Subgroup 3 Workshop #2 Poster Presentation Workshop #2 Design Patterns – Poster Presentation Submitted by Uttara Paingankar (Group Leader) Rahul Gupta Bhavani Sangannagari Tulika Rathi WebSite: 1 Subgroup 3 Workshop #2 Poster Presentation Design Patterns Story A Design Pattern is a “description of a problem, which occurs over and over again in our environment and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it in the same way twice” as described by Christopher Alexander and mentioned in book on Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object oriented Software, by the Gang of Four. A design pattern is a very abstract, high-level concept related mostly to Software Architecture and hence needs some kind of a story to be made understandable and easily graspable. Here we present a story to describe the following patterns: 1. Adapter 2. Chain of Responsibility 3. Interpreter 4. Visitor 5. Proxy 6. Façade 7. Composite 8. Observer 9. Mediator 10. Strategy 11. Factory Method 12. Prototype 13. Bridge Our story begins with the scenario of Law governing the society made for its safety and security. The participants of our story include: 1. A set of rules: Which define the way order and peace is to be maintained in the society. 2. The implementers of law: The Police Department, the FBI and CIA. 3. A Control Headquarters: Which is the central body over these three. 4. A Cop: which is a part of the implementers of the Law. 5. Investigate: It is a procedure followed by all the 3 departments to solve a case. 6. A courtroom: Where all the lawful decisions are made. 7. Common people: For whom these laws have been made. 8. Forensic Experts: Who help the law implementers for solving cases by performing analysis on the physical evidences provided by the police. 2 Subgroup 3 Workshop #2 Poster Presentation Our Story starts with a murder that is committed in a house. The family of the murder victim calls up the police to report the crime that has been committed. Once the crime is reported, the head of the police department assigns the case to a team of investigators. Now, here the department head acts as a façade pattern and this is explained below. Façade provides a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. Façade defines a higherlevel interface that makes the subsystem easier to use. Here, when a case is reported the head of the department sees the case and then assigns it to a team of investigators. After they report the case as being solved the head then can go ahead and present it in the court of law. Once the verdict is given the head can close the file of that case. Now that the case has been assigned to a team, the investigation starts. The investigation can be identified as a prototype. The various law enforcement agencies Investigate a crime. Prototype specifies the kinds of objects to create using a prototypical instance, and create new objects by copying this prototype. Here, Investigate also acts as a prototype for the Police, FBI and the CIA. It acts as a prototype in the sense that the basic steps defined for investigating a case remain the same. Only some aspects of that vary from organization to organization. 3 Subgroup 3 Workshop #2 Poster Presentation Investigation prototype can be implemented using a factory method as the way these law enforcement agencies investigate a case might differ slightly from one another. It defines an interface for creating an object, but lets subclasses decide which class to instantiate. Factory Method lets class defer instantiation to subclasses. Here, investigate is a set of procedures which is used by all the 3 forms of Law implementers. But the way they implement that investigation is typical for each of them. E.g. investigation for FBI may differ from the investigation for CIA. During the investigation process, the investigators go to the crime scene and try to collect evidence that might lead them to the killer. The obtained clues along with the dead body are sent in for forensic analysis (biological and chemical) so that they can obtain a picture of how the crime may have been committed. The forensic operations can be identified as visitor pattern. Visitor represents an operation to be performed on the elements of an object structure. Visitor lets you define a new operation without changing the classes of the elements on which it operates. Here, some special types of cases require the investigators to use special analysis with the help of some external agencies. These external agencies act as Forensics for the scenario. The forensics act independently and return the results to the investigators without modifying their existing data or functionality. 4 Subgroup 3 Workshop #2 Poster Presentation After the team has the result of the analysis, they send this data to the profilers, who can make a profile of the killer. This would help the investigators to get hold of the fugitive as soon as possible. This can be identified as the Chain of Responsibility pattern, where in we are passing the responsibility of creating profiles to someone who is capable of doing it. Avoid coupling the sender of a request to its receiver by giving more than one object a chance to handle the request. Chain the receiving objects and pass the request along the chain until an object handles it. Once the investigators have profile to work with, they need to plan a strategy of arresting the killer. So, as the crime has been a murder the police decide that they would have special personnel on the task of deciding a plan of action, which can include notifying the media about the murder and the making the profile of the killer available to the public. We can identify a Strategy Pattern here as depending on the seriousness of the crime we identify what needs to be done. 5 Subgroup 3 Workshop #2 Poster Presentation Strategy defines a family of algorithms that encapsulate each one and make them interchangeable. It lets the algorithm without changing the algorithms structure. A police department decides over the strategy that can be applied to a case by deciding to handle the case by itself or giving it to private personal, CIA, FBI for investigation. The search for the killer is now very well under way. In the meantime, there are some changes made in the constitution. The control HQ that acts as a control body over the law enforcement agencies notifies the agencies about the change in certain laws. An Observer pattern can be identified here. An Observer defines a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified and updated automatically. Here the Control HQ communicates with all the 3 types of Law Implementers. When a certain set of rules in the Constitution change, the control HQ knows about it and that information is immediately propagated to other two by the Control HQ. Thus it acts as the subject object and the rest act as observers. As the frantic search for the killer is going on, FBI gets hold of a convict regarding some other case and who has a matching profile with the suspect that the police department is looking for. The FBI notifies the control HQ (mediator) about this and the control HQ in return notifies the Police department. The police department then realizes that he is not the one they are looking for and hence they continue their search. 6 Subgroup 3 Workshop #2 Poster Presentation Mediator defines an object that encapsulates how sets of objects interact. Mediator promotes loose coupling by keeping objects from referring to each other explicitly, and lets you vary their interaction independently. Here the Control HQ acts as a mediator between the 3 departments. As observed, these 3 departments actually perform independently without interacting with each other directly. Whatever be the interaction is brought about with the help of the Control HQ. Finally they get a lead on where to find their suspect and plan an arrest. But during the chase the fugitive shoots at the lead investigator. The lead investigator is hospitalized and a new investigator is assigned to the case in his place so that the case can stay open. This can be identified as a proxy pattern. Provide a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it. Consider the case where the lead investigator gets shot and gets hospitalized, another investigator (a proxy) is assigned to the case. The cops finally arrest the fugitive after a great ordeal. Now the case has to be presented in the court of law. It is necessary to note that all the states implement the same laws only how they implement is different. Hence, a bridge pattern can be identified in this scenario. 7 Subgroup 3 Workshop #2 Poster Presentation Decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently. Law implemented against crimes is the same everywhere; only the way it is implemented differs in different states. Some stated might have death penalty for murder whereas some might just give a life imprisonment for the same. The defendant in the case needs justice from Law and hence needs someone to represent him in the court of law, as he does not understand the proceeding that might take place there. An Interpreter pattern can be identified in this case. Interpreter is defined in a way as if given the language; define a representation for its grammar along with an interpreter that uses the representation to interpret sentences in the language. The defendant needs to understand the proceedings in the court of law and hence needs someone to interpret it for him. Lawyer helps the defendants to present their case in the court and hence we can say that the lawyer acts as an interpreter for the defendant. 8 Subgroup 3 Workshop #2 Poster Presentation Also we can say that as the defendant needs to get justice from the law the court acts as an adapter to achieve that justice. An adapter pattern is the one, which converts the interface of a class into another interface clients expect. Adapter lets classes work together that couldn’t otherwise because of incompatible interfaces. Here, the Law laid down by the Constitution is some thing which cannot be used or accessed by a common man directly because it has to be used only by authorized people who understand it thoroughly and who know how to make right use of it and that designatory is the Court. A person wanting to consult the law cannot directly access the Law. It has to be done through the medium of Court. Thus the Court acts as an Adapter between the Common man and the Law. Finally the killer is convicted and the defendant wins the case. The head of the police department closes the case. As the case was successfully solved and a dangerous killer was caught due to the diligent effort of the team, the entire team gets an appraisal from the department. The department can be identified as a composite pattern. 9 Subgroup 3 Workshop #2 Poster Presentation Composite composes objects into tree structures to represent part whole hierarchies. Composite lets clients treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly. In a particular department we have a department head, sergeants and officers in a certain hierarchy. Everyone gets a salary, leave, an evaluation or an appraisal. This represents a composite pattern. 10