Federal Regulation Brief
Nov. 7, 2011
Fisheries of the exclusive economic zone off Alaska, Pacific ocean perch in the Bering
Sea subarea of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands management area: Temporary
rule, modification of a closure, published Nov. 7, 2011, effective 1200 hrs. Alaska
local time Nov. 3 to 2400 hrs. A.l.t. Dec. 31, 2011, comments by 4:30 p.m. A.l.t.
Nov. 17, 2011
To fully use the 2011 total allowable catch of Pacific ocean perch specified for the
Bering Sea subarea of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands management area, the
National Marine Fisheries Service opens directed fishing for Pacific ocean perch in
that area.
Fisheries of the northeastern United States, Atlantic herring fishery, temporary
removal of herring trip limit in the Atlantic herring management area 3: Temporary
rule, inseason action, published Nov. 7, 2011, effective 0001 hrs. Nov. 7 to 0001
hrs. Nov. 10, 2011
The National Marine Fisheries Service announces a temporary removal of the 2,000lb trip limit for the Atlantic herring fishery in management area 3 because recent
catch data indicate that 95 percent of the sub-annual catch limit in area 3 has not
been fully attained. Vessels issued a federal Atlantic herring permit may resume
fishing for and landing herring, in amounts greater than 2,000 lb, consistent with
their Atlantic herring permit category.
Fisheries of the northeastern United States, Atlantic mackerel, squid and butterfish
fisheries, Amendment 11: Final rule, published Nov. 7, 2011, effective Dec. 7, 2011,
except for the amendment to Section 648.4, effective March 1, 2012
The National Marine Fisheries Service implements approved measures in Amendment
11 to the Atlantic mackerel, squid and butterfish fishery management plan developed
by the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council. The approved measures include a
tiered limited access program for the Atlantic mackerel fishery, an open access
incidental catch permit for mackerel, an update to essential fish habitat designations
for all life stages of mackerel, longfin squid, Illex squid and butterfish, and the
establishment of a recreational allocation for mackerel.
Fisheries off west coast states, Pacific coast groundfish harvest specifications and
management measures for the remainder of the 2011 fishery: Agency determination,
published Nov. 7, 2011, effective Nov. 7, 2011
The National Marine Fisheries Service announces that the provisions implemented in
a May 11, 2011 final rule, under the agency’s emergency authority under the
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, remain in effect for
the remainder of the 2011 groundfish fishery. The provisions include a new
rebuilding plan for petrale sole, revised rebuilding plans for other overfished species,
and revised status determination criteria, harvest specifications and a precautionary
harvest control rule for assessed flatfish species.
Export Administration Regulations, control of aircraft and related items the President
determines no longer warrant control under the U.S. Munitions List: Proposed rule,
published Nov. 7, 2011, comments by Dec. 22, 2011
The Bureau of Industry and Security describes how articles the president determines
no longer warrant control under Category VIII (aircraft and related items) of the U.S.
Munitions List (USML) would be controlled under the Commerce Control List (CCL) in
proposed new Export Control Classification Numbers (ECCNs) 9A610, 9B610, 9C610,
9D610, and 9E610. In addition, this proposed rule would control military aircraft and
related items now controlled under ECCNs 9A018, 9D018 and 9E018 under new
ECCNs 9A610, 9D610 and 9E610. This proposed rule also addresses license
exception availability for items controlled by the five new ECCNs that would be
created. This is the second in a planned series of proposed rules describing how
various types of articles the President determines, as part of the
Administration’s Export Control Reform Initiative, no longer warrant USML control,
would be controlled on the CCL and by the Export Administration Regulations. This
proposed rule is published in conjunction with a proposed rule of the Department of
State, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, which would amend the list of articles
controlled by the USML Category VIII. In addition, this proposed rule would modify
aspects of the Bureau of Industry and Security’s July 15, 2011 proposed rule by
adding cross references to ECCNs 9A018, 9D018 and 9E018; by adding provisions
regarding License Exception Strategic Trade Authorization eligibility to clarify that its
scope extends to the U.S. government, to any person in the United States, and to
the “development” or “production” of items; and by including a general policy of
denial for 600 series items for destinations subject to a U.S. arms embargo under
the regional stability reasons for control.
Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants, critical habitat for Hawaiian monk
seals: Proposed rule, reopening of public comment period, published Nov. 7, 2011,
written comments by Jan. 6, 2012
The National Marine Fisheries Service published a June 2, 2011 proposed rule to
revise critical habitat for the Hawaiian monk seal under the Endangered Species Act
and to request information regarding the proposed action. The agency reopens the
public comment period for the proposed action. Comments received between the
close of the first comment period Aug. 31, 2011, and the reopening of the comment
period Nov. 7, 2011 will be considered timely received.
Fishery management plans of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, amendments
to the reef fish, spiny lobster, queen conch and coral and reef associated plants and
invertebrates: Proposed rule, published Nov. 7, 2011, written comments by Nov. 22,
The National Marine Fisheries Service proposes to implement Amendment 6 to the
fishery management plan for the reef fish fishery of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin
Islands, Amendment 5 to the fishery management plan for the spiny lobster fishery
of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, Amendment 3 to the fishery management
plan for the queen conch resources of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and
Amendment 3 to the fishery management plan for corals and reef associated plants
and invertebrates of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands (2011 Caribbean annual
catch limits amendment) prepared by the Caribbean Fishery Management Council.
This proposed rule would establish annual catch limits and accountability measures
for reef fish, spiny lobster and aquarium trade species which are not determined to
be undergoing overfishing; allocate annual catch limits among island management
areas and, in Puerto Rico only, among commercial and recreational sectors; establish
recreational bag limits for reef fish and spiny lobster; remove eight conch species
from the queen conch fishery management plan; and establish framework
procedures for the spiny lobster and Caribbean corals and reef associated plants and
invertebrates fishery management plans. The 2011 Caribbean annual catch limits
amendment would also revise management reference points and status
determination criteria for selected reef fish, spiny lobster and aquarium trade
------------------------------------------COMMUNICATION (FCC)
Development of nationwide broadband data, evaluate reasonable and timely
deployment of advanced services to all Americans, improvement of wireless
broadband subscribership data: Final rule, announcement of effective date, published
Nov. 7, 2011, effective Nov. 7, 2011
The Federal Communications Commission announces that the Office of Management
and Budget gave approval Jan. 30, 2009 for information requirements contained in
the FCC’s Report and Order and further notice of proposed rulemaking, as well as the
Order on Reconsideration, Development of Nationwide Broadband Data to Evaluate
Reasonable and Timely Deployment of Advanced Services to All Americans,
Improvement of Wireless Broadband Subscribership Data, and Development of Data
on Interconnected Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Subscribership.
Structure and Practices of the Video Relay Service Program: Final rule,
announcement of effective date, published Nov. 7, 2011, effective Nov. 7, 2011
The Federal Communications Commission announces that the Office of Management
and Budget has approved, for a period of three years, the information collection
associated with the FCC’s Structure and Practices of the Video Relay Service
------------------------------------------FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION (FTC)
Rules and regulations under the Textile Fiber Products Identification Act: Advance
notice of proposed rulemaking, published Nov. 7, 2011, comments by Jan. 3, 2012
As part of the Federal Trade Commission’s systematic review, the agency is
requesting public comments on the overall costs, benefits, necessity and regulatory
and economic impact of its rules under the Textile Fiber Products Identification Act.
---------------------------------------------ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY & RESOURCES:
Approvals and promulgations of air quality implementation plans, Virginia, revision to
nitrogen oxides Budget Trading Program: Direct final rule, published Nov. 7, 2011,
effective Jan. 6, 2012 without further notice, unless adverse written comments are
received by Dec. 7, 2011
The Environmental Protection Agency approves a revision to the Virginia State
Implementation Plan regarding regulatory language in its nitrogen oxides (NOX)
Budget Trading Program that inadvertently ended its NOX budget at the end of the
2008 ozone season.
Final Responses to Petitions, New Jersey, SO2 emissions from the Portland
Generating Station: Final rule, published Nov. 7, 2011, effective Jan. 6, 2012
The Environmental Protection Agency finds that the coal-fired Portland Generating
Station (Portland) in Upper Mount Bethel Township, Northampton County,
Pennsylvania, is emitting air pollutants in violation of the interstate transport
provisions of the Clean Air Act. In this action, the EPA establishes emission
limitations and compliance schedules to ensure that Portland will eliminate its
significant contribution to nonattainment and interference with maintenance of the 1hour sulfur dioxide national ambient air quality standards in New Jersey. Compliance
with these limits will permit the continued operation of Portland beyond the 3-month
limit established by the Act for sources subject to a contribution finding.
Approvals and promulgations of air quality implementation plans, Pennsylvania,
adoption of the Liberty–Clairton nonattainment area 1997 fine particulate matter
standard: Proposed rule, published Nov. 7, 2011, written comments by Dec. 7, 2011
The Environmental Protection Agency proposes to approve, with one condition, State
Implementation Plan (SIP) revisions submitted by the Pennsylvania June 17, 2011.
These revisions include the 1997 fine particulate matter National Ambient Air Quality
Standard attainment plan for the Liberty-Clairton nonattainment area including a
request for the EPA to make a determination that the appropriate attainment
deadline for this nonattainment area is April 5, 2015.
Approvals and promulgations of air quality implementation plans, Virginia, revision to
Nitrogen Oxides Budget Trading Program: Proposed rule, published Nov. 7, 2011,
written comments by Dec. 7, 2011
The Environmental Protection Agency proposes to approve Virginia’s State
Implementation Plan (SIP) revision that revises regulatory language that
inadvertently ended its nitrogen oxides budget at the end of the 2008 ozone season.
In the Final Rules section, the EPA approves the state's SIP submittal as a direct final
rule without prior proposal because the EPA views this as a noncontroversial
submittal and anticipates no adverse comments. If no adverse comments are
received in response to this action, no further activity is contemplated. If the EPA
receives adverse comments, the direct final rule will be withdrawn and all public
comments received will be addressed in a subsequent final rule based on this
proposed rule. The EPA will not institute a second comment period.
International Traffic in Arms Regulations, U.S. Munitions List Category VIII: Proposed
rule, published Nov. 7, 2011, comments by Dec. 22, 2011
As part of the President’s Export Control Reform effort, the Department of State
proposes to amend the International Traffic in Arms Regulations to revise Category
VIII (aircraft and related articles) of the U.S. Munitions List to describe more
precisely the military aircraft and related defense articles warranting control.
Microbiology devices, classification of in vitro diagnostic device for yersinia species
detection: Proposed rule, published Nov. 7, 2011, electronic or written comments by
Feb. 6, 2012
The Food and Drug Administration proposes to classify in vitro diagnostic devices for
Yersinia species (spp.) detection into class II (special controls), in accordance with
the recommendation of the Microbiology Devices Advisory Panel, and publishes the
recommendation(s) of the panel regarding the classification of this device. After
considering public comments on the proposed classification, the agency will publish a
final regulation classifying this device.
HUD debt collection, procedures for the collection of claims: Final rule, published
Nov. 7, 2011, effective Dec. 7, 2011
The Department of Housing and Urban Development adopts without change a
proposed rule to revise and update its regulations on procedures for collection of its
claims. HUD’s debt collection Regulations are revised HUD's to implement the Debt
Collection Improvement Act of 1996 and the revised Federal Claims Collection
Standards. The DCIA and FCCS generally apply to the collection of nontax debt owed
to the Federal Government and require referral of all eligible delinquent nontax debt
to the Department of the Treasury for collection by centralized offset and to a
designated debt collection center for debt servicing when a debt becomes 180 days
delinquent. The rule also proposed to update and make technical corrections to
HUD's salary offset provisions to conform to the changes made to HUD's debt
collection regulations.
Prohibitions and restrictions on proprietary trading and certain interests in, and
relationships with, hedge funds and private equity funds: Notice of proposed
rulemaking, published Nov. 7, 2011, comments by Jan. 13, 2012
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Securities and
Exchange Commission request comment on a proposed rule that would implement
Section 619 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
which contains certain prohibitions and restrictions on the ability of a banking entity
and nonbank financial company supervised by the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System to engage in proprietary trading and have certain interests in, or
relationships with, a hedge fund or private equity fund.
---------------------------------------------FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (FRS)
Prohibitions and restrictions on proprietary trading and certain interests in, and
relationships with, hedge funds and private equity funds: Notice of proposed
rulemaking, published Nov. 7, 2011, comments by Jan. 13, 2012
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Securities and
Exchange Commission request comment on a proposed rule that would implement
Section 619 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
which contains certain prohibitions and restrictions on the ability of a banking entity
and nonbank financial company supervised by the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System to engage in proprietary trading and have certain interests in, or
relationships with, a hedge fund or private equity fund.
---------------------------------------------SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (SEC)
Prohibitions and restrictions on proprietary trading and certain interests in, and
relationships with, hedge funds and private equity funds: Notice of proposed
rulemaking, published Nov. 7, 2011, comments by Jan. 13, 2012
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Securities and
Exchange Commission request comment on a proposed rule that would implement
Section 619 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
which contains certain prohibitions and restrictions on the ability of a banking entity
and nonbank financial company supervised by the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System to engage in proprietary trading and have certain interests in, or
relationships with, a hedge fund or private equity fund.
------------------------------TREASURY (USDT)
Prohibitions and restrictions on proprietary trading and certain interests in, and
relationships with, hedge funds and private equity funds: Notice of proposed
rulemaking, published Nov. 7, 2011, comments by Jan. 13, 2012
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Securities and
Exchange Commission request comment on a proposed rule that would implement
Section 619 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
which contains certain prohibitions and restrictions on the ability of a banking entity
and nonbank financial company supervised by the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System to engage in proprietary trading and have certain interests in, or
relationships with, a hedge fund or private equity fund.
Airworthiness directives, General Electric Co. (GE) CF6 turbofan engines: Final rule,
published Nov. 7, 2011, effective Dec. 12, 2011
PURPOSE: This airworthiness directive (AD) was prompted by a review of the
inspection program which requires initial and repetitive visual inspections of the
forward engine mount assembly side links in General Electric Co. (GE) CF6 turbofan
engines, and which revealed that GE had omitted two affected side link part numbers
from the applicability. This AD requires actions intended to prevent failure of the side
links and possible engine separation from the airplane.
SUMMARY: The Federal Aviation Administration supersedes an existing AD for GE
CF6 turbofan engines. That AD currently requires initial and repetitive visual
inspections of the forward engine mount assembly side links for cracks, stripping and
reapplying the Sermetel W coating on the side links at every exposure of the side
link. This new AD requires those same inspections, stripping and reapplying the
Sermetel W coating, and adds two part numbers to the applicability.
Airworthiness directives, Thielert Aircraft Engines GmbH (TAE) reciprocating engines:
Final rule, request for comments, published Nov. 7, 2011, effective Nov. 22, 2011,
comments by Dec. 22, 2011
PURPOSE: This airworthiness directive (AD) was prompted by Thielert Aircraft
Engines GmbH (TAE) identifying additional clutch assemblies with nonconforming
disc springs in TAE Models TAE 125-01 and TAE 125-02-99 reciprocating engines.
SUMMARY: The Federal Aviation Administration supersedes an existing AD for TAE
Models TAE 125-01 and TAE 125-02-99 reciprocating engines. That AD currently
requires replacement of certain part numbers and serial numbers of clutch
assemblies due to clutch failure. The failures identified could lead to engine in-flight
shutdown and loss of control of the airplane. This AD requires the same actions, but
applies the corrective action to an additional 244 affected clutch assemblies.
Airworthiness directives, Airbus airplanes: Notice of proposed rulemaking, published
Nov. 7, 2011, comments by Dec. 22, 2011
PURPOSE: This proposed airworthiness directive (AD) would require actions intended
to correct the unsafe condition described in the summary, below.
SUMMARY: The Federal Aviation Administration proposes to adopt a new AD for all
Airbus Model A300 B4-600, B4-600R, and F4-600R series airplanes, and Model C4605R Variant F airplanes (collectively called A300-600 series airplanes), and Model
A310 series airplanes that would supersede an existing AD. This proposed AD results
from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) originated by an
aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on
an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as:
One operator experienced failures of four Fuel Level Sensor-Amplifier
(FLSA) and Multi Tank Indicators (MTI) units. FLSA and MTI failures have
been identified as having been caused by incorrect connector sleeves
materials fitted to the MTI units.
Degradation of the electrical insulation sleeves of the Low-level indication
lamps on the MTI of the flight deck can cause a short circuit that might result
in high voltage being conveyed to the high and low level sensors in the wing
tanks. This condition, if not corrected, could cause the level sensor to heat
above acceptable limits, possibly resulting in fuel tank explosion, and
consequent loss of the aeroplane.
Airworthiness directives, Boeing Co. airplanes: Notice of proposed rulemaking,
published Nov. 7, 2011, comments by Dec. 22, 2011
PURPOSE: This proposed airworthiness directive (AD) was prompted by a report from
the airplane manufacturer that certain Boeing Company Model 737-100, -200, 200C, and -300 series airplanes were assembled with air distribution ducts in the
environmental control system (ECS) wrapped with Boeing Material Specification
(BMS) 8-39 or Aeronautical Materials Specifications (AMS) 3570 polyurethane foam
insulation, a material with fire-retardant properties that deteriorate with age. This
proposed AD would require reworking certain air distribution ducts in the ECS. This
proposed AD would require actions intended to prevent ignition of the BMS 8-39 or
AMS 3570 polyurethane foam insulation on the duct assemblies of the ECS due to a
potential electrical arc, which could start a small fire and lead to a larger fire that
may spread throughout the airplane through the ECS.
SUMMARY: The Federal Aviation Administration proposes to adopt a new AD for
certain Boeing Company Model 737-100, -200, -200C, and -300 series airplanes.
Airworthiness directives, Fokker Services B.V. Model F.28 Mark 0100 airplanes:
Notice of proposed rulemaking, published Nov. 7, 2011, comments by Dec. 22, 2011
PURPOSE: This proposed airworthiness directive (AD) would require actions intended
to correct the unsafe condition described in the summary, below.
SUMMARY: The Federal Aviation Administration proposes to adopt a new AD for
Fokker Services B.V. Model F.28 Mark 0100 airplanes. This proposed AD results from
mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) originated by an aviation
authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an
aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as:
[T]here have been a number of occurrences with Messier-Dowty MLG
[main landing gear] units where the main fitting failed, due to fatigue
cracking in the area of the filler and bleeder holes, and occurrences where the
sliding member failed, due to fatigue cracking at the area of chrome runout/lower radius of the sliding tube portion of the sliding member.
Investigation has revealed that the most probable cause of * * * cracks is
high compressive stress during braking at higher deceleration levels outside
the regular fatigue load spectrum. [T]he high compressive stress locally
exceeds the elasticity limit of the material, leaving a residual tensile stress at
release of the heavy braking load. Subsequently, this local residual tensile
stress results in a negative effect on the fatigue life of the component.
This condition, if not detected and corrected, could lead to failure of the
MLG, possibly resulting in loss of control of the aeroplane during the landing
rollout. * * *
Airworthiness directives, Pratt and Whitney Division (PW) PW4000 series turbofan
engines: Notice of proposed rulemaking, published Nov. 7, 2011, comments by Jan.
6, 2012
PURPOSE: This proposed airworthiness directive (AD) was prompted by an engine
overspeed event that occurred during taxi and resulted in a high-pressure
compressor surge and tailpipe fire in Pratt and Whitney Division (PW) PW4000 series
turbofan engines. This proposed AD requires actions intended to prevent engine
overspeed on these engines, which could result in an uncontained engine failure and
damage to the airplane.
SUMMARY: The Federal Aviation Administration proposes to adopt a new AD for Pratt
and Whitney Division (PW) PW4000 series turbofan engines. This proposed AD would
require replacing the fuel metering unit, part number 50U150, at the next shop visit
after the effective date of this proposed AD.
Airworthiness directives, Rolls-Royce plc (RR) RB211–Trent 800 series turbofan
engines: Supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking, reopening of comment period,
published Nov. 7, 2011, comments by Jan. 6, 2012
PURPOSE: An earlier notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) was prompted by Rolls
Royce reducing the life limits of certain critical engine parts in Rolls-Royce plc (RR)
RB211–Trent 800 series turbofan engines. This action revises that NPRM by
proposing to supersede an existing AD to prohibit installation of one certain critical
part and to increase the life of another critical part whose lives were previously
reduced by that existing AD. This supplemental NPRM requires actions intended to
prevent the failure of critical rotating parts, which could result in uncontained failure
of the engine and damage to the airplane. Due to the extensive changes since the
NPRM was issued, the FAA reopens the comment period to allow the public the
chance to comment on these proposed changes.
SUMMARY: The Federal Aviation Administration revises an earlier proposed AD for RR
RB211-Trent 800 series turbofan engines. That NPRM proposed to revise the Trent
800 Time Limits Manual of the Trent 800 engine maintenance manuals.
Airworthiness directives, Turbomeca S.A. Arriel 2B and 2B1 turboshaft engines:
Notice of proposed rulemaking, published Nov. 7, 2011, comments by Jan. 6, 2012
PURPOSE: Since the Federal Aviation Administration issued the previous
airworthiness directive (AD) regarding Turbomeca S.A. Arriel 2B and 2B1 turboshaft
engines, the European Aviation Safety Agency issued a new AD. This proposed AD
would require inspection and possible replacement of the hydro-mechanical metering
units (HMUs). This proposed AD would require actions intended to prevent reduced
engine power or, at worst, an uncommanded in-flight shutdown, which can result in
a forced autorotation landing or accident.
SUMMARY: The FAA proposes to supersede an existing AD that applies to all
Turbomeca S.A. Arriel 2B and 2B1 turboshaft engines. The existing AD currently
requires checking the transmissible torque between the low-pressure (LP) pump
impeller and the high-pressure (HP) pump shaft on HP/LP pump HMUs that do not
incorporate Modification TU 147.
Amendment of VOR federal airways V–320 and V–440, Alaska: Notice of proposed
rulemaking, published Nov. 7, 2011, comments by Dec. 22, 2011
The Federal Aviation Administration proposes to amend two VHF Omnidirectional
Range (VOR) federal airways in Alaska, V-320 and V-440, due to the relocation of
the Anchorage VOR navigation aid.