Go For It Small Grants Training Grant - Application Form Please answer the following questions ensuring that the whole of this application does not exceed 4 x A4 sides. Don’t forget to read and use the guidelines for the Training Grant which are also available to download from our website. Any application must be able to demonstrate clearly its association with at least one Church of Scotland congregation. If you are a voluntary organisation applying in partnership with a local Church of Scotland, please check carefully with the Church which is supporting this application. If they are in receipt of Go For It funding, you are not eligible to apply. Go For It will only fund one project per church at any time. All successful applications to Go For It will demonstrate a commitment to good partnership working. PLEASE ENSURE YOU ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS AND ATTACH ALL REQUESTED DOCUMENTS (SEE CHECKLIST BELOW) OTHERWISE YOUR APPLICATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. 1) What is the name of your organisation? 2) What is the name of your project (if different from above)? 3) How much money are you asking for from this Grant? £ 4) Do you currently receive funding from Go For It? Yes [ ] No [ ] If yes, what project is it for? 5) What kind of training are you planning and for whom? 6) How have you determined this is needed? 7) What benefits will this bring? 8) Who will provide the training and why are they the right people? 9) Please provide a breakdown of training costs and where you intend to find the money from, to pay for these training costs? 10) How will you evaluate the impact of the training? Give us the names of two people connected to the project who we can contact: Name: Address: Tel. No: Email: Position: Name: Address: Tel. No: Email: Position: We declare on behalf of ……………………………………………………..that the information given in this form and the attached documents is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. Signature: Date: Signature: Date: Checklist! Have you answered all the questions and enclosed the following document? COMPLETED ELIGIBILITY QUESTIONNAIRE (If you haven’t already submitted it) [ ] If you have enclosed/submitted the above, your application will go forward to the next Small Grants assessment round (usually held each month). If you haven’t, your application will not go forward for decision. THE RESPONSIBILITY TO DO THIS IS YOURS AS UNFORTUNATELY WE DO NOT HAVE THE STAFF CAPACITY TO CHASE UP APPLICANTS FOR MISSING DOCUMENTS. Please return this form by e-mail or post to: Susan Calderhead, Go For It Fund Senior Administrator, E-mail: scalderhead@churchofscotland.org.uk Go For It Fund, Ministries Council, Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4YN, Tel: 0131 225 5722 For all the documents you need to complete an application for a Training (Eligibility Questionnaire, Application Form, Guidelines) visit: www.churchofscotland.org.uk/serve/go_for_it/grants/articles/applying_for_a_small_grant