CURRICULUM VITAE - Glasgow Experimental Particle Physics

Dr F.J.Paul Soler
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Licenciate in Physical Sciences
University of Sydney, MSc (Prelim), 1st Class Honours [Thesis title: Optical Response of
Wavelength Shifting Panels for Large Water Cherenkov Detectors].
University of Sydney, PhD (1994) [Thesis title: SUNLAB: a Prototype Water Cherenkov
Detector for Solar Neutrinos]
Member, Marie Curie Fellows Association.
Fellow, Australian Institute of Physics.
CERN Non-member State Representative at the Advisory Committee for CERN Users (1998-2000).
Organising Committee 55th Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics (SUSSP55), August 2001,
St. Andrews, Scotland (2000-2001).
Secretary, LHCb Collaboration Board, CERN (2001-…).
Secretary, LHCb-UK Management Board (2001-…).
Organising Committee 57th Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics (SUSSP57), To be held
August 2003, St. Andrews, Scotland (2002-…).
Feb 1987-Nov 1991: Demonstrator, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Year Physics laboratories, University of Sydney.
Feb 1988-Feb 1992: Australian Postgraduate Research Award from the Commonwealth Government of
Australia for PhD candidature at the University of Sydney.
Feb 1992-Nov 1993: Associate Lecturer (Half Time) at the School of Physics, University of Sydney.
Feb 1993-Nov 1993: Senior Resident, International House, University of Sydney.
Feb 1994-April 1998: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Sydney.
April 1998-April 2000: Marie Curie Fellowship (Training and Mobility of Researchers) awarded by the
European Commission based at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland).
April 2000 onwards: Lecturer in Particle Physics at the University of Glasgow (joint appointment with
Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire).
My main area of activity is involvement in the LHCb project, which will search for CP violations from B
meson decays at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. I lead a team of physicists at RAL and the University
of Glasgow with responsibilities for the mechanics of the downstream Ring Imaging Cherenkov detector
(RICH-2), its alignment and monitoring, and the testing and characterisation of the hybrid photodiode
(HPD) detectors to be installed.
I have an additional interest in the physics of neutrino factories, and the R&D experiments needed to be able
to build them, by continuing to play a role in the HARP experiment. I am also partially involved in the e
neutrino oscillation analysis at NOMAD and the charm search being carried out with the Silicon Target
(STAR) also in NOMAD, activities that are nearly complete.
During my PhD candidature (1988-1993) I was involved in a program to measure the background radiation
in a mine in Broken Hill (Australia) at a depth of 1230 m, as a feasibility study for a solar neutrino detector.
(b) NOMAD:
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I worked on the neutrino oscillation experiment NOMAD (1993-2000) at CERN for the University of
Sydney. I was involved in the building of the veto, trigger and front calorimeter of NOMAD, I was
appointed NOMAD run coordinator (Aug 1995-Sept 1995; Aug 199-Sept 1996) and neutrino beam studies
coordinator (1998-2000).
My main physics interests have been in the production of charm from opposite sign dimuon events, neutrino
beam simulation and flux estimations needed for the e neutrino oscillation analysis and  neutrino
oscillations where the decays to three pions.
(c) SPY:
I worked on the SPY (Secondary Particle Yields) experiment, which ran in 1996, to measure pion and kaon
production from 450 GeV/c protons impinging upon a beryllium target. The measurement was crucial in
order to determine accurately the flux of neutrinos at NOMAD and CHORUS.
(d) Future Neutrino Experiments R&D:
I have worked on R&D experiments for the design of new generation neutrino detectors. NOMAD-STAR
was a silicon tracking detector with long (72 cm) ladders built as a prototype for a  appearance
experiment. I also participated in the analysis of testbeam data, where hybrid silicon-emulsion detectors
were put in place to form a compact emulsion spectrometer.
(f) HARP:
HARP is a hadron production experiment that aims to measure the yields of pions and kaons in a large
acceptance window, from low energy (2-15 GeV) protons impinging upon a target, with the purpose of
designing the optimum energy for a neutrino factory and for estimating the atmospheric neutrino flux. I
wrote the GEANT simulations for the proposal that was accepted by the CERN SPS committee on 1
December 1999.
(a) Refereed journals
1. “The Sydney Underground Solar Neutrino Detector”, A.M.Bakich, R.C.Cederblad, P.R.Gerhardy,
J.Malos, M.Omori, L.S.Peak, C.J.Sheerman and P.Soler,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods Phys. Res. A 273, (1988) 853-857.
2. “Assessment of the Photoelectron Number for Photomultipliers under Conditions of Low Light
Intensities”, L.S.Peak and P.Soler, Nuclear Instruments and Methods Phys. Res. A 301, (1991) 341-349.
3. “Optical Properties of Wavelength Shifting Panels”, P.Soler and Z.H.Wang,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods Phys. Res. A 324, (1993) 482-490.
4. "Multiple Reflections in an Approximately Parallel Plate", F.J.P. Soler, Optics Communications 139,
(1997) 165-169.
5. "Use of Lead for the Reduction of Background Gamma Rays in Underground Experiments",
G.Braoudakis, L.S.Peak, F.J.P. Soler, Nuclear Instruments and Methods Phys. Res. A 403 (1998) 499-512.
6. "The NOMAD Experiment at the CERN SPS", F.J.P. Soler in J. Altegoer et al., The NOMAD
Collaboration, Nuclear Instruments and Methods Phys. Res. A 404 (1998) 96-128.
7. "K/Production Ratios from 450 GeV Protons on Beryllium", F.J.P. Soler in G. Ambrosini et al., The
SPY Collaboration, Physics Letters B 420 (1998) 225-232.
8. "Search for a New Gauge Boson in  Decays", F.J.P. Soler in J. Altegoer et al., The NOMAD
Collaboration, Physics Letters B 428 (1998) 197-205.
9. "Pion Yield from 450 GeV Protons on Beryllium", F.J.P. Soler in G. Ambrosini et al., The SPY
Collaboration, Physics Letters B 425 (1998) 208-214.
10. "Performance of Long Modules of Silicon Microstrip Detectors", F.J.P. Soler in
G. Barichello et al., Nuclear Instruments and Methods Phys. Res. A 413 (1998) 17-30.
11. "A B4 C-Silicon Target for the Detection of Neutrino Interactions”, F.J.P. Soler in
G. Barichello et al., Nuclear Instruments and Methods Phys. Res. A 419 (1998) 1-15.
12. "A search for to  oscillations using the NOMAD detector", F.J.P. Soler in
J. Altegoer et al., The NOMAD Collaboration, Physics Letters B 431 (1998) 219-236.
13. "Precision Measurement of Scaled Momentum, Charge Multiplicity and Thrust in   N and   N
Interactions”, F.J.P. Soler in J. Altegoer et al., The NOMAD Collaboration, Physics Letters B 445 (1998)
14. "The Trigger System of the NOMAD Experiment", F.J.P. Soler in J. Altegoer et al.,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods Phys. Res. A 428 (1999) 299-316.
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15. "Measurement of Charged Particle Production from 450 GeV Protons on Beryllium", F.J.P. Soler in G.
Ambrosini et al., The SPY Collaboration, European Physical Journal C 10 (1999) 605-627.
16. "A More Sensitive Search for to  Oscillations in NOMAD”, F.J.P. Soler in P. Astier et al., The
NOMAD Collaboration, Physics Letters B 453 (1999) 169-186.
17. "Limit on eto  Oscillations from the NOMAD Experiment", F.J.P. Soler in P. Astier et al., The
NOMAD Collaboration, Physics Letters B 471 (2000) 406-410.
18. “Search for eV (Pseudo)scalar Penetrating Particles in the SPS Neutrino Beam”,
F.J.P. Soler in P. Astier et al., The NOMAD Collaboration, Physics Letters B 479 (2000), 371-380.
19. “Updated Results from the Appearance Search in NOMAD”, F.J.P. Soler in P. Astier et al., The
NOMAD Collaboration, Physics Letters B 483 (2000), 387-404.
20. "Neutrino Production of Opposite Sign Dimuons in the NOMAD Experiment", F.J.P. Soler in P. Astier
et al., The NOMAD Collaboration, Physics Letters B 486 (2000), 35-48.
21. “Measurement of the Polarization in Charged Current Interactions in the NOMAD Experiment”,
F.J.P. Soler in P. Astier et al., The NOMAD Collaboration, Nuclear Physics B 588 (2000), 3-36.
22. “The Compact Emulsion Spectrometer”, F.J.P. Soler in S. Buontempo et al., Nuclear Instruments and
Methods Phys. Res. A 457 (2001) 464-470.
23. “Search for Heavy Neutrinos Mixing with Tau Neutrinos”, F.J.P. Soler in P. Astier et al., The NOMAD
Collaboration, Physics Letters B 506 (2001) 27-38.
24.“Inclusive Production of  (770),
f 0 (980) and f 2 (1270) Mesons in Charged Current Interactions”,
F.J.P. Soler in P. Astier et al., The NOMAD Collaboration, Nuclear Physics B 601 (2001) 3-23.
25.“Measurement of the  Polarization in Charged Current Interactions in the NOMAD Experiment”,
F.J.P. Soler in P. Astier et al., The NOMAD Collaboration, Nuclear Physics B 605 (2001) 3-14.
26. “A study of Backward going p and  in CC Interactions with the NOMAD Detector”, F.J.P. Soler
in P. Astier et al., The NOMAD Collaboration, Nuclear Physics B 609 (2001), 255-279.
27. “Final NOMAD Results on      and  e    Oscillations including a new Search for
  Appearance using Hadronic 
Decays”, F.J.P. Soler in P. Astier et al., The NOMAD Collaboration,
Nuclear Physics B 611 (2001), 3-39.
28. “A Study of Strange Particle Production in Charged Current Interactions in the NOMAD
Experiment”, Nuclear Physics B 621 (2002), 3-34.
29. “Study of D*+ Production in Charged Current Interactions in the NOMAD Experiment”, F.J.P. Soler
in P. Astier et al., The NOMAD Collaboration, Physics Letters B 526 (2002), 278-286.
30.“New results on a search for a 33.9 MeV/c2 neutral particle from + decay in the NOMAD experiment”,
F.J.P. Soler in P. Astier et al., The NOMAD Collaboration, Physics Letters B 527 (2002), 23-28.
31. “Kalman Filter Tracking and Vertexing in a Silicon detector for Neutrino Physics”, F.J.P. Soler in
A. Cervera-Villanueva et al., Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 486 (2002), 639-662.
32. “Performance of NOMAD-STAR”, F.J.P. Soler in G. Barichello et al., Submitted for publication to
Nuclear Instruments and Methods A.
(b) Conference proceedings and selected preprints
1.“Progress Report of the Sydney Underground Laboratory SUNLAB”, P.Soler in A.M. Bakich et al.,
Proceedings of the 21st International Cosmic Ray Conference, Vol. 7, Adelaide, (1990), 192-195.
2. “Assessment of Photoelectron Number at Very Low Light Intensities”, P. Soler, Proceedings of the 21st
International Cosmic Ray Conference, Vol. 10, Adelaide, (1990), 175-178.
3. "An Experiment to Measure  and K Fluxes below 60 GeV/c Produced by 450 GeV/c Protons on a Be
Target”, P.Soler in T.Tabarelli de Fatis et al., The SPY Collaboration, Eighth “Rencontres de Blois":
Neutrinos, Dark Matter and the Universe (June, 1996), eds. T. Stolarczyk, J, Tran Thanh Van, F. Vannucci,
Editions Frontieres (Gif-sur-Yvette, France), 1997, 393-396.
4. "Results from the NOMAD Experiment on to  Oscillations", F.J.P. Soler, Proceedings of the Fifth
Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics (TAU98), Santander, Spain, 14-17 September 1998. Nuclear Physics B
(Proc. Suppl.) 7 (1999), 437-444.
5. "Silicon Detectors for Neutrino Physics Experiments", F.J.P. Soler, 5th International Conference on
Position Sensitive Detectors (University College, London, September 1999). Nuclear Instruments and
Methods A 477 (2002), 456-460.
6. “Particle Identification in the LHCb Experiment”, F.J.P. Soler, III International symposium on LHC
Physics and Detectors (Chia, Sardinia, October 2001). European Physical Journal Direct C, 4(S1) (2002)
34. (Preprint GLAS-PPE/2001-06).
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7. “STAR Noise and Hit-Finding Efficiency”, J. Kokkonen, F.J.P.Soler, G. Vidal-Sitjes, Helsinki University
of Technology Report HUT-F-A812, ISBN 951-22-5843-9, ISSN 1456-3320 (2002).
(c) Proposals to international scientific committees:
1. "Measurement of Pion and Kaon Fluxes Below 60 GeV/c Produced by 450 GeV/c
Protons on a Beryllium Target", P. Soler in G. Ambrosini et al., The SPY Collaboration,
Proposal to the SPSLC, CERN-SPSLC/96-01, SPSLC/P294 (1996).
2. "A High Sensitivity Short Baseline Experiment to Search for to  Oscillations”, P.Soler in A.S. Ayan
et al., CERN-SPSC/97-05, CERN-SPSC/I213 (March, 1997).
3. "TOP: a Prototype for the TOSCA Experiment”, P.Soler in A.S. Ayan et al., TOSCA Collaboration,
CERN-SPSC/98-02 (January, 1998).
4. "Proposal to study Hadron Production for the Neutrino Factory and the Atmospheric Neutrino Flux",
F.J.P. Soler in M.G. Catanesi et al., CERN-SPSC/99-35 , CERN-SPSC/P315 (December, 1999).
5. LHCb Calorimeters: Technical Design Report, F.J.P. Soler in S. Amato et al., LHCb Collaboration.
CERN-LHCC-2000-036; LHCb-TDR-2.-Geneva: CERN, 6 September 2000. - 116 p.
6. LHCb RICH: Technical Design Report, F.J.P. Soler in S. Amato et al., LHCb Collaboration. CERNLHCC-2000-037 ; LHCb-TDR-3. - Geneva : CERN, 6 September 2000. - 80 p.
7. “Proposal to study Helium-induced Hadron Production for the Atmospheric Neutrino flux: Addendum to
the HARP proposal”, F.J.P. Soler in M.G. Catanesi et al., CERN-SPSC-2001-016, SPSC-P-315-Add-1,
(May 2001).
8. LHCb Muon System: Technical Design Report, F.J.P. Soler in P.R. Barbosa Marinho et al., LHCb
Collaboration. CERN-LHCC-2001-010; LHCb-TDR-4. - Geneva : CERN, 31 May 2001. - 77 p.
9. LHCb VELO (Vertex Locator): Technical Design Report, F.J.P. Soler in P.R. Barbosa Marinho et al.,
LHCb Collaboration. CERN-LHCC-2001-011; LHCb-TDR-5. - Geneva : CERN, 31 May 2001. - 85 p.
10. LHCb Outer Tracker: Technical Design Report, F.J.P. Soler in P.R. Barbosa Marinho et al., LHCb
Collaboration. CERN-LHCC-2001-024; LHCb-TDR-6. - Geneva : CERN, 14 September 2001. - 88 p.
11. LHCb Online System: Technical Design Report, F.J.P. Soler in P.R. Barbosa Marinho et al., LHCb
Collaboration. CERN-LHCC-2001-040; LHCb-TDR-7. - Geneva : CERN, 19 December 2001. - 108 p.
12. LHCb RICH2 Engineering Design Review Report, A. Buckley et al., LHCb RICH group, LHCb EDR
2002-009 (March 2002)-44 p.
(d) Invited talks
1. "The SPY Experiment at CERN", Topical Workshop on Neutrino Physics (University of Adelaide,
November 1996).
2. "Preliminary Estimates of sin2 w ", 5th Australian Experimental High Energy Physics Workshop,
(University of Sydney, December, 1996).
3. "Status of NOMAD", 5th Australian Experimental High Energy Physics Workshop, (University of
Sydney, December, 1996).
4. “A Silicon Tracking Detector for Neutrino Oscillations”, III International Hiroshima Symposium on the
Development and Application of Semiconductor Tracking Detectors, (University of Melbourne, December,
5."The Neutrino Oscillation Industry", invited colloquium at The University of Sydney (March, 1998).
6. "Results from the NOMAD Experiment on Muon to Tau Neutrino Oscillations", Fifth Workshop on Tau
Lepton Physics (TAU98); Santander, Spain, September 1998.
8."Neutrino Oscillation Searches in NOMAD", invited seminar at State University of New York, Stony
Brook (December, 1999).
9. “Neutrino Oscillation Searches in NOMAD”, invited seminar at Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory
(January, 2000).
10. “Opportunities for a Neutrino Factory”, invited seminar at the University of Sussex (June, 2000).
11. “Neutrino Physics at NOMAD”, invited seminar at the University of Edinburgh (December, 2000).
12. “Neutrino Physics at NOMAD”, invited seminar at the University of Glasgow (January, 2001).
13. “Particle Identification in LHCb”, III International Symposium on LHC Physics and Detectors, Chia,
Sardinia, Italy, October 2001.
14. “Neutrino Physics at NOMAD”, invited seminar at the University of Bristol (November, 2001).
15. “Report from the III International Symposium on LHC Physics and Detectors”, seminar at RutherfordAppleton Laboratory (November 2001).
16. “Report from the III International Symposium on LHC Physics and Detectors”, seminar at University of
Glasgow (January 2002).
17. “Neutrino Physics at NOMAD”, invited seminar at the University of Birmingham (February, 2002).
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18. “Neutrino Physics at NOMAD”, invited seminar at the University of Sheffield (May, 2002).
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