Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering (BS)
Intended Program Outcomes
Direct and Indirect Methods
Criteria for Success
Methods of Assessment
Direct • At least 75% of the students will score 70% or better on a
departmental math and physics competency exam. Indirect • At least 85% of
the students rate their abilities in this area as excellent or very good as
shown on the senior exit questionnaires and interviews. • The departmental
curriculum committee self-assessment should rate this outcome at 85% or
better based on a review of course, curriculum portfolios, and the course
outcome index.
Direct • This will result in 100% of the students passing a series of
laboratory classes emphasizing experimental methodology as determined
by the following as appropriate: written report, homework assignment,
course project, class presentation, etc. Indirect • At least 85% of the
students rate their abilities in this area as excellent or very good as shown
on the senior exit questionnaires and interviews. • The departmental
curriculum committee self-assessment should rate this outcome at 85% or
better based on a review of course, curriculum portfolios, and the course
outcome index.
Direct • This will result in 100% of the students passing a series of classes
emphasizing the analysis and design of mechanical and thermal systems.
Indirect • At least 85% of the students rate their abilities in this area as
excellent or very good as shown on the senior exit questionnaires and
interviews. • The departmental curriculum committee self-assessment
should rate this outcome at 85% or better based on a review of course,
curriculum portfolios, and the course outcome index.
Direct • All students in Introduction to Mechanical Engineering (EML3004C)
must take and pass the math and physics competency test Indirect •
Students are asked to rate their ability to apply knowledge of mathematics
and calculus-based science and engineering to solving mechanical
engineering problems in the senior exit survey. • The departmental
curriculum committee reviews and assesses this outcome based on a review
of course and curriculum portfolios.
Direct • All students must take and pass Thermal Fluids Lab (EML4304L)
and Mechanics and Materials II (EML3012C). Indirect • Students are asked
to rate their ability to design and conduct experiments and to analyze and
interpret data in the senior exit survey. • The departmental curriculum
committee reviews and assesses this outcome based on a review of course,
curriculum portfolios, and the course outcome index.
Formulate Outcome Upon completion of
the degree program, the student will able
to apply knowledge of mathematics and
calculus-based science and engineering to
solving mechanical engineering problems.
Formulate Outcome Upon completion of
the degree program, the student will be
able to design and conduct experiments
and to analyze and interpret data.
Formulate Outcome Upon completion of
the degree program, the student will be
able to design thermal and mechanical
systems, components, or processes to
meet desired needs.
Formulate Outcome Upon completion of
the degree program, the student will be
able to identify, formulate, and solve
engineering problems.
Direct None needed Indirect • At least 85% of the students rate their abilities
in this area as excellent or very good as shown on the senior exit
questionnaires and interviews. • The departmental curriculum committee
self-assessment should rate this outcome at 85% or better based on a
review of course, curriculum portfolios, and the course outcome index.
Direct • All students must take and pass Mechanical Systems I and II
(EML3017C and EML3018C), Thermal Fluids I and II (EML3015C and
EML3016C), and Senior Design I and II (EML4551C and EML4552C).
Indirect • Students are asked to rate their ability to design thermal and
mechanical systems, components, or processes to meet desired needs in
the senior exit survey. • The departmental curriculum committee reviews and
assesses this outcome based on a review of course, curriculum portfolios,
and the course outcome index.
Direct None needed Indirect • Students are asked to rate their ability to
identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems in the senior exit survey.
• The departmental curriculum committee reviews and assesses this
outcome based on a review of course, curriculum portfolios, and the course
outcome index.
Formulate Outcome Upon completion of
the degree program, the student will be
able to express himself or herself
effectively by written, oral, and visual
Direct • This will result in 100% of the students passing a series of classes
which include graded written, oral, and visual components. Indirect • At least
85% of the students rate their abilities in this area as excellent or very good
as shown on the senior exit questionnaires and interviews. • The
departmental curriculum committee self-assessment should rate this
outcome at 85% or better based on a review of course, curriculum portfolios,
Direct • All students must take and pass ME Tools (EML3002C) and Senior
Design I and II (EML4551C and EML4552C). Indirect • Students are asked to
rate their ability to express themselves effectively by written, oral, and visual
means in the senior exit survey. • The departmental curriculum committee
reviews and assesses this outcome based on a review of course, curriculum
portfolios, and the course outcome index.
Intended Program Outcomes
Direct and Indirect Methods
Criteria for Success
Methods of Assessment
and the course outcome index.
Formulate Outcome Upon completion of
the degree program, the student will be
able to use modern engineering
techniques, skills, and computing tools
necessary for engineering practice.
Direct • This will result in 100% of the students passing a series of classes
which utilize engineering techniques and tools used in everyday engineering
practice. Indirect • At least 85% of the students rate their abilities in this area
as excellent or very good as shown on the senior exit questionnaires and
interviews. • The departmental curriculum committee self-assessment
should rate this outcome at 85% or better based on a review of course,
curriculum portfolios, and the course outcome index.
Formulate Outcome Upon completion of
the course of instruction, the student will
be able to recognize the impact of
engineering solutions in a global and
societal context, and have a knowledge of
contemporary issues related to
Direct • This will result in 100% of the students passing a series of classes
which incorporate discussion and evaluation of engineering and its impact
on society. Indirect • At least 80% of the students rate their abilities in this
area as excellent or very good as shown on the senior exit questionnaires
and interviews. • The departmental curriculum committee self-assessment
should rate this outcome at 80% or better based on a review of course,
curriculum portfolios, and the course outcome index.
Formulate Outcome By the end of the
year, the program will graduate at least 50
students with BS degrees. Among them, at
least 60% will be employed by engineering
related industries, companies, and
research laboratories; at least 25% will
pursue advanced degrees in
professional/graduate schools.
Direct • The outcome will be assessed by using an annual departmental
meeting, an annual senior exit interview/questionnaire, and a biennial
alumni survey. Statistical information on graduates and their placement data
will be collected. Long and short-term trends will be analyzed and discussed
in faculty meetings for program and curriculum modifications and
improvements as evidenced by survey results. Indirect None needed
Direct • All students must take and pass ME Tools (EML3002C), Mechanical
Systems I and II (EML3017C and EML3018C), Dynamic Systems II
(EML3014C), Mechanics and Materials II (EML3012C), Thermal Fluids Lab
(EML4304), Engineering Design Methods (EML4550), and Senior Design I
and II (EML4551C and EML4552C). Indirect • Students are asked to rate
their ability to use modern engineering techniques, skills, and computing
tools necessary for engineering practice in the senior exit survey. • The
departmental curriculum committee reviews and assesses this outcome
based on a review of course, curriculum portfolios, and the course outcome
Direct • All students must take and pass ME Tools (EML3002C), Introduction
to ME (EML3004C), Engineering Design Methods (EML4550), and Senior
Design I and II (EML4551C and EML4552C). Indirect • Students are asked to
rate their ability to recognize the impact of engineering solutions in a global
and societal context, and their knowledge of contemporary issues related to
engineering in the senior exit survey. • The departmental curriculum
committee reviews and assesses this outcome based on a review of course,
curriculum portfolios, and the course outcome index.
Direct • Students are asked to indicate their plans after graduation in both the
senior exit survey, and in the senior exit interview. Indirect None needed.