SECTION 504 EVALUATION PLAN-RECOMMENDED ACCOMODATIONS/MODIFICATIONS Student Name: Birth Date: Grade: Teacher: School: Date: PACING ASSIGNMENTS Adjust time for completion of assignment Allow frequent breaks, vary activities often Modify assignments requiring copying in a timed situation Other: (Specify) Other: (Specify) ENVIRONMENT/SCHEUDLING Define limits: _____Behavioral _____Physical Reduce/minimize distractions: ____ Visual ____ Auditory Leave class for assistance Seat student near the teacher Stand near student when giving directions or presenting lessons Increase distance between desks Provide consistent structure Provide cooling off/break period Adjust lighting Adjust room temperature Avoid distracting stimuli (air condition noise, high traffic area, etc.) Other (specify): Other (specify): Other (specify): LEGEND: = Accommodation/Modification Attempted Unsuccessful Individual contracts Give directions in small units; simplify complex directions Use written back-up for oral direction Lower reading level of assignment Adjust length of assignment Change format of assignment Break assignment into series of small assignments Reduce paper and pencil tasks Read directions and/or worksheets to students Record or type assignments Maintain assignment notebook Avoid penalizing for spelling errors Block off or mask sections of work Use highlighted texts Use taped texts Give extra time for assignments Provide opportunity to respond orally Provide study skills training/learning strategies Hand out assignments one at a time Require fewer correct responses to achieve grade Use self-monitoring devices Other (specify): + = Accommodation/Modification Successful = Accommodation/Modification to be Attempted DISTRIBUTION: = Accommodation/Modification Student cumulative folder; Parent/Guardian; Section 504 Liaison/coordination; Teacher; Other(s): _____________________ SECTION 504 EVALUATION PLAN-RECOMMENDED ACCOMODATIONS/MODIFICATIONS Student: PRESENTATION OF SUBJECT MATTER/MATERIALS Use of computer aided instruction Emphasize teaching: ___Auditory ___Visual ___Tactile ___Multi Use individual/small group instruction Utilize specialized curriculum Tape lectures and texts for replay Break longer presentations into shorter segments Make sure directions are understood Highlight critical information/key concepts on board Pre-teach vocabulary Provide organizers/study guides Provide visual cues Peer and cross-age tutoring; pair students to check work Check often for understanding/review Have student repeat directions Emphasize study/organizational skills Use repeated review/drill Provide before or after school tutoring Other: (specify): BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT Request parent reinforcement Clearly define limits Give frequent reminders of rules Maintain frequent eye contact Hold private discussions regarding behavior Keep classroom rules simple and clear Create opportunities to help teacher Supervise during transitions to other areas/activities Ignore minor infractions Implement behavior contract Give reinforcement by praising specific behaviors/or use preferred reinforcer Place emphasis on student’s special talents Implement secret signal between teacher and students Initiate time outs Ignore behaviors not drastically outside classroom limits Allow legitimate movement Other: (specify): ASSESSMENT ADAPTATIONS Give credit for projects Give credit for class participation Allow open book examinations` Give take home tests Adjust time for completion Read test item to student LEGEND: = Accommodation/Modification Attempted Unsuccessful Give exam orally Allow student to give test answers on tape recorder Use modified format-more objective items, fewer essays responses Give frequent short quizzes, not long exams Reduce reading level Other: (specify): + = Accommodation/Modification Successful = Accommodation/Modification to be Attempted DISTRIBUTION: = Accommodation/Modification Student cumulative folder; Parent/Guardian; Section 504 Liaison/coordination; Teacher; Other(s): _____________________ SECTION 504 EVALUATION PLAN-RECOMMENDED ACCOMODATIONS/MODIFICATIONS Student: ORGANIZATION SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Provide peer assistance with organized skills Assign volunteer homework buddy Allow student to have an extra set of books at home Send daily/weekly progress reports home Develop a reward system for in-school work and homework completion Other: (specify) Suggest parenting program(s) Monitor student closely on field trip Arrange in-service training for other teachers on child’s handicap Provide social skills group experiences Develop intervention strategies for transitions (Cafeteria, P.E., etc.) Alert bus driver Suggest agency involvement Provide group/individual counseling Other: (specify) Other: (specify) MEDICATION RELATED AIDS AND SERVICES Name of physician: Medications(s)/Schedule: Specify/Name: Medications(s)/Schedule: Medications(s)/Schedule: DICIPLINE (CHECK ONE) Section 504 disability would not cause student to violate school rules Section 504 disability could cause student to violate school rules. If checked, complete Behavior Modification Disciplinary Plan or Behavior Support Plan. Other: (specify) LEGEND: = Accommodation/Modification Attempted Unsuccessful ADDITIONAL RECOMMENTATIONS Psycho-educational evaluation Accommodations/Modifications review scheduled on: (date) Section 504 Team Recommendation Accommodations/Modifications mailed on: (date) ________________ + = Accommodation/Modification Successful = Accommodation/Modification to be Attempted DISTRIBUTION: = Accommodation/Modification Student cumulative folder; Parent/Guardian; Section 504 Liaison/coordination; Teacher; Other(s): _____________________ SECTION 504 EVALUATION PLAN-RECOMMENDED ACCOMODATIONS/MODIFICATIONS 504 TEAM Participants: Teacher: ________________________________________________ Parent: ________________________________________________ Other: _________________________________________________ Other: _________________________________________________ Other: _________________________________________________ Other: _________________________________________________ Other: _________________________________________________ Other: _________________________________________________ Other: _________________________________________________ Other: _________________________________________________ Other: _________________________________________________ Other: _________________________________________________ Administrator or 504 Coordinator: _____________________________________________