
Do cognitive systems need anticipatory capabilities to successfully cope with a dynamic environment?
How deep is the relation between cognition, action and anticipation? How much explicit such anticipatory representations are? What is the role of anticipation in artificial, human and animal cognitive
The fall symposium has faced these great challenges by bringing together top scientists from cognitive science, neuroscience, psychology, AI and robotics. The pervasiveness of anticipation in cognitive systems is in fact acknowledged by many diverse disciplines but still there is a need for a unified
approach to the subject.
This technical report does not simply collect such diverse contributions but individuates the most
promising directions in the advancement of the understanding of complex cognitive systems.
We gratefully acknowledge the organizational and financial support of the AAAI association and of
the European Project MindRACES (from Reactive to Anticipatory Cognitive Embodied Systems; contract number: FP6-511931) that has partially financed several members of the Program Commitee.
Cristiano Castelfranchi, Christian Balkenius, Martin V. Butz,
Andrew Ortony, Deb Roy, and Luca Tummolini