Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Council of the Town of

Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Council of the Town of Blackstone, Virginia, held
in the Council Chambers located at 100 W. Elm Street, Blackstone, Virginia on Monday,
August 25, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
There Were Present:
Mayor: William D. Coleburn
Council Members: Wade Hamner, Lee Scott, Ben Green, Barbara Thompson,
Alfred Tucker, Eric Nash, Sam Moncure
Town Staff:
Philip Vannoorbeeck, Town Manager; Jennifer Daniel,
Clerk; Gweneth Procise, Treasurer; Chris Snead,
Bookkeeper; Tony Mayton, Sgt.; Glen Hart, Fire Chief
Town Attorney:
Those Absent:
Chief Kuzmiak, Jennifer Beck
Mayor Coleburn called the August Council Meeting to order.
Mayor Coleburn said some members of Council have had a change in their lives. First he
welcomed Mr. Wade Hamner as the Ward B Representative.
Mayor Coleburn said Councilman Nash had recently welcomed a new baby in their
household and to top it off their family pet that was missing for (2) months was found
Councilman Nash delivered the Invocation.
Mayor Coleburn led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Coleburn added Jennifer Beck had also had her baby.
Discharge of Firearms
The Blackstone Town Council shall hold a Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m., August 25, 2014
in the Blackstone Town Council Chambers, 100 W. Elm Street, Blackstone, Virginia. The
Public Hearing has been called to consider an Ordinance amending and reenacting
Section 38-46, Discharge of Firearms, of the Town of Blackstone Town Code.
Specifically the proposed ordinance would eliminate the Towns current permit
requirement to discharge pneumatic guns within the Town limits. Additionally, the
proposed ordinance would make the Towns ordinance consistent with the Code of
Manager Vannoorbeeck said the Ordinance revisions being proposed tonight applied
specifically to pneumatic guns, by definition BB guns and pellet rifles. He said currently
the Blackstone Police Department issues permits based on the discretion of the Chief. He
added Chief Kuzmiak came to him with the State Code section that does not permit the
Town to require the permit.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said the changes to our Ordinance allows the use of BB guns and
pellet rifles to be used in the Town of Blackstone, where appropriate and not crossing the
boundary of a property but no longer requires the permit.
Mayor Coleburn asked if this was saying if you want to shoot a squirrel on your property
with a pneumatic gun you may do so. Manager Vannoorbeeck replied there are some
issues regarding hunting and still needs to be in compliance with the State Code, so this
Ordinance does not specifically say you can shoot a squirrel.
Mayor Coleburn asked if there was anyone here to speak for or against this proposed
Mayor Coleburn closed the Public Hearing.
Councilman Green made a motion to amend and enact the Discharge of Firearms
Ordinance pertaining to pneumatic guns. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Enumeration of Prohibited Noises
The Blackstone Town Council shall hold a Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m., August 25, 2014
in the Blackstone Town Council Chambers, 100 W. Elm Street, Blackstone, Virginia. The
Public Hearing has been called to consider an Ordinance amending and reenacting
Section 26-51, Enumeration of Prohibited Noises, of the Town of Blackstone Town
Code. Specifically the proposed ordinance increases the distance from which amplified
sound may be audible from outside a vehicle. This proposed ordinance would increase
the distance from the current twenty (20) feet to one hundred (100) feet.
Mayor Coleburn said this was to amend the Noise Ordinance to make it more prosecutor
justice friendly.
Manager Vannoorbeeck pointed out that included in the Council Packet was a memo
from Attorney Bacon recommending the enumeration of noise from a moving vehicle go
from 20’ to 50’. He said there had been some question with her and the
Commonwealth’s Attorney, Terry Royal prosecuting noise complaints from moving
Manager Vannoorbeeck said the current Ordinance is if music coming from a vehicle can
be heard 20’ is deemed illegal but Terry Royal did not agree with the distance. He said
Attorney Bacon’s recommendation was 50’ however Ms. Royal in order to prosecute will
enforce 100’, which is what is being proposed in the Ordinance.
Mayor Coleburn opened the Public Hearing.
Mayor Coleburn asked if there was anyone here to speak for or against the proposed
change to the Town’s Noise Ordinance. He said this mainly applies to vehicles but also a
part of the Noise Ordinance is if you are having a party at your house if the noise is
audible beyond the property line you are in violation.
Ms. Edmonds said concerning noise, she lives at the corner of Luke and Green Street and
the cars come by with all the windows down and the music is so loud you can hear it in
the house and when you are in bed at night.
Mayor Coleburn explained what we are trying to do is make sure when an officer writes a
ticket it will stick in court. He said it may sound like the Town is trying to relax the
Ordinance which by the letter of the law it is but will allow more tickets to be not only
written but upheld in court.
Mr. Hogg said so what is being said is the police have to be 100’ away to write the ticket
because the houses are not 100’ away.
A lady from the audience asked how do we know who is making the noise. Mayor
Coleburn replied if you hear loud noise from inside your home call the Blackstone police.
She asked if they should get a license number. Mayor Coleburn replied that is helpful.
Mayor Coleburn closed the Public Hearing.
Councilman Nash said they need to write tickets and enforce it, not have it on the books
for no reason.
Councilman Green asked if he was the only one in the gray area with 50’ and 100’ and
the Commonwealth’s Attorney is going to dictate to us what ordinances we write.
Councilman Moncure said we are asking the Commonwealth’s Attorney if it is alright for
us to use 100’, she should accept what we have written as the law and prosecute.
Mayor Coleburn said there is a process in this country and this is sort of a gray line but
we take comfort in this room that her motivation is to see more tickets upheld because
she is concerned with what she sees as some judges may be activists. He said she was
concerned that someone may get stopped for the noise and it lead to something really big
but because the stop was unjust the whole thing gets thrown out.
Councilman Green said he had not had a chance to speak with Ms. Royal but if that is the
case then he is all for it.
Councilman Moncure made a motion to adopt the Enumeration of Prohibited Noise
Ordinance as advertised at 100’. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nash.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Mr. Lewis Johnson
Mr. Johnson said you all might not like what he has to say but give him the opportunity
to finish before he is interrupted.
Mr. Johnson said he was here tonight because a lot of citizens of Blackstone think they
are not being treated fairly, especially African Americans, we are not being treated the
same, even Council members are voting against us and the stuff being brought before
Council is for a cause.
Mr. Johnson said he brought (3) things to Council, the light bill, which is helping
everybody, if it won’t for Mr. Eaton the bills wouldn’t have been changed. He said the
only thing he heard is the black people weren’t spending their money right but the point
is it is benefitting everybody even the white people are enjoying it.
Mr. Johnson said the basketball court, nobody wanted that and we had to fight for that,
but when the baseball field started and 90% white kids play that was no problem. He said
we can’t even get lights for the basketball court; it is part of the sports complex. He said
he is only hearing about black people doing drugs, white people do drugs there too, and
they are drinking and carrying beer in the games. Mr. Johnson said if you can say it
behind closed doors say it in public, it is not right we deserve lights like everybody else.
He said the kids can’t play basketball because it will start getting dark earlier, but they
can play softball.
Mr. Johnson said he has been lied to so many times by the Town Manager and even the
Council, it’s been so many times he said he should put a sign on his head “tell me another
Mr. Johnson said a promise was made to him about sidewalks if he could get Nottoway
County on board and he talked to a certain person and made it happen. He said when
Council found out it happened then you voted no and then you went back and recounted
yourself, how do you think that makes you look after you agree to something then change
your mind.
Mr. Johnson said Mr. Green knocked on everybody’s door on Nottoway Avenue and
once elected made that change, that’s not right. Councilman Green replied he would not
have voted for it to begin with.
Mr. Johnson said he wanted to give credit to Mr. Scott and Mrs. Thompson for standing
their ground because it is wrong.
Mr. Johnson said the Town doesn’t have any money then why sell a building for $5.00.
He said if it was Brunswick and College Avenue the sidewalk would never have been
denied. He said he has his own people voting against him, you need to stand up.
Mr. Johnson said people need to correct Mr. Moncure when he makes remarks like next
they will want us to pave their driveway, we didn’t ask about driveways just the
Mayor Coleburn said Mr. Johnson said something tonight that concerns him, if there is
drug and alcohol use anywhere in Town, especially on town property he thought
everyone here would want that stopped immediately, he did not know about this.
Mr. Johnson said you know what people are saying and why they didn’t want a basketball
court and it’s not even happening there.
Mr. Johnson asked why don’t we have lights at the basketball court, it would take two
lights, 90% of black kids play basketball.
Mayor Coleburn asked Mr. Johnson if lights were to be installed would he be opposed to
a time period. Mr. Johnson replied no because people have to sleep over there.
Councilman Nash asked Mr. Johnson where did the percentage with whites and blacks
playing baseball come from. Mr. Johnson replied you can go out there and look.
Councilman Nash added that is incorrect because he checked this year, and it is 48%
white and 46% black. Mr. Johnson said that doesn’t mean anything, we are still being
treated differently.
Councilman Tucker told Mr. Johnson for him to come beat up on the Council like he just
did was wrong. He said yes he didn’t vote for the process at first because he wanted to
see the situation and he went and looked at it, we can’t just do a project without checking
it out and getting information together, which is what we did and everybody came back
and was in agreement with it. He said the Council has more than one project going on
and it takes time to do all of this. He said for Mr. Johnson to come here with his agenda
to bash us is wrong.
Mr. Johnson told Councilman Tucker he was wrong for not supporting us. He said the
sidewalks were already approved and he had plenty of time to go look at it.
Mayor Coleburn said Mr. Johnson has brought some legitimate issues to Council in the
past; the good news is the sidewalk project is moving forward.
Mayor Coleburn said we do have a basketball court, he is pro basketball and would like
to see (2) courts. He said the lighting issue has been delayed but the request sounds
reasonable to him but he was not on the Recreation Committee which has discussed it
previously. He said he wants to focus on things that bring us together, he said the wheels
of progress grind slowly sometimes, but they do move forward. He said Mr. Johnson has
brought things to Council that has resulted in action.
Councilman Nash said Mr. Johnson mentioned we have betrayed his people, being 28
years old he has never even been close to racism and hates that he thinks we are against
his people, we are not, the issue with Nottoway Avenue was who was paying for it, there
was no issue with color at anytime.
Mr. Johnson said forget about the sidewalks they are already done, but as African
Americans we feel we are not being treated equally in this Town, you all do not see it
because it is not happening to each of you.
Councilman Green said the Finance Committee has met and discussed a 5-7 year plan to
enhance the ballpark complex, they are envisioning tennis courts, walking trails and
anything else that can be on the property. He said he sees Wrigglesworth just being born,
not finished. He added but it has to be budgeted for and in due time.
Councilman Green asked Mr. Johnson about the closed door meetings, was he accusing
him or members of Council. Mr. Johnson replied everybody knows people talk on the
side, that’s life if happens. Councilman Green said he didn’t appreciate the accusations.
Mayor Coleburn asked the Parks and Recreation Committee to look into lights at the
basketball court.
Mr. Waymond Mitchell
Mr. Mitchell started off by agreeing with Mr. Johnson. He told Mr. Tucker that this was
the place to bring his concerns, you all voted on it before.
Mr. Mitchell said he was here to talk about handicap parking and described what he had
seen around town.
Councilman Nash asked if it was enforceable in a private lot. Mayor Coleburn replied he
believed so.
Mayor Coleburn asked Sgt. Mayton if they write handicap violations. Sgt. Mayton
replied we do, we can write tickets anywhere for a handicap parking zone.
Ms. Debra Rhoades
Ms. Rhoades said they are in Mrs. Thompson’s Ward on Luke and Falls Street. She said
they were having a family gathering this weekend and would like the streets closed at
Luke and Green Street. Manager Vannoorbeeck clarified between Luke and Falls Street
on Green Street.
Councilman Green made a motion to approve the street closure on Green Street from
4:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 30, 2014 for a family gathering. The
motion was seconded by Councilwoman Thompson.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Ms. Rhoades said she was requesting work for their ditch line; she had not received any
response to her request. She said she has been there for 35 years and the ditch is eroding
and washing into her property.
Mayor Coleburn referred the ditch at 200 Hardy Street to the Street and Light Committee.
Ms. Rhoades asked for Children Playing signs on her street because there are small
children in the neighborhood.
Councilman Nash made a motion to dispense with reading and approve as presented
the Minutes from the Continued Meetings on June 23, 2014, June 30, 2014 and July
29, 2014 and the Special Called Meeting on July 7, 2014. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Tucker.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Chief Hart apologized for not having a fire report this month but will have one for next
Chief Hart asked for permission to conduct the annual Boot Drive the day of Arts and
Councilman Nash made a motion to allow the Fire Department to conduct their Boot
Drive on Saturday, September 13, 2014. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman
Mayor Coleburn asked what time and where they would be located. Chief Hart replied
on Dinwiddie, North Main, North West, Church Street and South Main Street from 8:00
a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Chief Hart asked for permission to display their banners for the Boot Drive and Open
House when it comes time.
Councilman Nash made a motion to approve hanging the banner for the Fire
Department’s Open House at the Post Office with the fee waived. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Scott.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Chief Hart said the Open House for the Fire Department will be October 13th.
Chief Hart asked to clarify one thing that he noticed in last week’s paper about the Fire
Department wanting to retain the old tanker, he said that’s why we came to Council
asking to spec bids.
Mayor Coleburn said he didn’t know the answer so asked the Town Manager about the
tanker and it was said he heard some wanted to retain the tanker and some wanted to sell
it. He said his only point was as a matter of process if the tanker is sold it would have to
be declared surplus by Council and bids sought.
Chief Hart said it was in the minutes about whether this truck would be used within
Blackstone’s Corporate Limits. He said the answer is yes, we do have areas within the
Town that there are no hydrants that we serve. He added it will serve Nottoway County
but also benefit within the Corporate Limits.
Mayor Coleburn asked Chief Hart if the department intends to sell the 1991 tanker. Chief
Hart said it was his intentions to follow the Town’s wishes.
Chief Hart said there is a safety issue on Oak Street, there is one stop sign up and so far it
has worked well. He said from that stop sign to West Entrance Road it is a drag strip. He
suggested putting in stop signs at 4th Street. He said his primary concern was for the
youth at the sports complex.
Mayor Coleburn said he agreed it should be made inconvenient for the cut thru people.
Mayor Coleburn referred a second stop sign on Oak Street to the Street and Light
Chief Hart notified Council that he would not be seeking re-election, he said February
2014 his life was turned upside down because one of the most valuable things to him was
in the hospital for multiple days and it scared him, so as October of this year he would be
stepping down as Chief to spend more time with his beautiful wife. He said he would not
be completely gone but in order to be fair to the Department, the citizens and Council it
requires a majority of his time which will now be going towards his wife.
Chief Hart said it has been a pleasure to work with Council and next month he may not
be here for the meeting so he asked Council to work with the next Chief and be patient
with him.
Mayor Coleburn said he appreciated Chief Hart’s service.
Mayor Coleburn said the bills not yet approved were in the amount of $517,547.97.
Councilman Nash asked about Treasurer of Virginia for janitorial supplies for $2,150.00.
Ms. Snead replied twice a year from state bid we order paper towels, hand soap and other
Mayor Coleburn asked about hotel stays. Councilman Green replied it may be from
VML. Manager Vannoorbeeck added some employees went to Atlanta for fueling
Councilman Moncure made a motion to approve the bills that have already been paid
in the amount of $517,547.97. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nash.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Councilman Scott asked about a plate from the Discretionary Fund. Manager
Vannoorbeeck replied it was a small plate purchased for the flagpole at Wrigglesworth
for the donations.
Councilman Green said he took exception to a Street Department bill from Jack Hodge in
the amount of $6,300.00.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said if you look at Mr. Hodge’s contract there are two different
billings with $150.00 an hour for consulting and $60.00 an hour for inspections. He said
the invoice didn’t clarify certain dates when he did work whether it should be $150.00 or
$60.00 per hour.
Mayor Coleburn said he thought when Mr. Hodge comes to the Council meetings that is
Councilman Green said there was a question in his mind about the Building and Grounds
Meeting that he charged $300.00 for and he did not solicit his visit.
Councilman Green made a motion to approve the bills to be paid in the amount of
$170,012.37 with the exception to $6,300.00 from Jack Hodge. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Nash.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Councilman Scott asked about an invoice from the Water/Sewer Department for a pump
in the amount of $4,478.00. Manager Vannoorbeeck replied it is the replacement pump
for the Nottoway Avenue Sewer Pump Station.
Councilman Scott asked about an invoice for $20,492.83. Manager Vannoorbeeck
replied it is the last quarterly payment for the Industrial Park Tank and though it is being
paid this month it will be accrued to the last fiscal year.
Health & Ordinance – met 7/23/14 & 8/4/14 – minutes included in August’s Council
Mayor Coleburn clarified that Health and Ordinance had two meetings.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said there had been a request from an individual about the return
of deposits, which is an Ordinance so there will need to be an ad to change this.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said right now you have to have (12) calendar months of
unblemished payments, so January through December to get your deposit back and then it
is returned in February. He said in the current Ordinance it just says (12) months so it
needs to be clarified as a calendar year.
Mayor Coleburn said we want the people to get their money back as soon as they can.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said that is what needs clarification do we want to process
deposits on a monthly basis.
Mayor Coleburn asked how catastrophic would that be for town staff. Treasurer Procise
replied some months we may not have anybody and others we could have a lot but we
can do it.
Mayor Coleburn asked if there were good records kept about when people move to
Town. Treasurer Procise replied yes it is marked with a meter deposit date. Ms. Snead
added this does not count the people that cancel their service, they get paid that month.
Councilman Moncure made a motion that the policy reflect the Ordinance for deposit
refunds. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Thompson.
Councilman Moncure changed his motion to reflect a change in the Ordinance to
strike the last sentence in Section A, “these deposits shall be processed and returned
annually on the first day of February” and (12) months remain. The motion was
seconded by Councilwoman Thompson.
Mayor Coleburn asked for a target date. It was agreed January 1, 2015.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Manager Vannoorbeeck said currently the Town does not reward people with Lodging
Tax as done with Meals Tax. He said there is a 2% benefit if you pay your principal
amount before a certain period of time. He said a certain individual has asked about
Lodging Tax, which the Ordinance does not reward someone for paying early and is
requesting that Lodging Tax be included as one of the taxes with a 2% discount before
the deadline.
Councilman Green said he objects to the whole 2% because we are collecting tax dollars
that is required by law to escrow and pay once a month but on the flip side if we do it for
one we should do it for all.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said this would require an Ordinance amendment.
Councilman Nash made a motion to amend the Lodging Tax Ordinance to include the
2% discount for those in that business that pay by the 20th of the month, effective next
month. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Thompson.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Councilman Moncure asked who do we collect Lodging Tax from. Mayor Coleburn
replied the Grey Swan Inn and the Wedgwood.
Councilman Moncure asked about VUMAC. Mayor Coleburn asked Manager
Vannoorbeeck to engage Attorney Bacon about that.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said spreading dirt on private property was a mute issue; it had
already been taken care of.
Manager Vannoorbeeck explained the Committee recommended 4 or 5 times a year that
banners with no sponsorship and a certain size for charitable causes be allowed on town
owned property.
Councilman Nash made a motion to amend the Banner Ordinance and allow (5) times
a year with no sponsorship and 32 square feet banners on town owned property. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Moncure.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Manager Vannoorbeeck said the Committee recommended allowing electrical inspections
by email. He said this is not an Ordinance it is Policy. He said currently when there is a
(6) month lapse in service it has to be inspected by a licensed electrician and the policy
states it must be presented in person.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said the Committee recommended allowing the inspection by
email or fax but to include the contractor’s license.
Councilman Scott made a motion to revise the Reconnect Policy where inspections can
be faxed or sent by email along with a copy of the contractor’s license. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Tucker.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Manager Vannoorbeeck said there is a possible applicant for the Loan Pool and Mr.
Dickens was here for any questions.
Mayor Coleburn said those who have used the Loan Pool have done so wisely but didn’t
think it was a vital core function of government, is it hard to manage. Manager
Vannoorbeeck replied Jennifer Beck handles the day to day.
Councilman Green made a motion to recommend the Loan Pool document presented
as well as authorizing the Mayor and Town Manager to execute. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Moncure.
Mayor Coleburn asked how much was in the Loan Pool right now. Manager
Vannoorbeeck replied $49,000.00.
Mayor Coleburn said you get so much for each new job created. Manager Vannoorbeeck
replied $10,000.00 per full time position.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Manager Vannoorbeeck said we have some ladies in attendance from Clay’s and there
was no formal recommendation but if there are any questions.
Mayor Coleburn welcomed the ladies and said the minutes showed where they appeared
before Committee previously and is still ongoing.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said their issue is with zoning.
Account & Finance – met 7/28/14 & 8/20/14 – minutes included in August’s &
September’s Council Packet
Chairman Green said the first recommendation was to relieve the Treasurer from
collecting delinquent Real Estate and Personal Property taxes in the amount to $968.00
which exceeds the (20) years in Real Estate and (5) years Personal Property.
Manager Vannoorbeeck explained the list at Council’s desk is actually the list to be voted
on which exceeds the (20) years in Real Estate and (5) years Personal Property. He said
the list in the Council Packet is the delinquents for 2013.
Mayor Coleburn asked if the Town would stop trying to collect or is this just procedural.
Manager Vannoorbeeck replied the State Code does not allow us to pursue but if we have
the opportunity we can collect.
Councilman Nash made a motion to relieve the Treasurer from collecting delinquent
Real Estate and Personal Property taxes which exceed the (20) years in Real Estate
and (5) years Personal Property. The motion was seconded by Councilman Green.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Chairman Green said the Committee recommended that we do not advertise the 2013
delinquent Real Estate and Personal Property taxes. He said this was discussed with
Treasurer Procise and we are really not getting the bang for our buck, the Committee
didn’t think it was a good investment.
Mayor Coleburn disclosed that his family runs the newspaper and they certainly benefit
financially from the Town advertising.
Mayor Coleburn asked when the ads are placed does anyone from the newspaper contact
the Town and ask to run the ad. Treasurer Procise replied nobody calls.
Mayor Coleburn asked if this had not been cost effective why has it not been
discontinued previously. Councilman Green replied probably because nobody had the
courage to bring it up.
Councilman Moncure said he brought it up previously and discussed the font size.
Mayor Coleburn said it looks like the values advertised are small amounts so if people do
come in it is still a small amount getting paid. He said it is cost effective for the County
because of bigger land owners.
Councilman Green made a motion to not advertise the 2013 delinquent Real Estate and
Personal Property taxes. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Thompson.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Chairman Green said a proposed Budget Calendar was provided at Council’s desk and
would like it adopted by Council. He said the goal was to be (6) weeks ahead of normal.
He added it is the Committee’s desire to do the grunt work but take direction from
Councilman Moncure made a motion to approve the proposed Budget Calendar
presented. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tucker.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Councilman Green made a motion to authorize Attorney Bacon to seek remedy for the
collection of delinquent Meals Tax including prosecution if necessary to collect
$1,900.00 from one individual/business. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Mayor Coleburn asked how late is the Meals Tax and are they still operating today.
Treasurer Procise replied they are not operating.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Mayor Coleburn asked how does the Town plan if they are not going to advertise to
notify for delinquent taxes. Treasurer Procise replied in February we send out delinquent
notices and Nottoway puts their ad in the paper first so we get more from their ad.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said the best way to handle the Personal Property is with the
DMV stops.
Buildings, Property & Cemetery met 8/21/14 & 8/22/14 – minutes to be included in
September’s Council Packet
Chairman Green said a proposal was provided to members on the Harris Memorial
Armory and asked for a Closed Session to discuss tonight.
Mayor Coleburn said he would schedule the Closed Session.
Chairman Green said also there is a verbal offer for real estate at the Airport and he
would like a Closed Session for that as well.
Councilman Moncure said he would like to also discuss some comments raised by Mr.
Johnson in Closed Session.
Mayor Coleburn said Councilman Green’s requests are allowed for by law but comments
made in public we can’t go in Closed Session to discuss what we didn’t like. He said if
you cite legal counsel you have to have the Town Attorney present.
Mayor Coleburn said there is no better Town than Blackstone when it comes to being
notified by email but Committee Meetings should begin in these Chambers, they should
not start in an office, Closed Session he understood. He added but when people come in
that door it is a big deal and having to find the right office and find out there are not
enough seats that’s prohibited to open transparent government.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said we have been meeting in the Chambers but it is at the
discretion of the committee head or chairman of a particular committee.
Councilman Green said he probably chairs these committees and we have had a few
meetings that he wanted a round table discussion to get shoulder to shoulder to work on
things. He said he understood and took it in good spirit.
Chairman Green said Mrs. Bev Ring of South Main Street contacted him after he was
elected with complaints about traffic so the speed trailer was put out and she is happy
about that.
Chairman Green said Mrs. Ring showed him her masonry wall that runs parallel to the
sidewalk in front of her home and when Colony Construction was repaving Main Street a
truck turned around and backed into the wall that caused considerable damage. Manager
Vannoorbeeck added this was several years ago.
Chairman Green said Mr. Palmore talked with her and promised either the Town or
Colony would fix it and for whatever reason it hasn’t been fixed.
Mayor Coleburn said he liked her but it being on private property that is a tricky
Chairman Green said he was asked to look into it and that’s what he is doing. He said it
is about a $1,200.00 fix.
Councilman Nash said it should have been the contractor’s responsibility years ago.
Mayor Coleburn said Council speaks through its motions, there was no motion.
Chairman Green asked Manager Vannoorbeeck to explain the appraisal process.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said he engaged Andy Austin for appraisal services and did seek
prices which are included, and the low bid was for $2,000.00.
Mayor Coleburn asked the price of Duncanson. Manager Vannoorbeeck replied
Manager Vannoorbeeck said at worst case it will be (30) days so we are into the second
week. He said this is for a portion of a parcel in the Industrial Park.
Mayor Coleburn asked for a report at the next meeting.
BYRA Yard Sale
Cruise-In Parking
Trunk or Treat
Heritage Hall – Street Closure
Councilman Green made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Nash.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
1. Pickett Court
Manager Vannoorbeeck said the Committee recommended posting no parking on the
inside lane, he has not done so in fairness in order for Councilman Hamner to speak
with his constituents or hold a public meeting.
Councilman Green said it was his understanding after talking with the Town Manager
he was directed to put signs up and they are starting to come in. He said he felt we
needed to stop the process and give Councilman Hamner a chance to get to know his
Councilman Green made a motion to table the Pickett Court parking until we can
hear back from Councilman Hamner. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Councilman Nash asked if the Town had bought signs. Manager Vannoorbeeck
replied no they have not been purchased, but he does need to do some paving over
Councilman Hamner said he thought a lot of the people don’t own the property so we
would need to find the land owners as well.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said Council had asked him to talk to legislators about
enforcing the 15 MPH posting, so now that we are getting into the legislative cycle
and this came up afterwards last year.
Councilman Nash made a motion to authorize Manager Vannoorbeeck to engage
legislators about enforcing the 15 MPH speed limit. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Hamner.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
2. Council Votes
Mayor Coleburn said at the last meeting there was a situation with a 3-2-1 budget
vote and thought the Code said if you are going to spend more than $10,000.00 you
have to have 2/3 majority of Council which is (5) votes which is why we had to do a
Mayor Coleburn said it takes (5) votes to override a veto.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said the Code says 2/3 vote for the appropriation but when it
says 2/3 of Council does that mean representing the quorum. Councilman Green
replied yes.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said we agree that 2/3 of Council means 2/3 of the quorum
unless it says otherwise, elected to Council means that.
Mayor Coleburn said elected to Council is not always (7) because when we had the
vacancy we only had (6).
3. Purchase of Salt Spreaders
Manager Vannoorbeeck said at the last meeting he got authorization to seek bids and
went through state bid and received two local bids with (5) total and Henderson
Manufacturing through state bid was the low bidder at $25,628.62.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said it was within what we expected and did let Timmy
Barnes and David Ostrander spec it out.
Councilwoman Thompson made a motion to purchase the salt spreaders from
Henderson Manufacturing in the amount of $25,628.62. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Tucker.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Manager Vannoorbeeck said delivery will be before it snows.
4. Gravatt Property
Manager Vannoorbeeck said this is a live request and remains on the Agenda. He
suggested continuing this meeting to a work session.
Councilman Nash said if the guy is interested give Manager Vannoorbeeck
authorization to contact the investor and find out if he will work with the Town and if
he is not interested then table it.
Councilman Green said viewed by the public they thought we were against the
development but he didn’t see the need to approve something that wasn’t going to
happen without the property owner.
Mayor Coleburn said he didn’t know what the concern with R-2 was because that is
condos and townhouses. Councilman Green said his concern was without a concept
and without the property owner here to rezone someone else’s property.
Mayor Coleburn asked the record to reflect that he thought the request was legitimate
but did think a lot of details were lacking.
Mayor Coleburn said when we have a road in our Industrial Park the dream is to have
commerce there one day. He said this Council has someone that wants to buy (27)
acres in the Industrial Park that would cause traffic on that road, why would we not
want to have business on the other side of the road.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said the issue is not BABS Lane and whether commercial
should be there but at what point is the Town responsible for improvements in excess
to the upgrade. He said what happens if a traffic light is required and who will pay
for a turning lane.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said this should be a Conditional Rezoning to see who pays
for what at what time.
Mayor Coleburn said Councilman Green made a good point; this Council did a
business friendly move because we kept the request alive. He said people are saying
Blackstone doesn’t want anything and are trying to make it difficult, he said the
Planning Commission can only recommend the Council has the final say.
5. Ward Transformer
Manager Vannoorbeeck said he did not have a formal update but does send the
monthly report. He said this was for Councilman Green and Councilman Hamner’s
Councilman Green said because of the hour could we do this another time.
1. Dilapidated Buildings
Manager Vannoorbeeck said we have removed (3) homes on North Center Street,
North High Street and Barco Road and were asbestos free by testing.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said on September 2nd we will be going to court for the
House of Love on Sullivan Street.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said we are still waiting on a date from the judge for the
house on Dillard Street.
2. Meals Tax
Discussed earlier in the meeting.
3. Sewer Improvement Projects
Manager Vannoorbeeck said there are (3) projects, Adams Street, Lunenburg Avenue
sewer and South Main Street. He said South Main Street was necessary because we
are getting ready to do the Revenue Share Project and we ran the camera and indeed
the sewer line is collapsed.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said another sewer line has collapsed on Lunenburg Avenue
in front of Martha Cain’s house and then the Adams Street storm sewer that runs
parallel to Bird Road.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said he added an additive bid for a water line to go from
Rocky Bump to the Fire Training Grounds because the well there is not adequate to
serve the bathrooms that were put in, which is ok but he would like to provide a fire
hydrant so the Fire Department can train.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said the award would be for $135,100.00 but if we choose to
take the alternate it would be $160,600.00. He said he talked to Mr. Jay Lee and he
was willing to hold off on the Fire Training Grounds until cash flow is better but the
other (3) projects have to be completed within (60) days.
Mayor Coleburn asked if the Fire Department requested the water. Manager
Vannoorbeeck replied no we are just trying to get water to them.
Councilman Nash made a motion to accept the bid from Lee’s Excavating for
sewer repairs in the amount of $160,600.00, which includes the alternate to be done
at a later date. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Thompson.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Manager Vannoorbeeck said at the Wastewater Plant and in the budget there is a
$75,000.00 line item for the mechanical bar screen to be reconditioned and is
requesting permission to seek bids.
Mayor Coleburn said by Common Consent Manager Vannoorbeeck will seek bids.
4. Street Improvement Projects
Manager Vannoorbeeck said they were completed except for backfilling on
Brunswick Avenue at Sixth Street. He said there is one additional block that has been
sold where the property owners have either paid cash or have executed a deed of trust
for a section on Third Street between the Rescue Squad and Brunswick Avenue.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said there is a Task Order from B&B for curb and gutter but
he didn’t want to do the work right now but what he was trying to accomplish is get a
sidewalk literally around the ball field, primarily get it to the Primary School along
Birch Street. He would like to get the design work done now so when we are ready to
do it we can move forward. He said that would also fix the parking lot for entrances.
Mayor Coleburn asked Manager Vannoorbeeck if we needed to hire B&B to design
curb and gutter and sidewalks, can’t the company that built the sidewalk on
Brunswick Avenue build a sidewalk.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said there does need to be elevations established for
Manager Vannoorbeeck said he would ask Jason Walker about designing the
Councilman Scott made a motion to execute the Task Order with B&B Consultants
for $7,000.00 for the design of sidewalks at Wrigglesworth unless Walker
Construction can design it themselves. The motion was seconded by
Councilwoman Thompson.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
5. Church Street Project
Manager Vannoorbeeck said this Task Order from B&B Consultants is for
$17,000.00 but is not Town money. He said so people know we are doing things in
the minority community, the Town of Blackstone has been awarded a multi-year
second phase of Church Street, which is a $952,000.00 grant from DHCD to improve
the lives of people that live on Church Street. He said we have finished Phase 1
except for a budget modification to tear down another house but there is money left
over and have requested a budget revision.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said now there will be drainage improvements and curb and
gutter in the vicinity between Green and Hardy Streets. He said this is state money
but in order to proceed we need authorization to sign the Task Order, but if this was a
Town project he would recommend not paying for the inspection, but because it is a
state project they are requesting inspectors. He said he could do the inspections.
Councilman Nash made a motion to have Manager Vannoorbeeck execute the
documents with B&B Consultants with the exception of inspection services for the
Church Street Project. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tucker.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
6. Amelia Street Bridge
Manager Vannoorbeeck said it looks like it is still going to be November.
7. Wrigglesworth Sports Complex
Manager Vannoorbeeck said there was a fight at the ball field and Councilman Nash
would like additional police patrol.
Councilman Nash said we just need to reiterate to Chief Kuzmiak about typical
Councilman Green asked if the Sheriff’s Department helped out. Manager
Vannoorbeeck replied yes there are some that are active with sports.
Councilman Moncure said we come back to the same point almost every meeting
where somebody says it is too much traffic on this street and bad on that street and
yet he looks month in and month out at the Police Report and he sees we are writing
1/3 of the traffic stops and citations and the other 2/3 are warnings. He said he didn’t
want us to be an unfriendly Town but we have a budget for the Police Department at
a million and half a year and consistently buying new cars but sometimes talking isn’t
enough. He said we need to get out there and write tickets, we have 10-12 policemen
and making 95 stops in a month. He said as a Town he would like to see us tighten
up on our requirements and see more results.
Mayor Coleburn asked about the bathrooms at the stadium. Manager Vannoorbeeck
replied the football group has been paying someone to clean them.
Mayor Coleburn asked if an agreement was ready because he heard there were some
travel ball teams not from Blackstone using the complex. Councilman Nash said we
are going to meet about the agreement.
Mayor Coleburn asked about the light bill during the tournament he didn’t see it in
the packet. Manager Vannoorbeeck replied he didn’t think it was the electric but
from watering the fields.
Mayor Coleburn asked if it was fair for the people of Blackstone to pay for the lights
when people are bringing a travel ball team here that most are not from Blackstone.
He just wants to get a Use Agreement in writing. Manager Vannoorbeeck replied we
will do it.
8. Downtown Planning Grant
Manager Vannoorbeeck said we are awaiting information from DHCD.
9. Seay Park – Revenue Sharing
Manager Vannoorbeeck said he thought this would be delayed until spring because
they are awaiting environmental clearance from the state. He said he didn’t want to
dig this up and leave a rock pile all winter because he had to get asphalt on this before
the temperature so he was asking for authorization so when we receive from VDOT
that because it is in the Historic District they have to find no significant impact.
Mayor Coleburn said by Common Consent Manager Vannoorbeeck can seek bids
when ready.
1. West Entrance Road – 3 Phase Circuit
Manager Vannoorbeeck said the way we anticipate doing this project is bid out the
labor and the Town can save money by buying the materials. He said Dan Martin has
been working on a materials list and Manager Vannoorbeeck would like to solicit
bids for the labor portion because this is in the budget and the cash is available.
It was agreed by Common Consent to seek bids for the labor portion.
Councilman Green asked when this project would start. Manager Vannoorbeeck
replied within the next 30-60 days.
Councilman Green asked how long of a project. Manager Vannoorbeeck replied
about 30 days.
Mayor Coleburn asked if there would be any service interruption. Manager
Vannoorbeeck replied there may be planned interruption, we will use Code Red.
2. Rental Property Maintenance
Mayor Coleburn said he asked this to be on the Agenda. He said Cathy Arthur who
pays rent on her home was told by Mr. Shekleton to get out because of mold. He said
he thought we had a rental property maintenance agreement. Mayor Coleburn asked
if we could find out what we can do about mold when a home inspector says you
have to get out for the safety of you and your kids.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said Ms. Arthur’s daughter works for Ken Walden and he
wrote the agreement but they didn’t want to wait on the Town.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said we have the agreement but he didn’t have anybody to
enforce it, he thought it needed to be privately done, maybe hire a contractor and the
fees be charged to the property owners.
Mayor Coleburn referred this to the Health and Ordinance Committee.
3. Armory – Town Property
Mayor Coleburn asked for this to be on the Agenda because he received an email
from Mr. Walter Mac Osborne about some of the relics in there. Manager
Vannoorbeeck replied he had put his eyes on all of it. Councilman Green added the
prospect understands this.
Mayor Coleburn said we have to remind those that want things that belong to the
people of Blackstone they still have to be declared surplus.
4. Police Department Grants – Speed & Alcohol
Councilman Green made a motion authorizing Manager Vannoorbeeck to execute
the Speed and Alcohol Grants. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
5. Delinquent Taxes – Personal Property & Real Estate
Discussed earlier in the meeting.
1. Shentel Franchise Agreement
Mayor Coleburn asked if it was in the Town’s best interest to give someone a
franchise agreement, why don’t we say come one come all or will they not come.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said he thought the issue was a monopoly situation, does
it make sense for us to allow several different cable companies to attach.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said Council wanted him to contact Ed Newman about
getting his stuff off the water tanks. He said he has been getting phone calls and
emails from Mr. Newman about an agreement.
Mayor Coleburn referred Shentel and Ed Newman to the Cable TV Committee.
Mayor Coleburn referred the ditch request from Ms. Edmonds to the Street and
Light Committee.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said he had a request from Spring Hill Baptist Church to
assist them in reacquiring a piece of property they are going to put a parking lot
on that they deeded to VDOT in 1976.
Mayor Coleburn referred Spring Hill Baptist Church to the Street and Light
Mayor Coleburn referred to the Cable TV Committee an answer to televised meetings.
Mayor Coleburn asked if someone from Town Hall would make contact with Mr. Jeff
Ooten on Rocky Bump Road, he is upset about the spraying and ruined a pair of contact
Manager Vannoorbeeck asked Mayor Coleburn if he received information from Mr.
Goode. Mayor Coleburn replied yes and forwarded it to Mr. Ooten.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said they were spraying the pines on Rocky Bump Road.
Mayor Coleburn told Mr. Ooten he would bring it up and discuss reimbursing him.
Councilman Nash said is that the same as the rock wall, is that the responsibility of the
Mayor Coleburn said we know of this action that took place.
Mayor Coleburn said he believed when the Fire Department has a fund drive that requires
closing streets; this Council needs to know how much is collected. He said when the
people’s resources are being used the people have the right to know how much was
made; he said he was not trying to decrease their funding.
Councilman Nash said he thought the Fire Department was concerned if they made
$12,000.00 that would be knocked off their budget.
Councilman Moncure suggested letting them know the Town is behind them with the
Boot Drive, however we would like you to give Council a report on how much was made.
Councilman Nash said he wasn’t against it but if you make one organization provide the
information then everyone should.
Mayor Coleburn said he believed that those agencies that ask for and receive Town
funding, like we have an audit every year that is open to the public, should have to do
Manager Vannoorbeeck said a letter has been prepared; Clerk Daniel just needs to send it
out. He said the way it was prepared it is for the budget process so we can understand
where the finances are for each organization.
Mayor Coleburn said full transparency will help everybody.
Mayor Coleburn said he likes the Boot Drive but there are people that bristle, they feel
guilty and some people live in the zone where you can’t avoid it and they don’t like it
especially on Arts and Crafts day.
Councilman Green said people say it’s a tax, he said he was not opposing it but it’s what
people are saying. He said he was supporting the Mayor because this could keep people
from Kenbridge coming to Blackstone to avoid it.
Mr. Joe Allman asked if the Fire Department provided regular financials, as a citizen it
would be more important to him to know if it cost more to man a fire department or how
much are they saving us. He thought people were reluctant to give the whole picture.
Mayor Coleburn said there are some streets that have almost been destroyed on
Brunswick Avenue between Fifth, Sixth and Fourth. He said he knew the asphalt was
just patching but they were smooth and then add tar and gravel and now they are bumpy.
Manager Vannoorbeeck said he would be happy to look at them; we have been sweeping
the intersections. He said he told Mr. Hodge not to sweep the section between Fifth and
Sixth because that is the next section for curb and gutter.
Councilwoman Thompson said tomorrow 69 years ago the cutest baby was born.
Mr. Lafayette Dickens said he would submit street closures and the banner request for
Oktoberfest next month.
Councilman Moncure made a motion to go into Executive Session for discussion
concerning a prospective business or industry or the expansion of an existing business
or industry where no previous announcement has been made of the business' or
industry's interest in locating or expanding its facilities in the community. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Nash.
Virginia Code Section 2.2-3711
1. Prospective Business or Industry
Councilman Green made a motion to certify that to the best of each member’s
knowledge only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting
requirements and only such public business matters as were identified in the motion by
which the Closed Meeting was convened, were heard, discussed or considered in the
meeting. The motion was seconded.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Councilman Moncure made a motion to have a draft agreement prepared by the Town
Manager and Attorney Bacon to sell the Armory and to lease a portion of the adjoining
property to present to Council at its September Council Meeting. The motion was
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Councilman Green made a motion to authorize the Town Manager to weatherize the
Armory to preserve its present condition. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
Councilman Scott questioned the necessity of the Town applying for grant funds for the
Councilman Green made a motion to increase the Town Clerk’s salary to $40,000.00
annually beginning with the next pay period. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Nash.
Councilman Nash
Councilman Moncure
Councilman Hamner
Councilman Scott
Councilman Green
Councilwoman Thompson
Councilman Tucker
There being no further business to bring before Council, Mayor Coleburn declared the
meeting adjourned at 10:46 p.m.
_______________________________APPROVED AND ADOPTED
_______________________________TOWN CLERK