2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry 中国市场报告网 www.360baogao.com 第1页 共 29 页 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry 报告简介 【名 称】 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry 【编 号】 1351138 【版 本】 2012 年 7 月 【价 格】 纸质版:14000 元 电子版:14000 元 纸质+电子版:15000 元 【优惠价】 ¥ 12600 元 【电 话】 400 612 8668、010-66181099、010-66182099 传真:010-66183099 【邮 箱】 Kf@360baogao.com 【网 址】 http://www.360Baogao.com/2012-07/2011-2015_Deep_Research_Report_on_Chin a_Solar_Grade_Polysilicon_Industry/ 【提 示】 如需中文、日文等其他语言版本报告,请向客服咨询。 《2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry》was prof essional and depth research report on global and China solar grade polysilicon industry. th is report has firstly introduced polysilicon definition classification industry chain etc relatio n information. Then introduced polysilicon manufacturing technology and process (Siemen s or FBR).At the same time, introduced key processes specifications and applications. A nd then Summary statistics of Global and China major polysilicon manufacturers 2008-201 5 solar grade (SG) and Electronic grade (EG) polysilicon capacity production supply demand (mainly according silicon crystalline solar cell demand and semiconductor wafer demand) shortage and polysilicon selling price cost profit margin and production value. A nd also introduced international 28 and China 40 major polysilicon companies basic infor mation, EG EG polysilicon capacity production price cost profit margin and production v alue etc details information and polysilicon project Siemens CVD reactor sources or Projec t design and construction services partners. and also introduced polysilicon materials cost, electricity cost, Depreciation cost,Labor cost etc polysilicon manufacturing cost and cost structure (especially Cold hydrogenation for low cost polysilicon) , all data include 2008 -2010 history data and 2011-2015 forecast data. Finally, this report introduced 3000ton/ye 第2页 共 29 页 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry ar polysilicon project feasibility analysis and investment return give related research conclu sions and development trend analysis of China polysilicon industry. In a word, it was a depth research report on Global and China polysilicon industry. And thanks to the support and assistance from polysilicon industry chain (polysilicon companies Solar wafer cell m odule companies raw materials Siemens CVD Reactors TCS STC-TCS system suppliers go vernment related agencies etc) related experts and enterprises during Team survey and int erview. Table of Contents: Chapter One Polysilicon Industry Overview 1.1 Definition of Polysilicon 1.2 Classification and Application 1.3 Industry Chain Structure 1.4 The analysis of global polysilicon's supply and demand and price cost Chapter Two Manufacture Technology and Processes of Polysilicon 2.1 Polyslicon Manufacturing Technology Overview 2.2 Seimens Method 2.3 Fluidized-bed Reactor(FBR) Method 2.4 Physical Method (UMG) 2.5 Other Polysilicon Manufacturing Method Chapter Three Global and China Polysilicon Production Supply Sales Demand Market St atus and Forecast 3.1 SG Polysilicon Productions Overview 3.2 SG Polysilicon Regional Distribution 3.3 SG EG Polysilicon Production 3.4 Global and China Polysilicon Demand 3.5 Polysilicon Cost Price Production Value Profit Margin Chapter Four Global Key Polysilicon Manufactuers 第3页 共 29 页 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry 4.1 Hemlock(US Michigan Siemens) 4.2 Wacker Chemie(Germany Burghausen Siemens FBR) 4.3 MEMC Electronic Materials(US Missouri FBR Siemens) 4.4 REC(AsiMI+SGS) (Norway Oslo Siemens FBR) 4.5 Tokuyama(Japan Shunan Siemens VLD) 4.6 Mitsubishi Materials(Japan Tokyo Siemens) 4.7 OCI(Korea Kunsan Siemens) 4.8 (Japan Soma Siemens) 4.9 Osaka Titanium(Japan Hyogo Siemens) 4.10 Nitol Solar(Russia Usolie-Siberian Siemens) 4.11 The Silicon Mine B.V. (“TSM”) (Geleen Netherlands Siemens) 4.12 Activ Solar(Vienna Austria Siemens) 4.13 Silfab(Padova Italy Siemens) 4.14 Crystalox Solar(Oxfordshire United Kingdo Siemens) 4.15 Sunways(Konstanz Germany Siemens) 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry 4.16 Maharishi Solar(New Delhi India Siemens) 4.17 KCC Corporation, Korean Advanced Materials (KCC, KAM) ( Seoul Korea S iemens) 4.18 Siliken(Valencia Spain Siemens) 4.19 AE(Pennsylvania United States FBR) 4.20 ESTELUX(Ferrara Italy Siemens) 4.21 HOKU(Hawaii United States Siemens) 4.22 Norsun(Oslo Norway Siemens) 4.23 Prime Solar(Western Australia Siemens) 第4页 共 29 页 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry 4.24 Arise (Canada Siemens) 4.25 Hankook (Korea Siemens) 4.26 Innovation Silicon (Korea Siemens) 4.27 JSSI Silicon (Germany FBR) 4.28 Apollon (France Siemens) Chapter Five China Key Polysilicon Manufacturers 5.1 GCL Silicon(Jiangsu Xuzhou Siemens) 5.2 SINO-SI(Henan Luoyang Siemens) 5.3 Xinguang Silicon(Sichuan Leshan Siemens) 5.4 DEC Emei Semiconductor (Sichuan Emeishan Siemens) 5.5 Daqo New Energy(Chongqing Wanzhou Siemens) 5.6 Yongxiang Polysilicon(Sichuan Leshan Siemens) 5.7 Jiangsu Shunda(Jiangsu Yangzhou Siemens) 5.8 TPSI(Taipei Taiwan Siemens) 5.9 Jingda Silicon(Jiangxi Nanchang Siemens) 5.10 ORISI Silicon(Inner Mongolia Siemens) 5.11 Yangguang Silicon(Ningxia Shizuishan Siemens) 5.12 Asia Silicon (Qinghai Xining Siemens) 5.13 Hejing Technique(Henan Jiaozuo Siemens) 5.14 GSM Solar (Jiangxi Zhangshu Siemens) 5.15 CSGHolding(Hubei Yichang Siemens) 5.16 Jiangsu Tehua (Jiangsu Yancheng Siemens) 5.17 Fengwei Silicon (Inner Mongolia Siemens) 5.18 TBEA (Xinjiang Siemens) 5.19 Fine Silicon(Hebei Baoding New Silane Method) 第5页 共 29 页 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry 5.20 LESi(Sichuan Leshan Siemens) 5.21 Tianwei Sichuan Silicon (Sichuan Xinjin Siemens) 5.22 Guodian Solar(Ningxia Shizuishan Siemens) 5.23 ERDOS(Inner Mongolia Siemens) 5.24 Kunming Yeyan(Yunnan Kunming Siemens) 5.25 Jingde Semiconductor(Jiangxi Jingdezhen Siemens) 5.26 Luan Group (Shanxi Changzhi Siemens) 5.27 Hubei Qixing (Hubei Siemens) 5.28 Shanxi Youser (Tianhong Silicon) (Shanxi Siemens) 5.29 Ever Mining (Henan Siemens) 5.30 Top Green Energy(Taipei Taiwan Siemens) 5.31 Youwang Silicon (Sichuan Siemens) 5.32 LDK (Jiangxi Siemens) 5.33 Renen Silicon(Sichuan Meishan Siemens) 5.34 Qinghai Huanghe Hydropower Development New Energy Branch(Xining Siemens) 5.35 Zhongning Silicon(Zhejiang Quzhou Silane Method) 5.36 Dunan PV Materials (Inner Mongolia Siemens) 5.37 Ningdian PV Materials(Ningxia Metallurgical Method) 5.38 Zhongwang Technology (Inner Mongolia Siemens) 5.39 Zhongyue Silicon(Henan Luoyang Siemens) 5.40 Chaoge Solar (Henan Hebi Siemens) Chapter Six Siemens CVD Reactor and Polysilicon Project Design Suppliers 6.1 Siemens CVD Reactor 6.1.1 GT Solar USA 6.1.2 Centrotherm Germany 第6页 共 29 页 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry 6.1.3 GEC(MSA) Germany 6.1.4 Poly Plant Project, Inc. (PPP) USA 6.2 Polysilicon Project Design or Construction services Suppliers 6.2.1 Chengda Engineering Chengdu 6.2.2 Hualu Engineering Xian Chapter Seven Polysilicon Manufacturing Cost Analysis 7.1 Raw Materials Consumption and cost analysis 7.2 Electricity Consumption and Cost Analysis 7.3 Equipments or Fixed Assets Depreciation Cost 7.4 Labor Cost 7.5 Manufacturing Cost and Cost Structure Chapter Eight Feasibility Analysis of China 3000Ton/Year Polysilicon Project 8.1 China Polysilicon Project Opportunities and Risks Analysis 8.2 Feasibility Analysis of China 3000Ton/Year Polysilicon Project Chapter Nine Polysilicon Research Conclusions Tables and Figures: Figure Rod and Nugget form Polysilicon Pictures Table Difference of EG and SG polysilicon Product Specifications Table MG/SG/EG Silicon Purity and 2010 Average Selling Price(USD/Kg) Figure Industry Chain Structure of Polysilicon Figure Polysilicon Industry Chain Structure (Upstream Raw Materials and Downstream Applications) Figure Policy catalytic demand side dominate polycrystalline silicon prices Figure 2000-2010 polysilicon price (dollars/kg) movements Figure Global polycrystalline silicon vendors cost structure 第7页 共 29 页 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry Figure Roughly domestic manufacturers cost structure Table Chemical Equation of Siemens Method Figure Manufacturing Process Flow of Siemens Method Table Siemens CVD Reactor Hydride Reactor System CDI end gas recycling system Pol ysilicon Manufacturing Technology Suppliers etc Equipment Suppliers List Figure Siemens Method Polysilicon Manufacturing (Hemlock) Process Flow Figure Modified Siemens Method Closed Loop Polysilicon Production Process Table Siemens CVD Polysilicon Reactor Related Parameter Comprasion of Two Differen t Pressure Table China 8 Polysilicon Projects Silicon Powder Liquid Chlorine Usage (KG) and Reduction and Total Electricitry Usage (KWH/kg) Table Chemical Equation of MEMC FBR Method Table FBR Method Advantage and Disadvantage List Figure REC FBR Reactor Figure JFE Steel Physical Method (UMG) Silicon Manufacturing Process Flow Figure JFE Metallurgical Method (Physical Purity Method) Process Flow Figure Defference between JFE Metallurgical Method (Physical Purity Method) and Si emens Method Table China Physical Method UMG Silicon Market Summary Table US SRI Method Polysilicon Manufacturing Process Figure US RSI Method Polysilicon Manufacturing Process Flow Table Siemens FBR UMG etc Six Polysilicon Manufacturing Method Comparison Table Difference between Modified Siemens Method, Sliane Decomposition Method, F luidized-Bed Method Polysilicon Manufacturing Technology Table Comparative analysis of solar grade polysilicon manufacturing processes and princi ples of metallurgy process, gas-liquid deposition and purification for heavily-doped silicon waste 第8页 共 29 页 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry Table Some Polysilicon Manufacturers Manufacturing Processes and Their Intermediate P roduct Table Process Flow of Siemens Method Figue MG Silicon Manufacturing Process Figure MG Silicon Manufacturing Process Structure Figure Siemens Polysilicon Reactor (Wafer-cooled metal bell jar) Illustrative Diagram Table List of New Technologies for Solar Grade Polysilicon Table 2008-2015 Global Major Polysilicon Manufacturers SG Polysilicon Capacity and T otal SG Polysilicon Capacity (Ton) Table 2008-2015 Global Major Polysilicon Manufacturers SG Polysilicon Capacity Marke t Share Table 2008-2015 Global Major Polysilicon Manufacturers SG Polysilicon Production and Total SG Polysilicon Production (Ton) Table 2008-2015 Global Major Polysilicon Manufacturers SG Polysilicon Production Mar ket Share Figure 2008-2015 Global SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table 2008-2015 Global SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Utilization Table 2008-2015 China SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Utilization Figure 2008-2015 China Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table 2008-2015 China USA Europe Japan Korea etc Other Regionals SG Polysilicon P roduction (Ton) Table 2008-2015 China USA Europe Japan Korea etc Other Regionals SG Polysilicon P roduction Market Share Table 2008-2015 China Major Polysilicon Manufacturers SG Polysilicon Production (To n) Table 2008-2015 China Major Polysilicon Manufacturers SG Polysilicon Production Mark et Share Table 2008-2015 USA Major Polysilicon Manufacturers SG Polysilicon Production (Ton) 第9页 共 29 页 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry Table 2008-2015 USA Major Polysilicon Manufacturers SG Polysilicon Production Marke t Share Table 2008-2015 Europe Major Polysilicon Manufacturers SG Polysilicon Production (T on) Table 2008-2015 Europe Major Polysilicon Manufacturers SG Polysilicon Production Mar ket Share Table 2008-2015 Asia Major Polysilicon Manufacturers SG Polysilicon Production (Ton) Table 2008-2015 Asia Major Polysilicon Manufacturers SG Polysilicon Production Marke t Share 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry Table 2008-2015 Global EG SG Polysilicon Production (Ton) and Market Share Table 2008-2015 Global SG Polysilicon Supply Demand and Shortage (Ton) Table 2008-2015 China SG Polysilicon Supply Demand and Shortage (Ton) Table 2008-2015 Global and China SG Polysiliocn Supply Demand and Relationship Table 2008-2015 Global EG Polysilicon Demand (Ton) and Growth Rate Table 2008-2015 Siemens FBR UMG Other Method Polysilicon Production Value (Mill ion USD) and Market Share Table 2008-2015 Global SG Polysilicon Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) Profit Margin List Table Hemlock Polysilicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Material s Equipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Hemlock EG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Hemlock EG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Ra te Table 2008-2015 Hemlock SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Hemlock SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rat 第 10 页 共 29 页 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry e Table Wacker Chemie AG Polysilicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Ra w Materials Equipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Wacker Chemie EG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cos t Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Wacker Chemie EG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Gro wth Rate Table 2008-2015 Wacker Chemie SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cos t Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Wacker Chemie SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Gro wth Rate Table MEMC Electronic Materials Polysilicon Company Information List (Products Rev enue Raw Materials Equipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 MEMC EG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 MEMC EG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table 2008-2015 MEMC SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 MEMC SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table REC Polysilicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Eq uipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 REC EG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (U SD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 REC EG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table 2008-2015 REC SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (U SD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 REC SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table Tokuyama Polysilicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materia 第 11 页 共 29 页 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry ls Equipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Tokuyama EG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Prof it (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Tokuyama EG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth R ate Table 2008-2015 Tokuyama SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Prof it (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Tokuyama SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth R ate Table Mitsubishi Materials Polysilicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Ra w Materials Equipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Mitsubishi Materials EG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Mitsubishi Materials EG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table 2008-2015 Mitsubishi Materials SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Mitsubishi Materials SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table OCI Company Ltd. Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 OCI SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (U SD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 OCI SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table Polysilicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equipme nts Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 EG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/ kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 EG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate 第 12 页 共 29 页 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry Table 2008-2015 SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/ kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table Osaka Titanium Polysilicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw M aterials Equipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 OSAKA Titanium EG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price C ost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 OSAKA Titanium EG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Gr owth Rate Table 2008-2015 OSAKA Titanium SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price C ost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 OSAKA Titanium SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Gr owth Rate Table Nitol Solar Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equipme nts Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Nitol SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (U SD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Nitol SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table TSM Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equipments C ustomers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 TSM SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (U SD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 TSM SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table Activ Solar Polysilicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Mater ials Equipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Activ Solar SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Pr ofit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Activ Solar SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate 第 13 页 共 29 页 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry Table SILFAB Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 SILFAB SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 SILFAB SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rat e Table Crystalox Solar Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equ ipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Crystalox SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profi t (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Crystalox SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Ra te Table Sunways Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equipment s Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Sunways SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Sunways SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rat e Table Maharishi Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equipmen ts Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Maharishi SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Prof it (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Maharishi SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Ra te Table KCC Polysilicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Eq uipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 KCC SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (U SD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 KCC SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate 第 14 页 共 29 页 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry Table Siliken Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 SILIKEN SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profi t (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 SILIKEN SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Ra te Table AE Polysilicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equi pments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) 全文连接:http://www.360Baogao.com/2012-07/2011-2015_Deep_Research_Report_on_Chin a_Solar_Grade_Polysilicon_Industry/ Table 2008-2015 AE Polysilicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 AE Polysilicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Grow th Rate Table ESTELUX Polysilicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materi als Equipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 ESTELUX SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Pro fit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 ESTELUX SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table HOKU Polysilicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 HOKU SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 HOKU SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table Norsun Polysilicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Norsun SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin 第 15 页 共 29 页 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry Figure 2008-2015 Norsun SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table Prime Solar Polysilicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Mater ials Equipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Prime Solar SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Pr ofit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Prime Solar SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table Arise Silicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equip ments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Arise SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (U SD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Arise SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table Hankook Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equipment s Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Hankook SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Hankook SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rat e Table Innovation Silicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Innovation SiliconSG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Co st Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Innovation SiliconSG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Gr owth Rate Table JSSI Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equipments Cu stomers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 JSSI SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (U SD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 JSSI SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate 第 16 页 共 29 页 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry Table APOLLON Solar Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials E quipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 APOLLON SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Pr ofit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 APOLLON SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table GCL Silicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equip ments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry Table 2008-2015 GCL Silicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost P rofit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 GCL Silicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table SINO-SI Polysilicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 SINO-SI SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 SINO-SI SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rat e Table Xinguang Silicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials E quipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Xinguang Silicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Co st Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Xinguang Silicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Gr owth Rate Table DEC Emei Semiconductor Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Ma terials Equipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 DEC Emei Semiconductor SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin 第 17 页 共 29 页 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry Figure 2008-2015 DEC Emei Semiconductor SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table Daqo New Energy Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Daqo New Energy SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Daqo New Energy SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and G rowth Rate Table Yongxiang Polysilicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materi als Equipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Yongxiang Polysilicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Pri ce Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Yongxiang Polysilicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) an d Growth Rate Table Shunda Polysilicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Jiangsu Shunda SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Jiangsu Shunda SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Gro wth Rate Table TPSI Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equipments C ustomers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Taiwan TPSI SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost P rofit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Taiwan TPSI SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table Jingda Silicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equi pments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Jingda Silicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost 第 18 页 共 29 页 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Jingda Silicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growt h Rate Table ORISI Silicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equi pments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 ORISI Silicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 ORISI Silicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growt h Rate Table Yangguang Silicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Yangguang Silicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Yangguang Silicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and G rowth Rate Table Asia Silicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equip ments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Asia Silicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Pr ofit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Asia Silicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table Hejing Technique Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials E quipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Hejing Technique SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price C ost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Hejing Technique SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Gr owth Rate Table GSM Solar Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equipme nts Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) 第 19 页 共 29 页 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry Table 2008-2015 GSM Solar SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Pr ofit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 GSM Solar SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table CSGHolding Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equip ments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 CSGHolding SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Pr ofit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 CSGHolding SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table Jiangsu Tehua Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equi pments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Jiangsu Tehua SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Jiangsu Tehua SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growt h Rate Table Fengwei Silicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Eq uipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Fengwei Silicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cos t Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Fengwei Silicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Gro wth Rate Table TBEA Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 TBEA SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 TBEA SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table Fine Silicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equip ments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) 第 20 页 共 29 页 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry Table 2008-2015 Fine Silicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Pr ofit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Fine Silicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table LESi Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equipments C ustomers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 LESi SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (U SD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 LESi SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table Tianwei Sichuan Silicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Mate rials Equipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Tianwei Sichuan Silicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) P rice Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Tianwei Sichuan Silicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table Guodian Solar Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equi pments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Guodian Solar SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Guodian Solar SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growt h Rate Table ERDOS Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 ERDOS SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 ERDOS SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rat e Table Kunming Yeyan Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Eq uipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) 第 21 页 共 29 页 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry Table 2008-2015 Kunming Yeyan SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cos t Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Kunming Yeyan SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Gro wth Rate Table Jingde Semiconductor Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materia ls Equipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Jingde Semiconductor SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Pric e Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Jingde Semiconductor SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) an d Growth Rate Table Luan Group Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equip ments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Luan Group SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Pr ofit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Luan Group SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table Hubei Qixing Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equip ments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Hubei Qixing SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Hubei Qixing SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growt h Rate Table Shanxi Youser Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equi pments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Shanxi Youser SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Shanxi Youser SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growt h Rate Table Ever Mining Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equip 第 22 页 共 29 页 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry ments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Ever Mining SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost P rofit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Ever Mining SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table Top Green Energy Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Top Green Energy SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Top Green Energy SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and G rowth Rate Table Youwang Silicon Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Eq uipments Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 Youwang Silicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Co st Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Youwang Silicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Gr owth Rate Table LDK Solar Company Information List (Products Revenue Raw Materials Equipme nts Customers Expansion Plan etc 13 Itmes) Table 2008-2015 LDK SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (U SD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 LDK SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table 2008-2015 Renen Silicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Renen Silicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growt h Rate Table 2008-2015 Qinghai Huanghe Hydropower Development SG Polysilicon Capacity Pr oduction (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and P rofit Margin 第 23 页 共 29 页 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry Figure 2008-2015 Qinghai Huanghe Hydropower Development SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table 2008-2015 Zhongning Silicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price C ost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Zhongning Silicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and G rowth Rate Table 2008-2015 Dunan PV Materials SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Dunan PV Materials SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growth Rate Table 2008-2015 Ningdian PV Materials SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Pr ice Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Ningdian PV Materials SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) a nd Growth Rate Table 2008-2015 Zhongwang Technology SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Pr ice Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Zhongwang Technology SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) a nd Growth Rate 中国ソーラーグレードポリシリコン産業上の 2011-2015 ディープ研究報告 Table 2008-2015 Zhongyue Silicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price C ost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Zhongyue Silicon SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Gr owth Rate Table 2008-2015 Chaoge Solar SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) Price Cost Profit (USD/kg) Production Value (Million USD) and Profit Margin Figure 2008-2015 Chaoge Solar SG Polysilicon Capacity Production (Ton) and Growt h Rate Table USA GT Solar Siemens CVD Reactors Customers List Table Germany Centrotherm Siemens CVD Reactors Customers List 第 24 页 共 29 页 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry Table Germany GEC(MSA) Siemens CVD Reactors Customers List Table 2008-2015 GT Solar Centrotherm MSA Siemens CVD Reactor Capacity (Ton) Market Share Figure GT Solar CVD Reactor Gas Feed System Trichlorosilane (TCS) and Silane Pr oduction Packages etc Polysilicon Solutions List Figure Centrotherm CVD Reactor STC-TCS Hydrogen furnace Gas Recovery Unit etc P olysilicon Solutions List Table GEC/MSA CVD Reactor STC vaporizers Gas supply systems Heat exchangers Co oling systems Process control (DCS) etc Polysilicon Solutions List Table GEC(MSA) Global Customers List and CVD Reactors Cumulative Sales(set) Figure USA PPP CVD Reactors TCS TCS synthesis system STC-to-TCS Conversion Sy stems Plant Control System – Distributive Control System (DCS) etc Polysilicon Solutio ns List Table USA PPP Siemens CVD Reactors Customers List Table 2007-2010 China Polysilicon Design or Construction suppliers Projects Capacity(T on) and Market Share Table Chengda Engineering 22 Polysilicon Projects Design or Construction Services Info rmation List Table Chengda Engineering Polysilicon Project Services List Table Hualu Engineering Polysilicon Project Services List Table Hualu Engineering 5 Polysilicon Projects Design or Construction Services Informat ion List Table SiHCl3(TCS) System Reaction Equations and Raw Materials Performance Requi rements Table Siemens CVD Reactor Reaction Equations and Raw Materials Performance Requir ements Table Dry Gas Recovery System Gas( .H2)Transitive Relation Table STC-TCS Hydrogen System(STC(SiCl4)-TCS(SiHCl3) ) Reaction Equations 第 25 页 共 29 页 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry and Conversion Rate (%) Table Siemens CVD Reactor Specifications (Silicon Rods Rod Length Diameter Each F urnace Production and Annual Capacity Electricity Consumption etc) Table China 8 Polysilicon Projects SG Polysilicon Average Silicon Powder Liquid Chlori ne Consumption (Kg) and Electricity Consumption (KWH/Kg) Table STC( SiCl4)Thermal hydrogenation Cold hydrogenation Chlorine hydrogenation Three Type Hydrogenation Method and Their One Time conversion rate(%) Table 2008-2015 Polysilicon Raw Materials Silicon Powder Liqiud Chlorine Consumptio n (Kg) and Polysilicon Raw Materials Cost (RMB/Kg) Table 2008-2015 Polysilicon Reduction Electricity and Total Electricity Consumption(K WH/Kg) and Electricity Consumption Cost (RMB/Kg) Table 2008-2015 Xinguang Silicon 1260 Ton/Year Project Equipments or Fixed Assets D epreciation Cost (RMB/Kg) Table 2008-2015 SG Polysilicon Equipments or Fixed Assets Depreciation Cost (RMB/ Kg) Table 2008-2015 SG Polysilicon Labor Cost (RMB/Kg) List Table 2008-2015 Polysilicon Electricity Depreciation Labor Silicon Powder Liquid Chlori ne Cost and Total Manufacturing Cost (RMB/Kg) Table 2008-2015 Polysilicon Electricity Depreciation Labor Silicon Powder Liquid Chlori ne Cost Market Share Figure 2011 Polysilicon Electricity Depreciation Labor Silicon Powder Liquid Chlorine H2 and other Chemical Raw Materials Cost (RMB/Kg) and Market Share Figure 2011H2 Polysiliocn Price Increasing Reasons Analysis Figure 2008-2011 Polysilicon Project Investment Payback Curve Change Chart Table Feasibility Analysis of China 3000Ton/Year Polysilicon Project (Siemens Method) 略…… 全文连接:http://www.360Baogao.com/2012-07/2011-2015_Deep_Research_Report_on_Ch ina_Solar_Grade_Polysilicon_Industry/ 第 26 页 共 29 页 2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry 订购《2011-2015 Deep Research Report on China Solar Grade Polysilicon Industry》,报告 编号:1351138, 请致电:400-612-8668、010-66181099、66182099, Email:Kf@360baogao.com,传真:010-66183099 第 27 页 共 29 页 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