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Role Profile
Job Description
Job Title
Training and Development Consultant, English Engage
Directorate or Region
SA region
Location of post
Lahore / Islamabad,
Pakistan (tbc)
Pay Band
Reports to
ELT Adviser, (based in
Islamabad, Pakistan
Duration of job
2 years
Purpose of job: To provide efficient and effective management of English language trainer/teacher training services
supporting trainers and teachers (Engage strand), thereby making a significant contribution to the development and
expansion of the business through partnerships in-country and regionally.
Context and environment:
This is a new post within the growing English Partnerships team in Pakistan. The post holder will be responsible for
contributing to strategic and financial objectives of English Partnerships Pakistan by:
leading on the academic management of ELT development projects for primary, secondary and tertiary level
teacher educators, teachers and learners in the state sector.
managing the content development and/or adaptation of products and services delivered through face to face,
blended or digital media as part of the Engage strand of the British Council’s global English language portfolio.
working pro-actively to build and sustain key relationships for both income generation and influence
The British Council has large offices in Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi. As a Tier 1 country, Pakistan is of major
importance in the wider South Asia region. We have a well-established network from our previous work in English,
including the 4-year regional English language project English for Teaching, Teaching for English (ETTE), as well as
from the Education, Society and Arts programmes, and our commercial English Exams activities.
Building on our continuing and expanding engagement of stakeholders in language policy issues, we aim also to be
a partner of choice at national and regional levels for the Pakistan government’s English teaching and learning
developments, and for provincial-level reform initiatives.
We will work increasingly with other donor organisations engaged in large-scale projects with a particular focus on
media/broadcast, mobile phone and other digital media. The success of our work depends on our ability to work in
partnership with the government, and alongside other major projects initiated and developed by non-governmental
key players. It is also vital that we work across all strands of our English and other programme activity, including
our strong Exams business.
The working, political and security environment is challenging, and is of considerable complexity, necessitating
insight, understanding and patience when working across a range of sectors, frequently in conflicting areas of
interest. The post-holder will need to be able to come to a rapid understanding of the local context and be able to
exploit this understanding rapidly in operational terms. Pakistan is also an extremely interesting place in which to
work and one where it is possible to build rewarding relationships with key Pakistani operators.
In 2011, English work in Pakistan will be rebranded ‘English Partnerships’, to reflect the fact that our work is a
central part of the British Council’s ongoing commitment to the development of English teaching and learning in the
country through key partnerships.
English Partnerships Team
Members of the English Partnerships team in Pakistan are based in one of three offices: Islamabad, Lahore and
Karachi. This new STC post, based in Lahore (Punjab), and responsible for managing academic design, delivery,
monitoring and evaluation and report writing of large-scale teacher education and development projects, generally
following a cascade model, in collaboration with suitably qualified and experienced locally-engaged trainers
wherever possible.
The STC will be managed by the English Project Adviser (Pakistan). S/he will work also closely with Lahore office
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staff familiar with Pakistan’s operating environments who will help support and oversee administrative and logistical
needs of all project partners primarily in Punjab and Sindh, which have been identified as key states for the British
Council’s work in ELT. The STC will work to build and train a local team of British Council Training Consultants. The
STC will work closely with this team as a mentor, monitor and manager to ensure quality standards are maintained.
While the post holder will be responsible mainly for starting and maintaining partnership projects in Punjab and
Sindh, s/he may also be required to manage training projects in other states depending on operational requirements
and priorities. S/he will also be required to provide academic advice and management for new products being
developed and launched in the global Large Scale Programmes (LSPs), predominantly under the Engage strand.
S/he is expected to seek and share knowledge and good practice with his/her colleagues in Pakistan, and with
English Language Advisers/Managers across the wider South Asia region and in the global network.
The post will be challenging and will require:
a strong background in language teaching methodology and language development/improvement, as well as
broad experience of course design and planning for teachers, trainers and learners
good relationship-building, networking and interpersonal skills, particularly with mid – senior level government
officials in challenging operating contexts
good team-working skills to ensure collaboration and effective working with the Pakistan English team and
wider South Asia English teams
Understanding of project management, including monitoring and evaluation of ELT projects
Accountabilities, responsibilities and main duties: (including people management and finance)
 Set and achieve project outcomes, target audience reach and income generation within allocated budgets
 Academic quality assurance of all projects managed including teacher / trainer training, materials development
/ adaptation etc
 Line management of up to 2 academic posts (to be decided)
Academic project management
Manage the design, delivery and successful implementation of ELT projects in line with English PartnershipsPakistan strategic and financial objectives. This will include:
 Developing and costing project proposals, project plans including monitoring and evaluation schedules, risk
assessments, stakeholder analyses, communications plans etc using agreed tools and processes
 Academic management of project life cycle, including management of associated risks
 Training programmes adapt/utilise British Council global product portfolio as appropriate to meet
methodological and language skills needs of target groups as identified through a full, initial training needs
 Training programmes are delivered to British Council standards, and in project documentation agreed with
internal and external stakeholders
 In conjunction with EL Adviser and Head, English Programmes, recruit and manage UK and local training
consultants as required
 Working closely with English Partnerships colleagues to ensure that administrative and logistical aspects of
projects and training programmes are planned and organised effectively and that internal and external
stakeholders are involved as appropriate
 Effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms are produced and administered to ensure measurable
evidence of impact in line with project plans.
 All materials, courses and documents are developed to agreed format and layout which meet British Council
standards and are supported by clear student and trainer notes. Materials templates are developed and
content standards (eg on number of pages of materials per unit, amount of details in trainer’s notes, number of
illustrations per page, and complexity of rubric) are followed according to British Council standards and are in
line with requirements of external partners.
 Copyright law is complied with and when necessary copyright permission is obtained and kept on record
Provide academic advice. management and/or content development of the English Partnerships products
and services within the Engage/Connect global English portfolio including:
Ensuring all materials developed support the British Council’s global and regional English strategy by working
closely with the South Asia English and Digital teams and the UK ELI team.
Ensuring all materials, courses and documents are developed to agreed format and layout which meet British
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Council standards and are supported by clear trainer notes if required
Complying fully with copyright laws, copyright permission is obtained and kept on record
Effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms are in place, and administered to ensure measurable
evidence of quality and impact etc, in line with EL programme targets
Products and services are developed to meet the requirements of emerging business areas.
Assist in the recruitment, management and professional development of a cadre of freelance Training
Consultants including
Assisting in the recruitment, induction, initial training and ongoing professional development of Pakistani
freelance Training Consultants.
 Implement Quality Assurance checks in collaboration with English Language Adviser, Pakistan, in line with
agreed standards, (eg) by providing oral and written feedback on all session observations
Manage and implement additional ELT projects/events in the region as required which may include
 providing academic inputs and leading on policy events, conferences, symposia, Hornby Regional School
activities and seminars etc
 presenting at national and regional conferences or events
Key relationships: (include internal and external)
-Pakistani Ministries of Education (state and district level government officials); Higher Education and other
government departments; -academics from Universities,
-Principals of selected schools, state school inspectorates, other educational institutions;
-Members of Teachers’ Associations (ie) SPELT, Pakistan;
-Potential funding partners; media (inc social media) outlets; clients and potential clients for ELT including Senior
Managers of corporate CSR Foundations, donor organisations and NGOs; private and public sectors; international
agencies and programme departments of Embassies;
-UK ELT Constituency including Consultants, Academics at Universities and publishers
Internal Predominantly English Language Adviser Pakistan, Senior Management Team, Pakistan;
All BC Pakistani teams- Education, Arts and Society, MarComms, Exams;
Wider South Asia English Language Lead; all South Asia region Country Teams;
British Council Strategic Business Unit (SBU) – English, and associated heads of teams.
Other important features or requirements of the job (e.g. travel, unsocial/evening hours, restrictions on
employment etc)
Occasional unsocial hours, involves extensive travel around Punjab, and other provinces in Pakistan, and some
travel within the region.
Pakistan is often in the news for all the wrong reasons, tending to portray the impression that it is like living in a war
zone. Whilst it is true that a number of measures have to be taken for personal safety, travel to certain parts of the
country is restricted and this is a ‘no child’ posting, it is still possible to enjoy an interesting and rewarding posting in
Pakistan. Trekking holidays in Gilgit-Baltistan are possible, as are visits to many of the tourist sites in Lahore and
other parts of the Punjab.
Security presents operational difficulties much of the time, though we are still able to operate relatively normally in
Sindh and Punjab (together 70% of the population) with more limited engagement in other areas. Most Pakistanis
are dedicated to creating a more stable and prosperous country. They are a warm and welcoming people who have
great affection for the British.
Please specify any passport/visa
and/or nationality requirement.
Please indicate if any security or
legal checks are required
for this role.
UK passport holder
This is ‘no child’ posting - (children aged 5 to 18 are unable to be based at
post and holiday visits are subject to certain restrictions)
Enhanced and clear CRB Disclosure is mandatory as well as other
appropriate checks.
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Person Specification
Creating Shared Purpose
(More Demanding)
Shaping the Future
(More Demanding)
Connecting with Others
(More Demanding)
Making it Happen (Essential)
Being Accountable
Working together (Essential?)
Skills and
Project & Contract
Management (all at level 1)
 Development and delivery
 Managing risk
 Monitoring, evaluation,
A proven track record in;
● teaching
● teacher training
● trainer training
DELTA or Trinity Diploma in
TESOL (or equivalent
Assessment stage
Although these
behaviours are
required, they will not
be assessed in the
recruitment process
Short listing
& Interview
Understanding and practical
experience of online/ digital
content development and
training delivery
Project Management
or Monitoring &
Short listing &
Short listing
Sheilagh Neilson, Regional
English Partnerships Manager,
South Asia
Submitted by
(Recruiting Manager: Martin
Fryer, Director Programmes,
18 August 2011
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Guidance on Preparing a Role Profile
(a) Job Description
Complete the job description section of the role profile
Purpose of job – What is the overall aim of the job? Why does it exist? (One or two sentences are
usually enough for this).
Context and Environment – what does the department do? Which region does the job sit in? Are there
any particular challenges or attractions of the region or area? Is it part of a team, if so how big is the
team and where does the job fit? Who does it report to? (An organogram is helpful here)
Accountabilities, Responsibilities and Main Duties
Accountabilities - results for which the post holder is held accountable not necessarily tasks they
perform themselves. More senior roles often have more accountabilities as they deliver results through
Responsibilities – what actions or tasks is the job holder responsible for? e.g. management or
administration of finances, managing people, delivering or contributing to organisational targets,
delivering own or others work to agreed standards
Main Duties – the main specific duties that job holder has to do in order to meet the responsibilities e.g.
project planning, budget planning, event co-ordination, teacher recruitment. This is not meant to be an
exhaustive list of all the tasks in a job, just the main ones. If there are one or two duties which form the
major part of the job e.g. reconciliation of payments for a finance role it is helpful to indicate what
percentage of the job these activities take up.
Key Relationships
What people or organisations (internal and / or external) does the job holder have to interact with or
influence and to what level? For example an Events Co-ordinator might have to maintain relationships
with venue providers and participants externally and managers and PAs internally.
Other important features or requirements of the job – are there significant or unusual demands which are
essential to the job e.g. unsocial / evening hours, international travel etc? Please be as specific as
possible on these and only include those which are essential.
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(b) Person Specification
Complete the person specification section. As part of the role profile, it is used for recruitment purposes
only. It sets out the selection criteria used for short listing and interview i.e. nature and level of the skill,
knowledge and behaviour which will be assessed. These criteria are classed as either essential or
desirable. Essential criteria are always used in assessment. Desirable ones are used to enable
selection for interview where more than five candidates meet the essential criteria. Candidates who
have declared a disability and who meet the essential criteria are always interviewed.
To increase opportunity while minimising bureaucracy and the amount of work for applicants and
recruiting managers, no more than eight criteria should be listed as essential under the headings of
behaviours, skills & knowledge and experience. We recommend that a maximum of four desirable
criteria can be added.
Behaviours - Select required behaviours – suggest no more than four - from the Dictionary (link
attached) which you propose to use as part of the selection criteria. In each case specify the behaviour
and the level.
Skills and Knowledge – Select required skill and level from Generic Skills Dictionary (link attached).
Guidance is no more than two - for example project and contract management, financial planning and
management. Specify any additional knowledge requirement (this may be not always be applicable) for
example, knowledge of employment law.
Experience – What is the minimum experience (work or otherwise) which is required or desirable for the
job for example, leading a dispersed team, implementing a new system or policy, working in the public /
private sector.
Qualifications - Please list the minimum qualifications or equivalent required for this role. Sometimes the
"equivalent" could be practical experience or a local qualification or other similar accreditation.
Qualifications should only be listed as essential if absolutely necessary for the job.
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