Grade 2

Course Name: Religious Education Grade 2
R – retain, D – delete, C – change, A -add
Student Name:
Changed outcomes
Students will be expected to examine the historical impact of
religion on beliefs, cultures, and traditions.
Students will be expected to:
1.1 recognize that various living belief systems have
traditions and practices that are historically significant.
Students will be expected to develop an understanding of beliefs, principles, and practices of Christianity and other
living belief systems.
Students will be expected to:
2.1 identify various traditions and practices of selected living
belief systems.
recognize the importance of having respect for various
expressions of faith.
develop an u
Students will be expected to examine the meaning and relevance of sacred texts.
Students will be expected to:
3.1 identify traditions and practices that had their beginnings
in, or evolved from, sacred texts.
Students will be expected to demonstrate an appreciation for personal search, commitment and meaning for life.
Students will be expected to
4.1 identify how religious traditions and practices have
influenced people in their daily living.
begin to understand that religious traditions and practices
evoke many feelings in adherents.
Religious Education Grade 2
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Course Name: Religious Education Grade 2
R – retain, D – delete, C – change, A -add
Changed outcomes
Students will be expected to examine moral ethical issues and teachings.
Students will be expected to
5.1 understand that words and actions regarding people’s
religious traditions and practices can affect others.
recognize that the concept of right and wrong is often
influenced by religious traditions and practices.
Students will be expected to develop an appreciation for the connectedness of all creation.
Students will be expected to
6.1 understand that a key component in some religious
traditions and practices is an appreciation for the
connectedness of all creation (the natural world).
identify how some religious traditions and practices have
influenced people to care for nature
identify how
Students will be expected to examine the influence of religion on contemporary issues and events.
Students will be expected to
8.1 begin to develop an understanding that an important
tradition and practice of most living belief systems is to
address contemporary issues and events.
Religious Education Grade 2
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