Burstall Parish Council Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 18th May 2015 – after APM . 01.15 Election of Chairman/Vice Chairman: Barry Gasper was proposed as Chairman by Andrew Cooper , seconded by Andrew Kerrison with all in favour and Barry duly signed the acceptance of office. Andrew Cooper was proposed by Barry Gasper as Vice Chairman and this was seconded by Lesley Raby with all in favour. Congratulations were paid to Nick Ridley and Barry Gasper for being elected as District Councillors 02.15 Present: Barry Gasper (chair), Joan Eagle, Nick Fiske, Andrew Cooper, Andrew Kerrison, Simon Girling,Ann Burchnall, Mary Smith, Keith and Lesley Raby,District Clr Nick Ridley. John Benton (Neighbourhood Watch) 03.15. Apologies. Simon Girling and Clr David Busby 04.15 To approve Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 16th March 2015. These had been circulated to all parish councillors and were proposed as a true record by Keith Raby seconded by Joan Eagle and signed by Barry Gasper. 05.15. Matters Arising from these minutes: VAS Signs – The clerk had been in contact with Vic Durrant of Sproughton Parish Council who are in the process for applying for a portable VAS Sign to be shared between four parishes, Burstall being one of those. The request has been made to SCC Highways and the cost should hopefully be covered by Clr Dave Busby’s budget Corner Kenny Close & Cranfield Park – SCC Highways have visited the site and as the kerb is not damaged/broken will not be undertaking any work to replace the earth which has been eroded from cars etc running over it. A number of options to tidy up the area and stop vehicles effectively cutting off the corner were discussed but at present it was decided to simply keep an eye on the situation. A1071 – The hedge has been cut back at Hurdlemakers Hill improving visibility but any other measures which had been talked about, speed limit,bus stop etc are still outstanding and could take some time to be resolved. Emergency Planning – Andrew Kerrison has had a generous offer of help to write a plan from a resident who works for the Environment Agency. 06.15. Declaration of Interest of any item on the agenda: Nick Fiske declared an interest in the planning item which was received after completion of the agenda 07.15. Appointment of Officers: The following appointments were made – SALC Representative – Simon Girling Footpath Officer – Ann Burchnall Red Kiosk Monitor – Lesley Raby Road Safety Officer – Joan Eagle Public Transport – Keith Raby Tree Warden – Ann Burchnall Emergency Officer – Andrew Kerrison Village Hall Liaison - Mary Smith/Andrew Cooper PCC Liaison - Nick Fiske Website – Samantha Barber Planning – Lesley Raby,Barry Gasper, Andrew Cooper, Rupert Catlin, Mary Smith 08.15. Items raised at APM: . No items were raised 09.15. Reports from Parish Councillors: Joan Eagle reported about the traffic counts she has been making in the mornings and the sheer number of cars using Burstall Lane. A bus transporting students to Otley College has been seen using Burstall Lane and is struggling to turn the corner at Coronation Corner, Andrew Cooper will report this to the College. 10.15. Reports from County,District Councillors and Police District Councillor Nick Ridley reported that the Babergh Annual Meeting is due to take place on the 19th May with Jennie Jenkins as Leader and Nick Ridley Chairman for a further year. For the first time in many years there is a conservative majority at Babergh 11.15. Planning. B/15/00358/AGDW – Hill Farm House,Burstall Hill,Burstall Notification under Part 3 Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development). Change of use from agricultural building to dwelling house. The plans were discussed including the scale of the building in relation to the farmhouse. After careful consideration there were no objections and this will be conveyed to Babergh. 12.15. Correspondence. Clerks and Councils Direct Magazine Suffolk View Magazine Countryside Voice All to be circulated There is to be a Parish Liaison meeting at Babergh on the 11th June morning and evening sessions are available. The clerk will attend. 13.15: FinanceAccounts for payment: The following payments were approved and cheques signed: Cheque No Payee Expense 319 S Barber Clerk Salary 320 Sharward Services Printing Newsletter 321 Sproughton PC Burial Ground 322 Heelis & Lodge Audit 323 Burstall PCC Grass Cutting Amount £228.50 £22.85 £24.00 £62.00 £350.00 The council received the internal audit report from Heelis and Lodge, during 2015/16 Internal Control and Risk Assessments will take place. The accounts were approved for 2014/15. The governance statement was signed and the clerk will complete the external audit. On-line banking was discussed and this will be explored. An item will be placed on the agenda for July when the Financial Regulations will be looked at in detail and Internal Controls reviewed. SALC will be contacted with regard to advice around the use of the internet for banking purposes. 14.15: Any other business/items for next agenda. Nick Fiske mentioned about VJ Day and potential celebrations in the Burstall. The official day is August 15th. The beacon was talked about but might be a fire risk. It was agreed to speak to all potential interested parties in the village such as the WI and attempt to organise an event. The meeting closed at 9.25pm