FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS PARTNER INSTITUTIONS (ERASMUS+ partners and faculty partners outside Europe)) - ACADEMIC YEAR 2016 - 2017 ERASMUS+ Programme = mobility for learners and staff – Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility. Exchange students in the frame of Erasmus+ are eligible for Erasmus+ grants. Exchange students to Belgian partners may be eligible for Erasmus-Belgica grants. The aim of Erasmus Belgica is to promote the language proficiency and understanding of other communities in Belgium. PARTNERS OUTSIDE EUROPE : All these universities have a Faculty Exchange Agreement; this means no scholarships are available, but the students are exempt from paying the enrollment fee of the host universities.Students can apply for the host institutions listed below. For each host organisation, links to relevant information as well as the target audiences (eligible programmes) are listed. You will also find specific requirements per partner below. Please, always double check whether you meet the partner’s requirements mentioned on their websites, before applying. For reports of students who participated in an exchange in the previous years, please check: : http://www.kuleuven.be/erasmusprogramma Reports of students also available in the library of FEB (campus Leuven) General info International Office – KU Leuven: http://www.kuleuven.be/internationaal/studenten Number of available spots listed per university (check form overview available places) Applications – register online : https://feb.kuleuven.be/erasmus Deadline submission of application form – THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 - 2016. TARGET AUDIENCES - PROGRAMMES FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS (FEB) BACH EW = bachelor opleiding economie (= Bachelor Economics) BACH TEW = bachelor opleiding toegepaste economie + handelsingenieurs + beleidsinformatica (=Bachelor Bussiness Economics + Business Engineering + Information Systems Engineering) MASTER = master opleiding handelsingenieur + handelsingenieur beleidsinformatica (= Master Bussiness Engineering + Information Engineering) MERB = master opleiding studenten - Master in de economie, het recht en de bedrijfskunde MECON = master opleiding in de economische wetenschappen + Master of Economics MBECON = master opleiding in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen + Master of Business Economics EXAMPLE - TARGET AUDIENCES BACH EW + MECON :for Bachelor and Master students in Economics only BACH TEW: for Bachelor students Business Economics + BACH Business Engineering + BACH Information Systems Engineering only MASTER + MBECON : for Master Business Economics + Master Buisness Engineer + Master Information Systems only For TARGET AUDIENCES Master in de economie, het recht en de bedrijfskunde (ERB) at this moment 7 universities are available: Belgium Université Catholique de Louvain – Louvain-la-Neuve France Université des Sciences Sociales Toulouse - Université Paris Descartes (Paris V) Italy Universita degli studi di Pavia + Universita degli Studi di Siena Austria MCI Management Center Innsbruck – Die Unternehmerische Hochschule Switzerland Universität Bern ERB-students : If you choose another university beside these 7 ones, be sure you take most of your Law courses in Leuven !!! We will not be able to guarantee the presence of sufficient Law courses at another partner university than this list of 7. 1 DESTINATIONS WITHIN EUROPE = ERASMUS+ AUSTRIA INSTITUTIONAL CODE A INNSBRU01 A INNSBRU08 A WIEN05 CITY Innsbruck Innsbruck Wien UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck Innsbruck University School of Management Department of Strategic Management http://www.uibk.ac.at/iww/exchange-students/ http://orawww.uibk.ac.at/public/lfuonline_lv.home http://www.uibk.ac.at/international-relations/erasmus/ Exchange period: 1 Oktober till 31 Januari Die Unternehmerische Hochschule MCI Management Center Innsbruck http://www.mci.edu http://www.mci.edu/masterstudium/international-business-law/studium Exchange period: End of September–February REMARK – English proficiency test is required – following test will be accepted: TOEFL IBT –min. score 85 / TOEFL PBT min score 550 (https://www.ets.org/toefl) IELTS – min. Overall score 6.0 (www.ielts.org) Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Vienna University of Economics and Business http://www.wu-wien.ac.at www.wu.ac.at/start/en www.wu.ac.at/io/en www.wu.ac.at/io/en/incoming/courses/coursesinenglish http://www.wu.ac.at/io/en/incoming/courses/coursesingerman Exchange period: 1 October till 31 Januari TARGET AUDIENCES BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON Only for : MASTER in de economie, het recht en de bedrijfskunde (MERB) REMARK – English proficiency test is required BACH TEW BELGIUM INSTITUTIONAL CODE B LOUVAIN01 CITY Louvain-la-Neuve UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Université Catholique de Louvain - Departement des Sciences Economiques TARGET AUDIENCES BACH EW + MERB + MECON - Louvain School of Management – Louvain-la-Neuve campus LSM in Louvain-la-Neuve http://www.ucl.ac.be http://www.uclouvain.be/lsm http://www.uclouvain.be/204326.html Exchange period: 15 September till 27 Januari 2 MASTER + MERB + MBECON B LOUVAIN01 Mons B LIEGE01 Liège B BRUXEL04 B NAMUR 01 Brussel Namur Université Catholique de Louvain à Mons - Louvain School of Management LSM in Mons http://www.uclouvain.be/mons http://www.fucam.ac.be/index.php3?pere=162 Exchange period: 15 September till 25 Januari Université de Liège HEC Management School Exchange period: 14 september to 23 januari http://www.ulg.ac.be www.ulg.ac.be/erasmus/in http://progcours.ulg.ac.be Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) Solvay Brussels School of economics & Management (SBS-EM) Exchange period:20 september to 29 januari http://www.solvay.edu/international Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix – FUNDP http://www.fundp.ac.be/universite/international/mobilite-etudiants/erasmus/ Exchange period: 15 September till 25 Januari REMARK: only MASTER in Information Systems Engineering BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON BACH EW + MASTER MECON + BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON Only for MASTER + MBECON only for MASTERS in Information Systems Engineering CROATIA INSTITUTIONAL CODE HR ZAGREB06 CITY Zagreb UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Zagrebacka Skola Ekonomije I Managementa (ZSEM) Zagreb School of Economics and Management (ZSEM) http://international-office.zsem.hr/ http://international-office.zsem.hr/index.php/incoming-students/exchange-studentsfrom-partner-universities/courses-schedule Extra Info : The school does not have any dormitories or student residences. Students can contact the following agency which is in close contact with us: http://www.homeinzagreb.com. Student s are free to choose any other alternative agency or to find accommodation by themselves Exchange period: 4 September till 30 January 3 TARGET AUDIENCES BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON CZECH REPUBLIC INSTITUTIONAL CODE CZ PRAHA10 CITY Praag UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Czech Technical University in Prague http://cvut.cz/en/ http://www.cvut.cz/incomers/erasmus-exchange http://web.cvut/ctu/international/web/en/ http://www.cvut.cz/incomers/erasmus-exchange/prospectus Exchange period: 12 September till 10 Februari TARGET AUDIENCES MASTER Only for Business Engineering DENMARK INSTITUTIONAL CODE DK ARHUS01 DK KOBENHA01 DK KOBENHA05 CITY Arhus Kobenhaven Kobenhaven UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Aarhus University Department of Economics and Management (Part of School of Business and Social Sciences) http://www.econ.au.dk http://bss.au.dk/education/international-students/ http://bss.au.dk/education/international-students/incoming-studentsexchange/economics-business-and-communication/courses/ http://bss.au.dk/education/international-students/incoming-studentsexchange/economics-business-and-communication/contact-information/ Exchange period: 24 Augutus 31 Januari Aarhus University School of Business and Social Sciences http://www.asb.dk http://bss.au.dk/education/international-students/ http://bss.au.dk/education/international-students/incoming-studentsexchange/economics-business-and-communication/courses/ http://bss.au.dk/education/international-students/incoming-studentsexchange/economics-business-and-communication/contact-information/ Exchange period: 24 Augustus till 31 January Københavns Universitet University of Copenhagen www.studies.ku.dk http://studies.ku.dk/masters/programmes/ http://studies.ku.dk/masters/studying-at-ucph/study-structure/ Exchange period: 31 Augustus till 23 December Handelshojskolen i Kobenhavn Copenhagen Business School http://www.cbs.dk/en 4 TARGET AUDIENCES BACH EW + MECON BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON MECON BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON DK ODENSE01 Odense http://uk.cbs.dk/exchange http://www.cbs.dk/undergrad http://www.cbs.dk/grad http://www.cbs.dk/housing http://studentlife.cbs.dk/video/ REMARK – English proficiency test is required – following test will be accepted: Info TOEFL-test : www.ets.org/toefl/ TOEFL: 577 (PBT), or 91 (iBT) IELTS – min. Overall score 6.5 (www.ielts.org) Exchange period: 17 Augustus till 23 December University of Southern Denmark Faculty of Business and Social Sciences http://www.sdu.dk/en/ http://www.sdu.dk/en/Uddannelse/Exchange_Programmes http://sdu.dk/en/Information_til/Internationale_studerende/Accommodation Exchange period: 27 August till 31 January REMARK – English proficiency test is required BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON FINLAND INSTITUTIONAL CODE SF HELSINK03 CITY Hanken UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Hanken School of Economics http://www.hanken.fi http://www.hanken.fi/en/studies/international-opportunities/incoming-exchangestudents Exchange period: 25 Augustus till 22 December TARGET AUDIENCES BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON FRANCE INSTITUTIONAL CODE F CERGY03 F LE-HAVR04 F LILLE11 CITY Cergy-Pontoise Le Havre Lille or Paris UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE ESSEC Business Shool – Paris http://www.essec.edu Exchange period: 6 Oktober till 19 December Ecole De Management De Normandie Normandy Business School - Le Havre & Caen http://www.ecole-management-normandie.fr http://www.em-normandie.fr Exchange period: 2 September till 6 Februari Université Catholique de Lille IÉSEG School of Management (Lille – Paris) Make a choice between Campus Lille or Campus Paris 5 TARGET AUDIENCES only for MASTER + MBECON BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON F LYON23 F MONTP02 F MONTPEL13 F PARIS009 F PARIS005 F POITIER01 Ecully Montpellier Montpellier Paris Malakoff /Paris Poitiers http://www.univ-catholille.fr/index-UK.asp http://www.ieseg.fr/en/home/ www.ieseg.fr Exchange period: 26 August till 23 December EM LYON / Grande Ecole - EM LYON Business School http://www.em-lyon.com/international_students http://graduate.em-lyon.com/en/Auditors-Double-Degree-Students Exchange period: 10 September till 20 December Université Montpellier II Institut d'Administration des Entreprises http://www.iae.univ-montp2.fr/ http://www.iae.univ-montp2.fr/?q=en/exchange-students Exchange period: 15 September till 31 Januari Extra cost : students have to pay 5,10 EURO for preventive health service Groupe Sup de Co Montpellier Business School www.supdeco-montpellier.com Exchange period: 24 september till 18 januari Université Paris-Dauphine (Paris IX) http://www.dauphine.fr www.sri.dauphine.fr http://www.dauphine.fr/en/international-office/coming-to-dauphine-for-exchangestudent/procedure-for-exchange-student-only.html Exchange period: 17 September till eind Januari Université Paris Descartes (Paris V) Faculty of Law Economics Business http://www.parisdescartes.fr/?rubrique51 http://www.univ-paris5.fr/INTERNATIONAL/Venir-a-Paris-Descartes/Etudiants-enprogrammes-d-echanges/Erasmus http://www.droit.univ-paris5.fr/INTERNATIONAL/Etudiants-entrants-Incoming-students http://goo.gl/maps/Tahfr Exchange period: 2 September till 20 December PROOF of French B2 level requested Université de Poitiers - Faculté de Sciences Economique http://sceco.univ-poitiers.fr http://www.univ-poitiers.frhttp://sceco.univ-poitiers.fr/international/venir-etudier-apoitiers/venir-etudier-a-poitiers-710451.kjsp?RH=1349940810173 - Institut D'Administration Des Entreprises - IAE Poitiers http://www.univ-poitiers.fr http://www.iae.univ-poitiers.fr http://www.univ-poitiers.fr/international 6 only for MASTER + MBECON BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON EXTRA COST !!! Only for BACH TEW BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON Preferably for students – MAJOR Marketing BACH EW + MERB + MECON + BACH TEW + MASTER + MERB + MBECON PROOF of French B2 level REQUESTED BACH EW BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON F RENNES01 F STRASBO48 F SOPHIA01 F TOULOUS01 Rennes Strasbourg Sophia Antipolis Toulouse Exchange period: 14 September till eind december Université de Rennes I - Institut de Gestion de Rennes http://www.igr.univ-rennes1.fr Exchange period: 1 September till 22 Januariy Université de Strasbourg/University of Strasbourg Ecole de Management Strasbourg/EM Strasbourg Business School http://www-english.em-strasbourg.eu/ http://www.em-strasbourg.eu/ Exchange period : 1 September till 20 December Proof of English/French Language Proficiency required minimum level B2 SKEMA Business School Make a choice between Sophia-Antipolis Campus or Lille Campus or Paris La Défense Campus. Before choosing your campus, for sure have a look at the webpage, because specializations and courses are different per campus ! www.skema.edu http://www.skema-bs.fr/ http://www.skema.edu/international/campus-sophia-grande-ecole-program http://www.skema.edu/international/campus-sophia-bachelor-eai-program Important : CEFR B2 level of English is requested. Letter of your English teacher stating that your level in English is sufficient will be needed. If NOT you have to take the TOEFL test ! Exchange Period : 1 September till 23 December Université Toulouse 1 Capitole Faculté des Sciences Economique http://www.ut-capitole.fr http://www.ut-capitole.fr/europe-et-international/etudier-a-ut1/programmes-dechanges/accueil-des-etudiants-etrangers-choix-de-cours-et-ects-321050.kjsp?RH=1319184841964 Exchange period: 10 September till 15 Januari BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON Proof of English/French Language Proficiency required minimum level B2 BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON CEFR B2 level of English is requested BACH EW + MERB + MECON + BACH TEW + MASTER + MERB + MBECON GERMANY INSTITUTIONAL CODE D BONN01 D EICHSTA01 CITY Bonn Ingolstadt UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn www.uni-bonn.de www.erasmus.uni-bonn.de https://basis.uni-bonn.de Exchange period: 12 Oktober till 5 Februari Katholische Universität Eichstätt - Ingolstadt www.ku-eichstaett.de/ 7 TARGET AUDIENCES BACH EW + MECON Only for MASTER HIR D FRANKFU01 D FRANKFU08 D GOTTING01 D JENA01 D KIEL01 D KOLN01 Frankfurt am Main Frankfurt (Oder) Göttingen Jena Kiel Köln http://www.wfi.edu/welcome http://www.ku-eichstaett.de/Internationales Exchange period: 10 oktober till 15 februari Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main Wirtschaftswissenschaften www.uni-frankfurt.de http://www.wiwi.uni-frankfurt.de/en/international.html http://www.wiwi.uni-frankfurt.de/en/international/international-exchangestudents.html Exchange period: 14 October till February 12 Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) Faculty of Business Administration and Economics www.europa-uni.de www.europa-uni.de/en/internationales Exchange period: 1 Oktober till eind Februari Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Faculty of Economics http://www.economics.uni-goettingen.de http://univz.uni-goettingen.de/ Department for Business Administration - Institut für Marketing und Handel http://www.handel.uni-goettingen.de http://www.uni-goettingen.de Exchange period: 1Oktober till 15 Februari Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena Faculty of Economics and Business Administration http://www.uni-jena.de http://www.dio.uni-jena.de/ http://www.dio.uni-jena.de/Students/Incoming.html http://www.uni-jena.de/Internationales_Buero.html http://www.uni-jena.de/en/Studying_in_Jena.html Exchange period: 15 Oktober till 15 February Christian-ALbrechts-Universität zu Kiel Institüt für Betriebswirtschaftslehre http://www.uni-kiel.de http://univis.uni-kiel.de/ http://www.uni-kiel.de/international https://www.international.uni-kiel.de/en/courses-for-exchange-students Exchange period: 19 Oktober till 17 February Universität zu Köln University of Cologne Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences http://www.wiso.uni-koeln.de/gueststudents.html 8 Recommended for students with program of Production and Logistics BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON BACH EW + MECON + BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON D MANNHEI01 D MUNCHEN01 D MUNCHEN02 D OESTRIC01 D REGENSB01 D STUTTGA02 D TUBINGE01 D WURZBUR01 Mannheim München München Rheingau/Wiesba den Oestrich-Winkel Regensburg Stuttgart Tübingen Würzburg http://www.wiso.uni-koeln.de/international.html Exchange period : 1 Oktober till end of February University of Mannheim - Business School www.uni-mannheim.de http://www.uni-mannheim.de/aaa http://www.bwl.uni-mannheim.de/incoming Exchange period: 1 September till 21 December Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) Münich School of Management www.lmu.de/international www.lmu.de/en/international/incoming https://lsf.verwaltung.uni-muenchen.de (no login required,simply click on the link Vorlesungsverzeichnis to access the online course catalogue) Exchange period: 1 Oktober till 22 Februari Technische Universität München (TUM) TUM School of Management www.wi.tum.de/abroad https://campus.tum.de/tumonline/webnav.ini Extra Info : most of the classes are in German: Intensive courses are offered two weeks before the start of lectures – for details see : www.sprachenzentrum.tum.de/en/homelanguage-center/ Exchange period: 17 Oktober till 6 Maart EBS Universität Für Wirtschaft und Recht EBS Business School – Rheingau/Wiesbaden www.ebs.edu http://www.ebs.edu/4390.html?&L=2 Exchange period: 28 Augustus till 20 December Universität Regensburg Institüt für Betriebswirtschaftslehre http://www.uni-regensburg.de http://www-auslandsamt.uni-regensburg.de Exchange period: 1 Oktober till 22 Februari Universität Hohenheim Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre (520) http://www.uni-hohenheim.de http://wiso.uni-hohenheim.de/internationales.html Exchange period: 1 Oktober till eind Februari Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen Department of Economics and Business Administration http://www.uni-tuebingen.de Exchange period: 10 Oktober till eind Februari Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg 9 BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON Only for : BACH HIR + MASTER BACH TEW + MASTER BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON BACH EW + MECON BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON http://www.zv.uni-wuerzburg.de http://www.international.uni-wuerzburg.de Exchange period: oktober till eind Februari BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Ikonomiko Panepistimio Atinon Athens University of Economics and Business http://www.aueb.gr Exchange period: 1 oktober till 6 Februari TARGET AUDIENCES BACH EW + MECON + GREECE INSTITUTIONAL CODE G ATHINE04 CITY Athene BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON HUNGARY INSTITUTIONAL CODE HU BUDAPES47 CITY Budapest UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Central European University Budapest http://www.ceu.hu/ http://www.ceu.hu/academics/exchange/erasmus Exchange period: 15 September till 20 December TARGET AUDIENCES BACH EW + MECON ICELAND INSTITUTIONAL CODE IS REYKJAV01 CITY Reykjavik UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE University of Iceland Faculty of Business Administration http://www.hi.is/ http://english.hi.is/ http://english.hi.is/university/international_office http://english.hi.is/university/international_exchange_students http://english.hi.is/school_of_social_sciences/faculty_of_business_administration/school _business Exchange period: 20 August till end December TARGET AUDIENCES BACH TEW IRELAND INSTITUTIONAL CODE IRLGALWAY01 CITY Galway UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE National University of Ireland - Galway Faculty of Commerce http://www.nuigalway.ie http://www.nuigalway.ie/erasmus/ http://www.nuigalway.ie/academic_dates 10 TARGET AUDIENCES BACH TEW Exchange period: 1 September till 22 December ITALY INSTITUTIONAL CODE I MILANO04 I PADOVA01 I PAVIA01 I ROMA02 I SIENA01 I TORINO01 CITY Milano Padova Pavia Rome Siena Torino UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi Università Bocconi http://www.unibocconi.eu/ www.ir.unibocconi.eu/inexchange Exchange period: Begin September till end January Università degli Studi di Padova Department of Economics and Management www.economia.unipd.it http://www.unipd.it/en/erasmus-study http://www.unipd.it/en/courses/key-academic-dates http://www.economia.unipd.it/corsi/corsi-di-laurea-0/international-students Exchange period: 22 September till 30 January Università degli Studi di Pavia Facolta Di Economia http://www.unipv.eu http://www.unipv.eu/site/en/home/international-relations/erasmus/incomingstudents.html Exchange period: 20 September till 15 Februari Università degli Studi di Roma 'Tor Vergata' Facolta di Economia www.uniroma2.it http://www.economia.uniroma2.it/erasmus/erasmus.asp?a=248 http://www.economia.uniroma2.it/graduate_courses/ Exchange period: 28 September till 19 Februari Università degli Studi di Siena http://www.unisi.it/ammin/uri http://www.economia.unisi.it/index.php http://www.unisi.it/ammin/uri/mondo/come.htm http://www.unisi.it/guide/ Exchange period: 1 Oktober till 28 Februari Università degli Studi di Torino Facolta Di Economia http://www.econ.unito.it www.econ.unito.it/didattica/info/dida001 Exchange period: 20 September till 12 Februari 11 TARGET AUDIENCES BACH EW + BACH TEW + MASTER + MECON + MBECON BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON BACH EW + MERB + MECON + BACH TEW + MASTER + MERB + MBECON BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON BACH EW + MERB BACH TEW + MASTER + MERB + MBECON TEW + MASTER + MBECON NORWAY INSTITUTIONAL CODE N BERGEN02 N STAVANG01 CITY Bergen Stavanger UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH) www.nhh.no http://www.nhh.no/en/study-at-nhh/incoming-exchange-students.aspx Exchange period: 10 Augustus till 21 december University of Stavanger UIS Business School www.uis.no/frontpage www.uis.no/international-relations/international-ofice www.uis.no/exchangecourses http://youtu.be/CYeD3f00XAE Exchange period : 3 Augustus till end December TARGET AUDIENCES Only for MASTER + MBECON BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON POLAND INSTITUTIONAL CODE PL CZESTOC01 PL WARSAW01 CITY Czestochowa Warsaw UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Czestochowa University of Technology Faculty of Management http://www.pcz.pl/programy_miedzynarodowe/basic_information.html http://www.pcz.pl/programy_miedzynarodowe/crucial_documents.html Exchange period: 27 september till 1 February University of Warsaw Department of Economics www.iro.uw.edu.pl http://www.wne.uw.edu.pl/~erasmus/ http://informatorects.uw.edu.pl/en/ Exchange period: 1 Oktober till 8 Februari TARGET AUDIENCES Only for MASTER + MBECON BACH EW + MECON PORTUGAL INSTITUTIONAL CODE P COIMBRA01 P LISBOA03 CITY Coimbra Lisboa UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia http://www.uc.pt Exchange period: 16 September till 15 Februari Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics http://www.novasbe.unl.pt/en/ http://www.fe.unl.pt http://www.novasbe.unl.pt/en/programs/bachelor-degreee/curriculum/program12 TARGET AUDIENCES BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON BACH EW + MECON + BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON structure Exchange period: 7 september till 29 January SLOVENIA INSTITUTIONAL CODE SI LJUBLJA01 CITY Ljubljana UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Univerza V Ljubljani /University of Ljubljana Faculty of Economics http://www.ef.unilj.si/content/static_english/international_office/exchange_students/ies.asp Exchange period: 1 oktober till 13 februari TARGET AUDIENCES BACH EW + MECON SPAIN INSTITUTIONAL CODE E BARCELO01 E BARCELO15 E BILBAO01 E GRANADA01 E MADRID04 CITY Barcelona Barcelona Bilbao Granada Madrid UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Universitat de Barcelona Facultat de Ciències Economiques i Empresarials www.ub.edu/economiaempresa http://www4.ub.edu/economiaempresa/relint/web/?lang=en http://www.ub.edu/uri/ Exchange period: 17 September till 30 Januari Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Barcelona Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences http://www.upf.edu/international http://www.upf.edu/facecon/en/ Exchange period: 21 September till 24 December Remark : Minimum level B1 Spanish requested Universidad del Pais Vasco http://www.ehu.es Exchange period: 15 September till 15 Februari Universidad De Granada Facultad De Ciencias Economicas Y Empresariales Remark: Minimum B1 level volgens CEFR van Spaans is een vereiste http://www.ugr.es http://internacional.ugr.es/pages/movilidad/estudiantes/entrantes http://fccee.ugr.es Remark: Minimum level B1 Spanish requested Exchange period: 15 September till 14 Februari Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Faculty of Economics and Business Administration 13 TARGET AUDIENCES BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON Remark: Minimum level B1 Spanish requested BACH EW + BACH TEW Remark Minimum level B1 Spanish requested BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON BACH TEW Remark: Minimum level B1 Spanish requested BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON E PAMPLON01 E SALAMAN02 E SEVILLA01 E VALENCI01 E ZARAGOZ01 Navarra Salamanca Sevilla Valencia Zaragoza Remark: Minimum B1 level volgens CEFR van Spaans is een vereiste http://www.uam.es http://www.uam.es/otros/ofineco/ Exchange period: 17 September till 28 januari Remark: Minimum level B1 Spanish requested Universidad de Navarra Facultad De Ciencias Economicas Y Empresariales http://www.unav.edu/ http://www.unav.edu/en/web/facultad-de-ciencias-economicas-yempresariales/internacionalidad/estudiantes-internacionales http://www.unav.es http://www.unav.es/english/ http://www.unav.es/facultad/econom/ http://www.unav.es/facultad/econom/incoming Exchange period: 1 September till 23 December Universidad de Salamanca Facultad De Economia y Empresa http://facultadeconomiayempresa.usal.es/ http://www.usal.es/rel-int/ http://www.usal.es Exchange period: 14 September till 15 Februari Universidad de Sevilla Facultad De Ciencias Economicas Y Empresariales http://www.us.es www.internacional.us.es Exchange period: 15 September till 15 Februari Remark: Minimum B2 level os Spanish required Universitat de Valencia Facultat de Ciències Economiques i Empresarials http://www.uv.es/economia/ori http://www.uv.es/relint http://www.uv.es/relint/cast/index.htm Exchange period: 15 September till 30 Januari Universidad de Zaragoza Facultad de Ciencias Economicas Y Empresariales http://www.unizar.es http://fecem.unizar.es http://fecem.unizar.es/intercambios_internacionales.html http://wzar.unizar.es/servicios/inter/inter.html Exchange period: 17 September till 15 Februari 14 Remark: Minimum level B1 Spanish requested BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON BACH TEW BACH TEW Remark: Minimum level B2 Spanish requested BACH EW + MECON BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON SWEDEN INSTITUTIONAL CODE S LUND01 Not available 1st selection round S GOTEBOR01 S STOCKHO04 S UMEA01 S UPPSALA01 CITY Lund Göteborg Stockholm Umea Uppsala UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM) http://www.lusem.lu.se/study/exchange Exchange period: 31 August till 17 Januari Göteborgs Universitet University of Gothenburg School of Business, Economics and Law www.exchangestudent.gu.se www.handels.gu.se/international www.handels.gu.se/international/courses/ Exchange period: 1 September till 18 Januari REMARK : not for ‘Information Systems Engineering KTH, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan Royal Institute of Technology http://www.kth.se/ http://www.kth.se/en/studies/exchange http://www.kth.se/student/kurser/sokkurs?l=en_UK http://www.kth.se/en/ece/avdelningen-for-larande/sprak-och-kommunikation Exchange period: 1 September till 19 Januari Umea University Umea School of Business and Economics Department of Business Administration http://www.usbe.umu.se http://www.umu.se/international_office/ http://www.usbe.umu.se/english/education/incoming-exchange-students/ http://www.umu.se/english/education/courses-and-programmes http://www.usbe.umu.se/english/education/incoming-exchange-students/ Exchange period: 26 Augustus till 18 Januari Uppsala Universitet - Department of Economics http://www.nek.uu.se www.inter.uadm.uu.se - Department of Business Studies http://www.fek.uu.se/student/start.asp?lang=e www.inter.uadm.uu.se Exchange period: 31 Augustus till 17 Januari 15 TARGET AUDIENCES BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON BACH EW + MECON BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON not for ‘Information Systems Engineering MASTER + MBECON BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON BACH EW + MECON BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON SWITZERLAND INSTITUTIONAL CODE CH BERN01 CH LAUSANN01 CH ZURICH01 CITY Bern Lausanne Zürich UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Universität Bern Institute of Economics http://www.unibe.ch http://www.int.unibe.ch http://www.evub.unibe.ch Exchange period: 15 September till 31 Januari Université de Lausanne Ecole Des Hautes Etudes Commerciales http:///www.hec.unil.ch http://www.hec.unil.ch/echanges/in http://www.hec.unil.ch/hec/bachelor/horaires http://www.hec.unil.ch/hec/masters/horaires Exchange period: 12 September till 4 Februari Universität Zürich http://www.int.uzh.ch/in_en.html http://www.int.uzh.ch/in/program/erasmus_en.html Exchange period: 16 september till 21 december TARGET AUDIENCES BACH EW + MERB + MECON + BACH TEW + MASTER + MERB + MBECON BACH TEW + MASTER BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON THE NETHERLANDS INSTITUTIONAL CODE NL AMSTERD01 NL GRONING01 NL EINDHOV17 CITY Amsterdam Groningen Eindhoven UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Universiteit van Amsterdam Faculty of Economics and Business http://www.student.uva.nl/eco/actueeleco.cfm http://www.student.uva.nl/eco http://www.uva.nl/exchange Exchange period: 31 Augustus till 30 January University of Groningen Faculty of Economics & Faculty of Management and Organization http://www.rug.nl/feb http://www.rug.nl/feb/informatievoor/exchangestudents/ http://www.rug.nl/ocasys/ http://www.student.uva.nl/eco http://www.uva.nl/en/education Exchange period: 31 Augustus till 5 February Technische Universiteit Eindhoven – TU Eindhoven Fac. Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences www.tue.nl http://owinfo.tue.nl/ 16 TARGET AUDIENCES BACH EW + MECON BACH TEW + MASTER BACH EW + MECON BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON + MBECON MASTER + MBECON NL ROTTERD01 NL TILBURG01 Rotterdam Tilburg http://www.tue.nl/studeren/exchange-programs http://onderwijs.ies.tue.nl/en/faculteit/exchange/o/all/exchange-students-incomingstudents Exchange period: 1 September till 30 January Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Erasmus School of Economics http://www.ese.eur.nl http://www.eur.nl/ese/english/information_for/prospective_students/exchange/ Exchange period: 30 Augustus till eind December Tilburg University – TSB School of Social and Behavioral Sciences www.tilburguniversity.edu https://www.tilburguniversity.edu/education/exchange-programs/courses/ Exchange period : 17 Augustus till end December Only for Extended Masters in Business Economics Major : Human Resource – Personeel en Organisatie BACH TEW Only for EXTENDED MASTERS BUSINESS ECONOMICS Major : human Resource Major : Personeel en Organisatie TURKEY INSTITUTIONAL CODE TR ISTANBU17 CITY Istanbul UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE KOÇ University http://oip.ku.edu.tr www.ku.edu.tr https://oip.ku.edu.tr/incoming/home Distinction required !! Exchange period: 6 September till 18 January TARGET AUDIENCES BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON Distinction required UNITED KINGDOM INSTITUTIONAL CODE UK CARDIFF01 UK EDINBUR01 CITY Cardiff Edinburgh UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Cardiff University Cardiff Business School http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/ http://business.cardiff.ac.uk/ http://business.cardiff.ac.uk/courses/exchanges/incoming Exchange period : 21 September till 30 January University of Edinburgh Department of Business Studies http://www.ed.ac.uk of http://www.hss.ed.ac.uk http://www.ed.ac.uk/studying/visiting-exchange/study-abroad www.ed.ac.uk/new-students http://www.business-school.ed.ac.uk/ Exchange period: 14 September till 18 December 17 TARGET AUDIENCES BACH TEW/BACH HIR(b) BACH TEW Not for ‘Information Systems Engineering’ UK GLASGOW01 UK LEICEST01 Glasgow Leicester REMARK : Not for ‘Information Systems Engineering’ University of Glasgow Department of Accounting and Finance http://www.gla.ac.uk http://www.gla.ac.uk/international http://www.gla.ac.uk/international/studyabroadexchange/exchangeprogramme/incomin geuropeanexchangeserasmus/ http://senate.gla.ac.uk/academic/coursecat.html Exchange period: 21 September till 18 December REMARK : Not for ‘Information Systems Engineering’ University of Leicester Department of Economics http://www.le.ac.uk/international http://www;le.ac.uk/international/erasmus/incomingmodules.html Exchange period: 29 September till 22 januari BACH TEW Not for ‘Information Systems Engineering’ BACH EW + MECON BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON DESTINATIONS OUTSIDE EUROPE = FACULTY EXCHANGE ARGENTINA INSTITUTIONAL CODE AR BUENOSA03 - faculty exchange - without scholarship CITY Buenos Aires UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE UNIVERSIDAD AUSTRAL The Faculty of Management www.austral.edu.ar/international http://www.austral.edu.ar/cienciasempresariales/ http://www.austral.edu.ar/international/courses-in-english-2/ Exchange period: August till November Remark: level B2 Spanish requested : Only a few courses are taught in English TARGET AUDIENCES BACH TEW Remark: level B2 Spanish requested AUSTRALIA INSTITUTIONAL CODE AU ADELAID03 - faculty exchange - without scholarship CITY Adelaide UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE The University of Adelaide Facullty of the Professions www.adelaide.edu.au www.adelaide.edu.au/professions http://www.adelaide.edu.au/inbound-study-abroad/ http://www.international.adelaide.edu.au/abroad/incoming/ http://international.adelaide.edu.au/about/isc/ http://international.adelaide.edu.au/life/predeparture/guide/temp_accom/#uniorg 18 TARGET AUDIENCES BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON Remarks :!!! Proof of English Language Proficiency required Exchange period: 14 juli till 16 December Distinction required Remark: Proof of English Language Proficiency required 1. Getuigschrift Van Hoger Secundair Onderwijs/Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire with 7.5 / 75 % or more in English will be asked ! IF NOT 2. TOEFL test required!!! TOEFL (Paper based) 550 (Test of Written English) at 4 TOEFL (Internet based) IBT score of 60 with a score of 21 in Writing – 18 speaking and 8 reading and Listening Info TOEFL-test : see: www.ets.org/toefl/ AU ADELAID04 - faculty exchange - without scholarship AU BRISBAN02 Adelaide SA Brisbane - faculty exchange - without scholarship AU CRAWLEY01 - faculty exchange Crawley University of South Australia UniSA Business School www.unisa.edu.au http://www.unisa.edu.au/international http://www.unisa.edu.au/Business/ http://programs.unisa.edu.au/public/pcms/home.aspx Exchange period: 13 juli till end November Distinction required Remark: TOEFL test required TOEFL (Paper based) 550 TOEFL (Internet based) 80 InfoTOEFL-test : see: www.ets.org/toefl/ Extra costs : - Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) mandatory AUD $367 in 2015 for one semester – may increase - Studen Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) also mandatory – for 4 courses is approximately $140 Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Brisbane, Australia http://www.studyabroad.qut.edu.au/ http://www.qut.edu.au/international/study-abroad-and-exchange http://www.immi.gov.au/students/students/chooser/ http://www.qut.edu.au/about/key-dates-and-academic-calendar/academic-calendar https://www.qut.edu.au/international/study-abroad-and-exchange/applying/inboundexchange/entry-requirements Exchange period: 13 juli till end December Distinction required Extra cost : Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) mandatory AUD $214.50 The University of Western Australia (UWA) http://www.ask.uwa.edu.au/ 19 Distinction required BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON Distinction required ! Remark: TOEFL test required!!! BACH EW + MECON BACH TEW + MASTER = MBECON Distinction required BACH TEW + MASTER + MBEON - withut scholarship AU SYDNEY01 - faculty exchange - without scholarship AU CLAYTON01 - Faculty exchange - without scholarship Not available 1st selection round Sydney Clayton http://www.studyat.uwa.edu.au/contact http://www.international.uwa.edu.au/agents/brochures http://www.business.uwa.edu.au/ http://www.uwa.edu.au/university/campuses#crawley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtRsk4Bjs9s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LuS0THkb8s Exchange period: 20 July till end november Distinction required TOEFL-test required : see: www.ets.org/toefl/ TOEFL (Paper‐based total) 570 plus and Essay Rating/TWE of 4.5 TOEFL (Computer‐based total) 230 and Essay rating/TWE of 4.5 Next Generation TOEFL (iBT) 82 Overall, with a min score of 22 in Writing, 18 in Reading, 20 in Listening and Speaking Extra cost : students with a non Belgian citizenship have to pay an Overseas Student Health Cover (AUD $ 322) The University of Sydney Faculty of Economics and Business http://www.usyd.edu.au/studyabroad http://sydney.edu.au/business/exchange http://sydney.edu.au/future-students/study-abroad-exchange/ Exchange period: 11 juli till eind november Distinction required TOEFL-test required TOEFL (Paper based) 577 (Test of Written English) at 4.5 TOEFL (Computer based) 233, Essay rating 4.5 TOEFL (Internet based) IBT score of 90 with a score of minimum 23 in writing, Listening and Speaking minimum 22 InfoTOEFL-test : see: www.ets.org/toefl/ Extra cost : Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) verplichtAUD $250,25 Monash University Faculty of Business and Ecoomics http://business.monash.edu/ Exchange period: ????? Distinction required TOEFL-test required : TOEFL (Paper based) 600 (Test of Written English) at 5.0 InfoTOEFL-test : see: www.ets.org/toefl/ Distinction required ! UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Federal University of Rio de Janeiro 20 TARGET AUDIENCES MASTER HIR Remark TOEFL test required !!! BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON Distinction required ! Remark: TOEFL test required!!! BACH HIR – MASTER HIR ??? Distinction required ! Remark TOEFL test required !!! BRAZIL INSTITUTIONAL CODE BR RIO_DE_01 - Faculty exchange CITY Rio de Janeiro - without scholarship The COPPEAD Graduate School of Business/UFRJ Exchange period: mid July till end December http://www.ufrj.br/ www.coppead.ufrj.br BR RIO_DE_03 - Faculty exchange - without scholarship Rio de Janeiro BR RIO_DE_05 - Faculty exchange - without scholarship Rio de Janeiro BR SAO_PAU01 - faculty exchange - without scholarship Sao Paulo Pontifícia Universidade Católica - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil Faculdades Católicas Exchange period: 6 augustus till 21 december http://www.puc-rio.br/ccci http://www.puc-rio.br/ensinopesq/ccci/ Remark: R$ 550,000 (reais) registration fee will be charged prior to arrival The Portuguese as a Second Language Course is mandatory. Fundação Getulio Vargas - FGV/EPGE Escola Brasileira de Economia e Finanças Exchange period : mid July till end December http://epge.fgv.br/ www.fgv.br/epge REMARK: knowledge of Portuguese is a requirement. Only a few courses are taught in English INSPER, Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa; Sao Paulo - Brasil http://www.insper.org.br www.insper.edu.br/en http://www.insper.edu.br/en/undergraduate/ http://www.insper.edu.br/en/en/graduate/professional-masters/ Exchange period: 1 augustus till 23 december REMARK: knowledge of Portuguese is a requirement !! Only a few of undergraduate courses are taught in English. All graduate programs are taught in Portuguese Portuguese proof of proficiency is required. Minimum level B2 BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON BACH EW + MECON REMARK: knowledge of Portuguese is a requirement BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON REMARK: knowledge of Portuguese is a requirement CANADA INSTITUTIONAL CODE CA KINGSTO01 - faculty exchange - without scholarship CITY Kingston, Ontario UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Queen’s University Queen’s School of Business www.queensu.ca www.business.queensu.ca www.business.queensu.ca/international www.queensu.ca/calendars/business www.business.queensu.ca/grad_studies/mgm/program_structure.php http://business.queensu.ca/international_opportunities/docs/Fact_Sheet_2014_2015.pd f http://business.queensu.ca/ConversionDocs/CIM/QSBExchange.pdf 21 TARGET AUDIENCES BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON http://youtu.be/LWxBg62T_5g Remark: student is required to obtain an extra ‘University health Insurance’, about 252$ for 4 months!!! Exchange period: 1 September till 22 December CA MONTREA01 faculty exchange - without scholarship CA QUEBEC02 - faculty exchange - without scholarship CA SAINTCA01 - faculty exchange - without scholarship CA VANCOUV01 faculty exchange - without scholarship Montréal Québec St.Catharines, Ontario Vancouver Université de Montréal Le Département de Sciences Economiques de L’Université de Montréal Remark: student is required to obtain an extra ‘University health Insurance’, about 264$ for 4 months !!! French language proficiency certificate (level B2) is required www.umontreal.ca www.international.umontreal.ca http://www.intl.umontreal.ca http://www.international.umontreal.ca/echange/cap-udem/guide_english.htm Exchange period: 27 Augustus till 25 December Université Laval - Faculté des Sciences et de Génie Département de Génie Mécanique Extra cost : student is required to pay a ‘University Health Insurance’ !!! ($332 CAN /semester) www.ulaval.ca http://www2.ulaval.ca/international/etudiants-etrangers/echanges-etudiants.html http://english.fsa.ulaval.ca/cms/site/fba/home/programs/undergraduate/englishcourses http://www2.ulaval.ca/les-etudes/programmes-cours-horaires.html Remark: Only for students ‘Business Engineering + Information Systems Engineering’ Test French requested : (TFI 750, DELF B2, DALF Exchange period: 1 September till 22 December Brock University - Goodman School of Business https://brocku.ca/business/international/exchange-programs/inbound Remark: student is required to obtain an extra ‘University health Insurance’, about 260$ for 4 Months) !!! Exchange period: 1 September till 19 December Distinction required !! The University of British Columbia Sauder School of Business http://www.sauder.ubc.ca http://www.students.ubc.ca/global/coming-to-ubc/ www.students.ubc.ca/global www.students.ubc.ca/international http://students.ubc.ca/about/go-global/coming-ubc-exchange/register-courses-ubcexchange https://www.flickr.com/photos/ubcpublicaffairs/sets/72157639809631794/ http://students.ubc.ca/about/go-global/coming-ubc-exchange 22 BACH EW BACH TEW NOT for students ‘Information Systems Engineering BACH HIR + MASTER HIR For students ‘Business Engineering + Information Systems Engineering’ ONLY ! Test FRENCH REQUESTED BACH TEW + MASTER Distinction required !! BACH TEW Remark: student is required to obtain an extra ‘University health Insurance’, about 252$ for 4 months!!! Exchange period: 1 September till 22 December CHILI INSTITUTIONAL CODE CL SANTIAG01 - faculty exchange - without scholarship CITY Santiago CL SANTIAG04 - faculty exchange - without scholarship Santiago CL SANTIAG05 - faculty exchange - without scholarship Viña del Mar UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Pontifícia Universidad Católica De Chile (PUC) Facultad de Ciencias Economicas Y Administrativas http://relacionesinternacionales.uc.cl Exchange period: 3 Austus till 16 December ???????? REMARK: knowledge of Spanish is a requirement Universidad de Chile Facultad de Economia y Negocios (FEN) School of Economics and Business http://www.fen.uchile.cl/ http://pregrado.fen.uchile.cl/ http://international.fen.uchile.cl/ Exchange period: mid July till early December REMARK: knowledge of Spanish is a requirement Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez http://www.uai.cl http://www.uai.cl/relaciones-internacionales/undergraduate-exchangestudents/campus-vina-del-mar Exchange period: 3 Austus till 16 December REMARK: knowledge of Spanish is a requirement TARGET AUDIENCES BACH EW BACH TEW Remark : knowledge of Spanish is required BACH TEW Remark : knowledge of Spanish is required BACH TEW Remark : knowledge of Spanish is required CHINA INSTITUTIONAL CODE CN BEIJING01 - faculty exchange - without scholarship CITY Beijing CN BEIJING03 - faculty exchange - without scholarship Beijing UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Tsinghua University - School of Economics and Management http://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/eng/index.jsp http://www.ebeijing.gov.cn http://www.sem.tsinghua.edu.cn/portalweb/appmanager/portal/MBAen Exchange period: 9 September till 23 Januari Peking University - Guanghua School of Management Beijing, P.R.China Remark: universiteit staat nr. 1 van China en is absolute top ! www.gsm.pku.edu.cn http://www.gsm.pku.edu.cn/index/en/index.html http://www.gsm.pku.edu.cn/index/en/P10600197491380157328831.html http://www.gsm.pku.edu.cn/International_cooperation/en/index_en.html 23 TARGET AUDIENCES BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON Distinction required !! CN BEIJING06 - Faculty exchange - without scholarschp CN BEIJING08 - Faculty exchange - without scholarschp CN SHANGHA02 - faculty exchange - without scholarship CN SHANGHA05 - faculty exchange - without scholarship Beijing Beijing Shanghai Shanghai http://www.gsm.pku.edu.cn/index/en/P10201426881378194558454.html Exchange period: 1 September till 18 januari Distinction required University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) Business School http://english.uibe.edu.cn/ Exchange period : 24 August – Mid of December REMARK : English proficiency test is required – following test will be accepted: Info TOEFL-test : www.ets.org/toefl/ TOEFL: 577 (PBT), or 91 (iBT) IELTS – min. Overall score 6.5 (www.ielts.org) certificate issued by coordinators or professors from university can also be accepted Distinction required Central University of Finance and Economics - CUFE Chinese Academy of Finance and Development (CAFD) http://en.cufe.edu.cn/ Exchange period : 29 August – 16 January Distinction required Fudan University School of Economics http://www.econ.fudan.edu.cn/en http://www.econ.fudan.edu.cn/en/programinfor.php?pid=417 http://www.econ.fudan.edu.cn/ema/ Exchange period: 1 September till eind December Extra cost : Foreign Students Overall Insurance. The fee for this insurance is set at RMB 300 per semester. Shanghai University of Finance and Economics - SUFE http://rsws.shufe.edu.cn/structure/GjcGatYw/indexE.htm http://rsws.shufe.edu.cn/structure/GjcGatYw/UpcomingEventsxx_165630_1.htm http://rsws.shufe.edu.cn/upload/htmleditor/File/140319022259.pdf http://rsws.shufe.edu.cn/upload/_info//134493_1308291208391.pdf Exchange period: 11 September till 15 January BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON Distinction required ! REMARK : English proficiency test is required BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON Distinction required ! BACH EW + MECON BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON BACH EW + MECON BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON HONG KONG INSTITUTIONAL CODE CN KOWLOON01 - faculty exchange - without scholarship CITY Kowloon CN HONGKON02 Clearwater Bay UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE City University of Hong Kong http://www.cityu.edu.hk/ef/ http://fbweb.cityu.edu.hk/efweb/ http://www.fb.cityu.edu.hk/exchange/incoming/ Exchange period: 23 Augustus till 22 December The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology - HKUST 24 TARGET AUDIENCES BACH TEW + MASTER BACH TEW/BACH HIR(b) - faculty exchange - without scholarship Hong Kong School of Business & Management www.bm.ust.hk http://undergrad.bm.ust.hk/eng/main/index.jsp http://undergrad.bm.ust.hk/eng/exchange/incoming/program/index.jsp Exchange period : 27 August till 22 December INSTITUTIONAL CODE IN BANGALO01 - faculty exchange - without scholarship CITY Bangalore IN CALCUTT01 - faculty exchange - without scholarship Calcutta UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Indian Institute of Management - Bangalore http://www.iimb.ernet.in/ http://www.iimb.ernet.in/student-exchange http://www.iimb.ernet.in/virtual-tour.html Exchange period: 1 September till 25 December Indian Institute of Management - Calcutta http://www.iimcal.ac.in http://programslive.iimcal.ac.in/ii-year-both- pgdm-and-pgdcm Exchange period: 1 September till 25 December INDIA TARGET AUDIENCES MASTER + MBECON MASTER + MBECON JAPAN INSTITUTIONAL CODE JP KOBE01 - faculty exchange - without scholarship JP KYOTO01 - faculty exchange - without scholarship Not available 1st selection round CITY Kobe Kyoto UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Kobe University Graduate School of Economics http://www.econ.kobe-u.ac.jp/en/ https://www.econ.kobe-u.ac.jp/en/pdf/digitalp.pdf Distinction required Exchange period : October 1 till 3 February Kyoto University Graduate School of Economics Faculty of Economics http://www.econ.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/ http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/access/yoshida/main.html http://www.econ.kyoto-u.ac.jp/kueac/ http://www.kuasu.cpier.kyoto-u.ac.jp/english/ http://agst.jgp.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ http://www.econ.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/about/exchanges/ http://www.econ.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/about/brochures/ Distinction required Exchange period : October 1 till 10 February 25 TARGET AUDIENCES MASTERS ECONOMICS Distinction required MECON + MBECON Distinction required JP TOKYO07 - faculty exchange - without scholarship JP TOKYO08 - faculty exchange - without scholarship Not available 1st selection round Tokyo Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Economics (GSE) http://international.hit-u.ac.jp/en/index.html http://www.econ.hit-u.ac.jp/~koho/english/ http://international.hit-u.ac.jp/en/pros/exchange/index.html http://international.hit-u.ac.jp/jp/courses/hgp/index.html Distinction required Graduate School of Commerce and Management (GSCM) http://international.hit-u.ac.jp/en/index.html http://www.cm.hit-u.ac.jp/index_e.html http://international.hit-u.ac.jp/en/pros/exchange/index.html http://international.hit-u.ac.jp/jp/courses/hgp/index.html Distinction required Exchange period : 29 September – 3 February Waseda University School of Commerce http://www.waseda.jp/fcom/en Exchange period : 21 September – 4 February Tokyo BACH EW + MECON Distinction required BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON Distinction required BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON Distinction required MALAYSIA INSTITUTIONAL CODE MY SHAHALA01 - faculty exchange - without scholarship CITY Shah Alam Selangor UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences http://oia.uitm.edu.my/v1/ http://oia.uitm.edu.my/images/stories/2014/factsheetmobility2014.pdf Exchange period: : 8 September till 28 December Remark: Distinction required TARGET AUDIENCES BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON Distinction required MEXICO INSTITUTIONAL CODE MX MEXICO02 - Faculty exchange - Without scholarship CITY Mexico City UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) http://www.itam.mx/es/index.php http://intercambio.itam.mx/ http://www.itam.mx/en/documentos/brochure.pdf 26 TARGET AUDIENCES BACH TEW Distinction required ! MX SANPEDR01 - faculty exchange - without scholarship NOT AVAILABLE IN 2016-2017 Monterrey Distinction required ! Proficiency in Spanish is required : students have at least one year of university-level Spanish with good reading and listening skills. Exchange period: 4 Augustus till 19 December (=2 semester in Mexico) IMPORTANT : safety in Mexico - for sure read info on : http://travel.gc.ca/destinations/mexico Universidad De Monterrey www.udem.edu.mx Exchange period: 29 Juli till 22 December Remark: Minimum level B1 Spanish requested - all courses for Master students are only in SPANISH IMPORTANT : safety in Mexico - for sure read info on : http://travel.gc.ca/destinations/mexico Proficiency in Spanish is required NOT AVAILABLE IN 2016-2017 PERU INSTITUTIONAL CODE PE LIMA01 -faculty exchange - without scholarship CITY Monterrico, Lima UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Universidad ESAN ESAN Graduate School of Business Escuala De Administracion De Negocios Para Graduados http://www.esan.edu.pe https://sites.google.com/a/ue.edu.pe/exchange-programs/ https://sites.google.com/a/ue.edu.pe/exchange-programs/courses-taught-in-english-1 Distinction required Exchange period: 1 Augustus till end December TARGET AUDIENCES only for MASTER + MBECON Distinction required RUSSIA INSTITUTIONAL CODE RU MOSCOW04 - faculty exchange - without scholarship CITY Moscow RU STPETER01 - faculty exchange - without scholarship Not available 1st selection round St. Petersburg UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) Exchange period: 1 September till 30 December http://www.hse.ru http://istudents.hse.ru/ http://www.hse.ru/en/edu/study/ http://www.hse.ru/org/hse/istudents/announcements/ St. Petersburg University Graduate School of Management Exchange period: 21 August till 31 January http://www.gsom.spbu.ru/en/ http://www.gsom.spbu.ru/en/undergraduate/student/schedule/ http://www.gsom.spbu.ru/en/graduate/for_students/exchange_studies/courses/ 27 TARGET AUDIENCES Only for MASTER + MBECON BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON http://www.numbeo.com/cost-ofliving/city_result.jsp?country=Russia&city=Saint+Petersburg http://www.gsom.spbu.ru/en/international_contacts/office/ SINGAPORE INSTITUTIONAL CODE SG SINGAPO01 - faculty exchange - without scholarship CITY SINGAPORE UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Singapore Management University http://www.smu.edu.sg http://www.economics.smu.edu.sg/ http://smu.edu.sg/programmes/exchange-programme/incoming-students Exchange period: 15 Augustus till 15 december TARGET AUDIENCES BACH EW BACH TEW SOUTH AFRICA INSTITUTIONAL CODE ZA STELLEN01 - faculty exchange - without scholarship CITY Stellenbosch UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE University of Stellenbosch - South Africa The Faculty of Economics and Management Department of Business Management www.sun.ac.za/ems www.sun.ac.za/international www.sun.ac.za/postgraduate http://www.sun.ac.za/university/jaarboek/ Exchange period: 21 Juli till 6 December REMARK: 1.Extra cost : student is required to obtain an extra ‘Exchange Administration Fee’, about R 6120 2. Best for students Marketing and Finance Extra Remark : “(Possibly with the option to enrich your exchange with a project of Academics for Development (AFD). For further information, please contact AFD via louis@academicsfordevelopment.be)” TARGET AUDIENCES BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON Only for students Marketing and Finance TAIWAN INSTITUTIONAL CODE TW TAIPEI02 faculty exchange - without scholarship CITY Taipei UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE National Taiwan University College of Management http://www.management.ntu.edu.tw/ http://www.management.ntu.edu.tw/en/ia https://nol.ntu.edu.tw/nol/guest/index.php http://newweb.management.ntu.edu.tw/english/mba/index.php Exchange period: 1 September till mid January 28 TARGET AUDIENCES BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON TW TAIPEI04 - faculty exchange - without scholarship Taipei - Wenshan National Chengchi University College of Commerce http://www.nccu.edu.tw/ http://iep.nccu.edu.tw/ http://incoming.iep.nccu.edu.tw/node/57 Exchange period: 1 September till mid January BACH TEW + MASTER + MBECON THAILAND INSTITUTIONAL CODE TH BANGKOK01 - faculty exchange - without scholarship CITY Bangkok TH BANGKOK01 - faculty exchange - without scholarship UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Chulalongkorn University Chulalongkorn Business School www.acc.chula.ac.th http://www.inter.chula.ac.th/inter/internationalstudents/frame.htm Exchange period: 13 Augustus till 22 December important REMARK : UNIVERSITY UNIFORM MANDATORY !!! Chulalongkorn University The Bachelor Of Arts Program in Economics (EBA) Faculty of Economics http://www.eba.econ.chula.ac.th http://www.eba.econ.chula.ac.th/academics/exchange_incoming.php Exchange period: 8 Augustus till 10 December UNIVERSITY UNIFORM MANDATORY !!! TARGET AUDIENCES BACH TEW Remark !!! University uniform MANDATORY !!! BACH EW Remark !!! University uniform MANDATORY !!! UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INSTITUTIONAL CODE US MIAMI 01 - faculty exchange - without scholarship US PHILADE01 - faculty exchange - without scholarship CITY Miami-Florida Philadelphia UNIVERSITY + WEBSITE Florida International University College of Business http://business.fiu.edu/international_programs/ip_inbound_programs.cfm http://educationabroad.fiu.edu Exchange period: 17 august till end December Distinction required Extra costs: student is required to obtain an extra ‘University health Insurance’, about $773 for 4 months - TOEFL-test requested ! minimum score 550 (paper-based) / IBT 80GMAT test requested for Master students - minimum score 500 University of Pennsylvania The Wharton School http://undergrad.wharton.upenn.edu http://www.upenn.edu/registrar/index.html 29 TARGET AUDIENCES Bach TEW + MASTER + MBECON Distinction required Remark: TOEFL test required for Bachelor students ! GMAT test required for Master students BACH TEW Distinction required ! US ROCHEST01 - faculty exchange - without scholarship US URBANA-01 - faculty exchange - without scholarship New York UrbanaChampaign http://sa.oip.upenn.edu/ https://sa.oip.upenn.edu/handbook http://www.upenn.edu/life-at-penn/housing_dining.php Exchange period: 26 Augustus till 22 December Distinction required !! Remark: student is required to obtain an extra ‘University health Insurance’, about $1,677 for one semester + a ‘clinical fee’ of $242.. University of Rochester Simon School of Business http://www.simon.rochester.edu Exchange period: 12 september till eind december Distinction required Extra costs: Each student must provide documents showing a grand total of $6,637 ($252 Health Fee, $980 Health Insurance, $25 International Fee, $3,975 Room & Board, $750 Personal, $655 Books). The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Business Illinois http://studyabroad.business.illinois.edu/ https://wiki.cites.uiuc.edu/wiki/display/exchangestudenthandbook/Information+for+Exc hange+Students https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEzQY6CfbPg Exchange period: 15 augustus till eind December Distinction required Extra info : courses in ‘Accounting’ are not available for selection Extra costs: $50 - one-time fee issued to all incoming international students $225 - health service fee $292 - health insurance (waived if student shows proof in English of equivalent coverage from home country) Statement of the bank will be requested – equivalent of ($8,650 USD) The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES) http://students.aces.illinois.edu/study_abroad http://courses.illinois.edu/cis/2011/fall/schedule/ACE/index.html?skinId=2169 Exchange period: 15 augustus till end December Distinction required Extra costs: idem as ‘College of Business’ Statement of the bank will be requested – equivalent of ($8,650 USD) 30 Only for MASTERS + MBECON Distinction required BACH TEW Distinction required ! BACH EW + MECON Only for MASTER + MBECON Distinction required