Minutes of the Critical Care Advisory Group Meeting

Minutes of the All Wales Critical Care Advisory Group Meeting held on
13th September 2007at Cardiff International Arena, Cardiff
Dr Andy Webb – Medical Director for Clinical Services,
University College of London NHS Trust
Attendees: Dr Nina Williams - Public Health Representative
Kate Watkins – Chair, South East Wales Critical Care Network
Bernadine Rees – Chair, Mid and West Wales Critical Care
Keith Jones – Chief Executive Representative
Dr Dave Hope – Lead Clinician, Mid and West Critical Care
Ifor Evans – Manager, Mid and West Critical Care
Sue O’Keeffe- Manager, North Wales Critical Care Network
Dr Ed Farley-Hills- Lead Clinician, North Wales Critical Care
Dr George Findlay – Lead Clinician, South East Wales Critical
Care Network
Jennie Willmott – Manager, South East Wales Critical Care
Cathy Bridges - Corporate Analysis Team, Department for
Health and Social Services, WAG
Cathy White - Community, Primary Care & Health Services
Caroline Lewis - Community, Primary Care & Health Services
Chris Newbrook - Community, Primary Care & Health Services
Apologies: Dr Bruce Ferguson – NHS Trust Medical Director
Denise Richards - Nursing Officer, Nursing Division- WAG
Martyn Jenkins - Chief Officer, Cardiff CHC
Andrew Gunnion – Chair, North Wales Critical Care Network
Phil Jennings – Head of Planning & Performance, North Wales
Regional Office
Prof Mike Harmer– Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Welsh
Assembly Government
Dr Ian Greenway - Welsh Intensive Care Society
Anthony Tracey – Project Manager, Corporate Health and
Information Programme
Tina Luton - Welsh Independent Hospitals Association
Chris Hancock – National Leadership and Innovation Agency
for Healthcare (NLIAH)
Dr Les Gemmell – Co-opted member
1. Welcome and Introductions
Dr Webb welcomed the group and each member introduced themselves.
2. Notes and Action Points from Meeting
The notes were agreed and the Group reported back on action points.
3. Declaration of Interest
Secretariat reminded the members of the Group to complete a Declaration of
Interest form in line with the policy within the Department.
The form captures brief details of interests including position held,
shareholdings, and any other interests in personal relationships with outside
bodies or individuals which might conflict with the development of the
guidelines of the All Wales Critical Care Advisory Group.
Action: Andrew Gunnion, Keith Jones, Dr Bruce Ferguson, Dr Les
Gemmell, Antony Tracey, and Prof Mike Harmer to complete the
Declaration of Interest form and return to secretariat
4. Critical Care Advisory Group Business Objectives 2006/7
Strategic Framework
Keith Jones discussed his paper and explained his thoughts behind this.
Cathy White noted that Keith, who had been tasked with drafting the Strategic
Framework Targets, had also drafted the April 2008 to March 2011 Business
Objectives which fall out of the framework.
It was discussed that the second set of Strategic Framework Implementation
targets need to follow on from the 2006-08 targets from the Welsh Health
Circular (2006) 009.
Action: Cathy White to contact Keith Jones to provide him with format
for 2008-11 Targets
The Group then had a discussion around the targets and discussed each of
the proposed business objectives.
Action: Keith Jones to update his paper and pass to Networks to identify
leads by end of September 2007
Action: Networks to identify and nominate lead for each agreed
business objective by end of November 2007
Reduction in Cancelled Operations
Nina Williams explained that the Networks were now working on a common
definition for operations cancelled because of the lack of a critical care bed.
Action: Networks to provide a common definition by the end of
November 2007
Data Set
The Group noted Dr Gemmell’s update.
Patient Transport
It was agreed that now the Networks have been established they will
nominate a lead to take on both the Patient Transport Quality Requirements,
and All Wales protocol.
Action: Networks to identify and nominate lead for to take forward
Transport QR’s and Protocol
Action: Nominated lead to contact Dr Ian Greenway to acertain the
current position of the work
Action: Nominated lead to agree final drafts with the Networks by end of
November 2007
Dr Webb discussed the comments he received regarding possible key
national indicators, and agreed to update the paper and pass to the networks
for further development.
Action: Dr Webb to make changes discussed and pass to Networks to
identify a lead and take forward
Action: Nominated lead to provide revised draft by end of November
Critical Care Workforce Strategy
The Group agreed that this piece of work will now form part of the next
strategic framework period 2008/11
5. Progress Report
Following the pre-meeting discussion with the Networks, chair and WAG
officials, it was decided that there was no need for a formal report from the
Networks at this meeting. However it was agreed that each Network would
provide a short update paper to be circulated to the Group and in future
provide a short update paper ahead of each AWCCAG meeting.
Action: Networks to provide short update on progress so far to
Action: Networks to provide Secretariat with progress report prior to
future meetings
Action: Secretariat to circulate Network progress reports to the Group
Care Bundles
The Group was asked to note the Executive Summary from the 1st Year report
on Care Bundles and all agreed that this has been an excellent piece of work.
It was suggested that this would be a good opportunity for this piece of work
to be published, highlighting the work undertaken in Wales
6. Communication Strategy
1. The Group agreed that the Networks will now lead on communicating
key messages to the service and therefore there was no need for a
2. Chris Newbrook explained that the WAG critical care website was now
up to date.
Action: Networks to provide Secretariat with links to Network websites
when established to add to HOWIS website
3. Caroline advised the Group that there had been no further progress
had been made in developing the communication strategy.
7. Any Other Business
Caroline Lewis asked the Group if there was a need for a Live Critical Bed
Bureau following a request from the Emergency Planning Advisors. Dr Webb
explained that based on experience in England, there was no evidence that
this was effective and of extremely limited use in an emergency situation. The
Group agreed with Andy, although were pleased to have been asked for their
opinion, and would welcome further involvement from emergency planners in
critical care matters.
8. Date and Time of next meeting
Secretariat to arrange a date in late January 2008.