CERET Biofuel Trainer Application_2014 - Bio-Link

CERET Academy Application Form
2014 CERET Renewable Energy Train the Trainer Academy
Biofuels Education and Training
June 23-27, 2014
James B. Dudley High School, Greensboro, NC
By March 31, 2014, submit this application and one letter of recommendation as specified in Part E. Please note that late
or incomplete applications may not receive full consideration.
To complete the application, please save this application form as a Word, WordPerfect, or RTF file. Add space as
needed to input your responses. Send your completed application by electronic e-mail attachment (preferred format), fax,
or mail to Kenneth Walz at CERET: (see part E)
Part A - Contact information
Your Name:
Name of College or High School:
School Address:
School Phone:
School Fax:
School E-mail:
School Administrator (Name & Title):
Your Home Address:
Home E-mail:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Are you applying as part of a faculty team (See Part D selection Criteria) Check One Yes______ No _____
If Yes, please indicate the Name(s) of your teammates:
Teammate Name #1:
Teammate Name #2:
Part B - Education & Experience
Educational background (see also Part D selection criteria):
Major/Field(s) of Study
Teaching background (see also Part D selection criteria):
School Name
Courses Taught
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CERET Academy Application Form
Part B (Cont.) - Energy Experience and Pre-Requisite Knowledge
Please document your experience and pre-requisite knowledge here, adding space below each question as
In order of importance to you, list the energy technology, science, math, and/or other related technology courses that
you teach or have taught in the past three years.
List and briefly describe your prior experience with biofuels.
List or describe any other energy-related work experience or involvement in any other energy-related activities
(school, work, community, regional, research, etc.).
4. Briefly describe why you are interested in the CERET Biofuels Academy. In what ways might this experience benefit
your students and/or impact your teaching practice?
5. Briefly describe your experience teaching non-traditional students, and describe any efforts that you have been
involved with to encourage their engagement in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields.
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CERET Academy Application Form
Part C - Academy Outcomes
If you are selected to participate in the academy, you will be expected to provide evidence documenting your
contribution to the following Energy Academy Outcomes. Describe any ideas or plans that you have for future
activities that would meet these objectives. Please respond to at least TWO of the outcomes below. Write your
response in paragraph style, adding space as needed.
Outcome 1
This academy will provide you with hands-on experience working with mechanical equipment and laboratory apparatus
employed in the production, testing, and use of biofuels. How will you use this experience to enhance your classroom
curriculum? Are you willing to work with CERET to assess the effectiveness of your new instructional materials and to
help identify best practices in biofuels education?
Outcome 2
This academy will provide professional development for high school and two-year college instructors that teach subjects
related to biofuel technology. Collaboration will foster discussion of issues related to college preparation and exploration
of career pathways related to energy and technical education. What relationships do you envision between high school
and two-year institutions to promote cooperation between faculty and students at both levels? Are you willing to work with
CERET to document the communications and relationships that you have with instructors at other institutions?
Outcome 3
The academy will produce a cohort of trained expert faculty (you) to serve as leaders in biofuels education. Innovative
teaching strategies and recommended learning materials will be disseminated to a national audience to promote the
incorporation biofuels education in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) instruction. How will you share
what you learned at the academy with your fellow teachers and colleagues in STEM education? Are you willing to work
with CERET to report on these activities?
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CERET Academy Application Form
Part D - Criteria for selection
Selection of CERET Renewable Energy Academy Participants shall prefer (but not be limited to) the following criteria:
1. Education or Training: Associates degree, baccalaureate degree, and/or industry-specific training in the following:
 Agriculture, Environmental, or Energy Technology: (e.g., agriculture technology, farm management, waterwastewater technology, environmental technology, biotechnology, etc.)
Science or Engineering (chemistry, physics, biology, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, etc.)
Science Education or Technical Education (including automotive and small engine technology)
2. Current Employment:
 As a faculty member at a two-year college or a high school. (Note: adjunct instructors who also are in an
energy technology industry/profession are eligible.)
Affiliated with a high school or 2-year college system as an educational specialist (e.g., instructional/curriculum
designer, professional development specialist) and experienced in teaching science, mathematics, or
technology education.
3. Experience:
 At least three years teaching energy/environmental technology, science, math, or technical education.
 Documented prior knowledge, work experience, and/or training in biofuels or biomass energy
4. Applicants who are members of a faculty team (see also Part A)
 Applying as a team of (2 or 3) educators from the same school, or school system.
 Applying as a team of (2 or 3) educators from within the same geographic region. In particular, we strongly
encourage teams formed between high schools and the two-year colleges that receive their graduates.
5. Applicants who have experience promoting engagement of non-traditional student groups in the STEM fields.
 CERET seeks to encourage women, racial and ethnic minorities, first generation college students, international
students, and students from lower socio-economic status to pursue careers in renewable energy technology.
6. Letter of Recommendation
Applicants shall submit one letter of recommendation from an educational supervisor or administrator addressing any two of the
criteria listed below (see attached form for Dean or Principal’s Recommendation)
Demonstrated experience in developing and implementing innovative teaching strategies for students.
Demonstrated leadership in the field of energy technology (e.g., in education, work, research, etc.);
Demonstrated leadership in the education and professional development of fellow teachers
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CERET Academy Application Form
Part E – Applicant’s Commitment, Recommendation, and Submission Instructions
Applicant's Commitment:
I understand that if I am chosen to participate in the CERET Academy, I shall commit to:
Prepare for the academy by completing pre-trip readings and/or online assignments
Complete pre- and post- examinations to measure content knowledge gains from the academy
Participate in group activities and projects during the academy
Share best practice teaching ideas with other academy participants
Provide documented evidence illustrating the impact of the academy on teaching and learning that may include:
lesson or unit plans to incorporate biofuels into the courses that I teach
new biofuels instructional materials that I create
new biofuels equipment, supplies, or materials that I acquire to teach
outreach efforts related to biofuel education (presentations, meetings, publications, etc.)
creation of new biofuel courses, curriculum, or programs for your school
participation in other biofuel activities (e.g. grants, education, research, etc.)
other evidence of impact that is judged to be appropriate for reporting to NSF
Applicant Name (print):
CERET endorses the principle of equal educational and employment opportunities for all people, regardless of race,
color, sex, religion, ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation, age or non-job related handicap or disability.
Furthermore, CERET does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, ancestry, national origin, sexual
orientation, age or non-job related handicap or disability in the educational programs or activities it operates.
The following information is collected for demographic reporting purposes only. Your response to this question is
OPTIONAL, and will not impact your selection to this program. Please indicate if you are:
Male _____
Female ____
American Indian or Alaskan Native ___
Asian or Pacific Islander ___
Hispanic ___
To complete your application, you must also arrange for approval from your academic dean or
principal and they must also provide a letter of recommendation supporting your application.
(see details on the following page).
Please send materials for this application to: Dr. Kenneth Walz
Email attachments (preferred method): kwalz@madisoncollege.edu
Fax: 608-246-6880 (please include a cover page labeled: Renewable Energy Program, ATTN: Kenneth Walz)
Postal mail: Kenneth Walz, Madison Area Technical College, 1701 Wright St, Madison, WI 53704
Phone: 608-246-6521
(Notes: Email submission of electronic documents is preferred. On an e-mailed attachment, your typed name originating
from your own e-mail address is considered your legal signature. Alternatively, if you have an electronic signature file
image (.jpg, .gif, .tiff, etc. ) you can insert images where appropriate. If it is necessary to fax or mail handwritten
documents, legibility is mandatory. Please keep a copy of your original application for your records. Applicants will be
notified of selection by April 15, 2014.)
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CERET Academy Application Form
Dean's or Principal's Recommendation
for the CERET Renewable Energy Academy
A letter of recommendation is required to complete the teacher’s application to the CERET Renewable Energy Academy.
Letter’s should be written on school letterhead if possible, and be signed by the teacher’s senior academic supervisor
(dean or principal). The letter should address any two of the criteria listed below:
Demonstrated experience in developing and implementing innovative teaching strategies for students.
Demonstrated leadership in the field of energy technology (e.g., in education, work, research, etc.);
Demonstrated leadership in the education and professional development of fellow teachers
The letter should be submitted along with a copy of this page to the CERET office as instructed below. Electronic
submission via email is preferred, and letters can be provided either as word processing documents (.doc, .rtf, etc.) or as
scanned image files (.pdf) attached to email communications.
We welcome your questions about the CERET Academy. Please feel welcome to contact the Principal Investigator for
this NSF-sponsored project, Dr. Kenneth Walz (kwalz@matcmadison.edu).
I have reviewed _______________’s application to the CERET Academy and fully support his/her participation. I
understand that during the upcoming school year my employee:
1) might apply and measure the impact of a teaching and learning strategy related to the CERET Academy that is
appropriate to his/her teaching assignment and students,
2) will provide the CERET program with aggregate, anonymous, demographic information on students impacted.
Dean or Principal Name:
Please send materials for this application to: Dr. Kenneth Walz
Email attachments (preferred method): kwalz@madisoncollege.edu
Fax: 608-246-6880 (please include a cover page labeled: Renewable Energy Program, ATTN: Kenneth Walz)
Postal mail: Kenneth Walz, Madison Area Technical College, 1701 Wright St, Madison, WI 53704
Phone: 608-246-6521
(Notes: Email submission of electronic documents is preferred. On an e-mailed attachment, your typed name originating
from your own e-mail address is considered your legal signature. Alternatively, if you have an electronic signature file
image (.jpg, .gif, .tiff, etc. ) you can insert images where appropriate. If it is necessary to fax or mail handwritten
documents, legibility is mandatory. Please keep a copy of your original application for your records. Applicants will be
notified of selection by April 15, 2014.)
rev. 02/15/14