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Additional resources and websites:
ASTHO At-Risk Populations and Pandemic Influenza: Planning Guidance for State, Territorial,
Tribal, and Local Health Departments (2008)
Disaster Behavioral Health: On-line training (Beaton, 2005). CDC accredited
Disaster and Environmental Health Nursing Project Website—HRSA Training Grant
Randal D. Beaton, PI
Indian Country Child Trauma Center,
IS-650.a Building Partnerships with Tribal Governments, on-line course, 11 June, 2010
National Congress of American Indians, Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness,
Native American Alliance for Emergency Preparedness,
NIOSH Critical Incident Fact Sheet.
Northwest Tribal Emergency Management Council: Building Systems Through Partnerships
(2008). Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.
Northwest Tribal Emergency Management Council,
Pew Research Center – 2004 generation gap survey
Psychological First Aid Manual
Psychological First Aid. On-line training- access at
Psychological First Aid. Field Operations Guide, 2nd Ed. National Child Traumatic Stress
Network, National Center for PTSD.
Self-Care Tips for Emergency and Disaster Response Workers SAMHSA
Workforce Resilience- On-line training (Beaton, 2008) Series- access at
Module 1, Stressful Effects of Disasters on Workers
Module 2, Individual and Organizational Preparedness
Module 3, Workforce Resilience During and After an Emergency