Title: Schedule Manager - Period End Closing
Module : Cross Application
Course :
Work Instruction
Schedule Manager - Period End Closing
Use this procedure to set up and to utilise a work schedule in the schedule manager.
Perform this procedure when you wish to use the schedule manager to manage tasks.
Menu Path
The schedule manager can be accessed via several menu paths, many of which can be found
on the period end closing menu path. The following is an example of one of the menu paths
which can be used to access this transaction:
Select Accounting Controlling Cost Center Accounting Period end closing to
go to the Schedule Manager :Schedule Tasks for Task List.
Transaction Code
Additional Information
The schedule manager facilitates the definition, scheduling, execution and control of
periodic, iterative tasks such as period end closing.
The scheduler is divided into three areas:
Task lists : Tasks are structured into task groups which are executed periodically,
possibly by more than one user to complete a certain process
Monthly Overview: An overview of the current and previous months which the system
then displays in detail in the daily overview.
Overview of the daily tasks: Tasks created in the task list are scheduled in the daily
overview (NB: only certain tasks can be scheduled). The system also displays
executed tasks in the daily overview with the time that they started.
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Title: Schedule Manager - Period End Closing
Module : Cross Application
Course :
Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code SCMA.
The manager is split into three sections which are the tasklist, the monthly overview
and the daily overview.
When the transaction is executed, the task list used most recently will be displayed.
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Title: Schedule Manager - Period End Closing
Module : Cross Application
Course :
Schedule Manager: Schedule Tasks for Task List 0-SAP-DEMO
Perform one of the following:
You wish to create a new task list
If you wish to schedule tasks using a task list which has already been
Go To
Step 4
Step 25
To create a new task list, select Task listCreate.
Create Task List
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Title: Schedule Manager - Period End Closing
Module : Cross Application
Course :
As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field Name
Task list
Enter a name for the new Task list.
Click on
Period End
New Entries : Details of Added Entries
As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field Name
Task list
Enter a description of the Task list.
General Calendar
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Period End
Select the calendar settings you wish to be effective. The
radial button
denotes that the option is active. The first day
of the week can be set to either Sunday or Monday.
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Title: Schedule Manager - Period End Closing
Module : Cross Application
Course :
Field Name
Days before key date
Enter the number of days before the key date.
The key date is usually ‘today’s’ date. The system
imports log information on jobs or transactions which
have already taken place. The smallest number of
days prior to the key date should be selected in order
to minimise the processing time involved.
Days after key date
Enter the number of days after the key date, the system should
pick up log information.
The key date is usually ‘today’s’ date. The system
imports log information on jobs or transactions. The smallest
number of day’s post the key date should be selected in order
to minimise the processing time involved.
Start with Current
Start with Fixed time.
The time can be set in the daily view to start with either the
current time or with a fixed time. The radial button
which option is active. If the current time option is active, each
time the schedule manager is accessed, the daily view will
display from the current time.
The time can be set in the daily view to start with either the
current time or with a fixed time. The radial button
which option is active. If the fixed time option is selected, the
time for the daily overview to begin is entered in the box to the
right of the “start with a fixed time” field. The time interval for
the daily overview can also be set along with the number of
lines for each interval.
Configuration of the
daily view:
Click on
The time can be set in the daily view to start with either the
current time or with a fixed time. The radial button
which option is active. If the fixed time option is selected, the
time for the daily overview to begin is entered in the box to the
right of the “start with a fixed time” field. The time interval for
the daily overview can also be set along with the number of
lines for each interval
The system displays the message,
Click on
to go to the Schedule Manager: Schedule Tasks for Task List PERIOD END
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Title: Schedule Manager - Period End Closing
Module : Cross Application
Course :
Schedule Manager: Schedule Tasks for Task List PERIOD END
The task list can now be created. Click on
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Title: Schedule Manager - Period End Closing
Module : Cross Application
Course :
Schedule Manager: Change Task List PERIOD END
The schedule manager is now in ‘change’ mode. Task groups, which may be used for
example to separate your tasks into daily groupings, and individual tasks, can be
To insert a task group, click on the line where you wish the new group to be inserted.
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Title: Schedule Manager - Period End Closing
Module : Cross Application
Course :
Schedule Manager: Change Task List PERIOD END
The line will be highlighted.
Click on
to insert a task group. Alternatively, click on your right mouse button and select
from the menu.
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Title: Schedule Manager - Period End Closing
Module : Cross Application
Course :
Schedule Manager: Create Task Group
As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field Name
Enter a description for the task group.
Task owner
Day 1
Enter a description of the Task owner. In this case the SAP
user name has been selected.
Click on
To display the new group, click on
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to the left of the PERIOD END folder.
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Title: Schedule Manager - Period End Closing
Module : Cross Application
Course :
Schedule Manager: Change Task List PERIOD END
The ‘Day 1’ folder is displayed.
To insert a task in the Day 1 folder, click on the folder to highlight it and click on
Alternatively, click on your right hand mouse button and click on
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Title: Schedule Manager - Period End Closing
Module : Cross Application
Course :
Schedule Manager: Insert Task
As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field Name
Enter a description of the task.
Task owner
Enter the task owner. Enter the task owners SAP user name.
CIose Account Types D and A.
Select the radio button
to the left of the program option.
Enter the program name. If it is a job which can be executed
in the background a variant name must be entered.
Only programs with variants can be scheduled with
the manager. Programs without a variant must be run
Select the radio button
to the left of the transaction option
Enter the transaction name.
Select the radio button
to the left of the notes option.
Notes can be used to document and prompt tasks
which are not being executed in R3.
Flow Definition
Select the radio button
to the left of the Flow Definition
option. Enter the workflow name or click on the down box to
display the available options.
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Title: Schedule Manager - Period End Closing
Module : Cross Application
Course :
Click on
Schedule Manager: Change Task List PERIOD END
The task is displayed in the ‘Day 1’ folder. The task type can be identified by the
symbol which is displayed to the left of the task description.
To add a note to the task, click on the task or task group where the note is required and click on
Notes may be used to document the task. To insert a task note you must still be in
‘change Mode.’
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Title: Schedule Manager - Period End Closing
Module : Cross Application
Course :
Enter the note required in the box. Alternatively, a note can be imported into the box
from another source e.g. a word file by clicking on
, load local file and selecting the
file from the appropriate drive and folder. The text will be dropped into the box.
To attach a file, presentation or word document without dropping the detail into the schedule
manager notes box, click on
Select document category
A selection box is displayed detailing the available options.
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Title: Schedule Manager - Period End Closing
Module : Cross Application
Course :
Double click on the required document category.
Double click on Microsoft Word 97.
A blank word document will be displayed. Enter the detail required or cut and paste from a
document which has already been created.
Click on file  Close Schedule manager
Office integration
The system displays the message, "Do you want to save the document?”.
Click on
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to save the document.
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Title: Schedule Manager - Period End Closing
Module : Cross Application
Course :
Schedule Manager : Change Task List PERIOD END
The symbol indicating that there is an attached document, is displayed
To schedule tasks in the schedule manager, click on.
Only Flow definitions and jobs may be scheduled in the daily overview. Programs and
transactions must be executed online. Flow definitions and jobs are denoted by
To execute a task on line, click on the task you wish to execute and then click on
. The
transaction /program is accessed and can be processed as required. Alternatively, right click
on the mouse button and select execute from the drop down box.
To schedule a task in the daily task manager to run at a later date , click on
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Title: Schedule Manager - Period End Closing
Module : Cross Application
Course :
Schedule Manager: Change Task List PERIOD END
Drag and drop the task you wish to schedule, to the required day and time in the daily
The date displayed in the daily overview can be changed by clicking on either
or by clicking on
the date displayed in the monthly overview. The timeframe displayed in the monthly
overview can be changed by clicking on
and entering a new
date. The months displayed in the monthly overview change according to the date
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Title: Schedule Manager - Period End Closing
Module : Cross Application
Course :
Schedule Manager: Schedule Tasks for Task List PERIOD END
In this example the “mass change parked document” job is scheduled to run at 8.00am
on the 04.05.2002. The task is displayed is now displayed in the daily overview. The
status field indicates the current status of the transaction.
To receive further information on the status of a job click on
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Title: Schedule Manager - Period End Closing
Module : Cross Application
Course :
Schedule Manager: Monitor
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Title: Schedule Manager - Period End Closing
Module : Cross Application
Course :
The Monitor is split into three sections
The structure tree displays all the workflow/jobs in chronological order. The right hand
mouse can be used to view the different functions available for the job. The Detailed
view provides further information relating to the job. The four buttons underneath ,the
spool list, the job log, the extract and the basic list, are only active if corresponding data
relating to the job is available. The message list is populated if messages occurred for
a job and they were saved.
To return to the schedule manager click on the
You have completed this transaction.
You have created and utilised the schedule manager.
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Title: Schedule Manager - Period End Closing
Module : Cross Application
Course :
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