Crisis Management Information Servicee Fire: Police: Ambulance: Phone numbernumber 110 112 113 National Poison Information Centre: 22 59 13 00 (110 when acute contamination) Norwegian Pollution Control Authority: 22 57 34 00 Security staff NHH Weekdays: 07:00-22:00 Saturday: 07:00-16:30 59888 / 59889 (internal phone numbers) Floor Fire Officer - Department of …. 1st floor: Name and internal phone / Name and internal phone 2nd floor The contact person in your unit must always be informed about crisis and accidents Name (Head of Department) internal phone/mobile phone Name (Office Manager) internal phone/mobile phone If you can not get in contact with any of the people on the list you must contact the crisis manager at NHH. You will find a list in the Crisis Management Plan, enclosure 1, Internal Notification List Safety Representative Name (Safety Representative) Phone Michael Hageberg (Senior Safety Representative) 59388 Media/press The Rector, Managing Director and Director, Communications Office are NHHs external spokespeople and will decide who will handle the media at any time. Responsible person Internal phone Jan Haaland (Rector) 59217 Ragnar Fagereng (Managing Director) 59232 Asle Haukaas (Director, Communications Office)59218 Mobile phone 957 96 865 951 18 579 920 80 877 Crisis Management Plan and you will find a paper version at the following place: (fill out) An overview of useful enclosures in the Crisis Management Plan: • Internal Notification List - enclosure 1, pages 12-14 • External Notification List in a crisis - enclosure 2, page 15 • Fire Protection at NHH - enclosure 3, page 16 • Fire Instructions - enclosure 4, pages 17-18 • Fire Instructions for Fire Officers - enclosure 5, page 19-21 • Fire Instructions for use of the students areas - enclosure 6, page 22 Any messages about concerns, accidents that touch on NHH and other matters may be notified to the following email: