1 - Community Transit

Scope of Work
This specification covers the design, fabrication, and testing of microwave radios for Community
Transit’s communication system infrastructure.
It is not Community Transit's intent to specify all technical requirements or to set forth those
requirements adequately covered by applicable codes and standards. The Vendor's product shall
meet the requirements of this specification and the applicable industry codes and standards.
It is the intent of Community Transit to have the Vendor Engineer and Furnish the microwave radio
system equipment described herein.
Upon acceptance of a purchase order based on this specification, the Vendor accepts full
responsibility for engineering, design, material, and workmanship of the product and warrants that
the product will satisfy the performance requirements of this specification.
The work includes all items necessary for the safe, efficient and continuous operation of the
equipment within the scope of this specification.
System Description
Community Transit operates a 700 MHz IPMobileNet (IPMN) IP-based mobile data system and a
Motorola 800 MHz conventional simulcast voice radio system. Both of these systems are
managed over an 9-hop, Aviat TruePoint 5200 microwave network. All radio system
infrastructure is owned by Community Transit.
The 700 MHz IPMobileNet mobile data system supports our Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and
Automatic Vehicle Locate (AVL) applications within the INIT Advanced Public Transportation
System (APTS). We are currently using this system for paratransit (DART) services and will be
expanding to the fixed route fleet later in 2012.
The 800 MHz Motorola voice system is a 4-channel conventional simulcast system. This system
is utilized by two different dispatch centers. Merrill Creek Dispatch is located at our central facility
on Hardeson Road and First Transit Dispatch is located at our Kasch Park facility off of Airport
Road. Dispatch Operations require reliable, radio communications systems 7 days a week, 24
hours a day, 365 days a year.
Community Transit is currently engaged in a grant funded project that includes the expansion of
our 700 MHz mobile data and 800 MHz voice radio systems to five new radio site locations. This
particular Request for Proposal (RFP) is for Microwave Radio Equipment. This equipment will
provide the backbone for the new five radio sites and connectivity to three of the existing sites as
shown in the list below.
The current radio system is comprised of nine (9) communications site locations. They are as
Kasch Park, Everett - Prime Site, All equipment is located in a secure communications building
that we own and maintain on Community Transit property.
80th ST SW, Everett - This is a microwave pass-through site connecting the microwave at Merrill
Creek to the Prime Site at Kasch Park. It has a small, self-contained cabinet that we own and
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Microwave Radio Equipment
maintain. Site managed by American Tower Corporation (ATC). This site serves as the relay
hop from MCOB to Kasch Park.
Merrill Creek Operations Base (MCOB), Everett - This is our Merrill Creek microwave that is
located at our Maintenance Building and provides direct connectivity to our Dispatch Operations
and data to the APTS Central Network in the Administration Building. This microwave path also
serves as the back-up path for IT services to Kasch Park.
Gunnysack Hill, Lynnwood – This is a complete radio repeater site with all equipment in secure
communications building that we own and maintain. This site is also one end of the path from
Clinton. The site is managed by Snohomish Emergency Radio System (SERS) on Alderwood
Water District property.
Frailey Mountain, Hwy. 530 (Darrington area) – This is a complete radio repeater site with all
equipment in secure communications building that we own and maintain. Access via Community
Transit scheduled helicopter services only. This site is managed by Snohomish Emergency
Radio System (SERS) on DNR property.
Gunsite Ridge, Granite Falls – This is a complete radio repeater site with all equipment in secure
communications building that is owned and maintained by Crown Castle.
Clinton, Whidbey Island - This is a complete radio repeater site with all equipment in secure
communications building that is owned and maintained by Crown Castle.
Queen Anne, Seattle - This is a complete radio repeater site with all equipment in secure
concrete penthouse on top of a Seattle Housing Authority building near the top of Queen Anne
Hill. The site is owned by Seattle Housing Authority and managed by Global Tower Partners
Tiger Mountain, Issaquah - This is a complete radio repeater site with all equipment in secure
communications building that is owned and maintained by American Tower Corporation (ATC).
This site is also one end of the path from Queen Anne.
The five new locations are:
Site 1 - Apple Cove, Kingston, WA - 27055 Ohio Ave., Kingston, WA 98346-8604;
LAT 47-48-28.35 N LON 122-29-39.49 W
Site 2 - King Lake, Monroe, WA - 20001 King Lake Road, Monroe, WA 98272;
LAT 47-48-56.7 N
LON 121-55-31.0 W
Site 3 - ATC Stach Site, Camano Island, WA - 209 West Camano Hill Rd., Camano Island, WA
LAT 48-11-22.3 N LON 122-29-39.2 W
Site 4 - Bothell, WA - 24330 23rd Ave., Bothell, WA 98021;
LAT 47-46-36.1 N LON 122-12-5.3 W
Site 5 - Northgate, Seattle, WA - 9417 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA;
LAT 47-41-50.2 N LON 122-19-4.7 W
Existing locations included in the work described herein are:
Site 6 - Kasch Park, Everett - 2300 Kasch Park Road , Everett, WA 98203;
LAT 47-55-03.3 N LON 122-16-02.4 W
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Microwave Radio Equipment
Site 7 - Gunnysack Hill, Lynnwood - 15304 35th Ave. W , Lynnwood, WA;
LAT 47-51-40.3 N122-17-06.4 W
Site 8 - Tiger Mountain, Issaquah – LAT 47-30-14.6 N LON 121-58-30.6 W
Codes and Standards
The equipment and accessories shall be designed, manufactured, and tested in
accordance with the applicable standards from the following organizations, including all
amendments in effect at the time of purchase order placement.
These codes and standards set forth minimum requirements necessary to assure
satisfactory performance of the Vendor's equipment. Other internationally recognized
codes and standards will be acceptable provided they meet or exceed the requirements
of the listed codes and standards.
If different from the project list, the Vendor shall submit, for Community Transit's
approval, details of the codes and standards which Vendor proposes to use. Vendor shall
demonstrate to the satisfaction of Community Transit that these codes and standards
meet or exceed the requirements of the codes and standards listed.
In the event of any conflict between codes, standards, and this specification; the Vendor
shall refer the conflict to Community Transit for written resolution before start of design.
Vendor shall provide a list of codes and standards used for the manufacture of Vendor's
product in effect at the time of purchase order.
All materials and equipment supplied under this specification shall comply with all
applicable regulations and standard listed below, and all Federal, State and Local
Statutes. All electrical material and equipment shall be listed and/or labeled by OSHA
through a National Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) and approved by the authority
having jurisdiction.
ANSI – American National Standards Institute
ANSI T1.101 – Synchronization Interface Standard
ANSI T1.102 - Digital Hierarchy – Electrical Interfaces
ANSI T1.105 - Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) - Basic Description including
Multiplex Structure, Rates and Formats
ANSI T1.106 - Digital Hierarchy - Optical Interface Specifications (Single Mode)
ANSI T1.107 - Digital Hierarchy - Format Specifications
ANSI T1.117 - Digital Hierarchy - Optical Interface Specifications (SONET) (Single Mode
- Short Reach)
ANSI T1.119 - Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) - Operations, Administration,
Maintenance and Provisioning (OAM&P) Communications
ANSI/ATIS- 0600315.2007- Voltage Levels for DC-Powered Equipment Used in the
Telecommunications Environment
ANSI//TIA Standard RS-232C
ANSI/TIA Standard RS-422
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Microwave Radio Equipment
FCC - Federal Communications Commission
IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEEE 802.3 - 10/100/1000bT Ethernet interfaces
ITU – International Telecommunication Union
ITU G. 8032 Ethernet Ring Protection
Telcordia Technologies (formerly Bellcore)
GR-499-CORE Transport Systems Generic Requirements (TSGR) Common
Requirements, Issue 4, November 2009
TR-TSY-000752 Microwave Digital Radio Systems Criteria
GR-474-CORE Network Maintenance: Alarm and Control for Network Elements, Issue 2,
May 2011
GR-63 –Core Network Equipment-Building System (NEBS) Requirements: Physical
Protection, Issue 3 March 2006
SR-332 Special Report, Reliability Prediction Procedure for Electronic Equipment, Issue
2, September 2006
GR-253-CORE “Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) Transport Systems: Common
Generic Criteria,” Issue 2, December 1995
GR-496-CORE SONET Add-Drop Multiplexer (SONET ADM) Generic Criteria, Issue 2,
August 2007
GR-1089-CORE, Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electrical Safety Generic Criteria for
Network Telecommunication Equipment
Codes and Standards of good practice issued by the following organizations:
FCC Rules Part 101
FCC Rules Part 15
FCC Rules Part 2
National Electric Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA)
Underwriters Laboratories (UL)
Vendor Documentation
Vendor shall refer to Section 1.21, List of Mandatory Forms and Documents, for the document
submittal requirements.
Section 1.21 - Submittal Procedures: Requirements for submittals.
Product Data: Submit manufacturers cut sheets for microwave radios, antennas,
waveguides and associated equipment. Submit manufacturer’s cut sheets for all antenna
mounts, and add manufacturer and model number for antenna mounts to the antenna
schedule shown in the drawings. Submit revised antenna schedule with antenna mount
information included.
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Microwave Radio Equipment
Test Reports: After award, and prior to shipping antennas, submit factory swept return
loss test reports provided by the manufacturer for the feed for each antenna.
Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Submit manufacturer’s installation instructions for
all antennas, antenna support structures, transmission lines, transmission line
connectors, transmission line ground kits transmission line entry ports, grounding bars
and surge suppressors provided under this Section.
Quality Assurance
Vendor shall refer to Section 3.12, Adherence to Established Service and Performance
Standards, for the Quality Assurance requirements.
Project Specific Site, Path, and Equipment Data
Vendor shall refer to both Appendix A and Appendix B for site, path, and equipment data.
Vendor’s design shall be suitable for operation at the conditions of service identified by this
In all respects, equipment shall incorporate the highest quality of modern engineering, design,
and workmanship. It is not the intent to specify all details of design and construction; therefore,
equipment shall be fabricated and equipped with accessories in accordance with Vendor's
standard practices when such practices do not conflict with this specification.
Microwave Radio System Types
Community Transit requires that the selected vendor provide digital microwave
equipment that operates in the FCC Part 101 licensed bands at lower 6 GHz, upper 6
GHz, and 11 GHz frequency bands. Microwave system must be capable of native TDM
operation. TDM emulation in an IP environment (Circuit Emulation Service over Ethernet
(CESoETH)) or provision of native TDM mode through Mixed Mode operation using
“hybrid” technology are both acceptable. The microwave equipment shall meet the
minimum requirements outlined in this specifications document.
General Requirements
All licensed microwave radios shall operate in spectrum allocated by the FCC under Part
101 as follows:
Lower 6 GHz (5.925 – 6.425 GHz)
Upper 6 GHz (6.525 – 6.875 GHz)
11 GHz (10.7 – 11.7 GHz)
Radio terminals are required to be an indoor only product for use at 6 GHz and 11 GHz.
Microwave radios shall provide simultaneous TDM and Ethernet modes and shall support
OC3 bandwidth in a 30 MHz radio channel (Kasch Park to Gunnysack path) and 16T1s in
a 5 MHz radio channel (all other paths). TDM emulation in an IP environment (Circuit
Emulation Service over Ethernet (CESoETH)) or provision of native TDM mode through
Mixed Mode operation using “hybrid” technology are both acceptable.
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Microwave Radio Equipment
All microwave radio shall be designed to provide the following quantities and types of
traffic interfaces:
2, 4, 8, 12, or 16 DS1
1 Ethernet – triple speed electrical 10Base-T, 100Base-T, 1000Base-T
The radio shall have the ability to assign either T1's or Ethernet utilizing its full
baseband throughput, through software configuration control. Ethernet shall
meet the IEEE802.3 interface standard.
The radio shall support AIS insertion and detection
Optical interface shall be an SC connector.
T1 interface shall be connectorized.
The microwave radio equipment shall have remote access capability for diagnostics,
monitoring of performance metrics and configuration data and remote configuration. The
microwave radio equipment shall be locally accessible via a laptop computer using a web
2.2.10 Management system support
A. Radio terminals shall have an Element Management System (EMS) or Microwave
Craft Terminal (MCT) software for both local and remote operations, administration,
maintenance and provisioning (OAM&P) of the a complete radio system as a single
Network Element (NE) – whether comprised of a simple terminal, and repeater, or a
N-way hub.
B. The EMS shall be capable of end-to-end, point and click circuit provisioning of all
traffic interfaces (radio, Ethernet and TDM) as well as service cross-connections.
C. The radio shall be capable of reporting alarm, status conditions as well as
performance monitoring and diagnostic information to external Network Management
System(s) via SNMPv2.
2.2.11 Radios shall support port or card level redundancy by software control and with
appropriate hardware equipage
2.2.12 Radio shall support optional redundancy of system control and switching fabric
2.2.13 Community Transit will use standard Windows-based PCs for field configuration and
Vendor shall provide a description of operating system, hardware requirements, and any
additional required software.
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Microwave Radio Equipment
General Equipment Specifications
Environmental and Physical Parameters
A. The microwave transceivers for all-indoor radio configurations shall be fully
operational within the temperature range of -0° C to +50° C.
B. The microwave radio equipment shall employ a modular design. The all-indoor
configuration shall accommodate minimum two radio transceivers in one chassis (for
dual 1+0, 2+0 or 1+1 systems).
C. The microwave radio equipment and all its systems and components quoted shall be
fully self-contained and mount in standard ANSI/EIA 310 19” equipment racks.
D. The waveguide interface for the microwave equipment shall be the CPR type of the
appropriate type for the selected frequency band. Vendor shall note if this is not the
case, and shall include the required rigid transition adaptors in their proposal.
E. The radio shall be NEBS Level 3 compliant.
F. Vendor shall provide a certificate from a recognized laboratory of NEBS Certification.
Vendor shall, at the request of Community Transit, provide a copy of the NEBS tests
and results.
The radio, when mounted in an optional seismic style relay rack, shall meet the requirements of
GR-63, for seismic and site vibrations. Also, the radio shall be resistant to the effects of
mechanical shock (microphonic induced transmission impairments) caused by normal
maintenance actions such as unit replacements.
A. The radio system shall have self-contained cooling systems to maintain continuous
operation and specified performance under environmental temperatures ranging from
0° to 50° C.
B. Fan units shall have redundant fan assemblies such that failure of an individual fan
motor/blade assembly does not cause an interruption of traffic or degraded
performance of the radio system. Such fan assembly failures shall also generate an
alarm – both locally via contact closure as well as through the network management
Electromagnetic Compatibility
A. The radio equipment shall be designed to operate in a communications equipment
environment installed in or near the vicinity of other types of equipment which may
include other digital radio equipment, fiber optic terminal equipment, FDM analog
microwave, VHF\UHF base stations, transfer trip and power line carrier equipment
and telephone signaling equipment.
Power Requirements
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Microwave Radio Equipment
A. The microwave radio equipment shall operate from a nominal -48 VDC power source
per ANSI/T1 315.
B. The microwave radio equipment shall allow the “hot” insertion and removal of radio
transceiver, modem and tributary cards without service interruptions or damage to
themselves or other modules. The radio shall also be capable of “hot” insertion and
removal of an out-of-service common equipment module.
C. The microwave radio equipment shall restart with no loss of provisioning for
interfaces and traffic cross-connections upon the loss and regaining of power.
Alarms and Status Indications
Each microwave radio equipment module shall have a visual alarm/status indication noting either
“normal” or “alarm” condition. A summary remote alarm shall be available via dry contacts (Form
C) indicating, as a minimum, microwave radio equipment alarm conditions for the following:
A. Critical Alarm
B. Major Alarm
C. Minor Alarm
Rack Space
Preference will be given to proposed microwave radio systems that occupy the minimum of
vertical rack space.
Link and Network Topologies & Protection
The following configurations shall be supported by the microwave radio equipment:
1+0 (non-protected, single channel)
N+0 (non-protected, multi-channel)
1+1 Hot Standby
1+1 Hot Standby with Space diversity
o Space diversity receiver switching shall be errorless
E. The radio shall support port or card level redundancy by software control (when
appropriate hardware units are equipped).
F. The radio shall support optional redundancy of system control and switching fabric.
RF Specifications and Features
Radios shall meet the following specifications:
A. Transmitter output power (typical at 128 QAM in a 30 MHz channel and 128 TCM in a
5 MHz channel, and with reference to the output port of the transmitter unit)
Frequency Band
Lower 6 GHz, Std. Power
Lower 6 GHz, High Power
Lower 6 GHz, Std. Power
Lower 6 GHz, High Power
11 GHz
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Minimum TX Power
+26 dBm
+29 dBm
+26 dBm
+29 dBm
+26 dBm
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Microwave Radio Equipment
B. Radio shall offer a narrow band RF filtering that enables co-polar channel stacking
with 60 MHz separation (with reference to a 30 MHz channel – i.e. stacking of second
adjacent channel on the same antenna polarization)
C. Stacking shall not require that the radios be placed more than 1 rack unit (1 ¾ inch)
apart when mounted in a relay rack.
D. Independent local oscillators on the transmitter and receiver to enable non-standard
pairing of transmit and receive frequencies.
E. RF Switch for hot standby TX configuration
F. Auto-tuning when spare unit is installed
G. Standard transmitter-receiver filtering and combining using an integrated diplexer.
H. Option for transmitter-receiver filtering and waveguide branching that allows stacking
of multiple radios on the same antenna/waveguide system
Option for waveguide branching to provide RF Expansion Ports for stacking
additional radios in the future.
Latency Criteria
Vendor shall indicate worst-case latencies for proposed MW Radio equipment, connected backto-back (back-to-back means with effective zero transmission propagation delays between the
two connected equipment units), for the following scenarios and OC3 payload:
A. 1 Hop
B. 5 Hops
C. 10 Hops
D. 20 Hops
Frequency Stability shall be +/- 10 ppm
Automatic Transmitter Power Control
The radio shall support Automatic Transmitter Power Control with independently variable
maximum, minimum, and operational threshold settings, all adjustable in 1dB steps. Range may
be variable based on modulation setting, but in any case, shall be no less than 10 dB.
Cross-Polarity Interference Canceller
The radio shall be capable of co-channel, dual polarity operation using Cross-Polarity
Interference Canceller (XPIC) technology.
Compatibility with Antenna/Waveguide systems
Transmitter shall operate at full power with an Antenna/Waveguide Return Loss as high as 13 dB.
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Microwave Radio Equipment
TDM Features & Specifications
OC3 per ANSI T1.105
T1 per ANSI T1.102
The radio shall support the following synchronization capabilities:
C. TDM Line Timing (Radio, or DS1)
Network Management
Network Management Interfaces
The radio shall have a choice of network management system interfaces equipped integral to the
radio terminal. These choices may include, as a minimum, a parallel interface and/or a serial
interface, and must include an SNMPV2 interface.
A. Parallel Interface – If employed, the parallel network management interface shall
provide dry contact relay contact closures to ground for the radio alarms and radio
remote control inputs allowing use of third party network management remotes and
masters. The Vendor shall describe the specific alarm and control points supported
through this interface.
B. Serial Interface – If employed, the serial network management interface shall provide
network management alarm, control and performance monitoring features allowing
automatic reporting to a serial master station. The telemetry channel shall be digital
and operate at 64kb/s and be independent of the radio traffic. This interface shall be
capable of also reporting alarms for external equipment and station housekeeping
(user defined alarm points) as well as providing remote control capability for external
equipment (user defined). The Vendor shall describe the type of serial interface, the
specific alarm, control, and performance monitoring parameters supported through
this interface, including the number of points, and the data rate of the service
C. SNMP Interface - The radio shall provide an SNMP network management interface
capable of providing alarm data for the radio. The interface shall be compliant with
version 2.0 and 3.0 of the SNMP standard. The Vendor shall state the specific alarm
points supported.
A. Normal maintenance actions that include replacements of failed or faulty redundant
traffic processing units on the off-line portion of the radio shall not cause hits or
impairments on the online portion of the radio.
1. Test Points/Voltage Displays - Means shall be provided to measure or read-out
critical voltage parameters within the radio. This may be satisfied through test
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Microwave Radio Equipment
points suitable for simple voltmeter connection or voltage reading displays using
built-in devices in conjunction with a hand-held terminal or laptop PC. The
following parameters, as a minimum, shall be able to be monitored in such a
2. Station DC Voltage
3. Direct measurement of transmitter power output and transmitter frequency via an
integrated calibrated RF test port (SMA connector). An external waveguide
directional coupler is not acceptable.
B. The following minimum parameters shall be capable of being monitored at the farend of the path using the remote display capability. The voltages shall be capable of
being monitored at the network management center through use of the serial network
management interface option.
1. Offline Diagnostics - Radio system shall provide diagnostic alarms and status on
both online and off-line devices in redundant systems (hot-standby 1+1,
frequency diversity 1:1 and space diversity receivers). As a minimum, the
following parameters that shall be provided:
2. Transmitter – RF Transmit Power alarm
3. Transmitter – ATPC High Power alarm
4. Receiver – Radio Framing Loss alarm
5. Receiver – DS1 or DS3 Failure
6. Receiver – Total Bit Errors (counter, with local and remote reset capability)
7. Receiver – Total Errored Seconds
8. Receiver – Total Severely Errored Seconds
9. Receiver – Bit Error Rate
Manufacturing Process Quality
In order to insure the highest quality telecommunications equipment, the Vendor's manufacturing
facility shall be TL 9000 certified.
Service Life and Parts Availability
A. The radio equipment shall be designed for a service life of at least 10 years.
B. The bidder shall provide written certification from the manufacturers of major items of
electronic equipment and software that the manufacturers will support their products for
not less than (10) years from date of the last sale. Notification shall be given in advance
for 1 year of any change in the status from products available form regular production to
maintenance only. Support shall include all equipment, software, documentation, parts,
technical assistance, repair, service, and any other items necessary for continuing
operation of the Microwave System Equipment. Equipment items or software no longer
in production shall be replaceable by functionally equivalent items or software.
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Microwave Radio Equipment
Modulation Requirements
A. Modulation formats shall support OC3 payload in a 30 MHz RF channel for OC3 radios.
B. Modulation formats shall support 16T1 payload in a 5 MHz RF channel for 16T1 radios.
6 GHz Radio System Requirements
2.10.1 Frequency Band
The radio system shall be capable of operation in the FCC Part 101 frequency bands of 5.925 –
6.425 GHz and 6.525 – 6.875 GHz.
2.10.2 Capacity Requirements
The radio system shall be designed to provide a minimum of 16 T1 capacity in a 5 MHz RF
2.10.3 System Gain
The radio system shall have a minimum system gain of 105 dB for16 T1 capacity in a 5 MHz RF
2.10.4 RF Interfaces
A. Any user-accessible physical RF connections within the radio equipment shall not employ
semi-rigid coaxial cables due to problems with breaking of connectors with periodic
maintenance. Only flexible RF cables may be used.
B. External RF interface feeding the antenna shall be a CMR-137 or CPR-137waveguide
flange interface for 6 GHz radios. If the flange is a CMR137, an adapter from CMR-137 to
CPR-137 shall be provided.
2.10.5 Protection Configuration
The radios shall be capable of being provisioned with the following protection configuration, which
shall be self-contained including all protection switching equipment
A. 1+0 (non-protected, single channel)
B. N+0 (non-protected, multi-channel)
C. 1+1 Hot Standby
D. 1+1 Hot Standby with Space diversity
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Microwave Radio Equipment
11 GHz Radio System Requirements
2.11.1 Frequency Band
The radio system shall be capable of operation in the FCC Part 101 frequency bands of 10.700 11.7 GHz
2.11.2 Capacity Requirements
The radio system shall be designed to provide a minimum of OC3 (155 Mpbs) capacity in a 30
MHz RF channel.
2.11.3 System Gain
The radio system shall have a minimum system gain of 98 dB for OC3 (155 Mbps) capacity in a
30 MHz RF channel.
2.11.4 RF Interfaces
Any user-accessible physical RF connections within the radio equipment shall not employ semirigid coaxial cables due to problems with breaking of connectors with periodic maintenance. Only
flexible RF cables shall be used.
External RF interface feeding to the antenna shall be WR-90 or CPR-90 waveguide flange
interfaces. If the flange is a type CMR, a CMR to CPR-90 adaptor shall be provided.
2.11.5 Protection Configuration
The radios shall be capable of being provisioned with the following protection configuration, which
shall be self-contained including all protection switching equipment
A. 1+0 (non-protected, single channel)
B. N+0 (non-protected, multi-channel)
C. 1+1 Hot Standby
D. 1+1 Hot Standby with Space diversity
2.11.6 Antennas, Waveguide, and Associated Equipment
Provide antennas, waveguides, waveguide hangers, pressure windows, waveguide
grounding kits, and other associated equipment for each site as listed in Appendix B.
Manufacturer’s part numbers shown in Appendix B are listed on an “approved equivalent”
basis. Any substitutions must be approved by Community Transit. Frequency
coordination for the microwave paths has been performed based on the use of the
antenna patterns for the specific Andrew antennas listed in Appendix B. Antennas
provided by other manufacturers may not have equivalent patterns that comply with
protection requirements and may not allow for successful frequency coordination. Any
re-coordination required as a result of the substitution of antennas different than those
shown in Appendix B shall be the responsibility of the Vendor.
2.11.7 Waveguide Dehydrators
A. Provide new waveguide dehydrators for use at each of the new CT radio sites, as
listed in Appendix B. These units shall be Environmental Technology, Inc. ADH-
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Microwave Radio Equipment
NETCOM (or approved equivalent) wall mounted waveguide dehydrator and
distribution manifold. 48 VDC power will be supplied to these units from 48 VDC
circuit breaker panel at each site.
B. Provide ETI RCM-2 (or approved equivalent) eight port manifolds as listed in
Appendix B. Provide tee connection with a snubber (Omega PS-4G or approved
equivalent) and pressure transducer (Omega PX219-015G10V (or approved
equivalent) for use on the input port of each manifold. Provide a single tee
connection and back mounted gage (Omega PGU-15B-30PSI/2BAR [Order number
17846-3-12] (or approved equivalent) for use at each output port of the manifold at
each site (as shown in Appendix B) to monitor the pressure at the port feeding the
new waveguide run.
The specifications for the new dehydrators are shown below:
Maximum dew point
Power Supply
Nominal power
Maximum power
Relay contact ratings
Operating temperature
Storage temperatures
Net weight (rack mount)
Size (rack mount)
6 psig (Available Option from ETI)
7.1 ft³/hr
-40°F (-40°C)
Automatic, demand
-48 VDC (Available Option from ETI)
60 va
146 va
1 Amp at 240 Vac
32°F – 130°F (0°C – 55°C)
-40°F – 150°F (-40°C – 60°C)
31.3 lbs (14.2 kg)
19" x 19" x 5.25" (48.3cm x 48.3cm x 13.3cm)
The specifications for the RCM-2 manifold are shown below:
Number of ports
Port Fittings
1/8” NPT Male barbed fitting
Full Scale Pressure Gage Calibration
15 psig
Individual on/off valves on each port
Vertical Mounting
The specifications for the Omega PX219-015G10V pressure transducer are
shown below:
Vibration Sensitivity: At 20 g peak sinusoidal vibration from 10 Hz to 2000 Hz
(1⁄2" D.A.), the output shall not exceed 0.04%
FS/g for 15 psi range to 0.005%
FS/g for 100 psi and above
Natural Frequency: >35 kHz for 100 psi range
Gage Type: Diffused silicon strain gages
Wetted Parts: 316 SS, borosilicate glass, silicon nitride, epoxy
Pressure Port: 1⁄4-18 NPT
Output Voltage: 0-10 Volts full scale
Electrical Connections:
Supply and install connector to match input connector on DPS Telecom telemetry
Weight: 128 g (4.5 oz)
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Microwave Radio Equipment
The specifications for the Omega PGU-15B-30PSI/2BAR pressure gage are
shown below:
Dial Size: 38 mm/1-1/2”
Range: 30 psi/2 bar
Accuracy: ±3-2-3%
Bourdon Tube: Phosphor Bronze
Window: Glass
Dial: ABS
Case: Painted Steel
Connection: 1/8” NPTM
Preliminary Design Findings
A. A preliminary design was performed by the Community Transit, based on survey results,
field measurements, initial frequency availability assessments and interference analysis,
and the application of RF path modeling software.
B. The results of this analysis are shown in Attachment A to this specification document for
information and to guide the Vendor’s detailed RF engineering effort.
MW Links and Capacity Requirements
A. The required capacity for each of the microwave radio links is shown in Attachment B to
this document, listed by link.
B. Anticipated quantities of radio equipment and the specific scope of work elements by
radio path and/or site are described under in Appendix B.
Coordination After Award
Coordinate and confirm engineering design and details after contract award and provide
for changes as necessary.
Performance Verification & Factory Acceptance Testing
Path Design & Performance
A. Path profiles and path reliability calculations for each of the new CT paths are shown
in Appendix A, based on typical microwave radio TPO and receiver sensitivity
specifications. Vendors shall perform their own calculations and studies, including
field verification as required to achieve path reliability and system performance
objectives. Vendors shall submit these calculations and studies as part their
response to this RFP.
B. The annual one-way path propagation reliability for each path shall be a minimum of
99.999% based on a maximum BER of 10-6, except for the King Lake to Stach
(Camano) path, due to path length, constraints on dish size and the inability to add
space diversity due to space and structural limitations on the towers. On that path
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the minimum one-way path propagation reliability shall be 99.9959% based on a
maximum BER of 10-6.
C. Propagation outage and reliability shall be based on the Vigants model (Ref. “Space
Diversity Engineering”, Bell System Technical Journal, January, 1975):
P = 2.5 x10-6 x C x f x d3 x 10–A/10
P = Fade Probability
C = Climate/Terrain factor
f = frequency in GHz
d = path length in miles
A = effective (composite) fade margin
D. A climate factor of C = 2 shall be assumed.
E. The effective or composite fade margin shall be calculated using:
A = -10 x log (10-DFM/10 + 10-TFM/10)
DFM = Dispersive Fade Margin
TFM = Thermal Fade Margin
F. If space diversity is required to meet the specified outage objectives, the following
shall be used to calculate the diversity improvement factor (Vigants):
Isd = 7 x10-5 x f x v2 x s2 x 10A/10/d
v = difference in main and diversity signals
s = vertical spacing of antennas in feet
G. Rainfall outage calculations shall assume Crane 96, Zone C2.
Factory Test Program
A. The factory Test Program shall consist of Pre-Factory Acceptance Test (Pre-FAT)
followed by a Factory Acceptance Test (FAT).
A. The Pre-FAT shall be successfully conducted by Vendor's qualified personnel before
the FAT can be scheduled. Vendor shall provide the test equipment and personnel
for the Pre-FAT. Vendor shall notify CT of the successful implementation of all
required tests, and a complete report documenting the test results (Section 10.1.6).
Owner will review and confirm the results within 10 working days of receipt. Test
results determined to be incomplete or non-compliant shall be rejected and the tests
shall be repeated. Owner's Representative(s) will travel to Vendor's factory for the
FAT after confirmation of the successful performance of the Pre-FAT. All travel and
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expenses for the Owner’s Representative(s) for the FAT shall be borne by
Community Transit.
B. The following tests and measurements shall be performed in the Pre-FAT:
1. Standard Factory Test
Vendor's standard factory test procedures, including panel and system test, shall
be carried out and the test data recorded.
2. Continuous 24-Hour Elevated Temperature Tests
After the standard tests are completed, each hop of equipment shall be
connected back-to-back in an environmental chamber whose temperature and
relative humidity shall be held constant at 40°C and 10%, respectively. The radio
hop shall be simulated by variable RF attenuators, test cords and waveguide as
required for a normal received signal level of about 15 dB above the 10-6
performance level. The elevated temperature tests shall be performed "handsoff" with measurements made end-to-end at the DS1 or DS3 level. The following
tests shall be implemented successfully for a continuous 24-hour period:
3. Bit Error Rate (BER)
The BER shall not exceed 10-12 (maximum of 4 bit errors allowed at DS3, one at
4. Errored Seconds (ES)
The number of ES shall not exceed 4 at DS3 and 1 at DS1 rate. An error second
shall be defined as a 1 second interval within which at least one error has
5. Severely Errored Seconds (SES)
Severely Errored Seconds shall be recorded and report. A severely errored
second shall be defined as a 1 second interval within which at least 44736 bit
errors have occurred at the DS3 rate or the BER is greater than or equal to 10-3
at DS1.
6. Frame-Loss Seconds (FLS)
Frame Loss Seconds shall be recorded. A frame-loss second shall be defined as
a 1 second interval within which a loss-of-frame condition exists or the BER is
10-3, or greater.
7. Transmitter Output Power and Operating Frequencies
The transmitter output power and frequency of each transmitter and receiver
shall be recorded and meet specifications at 4 hour intervals.
8. Test Equipment for Pre-FAT
Vendor shall provide test equipment which can monitor and provide a real-time,
hard-copy record of the number of bit errors; the BER the number of ES, SES
and FLS; power failure and test equipment loss-of-synch count; and Test Start
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and End Time of the 24-hour test. SES shall be set at 44736 errors in one
second at DS3 rate, or 1544 errors in one second at DS1.
9. Testing of Spares
All spares units furnished by Vendors shall be fully tested on a panel basis and
then substituted into appropriate equipment positions to ensure
interchangeability. Spares shall be operated in other equipment or on bench for
at least 24 hours before the start of the Factory Acceptance Test to eliminate
early failure problems.
10. Pre-FAT Report
Prior to the start of the Factory Acceptance Test, Vendor shall provide Owner
with a report which shall include the following:
A. Standard Factory Test Results
B. Continuous 24-Hour elevated Temperature Test Data and Equipment Failure
C. Finalized Equipment List
A. After confirmation of the successful completion of the Pre-FAT, Owner's
Representative(s) will travel to Vendor's factory to witness the FAT. Owner's
Representative(s) will give the acceptance for delivery of the equipment to
Owner's location upon verification of satisfactory FAT results.
B. Vendor shall provide all necessary test equipment and personnel for the
The test results shall be clearly documented and meet the
requirements specified in the document. One copy shall be included with
each technical manual.
C. The equipment for each individual hop shall be tested back-to-back at room
temperature, as in the Pre-FAT. All other Vendor supplied items not
previously integrated into the radio assemblies shall be wired and tested
together with the main equipment. Where applicable, the tests shall be
performed for all transmitter to receiver combinations (time permitting),
otherwise combinations will be chosen at random.
D. The FAT shall consist of the standard factory systems tests and the following
optional test and measurements:
1. Random Verification of Standard Factory Test Data
2. Overnight Performance Tests (12-Hour Minimum at DS3 Rate)
3. BER Monitor
The BER shall be measured and recorded at a RSL of about 15 db
above the 10-12 performance level (2 bit errors allowed at DS3, none at
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4. Errored Seconds (ES)
The number of ES shall be measured and recorded at a RSL of about 15
dB above the 10-6 performance level. The number of ES shall not
exceed 2 over the consecutive 12 hour period at DS3, none at DS1.
5. Severely Errored Seconds (SES)
The number of SES shall be measured and recorded at an RSL of about
15 dB above the 10-6 performance level. There shall be no SES.
6. Frame Loss Seconds
Frame loss seconds shall not be accepted.
7. Transmitter Output Power and Frequency Stability of Transmitter and
The transmitter output power and operating frequency of each
transmitter and receiver shall be recorded and meet specifications at the
start and completion of the overnight performance test.
8. Bit Error Rate Performance and Threshold
Vendor shall measure each hop's Bit Error Rate (BER) performance at
various RF received signal levels. the test shall show at what level the
RSL the BER degrades to 10-3, and 10-8.
9. System Gain and Thermal Fade Margin
10. Dynamic Range
11. Protection Switching Logic
12. Radio Alarm and Control Indications
13. Multiplex alarm and Control Indications
14. Remote Alarm, Control and Metering Operation
15. Random Substitution of Spares
16. Mechanical Stability and Microphonics
17. Recovery Time from a Short Transient System Disturbance and
Prolonged RF Outage (1 minute)
18. Reframe and Resynchronization Times
19. Maximum Switching Time and Incurred Bit Errors of the Receivers,
Transmitters, and Transmit and Receiver Multiplexers Switching to the
Protection Unit (under the following conditions):
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Microwave Radio Equipment
a. Automatic Transfer
b. Manual Transfer
C. Vendor shall provide a detailed Factory Test Plan to Community Transit for approval
prior to the performance of the Factory Tests. Factory Tests shall demonstrate
compliance with all specifications, functional requirements, and performance
requirements as detailed in these specifications. The Factory Tests shall be
witnessed by up to four representatives from Community Transit. Vendor shall
provide copies of the Factory Test results to Community Transit at the end of the
Factory Tests.
A. Manufacturer shall to provide operations and maintenance training on the products
offered. This training shall be separate from Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) and
should be offered on different dates than FAT.
B. Training shall include a combination of documentation and hands-on lab training that
provides students the ability to recognize and troubleshoot problems with the
system. This training shall also include the alarming components of the system and
how the SNMP traps are sent, identified, acknowledged, and resolved.
C. Provide training for up to 4 students. Travel and lodging will be the responsibility of
Community Transit and/or their representatives.
Final Acceptance
Final acceptance of the Microwave System shall consist of successful completion of factory
acceptance tests, submittal by the Vendor of all test results, manuals, and other documentation,
completion of Vendor-provided training, and correction of all deficiencies to the satisfaction of
Community Transit.
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