DIST LIST 1610-2 Bulletin Boards Offrs’s Mess WO & Sgts’ Mess JRC RMR Web Site 1 THE ROYAL MONTREAL REGIMENT ROUTINE ORDERS ISSUED ON AUTHORITY OF LCOL S. NASHRUDI, CD COMMANDING OFFICER Westmount, Quebec TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1 - DUTIES AND APPOINTMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Unit Organization Delegation of CO’s Powers of trial and punishment Secondary Duties Range & Range Safety Officer’s Appointments Delegation of Signing Authority for outgoing correspondence Delegation of Spending Authority Delegation of Purchasing Authority Distribution Account Rep Authorized Messenger Duty Officer’s Roster Duty NCO’s Roster Mess Dues Pay Deductions PART 2 - CURRENT ITEMS 13. 14. Formulaire d’avis en cas d’urgence RMR Fitness Challenge Testing PART 3 – PERIODIC ITEMS 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 1/17 Building Security Conservation Resources Board CF Dental Care Plan 2009 Pay Increase Dress & Deportment Education reimbursement for primary reservists Lost or stolen keys August 2009 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Other Orders Overnight Parking Personal Equipment Security Personnel Use of Military Equipment Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP) Recycling Service Income Security Insurance Plan (SISIP) Introduction of a Military Family Identity Card New CFB Valcartier Saluting Area PART 4 – GENERAL INTEREST AND SOCIAL EVENTS 31. 2/17 RMR Mess Dinners 1 THE ROYAL MONTREAL REGIMENT ROUTINE ORDERS ISSUED ON AUTHORITY OF LCOL S. NASHRUDI, CD COMMANDING OFFICER Westmount, Quebec August 2009 PART 1 – DUTIES AND APPOINTMENTS 1. 3/17 UNIT ORGANIZATION 1. The RMR Organization for the 2009/10 Trg Year is as fol: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. x. y. z. CO DCO Adjt Padre RSM Ops O Ops WO Trg NCO CC 2IC OR Fin Clk OC A Coy 2IC A Coy CSM A Coy CQMS A Coy OC B Coy 2IC B Coy CSM B Coy Recr O Recr Clk RQMS / Tpt NCO HA Authorised Messenger LCol S. Nasrudi Maj N. Gauthier Capt P. Talarico/Capt V. Gucciardo TBA CWO G. Furholter Capt V. Gucciardo WO R.N. Orsini Vacant Sgt P. Jean-Baptiste Sgt F. Camille Sgt R. Richards Capt G. Marinier Vacant WO C. Jordan Vacant Capt P. Talarico Vacant Vacant 2Lt S. Mimouni MCpl R. Vescio Cpl G. Biezing Vacant Sgt F. Camille/Cpl G. Biezing Adjt DELEGATION OF CO’S POWER OF TRIAL AND PUNISHMENT 2. Refs: A. QR&O 108.10 B. QR&O 107.02 C. QR&O 105.17 1. CO authorises following officers to try and punish IAW ref A: a. b. 2. N23 978 615 Capt G. Marinier, OC A Coy; and R22 113 297 Capt P. Talarico, OC B Coy. The following personnel are authorised to lay charges IAW ref B: a. b. c. d. V79 826 744 Capt V. Gucciardo, Adjutant; R22 113 297 Capt P. Talarico, Adjudant; K50 398 262 Chief Warrant Officer G. Furholter, RSM; and A32 561 674 Warrant Officer C. Jordan, CSM A Coy. 3. V63 916 581 Major N. Gauthier, Deputy Commanding Officer is designated Custody Review Officer IAW ref C. 4. Regardless of the preceding delegations, it is the role of all leaders to maintain discipline within the unit, not only the charge layers. There is an obligation for all members to report and deal with breaches to the Code of Service Discipline. Any member can make a complaint or accusation that a service offence has been committed. NCM’s of the rank of Sgt and above can and will draft any charges arising from accusations that are brought to their attention. Sergeant Majors will manage the file up until the accused member is paraded to the proper authority for hearing and disposal of the charge. Adjt 3. SECONDARY DUTIES Secondary Duties are distributed as fol: Duty Assigned to Canadian Forces Liaison Councel, Unit Rep Capt Pino Talarico Robert Orsini Nicolas Guy Gregory Gauthier Marinier Biezing Drogue & Alcool Prevention Rep 2Lt Sid Mimouni Unit Environmental Safety Officer 2Lt Sid Mimouni Gregory Michael Biezing Wladysiuk Robert Orsini Patrick Jean-Baptiste Cadet Liaison Officer WO Deployment Support Cell Maj Capt Cpl Dangerous Goods Officer Cpl Fire Prevention NCO Cpl Harassment Adviser WO Information System Security Officer Sgt 4/17 Duty Assigned to JRC Messing O Capt Guy Marinier Cyril Jordan Guy Marinier Frederick Cusson Patrick Jean-Baptiste Pino Talarico Grant Furholter Gregory Biezing Vincent Gucciardo Roxanne Richards Sports O Sgt Fabiola Camille Recycling Rep Sgt Patrick Jean-Baptiste Roxanne Richards Unit Fund Committee President Maj Nicolas Gauthier Unit Security Officer Maj Nicolas Gauthier Marc Belley JRC Messing NCO WO Linguistic Coord Capt NBC Rep Cpl Network Administrator Sgt Public Affairs Officer Capt Quality of life issues CWO Radiation Safety Officer (Rad SO) Cpl Regional Liaison Officer Capt SISIP Rep Sgt Suicide Intervention Coord Sgt Webmaster Cpl Adjt 4. RANGE & RANGE SAFETY OFFICER’S APPOINTMENTS 1. All Offrs qualified DP 1.1 (Lt, BIOC Phase 3), and all NCOs with the Small Arms Instructor (SAI) Qualification are authorised to conduct Conventional Ranges. 2. All Offrs qualified DP 1.2 (Capt/Lt, BIOC Phase 4), and NCOs that have completed the Field Firing Ranges (FFR) portion of the SAI Course are authorised to conduct FFRs. 3. All Offrs qualified DP 1.1 (Lt, BIOC Phase 3), and all NCOs with the Platoon Support Weapons Qualification (PSWQ) are authorised to carry on the Duties of Range Safety Offr (RSO) 4. Namely, the RMR members authorised to complete the tasks of Range and Range Safety Officers are: 5/17 SN Rank Initials Name D30 198 228 V63 916 581 V79 826 744 N23 978 615 A68 994 544 R22 113 297 LCol Maj Capt Capt Capt Capt Nashrudi Gauthier Gucciardo Marinier Siket Talarico S N V G G P CR RO X X X X X X CR RSO X X X X X X FFR RO X X FFR RSO X X ARSO X X X X X X SN Rank Initials Name N36 936 926 C40 664 535 K59 543 213 A32 561 674 2Lt 2Lt WO WO WO WO Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt MCpl Mimouni Delplace Ho Jordan Orsini Vincent Camille Duchesneau Langlois Lavigne McElligott Yu Azbukin B74 810 425 R10 611 987 T62 916 634 N31 751 692 A66 303 590 D56 187 936 A68 760 557 D30 315 579 Legend: CR RO: CR RSO: FFR RO: FFR RSO: ARSO: S P D C RN A F T K JS N C A CR RO CR RSO X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X FFR RO FFR RSO X X X X ARSO X X X X X X X X X X X X Conventional Range Range Officer Conventional Range Range Safety Officer Field Firing Range Range Officer Field Firing Range Range Safety Officer Assistant Range Safety Officer Ops O 5. DELEGATION OF SIGNING AUTHORITY FOR OUTGOING CORRESPONDENCE 1. CO authorises the fol mbrs to sign outgoing correspondence: 2. DCO and Adjt: all correspondence; 3. OC A Coy, OC B Coy, RQMS, Ops O, Ops WO, Ops Trg WO, Fin Clk, Recr O, Recr 2i/c, Padre, RSM, CC, and CC 2IC: correspondence within their scope of responsibility. Adjt 6. DELEGATION OF SPENDING AUTHORITY 1. CO authorises the DCO to authorise all spending. The fol mbrs may authorise spending (only within their authorized budget allocations): OC A Coy, OC B Coy, Adjt, and Ops O, and do not require additional authorization. 2. A Cost Capture Form must be completed & sent to the RMR Fin Clk; 3. All paid work outside the authorised calendar must be pre-authorised. No pay sheet produced after the fact will be honoured. DCO 7. DELEGATION OF PURCHASING AUTHORITY 1. CO authorises fol member to purchase goods for the unit: a. T40 381 622 Corporal Gregory Biezing, Regimental Quartermaster. OC B Coy 8. 6/17 DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT REP 1. The Unit Distribution Account Rep is: a. T40 381 622 Corporal Gregory Biezing, Regimental Quartermaster. OC B Coy 9. AUTHORIZED MESSENGER 1. The unit-authorized messenger is: a. R10 611 987 Sergeant Fabiola Camille; and b. T40 381 622 Corporal Gregory Biezing. Adjt 10. DUTY OFFICER’S ROSTER Hereunder is the Duty Officer’s roster 2Lt S. Mimouni (RMR) Ocdt Diao (712) Ocdt J. Toussaint (712) Ocdt Cherrier (712) Ocdt F. Fournier (712) 2Lt P. Delplace (RMR) 2Lt Chou (712) Ocdt B. Moore (RMR) Aug-Nov 09 Dec 09 Jan 10 Feb 10 Mar 10 Apr 10 May 10 Jun-Sep 10 Note: if you have a problem with the period of duty that is assigned to you, find a solution before you come and see the Adjt. 2. Both ending and starting Duty Offrs will report for instructions to the office of the Adjt, first Tuesday of the month they are on duty, 20:00 hr. At this time the completed Duty Offr’s report will be handed in to the Adjt. 3. The Duty Offr is the CO’s (RMR & 712 Comm Sqn) representative after hours and has the right and the obligation to make decisions if need be. He must make sure that unit directives and instructions are respected at all times and that unit / armoury interests are protected. 4. The duty pers is “on duty”. They will be avail to do task related to their duty and will be reachable at all times during the period assigned to them, and will be compensated accordingly. The Duty Offr can be reached at any time, on is cell phone, (514) 249-0860. The use of the cell phone will not be abused. Abuse from anyone will be dealt with by the Adjt or the RSM. 5. At all time during his period of svc, the Duty Offr is responsible for the security of the bldg. Before leaving, he will make sure that everyone is gone, that all the doors and windows are secured, that there is no fire threat, and that the security system is armed. 6. Incidents will be dealt with promptly and decisively in accordance with directives and instructions that are avail to the Duty Staff and a good amount of judgement. Dress is dress of the day. Adjt 11. 7/17 DUTY NCO’S ROSTER 1. Hereunder is the Duty NCO’s roster Sgt Cyr (712) Adj Veilleux (712) Adj Orsini (RMR) Sgt Marchand (712) Adj Goulet (712) WO Jordan (RMR) Adj Binette (712) WO Ho (RMR) Sgt Parent (712) Sgt Camille (RMR) Sgt Richards (RMR) Sgt Lavigne (RMR) Sept 09 Oct 09 Nov 09 Dec 09 Jan 10 Feb 10 Mar 10 Apr 10 May 10 Jun 10 Jul 10 Aug 10 Note: if you have a problem with the period of duty that is assigned to you, find a solution before you come and see the RSM. 2. Read para 10 – Duty Offr’s Roster above for more instructions. RSM 12. MESS DUES PAY DEDUCTIONS Ref: CFAO 207.02 IAW ref, Mess Dues will be paid through Pay Deductions. This will be implemented at the RMR’s DAG on 29 Aug 09. DCO PART 2 – CURRENT ITEMS 13. FORMULAIRE D’AVIS EN CAS D’URGENCE Réf : Courriel Lcol JSWL MacKay, AJAG Montréal 4 mai 2007 12h17 1. Avec l'arrivée de la saison des affectations, et le déploiement imminent de la FO 01-09, il serait bon et important de faire un rappel concernant le formulaire en titre, plus spécifiquement sur l'importance de porter la partie 4 du formulaire à l'attention des membres. 2. La partie 4 est très importante car il s'agit du consentement du membre à ce que les FC divulguent, aux personnes identifiées, des renseignements personnels. Sans ce consentement, en cas d'accident ou de blessure par exemple, les FC pourraient aviser les personnes identifiées que le membre a été blessé, mais les autorités médicales ne pourraient pas divulguer de l'information médicale sur l'état du membre, l'étendue de ses blessures, le pronostique, etc. Sous le régime de la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels, l'information médicale constitue de renseignements personnels et ne peut être divulguée si nous n'avons pas le consentement du membre. Vous pouvez donc facilement imaginer les situations difficiles que cela pourrait créer. 3. Un rappel devrait donc être envoyé à toutes les unités afin que les membres soient informés de l'importance de ce consentement. Il faut toutefois noter qu'un membre ne peut, en aucun cas, être forcé à donner ce consentement. Merci de votre co-opération. 8/17 Lcol JSWL MacKay, AJAG Montréal Adjt 14. RMR FITNESS CHALLENGE TESTING Ref: RMR SORP 2008/09 1. Again this year, all members are invited to test their fitness level by completing the Fitness Challenge Test consisting of push-ups, sit-ups, chin-ups, and a run. See your Platoon or Company Staff for details. 2. Following the successful completion of the test, RMR members will be awarded a Bronze, Silver or Gold pin. See ‘’Dress and Deportment’’ for details on wearing the pin. Adjt PART 3 – PERIODIC ITEMS 15. BUILDING SECURITY 1. The only authorised entry to the building is through the south-east door. All other doors are crash doors and will not be used other than for emergencies. Also, the main entry must be controlled at all times. Visitors must not be permitted to freely wander around the unit. 2. Furthermore, it is absolutely prohibited to attach open any of the armoury fire doors. Admin or disciplinary action can be taken against members who will not comply with this directive. Unit Security Officer 16. CONSERVATION RESOURCES BOARD 1. The unit Conservation Resources Board is located in the basement next to the main QM. 2. All personnel are to consult the board and familiarize themselves with its content. Unit Security Officerr 17. CF DENTAL CARE PLAN Refs.: A. CFAO 35-4 B. Adm (Per) 5/91 Who is entitled to Dental Care at Public Expense Cl C receive comprehensive dental care through military resources Dependants are covered through the CF Dependants Dental Care Plan Reservists on Cl B for more than 180 days receive comprehensive dental care through military resources Cl B on contract for less than 180 days are entitled to required examinations and emergency dental care while on duty Cl A personnel are entitled to emergency dental care at public expense while on duty Where do I go for Dental Care? 9/17 A CF dental facility If this is not possible, your CO may authorized treatment at a dental facility operated by another department of the federal government, or at a civilian dental facility Dental treatment is generally given by a Dental Officer of the CF What is the Primary Reserve Dental Care Plan? Provides dental coverage for personnel on Cl A service and Cl B service less than 180 days duration, unless they are covered by another dental plan Dependants of personnel on Cl B service of more than 180 days, Class B"A" and Class C are covered under the plan Is participation in the Plan Automatic? Yes A member who is enrolled in the PRes prior to or after 1 Oct 1990, who is not covered by any other dental plan number, will be automatically covered by the plan You must wait for three months after commencing service to be eligible You may then submit a claim for reimbursement of expenses How do I apply for Reimbursement under the plan? You must obtain a Pres Dental Claim form from your unit orderly room You are responsible for ensuring that your denist completes Part 1 of the form Once dental care has been obtained, you must complete Part 2 of the form Completed claim forms are to be submitted to your unit orderly room for final verification and authorization before being sent to Great West Life Claims must be stamped at the unit with the unit’s Health Benefits Stamp Claims lacking this stamp will not be processed for payment CC 18. 2009 PAY INCREASE UNCLAS CANFORGEN 125/09 CMP 020/09 SUBJ: REG AND RES FORCE - ECONOMIC ADJUSTMENTS 1. AS YOUR CHIEF OF THE DEFENCE STAFF, I AM DEDICATED TO ENSURING THAT CF PERSONNEL RECEIVE FAIR AND EQUITABLE COMPENSATION THAT RECOGNIZES THE IMPORTANT WORK WE PERFORM IN THE SERVICE OF CANADA 2. IN KEEPING WITH THIS PHILOSOPHY, TREASURY BOARD HAS APPROVED THE FOLLOWING ECONOMIC ADJUSTMENTS: A. FOR FY 2009/2010: EFFECTIVE 1 APRIL 2009, A 1.5 PERCENT ECONOMIC ADJUSTMENT FOR NON-COMMISSIONED MEMBERS, GENERAL SERVICE OFFICERS (LCOL AND BELOW), PILOTS (LCOL AND BELOW), MEDICAL AND DENTAL OFFICERS (CAPT THROUGH BGEN) AND SENIOR OFFICERS (COL THROUGH LGEN) B. FOR FY 2010/2011: EFFECTIVE 1 APRIL 2010, A 1.5 PERCENT ECONOMIC ADJUSTMENT FOR NON-COMMISSIONED MEMBERS, GENERAL SERVICE OFFICERS (LCOL AND BELOW), PILOTS (LCOL AND BELOW), MEDICAL AND DENTAL OFFICERS (CAPT THROUGH BGEN) AND SENIOR OFFICERS (COL THROUGH LGEN) 3. ADDITIONALLY, THE FOL RETROACTIVE ECONOMIC ADJUSTMENTS HAVE BEEN 10/17 APPROVED FOR MEDICAL AND DENTAL OFFICERS (CAPT THROUGH BGEN): A. FOR FY 2007/2008: EFFECTIVE 1 APRIL 2007, AN ADDITIONAL ECONOMIC ADJUSTMENT OF 0.3 PERCENT TO THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED INTERIM ECONOMIC ADJUSTMENT OF 2.0 PERCENT (MED/DENT OFFRS ONLY) B. FOR FY 2008/2009: EFFECTIVE 1 APRIL 2008, AN ECONOMIC ADJUSTMENT OF 1.5 PERCENT (MED/DENT OFFRS ONLY) 4. THESE ECONOMIC ADJUSTMENTS ARE AN IMPORTANT COMPONENT OF THE CF TOTAL COMPENSATION PACKAGE AND COMPLEMENT OTHER ONGOING FINANCIAL AND NON-FINANCIAL INITIATIVES DIRECTED AT MAINTAINING THE CF AS AN EMPLOYER AND A CAREER OF CHOICE FOR SERVING AND PROSPECTIVE CF PERSONNEL 5. THE REVISED RATES OF PAY UPDATED TO AND EFFECTIVE 1 APRIL 2009 ARE AVAILABLE ON THE INTRANET AT HTTP://HR3.OTTAWA(HYPHEN)HULL.MIL.CA/DGCB/CBI/ENGRAPH/HOME(UN DERSCOR E)E.ASP OR ON THE INTERNET AT HTTP://WWW.CMP(HYPHEN)CPM.FORCES.GC.CA/DGCB(HYPHEN)DGRAS/PU B/CBI(HYP HEN)DRA/204(HYPHEN)ENG.ASP. THE REVISED PAY RATES EFFECTIVE 1 APRIL 2010 WILL BE PUBLISHED AT A LATER DATE 6. WITH THE EXCEPTION OF 1 APRIL 2010 ECONOMIC ADJUSTMENT, IT IS ANTICIPATED THAT ALL OTHER ECONOMIC ADJUSTMENTS WILL BE DELIVERED IN THE FALL OF 2009 7. SIGNED BY GEN W.J. NATYNCZYK, CDS Adjt 19. DRESS & DEPORTMENT Ref: A. CFP 265 CF Dress Instruction B. CANFORGEN 024/01 CDS 018 121705Z Mar 01 1. The deportment and appearance of all ranks, in uniform or when wearing civilian attire, shall on all occasions reflect credit on the CF and the individual. Personnel in uniform shall comport themselves in a manner which projects a positive military appearance. 2. Male Personnel a. Hair - Hair shall be taper-trimmed at the back, sides and above the ears to blend with the hairstyle: no more than 15cm (6 inches) in length and sufficiently short that, when the hair is groomed and head-dress is removed, no hair shall touch the ears or fall below the top of the eyebrows: be no more that 4 cm (1-1½ inches) in bulk at the top of the head, gradually decreasing to blend with the taper-trimmed sides and be kept free from the neck to a distance on 2.5 cm (1 inch) above the shirt collar. Taper-trimmed square back haircuts are allowed. The shaving of all the hair on the head is permitted. 11/17 b. Sideburns – Sideburns shall: 1) not extend below a line horizontally bisecting the ear; 2) be squared off in a horizontal line at the bottom edge; 3) be of even width; and 4) be taper-trimmed to conform to the overall hair style. c. Moustaches – Moustaches may be worn as set out in the subparagraphs that follow, otherwise, the face shall be clean-shaven. Moustaches shall: 1) be kept neatly trimmed; 2) not extend below the corners of the mouth, nor shall the unshaven portion of the face extend outwards beyond the corners of the mouth; 3) not be greater than 2cm (3/4 inches) in bulk as defined in sub-paragraph 4a(4); 4) not protrude beyond the width of the face, when fully extended horizontally and worn in a waxed, handlebar style; and 5) be modified in such a fashion as to accommodate the type of operational equipment required, should a member’s safety be put in jeopardy. d. Jewellery – The only jewellery that may be worn in uniform shall be a wristwatch, a service-issued ID tag, a medical alert chain identifier, a maximum of two rings which are not of a costume jewellery nature and a tie tack/clasp. Additional rings may only be worn where they indicate professional standing, such as an engineer, or are worn with a wedding band as a single set indicating betrothal or fidelity, such as an engagement or an anniversary ring. Safety regulations must always prevail, especially in workshops, warehouses or during operations. In addition female members in uniform may wear a single pair of plain gold or silver stud or pearl earrings in pierced ears. The single stud earring, worn in the centre of each earlobe, shall be spherical in shape and shall not exceed 0.6 cm (¼ inch) in diameter, no other type of earring shall be worn, except for a gold or silver stud healing device of similar shape and size, which may be worn while ears are healing after piercing. Only a single earring or healing device, worn in the centre of each earlobe, may be worn at a time. When wearing civilian clothes on military installations, only one pair of unobtrusive earrings may be worn. 3. Female Personnel a. Hairstyles – Hair shall not extend below the lower edge of the shirt collar. Exaggerated styles, including those with excessive fullness or extreme height are not authorized. Braids, if worn, shall be styled conservatively and tied tightly, secured at the end by a knot or a small-unadorned fastener. A single braid shall be worn in the centre of the back. Double braids shall be worn behind the shoulders. Hair shall be a maximum length, when gathered behind the head or braided, which does not extend below the top of the armpit. With the permission of a Commanding Officer, a 60 day transition period may be granted to a female member to grow her hair longer for re-styling, during which time hair may extend below the lower edge of the shirt collar all the while maintaining a positive military appearance, and subject to the member’s safety. b. Make-up – Women may wear make-up for cultural reasons. When wearing uniform, or when wearing civilian clothes on duty, make-up shall be applied conservatively; this precludes the use of false eyelashes, heavy eyeliner, brightly coloured eye shadow, coloured nail polish, bright or vivid lipstick and excessive facial make-up. 4. Authorised dress within the Armoury a. The RMR Fitness Challenge pin is an authorized dress within Regimental Lines, on all forms of dress. It will be worn centered, 1 cm above the name tag above the right breast pocket. RSM 20. 12/17 EDUCATION REIMBURSEMENT FOR PRIMARY RESERVISTS REFS: A. CANFORGEN 114/04 B. ADM (HR-MIL) INSTRUCTION 04/01 C. DRAS 210/810 D. DAOD 5031-3 E. CANFORGEN 135/04 1. REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM TO FACILITATE ACCESS TO HIGHER EDUCATION FOR MEMBERS OF THE PRIMARY RESERVE (P RES). 2. AS MENTIONED AT REF A, THE P RES REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM AT REF B IS CANCELLED AND REPLACED BY REF C. THE PROGRAM REIMBURSES THE LESSER OF 50 PERCENT OF TUITION OR TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS EACH SEPTEMBER TO P RES MEMBER S SERVING ON CLASS A, B OR C SERVICE WHO ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THE PERSONAL ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM (PEP) AT REF D 3. TO BE ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE, THE PRIMARY RESERVIST MUST: A. BE ON THE EFFECTIVE STRENGTH OF A P RES UNIT B. BE REGISTERED AT A CANADIAN UNIVERSITY (REF E) C. SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETE THE MILITARY BASIC TRAINING COURSE SPECIFIED BY THE MEMBERS P RES ELEMENT 4. THE PROGRAM IS OPEN TO FULL OR PART-TIME STUDENTS. THE MAXIMUM BENEFIT TO AN INDIVIDUAL IS TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ANNUALLY TO A TOTAL OF EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS. QUESTIONS MAY BE DIRECTED TO RMR CC/2IC CC 21. LOST OR STOLEN KEYS 1. RMR keys are controlled items. Once you have signed for keys, what ever the type, you are responsible for their use and safekeeping. 2. If your keys are lost or stolen, you are still responsible for them, and it is your responsibility to inform the unit that you no longer have your keys. The BOR clerks will take your statements. 3. Lost or stolen keys and the service charge for making controlled keys will be paid for by the member that last signed for the keys. If deemed necessary to protect the RMR interest, the cylinder may also have to be changed. If this is the case, the member may be requested to pay for all costs involved which could amount to a couple of hundred dollars. 4. Disciplinary or administrative measures could also be taken against any member who was negligent with respect to the use or safekeeping of the keys that were put in his care. Not informing the unit that your keys were lost or stolen will be considered has negligence. CC 22. OTHER ORDERS 34 CBG and 5 ASG Routine orders must be read by all. They are posted on the RMR Bulletin Boards. Adjt 23. 13/17 OVERNIGHT PARKING Overnight parking is not permitted in Westmount. Tpt NCO 24. PERSONAL EQUIPMENT SECURITY Ref: 34th Canadian Brigade Group Orders 3-4 1. In accordance with ref, personal dress and kit will not be stored in lockers. Lockers are provided for short term storage only. Consequently members are authorized to store their personal dress and kit only 24 hours before an event and must take it back home immediately after the end of the event. 2. You are strongly encouraged to read the ref. Unit Security Officer 25. PERSONAL USE OF MILITARY EQPT Ref: A. QR&O 4.61 B. CFAO 50-2 1. CO can auth pers use of military kit for approved activities. Auth activities should add value to the member’s military training (I.E.: Camping, Orienteering, Hiking, etc) and/or be of some benefit to the CF and the Regiment. 2. Approval will be sought prior to activity through your usual chain of command. OC Admin Coy 26. PUBLIC SERVICE HEALTH CARE PLAN (PSHCP) Refs.: A. CFAO 56-21 B. Adm (Per) 5/91 C. Public Service Health Care Plan Pamphlet What is the PSHCP PSHCP provides extended coverage for military members and their families For medical services and supplies not usually insured under provincial health insurance plans Covers the cost of such things as a semi-private hospital room, prescription drugs, eyeglasses, specialist care not included under your existing health coverage, and a wide variety of other medical services There are two types of coverage under PSHCP Comprehensive Coverage: Available only outside Canada Designed to provide the same benefits that are available in Canada through PSHCP Supplementary Coverage in conjunction with a provincial health care plan Supplementary Coverage: Available only in Canada Designed to augment the coverage available under a provincial health insurance plan Who is eligible for PSHCP Coverage? 14/17 All members of the CF are eligible to apply for PSHCP, provided they are members in good standing Applicants for Supplementary coverage must be a participant in a provincial health care plan Members on either Cl A or Cl B (180 days or less) are eligible to apply for themselves and their dependants Members on Cl C or B (over 180 days) are eligible to apply for dependant coverage only Members on Leave of Absence or Exempt Drill & Training may continue their coverage Members who are Absent Without Authority (AWA) will have their coverage ceased immediately NES personnel are not entitled to participate in the plan How do I apply? It is a voluntary program, therefore you must apply You must complete the PSHCP application form (487 PSC-1), and submit the form with the premiums due to your unit orderly room. Your unit must certify the application form with the Health Benefits Stamp to verify that your are a member in good standing For Class A pers, the minimum amount payable is a three month premium and the maximum is a four month premium Cl B pers may pay for the entire period of their contract if they choose Payment is made by certified cheque or money order made payable to the Receiver General of Canada Pervious members of PSHCP/GSMIP must provide their previous registration number If they cannot remember their old number, they must indicate that they were a former participant Is there a waiting period for coverage? If your application is signed by your CO within 60 days of becoming eligible, them coverage starts on the first day of the month following that in which the premium payment is made If you apply after the first 60 days of service, you will be subject to a three month waiting period prior to being eligible for any benefits Monthly premium payments are not required during the waiting period Do I get a Premium rebate? Personnel on Cl A and Cl B (less than 180 days) pay both the member’s portion of the premium and the government portion Annually, between 1 January and 1 March, members are able to claim a rebate of the employer’s share of the premiums Rebate claim forms are available in your unit OR You must submit the completed claim and receipts to your OR. Reservists on Cl B (greater than 180 days) pay only the employee’s portion and are not eligible for a rebate If you are on a Cl B contract of less than 180 days, and are extended beyond 180 days, you will be eligible for a refund of the government portion of your premium payments Any changes may affect your coverage, including changes to your contract, must be relayed to NDHQ DPS 3-2-4 (PSHCP) What if my family status changes? 15/17 PSHCP coverage is either for an individual or for a family Changes to your status will affect your coverage and your premium rates Changes to your family status, such as marriage or the birth of a child, must be reported to your unit orderly room as soon as possible What is I have questions? Most questions can be directed to your unit Questions regarding applications, premiums or if there are any changes to your family or employment status should be directed to DPS 3-2-4 (PSHCP) All claims and questions regarding claims can be directed to: The Public Service Health Care Plan Sun Life of Canada Health Insurance claims P.O. Box 9601 CSC-T Ottawa, On K1G 6A1 Telephone: 1-888-757-7427 Fax: 613-729-7427 CC 27. RECYCLING You will find in most offices blue plastic containers for recycling paper. You will also find behind the Armoury next to our garbage container, two huge recycling containers. One is to be used for plastic, glass and metal and the other for: paper only. CC 28. SERVICE INCOME SECURITY INSURANCE PLAN (SISIP) 1. SISIP continues to offer life and disability insurance options that are both competitively priced and tailored for the special needs of the military community. As of June 2001, more than 107,000 Canadian Forces members, former members, and spouses were insured under the various term life insurance options. Approximately 57,000 Regular Force members and 30,000 Reserve Force members are insured under the Long Term Disability (LTD) policies. In year 2000 alone, more than $18 million in life insurance benefits were paid to beneficiaries, and the total benefits paid and the support provided under the Long Term Disability and Rehabilitation programs was in excess of $20 million. Long Term Disability benefits were paid out to 1,400 members, of which 1,200 were also assisted by the SISIP Rehabilitation program. 2. Further information on this issue or application form can be obtained by contacting your OR CC 29. INTRODUCTION OF A MILITARY FAMILY IDENTITY CARD 1. Following an announcement by the Director Military Family Support, an identity card for military family members has been produced and is now available. 2. This card, of a credit card format, contains the spouse’s name, his/her photo, the CF member’s name and SN and an expiry date; the background says « Military Community » and shows the DND and 5 ASG logos. 3. The purpose of this card is to allow families, who are experiencing a CF member’s prolonged absence, to obtain certain services they are entitled to, whether a national program in favour of the CF, such as VIA RAIL, or various discounts offered by local suppliers requiring military identification. It is not an access card to CF garrisons nor to buildings. 16/17 4. If a member of a military family needs this card, he can show up at the local MFRC, complete the request form, get it authenticated by the Deployment Support Group, get a picture taken at Centre Exacta and receive the card. You may contact the DSG for any additional info at 1-877-844-5607. Adjt 30. NEW CFB VALCARTIER SALUTING AREA 1. We would like to remind all personal, that the new Valcartier Garrison cenotaph is considered as a saluting area. Therefore, when walking on the sidewalk in front, or the track behind the cenotaph, everyone must salute. When in uniform, it is customary to start saluting right before passing the cenotaph (salute to the left or to the right) and to lower one’s arm after passing it. When wearing civilian clothing (sports clothing), you may continue running or walking, making an “eyes right” or “eyes left” movement while holding your arms at the attention position. 2. “Saluting area signs” will be post in the near future, but everyone shall begin saluting the cenotaph (paying respect) immediately. PART 4 - GENERAL INTEREST AND SOCIAL EVENTS 31. RMR MESS DINNERS a. b. c. 06 November 2009; Offrs’ Mess Dinner; 20 March 2010; JRC’s Mess Dinner; and 17 April 2010; WO & Sgts’ Mess Dinner. For the Commanding Officer Captain Vincent Gucciardo Adjutant 17/17