May 27, 2002 - Arizona Newspapers Association

Access to Public Records and
Meetings in Arizona
21st Century Right to Know Meeting
Tempe, Ariz., April 26, 2008
The following handouts cover tips for planning your public records request,
writing a public records request letter, handling denials and using people skills in
increase the chance you’ll get the documents without having to go to court. These
training materials were developed by Charles Davis of the University of Missouri at
Columbia, Joel Campbell at Brigham Young University and David Cuillier at the
University of Arizona for the Society of Professional Journalists newsroom training
program. If you have questions about accessing records, feel free to contact the SPJ
FOI Committee chair:
David Cuillier
SPJ FOI Committee Chair
Assistant Professor
Department of Journalism
University of Arizona
(w) 520-626-9694
(h) 520-229-1466
1. Access for everyday life
2. Planning your FOI request
3. Sample FOI request letter 1: Informal
4. Sample FOI request letter 2: Neutral
5. Sample FOI request letter 3: Threatening
6. How to handle denials
7. Art of access: How to deal with people
8. Doing FOI while feeding the daily monster
9. Where to get FOI ideas and inspiration
10. Resources
11. The Record Album (examples of public records and where to get them)
Access for Everyday Life
Practical uses of public records for citizens
Public records have practical value in everyday life. Below are examples of how
people use public records to help themselves and their communities.
 Home values. Property tax records are public at county courthouses. You can
find out how much homes in your neighborhood are worth, what they sold for,
along with details, such as the homes’ square footage and number of bedrooms.
This helps you in buying or selling a home to compare homes and values.
 Criminal records. A person’s criminal record is public information. If you want to
find out if a baby sitter has a clean record, you can check at your county Superior
Court clerk’s office for free (for that county). In most states a statewide check is
available by state police, but not in Arizona (you have to check county by
 Registered sex offenders. The Arizona Department of Public Safety provides
the state sex offender registry online (the worst of the sex offenders – levels 2
and 3), searchable by name, address or zip code. The registry is located at: For registries in other states,
 Police reports. Many police departments track criminal activity, such as
burglaries, car break-ins and violent crimes, by neighborhood. Check with your
local police to see if that information is available. You have the right to read
police reports for your neighborhood for crimes that are no longer being
investigated. This can be helpful for creating neighborhood crime watch groups.
Some police departments (including Tucson) not only break it down by
neighborhood or zone, but also put it online See Tucson’s at
 School performance. Overall standardized school test scores are public. Check
with your school district to get a summary of the results for the past several
years. Some results are posted online as well by the state. Be aware, however,
that test scores are often an indicator of school demographics (education level of
parents) rather than quality school.
 Development plans. Cities and counties are always planning new development
in commerce and infrastructure. Some useful records:
o Road plans. Find out if new highways or main roads are planned.
o Parks plans. Find out if new parks are planned in your area.
o New construction. Stop by the planning department at City Hall to find out
what new housing developments or businesses are planned. Even finding
the zoning in your area is important before buying a house because that
nice open field in back might be zoned for industrial or commercial.
o Comprehensive plans for cities and counties also provide a good indicator
for what public officials have in mind for the future. You have a right to
look at the plan details.
Planning your FOI request
By Charles Davis and David Cuillier
Avoid fishing. Try to limit your request to what you really want. If you
simply ask for "all files relating to" a particular subject, you may give the
agency an excuse to delay its response, and you risk needlessly running
up search and copying costs. Do your homework.
Get specific. Cite relevant newspaper clips, articles, congressional
reports, etc. If the records have already been released, let the agency
know the date, release number, and name of the original requester. If you
are asking for a database, talk with the techies ahead of time to know
exactly what data you are requesting and in what format. Tour the agency
office and ask about what they are working on and specific documents
they maintain.
Prioritize. Let the agency know if you'd like to receive information in a
particular order. Materials could be reviewed and released to you in
chronological or geographical order - or you may simply not want to wait
for all the records to be reviewed before any are released.
Know the law. Know the statutes and case law better than the officials
and lawyers. If you know the law and you are entitled to the record then
remind yourself that you don’t have to prove you have a right to the
record; they have to prove you can’t have it. Remembering that tends to
give you more confidence and feel less apprehensive and more
Be polite but persistent. The people on the other side of the counter
don’t come to work with horns and cloven hooves. They are people too,
and they are more likely to get you what you want faster if you are nice
about it, especially at the beginning.
Ask verbally. In most cases, first ask for the records verbally. If you are
denied or blown off, then submit your request in writing.
Submit a request. If you anticipate balking, bluffing, or being passed
around or put off, simply submit a public records request letter, which
starts the clock ticking and requires them to act and stop passing you
around or delaying. On the following pages see a sample state public
records request letter generated from the online request letter generator
provided free by the Student Press Law Center.
Go to the top. Sometimes going straight to the agency’s lawyers or top
officials speeds things up. Clerks sometimes deny requests or stall as they
try to make sure they don’t release something that will get them in trouble.
Once the agency attorneys look at it and see it should be released, it often
Keep forms handy. If you deal with an agency frequently that has its own
form, keep copies with you ready to fill out and hand over.
Choose your tone. Note the last paragraph of the request letter that
threatens litigation. Discuss this with an editor to make sure you are
prepared to sue if denied. Also, consider whether the wording may create
defensiveness or hostile undermining of your request (e.g. delays).
Sometimes it’s better to attract flies with honey than vinegar. But at other
times, coming in strongly and quoting the law can demonstrate you are
serious and know what you are talking about.
Follow through. After you submit a request, always follow it through to
the end, especially if they provide the records, even if months after you
need it. Also, if denied initially don’t skulk away cowed. If you have a legal
right to the information keep at it. How you treat requests and denials will
effect how agencies treat requests in the future. Educate officials and get
them in the habit of providing information to you and the public. It’s part of
their job.
Keep records of records. Keep track of every step of your different
requests. Keep dates, contact names, phone numbers and try to
correspond by email so you can have written records of what was said to
whom. Some requests can last years, so keeping track of details can help.
Sample FOI letter 1 - Informal
This informal non-threatening state open records act request letter was crafted by
David Cuillier. It is most effective with smaller agencies and if you want them to
provide more than what you asked for.
November 12, 2007
Mark Rees
Town Manager
North Andover
120 Main Street
North Andover, MA 01845
I know you are busy, but I want to thank you in advance for working with me in getting
some public records that would help me out. I am writing to request a copy of all expense reports
for the town for the past five years.
I would be happy to pay copying and postage fees, but if the cost is more than $10, please
contact me and let me know.
I would very much appreciate a response within a few weeks, and if there is information
that I am not entitled to, please let me know what it is and why it can’t be made public. I
understand that sometimes some information needs to remain secret for statutory reasons, and
might need to be blotted out while releasing the public information.
If there is anything I can do to help with the request, please do not hesitate to let me
know. Thanks again for your help!
David Cuillier
The Eagle-Tribune
100 Turnpike Street
North Andover, MA 01845
Sample FOI letter 2 - Neutral
This more neutral state open records act request letter was generated online from
the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press,
David Cuillier
The Eagle-Tribune
100 Turnpike Street
North Andover, MA 01845
November 12, 2007
Mark Rees
Town Manager
North Andover
120 Main Street
North Andover, MA 01845
Dear Records Request Officer:
Pursuant to the state open records act, I request access to and copies of all expense reports for the town
for the past five years.
If my request is denied in whole or part, I ask that you justify all deletions by reference to specific
exemptions of the act.
Thank you for your assistance.
David Cuillier
Sample FOI letter 3 - Threatening
This official, stern state open records act request letter was generated online from
the Student Press Law Center Web site, A federal FOIA
request letter can be generated from
Note the threatening paragraph near the end. Cut if you think you aren’t prepared to
sue. This letter can be useful if you’ve already haggled and are ready to go to court.
Nov. 12, 2007
Mark Rees
Town Manager
North Andover
120 Main Street
North Andover, MA 01845
Dear Mr. Rees,
Pursuant to the state open records law, Mass. Gen. Laws Ann. ch. 4, sec. 7, cl. 26; ch. 66, secs.
10 to 18, I write to request access to and a copy of all expense reports for the town for the past
five years. If your agency does not maintain these public records, please let me know who does
and include the proper custodian’s name and address.
I agree to pay any reasonable copying and postage fees of not more than $25. If the cost would
be greater than this amount, please notify me. Please provide a receipt indicating the charges for
each document.
As provided by the open records law, I will expect your response within ten (10) business days.
If you choose to deny this request, please provide a written explanation for the denial including a
reference to the specific statutory exemption(s) upon which you rely. Also, please provide all
segregable portions of otherwise exempt material.
Please be advised that I am prepared to pursue whatever legal remedy necessary to obtain access
to the requested records. I would note that willful violation of the open records law can result in
a fine and the award of court costs and attorney fees.
Thank you for your assistance.
David Cuillier
The Eagle-Tribune
100 Turnpike Street
North Andover, MA 01845
How to handle denials
By Charles Davis and David Cuillier
This means you probably did not give enough specific identifying
information. Give the agency the benefit of the doubt and rewrite your
request. You can try to call or make an appointment with the official
processing your request to get more help.
If you are reasonably certain the records you've requested do exist, and if
your request letter was clear and informative, you should try to do more
research. Are there news reports, congressional hearings or court records
that describe the information you want more clearly?
Rewrite your request, giving the agency more guidelines and clues for
where they might find it. Try to be as patient and understanding as you
can; some agencies are short staffed or have disorganized filing systems.
The agency can't withhold an entire document or file because some
portion(s) of it is exempt from disclosure. The agency must release any
non-exempt material that can be reasonably extracted from the exempt
FOIA exemptions are discretionary, not mandatory - an agency is not
required to withhold information. Agency officials can choose to waive the
exemptions and release the material, unless another statute specifically
restricts that disclosure.
The agency must explain its reasons for determining that an exemption
applies to any particular information.
You have the right to contest any exemption claim.
You can file an administrative appeal to a higher agency official.
And if this fails, you can file a lawsuit. The federal court must
conduct a full judicial review of the agency's claims and it is up to
the agency to justify its denial of your request.
Go up the chain and talk to the mayor, elected officials or the
agency’s attorney. Sometimes they will see the importance of
making the information public and overrule a clerk.
The exemptions must be narrowly applied, since the FOIA was
created to maximize public access to agency records
Even if the agency releases substantial portions of the material
you've requested, you can appeal the decision to "sanitize" the rest.
You can also request a detailed justification for each deletion.
While you are haggling with the agency, try to get the information
from another agency. Some records are kept by multiple agencies
(for example, boating accident data is kept by state agencies and
the Coast Guard).
Writing stories about the issue can be very effective in opening up
records, particularly if you ask the elected officials what they think
about their agencies trying to be secretive and violate the law. It is
helpful, as in most stories, to put a human face on it and focus on
how the secrecy affects average citizens, not just the newspaper.
The agency isn’t saying “no” to you; it’s saying “no” to the public.
Tell the public.
Get to know the state’s attorneys. If they side with you then that can
provide leverage for when you run into hassles over public records.
You might be able to narrow your request and just get copies of the
materials you actually need. In any case, you should be able to view the
records for free and not pay for copies.
If you still need copies, discuss ways to reduce the charges. Some
possibilities include asking for the information in electronic format instead
of paper copies (saved to a disk for a cost of $1). You might be able to use
a digital camera or portable scanner to avoid copies.
Arm yourself with what other agencies charge for copies, including for
computer programming time if you are seeking a database. If many other
agencies charge nothing or very little, then make that known, including by
writing a story about it.
Some agencies give information to researchers provided they sign a
contract with use restrictions, such as prohibiting identification of
individuals in the records. Few reporters are willing to sign such
agreements. The problem is you might want to use the information for
something else later and won’t be able to. Also, fundamentally it
designates journalists as above average citizens with special access, and
it creates a new category of “public information.” Either it’s public or not.
Some journalists advise only considering such agreements when the
information is clearly not public but the agency is willing to release it for
your story. For discussion on this topic, see Uplink, March/April 2003, p. 1.
Tough noogies. In most states a records request can not be denied based
on who the requestor is or how the information will be used (except in the
case of commercial mailing lists). If they ask why you want the information
you can tell them: “I wouldn’t want to determine the story before I have all
my facts. I’m just doing my job at gathering information.” If you request
records routinely from an agency (weekly), then it will be no big deal and
they are less likely to question you.
Get help from access experts in the state and nationally. Team up with
other journalists or groups who would have a need for the information.
Sue them.
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The art of access: How to deal with people
By David Cuillier
Access laws are essential, but sometimes officials thumb their noses at them and
suing is the only answer. But if you can get the records by persuasion, even
better. Below are tips for getting sources to comply with requests, based on the
six elements of persuasion by Robert Cialdini of Arizona State University. They
build on techniques used by journalists for centuries. It comes down to knowing
how to deal with people.
1. Reciprocation
 Rejection-then-retreat: Ask for a lot, then cut it in half. “Can I see all
documents you have regarding the budget? OK, how about starting with just
the expense reports for the past five years?” Request information that you
can give up later, such as social security numbers. If it lands in court a judge
might want you to concede something anyway. When it appears you are
giving them something then they are more likely to reciprocate.
 Give and take: Don’t ignore newsworthy positive stories. Occasionally
government actually does something right. One of the benefits is that when
you ask for public records they are more likely to comply. When you do
something positive to someone, psychologically they feel obligated to
reciprocate and help you out. But don’t make up stories or get buddy-buddy.
Readers come first.
 Be a helper: Check in frequently after the request is filed and offer to help to
make their jobs easier. They might not take you up on it but they might
appreciate the gesture and move it faster.
2. Commitment and Consistency
 Everyone happy: Ask, “How are you doing today?” When the person says
fine, then he or she is more likely to help you. People don’t want to appear
stingy when they are fine and you are not.
 Commitment: Once commitment is made, people try to stick to it. Get
commitment verbally: “Do we have an agreement?”
 Ratcheting (low-balling): Get a commitment for something small, then it
opens the door for getting a yes on something bigger. “How about if I could
see a copy of what a police report looks like. OK, do you have what a case
file would look like? What does it look like in your computer system? Any
chance I could just get an electronic copy of your reports in Excel for the past
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3. Social Proof
 Peer pressure: We follow what we see everyone else doing (e.g., canned
laughter). This is most effective when people are uncertain and when the
reporter is similar to the person. “Boy, all the other towns in the county
provide this information. I wonder why it isn’t open here?”
 Patriotism: Focus on the importance of what they have to offer to the
community. That it’s their duty as an American to keep government open and
transparent, and the community will appreciate it.
4. Liking
 Looks: As much as we hate to admit, people often make decisions based on
how a requestor looks. Dressing well helps; looking shady usually raises
suspicions and increases denials.
 Similarity: Dress like your sources. Act like your sources. Talk about similar
 Compliments that are sincere help.
 Association: Disassociate yourself with negative media and people who use
information irresponsibly (spammers, identity thieves). Go to lunch with
people for a positive association with you and food.
5. Authority
 Bigger gets better responses. Journalists from bigger media have more
“authority” and tend to get calls returned faster. If you work for a smaller
organization, consider teaming up with reporters from other organizations.
Cooperative requests can increase pressure for release and serve everyone’s
 Titles have authority. Have the request letter co-signed by the managing
editor or, depending on the importance of the information, the publisher.
 Government allies. Get people in government on your side to back you up.
Get to know the state attorney general and others.
 Shallow but effective. Symbols of authority are effective: titles, clothing,
automobiles. Even height conveys authority.
6. Scarcity
 For a limited time only. What you are offering is limited. “I don’t have time to
wait until next week for you to check with the attorneys on this. My deadline is
in six hours. Either I get the information or I’m going to have to write a story
for tomorrow morning’s paper explaining that your agency is withholding it. I
would hate for you all to look like you are hiding something and are bad
officials when I know you aren’t. The public will appreciate it.”
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Doing FOI while feeding the daily monster
By David Cuillier
Accessing public records can be done at all sizes of organizations, even when pressure
to fill the daily paper seems to overwhelm any efforts in digging for documents. Here are
some tips that might come in handy for journalists who feel compelled to feed the daily
1. Surprise yourself. Look at public records as Christmas presents. Because
turnaround on requests can take days, weeks or months, (and sometimes years),
submit requests for documents that could yield a good follow-up story or project.
Then when you get a box in the mail three months later it will be like opening a
2. Minimum story. When you submit a public records request, always have a
“minimum” story in mind – something you might be able to produce fast, or a
launching pad for a project. Some won’t yield anything, but some will be golden.
3. Think FOI FIRST. When you get to the office, block out everything and spend
your first 20 minutes on FOI, whether it’s drafting a request, checking up on
request, or reading through documents. Then attend to e-mail, meetings or briefs
and stories that suck the time (and life) from your day. Put a Post-It Note on your
computer terminal reminding you: FOI FIRST.
4. FOI a day. Submit a public records request once a day, for every story, or at
least once a week. Make it a process that you do routinely to get in the habit. It
will also get your officials in the habit of responding.
5. Keep requests handy. Carry request forms and a copy of your state open
records law in your bag. Fill out requests on the spot if you are at a city council
meeting or at the police station.
6. Tracking system. Develop a good system for tracking requests. It can be as
simple as a binder with a sheet of paper for each request. Every time something
new happens with the request (response from agency, your response back, etc.),
note the date, who you talked to, and what was said. Always agree to changes in
your request in writing.
7. Get inspired. During lunch, visit FOI Web sites (see Resources sheet below) to
see the great work other journalists are doing with documents. See the
challenges they face. Even though it seems like your readers, sources, bosses
and co-workers might not seem to care about access, know that you aren’t alone.
There are others out there like you.
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Where to get FOI ideas and inspiration
By David Cuillier
Society of Professional Journalists
 Open Doors publication guide to access,
 News Gems:
 David Cuillier, FOI Committee chairman, 520-626-9694
Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE)
 IRE Extra! Extra! daily stories:
 Keyword searchable morgue of 23,000 investigative stories and 2,000 tip
 Hundreds of FOIA requests that have been filed
 Cheap access to dozens of federal databases (Membership required for full use of site)
Society of Environmental Journalists
 Environmental story archive:
Center for Investigative Reporting
 Story blog:
iDig Answers
 “Hit records”:
Google News Alerts
Go to Google News, click on “News Alerts”, then set up alerts with keywords
such as “public records request” and “freedom of information” and Google will
send you links to stories that contain those keywords.
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Access resources
Student Press Law Center
This nonprofit center provides free legal assistance to student journalists. Check out the Web
site for the publications and searchable database on a variety of student media law issues. It
also includes a super FOIA letter generator that caters to each state.
Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
This group explains how to use the national Freedom of Information Act. A section specifically
on Arizona is at
Society of Professional Journalists
This group provides information about freedom of information, including a blog and resources.
The “Open Doors” publication has tons of document-based story ideas.
Investigative Reporters and Editors
This group has an online resource center (for members) that includes a searchable database of
more than 20,000 investigative stories and a searchable database of 2,000 tip sheets. Try it out
with my log-in. Username: cuillier; Password: 27110.
National Freedom of Information Coalition
This organization coordinates coalitions in almost every state that provide information.
Citizen Access Project
This Web site out of the University of Florida provides information about access laws in each
state, including a rating for whether different aspects are good or bad.
Arizona public records audit
Findings from a statewide audit conducted in 2002, finding that law enforcement often illegally
denied access to public records.
Arizona Ombudsman
This office will start mediating access disputes in January 2007. A good way to get an impartial
government person on your side to work out disputes.
Arizona Reporter’s Handbook on Media Law
A good summary of access in the state, along with other media law issues. Available at the
student bookstore in the journalism section (for Journalism 208).
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The Record Album
David Cuillier,
Looking for a record to make your day? Take a spin through this record album to find something
that will help you in your career and personal life. Each of the 100 entries explains how the record is
useful and where to get it in Pima County.1 If you live outside Pima County or Arizona, there might be
differences in the law or availability, but it’s possible you’ll find a comparable agency that you can go to
for the information. At the end I also include records at the University of Arizona.
911 Logs
To spot trends in crime, medical calls and response times by police officers and fire trucks. They
typically list time/date, location, call type and responding units, and are public in Arizona. Tucson’s
emergency dispatch is handled by the city’s Communications Division. (Also, see “crime logs”)
Abandoned buildings
Identify trends in deteriorating neighborhoods. In Tucson it is illegal to have a building vacant and
boarded up for more than 180 days. The city tracks vacant and open buildings through the Department
of Neighborhood Resources, 320 N. Commerce Park Loop Sentinel Building, 2 nd Floor. The department
also tracks housing code violations, junk cars, and other neighborhood nuisances.
Air quality
Air quality violators are fined by county and state air quality departments (see an example of Maricopa
County settlements at In Pima County, the
Department of Environmental Quality maps ozone levels and provides other records of air quality, such
as dust complaints ( (Also, see “Environment”)
To identify airplane crash trends and find pilots and plane owners. The Federal Aviation Administration
accident and incident reports are available at Also, the FAA Aircraft
Registry includes owner name and pilot information at$pass*98655654!
Airport noise
Airports track noise complaints from neighbors when jets fly low or are particularly noisy. This is
particularly important in Tucson where an Air Force base and commercial airport keep planes humming
over an urban area. Get flight maps and noise maps at For Davis-Monthan
Air Force Base’s noise information, see (Also, see
“Odor complaints”)
To find conflicts and problems between citizens and their government. When someone objects to a
decision a government agency makes, they often are able to make an appeal. Some agencies have
formal appeal procedures, depending on the issue. Check with the agency’s attorney.
Arrest reports
Verify the arrest of a specific person in connection with a specific event. Available at local law
enforcement offices, usually from a public information officer or officer in charge. If the case is still under
investigation (someone’s still on the loose or they haven’t forwarded the information to the prosecutor
yet for potential charges), then policy may keep some of the information secret IF it would harm the
investigation, Police sometimes don’t apply that balancing test and say everything is secret if it’s still
under investigation, but they are supposed to be able to demonstrate that the information would hurt the
investigation. If they can’t, the information should be public, even if still under investigation. If a person
is wrongfully arrested they can request that the records be purged (A.R.S. 13-4051).
Arrest warrants
To ensure fairness in the arrest of suspects and get a lead on potential big busts. An arrest warrant is
signed by a judge authorizing the arrest of someone for probable cause. It usually allows police to barge
into a house and make an arrest when there is reason to believe the person has committed a crime
(drug house, homicide, etc.). Often warrants have a lot of information because police are trying to justify
to a judge the need to arrest the person. These are similar to search warrants, which also require
Inspired by the Society of Professional Journalists’ Open Doors publication by Ian Marquand
(, as well as the Florida Public Records Handbook and “Hit Records” by Joe
Adams (
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justification and approval by a judge. Warrants are usually made public once the person is served
(arrested or searched), or when it appears it won’t be able to be served. Warrants are kept in criminal
files at the court clerk’s office at the county Courthouse, 110 W. Congress St.
To monitor problems in government agencies, particularly financial woes. The Arizona Office of the
Auditor General audits state and local agencies and provides its findings online
( Look carefully to find any irregularities – often clouded by vague
terms and wishy-washy language. Ask to get more details.
Autopsy reports
Confirm cause of death or circumstances of a person’s death and evaluate the quality of medical
examiners. Autopsy reports are public records in Arizona, and available from the Pima County Medical
Examiner’s Office. (Also, see “death certificates” and “Border Patrol.”)
Bank records
To examine the saliency of the banking industry. While an individual’s bank records are secret, as well
as most State Banking Department records (A.R.S. 6-129), many documents filed by enterprises with
the State Banking Department are public (A.R.S. 6-129.01). See for state records.
Bankruptcy files
To identify trends in bankruptcies, spot fraud, and find people with unfortunate financial pasts. Chapter
7 is a straight bankruptcy and Chapter 11 is a reorganization that usually allows them to stay in
business. Businesses in bankruptcy lose a fair amount of privacy as the files list assets, how they got
into trouble and what they intend to do to get back on their feet. U.S. Bankruptcy Court maintains
records. Some can be found online at Or, go to the U.S. Bankruptcy
Court office in Tucson, 38 S. Scott Ave., to look at the paper files.
Birth certificates
To verify the identity, birth date and birthplace of someone. Arizona is a closed state, so the only people
allowed to get a copy are the actual person, parent, spouse, adult children, siblings and some other
limited persons. For more info, see Can see birth
certificates from 1887 to 1931 at
Boat registration
Find trends in boating and owners of watercraft. Contact the state Department of Game and Fish at
Boating accidents
To analyze boating accident trends. The Arizona Department of Game and Fish (
collects about 250-300 boating accidents report a year from sheriff’s departments and other agencies.
The agency then forwards the information to the U.S. Coast Guard, which has the information for the
entire nation (
Border Patrol
To examine trends in border issues, including drug seizures, border waits, and deportations. It can be
tricky dealing with federal agencies, particularly those with law enforcement missions crossing over with
homeland security. But local journalists have been able to get at this information. Contact the Tucson
Sector office at
Also, the Pima County Medical Examiner maintains records detailing border crossers who die in the
dessert (the Arizona Daily Star compiles them with other counties’ border death files at
Bridge inspections
To assess the safety of bridges in the community. Inspection records are maintained by states and the
Federal Highway Administration ( - click on “Download NBI
ASCII files”). Also can search the data at the Arizona Daily Star at
Broadcaster files
The Federal Communications Commission requires broadcasters to keep records available to the
public, including educational programming they are required to air. Should be available at the station.
Detailed budgets are available before and after approval. Can be helpful to see what departments are
getting more money over time and what areas are getting less funding. Get them from the agency’s
budget officer.
To find out how top officials are spending their time. Look at their calendars, or day schedules, to see
who they are meeting with and the extent of their workload. Should also be able to get travel expenses.
Request from the office you are interested in, such as the mayor’s office if you want to see the mayor’s
- 17 -
21. Campus crime
To find out serious incidents happening on crime. It must be released by campus police because of the
federal Clery Act. Get police logs and incident reports (if it’s not under investigation) at the campus
police department. Also can get statistics online for all universities and compare nationally at or at the Department of Education at Note, though that studies have shown universities to
under-report their violent crimes.
22. Census
Demographic data available down to the block group level and over time can be used to analyze shifts
in community demographics, including in migration, income, race, education, gender, and age.
Challenging to burrow through the Census Web site (, but it’s all there.
23. Charities
To find out whether someone asking for money is registered with the state. The Arizona Secretary of
State collects information about charitable organizations and posts basic contact information online at The state, however, does not determine whether the
charity is legitimate. Complaints are investigated by the Attorney General
24. Child-care complaints
To assess how well child-care (daycare) is handled in your community and how well the government
monitors child care. Records handled by the Arizona Department of Health Services. See data acquired
by the Arizona Daily Star at
25. Civil lawsuits
To make sure civil cases are handled equitably and disputes resolved fairly. When a person sues
another person, the case ends up in civil court. Examples of civil cases include malpractice, child
support, divorce, libel, paternity, property rights, restraining orders and breach of contract. Superior
Court handles big cases and municipal courts (small-claims) handle the little things (like you see on
Judge Judy). Pima County Superior Court cases can be found by searching business name or person’s
name at and most of the
documents are also online. The paper files are available in the court clerk’s office on the second floor of
the courthouse, 255 W. Alameda.
26. Claims
If someone feels a government agency owes them compensation for damages (slipping on a sidewalk,
hit by police car, etc.), they often file a claim before filing lawsuit. Check with the risk management
officer or attorney for the agency. For Tucson, that would be at the finance department at Tucson City
Hall, 255 W. Alameda (
27. Code enforcement
To examine trends and fairness in applying local nuisance laws. Code enforcement records detail noise
violations, illegal businesses in residential zones, illegal dumping, huge signs, and other problems.
Check with the city code enforcement office (
28. Concealed weapon permits
To see who is packing heat. Used to be public, but is now secret in most states, including Arizona
(A.R.S. 13-3112(J)).
29. Contracts
Allows you to find out who is benefiting from government projects. Should include the amount agreed
upon, the amount paid (often more), who the money went to, etc. Contact an agency’s business office.
To find whether a contractor is licensed and contact information, see the state contractor database at
30. Corporate records
To spot connections between public companies and identify key officers. The federal Securities and
Exchange Commission provides a wealth of information on public companies online, including initial
public offering files (Form S-1), quarterly reports (Form 10-Q), annual reports (Form 10-K), and top
officer information (Form DEF 14A). Can search the clunky Web site or also search
EDGAR ( and enforcement records for folks who got in trouble
( To find out owners and incorporation dates for Arizona companies,
search by name online at the Secretary of State’s Web site, (Also, see “incorporation records”)
31. Crime log
A barebones list of incidents, usually including address, time/date, one-word description, and
disposition. Also called a “police blotter.” Basic crime records and statistics are also put online by the
Tucson Police, including a crime map, at The Arizona Republic
provides crime maps for the Phoenix area at The FBI keeps
- 18 -
crime statistics (Uniform Crime Reports) for all cities, and provides data online for cities over 100,000.
See examples at
Criminal records
To find trends in crime, monitor the criminal justice system, and find backgrounds of individuals. Can
look up court cases in Pima County at and then get details in the
paper files at the court clerk’s office at the county courthouse, 110 W. Congress St. Compilations of
criminal histories held by the state, however, are secret (A.R.S. 41-619.54(C)). Basically, you can
gather information from individual courthouses, but you can’t see combined “rap sheets” already put
together by the state. That follows the thinking from a U.S. Supreme Court case DOJ v. Reporters
Court records
To find if someone has a criminal background or has been sued in civil court. Also to monitor trends in a
variety of criminal justice issues, including crime, sentencing, racial profiling (speeding tickets), and
judge performance. In general, court records are public unless they have been sealed by a judge for a
specific reason. Look up civil and criminal records at the court clerk’s office on the second floor of the
Pima County Courthouse, 110 W. Congress St. Can look up case numbers and other basic information
through an online keyword search of civil and criminal cases for Pima County at . Also can look up cases
statewide at (also, see entries for
criminal records, civil records, divorce cases, bankruptcy and traffic tickets.)
Death certificates
To explain causes of death. Even though traditionally the dead have been considered to have no right
to privacy, in Arizona these records are kept secret except for family members. For more information,
see Can find death certificates from 1878 to 1956 at (Also, see “autopsy reports” and “Border Patrol”).
To identify development trends and potential building that could impact the community or a
neighborhood. Find out what permits for development have been submitted and approved for an area.
Go to the city planning and development department to see development plans. Some of the
information is available online in Tucson, at
To track trends in discrimination. The Tucson Office of Equal Opportunity Programs
( enforces equity policy for the city to make sure city employees aren’t
discriminating based on race, age and other factors. While identities might not be public, general
description and trends should be available.
Divorce cases
To see if men and women are treated equally in divorces and to examine backgrounds of prominent
individuals. Available at the court clerk’s office on the second floor of the Pima County Courthouse, 110
W. Congress St. Can look up names and get case numbers online at , then view the paper files
in person at the courthouse.
Driving records
To examine the safety record of individuals or a group of drivers, such as cabbies or bus drivers. While
personal driver’s license information is generally not public (except for special access through contracts
with commercial companies), it is usually possible to find driving violations, such as speeding. In
Arizona, look up a person’s driving violations, including parking tickets, at .
Drug houses
Find location of homes that were once used as meth labs or other clandestine drug labs. To identify
trends in drug houses. Can also see if any homes in your neighborhood had drug problems (or a house
you are thinking of buying). Provided by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration at
Educational records
Anything related to the education of a student is secret because of FERPA, except for directory
information, including name, year, home address, phone number, date of birth etc. (unless the parent or
adult student wishes the information to not be disclosed). See Also, serious criminal incidents are public as
per the Clery Act.
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To monitor government function and make sure business that should be conducted in public isn’t being
handled secretly via e-mail. In Arizona e-mail of public officials is considered public (Star Publishing v.
Pima County Attorney’s Office, 1994).
To see who is funding candidates and campaigns. Campaign finance records for local candidates are
available at the Pima County Elections Division, 130 W. Congress St.
( State campaign data is kept by the
Arizona Secretary of State ( and and federal candidate information is maintained
by the Federal Election Commission ( National data also are kept by Project Vote
Smart ( and the Center for Responsive Politics
To identify cronyism and find former employees. Can request records of employee names, titles and
salaries. Employee home addresses and home phone numbers, however, are generally not public (and
secret by law for police officers, judges, etc.).
To assess environmental problems in a community. Superfund sites in Arizona are available at Toxic release inventory information provides what
bad stuff different companies and industry release in your community. A good site to find that EPA
information is at the Right to Know Web site: Government also monitors other
environmental hazards, such as leaking underground gas tanks (see state program at and Arizona Daily Star story:, tainted wells and groundwater
Expense reports
To monitor government spending and see if government employees are cheating the system. Check
with the business office of an agency. Can ask for credit-card logs as well.
Fire incident reports
To monitor fire departments and spot trends, such as arson, dangerous homes, public buildings that are
hazards, etc. Check with the fire agency (such as Tucson Fire Department, to examine incident reports.
To spot trends in home foreclosures (particularly nowadays). Can identify areas that are hardest hit and
types of people losing their homes. These are civil court files held at the county Courthouse, 110 W.
Congress St. Check out a story the Arizona Daily Star did noting more than 5,000 foreclosures in Pima
County in the first nine months of 2007: Also, check out
home mortgage lending trends (and whether minorities are denied home loans more often than whites,
called “red lining”), by examining Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data (
Gas-pump inspections
To make sure gas stations aren’t ripping off consumers. The Arizona Department of Weights and
Measures ( inspects each gas pump in the state. See data collected by the Arizona
Daily Star at
Track decaying neighborhoods and hooliganism. The city of Tucson covers over graffiti about 15,000
times a year. Make sure you don’t buy a house that is on this tag list every week. Contact the
Department of Neighborhood Resources, 320 N. Commerce Park Loop Sentinel Building, 2 nd Floor.
While medical records are usually not public, you should be able to get financial records about public
hospitals. Non-profit hospitals file tax returns, which are public (see Non-profits).
Income taxes
Individual and corporate income tax returns are private. However, income tax returns for nonprofits are
public (see Nonprofits). Also, when a taxpayer wants to challenge the IRS it does so in U.S. Tax Court,
and those records are public (see
Incorporation records
To find out who owns a business. Look up city business licenses at the finance department at Tucson
City Hall, 255 W. Alameda (, or state articles of incorporation at the
Secretary of State ( This is helpful if you are
trying to figure out who is really behind a business name. (Also, see “corporate records”)
Jail records
To see who is jailed and oversee jail operations. The Jail log is a list of people booked in the jail,
including name, time/date, and charge. More detailed information can be found in the booking sheets.
- 20 -
Also can get jail mugs and examine budgets, jail population statistics, and overtime to monitor
operations. Get basic jail log information from the Pima County Jail’s online inmate lookup
( To find a person in a state prison, go to
Juvenile records
To monitor the juvenile justice system to make sure its working well. Juvenile criminal records, including
arrest records and disposition hearing summaries, are public (A.R.S. 8-208).
Lawyer discipline
To find lawyers who have been disciplined and monitor the oversight of attorneys. The State Bar of
Arizona provides online a lawyer locator and reports for each year detailing lawyers that have been
reprimanded, suspended, disbarred and reinstated
Legislative records
To examine the voting records of legislators, bill wording, legislators’ attendance, and find people who
testify on issues. Find bill and vote information at
Liquor licenses
To identify bars and restaurants that are nuisances (have a lot of bar fights and problems for neighbors)
and not following liquor laws. Request liquor licenses and suspensions from the Arizona Department of
Liquor License and Control ( The Tucson City Clerk
( maintains more detailed records about special events and existing
The state monitors a variety of professionals, including barbers, beauticians, accountants, appraisers,
chiropractors, nurses, Realtors, etc. See if a person is licensed or has had a license revoked. Go to For contractors, check at
Lottery winners
To make sure the lottery is being handled fairly (and that the employees’ friends and families aren’t
winning). Also to see how sales are affecting different parts of a community. Often can get winner
name, date, amount, and retail outlet where ticket was sold. Should be able to get lottery ticket sales
and payouts by retail outlet as well. Contact Arizona Lottery Commission
Marriage licenses
To monitor marriage statistics and find current and ex-spouses. They are kept by the court clerk on the
second floor of the Pima County Courthouse, 110 W. Congress St. For more information, see
Medical devices
To identify medical devices that have failed, how they failed and the manufacturer. The “MAUDE”
database is maintained by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Also maintains the Adverse Event
Reporting system that flags safety issues regarding pharmaceutical drugs. Check out
Medical records
In general, individual medical record information is not public information. State statutes and HIPAA
make most medical information private. Disciplinary records against doctors by the Arizona Medical
Board are public (see data provided online by Arizona Republic at
Meeting minutes
To monitor city councils, school boards and other government bodies. Meeting notices, agendas and
minutes are almost always public. Check with the clerk’s office at the respective agency.
Name change
To see if someone is hiding under a new identity. Records are held by the court clerk at the Pima
County Courthouse, 110 W. Congress St.
Nonprofit 990 forms
To make sure nonprofits are actually not out to make a profit and just using 501c(3) status to avoid
paying taxes. Also can find a variety of information about nonprofits’ income, expenses and officers
through the 990 forms they file annually. To see 990 forms, go to You have to
register but most of the site is free.
Nursing home inspections
To identify unsafe nursing homes. Pending investigations are not public (A.R.S. 36-446.10). Can get
comparisons nationally by Medicare at
- 21 -
dStatus=True. Also, the Arizona Republic provides enforcement actions against long-term care facilities,
which it acquired from the Arizona Department of Health Services, at Similar data regarding assisted-living
facilities are at
Odor complaints
Most municipal sewage treatment plants, including Pima County, track complaints of their sewage stink,
which enables people to identify trends and know where not to buy a house. Contact the Pima County
Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department ( A UA journalism student
examined three years worth of stink complaints in 2007 to discover the cloud of stench doubled in size
every year. (Also, see “Airport noise”)
Parking tickets
To identify parking scofflaws and trends and fairness in ticketing (any special persons get their tickets
waived?). Get a database of parking tickets from the city of Tucson or the University of Arizona. The
university has been reluctant to provide names, saying that parking tickets are protected under FERPA
because they are “educational records.” However, their position is tenuous and when the same
argument has been used in other states courts (such as Maryland) have ruled against universities. Also,
get disability parking permits and see if there are people who have them who aren’t disabled (who are
using deceased relatives’ permits).
Party violations
To assess trends in partying near the University of Arizona and make sure police are enforcing the “redtag” laws fairly. The Tucson Police Department tracks each time a house is tagged for excessive party
noise. The records are also forwarded to the university for potential punishment in addition to potential
Personnel records
Confirm whether someone is a public employee and identify bad workers through disciplinary records.
Not always public in Arizona, so can be difficult to get, such as disciplinary actions against teachers.
Easier to get for high-ranking officials because a greater public interest.
Pet licenses
To examine trends in pet ownership and dog bites. Includes information about licensed animals (name,
breed, last rabies shot, etc.), as well as name of owner, address and phone number. To request pet
license information (or the whole pet license database), contact Pima County Animal Control
( Also, the agency tracks dog bites in the county in a database (see
example of data and its use by Arizona Daily Star at
Price-scanning inspections
To assess which stores might be ripping off consumers. The state Department of Weights and
Measures ( inspects store pricing scanners to make sure they are accurate. See
inspection data obtained by Arizona Daily Star at
To make sure possessions are disbursed fairly and find family members of the deceased. When
someone dies and leaves property or doesn’t have a will, it goes through probate – the government has
to figure out how to fairly divvy up the goods. Probate records are kept at the Pima County Superior
Court clerk’s office, 110 W. Congress St. Look up a name online at
Product recalls
To monitor the safety of consumer products, including food and medicine (FDA), consumer products
(CPSC), meat (USDA), cars (NHTSA), pesticides (EPA) and boating safety (Coast Guard). Check out
recalled products for all these agencies at
Property taxes
To assess whether everyone is paying their fair share of property taxes and also to find who is buying
what in the community. Property tax records are public at county courthouses. You can find out how
much homes in your neighborhood are worth, what they sold for, along with details, such as the homes’
square footage and number of bedrooms. This helps you in buying or selling a home to compare homes
and values. In Pima County, this information can be found online with a keyword search (including
name), at More detailed paper records are at the Pima
County Assessor’s Office, 115 N. Church.
Public records requests
To find what public records are being requested by businesses, citizens, government employees and
journalists. Request from the public records officer copies of the public records request and any log
used to track requests.
Restaurant inspections
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To make sure the public is protected from unsanitary conditions at restaurants and other venues. Find
the worst restaurants. In Pima County, check a restaurant’s health inspection reports at
Retention schedules
To find out what records an agency keeps and when it purges them. Most public agencies have
established retention schedules to determine how long they will keep different records and when they
can get rid of them. Check with the individual agency to find its retention schedule, usually held by a
clerk or records officer.
To find cronyism and disparity in pay. Names, titles and salaries of public employees are almost always
available. Also, get overtime pay and actual pay (not just budgeted salary) to find janitors who make
more than the mayor. Also, a good way to find former employees by looking at lists from prior years. For
example, see Arizona university employee salaries at,
and see state employee salaries provided by the Arizona Republic at
School test scores
To identity poorly performing schools. Can find school “report cards” at
Sex offenders
To find if sex offenders live close to vulnerable populations. In Arizona, as in most states, it’s easy to
look up sex offenders (the most dangerous ones, usually level 2 & 3) online. Go to to find sex offenders by zip code or other search functions. Note
that a variety of studies have found registries to be relatively inaccurate, so the person may or may not
actually live where the registry says the person lives.
Stolen vehicles
To identify trends in vehicle theft. Request stolen vehicle data to analyze popular makes, models and
locations of car thieves. To look up a specific plate number or VIN number, go to
Street maintenance
Examine trends in bad streets and who gets them fixed and who doesn’t. Street departments, such as
Tucson’s (, track pothole complaints and other problems.
Tax refunds
To find whether someone is scamming the system by setting up dummy corporations to get bogus
property tax refunds. The Washington Post analyzed Washington, D.C., tax refunds in 2007 to find that
nearly $32 million had been refunded illegally to government employees and their friends, including to a
fictitious company they established called “Bilkemor LLC.” ( Check with
the Pima County Assessor’s Office ( for assessment appeals, and the
treasurer’s office ( for refunds.
Taxi inspections
To assess the safety of taxis. The Arizona Department of Weights and Measures (
inspects taxis. See an example of the data at
Telephone records
Telephone records of public employees on their work phones, including cell phone records, can identify
corruption and questionable connections by listing who the employee talked to along with the time and
date. In some states, such as Texas, courts are ruling that messages regarding work topics of public
officials are open, even when sent on personal cell phones and Blackberry devices.
Traffic accident reports
To find out dangerous intersections and stretches of roads. Can be difficult to get accident reports in
Arizona if they are required to be filled out by a city or town (A.R.S. 28-671), but are still available. For
example, the Pima County Sheriff’s Office provides its accident reports online, searchable by name of
driver, date of accident or other search terms ( The only hitch is it
costs $5 per report. Also, you can analyze the federal Fatality Analysis Reporting System data for every
fatal accident in the nation going back to 1975 (
Train wreck data
To identify the most dangerous train-road intersection in the community and other trends. The Federal
Railroad Administration provides train wreck data back to 1975 online for downloading and analysis
( Click on “Accident data on demand” then
choose “Highway Rail Accidents.” Choose a year, your state and a format (Excel).
Tribal records
American Indian tribes are considered sovereign nations and not agencies subject to FOIA or state
public records laws. Even tribal gaming records held by state agencies might not be considered public,
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according to an Arizona state Supreme Court ruling (although in Washington state they are public if held
by a state agency, according to its supreme court). If a federal agency holds tribal documents those
should be public if you request them from the federal agency that has them (as per U.S. Supreme Court
case Dept. of Interior v. Klamath). For more information about access to tribal information, see the
Reporter’s Guide to American Indian Law by the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
90. Truck accidents
To identify trouble spots in the community where semi-trucks tend to crash and burn (particularly on
interstate highways). The U.S. Department of Transportation collects accident reports involving
commercial trucks over 10,000 pounds. The agency now keeps secret hazardous waste information,
citing national security reasons, so we don’t know what stuff is traveling on our freeways or how
dangerous it is if the trucks crash. Check with Arizona Department of Transportation for information.
Can also get federal data from the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration.
91. Unclaimed property
To see what property and funds are owed to citizens by the government (and has gone unclaimed).
Request records from the state Department of Revenue. You can also search for yourself or friends at
92. Uniform Commercial Code
To find what loans someone has for property, yachts, etc. Can search by debtor name at
93. University records
The University of Arizona collects tons of records about students, majors, staffing and research,
including professor course evaluations. Student educational records are secret (FERPA), but
operational records and statistical information about students is public. To get a sense of the
information that is available, see the Office of Institutional Research and Planning Support
( and the Information Warehouse Office (
94. Use of force
Look at how police use – or overuse – force during arrests. Each time an officer uses a choke hold, gun,
taser, police dog, baton or other use of force a form is filled out. Get them from the police department.
95. Utility bills
Personal use of electricity, water and other utilities generally isn’t public, even though it might be of
public interest to know the big users of public water.
96. Victims
To make sure victims are being treated well by authorities. However, in 2007 the Arizona Legislature
passed a law allowing victims to have their address and other contact information made secret so now
all that is public is a name, which can also make it confusing to the public when reporting that “John
Smith” was the victim of a carjacking.
97. Voter registration
To see whether people, particularly candidates, have voted or lived in a community. Also to prevent
voter fraud (can check to see if dead people are voting). Voter registration records include name,
address, year of birth, party affiliation, and whether a person voted in previous election (but not how
they voted). Some people can ask a judge to make their information secret if there is good cause
(A.R.S. 16-153). Pima County Recorder’s Office:
98. Weather
To examine trends in climate change in the community and compare weather conditions in one
neighborhood to another (weather can vary among different parts of town because of elevation,
topography and pavement effects). The National Climatic Data Center provides tons of data
summarizing temperatures, rain, wind and other conditions for each individual monitoring station going
back more than 100 years. The agency also has a database of storms, including tornadoes, hurricanes,
snowstorms, flash floods and drought. See
99. Worker safety
To identify dangerous workplaces and trends in workplace accidents. State and federal agencies track
injuries at companies. Look at the Occupational Safety and Health Administration records at
100. Zoning
To analyze growth planning and find who is benefiting by development. Find out how land is zoned and
what development is possible. Also look at comprehensive plans, which map out the general future of a
community. Go to the city planning and development department to find zoning maps, comprehensive
plans, and development plans. Some of the information is available online in Tucson, such as zoning
maps at and development
permits at
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University of Arizona
Record Album
Below are dozens of different kinds of public records available at the University of Arizona. These
were collected by journalism majors Ashley Donde, Brian Kimball and Kimberly Quiroz spring 2008, and
compiled by David Cuillier,
Annual financial report
This website has a record of the annual financial reports dating back to 1996. The reports detail the
“institutional profile” of the university and then delve into independent auditor’s report of the university. It
lists, in detail, the total net assets, and also the list of total revenues, expenses and changes in net assets
for the last fiscal year. It has detailed breakdowns of operating and expenses (research, student services,
etc.) and revenues (tuition, grants, etc.) and non-operating revenues (gifts, share of state sales tax
revenues, etc.).
Some of the records regarding ASUA include Senate meeting minutes, Spring Fling event contracts and
budgets, workshops and budgets for ASUA clubs and offices, such as the Women’s Resource Center.
These can be requested by filling out an online request form at, or by filling out a
form at the ASUA office in the student union.
Athletics staff directory
This is a list of all of the staff for Arizona Athletics and their information. The information includes the
person’s name, position, office room number, office phone number and email address.
Automobile loss/damage report
The UA has a department that rents out cars to UA faculty and students through a program called the Motor
pool. When renters get into accidents in these cars or the cars get damaged or stolen there is a form that
needs to be filled out. This form lists the user’s name, make and model of the car, and also how and where
the accident took place. This record would be available at the Arizona department of Administration through
the risk management section.
Campus crime information
Thanks to the federal Clery Act (a.k.a. Buckley Amendment or Campus Security Act), if there are serious
crimes happening on the UA campus that information has to be made available to the public. If you’re
wondering who got arrested at that fraternity date dash last weekend, but no one’s talking, you can go down
to the UA Police Department and put in a request for an incident report or check out the crime log. The
address is 1852 East first St. Tucson AZ 85712. You can also look up statistics for other universities around
the nation and compare them to the UA by searching this website:
Common data set
This website shows, basically, everything Arizona has to offer in statistical breakdowns, providing you an
opportunity to then go and ask for original records to analyze yourself. It starts with general information like
the address and type of the university (coed-public) and degrees offered. It lists enrollment numbers,
graduation rates, number of admissions for first-time first-year freshman and transfer students and the
university’s academic offerings and policies. It also lists all of the extracurricular activities the university
offers, like ROTC, pep bands, dance, yearbook, etc. and then goes on to list the average annual expenses
for the students and financial aid statistics and much more. It’s a good place to get ideas for what other
records are out there that you might request and analyze.
Construction design proposal documents
If you’re looking to find out which UA departments are getting upgraded and are having new buildings
constructed you can check out the CDP form. University departments can initiate non-capital construction
projects with a Construction Decision Package (CDP). The process allows departments to identify project
needs for building renovation, remodeling, accessibility upgrades, etc., and submit them for consideration.
This form can be found at The Facilities Design and Construction office at 220 West Sixth St. USA Bldg, 3 rd
floor Tucson AZ 85701.
Custodial maintenance forms
Wondering if that bathroom you use at the student union is cleaned on a regular basis? The UA Facilities
management department is responsible for keeping track of when places like the bathroom, classroom or
bookstore were cleaned last.
Departmental key authorization signatures form
This form is used to determine which faculty members at the U of A are authorized to have the keys to
certain buildings. It lists the name of the department head and anyone else who will have access to the
- 25 -
building. These forms are available by contacting the Key Desk at or contacting
the Facilities Management Department.
University e-mail is considered subject to the state public records law, so anyone could request e-mails.
Some information may be blotted out if it is exempt from disclosure, such as grade information or other
content that would be legitimately kept secret. Government information conducted by officials on personal
computers and personal devices (e.g., Blackberry, cell phone text messages) also may be considered
public. To see the university’s e-mail policy:
Employee files
UA employee files are considered confidential and the only people who can access them are the actual
employee, certain authorized UA administration and someone who has a court ordered subpoena or judicial
summons. However, you can get written consent from the employee to have their file released to you if they
agree to do so. Also, you can request an employee’s name, position and salary at the University Human
Resources Department. Employee data that does not include identifiable information (e.g., names redacted)
should be public so a person could analyze racial makeup of departments, seniority, percentage of tenured
positions, etc.
Employee salaries
Government employee salaries are public. Also, you can see how professors’ salaries stack up to similar
universities. The comparison records show the average salary for all the professors, assistant professors
and associate professors of the university overall as well as breakdown the averages for all the different
departments and colleges within the university. It also looks at trends and percent increase and decreases in
the average salaries. The comparison information is at
Environmental issues on campus
To find out if there are any superfund sites on or near the UA campus, or to see if the UA is releasing any
type of toxic waste into the surrounding environment you can visit the Arizona Department of Environmental
Quality website:
Facilities use agreement form
If someone decides they want to use one of the U of A’s ballrooms, classrooms, Mckale Center or any other
facility owned or leased by the UA they need to fill out this form and be approved by the Arizona Board of
Regents on behalf of the University of Arizona. This document contains the requestors name, what the
facility will be used for, how much the UA is charging to use the space, and if they will provide any special
Fact Book
This is just that, a big book of facts on the university. It has tons of statistical information, including
enrollment, demographics, costs and financial aid information, etc. There are also entries for academic
information, employee information, facility information as well as a breakdown of university finances. The 70page report is packed full of information and the website has Fact Books dating back to the 2000-01 school
year. It also provides ideas of what records might be accessible to analyze yourself.
Funds transfer request documents (UA Foundation)
Whenever there is a transfer of funds from one account to another at the UA Foundation or a request to do
so, the person making the transfer must document which accounts are being messed with and who made
the request. This form is available at the UA Accounting department in room 403 of the “Swede” Johnson
Greek Life
Records of how many members’ individual frats and sororities have had over the years. The sorority info is
more detailed and includes the number of women who rush as well as the number who become members.
Grades of sorority and fraternity members are available, although not by individual name. However grade
trends can be tracked as far back as the 1980s, revealing which sororities/fraternities are doing better in
school, and which are slacking. These records and the above records can be found at the Center for
Student Involvement in the student union, by contacting Gary Ballinger, the director of fraternity and sorority
programs. Some records are on computer databases, and some are still kept in binders.
Health inspection records for UA restaurants
If you’re wondering whether On Deck Deli, Burger King or Papa John’s Pizza in the Student Union passed
their last health inspection you can visit the Pima County Health Department website: By the way, check out the provisional ratings (five
or more critical violations) reported the past few years at O’Malleys on Fourth, La Fuente, Viva Burrito,
Sabor de Mexico, and Gentle Ben’s.
Interdepartmental billing form
This document is filled out by UA department heads or faculty whenever they would like to request goods
and services from another UA department. This can be found in the UA Business Services Department.
Inventory Excel database
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This database records the yearend inventory for all of the UA departments. The Financial Services Office
prepares the university’s annual financial report each year. An important component of the financial report is
the accurate accounting for and reporting of inventories, accounts receivable, deferred revenues, prepaid
expenses and deposits.
JP Morgan Chase corporate credit card application
Whenever a UA faculty member or administrative officer wants to get his/her own credit card to make school
related purchases for their department they fill out a form with their name, the department they work in and
what the card is supposed to be used for. This file is forwarded to the UA Procurement and Contracting
services department where a copy is kept on file.
Mall activity request form
If you’re trying to find out what organizations, individuals or groups have requested to use the UA mall, or
who might be interested in having a demonstration there, this is the record for you. Filed requests are
submitted and available at the Mall Event Scheduling office in the Student Union Memorial Center in room
348. This record provides the name of the requestor, the dates they would like to use the mall, and for what
Off-campus location/use of equipment
This record is available at the Department Business office-Property Management Unit and lists anyone who
has sought permission to use UA owned equipment at a location other than the university grounds.
Projects and budgets
This is the entire list of all planned or ongoing changes made to the university. The list includes everything
from building expansions, construction, renovations, remodeling or other types of modifications being made.
It shows the name of the project, the project number, phase of completion, delivery method and budget with
links to a synopsis of the project.
Recycling and waste report
This is an annual report that includes exact figures for materials recycled, landfill diversion savings, recycling
revenue, and comparisons to past years. See how much aluminum, plastic, cardboard and other recyclable
items have been processed by the UA. This is available at the Facilities Management Department and
copies of the document are viewable at:
Retention schedules
The University of Arizona is required by law to create and retain certain records regardless of whether the
record is created or maintained on paper or electronic format. With this list you can find dozens of records
kept by the university and how long they are supposed to be kept. (click on tiny pdf link at the bottom of the Web page for a list
of records and their destruction schedule).
Space inventory
The UA has its very own Real Estate Administration Department that has the square footage, number of
rooms and map layouts of all of the buildings that is University of Arizona property. In order to get this
information you need to go to the Real Estate Admin office at 1125 N. Vine Ave Tucson AZ 85721 or you
can also go online at
Teacher course evaluation records
This website allows you to look at the course evaluation records for various classes or teachers. After
entering your UA NetID and password, you can check ratings by course or by instructor and view a
summary of all of the course evaluation sheets filled out for that particular course or a teacher and all the
classes they’ve taught. The information should be available to the public as
well and a person should be able to get a copy of the whole database to analyze trends and spot the highest
and lowest rated professors on campus.
Travel forms
Interested in knowing which faculty members or ASUA officials are taking trips on the UA’s tab and where
exactly they’re going? You can find out by requesting a copy of a Travel Authorization form available at the
University Services Building on 888 N. Euclid Fourth Floor, Room 402. Then ask for the expense reports
that list how much they spent and what they spent it on.
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