ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25 N 2234 Date: 2014-02-25 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25 INTERCONNECTION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT Secretariat: Germany (DIN) DOC TYPE: TITLE: SOURCE: PROJECT: STATUS: ACTION ID: DUE DATE: REQUESTED: ACTION MEDIUM: DISTRIBUTION: No of Pages: Voting report and collation of comments Voting report to ISO/IEC DIS 30100-3: IT– Home network resource management: Part 3: Management applications. ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25 Secretary CS#: 56727 The NWIP has been distributed with the SC 25 N 1745 and JTC 1 N 9964. It has been approved as recorded in SC 25 N 1769. A CD was distributed with SC 25 N 2011 that showed support and the need for substantial changes, see voting N 2040. The comments have been resolved and implemented as recorded in SC 25 N 2129. The text was updated to DIS accordingly and distributed, for information with SC 25 N2130 for translation. The DIS The DIS was approved with comments is recorded in this document, SC 25 N 2234. FYI n/a To the Members of SC 25 for information. to SC 25 for resolution of comments and preparation of the FDIS text. Def ITTF, JTC 1 Secretariat P-, L-, O-Members of SC 25 and WG 1 for resolution of comments 6 (including cover) Secretary - ISO/IEC JTC 1 / SC 25 - Dr.-Ing. Walter P. von Pattay Member of ZVEI FV 7 & FV 8, Germany Tel.: +49/89/923 967 57, Tfx.: +49/89/923 967 59 (on request only) EM: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25 N 2234 Date: 2014-02-25 Ballot Information Reference Edition number ISO/IEC DIS 30100-3 1 English title Information technology -- Home network resource management -- Part 3: Management application Interconnexion des équipements de technologie de l'information -- Gestion du réseau domestique -- Partie 3: French title Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25 Start date 2013-08-13 Opened by ISO/CS 2013-08-13 00:06:47 on Status Closed End date Closed by ISO/CS on 2013-11-13 2013-11-15 00:21:06 Voting stage Note Version number 1 Enquiry Result of voting P-Members voting: 18 in favour out of 18 = 100 % (requirement >= 66.66%) (P-Members having abstained are not counted in this vote.) Member bodies voting: 0 negative votes out of 21 = 0 % (requirement <= 25%) Approved ISO/IEC JTC 1 / SC 533577329 1 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25 N 2234 Date: 2016-03-07 Votes by members Country Armenia Australia Austria Belarus Belgium Canada China Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany India Ireland Italy Jamaica Japan Kazakhstan Korea, Republic of Lebanon Malaysia Malta Mexico Netherlands Nigeria Norway Pakistan Poland Russian Federation Singapore South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Zimbabwe P-Member TOTALS Total of P-Members voting: 18 TOTALS Member SARM SA ASI BELST NBN SCC SAC UNMZ DS SFS AFNOR DIN BIS NSAI UNI BSJ JISC KAZMEMST KATS LIBNOR DSM MCCAA DGN NEN SON SN PSQCA PKN GOST R SPRING SG SABS AENOR SIS SNV ESMA BSI ANSI SAZ Status P-Member P-Member P-Member O-Member P-Member P-Member P-Member P-Member P-Member P-Member P-Member P-Member P-Member P-Member P-Member P-Member P-Member P-Member P-Member P-Member P-Member P-Member O-Member P-Member P-Member P-Member P-Member O-Member P-Member P-Member P-Member P-Member P-Member P-Member P-Member P-Member Secretariat P-Member Approval Disapproval Abstention X X X X X X X X X X X X* X X X X X* X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 18 0 14 21 0 14 (*) A comment file was submitted with this vote Comments from Voters Germany DIN P-Member Japan JISC P-Member ISO_IEC DIS 30100-3_DIN.doc ISO_IEC DIS 30100-3_JISC.doc 2 533577329 Date: 2013-11-27 Collation of comment to 30100-3: IT– Home network resource management: Part 3: Management applications. MB/NC1 Line number Clause/ Subclause Paragraph/ (e.g. 3.1) Figure/ (e.g. 17) JP01 l. 131 Type of comment Document: ISO/IEC 30100-3 Comments Project: CS#: 56727 Proposed change 2 Table/ Observations of the secretariat (e.g. Table 1) Introduction E Definition will be required for the apartment complex server, apartment complex office, home residential gateway, and set top box (STB). Should be added the definitions of the apartment complex server, apartment complex office, home residential gateway, and set top box (STB). * Supported Apartment complex server: computer remotely managing services for residents in a multi-unit dwelling Apartment complex office: management facility that provides services for residents in a multi-unit dwelling Home residential gateway: interface between external networks and home networks Set-top box: interface between an external service and home equipment JP02 JP03 l.284 l.285 5.4 5.4 E E There is no brackets “[]” in Figure2. There is no figure items indicating “the event registration messages” Should be deleted “In the Figure 2 messages in brackets “[]” are 284 optional messages.” Are there, optional messages in table 2? Should be changed to “For example, in order to receive events of interest, event registration messages of the following HRM_regUserEvent are used, and when there are no events of interest, these messages are not used.” Please complete figure and its description * Accommodated. Insert missing brackets around messages 3 and 6. * Accommodated. With revised text: “the event registration messages (3 and 6) …” page 3 533577329 Date: 2013-11-27 Collation of comment to 30100-3: IT– Home network resource management: Part 3: Management applications. MB/NC1 Line number Clause/ Subclause Paragraph/ (e.g. 3.1) Figure/ (e.g. 17) JP04 JP05 JP06 JP07 JP08 JP09 JP10 JP11 JP12 l.286 l.294 l.315 l.338-1 Type of comment 5.4 5.4 5.4 6.2 E E E E l.415 Description E Description E Description E Description E l.512 Proposed change 2 Table/ 6.2 l.511 Comments Project: CS#: 56727 Observations of the secretariat (e.g. Table 1) l.33814 l.465 Document: ISO/IEC 30100-3 E Grammatical error : “when there are no events ” Spell error “step 4” Editorial comment: “resource” from context. ? Should be changed to “when there is no event” Should be changed to “Step 4” Supported Should be changed to “resources” Supported * Rejected Consider * Agreed * Agreed Should be changed to “authenticate a user” from “authenticate user” Either as proposed or "users" “source resource identifier” is used at l.499 as “using the source ID”. Avoid ambiguities Editorial comment: “so that user can get” Editorial comment: “resource ID and source resource ID” ? Editorial error: “the user sends resourceID, objectID” ? Editorial error: “The User can also register” * Agreed * Agreed. Change “source resource identifier” in the table o “source ID”. Should be changed to “so that the user can get” Should be changed to “resource ID and source ID” Either "a user" or "users" Should be changed to “the user sends resource ID, object ID” Should be changed to “The user can also The union: " the user sends: resource ID, object ID and "? * Agreed. Change to “the users” Please explain * Accommodated by changing “source resource” to “source”. Also removed spaces before ID because resourceID and objectID are parameter names. * Rejected because resourceID and objectID are parameter names. Please explain page 4 533577329 Date: 2013-11-27 Collation of comment to 30100-3: IT– Home network resource management: Part 3: Management applications. MB/NC1 Line number Clause/ Subclause Paragraph/ (e.g. 3.1) Figure/ (e.g. 17) JP13 JP14 JP15 JP16 JP17 JP18 l.523 l.564 l.578 l.588 l.588 l.588 Type of comment Document: ISO/IEC 30100-3 Comments Proposed change 2 Table/ Project: CS#: 56727 Observations of the secretariat (e.g. Table 1) Description E and others G Description E 6.4.1 E 6.4.1 6.4.1 E E register” * Agreed. Editorial error: “the user sends resourceID, objectID”? Should be changed to “the user sends resource ID, object ID” Please explain It is unclear who assigns and manages the resourceID, objectID, and processID and the numbering? by user or management company or manufacturer? Should be added as “the assigning of resourceID, objectID, and processID, numbering, and the management should be controlled by such like an IANA for internet resource and/or some third party organization in the country, the district or area.” Responsibilities shall be clearly defined Editorial comment: “so that user can get” Should be changed to “so that the user can get” Either "the user" or " users" Character error :”DominInfo” Should be changed to “DomainInfo”. Supported Editorial comment in “Description of ResourceInfo, “detail resource information” Should be changed to “detailed resource information”. Supported Editorial error in Description of Should be changed to Supported * Rejected because resourceID and objectID are parameter names. * Accommodated by inserting the following after the first sentence in “The assignment of identifiers for the apartment complex shall be unique for that complex and may be provided by the complex manager.” * Agreed to select “the user”. * Agreed * Agreed page 5 533577329 Date: 2013-11-27 Collation of comment to 30100-3: IT– Home network resource management: Part 3: Management applications. MB/NC1 Line number Clause/ Subclause Paragraph/ (e.g. 3.1) Figure/ (e.g. 17) JP19 JP20 JP21 JP22 l.588 G L.860, L.867,L .883 Annex B E l.872-4 B.3.2 250 254 Proposed change 2 Table/ 6.4.1 and others l.897 Comments Project: CS#: 56727 Observations of the secretariat (e.g. Table 1) RelationInfo, “detail relation information” “detailed relation information” * Agreed It is unclear who assigns and manages the domain and the numbering? by user or management company or manufacturer? Should be added as “the assigning of domain id, numbering, and the management should be controlled by such like an IANA for internet resource and/or some third party organization in the country, the district or area.” Supported with changing "should" to "shall" Editorial comment: “Fehler!” Should be deleted. This is the indication of a mistake that has to be founded solved. * See JP14 * Agreed, error not found. B.3.5 DE 01 DE 02 Type of comment Document: ISO/IEC 30100-3 5.1 Beginning position of lines should be arranged. Change informative paragraph Editorial comment: “Fault diagnosis result notify” should be changed to “Notification of Fault diagnosis result” Supported ge Approval with comments Note ge “The home resource management architecture consists of three parts as described in ISO/IEC 30100-2: E E * Agreed Accommodated by changing to “Notification of result of fault diagnosis” Postpone ISO/IEC 301003 until ISO/IEC 30100-2 has been finalized. This is correct since 3010C-2 is reference normatively although missing in clause 2 , where it has to be added page 6 533577329 Date: 2013-11-27 Collation of comment to 30100-3: IT– Home network resource management: Part 3: Management applications. MB/NC1 Line number (e.g. 17) Clause/ Subclause Paragraph/ (e.g. 3.1) Figure/ Table/ Type of comment Comments Document: ISO/IEC 30100-3 Proposed change 2 Project: CS#: 56727 Observations of the secretariat (e.g. Table 1) Resource information provider Resource management process * Agreed. Process ISO/IEC 30100-3 when ISO/OEC 30100-2 reached DIS stage. Management application” ISO/IEC 30100-2 is referenced but has not been published yet. 1 2 MB = Member body / NC = National Committee (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorialI page 7 533577329