Year Group: 3 Teacher: Miss Healy

Year Group: 3
Teacher: Miss White
Our curriculum this term promotes the British Values of mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
Spring 1
Spring 2
We listen to God’s Word at Mass: The children will be thinking about how
we listen and how we can listen to God. We will be finding out about the
liturgy of the Word at Mass.
Reports- In this unit the children will learn where to locate information
in non-fiction texts and describe the layout of information books. The
children will finally write simple non-chronological reports from known
information, e.g. from own experience, from texts read or from the
internet, using notes made to organise and present ideas. They will write
for a known audience, e.g. other pupils in class, teacher or parent.
Dick-King-Smith – We will be writing a biography about the children’s
author, researching his books and re-creating our favourite story using a
story mountain.
Measures, reading scales, position and direction, multiplication, division,
one-step and two-step problems for the 4 operations, time on digital and
analogue clocks.
Animals including Humans – The children will be learning about the
importance of their skeleton and muscles, naming bones, muscles and
understanding their purpose and the care needed to maintain a healthy
body. Opportunities for learning include researching bone size, the
skeletons of other animals, nutrition and MRS GREN!
Children will learn researching skills to find factual information based
upon Stone Age Britain for their non-chronological reports.
Children will learn how to use publisher in order to make posters, leaflets
Swimming-children learn to enjoy being in water and become more
confident. They learn how to keep afloat, move in the water, meet
challenges and breathe when swimming. At first they use swimming aids
and support - in time, some children will manage without these.
Lent – Children will be looking at how Christians, during Lent, try to become more like
Jesus. We will look at the Gospel stories where Jesus brought change into others lives.
We will also be looking at how we prepare for Easter.
Letter Writing – children will identify the features of letters, understand formal and
informal purposes for writing letters and will write their own letter of praise, complaint
or to request information based upon our class book Stig of the Dump.
Information Texts: children will look at information texts that use persuasive language
e.g. leaflets Children will create adverts and holiday brochures for a trip to Italy.
Instructions: Children will write instructions following making pizzas as part of their
theme work.
Addition and subtraction, naming and describing 2D and 3D shapes, angles, reflective
symmetry and collecting, organising and interpreting data.
Materials- Children will investigate a variety of materials and their purpose. They will
collect evidence to test scientific ideas, carry out a test safely and decide if the test
was fair.
Programming- Children will use programming software (Scratch) to create and edit
their own animations.
Invasion games-children learn how to outwit their opponents and score when playing
invasion games. They develop skills in finding and using space to keep the ball. They play
with the same basic court set-up and rules, but use a range of equipment and skills,
including throwing, catching, kicking and striking skills.
Theme: Stone Age Britain
In this theme the children will explore Stone Age Britain. Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. They will investigate and interpret the past and use evidence to
ask questions and find answers to questions about prehistoric diets, weapons, animals, dwellings and living conditions. They will understand the importance of using more than one
source of evidence for historical enquiry in order to gain a more accurate understanding of history and to build an overview of world history. The children will describe the
characteristic features of the past, including ideas, beliefs, attitudes and experiences of men, women and children. Historical vocabulary will be used to communicate, including:
dates, time period, era, change, chronology. They will use literacy, numeracy and computing skills to a good standard in order to communicate information about the past. Children
will bake unleavened bread. In art they will paint cave art.