COM/TCM/MF/VIII/2 Annex I RECOMMENDED PRUDENTIAL INDICATORS FOR HARMONISED BANK SUPERVISION AND REGULATION IN COMESA PRUDENTIAL INDICATOR Minimum Tier 1 ratio Capital Adequacy Asset classification Asset provisioning: Pass Special mention CURRENT STATUS IN COMESA Range 4% - 8% 4 countries 4% 3 countries 8% 3 countries 5% 3 countries no standard Range: 6% - 12% 1 country 6% 5 countries 8% 4 countries 10% 2 countries 12% 2 countries no standard Normal/pass Pass/special mention Substandard Doubtful Loss 4 countries provide 1% 1 country provides 2% 1 country provides 5% 6 countries don’t provide 2 countries provide 1% 2 countries provide 2% 1 country provide 25% 6 countries don’t provide RECOMMENDED STANDARD 5% 10% Pass Special mention Substandard Doubtful Loss 1%’’’’ 3% Substandard 9 countries provide 20% 1 country provides 15% 1 country provide 50% 1 country don’t provide 20% Doubtful 1 country provide 40% 9 countries provide 50% 2 countries provide 100% 50% Loss All countries provide 100% 100% COM/TCM/MF/VIII/2 Annex I Page 2 PRUDENTIAL INDICATOR CURRENT STATUS IN COMESA RECOMMENDED STANDARD Single borrower limit Range: 10% - 80% of capital 25% of capital Limits on insider loans Restricted to 20 - 25% of capital in some countries. Such loans are forbidden in others 25% of capital Large exposure Range: 5% - 30% of capital At least 10% of capital Maximum limit on large exposures Range: 0% - 800% of capital 800% of capital Forex limits Range: 5% - 25% of capital for single currency and overall net exposure Aggregated 20% of capital; & 10% for single currency ACTION PLAN: HARMONISATION OF BANKING SUPERVISION IN COMESA AREAS OF HARMONISATION STANDARD TIMING Legal Framework Start immediately, Finalize by 31/12/03 Licensing Review of legal standards An initial minimum capital for fully fledged clearing banks of US$1.5 million 31/12/04 Adoption of Basel guidelines on Cross 31/12/04 Border Investments (Principles 23 and 24) Prescribe minimum content of a 31/12/04 business plan. Adopt common criteria for licensing banks within the COMESA Region 31/12/04 Implementation of the common licensing standards. Fit and Proper Test COM/TCM/MF/VIII/2 Annex 1 Page 3 Capital Adequacy Adopt the Capital Accord (1988) and 31/12/04 Amendments for Market Risk. Allocate capital for market risk 31/12/04 Minimum Capital ratios tier 1 capital of 5% 31/12/04 Minimum capital adequacy ratio of 10% 31/12/04 Compliance with 25 Core Submission of self assessments with regards 31/12/03 and Principles for effective to compliance with 25 Core Principles for annually thereafter Supervision Effective Supervision to the COMESA Secretariat Accounting Standards and Disclosure standards Risk-focused Supervision Off-Site Surveillance Adoption of International accounting 31/12/04 standards that have a significant effect on banks 31/12/04 Adoption of IAS 30 on minimum disclosure Prescribe content, frequency and deadlines for minimum disclosure in 31/12/04 national regulations 31/12/04 Prior approval of accounts by regulators Impose penalties and republish accounts 31/12/04 in the event of material errors and misrepresentation Adopt Risk-focused Supervision Concept 31/12/04 Adopt the CAMELS rating system 31/12/04 Adopt uniform classification of assets 31/12/04 Prescribe limits on credit and market risk 31/12/04 Enforce sound risk management systems 31/12/04 in banks Prescribe good practices Establish common standards Adopt common standards on treatment of collateral Development of common indicators of financial soundness in COMESA Region. 31/12/03 Develop common prudential returns and stipulate frequency of submission of 31/12/04 corporate asset governance 31/12/04 provisioning 31/12/04 31/12/04 COM/TCM/MF/VIII/2 Annex I Page 4 returns to national supervisory authorities Development and implementation of Macro-prudential framework and returns by each member country Macro prudential Analysis Adopt a common macro-prudential framework and returns at regional level 31/12/2005 31/12/2005 Training of member countries on macro- 31/12/2005 prudential analysis and stress testing Development of framework consolidated supervision Develop guidelines on Memorandum of Understanding to facilitate exchange of 31/12/04 information. Implement quality assurance teams (for each member country) 31/12/04 Consolidated Supervision Quality Assurance Problem Bank Resolution Training of COMESA member countries 31/12/04 on quality assurance Establishing of standards for efficient 31/12/04 resolution of problem banks (at national level) 31/12/04 Harmonization of common standards for efficient resolution of banks 31/12/04 Develop national procedures for closing banking institutions Internal Audits and External Training of Bank Examiners/ Supervisors Prescribe minimum auditing standards and 31/12/04 relationship with supervisors Establishment Committee of Laundering training 31/12/04 COMESA 31/12/04 Development of Core Curriculum Identification of Instructors and Trainers at regional level Commencement of training Examiners at COMESA Anti-Money Standards. for 31/12/04 31/12/04 of 31/12/04 Bank Develop and implement a legal 31/12/04 framework to control money laundering COM/TCM/MF/VIII/2 Annex 1 Page 5 and financing of terrorist activities. Each member should develop anti 31/12/04 money laundering guidelines for banks in its jurisdiction. ongoing COMESA Bankers Association should continue with its workshop on antimoney laundering. ongoing COMESA should continue conducting Course on Financial Investigation. Regulation and Supervision of Microfinance Institutions. Establishment of appropriate regulatory 31/03/05 and Supervisory frameworks for Microfinance Institutions. Financial Safety Nets Establishment of appropriate safety nets 31/12/05 (deposit insurance) at country level. Information Systems COMESA Secretariat ESAF for IT solutions Review of ESAF IT Project by COMESA 31/12/04 member countries Adoption by COMESA member countries of the ESAF Harmonised IT 31/12/05 applications. Technology to approach 31/10/03