March 2015 - Town of Blackstone

Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Council of the Town of Blackstone, Virginia, held
in the Council Chambers located at 100 W. Elm Street, Blackstone, Virginia on Monday,
March 16, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
There Were Present:
Mayor: William D. Coleburn
Council Members: Wade Hamner, Lee Scott, Ben Green, Barbara Thompson,
Alfred Tucker, Eric Nash, Sam Moncure
Town Staff:
Philip Vannoorbeeck, Town Manager; Jennifer Daniel,
Clerk; Gweneth Procise, Treasurer; Chris Snead, Finance
Director; Jennifer Beck, Director of Transportation and
Community Development; Dion Tomer, Fire Chief; Sgt.
Town Attorney:
Those Absent:
Chief Kuzmiak
Mayor Coleburn called the March Council Meeting to order.
Mayor Coleburn delivered the Invocation.
Mayor Coleburn led the Pledge of Allegiance.
1. Water Tap Charges
The Blackstone Town Council shall hold a Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m., Monday, March 16, 2015
in the Town Council Chambers, 100 W. Elm Street, Blackstone, Virginia. The purpose of the
Public Hearing is to consider proposed ordinances amending and reenacting the following
Sections of the Blackstone Town Code:
Section 62-50 – Water Tap Charges
Section 62-200 – Water Tap Fees, Connection Fees and Regulations
If adopted as proposed, these ordinances would change the method of determining utility
tap fees for certain commercial and multi-family developments. The Town Council may
adopt these ordinances following this Public Hearing. The public is invited to speak at
the above stated date and time either in favor or in opposition to the proposed
Manager Vannoorbeeck said this has been discussed for about a year now and the fees
presented were provided by Mac Bugg with B&B Consultants. He said the goal that is
trying to be accomplished is coming up with an equitable way to charge tap fees instead
of the current per unit. He added right now a 25 unit apartment building is $40,000.00,
so a one bedroom apartment is the same as Walmart.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said this will effect multi-family, hotels and apartments. He said
we want this to encourage people to install one meter so instead of having multi-units it
will be based on single tap size, which will keep the Town from having to chase (12)
Mayor Coleburn opened the Public Hearing and asked if there was anyone here to speak
for or against the proposed tap fee changes.
Mayor Coleburn closed the Public Hearing.
Councilman Green made a motion to adopt this Tap Fee Ordinance and the
accompanying rates. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nash.
Mayor Coleburn asked when this would take effect. Manager Vannoorbeeck replied you
can say immediately or July 1st.
Councilman Green amended his motion to be effective July 1, 2015.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
2. Vacation of Streets
The public is hereby notified that the Blackstone Town Council shall hold a Public Hearing at 7:00
p.m., March 16, 2015 in the Town Council chambers, 100 W. Elm Street, Blackstone, Va. The
purpose of the Public Hearing is to consider a request to vacate unimproved portions of
Brunswick Road and Forest Road as shown on a Plat of Survey entitled Tweedside Park, prepared
by J.W. Blackburn, C.L.S., and recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 99 at the Nottoway Circuit Court
Clerk’s Office. The request is to vacate a portion of Brunswick Road located south of Tenth Street
and west of Lunenburg Avenue Extended and a portion of Forest Road, all being adjacent to
properties owned by William L. Nash and Darlene C. Nash. This vacation, if approved, would
permit the resubdivision of a portion of Tweedside Park Subdivision causing the rights-of-way in
question to be no longer needed for public use.
Manager Vannoorbeeck explained this is at the end of Tenth Street on Brunswick and
Lunenburg Avenue. He said there is a subdivision called Tweedside Park which goes on
the east and west side of Lunenburg Avenue but those portions are not in question. He
said the portion being discussed is south of Tenth Street, east and west of Brunswick
Road and west of Lunenburg Avenue and owned by William and Darlene Nash.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said the Nash’s have an appreciable number of lots and would
like to re-subdivide to include no more than (6) lots. He said in doing so the section of
Brunswick Road from Tenth to Lunenburg Avenue and a small section Forest Road is
being requested to be abandoned within their property.
Mayor Coleburn opened the Public Hearing and asked if there was anyone here to speak
for or against the proposed vacation of streets.
Mayor Coleburn closed the Public Hearing.
Councilman Scott made a motion to approve the vacation of streets request from
William and Darlene Nash. The motion was seconded by Councilman Green.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Mayor Coleburn explained he and Sgt. Mathias made a decision with Chief Kuzmiak
being absent and Manager Vannoorbeeck away last Friday. He said Mr. Lewis Johnson
came across some information that there was going to be a big fight at the basketball
court either Friday or Saturday. Mr. Johnson said he was going to meet with Manager
Vannoorbeeck on that Friday and ask that the court be closed until further notice. Mayor
Coleburn said he and Sgt. Mathias decided to close the court through this evening until
Council could meet. He said if you read the Code the Mayor does not have a lot of
authority and to be quite honest he probably didn’t have the authority to do what he did.
He added later tonight he was going to ask Council to look at the Charter for more clarity
for powers of the Mayor.
Mayor Coleburn said the reason he and Mr. Johnson wanted the goals taken down was
not to keep a fight from happening because that can’t be stopped but he didn’t want a 9 or
10 year old kid being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Mayor Coleburn read an
email from Mr. Johnson which was requesting keeping the basketball court closed until
April 1st and would like a meeting with the Recreation Committee to go over rules for the
basketball court.
Mayor Coleburn referred the basketball court and Mr. Johnson’s request to the Parks and
Recreation Committee.
Mayor Coleburn asked Council if they wished to keep the basketball court closed through
April 1st.
Councilman Moncure said he had no problem with the decision made or action taken but
the problem he has is there are (7) members sitting here who were not informed of what
was happening. He said the council member in that Ward was not notified and if he had
received any calls he would have been unaware. He said it is totally irresponsible when
we argue about things such as writing a check for the girl’s softball team or seeking
grants. He added the Council needs to be informed so we are not caught completely
unaware in order to make decisions.
Mayor Coleburn said he did email the Town Manager, the Clerk and President of Council
about what was taking place.
Councilman Moncure said Sgt. Mathias acted on behalf of Chief Kuzmiak but how many
on Council knew our Chief was out of town. He said when the Police Chief, Town
Manager, Fire Chief or Mayor are out of pocket we need to be informed.
Mayor Coleburn said he was the first to complain about overzealous executive branch,
that may sound familiar to some of us here but he has a new perspective for when things
happen fast and apologized for not informing Council.
Councilman Moncure said we all just need to respect everyone’s need to know for
transparency. Mayor Coleburn replied he can sympathize because he has been on the
short end of information as well.
Councilman Green said looking at the situation he didn’t know how the Mayor could
have acted any other way. He said when it comes to the safety of residents he would
rather worry about this tidbit from lack of information than someone’s safety.
Councilman Green said Mr. Johnson made a great point and didn’t want to see the
basketball court looked at in an unfavorable light. He said he was not for closing the
basketball court, we have a $1.13 Million Police Department and we need to have their
presence there. He added we have good citizens and wants them to be able to enjoy the
court and not be punished because of foul actions of others.
Councilman Green said he was for reopening the basketball court tomorrow with better
police presence.
Councilman Moncure said he didn’t have a problem with closing the court because it was
in light of keeping kids safe.
Councilman Green commended the Mayor for his decision.
Mayor Coleburn said Mr. Johnson has been the driving force behind the construction and
lighting of the court and is asking for April 1st. He asked if we get another report will we
follow the same procedure.
Mr. Waymond Mitchell said he thought Council should listen to Mr. Johnson’s wish, we
can’t leave everything to the Police Department, the citizens need to take responsibility as
Mayor Coleburn asked Sgt. Mathias what his thoughts were. Sgt. Mathias replied either
way was fine and they have increased patrols.
Mr. George Ogburn said people now have cell phones and there should be an alert and
show a presence.
Councilman Green said he looks at this investment, it is almost terrorism and we need to
take a stand with our police presence.
Mayor Coleburn said it was talked about having a Work Session this coming Wednesday,
but we could have the Work Session on April 1st and settle it then.
Councilman Nash said he agreed with Councilman Green it should be opened back up
and if there was no action this weekend it has probably cooled off.
Mrs. April Stokes Thompson suggested going to the school and ask if there is any activity
of misbehaving in school.
Mayor Coleburn said he was visited by a Nottoway County educator expressing concern
about some things she heard like Mr. Johnson.
Councilman Green said he appreciated what was being said but we are getting way out of
our boundaries; he didn’t think we should be interacting with the schools.
Councilman Green made a motion to reopen the basketball court tomorrow with a (3)
month period and approval left with the Mayor. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Nash.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Paul Lee – Robinson, Farmer, Cox
Mayor Coleburn asked Mr. Lee how the Town was doing financially. Mr. Lee replied the
Town financially is doing very well. He said the Town didn’t have any internal control
points that needed to be pointed out; the Town continues to get an unqualified opinion on
the financial statements. Mr. Lee said there was Federal Compliance to be done this year
and the Town did well on that.
Mr. Lee said there was a Management Letter but it was addressed with appropriations at
the last meeting.
Mr. Lee pointed out the tax collections were at 98.5% this year, which is fairly high for a
Mayor Coleburn asked Mr. Lee how long he had been auditing the Town. Mr. Lee
replied since 1995.
Mayor Coleburn asked Mr. Lee his general thoughts over the past twenty years. Mr. Lee
replied the last (5) years have been the best.
Councilman Green asked if the accounts were reconciled. Mr. Lee replied yes sir.
Ray Ostrander – Nottoway Relay For Life
Mrs. Melanie Armes said Mr. Ostrander was not able to attend but her and Ms. Kitty
Banks were the co-chairs for Relay For Life for Nottoway. Mrs. Armes thanked Council
for helping with past events. She said cancer does not discriminate and was here to ask
for continued support, their 7th Annual Event will be Saturday, April 18, 2015 from 2:00
p.m.-10:00 p.m. at the Nottoway High School Sports Complex. She asked to help
promote the event and they need survivors and participants, the event is free.
Mrs. Armes said there will be food and items for purchase, a soap box derby at 1:30 p.m.,
two bands, Gypsy Road and the Crewe Boys. She suggested coming out to the
Luminaire Ceremony at 9:00 p.m. where we remember those that have lost their battle to
cancer and honor those who are fighting now, if this ceremony doesn’t touch you then
you do not have a heart.
Councilman Green said two of the three most important women in his life have cancer so
he will cheerlead and do whatever he can.
Mrs. Armes provided flyers for the event to post at work.
Melody Foster – Commonwealth Regional Council
They will be at April’s Council Meeting.
Mr. Chris Uhrich – DBi - Hometown Jams Committee
Mr. Uhrich said DBi has completed its initial planning for the fifth annual Hometown
Jams Summer Concert Series and thanked the Town of Blackstone for its phenomenal
Mr. Uhrich requested street closures for the block of Elm and South Main Street and
Broad and South Main Street like in the past. He asked the streets be closed 45 minutes
prior to the concert for set up. He added the concert dates will be May 2nd, June 6th, July
11th and August 1st.
Mr. Uhrich said we are requesting a time change this year for the concerts to be from
6:00 p.m. and end at 10:00 p.m. to get our money’s worth.
Mr. Uhrich said finally the banner request; they would like it up the Friday prior to each
concert which would be April 24th, May 22nd, July 3rd and July 24th.
Mayor Coleburn asked what days of the week are the concerts. Mr. Uhrich replied they
are all Saturdays.
Councilman Moncure made a motion to approve all the requests. The motion was
seconded by Councilwoman Thompson.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Councilman Nash made a motion to dispense with reading and approve as presented
the Minutes from the Regular Council Meeting on February 23, 2015. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Tucker.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Chief Tomer said Truck 9 in still in the repair process, the engine is done and they are
trying to fix the throttle control module.
Chief Tomer said Tanker 7; the production has been moved up and should be complete in
August. He said Deputy Chief Armes is applying for grants through the Department of
Forestry to equip the new tanker, which is due by the end of the month. He added the
grant could pay for half and the other half they are hoping to use money from Fire
Chief Tomer reminded everyone tomorrow is the State Wide Tornado Drill at 9:45 a.m.
Chief Tomer thanked Councilman Moncure for helping with the stew, they sold 144
Mayor Coleburn said the bills paid but not yet approved were in the amount of
Mayor Coleburn asked about police officers and meals reimbursement. Manager
Vannoorbeeck replied this is for the two officers in training.
Ms. Snead added because they are not staying at the Academy they are paying for the
meals. Councilman Scott replied they are staying at the Academy.
Ms. Snead said apparently they are not getting meals there so we are paying every two
weeks. She said Chief Kuzmiak decided to pay two weeks at a time instead of the whole
six months.
Sgt. Mathias clarified that there had been problems previously collecting a check for the
Academy for meals and the Town is responsible for the money and if it is not returned
and the employee doesn’t complete the Academy then the Town has to try to get it back
from that employee so this is trying to alleviate that situation and has been broken down
into two week intervals.
Mayor Coleburn asked about Mildred Ridley with a $4,800.00 returned tap fee. Manager
Vannoorbeeck replied she is the owner of the recently condemned apartment complex on
Governor Street. He said she was in the process of connecting the apartments and paid
the tap fee based on the number of units but after talking with a plumber and a contractor
after Mr. Ellington condemned the apartments the cost was too much and asked to be
reimbursed for the tap fees.
Councilman Moncure asked about $4,800.00 for zoning maps, where are they. Manager
Vannoorbeeck replied the maps would be delivered by April 1st for the Planning
Commission Meeting.
Councilwoman Thompson made a motion to approve the bills that have already been
paid in the amount of $436,475.57. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nash.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Manager Vannoorbeeck said the bills to be approved that have not been paid are in the
amount of $123,106.04.
Councilman Green asked about advertising coming from the Discretionary Fund. Ms.
Snead replied that was for business cards.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said cash flow right now is tough; a lot of money was spent last
Mayor Coleburn asked about peak shaving with the generators. Manager Vanoorbeeck
replied he didn’t have a figure for that but they pay us $12,000.00 every month this year
but it will drop off to $4,000.00 which was the cause of the 3% increase. He said we did
have a penalty for one of the runs in January, for 10 minutes out of 60 minutes the
generator didn’t run and cost $2,400.00.
Councilman Scott made a motion to approve the bills to be paid in the amount of
$123,106.04. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tucker.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Account & Finance – met 3-3-15 & 3-11-15 – minutes included in March & April’s
Council Packet
Chairman Green said Mayor Coleburn referred budgeting for a payment plan and this
couldn’t have come at a worse month. He said with the cash position as explained by
Manager Vannoorbeeck and having two bills from VMEA at $400,000.00 and carrying it
at least 45 days then add receiving a 12 month average we could be carrying thousands of
dollars and we do not have the money to do that.
Chairman Green asked how many people were cut off. Treasurer Procise replied 39
Mayor Coleburn asked if the pink slips were down. Treasurer Procise replied no.
Chairman Green added this only deteriorated the cash flow.
Mayor Coleburn asked Manager Vannoorbeeck if he agreed given the choice of a 30-day
period or budget plan. Manager Vannoorbeeck replied the 30 days was the lesser of two
Buildings, Property & Cemetery – met 3-5-15 & 3-11-15 – minutes included in
April’s Council Packet
Chairman Green said we met twice and there are recommendations from both meetings.
Chairman Green said it was explained there are (4) antique lights left over from building
the Medical Center and we would like to see them installed in the Town Square and have
Mr. Dickens seek donations for $1,800.00 to sponsor a pole. Manager Vannoorbeeck
added the donation would also include a dedication plaque.
Councilman Green made a motion to install the (4) left over antique lights in the Town
Square and have Mr. Dickens seek donations in the amount of $1,800.00 each for a
dedication plaque. The motion was seconded by Councilman Moncure.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Chairman Green said we have a thriving car wash business located on property leased
through Norfolk Southern. He said nowhere in the lease does it give the Town the right
to allow operating a business, nothing is correct.
Chairman Green said it is a matter of liability and wrong to allow him to operate a
business; it is a nightmare waiting to happen. He said we could see about designating a
place in the Industrial Park.
Councilman Tucker said he has been over there for a while and there hasn’t been a
problem, would the liability be on him. Chairman Green replied no because he is on
Town property.
Chairman Green said he looked at it as a fairness issue unless we want to stay out of it
and let someone else decide they want to wash cars on the other end of Town.
Mayor Coleburn said there are some that will travel to where your car is.
Councilman Tucker said he is not causing any harm and to his knowledge nothing has
occurred so he didn’t see why we were being so critical.
Chairman Green said he wasn’t being critical but they are on Town property with no
rules or regulations and engaged in commerce.
Mayor Coleburn said according to the minutes there is a different person washing cars at
the Medical Center, did they receive permission to do so. He said what would happen if
he went to Seay Park to wash cars.
Chairman Green said what’s to stop this from getting out of hand.
Mrs. Yvonne Wilson asked if it would make a difference if they have liability insurance.
Chairman Green said his biggest problem is the Town is leasing the property from
Norfolk Southern and we don’t have the authority to let him be there.
Councilman Tucker asked if Norfolk Southern has complained. Manager Vannoorbeeck
replied no they have complained about tractor trailer parking.
Manager Vannoorbeeck clarified the Town does own a portion of the parking lot.
Mayor Coleburn clarified this gentleman has done nothing wrong and provides a valuable
service but this Council needs to decide what to do tonight.
Councilman Nash made a motion to have the car wash business across from Town
Hall vacate the property immediately. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Mr. Steven Flippen said if he can’t sublease then get him to sign a waiver saying if
something happens he can’t sue.
Mr. George Ogburn suggested renting the lot to him on Fridays.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Mayor Coleburn explained the motion was defeated 3-2 with two abstentions so Richard
Lewis has permission to continue washing cars. Manager Vannoorbeeck added he never
had permission to begin with.
Chairman Green said Manager Vannoorbeeck explained the cost for plastic recycling.
Manager Vannoorbeeck explained there may be some grant money to purchase
equipment but the Town would have to provide a structure for the compactor. He said it
was recommended to him to get a multi-stream which would include paper, glass,
aluminum, steel and plastic but the material would not pay for servicing and did not
believe the volume would be there.
Chairman Green said the Committee recommended a Closed Session tonight to discuss
the disposition of the old Town Shop.
Chairman Green said the Recreation Association asked about a privacy screen for the
restrooms at Wrigglesworth and could be handled through maintenance funds.
Councilman Green made a motion to authorize Manager Vannoorbeeck to provide
privacy screens around the restroom at Wrigglesworth. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Moncure.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Chairman Green said the Fire Department approached the Committee because they are in
the process of raising funds to have a shed to house the antique fire apparatus and asked
to allow the shed be placed where the current shed is.
Councilman Green made a motion to approve the shed for the antique fire apparatus to be
placed where the current shed is now.
Councilman Moncure asked how this was going to be paid for. Chairman Green replied
he didn’t hear a request for money.
Mr. Walter Mac Osborne said this was originally his project and they have been raising
money but we do not know the actual cost. He said he and Manager Vannoorbeeck had a
misunderstanding about the cost of the slab but they are still actively raising money and
so far they are at $14,000.00.
Councilman Green made a motion to allow the Fire Department to place a new shed
where the current shed is now for the antique fire apparatus and includes no money.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Nash.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
1. Blackstone Cruise-Ins
2. Community Easter Egg Hunt – April 4th
Mayor Coleburn asked about the time for the Easter egg hunt. Mr. Osborne replied it
was going to be on the Schwartz Tavern grounds and asked to close High Street
between Tavern and Dinwiddie Avenue between 2:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Councilman Nash made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Scott.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
1. Adopt Resolution – Hemp Farming
Mr. Steven Flippen provided a substitute resolution if the other didn’t pass.
Mr. Flippen explained the substitute resolution was not promoting anything political
but just helping to build the economy of Blackstone.
Mayor Coleburn read the resolution and said it would only be addressing the issue of
economic benefits of industrial hemp production and only speaking on the nonpsychoactive potential or actual use of cannabis, intentionally silent on current state
and federal laws regarding THC in all forms.
Councilman Moncure said this will be going in front of the Governor in Richmond so
anything we do tonight is not affecting anything.
Mayor Coleburn said according to Mr. Marston it is not politicians we are trying to
pacify but there are companies that want to come to Southside Virginia and want to
be where there is strong support.
Mr. Marston said in 1999 the Virginia General Assembly passed House Resolution
94, which said the State of Virginia would pursue industrial hemp as economic
development and was sent to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. He said 16 years ago
we did what we are doing now but just because you pass a piece of legislation does
not mean someone will be coming through town to offer you a factory or economic
development but this was discussed 16 years ago, what are we waiting for.
Mr. Flippen said both the House and Senate have passed this bill but both resolutions
are separate from that. He said we are trying to get all of Southside Virginia to agree
on this amendment then we can go to the local farmers to know how many acres are
available then we can let companies know what is available to them.
Mr. Flippen said his comparison is Blackstone has a really nice new sports complex
that hosted a softball tournament last year and this year but didn’t think the recreation
associations would have the tournaments in Blackstone if not for the new complex.
He said essentially that is what this resolution is doing is getting together people and
counties to give to these companies overseas. He said they are coming here and if
they know of an x number of acres it gives it that much more of an argument to come
to Southside and create economy.
Councilman Nash said he has researched this and completely agreed it would be a
huge economic benefit, but as a governing body he thought it was hard to tie the
hands to something that not the entire Town agrees with.
Councilman Moncure said he was not against hemp or anything that produces
economic opportunity but why are we joining a lobby group trying to get customers
that is not our function. Mayor Coleburn replied that is not what this resolution is
Mr. Jeremy Williamson said he was a Kenston Forest graduate of 1994. He said he
was the Southside Virginia Coordinator for the Virginia Industrial Hemp Coalition.
He said Council would not be signing off on any kind of lobbyist group, his
representation is for the people of Southside Virginia, it is a non-profit group, and he
answers the questions people have and represents them being compensated.
Mr. Williamson said this is a golden opportunity for Blackstone, you have rail access
all around Blackstone, and this will be a huge economic boost for this area; why not
bring jobs back here. He said there are tons of plants run down all over Blackstone;
this would be a great sell if you see the future of the industry. He said he has lived in
Richmond, Roanoke and North Carolina but he moved back here to do this because it
is the right thing to do for the people here to reap the benefits.
Councilman Green said he liked this spin, that was a good pitch and he wants to
support his favorite neighbor for medicinal purposes. He said it was time for him to
be truthful, what he didn’t like was being political and being force fed to him, but
now a lucid reason has been presented. He said he was looking at it as a race player,
it is not going to be grown here and also the bill on the Governor’s desk is a pilot
program and has a long way to go. He said Mr. Williamson changed his mind and
what is being asked is the backing of a concept.
Councilman Green made a motion to approve the original Resolution presented for
Hemp Farming. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Thompson.
Mr. Ogburn said he was trying to help STEPS in Victoria he is having backpacks
donated being made out of hemp.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
2. Award Payroll Services
Manager Vannoorbeeck said it was reported as $9,800.00 annually but in the Council
Packet is says $14,050.00 but there is a promotional offer that makes it $9,800.00.
Mayor Coleburn said Rachel Harris left the Town. Manager Vannoorbeeck added we
have filled her position with two part timers.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said the payroll services would go to ADP, who was the sole
respondent to the RFP. He said what we believe by not filling the full time position
and using ADP it will actually save some money.
Councilman Nash asked if any locals were contacted. Manager Vannoorbeeck
replied no he did not contact anyone.
Councilman Nash said he received a call today and explained to them it was
advertised for two weeks.
Councilman Nash said he just thought if it was done by someone local for simplicity
if we have a question we could go down the street. Manager Vannoorbeeck replied
he did not get a phone call from anyone.
Councilman Green asked if the Town acted proper. Manager Vannoorbeeck replied
yes, advertising in the paper was beyond what is required; if it was over $30,000.00
there would have had to be sealed bids.
Councilman Green said we did what was supposed to be done and now we need to do
staff a service and this is what they are comfortable with.
Councilman Nash asked if we were just agreeing to a year. Manager Vannoorbeeck
replied this is month to month.
Mayor Coleburn asked what it would cost per year. Manager Vannoorbeeck replied
$9,800.00 with a one-time set up fee of $4,500.00 which has been deferred back until
the first of July.
Councilman Green pointed out we would have to hire a person to handle the Health
Care Act.
Councilman Moncure made a motion to accept the proposal from ADP for payroll
services with the agreement allowing for 30 day notice and not to exceed $9,800.00.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Tucker.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
3. Award Landscaping at Welcome Signs
Manager Vannoorbeeck said the Town received (1) sealed bid for the landscaping.
Mayor Coleburn said sometimes people are reluctant to bid something that is high
profile because they get busy and people start fussing.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said we received donations for three welcome signs and
Council agreed between DBi and the Town we would pay for one. He said we have a
shortfall of about $150.00 per sign annually.
Mr. Lafayette Dickens said he called on everybody he knew. Manager Vannoorbeeck
said Starke Behavioral, McDonald’s and VUMAC donated.
Mayor Coleburn said this may sound like a conflict but the company that employees
him sells advertising, he did not want to be riding by a nice Welcome to Blackstone
sign and be distracted by a sign that says Moe’s Tractor Repair. He asked what the
sponsors are getting.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said the sponsors are getting a sign that matches the existing
Mayor Coleburn asked if you could read it doing 35 MPH. Mr. Dickens replied you
can probably read it.
Mayor Coleburn asked if it competes with the Welcome Signs. Manager
Vannoorbeeck replied it is the same color and design.
Councilman Green asked how long are we doing this for. Manager Vannoorbeeck
replied one year.
Mayor Coleburn said this is a town and our slogan is Come Share Our Pride, which
started in the 80s, and they didn’t ask for recognition but now people do it if they are
recognized and didn’t know if that was the spirit of Come Share Our Pride.
Mayor Coleburn said he knew Mr. Nash did a good job. Councilman Nash replied
this was not him doing the work.
Mayor Coleburn said the one bid was for $2,380.00 a year for four plantings.
Clerk Daniel asked where the difference for the cost would come from. Councilman
Green replied from Council Discretionary.
Councilwoman Thompson made a motion to accept the sole bid received from
Clay’s Garden Center for plantings at the Welcome Signs, make the difference up
through the flower pot money not to exceed $600.00 and this being for one year.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Green.
Councilman Nash asked if we could continue to search for a sponsor for the
remaining welcome sign.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
1. Dilapidated Buildings
Manager Vannoorbeeck said in the next few weeks there will be activity with houses
coming down and told Councilman Tucker they would focus on 507 Dillard Street.
He added he was waiting on the asbestos contractor.
2. Meals Tax
Mayor Coleburn said there are (2) outstanding meals tax.
Treasurer Procise said the second letter to Huddle House went out today. She said
she called them and asked for the January and February payment.
Councilman Nash said he takes care of the shopping center which owns the Huddle
House and they are behind on the rent as well.
Councilman Nash asked how long do we wait until we pursue.
Councilman Nash made a motion that the day Huddle House is past due we initiate
court proceedings. The motion was seconded by Councilman Green.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
3. Sewer Improvement Projects
Manager Vannoorbeeck said tomorrow they plan to start digging up High Street
between Mann and Division. He showed an old water line that was taken out of
service from Dillard Street which is from 1960.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said we are building support for the Planning Grant on the
east side of town and will hopefully find assistance.
4. Street Improvement Projects
Mayor Coleburn said Manager Vannoorbeeck is requesting authorization to apply for
grant funds in the amount of $121, 225.00. Manager Vannoorbeeck added this
program is for primary streets that meet certain criteria that is below a certain grading
scale. He said North Main Street qualifies from Division Street to the north
Corporate Limits which will include slurry seal. He added this is a 100% grant and
the Town’s only match would be the settled area at Barco Road.
Councilman Scott made a motion to authorize Manager Vannoorbeeck to apply for
the grant funds in the amount of $121,225.00 for North Main Street. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Tucker.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
5. Church Street Project
Mayor Coleburn asked if this weatherization was through STEPS. Mrs. Beck replied
no it was through DHCD.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said there is money left over from a grant and asked to apply
it towards street improvements. He said DHCD was not in agreement and suggested
to find housing in that neighborhood and find ways to make it work. He said one way
is instead of full rehabilitation on a house anything under $10,000.00 doesn’t require
a deed of trust on the property so this will focus on heating, insulation, windows and
doors to help get light bills down.
Councilman Moncure asked how much money was left over. Mrs. Beck replied
Councilman Nash asked if the flyer could be delivered to each resident. Mrs. Beck
replied it has already been done.
6. Wrigglesworth Sports Complex
Mayor Coleburn said the User Agreements were included in the Council Packet.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said the dates and times need clarification. Councilman
Nash said we can always change things but we need something for right now.
Manager Vannoorbeeck explained the agreement says Dixie Boys and Girls and the
Gators are exempt from fees and everybody else pays. He said the use of the facility
for a night is $100.00, $150.00 for the day and $300.00 for a weekend.
Mayor Coleburn said with the time limit and the tournaments this summer they may
go to 11:00 p.m. He suggested exceptions for all-stars and tournaments.
Councilman Nash asked that the Committee meet about the times.
Councilman Nash made a motion to approve the agreements presented and the
Committee discuss the times. The motion was seconded by Councilman Scott.
Councilman Nash asked what will happen if the agreements are not followed.
Mayor Coleburn suggested writing a letter to the Recreation Board letting them know
these agreements have been approved by Council and applies to the Recreation Board
volunteers, officers and travel teams.
Councilman Moncure asked if the Recreation Association could be responsible for
making sure all users sign the agreement. Councilman Nash replied we don’t need to
add that to their plate.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
7. Downtown Planning Grant
Manager Vannoorbeeck said the received one respondent and B&B let us know they
were busy right now and did not have staff for this. He said the one company;
Community Planning Partners were interviewed and are highly qualified.
Councilman Nash made a motion to award the consulting services for the second
phase of the Downtown Planning Grant to Community Planning Partners.
Mayor Coleburn asked the cost. Mrs. Beck replied it is $25,000.00 from DHCD and
some pricing for other things that have already been done. She added she would be
working with DHCD to get to the grant amount.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Tucker.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
8. Seay Park – Revenue Sharing
Manager Vannoorbeeck said the first week of April town staff will start digging out
the sidewalk and front steps to the Library and the week of the 7th Castle Heights will
begin replacing the sidewalk and paving will take place after that. He said the plan
was to close one lane on Main Street rather than the whole street.
1. Proposed Resolution – National Sunshine Week
Councilman Green made a motion to adopt the National Sunshine Week Resolution.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Nash.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Mayor Coleburn explained Council just adopted a resolution declaring next week
National Sunshine Awareness Week. He said he received an email yesterday from a
Councilman in Crewe, Phil Miskovic who would like to have a countywide
discussion with the Town Councils, the Board of Supervisors, the School Board and
someone from the Freedom of Information Act Council between now and June for a
workshop on the Freedom of Information Act.
Mayor Coleburn said he just wants to know if this Council would be agreeable to
move forward but did not have any dates.
Mayor Coleburn said if Council is agreeable he will notify Mr. Miskovic. It was
2. LCCDC Request for Van Repairs
Mayor Coleburn said there is a letter in the Council Packet from Mrs. Yvonne Wilson
about a van repair for LCCDC.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said Mr. Waymond Mitchell approached him about a van
they purchased and wanted the Town’s mechanic to look at it. Manager
Vannoorbeeck told him ok because it is a community oriented vehicle but we could
not spend any money on it. He said Mr. Tim Barnes has included a list of things that
need to be done to it.
Manager Vannoorbeeck asked for guidance from Council on how to proceed.
Mayor Coleburn said Mr. Mitchell came to see him and told him he was worried
about the precedent it might set and that there are taxpaying repair shops in
Blackstone that would work on this type of vehicle.
Mr. Mitchell said this unit is serving the Town of Blackstone in many ways and
LCCDC is non-profit and helping the community get kids off the street. He said you
spend money for the Recreation Association why can’t you do this for Mrs. Wilson.
He added Mrs. Wilson used her own money to buy the van and is asking the Town to
fix it because she is serving the Town.
Mayor Coleburn asked if the Town funded LCCDC. It was replied no.
Mayor Coleburn asked Mrs. Wilson if her funding was through State Grants. Mrs.
Wilson replied no sir, we are funded through minimal donations or fundraising, which
only helps pay bills and everybody there is a volunteer.
Mrs. Wilson said her hope was since they do work with the youth and unfortunately
lots of parents don’t have transportation she bought the van and was hoping it was
going to be ready to go but it looks like another $1,200.00 to get it fixed.
Mrs. Wilson said if the Town was not willing to do everything maybe they could do
something to help with the cost.
Mayor Coleburn asked about the mileage. Mrs. Wilson replied it is not 200,000.
Mayor Coleburn clarified the request is for the Town of Blackstone to provide the
materials and labor to repair the van.
Councilman Moncure said he was not against doing this but wanted to know the cost.
Councilman Green said with a heavy heart, this is a mighty slippery slope; he would
love to help but didn’t know how we could break that seal.
Mr. Mitchell said look at it this way, what is good for the goose is good for the
gander, you help with recreation and this is for recreation not personal use.
Mr. Mitchell asked if the Town paid for kids to go on a trip. Mayor Coleburn replied
that was for the all-stars two years ago. Mr. Mitchell asked what is the difference in
that. Mayor Coleburn replied he opposed that and an excellent point.
Mr. Mitchell said we have too many kids walking around with nothing to do and we
can pick them up and take them home, it will benefit the Town.
Councilman Moncure said you can’t argue against the right of things but what’s
going to happen when Crenshaw Methodist Church or Shiloh Baptist Church comes
to us, there is an area that we have to decide if we will cross or not.
Mayor Coleburn said local government from time to time has acted in hast which
does add to the validity.
Mrs. Wilson said she understood Council talking about opening the door that may
cause other organizations to want the same thing but these other organizations have
other revenue and funds coming in but we don’t have a steady flow of anything. She
said we are not just looking to help ourselves we want to be an asset to the Town.
She asked Council to take this into consideration and don’t say no because of what
might happen.
Mr. Mitchell said this will be a one-time thing.
Mayor Coleburn said let’s pretend the Town repairs the bus and six months later a big
event comes up, the kids are excited and the night before the van won’t crank. Mr.
Mitchell replied that won’t happen.
Mayor Coleburn asked Mr. Mitchell if he would want Council to do the same thing.
Mr. Mitchell replied no it is a one-time deal.
Mrs. Wilson said she asked her husband for an estimate. She added if we find out the
transmission is bad we probably won’t pursue it.
Councilman Green said it is a matter of policy.
Mr. Mitchell asked Councilman Green if he would like to donate. Councilman Green
replied he was not in a position to do that. He added he had some connections at
repair shops and would be glad to talk with them and maybe get some fundraising
going, but he had a problem with the Town and citizens of Blackstone fixing the van
and we don’t do it across the board.
Mr. Mitchell asked for a donation of a $1,000.00 towards the van. Councilman Green
replied it is the policy he has a problem with.
Mayor Coleburn said Mr. Mitchell is picking $1,000.00 for a reason.
Councilman Green said two wrongs don’t make a right. Mr. Mitchell said he didn’t
expect anything different.
Mrs. Wilson said because we are not in a budget line item to receive anything from
the Town and even if the Town was able to give a donation for the year we could use
it for whatever.
Councilman Green said he wanted to help with fundraising but he had to look out for
the taxpayers and stay consistent.
Councilwoman Thompson asked Mrs. Wilson if she would be willing to allow
Councilman Green to help with his sources. Mrs. Wilson replied she wasn’t sure
because they don’t do well with fundraising. She said the people they service are
parents with low income, we don’t get much; we provide services for them because
they cannot afford to pay.
Councilman Green said he was talking as a private citizen about asking a friend to see
if they could help.
Mayor Coleburn said Manager Vannoorbeeck has been around long enough in local
government to know that this is one of those issues not because it is Yvonne Wilson
but it’s because it is a non Town entity and is not funded by the Town, but neither is
the Recreation Association as Mr. Mitchell pointed out but they have a relationship
with the Town for the fact we build ballparks for them, we give donations from the
County, it is a little gray.
Councilwoman Thompson said she knew somebody she would ask as well.
Councilman Green said his position was the Town did not need to endeavor in this.
Councilman Green made a motion to deny the van repair request. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Moncure.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Mayor Coleburn said he included a write up about November elections and would be
sharing the same note with the NAACP.
Mayor Coleburn and Councilman Green discussed staggered terms. Manager
Vannoorbeeck discussed staggered elections as they were in Amelia.
Councilman Moncure said with off date elections the people who bother to vote have
looked and considered the ballot.
Mayor Coleburn said there are many times he is increasingly too busy to be a good mayor
but the day he talked to Mr. Johnson and Sgt. Mathias he had to do his full time job and
appreciated the comments and apologized for not doing a better job of communicating.
Clerk Daniel thanked Sgt. Mayton, Seth Myers, Jason Robertson, Lee Scott and Todd
Hulings for saving her dog from a well last night.
Mayor Coleburn said he wanted to do something to recognize Sgt. Mayton and asked Sgt.
Mathias if they had a banquet in May. Sgt. Mathias replied they have had them in
different months but did not know of anything scheduled now.
Mayor Coleburn asked to be notified when they have a date set because he wanted to
recognize Sgt. Mayton for helping with a house fire and present the Alfred Tucker award.
Treasurer Procise said Mr. Charles Browning with DMV was here last Thursday and had
(8) people (2) from here, South Hill and Victoria to discuss things that were going wrong
and our girls got a lot out of it and Mr. Browning wanted to thank Council for use of the
Manager Vannoorbeeck said there was a massive oak tree that went down in the cemetery
last night.
Mayor Coleburn asked how many headstones were damaged. Manager Vannoorbeeck
replied probably a dozen.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said as part of the process with the East End Planning Grant they
have received information from DHCD about appropriateness of community centers.
Manager Vannoorbeeck asked the Mayor to refer to a committee the buildings located at
Wrigglesworth Complex. He said the County owns (4) buildings and perhaps there could
be a discussion with a committee and Council could make a recommendation to the
County requesting potentially using one of those buildings as a community center.
Mayor Coleburn referred the buildings at Wrigglesworth owned by the County to the
Health and Ordinance Committee.
Mayor Coleburn asked if the Garrett, Moon & Pool property had been sold. Manager
Vannoorbeeck replied no.
Virginia Code Section 2.2-3711
Real Property
Councilman Nash made a motion to go into Closed Session for discussion or
consideration of the acquisition of real property for a public purpose, or of the
disposition of publicly held real property, where discussion in an open meeting would
adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the public body. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Moncure.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Councilman Green made a motion to certify that to the best of each member’s
knowledge only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting
requirements and only such public business matters as were identified in the motion by
which the Closed Meeting was convened, were heard, discussed or considered in the
meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Scott.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
There was a motion to have Manager Vannoorbeeck seek an RFP or RFQ for listing the
Town Shop. The motion was seconded.
There being no further business to bring before Council, Mayor Coleburn declared the
meeting adjourned.
_______________________________APPROVED AND ADOPTED
_______________________________TOWN CLERK