SPP RFQ Template

Cisco Learning Partner Program
Channel Education Specializations Application
July 24, 2009
The Cisco Channel Education Specializations recognizes a Learning Partners ability to sell and deliver, using
certified instructors, the complete set of Cisco authorized courses and certifications specific to a Cisco advanced
technology and offer key differentiation in the marketplace.
Education Specializations are modeled after the Cisco Channel Technology Specializations that reflect a partner’s skill depth in a particular technology. There are four levels of specialization (Entry, Express, Advanced and
Master) each representing greater capabilities in sales, technical, and lifecycle services. At this time Education
Specializations are limited to Advanced Technology Specializations. Specializations are earned by meeting requirements in two key areas: exam requirements and role requirements within the company.
The following Channel Education Specializations are available for Learning Partners to achieve:
 Education Specialization - Advanced Data Center Network Infrastructure
 Education Specialization - Advanced Data Center Storage Networking
 Education Specialization - Advanced Routing and Switching
 Education Specialization - Advanced Security
 Education Specialization - Advanced Unified Communications
 Education Specialization - Advanced Wireless LAN
More information about the Education Specializations and the complete application process can be obtained
from the Education Specializations area on Learning Partner website (www.cisco.com/go/learningpartner).
General questions should be directed via email to eduspecializations@cisco.com Email will be the primary method of communication, but telephone or face-to-face meeting will be held upon request.
All submitters will be notified of award status within ten (10) business days of receiving the application.
Application must be returned via email to: eduspecializations@cisco.com.
The selected partner must provide a single point of contact to interact with Cisco.
This application is for one Learning Partner site. A Learning Partner with sites in more than one theater or region must complete one application for each site.
Learning Partner Information
Company Overview
Company Name:
Learning Partner Site Number:
Current Learning Partner Level:
Theatre/ Region this site is currently qualified as a
Cisco Learning Partner.
Note: A separate Application is required for each theater or
Emerging Market region.
Associate Category-A
Associate Category-B
Asia Pacific
Emerging Markets - CEE
Emerging Markets - LATAM
Emerging Markets - MEA
Emerging Markets - RCIS
North America
Primary Contact Name and Email Address:
Updated June, 2009
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Cisco Learning Partner Program
Channel Education Specializations Application
July 24, 2009
I have completed Step 1 for achieving an Education Specialization (s) by applying for a Technology Specialization using the Certification and Specialization Application (CSApp).
Note: see the Education Specializations website for complete process.
Education Specialization Information
Staffing for Required Roles
Education Specializations are achieved by fulfilling the Sales Engineer and Field Engineer roles for a
Technology Specialization using a person on your staff that has their CCSI. Since the current version of
the Certification and Specialization Application used to apply for a Technology Specialization only validates an individual meets the certification requirements and not their CCSI, you must enter the names
for the 3 roles (AM, SE, FE) you entered in CSApp below so they can be validated.
Technology SpecializaName Used to Fulfill
Name and CCSI # of
Name and CCSI # of
tion Applied For and
Account Manger Role
Staff Used to Fulfill
Staff Used to Fulfill
Achieved using CSApp
(does not have to have
Sales Engineer Role
Field Engineer Role
Advanced Data Center
Network Infrastructure
Advanced Data Center
Storage Networking
Advanced Routing and
Advanced Security
Advanced Unified Communications
Advanced Wireless LAN
Advanced Data Center
Network Infrastructure
Advanced Data Center
Storage Networking
Advanced Routing and
Advanced Security
Advanced Unified Communications
Advanced Wireless LAN
Advanced Data Center
Network Infrastructure
Advanced Data Center
Storage Networking
Advanced Routing and
Advanced Security
Advanced Unified Communications
Advanced Wireless LAN
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Cisco Learning Partner Program
Channel Education Specializations Application
July 24, 2009
Learning Partners must provide lab equipment to support the delivery of all certification courses aligned with the Education
Specialization achieved.
Equipment list for all authorized Cisco certification courses is found in the Course Information Library located on the Cisco
Instructor Connection website.
Equipment can either be partner owned or rented from a Cisco authorized remote lab provider.
Please indicate whether you will be using partners own lab equipment or will be using equipment from a remote lab provider.
Equipment Source
Option 1: Will use own lab equipment
Option 2: Will use Cisco approved remote lab provider for the equipment Please specify the Lab Provider
Name below.
Lab Provider Name:
Terms and Conditions
By completing and signing this Cisco Channel Education Specializations application, you certify that you are currently enrolled
as a Learning Partner (CLSP, CLP, or Associate) in good standing, and hereby assent to the terms and conditions of this Education Specializations Program and both the Learning Partner Program Requirements and the Education Specialization Program Requirements posted on the Learning Partner website at www.cisco.com/go/learningpartner. Either party may terminate this agreement with a thirty (30) day written notice.
Agreement Duration
This agreement has a one (1) year term, starting from the date the corresponding Technology Specialization(s) was approved in the Certification and Specialization Application tool. You will automatically be notified to renew any Technology
Specializations achieved. You will also need to renew Education Specializations achieved as they expire on the same date.
Changes to Program Requirements
Cisco may change Education Specialization Requirements as it deems appropriate and shall notify Learning Partner of any
such changes, which notice may be through posting on Cisco’s Learning Partner Program web site. Such changes may adversely impact Learning Partner’s ability to qualify for an Education Specialization. Any such changes to the Education Specialization Requirements will not affect Learning Partner’s corresponding specialization for the remainder of the then current
12-month specialization term. Cisco will also provide Learning Partner with a minimum of ninety (60) days notice prior to the
effective date of any such changes.
If, while Learning Partner is education specialized, Cisco becomes aware that Learning Partner is no longer in compliance
with the applicable Education Specialization Requirements, Cisco reserves the right to revoke the specialization. Learning
Partner will notify Cisco of its non-compliance promptly, but in no event more than thirty (30) days after Learning Partner first
becomes aware of its non-compliance. Upon receipt of such notice, Learning Partner may qualify for an extension of time in
which to renew its compliance with the applicable Education Specialization Requirements. Learning Partner’s failure to provide such notice may disqualify Learning Partner from receiving such an extension. If no extension is granted or if Learning
Partner fails to comply with the Specialization Requirements by the end of the extension period, Cisco reserves the right to
Updated June, 2009
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Cisco Learning Partner Program
Channel Education Specializations Application
July 24, 2009
revoke the applicable specialization immediately. Cisco may monitor Learning Partner’s compliance with the applicable Specialization Requirements of a previously granted specialization at any time. If Cisco believes Learning Partner may no longer
be in compliance with these requirements, Cisco reserves the right to conduct an on-site audit of Learning Partner’s qualifications at any time on fifteen (15) days prior written notice.
Submitted by:
Name (First and Last Name)
Updated June, 2009
Job Title
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