by former AI Board member, Francis Boyle, when
he stated – “Amnesty International is primarily motivated not by
human rights but by publicity. Second comes money. Third comes getting
more members. Fourth, internal turf battles. And then finally, human rights”
Recently, a senior fellow with the Hudson Institute, referring to Human
Rights Watch complained -- "HRW has decided for many years to refuse
to do the hard work of confronting human rights abusers who have
powerful friends”
The key is the phrase “powerful friends”. When dealing with their own elites at
home, OMERTA and hypocrisy rather than Human Rights becomes the order
of the day. Zerzetsen would be impossible if we had an honest Human
Rights Industry.
There is no human rights organization in the UK or Canada to which
victims of a “Stasi-style” Zerzetsen torture can turn to for help.
Chapter 7: Role of MI5/MI6 & CSIS
Intelligence Agencies in Zerzetsen – and
Proof of their involvement in Zerzetsen
torture in UK, and Canada
Look at all the following numbered points together. Each point
has at least one source (some multiple sources) of
corroborative evidence for verification purposes. Consider all
the following points together, and look at the large pattern of
abuse that they show. MI5, MI6 and CSIS have no possibility of
plausible deniability
1. Continuous telephone tapping, and call interference that could only
happen through use of MI5 (CSIS) interception centers in
Manchester, Yarm, Calgary. SEE below for clear evidence of MI5, CSIS
telephone tapping.
2. The Smear campaigns. Using the Big Lie technique – a hallmark of
MI5/6 & CSIS. Starting with the criminal defamation of 20 years ago,
at least 4 lies have been professionally spread – all different, all
completely untrue (ref: Chapter 3 on Table of Contents - The Big Lie
Strategy). Includes corrupting a junior judge to lend a false credibility
to a smear (See chapter 3 & 4 of this Paper for details); Only the MI*s
could do this.
3. Proven cover-up by Minister Hazel Blears – her ministerial
responsibilities were MI5 and Special Branch (ref: Chapter 4 on Table
of Contents).
4. Threats to STOP me complaining to Hazel Blears on three occasions
(she headed up MI5, Special Branch) – only she and her top officials
knew about my complaints at the time the threats to stop me
complaining were made. Clear evidence of MI5 involvement.
5. Intimidation is too prolonged, sophisticated and costly for a crime gang
acting alone. Estimated cost several million Dollars/Pounds – a
hallmark of a taxpayer funded intelligence service. 10 years of
Zerzetsen threats wherever I go -- threats in West Vancouver,
Calgary, London, Aberdeen, Birmingham, Manchester and Yarm.
6. Calgary police identify Amy’s assailant as having had intelligence
operational training.
7. Death threat caller Raymond refers to the security organization (or
service) – a known pseudonym for MI5.
8. Numerous examples of highly sophisticated computer spying and
computer intimidation that links to other incidents of intimidation. A
hallmark of MI5/6 & CSIS. Yes, some private companies could do this,
but they are all staffed by former MI*s and often subcontracted – close
enough to be protected by the MI*s.
9. A private eye confirms that MI5 has had a file on me for years, but
don’t have details. Why? Since they know about my complaints they
would have dealt with them if MI5 were innocent. The private eye was
frightened off the case.
10. Documentation proving cover-up mysteriously disappears from two
secure offices – The Guardian, letter from editor confirms – A Judge’s
papers, Judge confirms. Documentation disappearance is a hallmark of
11. Precedent - Widely reported in UK press that MI5 have a history of
using Stasi developed Zerzetsen tactics, with examples – exactly what
has happened to us. Reported in UK press that MI6 have a history of
character assassination for their friends – as happened to me. I know
that Grosvenor used intelligence illegally to character assassinate at
least one other who left their Vancouver office. I was there when it
happened and protested internally. In 2007 reported in UK and US
press that Duke of Westminster (Grosvenor Chairman) has boasted
about his close connections to the MI*s (and CIA) – see Chapter 2 for
12. Bureaucratic Harassment – massive 3rd party proof available. Shows
that intelligence services interfering with bureaucratic processes and
systems to make things go wrong for me. (By coincidence I happen to
have expertise in large bureaucratic processes – which is why I was
able to develop so much 3rd party proof). Recently four Government
agencies and two large private sector companies in Alberta, Canada
have been affected. This proves an intelligence operation. Are the MI*s
doing it themselves, or subcontracting to CSIS?
13. Investigations by four primary police departments and also by the
IPCC, Manchester Police Internal Affairs, Home office, Crown
Prosecutor were all stopped. At least 3 originally tried to investigate
before being stopped. A Judge corrupted, and a Cabinet Minister.
Home Office promised to investigate (in writing) and then was
stopped. See Manchester Police report and my evidentiary comments
(see Chapter 4 of this Paper for details and the link to the police
report) for provable evidence of wrongdoing by police authorities. This
is the MI*s acting for the establishment since the politicians are scared
of them (of being smeared for a start).
14. Aggressive telephone tapping – MI5 in UK, CSIS in Canada (MI5
started up CSIS) – and ongoing interference with email and normal
NOTE - Substantial sources of evidence exist to verify each of the
above points. A list of this evidence has been provided to the police.
Some of the points are backed by over 20 sources of corroborative
evidence for verification.
Look at all the points together. Look at the pattern of abuse. The evidence is
overwhelming. MI5, MI6 and CSIS have no possibility of plausible deniability
Prolonged Zerzetsen must have State involvement. The UK press has
reported that some in MI5/6 consider their real reporting relationship to be
the Monarchy, not the elected Government. Former MI6 officer, Richard
Tomlinson said: “There is an arrogant faction in MI6 … which doesn’t try to
hide dedication to the royal family”.
Aggressive telephone tapping – Further proof MI5,
CSIS involved
I made a call from Manchester to my daughter then in Aberdeen that was
critical of Grosvenor and was immediately threatened as was she the
following day. This had happened before. I had said things on the
telephone and was harassed for doing so. So I knew my telephones
were tapped at least in Yarm, Manchester, and Calgary – and possibly
everywhere else. I also knew that my phones were also being used for
harassment in real time and were being managed by the criminals. But I
couldn’t understand how they could technically do it.
Malcolm Kennedy sent me tapes of his experience. Everything he had
experienced, I had experienced. They controlled his lines. (He got an
interception centre employee to admit it on tape). His tape proves that calls
were being routed through an MI5 interception centre where MI5 could
control and interfere with incoming calls. This explained some of the odder
things that have happened to me multiple times, which are:
1. Incoming voice messages I don’t get – Incoming calls to me that
answer the caller with a fax tone, or with a message that this line is not in
service. Or calls directed to a false voice mail that has no announcement
(just silence), so the caller can’t leave a message. Sometimes incoming calls
do get through to voicemail with my real voice on the answering message -but it’s a false voicemail in an interception centre, and I don’t receive the
message that the caller has left. Or I do get the message but the message
has been wiped clean so that I can’t hear it. The techniques have varied.
2. Numerous examples of Line interference or continuous clicking on the
line after I said something that MI5/CSIS don’t like. MI5/CSIS want their
victim to know they control his telephone as part of their intimidation
program; they just don’t want outsiders to know it.
Chapter 8: Conclusion - Victim's Request
for Help
This paper includes a blueprint on Corporate Terrorism and on the use of
the Zerzetsen Torture Technique in Canada and the UK to break
individuals and destroy families.
Zerzetsen is a process of character assassination and threats developed by
the former East German secret police “The STASI” to persecute dissidents –
its purpose is to poison every aspect of a person’s life. Today Zerzetsen is
being used in the UK by MI5, MI6 and in Canada by CSIS.
In an article about the torture of a Canadian at the behest of CSIS in the
Sudan, The Globe and Mail stated that “This case exemplifies how morally
confused Canadian authorities have become .... Somehow, human rights
have become viewed as an inconvenience, and not as a legal obligation.”
But, one doesn't have to look to the 3rd world to find proof of the complicity
of CSIS in torture, and of our Government in a systemic cover-up conspiracy.
It is the involvement of the Canadian State that turns these crimes into a
Human Rights issue, which is why they were brought through intermediaries
to the attention of Prime Minister Stephen Harper
What is it like to be a victim of Zerzetsen?
Well imagine this – You did an excellent and honest job for a company, and
yet were subjected to career destroying slanders after you left. You then
began to get intimidated and harassed and your family is receiving death
threats. You are under surveillance and your telephone is being tapped. You
know that the owner of the company that slandered you is Prince Charles’s
best friend.
You discover that the intelligence services were behind the slanders and the
threats. You went to the Authorities for help, and they covered it up. You are
now being threatened for complaining about the cover-up. That’s what has
happened to us, and that’s what this paper is about – The Zerzetsen torture
According to Burrell it would seem that even The Queen may be aware that
something is wrong – he is quoted as recalling her telling him in a private
meeting “Be careful, Paul. There are forces at work in this country about
which we have no knowledge. Do you understand?”
What does it say about the strength
of our Democracy?
There are multiple eye-witnesses to support these allegations of threats and
cover-up, and before speaking out I made every attempt to go through
normal channels - police, politicians.
Are the politicians scared of Grosvenor, or of the Establishment, or just
scared of their own intelligence services?
Rhisiart Gwilym so aptly summarized this in Media Lens when he wrote
“Roderick Russell getting precious little help from anywhere, as the
Black Dogs of Animal Farm persecute him illegally.”
Zerzetsen torture is not as uncommon as one thinks. On pages 17 to 20 is a
description of other victims of Zerzetsen - a Company CEO, an award winning
journalist, diplomats, and police officers. That CSIS can persecute a decent
family for elements in the high establishment, and scare our government into
a cover-up conspiracy is symptomatic of a crisis in our democracy.
Rule of Law in Canada – what’s that?
ZERZETSEN is about torture. This is a story of human rights abuses in 2 G8
countries - Canada & UK. As with most real human rights abuses, their
governments and establishments are covering it up. There is sufficient
corroborative evidence to prove Zerzetsen torture and a government coverup conspiracy to the full criminal “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard
several times over.
The Stasi-style “Zerzetsen” persecution described in this Paper could not
happen in a real democracy. Either there would be an honest
investigation of the well-witnessed complaints I have made, or I
would be prosecuted for making false accusations.
That Prime Minister Harper can allow an issue like this to be covered-up,
begs the question – where else is the establishment pulling our government’s
chain? Human Rights and Civil Liberties seem unimportant to our
Government. Some would call this neo-fascism.
“It is necessary only for the good man to do nothing for evil to triumph.”
Edmund Burke
Nobody should be above the law. That our Politicians are scared to enforce
Rule of Law is symptomatic of a crisis in our democracy.
Roderick Russell
To review the executive summary of ZERZETSEN click here
(About Roderick Russell – qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1974 and has served as Chief
Financial Officer of a well-known Resort and Hotel Company, and as Group Controller of a top
10 North American Commercial Property Investment and Development Company based in
Vancouver. Married with three children, he is a Canadian & British Citizen)