ASSOCIATION OF AFRICAN UNIVERSITIES Call for Participants LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (LEDEV) Gaborone, Botswana 10-14 August, 2015 The Association of African Universities (AAU) runs the Leadership Development Workshop (LEDEV) series to enhance the leadership skills of university leaders, particularly in the promotion of innovation and the management of change. This is achieved through intensive participant interaction over carefully selected case and other material, and lead lectures, in a process facilitated by eminent Resource Persons. Thrust Themes that have been selected and facilitated include: University Advancement and Resource Mobilisation Institutional Culture, Gender and Change Governance of Research Leadership and Governance Quality Assurance Strategic Planning in African Universities ICT and Research and Education Networking Fostering University-Industry Linkages Further details will be announced later. Participation To ensure effective interaction and exchange, the number of participants is limited to a maximum of 40, selected on the principle of “first come, first served”. Please fill the attached form and send to the addressee below. While participation is open to all involved in higher education leadership, preference will be given to persons holding the positions listed below, in universities and equivalent institutions: Vice-Chancellor/Rector/President Deputy Vice-Chancellor/Deputy Rector/Vice-President Dean/Director Chairman of Council/Senate New Vice-Chancellors, Rectors and Presidents, will find this workshop particularly helpful. Please indicate on your application form the topics you would like emphasised in the finalisation of the curriculum. Registration Fee A Registration fee of US$700.00 is payable on registration. This covers workshop material, snacks, lunch, etc. For applicants who before June 26, 2015 will have a discount of US$50. NB: All other expenses - travel, accommodation, subsistence, etc. - are to be borne by participants. Please complete and return the attached Registration Form to: The Secretary-General Association of African Universities African Universities House Aviation Road Extension Airport Residential Area P.O. Box AN 5744 Accra-North GHANA. Tel: 233302 774495/761588 Fax: 233 302774821 E-mail: cc: ASSOCIATION OF AFRICAN UNIVERSITIES LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (LEDEV) Gaborone, Botswana 10-14 August, 2015 REGISTRATION FORM Name: …………………………………………………………………… Title: . . . . . . . . . . ............……………………………………………… Position: …………………………………………………………… Institution: …………………………………………………………… Address: P.O. Box: ............................... City: ............................. Country ........................................... Telephone .......................................………… (with city code where applicable) Fax .......................................................................................……. E-mail .............................................................................…………. I would like the following theme(s) emphasised: ....................................................................…..…….................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... Registration Fee: (a) US$650 is enclosed/will be paid before June 26, 2015 (b) US$700 will be paid on arrival in Botswana * Date ………………………… AAU BANK DETAILS Account 1 ACCOUNT NAME: Association of African Universities BANK NAME: Standard Chartered Bank High Street Branch Accra-Ghana 8700202448801 SCBLGHAC ACCOUNT NUMBER: SWIFT CODE: CORRESPONDENT BANK: SWIFT CODE: ABA No. Standard Chartered Bank New York SCBLUS33 026002561 Account 2 ACCOUNT NAME: Association of African Universities BANK NAME: ACCOUNT NUMBER: SWIFT CODE: Zenith Bank Ghana Ltd Premier Towers Accra-Ghana 4050121131 ZEBLGHAC INTERMEDIARY BANK: SWIFT CODE: IBAN/FEDWIRE : Citibank New York CITIUS33 FW021000089