MBA MARKETING MODULE MBA7003 (2011-2012) ASSIGNMENT 1: 30% MARKETING AUDIT PRESENTATION AND EVALUATION RESIT Part 1a. Group Presentation: 70 marks You are required to work in a GROUP of 4/5 to carry out secondary research about Samsung Mobile, to prepare and make a 15 min Group Presentation (10 min presentation + 5 min questions). You should consider the following: a. The overall Bulgarian or UK market size and trends/projections (value and/or volume) b. The main market segments; their size and trends/projections (value and/or volume) c. Major macro and global environmental influences on the market (opportunities and threats) d. The main market competitors; their market share and strengths/weaknesses e. Identification of segments offering entry/growth opportunities (one for each group member) (12 marks each = 60 total) In addition, you will be assessed on the quality of your presentation with regard to structure and timing, the quality of your slides and your handling of questions. (10 marks) You should distribute your time fairly equally between the topics and ensure that you cover all relevant aspects of each one. You should avoid overloading your session with extraneous detail or theory. Time is limited and must be carefully planned and managed; you will be cut off and may lose marks if you significantly over/ under run. You should allow five minutes for questions. ALL GROUP MEMBERS MUST BE PRESENT AND PARTICIPATE IN THE PRESENTATION. If you are aware of problems in doing so or are unable to attend on the day, contact your seminar tutor immediately; failure to participate will result in the loss of the individual(s) marks. A minimum of TWENTY DIFFERENT information sources (eg Business Monitor, Mintel or Keynote reports or trade body reports, national statistics, chambers of trade and industry, press etc; but NOT Wikipedia, tutor2 and similar, presentation material or general websites) should be given and correctly referenced using the Harvard system. NB: FAILURE TO CORRECTLY REFERENCE 20 DIFFERENT INFORMATION SOURCES WILL RESULT IN THE ASSIGNMENT BEING CAPPED AT 40% (12/30 marks overall). Part 1b Research Evaluation Report: 30 marks You must work INDIVIDUALLY to prepare a Research Evaluation Report of around 1000 words which: a. Reviews the value and problems of the secondary research you and your group carried out (10 marks) b. Briefly discusses the types of primary research available to you in the case study (10 marks) c. Suggests three research objectives and primary research to meet them (10 marks). Part 1c Self Assessment In addition, you should INDIVIDUALLY complete a Self Assessment which records your personal role and contribution (using the format supplied- see Appendix a). This does not carry marks but it may affect the final mark awarded to you; if necessary you may be required to attend a viva voce examination. Deliverables and submission: Due date: Submit a paper copy to the IUC Hand-in Office by 5 pm on 23 July 2012 Submit also an electronic copy to before 24:00 on the same date You should submit to the Hand-in office by the due-date: ONE MARKING & FEEDBACK SHEET (Appendix a) bearing all the group’s names/numbers; ONE MARKING & FEEDBACK SHEET (Appendix b) for each group member bearing names/numbers; Part 1a: ONE COPY of your Group Presentation (as a handout with 4 slides per page) Part 1b: INDIVIDUAL COPIES of your Research Evaluation Report Part 1c: INDIVIDUAL COPIES of your Self Assessment (Appendix c). YOU MUST NOT CHANGE YOUR SLIDES OR CONTENT AFTER HAND-IN. Please also bring a copy of the slideshow (as a handout as above) to the presentation and give it to your seminar tutor. Learning outcomes: This assignment assesses the following module learning outcomes: Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of alternative methods of data collection and analysis Gain insights into usefulness to marketing of the data typically collected through market research Explore the questions that market research might be expected to address when key marketing decisions are being made. Key skills: This assignment contributes evidence towards attainment of the following key skills: Communication Information and communication technology Working with others Improving own learning and performance Assessment criteria: The assignment will be marked and graded in accordance with the mark allocations shown above. Marks for each assessment criterion will be awarded with reference to the standard Cardiff Met/IUC marking criteria at levels A to F as below: A group mark will be awarded for the presentation. Failure to comply with the information referencing requirements will result in ALL GROUP MEMBERS’ OVERALL MARK BEING CAPPED AT 40% An individual marks will be given for the Research Evaluation Report Individual overall marks will be based on the group mark, modified if necessary by the self assessment and/or a viva plus the mark for the Research Evaluation Report. Actual marks will not be disclosed; however you will be given feedback and an indication of individual and the overall grade (A to F). All marks are subject to agreement at the MBA Examination Board. Appendix a MBA7003 ASSIGNMENT 1a: MARKING & FEEDBACK SHEET (2011-12) Name: ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Student number: Marks Overall market profile 12 Main market segments 12 Macro and global environment 12 Main market competitors 12 Identification of opportunities 12 Quality, structure, questions 10 A 70+ B C D E 69-60 59-50 49-40 39-35 SOURCE REFERENCING CAP (20 minimum; Harvard referencing) OVERALL FEEDBACK (also see comments on assignment): 1st marked by: 40% F 34-0 Feedback (see also assignment) cap Signed: Dated: GRADE Signed: Dated: GRADE Second Markers’ comments (if relevant): 2nd marked by: Consolidated mark and comments: External Examiner comments (if relevant): FINAL MARK Appendix b MBA7003 ASSIGNMENT 1b: MARKING & FEEDBACK SHEET (2011-12) Name: ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Student number: Marks Review of secondary research 10 Discussion of primary research 10 Research objectives and methodology 10 A 70+ B C D E 69-60 59-50 49-40 39-35 F 34-0 Feedback (see also assignment) OVERALL FEEDBACK (also see comments on assignment): 1st marked by: Signed: Dated: GRADE Signed: Dated: GRADE Second Markers’ comments (if relevant): 2nd marked by: Consolidated mark and comments: External Examiner comments (if relevant): FINAL MARK Appendix c GROUP ASSIGNMENT SELF ASSESSMENT Ensure that you complete and hand in this form as instructed in the assignment briefing. Note that late or non compliance will result in capping of your individual mark to 40%. Complete the following sections, indicating with a [√] the level of contribution you feel you made, giving brief comments and/or details of your contribution in the text boxes. You should only tick one box as: [ ] [√] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] NOT as: [√] [√] [√] [√] [ ] [ ] 1. Your contribution to planning and organising the research I made a major contribution [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] Comments; how did you contribute to planning? I made little/no contribution 2. Your contribution to the research itself I made a major contribution [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] Comments; what specific sources/topics did you research? I made little/no contribution 3. Your contribution to analysing the information gathered I made a major contribution [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] I made little/no contribution Comments; how did you contribute to analysis? (continue overleaf if required) 4. Your contribution to preparing the presentation I made a major contribution [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] Comments; how did you contribute to the portfolio? I made little/no contribution 5. Your overall contribution to the work in relation to others in your group I made a relatively large contribution [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] I made relatively little/no contribution Comments; how did you contribute? Name: Student No: Signed: