ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORK PLAN: five year plan Organisation: Belo Rural Development Organization (BERUDEP), Belo, Boyo Division, North West Region, Cameroon OD Committee members: Gideon Njini (Chairperson), Enock Chiambah (Sec), Simon Ngwainmbi, Joan Yein and Job Tasah (Members) VSO Volunteer: Amelita C. Norona, Organizational Development Advisor for BERUDEP Date: 6th May 2010 (Note: Partnership Agreement signed between VSO and BERUDEP – 11th June 2010) OD PRIORITY OUTCOME WHO RESOURCES TIMEFRAME YEAR 1 1. Terms and Conditions Board of Trustees/ support of VSO Human resources – board members and Labour consultant Time Paper, pens, computer, laptop, printer, ink Finances Food Transportation BERUDEP will develop and implement financial policies and procedures to prevent misuse of money and have an accurate accounting system in place Board of Trustees with the support of VSO to develop its financial policies and procedures Skills and manpower Support / advice from VSO, volunteers and partners BERUDEP relevant staff will be trained on the formulation and management of accounting and BOT train staff in use of policies BERUDEP to develop general terms and condition / policies for its staff which are clearly set out in written policies that are routinely monitored and evidence provided for all to see when appropriate Gender and RBA should be taken into consideration in the formulation of terms and conditions YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 Terms and conditions in accordance with the Labour Code and ensuring that rights and conditions respect individual staff rights Staff trained on Human Rights and Gender Equality 2. Financial Policies and Procedures 1 OD PRIORITY OUTCOME WHO RESOURCES TIMEFRAME YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 financial policies and procedures For transparency and accountability, financial policies shall be communicated to all staff and copies are made available to ensure use of policies as good governance tools 3. Monitoring of funds and Fundraising Board to take over responsibility for monitoring funds and fundraising and make proper realistic decisions by regular followups/evaluation/reports with the people in-charge The board will assign a person in-charge (Supervisory Committee Adeline) VSO Short term volunteer train and coach staff on resource generation and monitoring. Board and staff trained on fund monitoring Computer with internet connection in order to be able to follow up and provide reports (not available yet) Detailed knowledge of accounting/reporting/co mputer skills (3-6 months – for assigning persons in the board and have a structure in place) 6 months-1 yr – implementing the monitoring and reporting Publish funding information on notice board and newsletter to ensure transparency Establish a transparent and gender balance monitoring team (Audit Committee) 4. Participation of beneficiaries in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Beneficiaries should be trained to participate in the monitoring and evaluation process of BERUDEP programmes especially in areas where the beneficiaries are directly involved Monitoring guide/tool made available to beneficiaries BERUDEP Director with Department Heads with support from VSO Human Resources: qualified staff to carry trainings Financial Resources: printing of M&E materials, pay for personnel carrying the training, transportation fee 2 OD PRIORITY OUTCOME WHO RESOURCES TIMEFRAME YEAR 1 To ensure transparency, beneficiaries are trained to form the core making decisions and evaluating. 5. Understanding Advocacy Empower staff to understand Advocacy through training and development. Organized exchange visit to organisations with advocacy strategies BERUDEP Director through its trained staff with support of VSO Train staff on Advocacy with emphasis on RBA for the poor and being accountable for the rights of the poor 6. HIV & AIDS Information Train and empower staff to access information systems on HIV & AIDS in order to better educate individuals, leaders and groups in our communities HIV/AIDS training for staff on the importance of mainstreaming of HIV/AIDS to all projects and activities Advocate for the rights of HIV/AIDS patients and networking with other concerned NGOs/CSOs Brief information should be printed and given to staff to be taken to the field and share to beneficiaries. Manager of Social Services Dept of BERUDEP. In case if expansion, a staff member solely responsible for HIV & AIDS will be hired YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 (3 months for general training but should be an on-going process as new projects come up which might need different formats for M&E) Trained and qualified staff Financial resources for sensitisation and training Printing of materials Using local authorities and administration NGOs (1-5 years however, it should be an on-going process until proper government policies on advocacy is put in place and actually implemented) Staff including part of the salaries Internet, phone and transportation services Consultancy services Printing of brochures and flyers Community health workers Collaborating and networking with existing HIV & AIDS organisations Other community groups (churches, councils, etc) (Year 1-2 and ongoing) 3 OD PRIORITY OUTCOME WHO RESOURCES TIMEFRAME YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 Each activity or discussion should always start and end with short HIV/AIDs discussion. 7. Information and Resource Sharing BERUDEP should ensure that all relevant and consistent information and resources of the project reach the concerned stakeholder(s) through the appropriate medium on a regular basis Giving equal chances to all staff to participate in informational meetings All staff have to contribute towards the realisation of this outcome Communication officer (incharge)to work in close collaboration with department heads Communication officer be trained alongside departmental heads on how to gather, analyse and present information for the interest of stakeholders. 8. Evaluation and Supervision Feedback monthly / quarterly and agreement on terms of improvement and methods (Implementing feedback interview / mechanisms such as 360 degree feedback, creating organisational chart, defining job descriptions, tasks and responsibilities, goals) Supervisors (managers) incharge according to the organisational chart Human Resource – 1 yr Brand new laptop with internet connection – 1 yr. Printer, ink, paper and pens Office phone and air time Modern notice board Internet charges Photocopier Scanner Motor bike (within 1 year) Room, Trainer experienced in employer-employee feedback (not currently available but will request VSO) Making information available to staff giving them a chance to evaluate their own work Monthly meetings are to be held to encourage participation, accountability and transparency. 4 OD PRIORITY OUTCOME WHO RESOURCES TIMEFRAME YEAR 1 9. Disciplinary Procedures (Staff Policies) BERUDEP will develop and implement written disciplinary procedures that could be monitored and evidence is provided BERUDEP Board of Trustees with the support of VSO YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 Skills and manpower (1 year) All BERUDEP staff will have clear understanding of the policy that binds disciplinary procedures that conforms internal regulations Brief staff on disciplinary procedures & providing them with copies of the policy. 5 ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORK PLAN: one year plan Organisation: Belo Rural Development Organization (BERUDEP), Belo, Boyo Division, North West Region, Cameroon OD Committee members: Gideon Njini (Chairperson), Enock Chiambah (Sec), Simon Ngwainmbi, Joan Yein and Job Tasah (Members) VSO Volunteer: Amelita C. Norona, Organizational Development Advisor for BERUDEP Date: 6th May 2010 (Note: Partnership Agreement signed between VSO and BERUDEP – 11th June 2010) OD PRIORITY #1: STAFF TRAINING OBJECTIVE: ENSURE THAT ALL STAFF HAVE THE FULL COMPETENCIES TO SUCEED IN THEIR POSITIONS ACCORDING TO THEIR JOB DESCRIPTIONS BY HAVING REGULAR TRAINING AND RESOURCES ARE IN PLACE THAT MEET THE INDIVIDUALS NEEDS TASKS WHO RESOURCES TIMEFRAME 1 Create a self assessment form Volunteer / VSO support Staff time and printing costs Conduct self assessments Each individual staff member / supported by VSO Managers Staff time Supplies Managers Staff time Supplies Assessment of training needs by relevant manager Develop a training plan for each individual depending on needs (follow up part of evaluation) Staff time Supplies 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SUCCESS INDICATORS Self Assessment form available ensuring transparency and participation BERUDEP Director to receive a completed form from each individual Each manager has reviewed the forms Training plans developed and discussed with staff – implement MONITORING & EVALUATING METHOD Regular checks if printout still available Check of information / completion Check of information / completion Quarterly check if deadlines / goals in the training plans are being met Equal opportunities to be given to both sexes in the area of trainings. Find trainers for areas of need BERUDEP Director Staff time, trainer costs, other available training opportunities Trainers found Training successfully 6 e.g. NGOs completed - record Provide basic computer training (internet, Word) VSO support Staff time, computers for training, supplies, food Training completed Provide specialised computer training (excel, PowerPoint) VSO support Staff time, computers for training, supplies, food Training completed Fundraising training VSO support Staff time, other available training opportunities e.g. NGOs Training completed Evaluation of training / knowledge gained test Evaluation of training / knowledge gained test Evaluation of training / knowledge gained test OD PRIORITY #2: FINANCIAL RESOURCE SITUATION OBJECTIVE: BERUDEP STAFF ARE TRAINED ON RESOURCE GENERATION AND MARKETING TECHNIQUES TO ENSURE FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY OF ITS VARIOUS ACTIVITIES TASKS WHO RESOURCES TIMEFRAME 1 Request to VSO for a short term volunteer for Resource Generation to train and coach in-house fundraiser OD Committee/ Director Planning / identification of the best strategy for resource generation Board of Trustees / Fundraiser/ VSO support Time and correspondence 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 SUCCESS INDICATORS 12 Personnel (service heads), staff time, questionnaire Develop business plan for honey processing cum training center Training on marketing techniques to sustain various Fundraiser/ VSO support/ Consultant A Marketing Manager / Time, transportation for info gathering, supplies, communication airtime, Didactic materials, flip chart, markers, projector, laptop, pens VSO STV volunteer arrival In-house fundraiser coached and mentored Report of planning meeting held number of planning meetings list of strategies identified business plan plan funded Report on training held MONITORING & EVALUATING METHOD ODC Report on VSO STV Quarterly review of the strategies in order to effect required change (documented in files) Management report Checking of monthly 7 activities management consultant where necessary / VSO support and papers Training on fundraising techniques / improved methods e.g. donors and put in place a sustainable fundraising system for the Organisation A Fundraiser / volunteers / VSO support, some staff Didactic materials, flip chart, markers, projector, laptop, pens and papers Advertisements on honey, medicinal plants, eco tourism etc Department Heads / VSO support Flyers, brochures, radio ads, Tshirts, beneficiaries sensitisation letters (eye clinic) Increase in BERUDEP’s income Photos / attendance register Staff have knowledge on marketing techniques Report on training held Increase in BERUDEP’s fundraising activities Photos / attendance register Staff have knowledge on fundraising techniques Number of flyers, brochures, Tshirts produced Signatories to sensitisation letters sent out Radio announcement backed by receipt Photos of promotional sales financial reports to ascertain increase / progress in sales (file copies) Administer questionnaires to determine staff knowledge on marketing techniques – results documents in hard copy files Monthly review of fundraising activities for improving – documents filed Administer questionnaires on BERUDEP’s activities and results documents Increase in both sales / services and customers / clients all documented 8 OD PRIORITY #3: ORGANISATIONAL POLICIES OBJECTIVE: BERUDEP WILL HAVE DEVELOPED AND WRITTEN DOWN THE ORGANISATIONAL POLICIES WHICH WILL BE AVAILABLE TO ALL TASKS WHO RESOURCES TIMEFRAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SUCCESS INDICATORS Board and staff training on policy development, Governance: Transparency, Accountability and Participation Consultant / VSO support Money to pay the consultant / time of VSO Board members and staff trained Board to seek advice on policies from volunteers / VSO / other organisations and experts Consult staff on policies Board Chair Person/ VSO support Transportation / staff time Advice sought BERUDEP Director / VSO support Board Secretary/ VSO support Transportation / staff and VSO time All staff consulted in a staff meeting Printing costs Visible written down policies in both hard and soft copy Workshop to present the policies participated by staff for possible comments Board members Food for staff, board members and volunteers, supplies All staff are entitled to a printed copy of the policies a week before the staff meeting Final draft of policies put in writing and made available to all (policy manual) BERUDEP Director / VSO support Printing costs Presentation of the final draft to the staff, volunteers, VSO in the presence of Board members Policy manual produced Write down policies where gender balance, transparency and participation be taken into consideration MONITORING & EVALUATING METHOD Board members and staff to give feedback on training and provide written notes on the outcome Living feedback on results and feedback documented Minutes of the staff meeting documented Staff, Board members, volunteers / VSO should confirm that they have seen / read the policies Staff are all entitled to a copy during a staff meeting and they share their opinions on what they think Policies are approved by the Board and presented in a staff meeting and reviewed annually 9 OD PRIORITY #4: IT RESOURCES OBJECTIVE: ALL BERUDEP STAFF ARE TRAINED ON THE USE OF IT RESOURCES AND HAVE ACCESS TO THESE RESOURCES TASKS WHO RESOURCES TIMEFRAME 1 Request to VSO for a short term volunteer for IT to train and coach staff on computer applications, maintenance and website development OD Committee/ Director/ VSO support Time and correspondence Identification of areas of need (knowledge of staff on IT programmes, intercom, phones) and availability of resources BERUDEP management / VSO support Staff time of administrator and VSO, and other staff Upgrading computer programmes BERUDEP management / VSO support Staff time (volunteers / VSO) Cost of software CDs Maintenance of IT resources All staff / VSO support Staff time Repairing dilapidated computers BERUDEP management / VSO support Staff time, computer technician, cost of the parts 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 SUCCESS INDICATORS 12 VSO STV volunteer arrival Staff trained, coached and mentored List of areas of need identified Report provided MONITORING & EVALUATING METHOD ODC Report on VSO STV Upgraded programmes New programmes installed All computers maintained and working well Number of computers repaired Frequency of Documented evidence (quarterly review of needs identified) results documented Computer audit to check new updates and new programmes installed – to be reviewed monthly and results documented and kept on file Computer audit to check maintenance– to be reviewed monthly and results documented and kept on file Computers repaired checked– to be reviewed 10 Training on use of IT resources for staff based on needs identified (including maintenance of IT resources) VSO support Staff time, finance for flip charts, computers, pens, memory sticks, projector, marker pens, didactic material, space Purchasing of relevant IT equipment BERUDEP management / VSO support (advice) Funding for IT equipment, space N.B. volunteers may donate IT equipment repairs List of spare parts bought Financial records Number of training conducted Reports and photos from training Increase number of staff using IT Staff efficiency in using IT Physical equipment purchased / donated monthly and results documented and kept on file Quarterly review of staff knowledge on IT based on previous knowledge assessment – results documented Quarterly review of IT to ensure they are in place and available to staff and results of review documented OD PRIORITY #5: FINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY OBJECTIVE: BERUDEP SHOULD PUT IN PLACE A TRANSPARENT ACCOUNTING SYSTEM TASKS WHO RESOURCES TIMEFRAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SUCCESS INDICATORS Develop a financial information mechanism to be available to all Heads of Department Implement a financial information mechanism BERUDEP Board of Trustees with support from VSO Time of BERUDEP Board of Trustees and VSO / office stationary / IT equipment Financial transparency policy written / financial manual implemented Monitor and evaluate the financial transparency BERUDEP Board of Time of BERUDEP Board of Trustees and VSO Quarterly and annual monitoring MONITORING & EVALUATING METHOD Annual reviews and audit reports available Quarterly and annual reviews and 11 system put in place (quarterly and annually) Develop accounting information that should be easy to understand An annual audit report ready for whoever may need it Trustees with support from VSO BERUDEP Board of Trustees with support from VSO BERUDEP Board of Trustees, Supervisory Committee, with support from VSO and an external auditor and evaluation report audit reports available Time of BERUDEP Board of Trustees and VSO Satisfactory comments from donors Quarterly reviews and audit reports available Time of BERUDEP Board of Trustees / supervisory committee / VSO / external auditor Satisfactory audit reports Annual audit and reports available OD PRIORITY #6: ACCOUNTABILITY OF BOARD OBJECTIVE: TO HAVE A TRAINED BOARD OF DIRECTORS THAT MEET AT LEAST FOUR TIMES A YEAR AND MAKE DECISIONS BASED ON FACTUAL INFORMATION IN THE BEST INTEREST OF BERUDEP TASKS WHO RESOURCES TIMEFRAME 1 To have the Board meet at least four times per year Board Chairperson Communication, phone, transportation Train the Board of Trustees on Board Governance BERUDEP Director / VSO support Consultant / VSO / volunteer Transportation, communication – phones and internet Use of BERUDEP space Training materials Work time Cost of transportation, communication, stationary Keep the Board informed on BERUDEP financial and governing issues on a monthly basis Have staff representative attend Board meetings as invited BERUDEP Director Board Chairperson Transportation and phone Staff time 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SUCCESS INDICATORS Board agrees to meet at least four times per year At least 3 quarters of the Board are trained MONITORING & EVALUATING METHOD Minutes of the Board meeting Training attendance list Certification of participation The Board gets monthly reports from the Director Monthly reports are filed in the office Staff Rep attends Board meetings Board meeting attendance sheet 12 Speedy implementation of Board decisions BERUDEP Director Transportation and phone Board decisions implemented quickly Compilation and publication of Board minutes BERUDEP Director Computer and stationary Minutes compiled and published BERUDEP Director’s monthly report to provide evidence Minutes filed in office OD PRIORITY #7: JOB DESCRIPTIONS OBJECTIVE: ALL BERUDEP STAFF SHOULD HAVE CLEAR JOB DESCRIPTIONS TASKS WHO RESOURCES TIMEFRAME 1 Review and develop clear job descriptions for all staff according to posts not individuals BERUDEP Board of Trustees with support of VSO as advisors 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Time of Board of Trustees and VSO SUCCESS INDICATORS Clear job descriptions written and printed in a consistent format for all BERUDEP staff All job descriptions signed Negotiation, agreement and signing of the job descriptions by all relevant staff Training in the monitoring and evaluation of set goals Performance of the staff in their job MONITORING & EVALUATING METHOD Annual audit of job descriptions and staff performance Signed copies of the job descriptions on file Review of goals achieved OD PRIORITY #8: HIV & AIDS AWARENESS OBJECTIVE: TO HAVE TRAINED STAFF PARTICIPATE AND FACILITATE IN HIV AND AIDS AWARENESS PROGRAMMES THROUGHOUT THE COMMUNITIES TASKS WHO RESOURCES TIMEFRAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SUCCESS INDICATORS Involve all Programme Managers, giving them responsibility for HIV and AIDS awareness BERUDEP Director Stationery / staff time Programme Managers given responsibility Contact local health officials and groups (including VSO) dealing with HIV and AIDS in Programme Managers Staff time, phone and internet costs Contact made with health officials / groups and MONITORING & EVALUATING METHOD Letter from the Director to the Programme Managers giving instruction Activity reports verified by the relevant line 13 order to get a consultant to train staff response documented manager Staff and Programme Managers trained on HIV & AIDs to ensure good basic knowledge Create lesson plan / approach for sensitisation training and produce educational materials Contact local leaders and community organisations Programme Managers / support from VSO Programme Managers Staff time, transport, payment to the consultant All BERUDEP staff trained Training attendance sheet Staff time, computer, internet, cost of printing Training materials produced Materials put into BERUDEP archive Programme Managers Staff time, phone, transport and internet costs Contacts made Setting up sensitisation training in local communities and where necessary publicise these events Hold sensitisation training on regular basis with communities around the region, incorporated into BERUDEP’s everyday work Programme Managers/ VSO support Cost of flyers, staff time, phone, transport and internet costs Training taking place Activity reports verified by the relevant line manager Training attendance sheet Programme Managers and the trained staff with VSO support Staff time, transport, educational documents and use of public / private space Training taking place Training attendance sheet OD PRIORITY #9: ORGANISATIONAL TRANSPARENCY OBJECTIVE: IMPLEMENTATION OF A REGULARLY UPDATED MECHANISM OF POLICIES AND PROCEDURES TO MAKE ACTIVITIES OF BERUDEP CONSTANTLY AVAILABLE TO STAFF (INCLUDING VOLUNTEERS), PARTNERS AND DONORS TASKS WHO RESOURCES TIMEFRAME 1 Monthly newsletter about important changes within BERUDEP for staff / partners donors Quarterly newsletter to donors Joan / VSO support Create an organisational chart including description of different functions Director / Board / VSO support Printing costs / IT resources Staff time / secretary Joan / VSO support Bulletin board for organizational chart, supplies 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SUCCESS INDICATORS Newsletter produced and distributed Newsletter produced and distributed Organisational chart on the wall in all branches MONITORING & EVALUATING METHOD Internal questionnaire to find out how useful the newsletter is questionnaire to find out how useful the newsletter is Annual check of the chart to ensure it is up to date 14 Write down all policies and procedures and make them available for everyone concerned (creating folders) Board / VSO support Put in place a bulletin board with news, calendar, announcements and general information about donors and partners Enock / VSO support Folder available with all policies and procedures Printing costs and cost of board Bulletin board on the wall including the information and updates Annual check of the policies and procedures to ensure they are up to date Updated and checked weekly 15