ELISP Goal Setting Guidelines

PCL Maintenance Goals and Growth Goals Guidelines
“When people have goals to guide them, they are happier and achieve more than they would without having them.
With no guide, vision or plan, people tend to drift. Goals provide a measuring stick for progress. Goals enhance
productivity, bolster self-esteem, and most of all, goals increase commitment, so you’re more likely to achieve
whatever you set out to conquer.” Psychology Today.
Measurable Outcome:
A measurable outcome is a result achieved or sought that can be seen or counted to show progress or success.
Maintenance Goals vs Growth Goals:
A Maintenance Goal is an average or normal requirement. Something that is already expected to happen without
steps to achieve.
A Growth Goal is a desired result a person plans and commits to achieve laid out in steps to show how this goal will
be reached.
Is this something that needs to be changed (Growth Goal) or just needs to be maintained (Maintenance
Is this something this person needs to work to achieve (Growth Goal) or is this a common occurrence or
event in this person’s life (Maintenance Goal)?
PCL values goal setting and the impact it can have on a person’s life. The goals we set will be evaluated by a set of
criteria that we believe results in quality goals. Use the Goal Checklist below to ensure quality goals are being
created for the people we support. All goals must meet the following criteria.
PCL Goal Checklist:
Maintenance Goal Checklist
Growth Goal Checklist
Is person-centered-Specific to a person based on
his or her goals, abilities, and wants based on ELISP.
Is specific in description
Has a measurable outcome- You can show when it is
Has a deadline
Person has the means to attain the
resources needed to realistically maintain
this goal or has a plan to attain the resources
Creates a meaningful change in this person’s life
Is person-centered- Specific to a person based
on his or her goals, abilities, and wants based on
Is specific in description
Has measurable clear steps
Has a measurable outcome- You can show when it is
Has a deadline
Person has the means to attain the resources
needed to realistically make progress towards
achieving this goal or has a plan to attain the
If this is a repeat goal from last year, it has been
changed to create progress or has a plan to show
long term steps.
Long Term Goal: A goal that will take planning and preparation that will be longer than the ISP or ELISP
Example: A goal to buy a bigger TV that the person will need a year or five years to save and plan for.
Short Term Goal: A goal that will be reachable in the ISP or ELISP period (i.e. 12 months)
Example: A goal to volunteer at the animal shelter 1 time a month.
Updated 7/2012