SUBJECT CURRICULUM & TEACHING (COMPUTER STUDIES) Part-time, major, Course (2003-2004), EDD5112 (SB614) Instructor: Mr. PUN Sai Wing Room 611A of Sino Building 潘世榮 2609 8092 9752 1181 Aims of the Course : 1. To provide students with some of the basic skills and experience to teach the computer studies/computer and information technology in Hong Kong secondary schools. 2. To encourage students to collect resource materials for the teaching of computer studies/computer and information technology, and to develop a bank of useful software. 3. To supply students with background knowledge in order to reflect on the nature of computer/IT education so that improvements may be made in the subject. Date Course Outline (1/9) Introduction to the course; Curriculum development of computer studies in Hong Kong; Overview of the computer curriculum in Hong Kong Aims and objectives in the teaching of computer studies/CIT; Writing specific learning objectives Lesson planning/Scheme of work in computer studies/CIT (8/9) (15/9) (22/9) Contact Hr 3 3 3 3 (6/10) Models of teaching and learning; Activities in computer studies/CIT Class management and discipline; Learning and teaching environment in computer lab Principles of micro-teaching and basic teaching skills (13/10) Micro-teaching session 1 3 (20/10) Micro-teaching session 2 3 (27/10) Micro-teaching session 3 3 (3/11) Micro-teaching session 4 3 (5/1) Teaching core module of CIT 3 (12/1) Assessments in CIT 3 (19/1) Teaching and assessment in course work 3 (26/1) (2/2) (2/2) (9/2) (9/2) (16/2) (16/2) (23/2) Junior secondary computer literacy and IT learning targets 3 Web-based learning 3 Computer application in education 3 AS Level Computer Application 3 (29/9) 3 3 Total contact hours : 51 1 Assessment : 1. a. Participation and contribution towards discussions and activities. 5% b. Performance in microteaching. 15% c. A one-page self-evaluation report on microteaching. 5% d. A personal homepage. 5% N.B. 2% will be deducted for each absence and 1% for each late attendance. A maximum amount of deduction would be 5%. 2. Assignment (20% each) (a) A teaching package of a topic in the Core Module of CIT. The package should include teaching objectives (in behavioural terms), lesson plans with time allocation, set, summary, teacher activities and student activities, worksheets, and teaching materials, explanatory notes, student worksheets, teaching aids, homework, textbook and references (if applicable). (Due: 2/2/2004 ) (b) A teaching package of a topic in one of the elective modules of CIT. The package should include teaching objectives (in behavioural terms), lesson plans with time allocation, set, summary, teacher activities and student activities, worksheets, and teaching materials, explanatory notes, student worksheets, teaching aids, homework, textbook and references (if applicable). (Due: 2/2/2004 ) Note that the content should be sufficient for at least four consecutive single periods (two double periods) of teaching. A 40-minute test on the topics taught in (a) and (b) must be submitted ----- 50% of questions being multiple-choice items and 50% structured questions. A blue print of the MC items must be included. 3. Project (30%) Choose any ONE of the following : (a) Construction of a CAI package that relates to the teaching of any topics in CIT; (b) Construction of a program that relates to the teaching of any topics in IT learning targets; or (c) Any suggested educational program, you must get the instructor’s approval beforehand. (Due: 31/5/2004 ) Plagiarism in any form is a serious misconduct, punishable under University regulations. 2 References : Ainley, J & Goldstein, R. (1988). Making Logo work. Hong Kong : Wing King Tong Co. Ltd. Ayers, H.& Gray, F. (1998). Classroom management : a practical approach for primary and secondary teachers. London : D. Fulton. Bitter, G. G., & Pierson, M. (2002). Using technology in the classroom (5th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Borich, G.D. (2000). Effective teaching methods. Columbus : Merrill Publishing Company. Brown, G. (1975). Microteaching. London : Methuen &Co. Ltd. Burden, P.R.(1995). Classroom management and discipline: methods to facilitate cooperation and instruction. New York : Longman. Cipani, E. (1998). Classroom management for all teachers: 11 effective plans. N.J. : Merrill. Edwards A.D.N. & Holland, S. (1994). Multimedia interface design in education. Berlin Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag. Emmer, E.T. et al (2000). Classroom management for secondary teachers, 5th ed. N.J. : Prentice Hall. Froyer, L.A. (1993). Classroom Management : The reflective teacher-leader. New York : Macmillan. Froyer, L.A., Iverson, A.M. (1999). School wide and classroom management : The reflective educator-leader. N.J. : Merrill. Goodyear, P. (1984). LOGO – a guide to learning through programming. Chichester : Horwood.. Harvey, B. (1985). Computer science Logo style. Massachusetts : MIT Press. Hurley, J.P. (1985). Logo physics. New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Isbister, J. & Lynne, R. (1990). Classroom Management. Sydney : Ashton Scholastic. 3 Lemlech, J.K. (1999). Classroom management : methods & techniques for elementary and secondary teachers, 3rd. ed. Illinois : Waveland Press. Moyles, J. (1994). Classroom management. Warwickshire : Scholastic. Osborne, A.G. Jr. & Di Mattia, P. (1998). Classroom management : a case study handbook for teachers of challenging learners. Durham : Carolina Academic Press. Sparkes, R.A. (1982). Microcomputers in science teaching. Britain : Hutchison & Co. Ltd. Task Force of the Pre-College Committee of the Education Board of the ACM. (1997). ACM model high school computer science curriculum. Retrieved August 8, 2003, from Wong, K.C., Au-yeung, Y.C. & McClelland, J.A.G. (1992). Classroom management. Hong Kong : Longman. 潘世榮(2000):電腦課程發展,輯於 Cheng, Y.C、Chow K.W.、Tsui, K.T.《School curriculum change and development in Hong Kong》頁 185-200,香港,香港教育學院。 4 Reference Websites Computer education in general: Hong Kong Association for Computer Education ( ) Hong Kong Education City ( ) International Society for Technology Education ( ) Curriculum: Curriculum Development Institute, Hong Kong SAR ( ) Department of education and skills, UK ( ) ( ) Board of Studies NSW Australia ( ) Teaching resources: Everything about computer and Internet technology Web-based learning Programming Computer and society Computer ethics Application software Contents in Chinese 5 Note: 6