Parish - The Federated Church of Orleans

Church of Orleans
P. O. Box 761, 162 Main Street
East Orleans, MA 02643
508-255-3060; fax 508-255-3423
Aug. 16, 8:30
Aug. 17, 9:00 – Special Worship
Battle of Rock Harbor
Aug. 27, 7:30 Concert – Bart
Weisman Klezmer Swing Group
Jumpin’ July
July 4 Office Closed
July 6 Summer Schedule Begins
8:15 Breakfast
9:00 Worship
July 12, 7:30 Concert –
Cape Harmony
July 14, 9:30 Rev. Dirkje
Cultivating Soul-Full Joy begins
July 19, 7:30– Glen Shane Duo
Awesome August!
Aug. 14, 9:30
Rev. Dirkje
Cultivating Soul-Full Joy
series continues
Aug. 7, 6:30 Girls Night Out Pie
Don Heines
Marti Johnson
Chris King
Dave King
Donna Sutton
… and other volunteers
July 8, 9 am – 3 pm
July 9, 9 am – 12 pm
July-August 2014
Published monthly by The Federated Church of Orleans, Massachusetts
The flowers and plants that are
placed in our Sanctuary, on the
Landing and Upper Narthex each Sunday
are given in memory or in honor of others
or given in celebration of special life
events, and are a very special part of our
worship services. The following were
given during June:
June 1
The flowers in the Sanctuary were given in
loving memory of her husband, Gene.
June 8
Mary Lee Mantz gave the flowers in the
Sanctuary in loving memory of Mary
Eleanor Walker.
The flowers on the Landing were given in
loving memory of her husband, Larry, and
lovingly arranged by Meg and his
daughter, Judith, and children Larry, Jr.
and Susan, and his grandchildren Duncan,
Emily, Doug and Lucy.
June 15
Fred Coe gave the flowers in the
Sanctuary in celebration of Marion’s
Sheila Kelly gave the arrangement on the
Landing in memory of her father, Jack
Kelly, with fond memories and all her
June 22
The flowers in the Sanctuary were given
by Alice Webber in loving memory of her
husband Fred’s Birthday.
The arrangement on the Landing were
given by Muriel (Moo) Smith in loving
memory of her husband, Wendell.
June 29
Priscilla Morrison gave the flowers in the
Sanctuary in honor of her mother’s
birthday, July 2nd.
We offer our deepest
sympathies and prayers to the
families and friends of:
Dear Sally and people of
The Federated Church,
Thank you so much for your
recent gift to Andover Newton
Theological School. Your loyal and
generous support is deeply appreciated
and very important to us as we labor to
provide the best possible education for
tomorrow’s faith leaders. Speaking
personally, it was a real joy to be with you
last February and to celebrate the many
gifts your church gives to the world
through its ministry.
Warmest wishes to all!
Enjoying flowers in your
gardens? Aren't the ones around
church beautiful! A list of
committee members is posted on our
bulletin board by the kitchen phone and if
you have any you'd like to contribute as
well as ones for the landing and sanctuary
please contact them.
The AIDS Support Group of Cape Cod
sent a special invitation of thanks to our
congregation for our help in “refurbishing”
their kitchen. Representatives from our
church attended the festivities!
Robert Pike, who died on June 13 . Rev.
Bob Richardson officiated at a memorial
service on June 30th.
Martha Livingston
Please accept this check to use toward
plants or another bench in the new garden
and labyrinth area.
Mom and Dad loved this church. Your
love and support during good times and
tough times, gave them strength as they
shared their stories with you. It only
seems right that we give back to this very
special place in their memory.
We wish you all well as you move forward
with your lives. Our experiences here, in
this lovely church, have always been
memorable and loving. Be Well.
Jennifer Craig
(Ms. Craig is Vice President for Institutional
Advancement, Andover Newton Theological
School, and was our guest on February 23rd.)
Blessed are those who can laugh at
themselves, for they will never cease to be
Dear Sally and Church Family,
With Love,
Carol and Jerry Thornell
On behalf of the Beals Family –
Sandra Asack, Carol Thornell, Chuck
Beals, Linda Beals, Elaine Vimont and
Ginny Ogden
Adult Music Camp 2014
The Parish Visitor
Massachusetts Conference
United Church of Christ
215th Annual Meeting
June 13 – 14, 2014
Keynote Speaker
Bishop Yvette Flunder
Founder and Senior Pastor
City of Refuge UCC, San Francisco
Sturbridge Host Hotel & Conference
Center, Sturbridge, MA
This year’s theme:
“Greater Works than These”
John 14:12
* * * *
For a full listing of events, go online to:
****Attention Orleans Water Users****
The Orleans Water Dept. requests that
between June 15 and September 15 during the
periods 6-9a.m. and 4-7 p.m. there be no
unnecessary water use:
Please do not water lawns, gardens or shrubs.
Please do not wash cars.
Please do not run washing machines.
Please do not fill swimming pools.
Schedule these and other non-essential
activities for “off-peak” water usage hours will
help Orleans supply all the water needed by
residents and visitors this summer.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Thursday, July 24 through
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Join other musically minded Christian
adults for the opportunity to spend a long
weekend making beautiful music together.
Participants will worship, rehearse, relax,
enjoy fellowship, and on Sunday
afternoon, share their talents in a concert.
All participants are expected to sing in the
choir. All of this takes place at the
beautiful setting of Craigville with access
to the beach, walking trails and a peaceful
environment. Come alone or bring a
friend. Minimum age is 18. Cost per
person $360.00 (includes 10 meals and
linens). There is a charge for music, to be
determined, that will be collected during
camp. A minimum non-refundable
deposit of $75.00 is required at the time of
registration. Registration questions?
Contact Cindy Bolton. For more
information about Adult Music Camp,
contact Jane Logee. Both can be reached
at 508-875-5233.
Save the Date!
Super Saturday
October 25, 2014
New Location!
Keefe Regional Technical School
Framingham, MA
E-mail submissions are most appreciated.
This preserves the accuracy of your
submission and saves a great deal of time.
(We are, however, most happy to accept
your hand written articles.)
Helpful Hints For E-mail Preparation:
- use Microsoft WORD
- use Times New Roman, Normal,
Font size 12
ON THE WEB . . .
Our website: -
Barnstable Association, UCC:
Massachusetts Conference UCC:
National UCC website: -
All offer a lot of good information about
our denomination and the work we do as
individual churches and together.
- no fancy setup – especially bullets!
We just have to remove them
- include your name and phone number
- e-mail to:
- deadline is 12:00 noon,
Tuesday of
each month (*see note below)
Articles received after this date will go in
the next month’s Parish Visitor. (*no PV
is published in July or December). The
deadline for the September, 2014 issue of
The Parish Visitor is noon, Tuesday,
August 19th. Of course, we are always
happy to receive your articles before the
deadline 
Many thanks to all who participate in the
publishing of The Parish Visitor.
To assist those who wish to plan ahead, the
deadlines for the Parish Visitor in
2013 will be:
September 16
October 21
Please submit by 12:00 noon on the days
listed above. Unfortunately, late submissions
can no longer be “squeezed” in, but will be
included in the following month’s issue.
From Our Pastor
It’s “summertime and
the livin’ is easy” as
goes the beautiful soprano aria
from Porgy and Bess. But this
isn’t necessarily the case on Cape
Cod where the traffic has
suddenly increased exponentially
along with the lines at the
Chocolate Sparrow. For some,
such as those who run motels,
B&Bs, rentals, and restaurants,
summer is a very busy 24/7 time.
Builders, landscapers, those in
the fishing trade, health-care
workers, fire-fighters, police
officers, J-1 students, summer
camp personnel, to name just a
few, are hard at work as well.
For many who live and work on
the Cape, this is high season!
Let’s give them a round of
applause for all the ways these
dedicated people keep Cape Cod
vibrant, not only during the
tourist season but year round.
Here at church, we will take some
well-deserved “vacation” from our
regular schedule of board and
committee meetings, but that
doesn’t mean the church will be
any less active. Quite to the
contrary! When you come by the
church in July and early August,
you will see a wonderful, bustling
group of people preparing for our
annual Church FAIR, on August 8
– 9. You may also see an equally
wonderful group putting our new
Labyrinth into action. And, of
course, “summer comes alive
with fresh voices of inspiration
and action” every Sunday in July
and August at 9:00 am (preceded
by a lovely continental breakfast
at 8:15 am).
I invite you to include Sunday
worship in your summer
schedule. You won’t want to miss
our engaging themes and
The summer series begins with
“Voices of Faith” and Holy
Communion on July 6. Joining
me in worship leadership will be
Jim Bampos (son of Pete
Bampos) who will share a
profound, compelling faith
experience. As Jim shares his
story, I hope that you will be
inspired to recognize and reflect
upon your stories. Each of you
has had an amazing journey that
has led you to this time and place
on Cape Cod. You have stories of
courage, struggle, joy, and
triumph. These are precious
stories through which God has
been (and is) working in your life.
Let’s find a way to share your
stories. A brief weekly or biweekly faith testimony in Sunday
worship beginning in September?
A publication? Other ideas?
Please get in touch with me.
You will not want to miss the
delightful faith story of Dr. Olivia
White on July 13. Her sermon
title is “Kerosene Lamp to Wi Fi.”
Intrigued? I hope you will be!
Dr. White is an exceptionally
vivacious, humorous, and
spiritually deep speaker. Her
sermon will tell her story which
began in her native India and led
her to Texas and then to
becoming an executive with the
UCC’s Global Ministries.
What about the “Church’s” story?
What is the future of the Church?
What will the Church look like in
the 21st century? These
questions were the focus of Dr.
Jim Antal’s visionary address to
the MACUCC annual meeting a
few weeks ago. Dr. Antal
challenged us to create a “new
narrative …bound with those of
neighboring churches,
synagogues, and temples.” He
challenged us to think of a new
Church movement which is
interdependent and trans
denominational. Curious? Then
come hear Dr. Chuck Wildman
who will speak on “The Twentyfirst Century Church” on July 20,
Rev. Don Remick who will speak
on church vitality on July 27, and
Dr. Bill McKinney (a sociologist of
American Protestantism) who will
speak on “Have You Walked on
Water Lately?” on August 10.
We have wonderfully rich
Scriptures for August 3: Jacob
wrestling with the angel, and
Jesus feeding the five thousand.
Do join me and let’s have fun
with these readings as we also
partake of Holy Communion.
The theme of the story continues
with an historical story, a visual
story, and an interfaith story. We
will recreate a worship service
from 1814 as part of the
Historical Society’s
commemoration of the Battle of
Rock Harbor. Then on August 24,
Wellfleet artist Ellen LeBow will
share the struggles and triumphs
of women in Haiti who have found
their voices through art. This will
be a visual, cultural, and
inspirational feast! And then our
summer series concludes on
August 31 (but note the time:
10:00 am!) with interfaith
stories: Father Ken Campbell,
Dr. Abdul Raouf, and Dr. Sharon
Leder will consider Christian,
Muslim, and Jewish perspectives
on contemporary questions.
What a marvelous opportunity to
engage in interfaith conversation!
Worship! The Church Fair! The
new Labyrinth! And so much
more! May the summer be
blessed and blessing for you!
The Federated Church of Orleans
continues to grow in all aspects of
our community of faith as witness
to the first six months of 2014!
The raffle for a chance to win a
vacation in Santa Fe, NM has
been launched. Marti and Donna
kindly agreed to be the co-chairs
of the Raffle Committee and have
tickets available. The Board
approved adding $500 to the
prize to help offset the travel
expenses for the winner. The
drawing will be September 28th.
Anyone interested in possibly
winning this wonderful holiday in
Santa Fe is encouraged to
purchase a ticket. The proceeds
will go towards supporting our
local missions.
Sustaining missions so important
to our outreach; building the
labyrinth; welcoming new
members; opening our arms to
the community through, Saturday
breakfasts; maintaining our built
environment.. the church building
and Emmaus House; spring
cleaning in and out; singing with
Am YaHam welcoming them to
Federated ;cleaning and adding
plantings to the Memorial
Garden; preparing for the church
Fair; updating the front signage
and many, many more!
Each of you add immeasurably to
our faith community by what you
do AND how others perceive of
our church thru YOU. Yes there
will always be more to be done
BUT we will answer the call to
worship, fellowship and love one
another as GOD would
have....blessings to each of you!
Jimmy Dishner
Ernie Rogers, Co-Treasurer,
reported that key benchmarks
(pledges received, total income,
property committee expenses,
and total expenses) as of May
have improved slightly over
April's report. There are still 27
pledges outstanding but a review
concluded that there is no need
for concern. Carl Ericson, Chair
of Investments, reported that the
performance of stocks and bonds
over the last two months has
benefited the church's overall
A Kitchen Renovation Committee
was formed to develop a wish list,
scope of work, and obtain bids for
the improvements needed in the
kitchen. The Committee will
report to the Board of Trustees
and the Cabinet. Actual work on
the kitchen will be postponed
until the 2016 budget unless
alternative funding sources can
be identified.
The color of the church's front
doors remains an issue. There
needs to be clarification as to who
makes the decision and how
before proceeding since there are
differing opinions as to whether
to leave the doors the current
shade of blue or change the color.
Six highway safety cones were
purchased for the parking lot initially to protect the work on the
Labyrinth. A Fishing Rig parking
sign was purchased and will be
installed at the entrance to the
rear parking lot.
The issue of a new electric sign in
front of the church was
discussed. Such a sign would
allow for changing and updating
messages and replace use of
sandwich boards. Will need to
explore ideas, designs & sign
companies. Cost and town
approval would be major factors
as well as the sign would need to
be in keeping with the historic
building and neighborhood.
Trustees approved preliminary
exploration of the issue by the
Property Committee and they will
report findings.
The new Budget Committee has
begun meeting and are in the
strategic planning phase for the
2015 budget. The committee is
chaired by Bill MacLachlan.
Mary Lee Mantz
We celebrated Pirate and Princess
Day and many folks would
question why that sort of day, but
we are learning that we do not
need weapons to solve our
conflicts. We can use our words
and problem solving skills to
resolve conflicts. Here at
preschool we may have issues of
sharing the most popular toy, but
we use our words and actions to
think of a way of resolving the
conflict. Children have
astonishing strengths in this area
with minimal intervention from an
adult. We start each year with
giving our feelings a name:
happy, sad, angry, surprised,
etc., then what does that emotion
look like, what does a person look
like when they are angry…is there
a smile or a frown on a person’s
face. We practice trying to read
each other’s body language, a
difficult task for many adults but
the children in our care really try
to understand the other
person/child. Every once in a
while a teacher may need to step
in to assist in the resolution, but
ultimately it is the children who
come up with a workable solution
and without weapons. YEAH!
As the school year closed, we had
a very busy schedule. We had
many Preschool special days just
like Pirate and Princess, we had
Red Sox Day, Water Day,
Western Day, Bike & Trike Day
and the Year End Gathering. How
do we fit it all in? It is interesting
but we do our best. Our
preschoolers who will be
attending Kindergarten next year
had a special evening of “Wendy’s
& Mini Golf.” We call it “Senior
Spree” and then a Graduation
Ceremony. We said good-bye to 7
children: Brody & Genevieve of
Orleans, Emma & Ryder of
Brewster, Daniel, Coralie, & Grace
of Eastham.
Each year I struggle to fight the
tears from pouring out. It is a
sad good-bye but a sense of
accomplishment because the
children have grown in countless
I would like to thank the
Preschool Committee Board
Members and The Federated
Church for their continued
support of the preschool
program. I wish
everyone a safe and restful
Peace and Love,
Maureen Vigneau
The Singles Brunch folks enjoyed
a grand finale at John
Burlingame's and plan to resume
on a monthly basis after the
Martha Livingston
The Lay Ministry Committee
cordially invites you to a cookout
Sunday, August 10, 2014, 12
Noon at Boots and Bob Gibson’s
beautiful backyard in South
Orleans. So all new members,
those who wish to become new
members in the fall, and those
members who
could not attend
last year are
asked to save that
date for an
enjoyable day! In
July, invitations
will be sent to you
with confirmation of date, time
and directions to the Gibson
Joan Christopher
Volunteers are needed to help
prepare, serve and clean up at
the “Lo-Cal” community meals.
Our church is responsible to help
on the 1st Thursday, 3:30-5:15
P.M. and 5:15-7:00 P.M. and the
3rd Tuesday, 9:30-11:15 A.M. and
11:15-1:00 P.M. Please call
Carolyn Witt at 508-255-8521 to
It’s fun and you will make new
friends! Thank You.
It is summertime
and that means
warm days and also
thirsty days. Don’t
forget to save those
pull-tabs from your
favorite thirst quenchers. This is
a way to help raise funds to
support the humanitarian and
life-saving services the Shriners
Hospitals provide for children all
over the world.
To date more than 835,000
children have been helped by 22
Shriner Hospitals.
So…flip that tab, enjoy that drink,
and know that you are helping
children who need specialized
Barbara Langford
Our Sponsor Children
love to receive mail from us!
Tenzin Lodoe
c/o Tenzin Zeden
Tibetan Children’s Village
Dharamsala Cantt.-176216
Distt. Kangra, H. P.
Layan Dweik
c/o Mrs. Salma Zananiri
Rawadat El-Zuhur School
P O Box 19796
Jerusalem, Israel
Thanks to all who
made the Hyannis
Sound concert a big
success! We have three more
concerts coming up during July
and August: Cape Harmony
(college women's a cappella
group) on July 12, Glen Shane
Duo (folk songs from U.S.,
Ireland, British Isles and Canada)
on July 19, and Bart Weisman’s
Klezmer Swing Group on August
27. All three concerts begin at
7:30 pm.
Special thanks to Jackie Stowell
as she finishes her long tenure on
the Music Committee as
Bud Heidebur, Chair
We’ll miss our organist, Joanne
Bodley, as she leaves us for the
summer, but we wish her a happy
and restful time.
Sally Bailey will fill in for Joanne
on July 13th and 20th, and our
good friend Richard Busch will be
on the organ bench on July 6th &
27, as well as the month of
August. Many thanks to Sally &
Richard, and we look forward to
seeing Joanne again in
Our Chancel and Handbell Choirs
will also be off for the summer,
but Music Director Betty Kelly has
lined up some wonderful
musicians for our summer
services. Watch for the choir on
September 14th – RALLY DAY!
Our choirs are always looking for
new members. If you’ve thought
you might like to give either a try
– to sing or ring –call the church
office and Marti or Donna will put
you in touch with Music Director
Betty Kelly or Handbell Choir
Director Bonnie Brenner.
Happy Summer to All!
Upcoming Concerts
The Federated Church
of Orleans
----------------Cape Harmony
July 12
7:30 pm
Glen Shane Duo
July 19
7:30 pm
Bart Weisman
Klezmer Swing Group
August 27
7:30 pm
Richard Busch Piano Concert
September 14
4:00 pm
Chamber Singers of the
Outer Cape Chorale
October 5
4:00 pm
The Labyrinth is nearly
completed. Our painters are
working under the direction of
Jan Laster and Dave Ericson
(Dave is the professional painter
we hired to provide consultation
on the painting project). Jan and
her crew from the church have
spent many days painting in the
stencil that is used as the pattern
for the Labyrinth that was
procured from a company in
Connecticut that specializes in the
different patterns for the
Labyrinth. The pattern we are
using is a duplicate of the
Labyrinth found on the floor of
the sanctuary of the Chartres
Cathedral in France. (Jane and I
were part of the 800th
celebration of the Cathedral.)
The plan is to have the dedication
of the Labyrinth sometime this
summer. We will have prepared
instructions for walking the
Labyrinth for those that have not
walked a Labyrinth before.
In September and October we will
follow up the successful
“Underground Church” study
with the book, "Christianity
After Religion" by Diane Butler
Bass. We will be ordering books
for those interested, but please
go ahead and order a book or
download on one of the devices
similar to the Kindle.
Ms. Butler was the primary
speaker at the Massachusetts
Conference UCC Super Saturday
in March.
Diana Butler Bass is a historian
focusing on the history of
Christianity and a leading voice
in progressive Christianity. She
is currently an independent
scholar who writes broadly on
American religion and culture.
She is the author of eight books,
three of which have won research
or writing awards.
Thursdays September 18 and
25 6:30 pm
The group will walk the Labyrinth
on the 18th and relate the
spiritual path of the Labyrinth to
the spiritual life of two mystics,
Teresa of Avila and John of the
Cross. The church's Labyrinth
provides a wonderful opportunity
of supporting our efforts as we
try to practice a more spiritual
journey. Another opportunity to
spend some time with "Evening
with the Mystics," led by Don
and Jane Wick.
The Board of Mission and Social
Concerns is evaluating the
mission life of our church. The
evaluation and recommendations
for mission is being done by
Donald Wick, Board Chair, Jimmy
Dishner, Nina Kaars, and Rev.
Sally Norris. We also will be
consulting with present board
members and will make a full
report in the fall.
The Justice Task Force, which
meets monthly, continues to
explore justice issues on which
the church needs to focus. We
plan to further explore the
Israel/Palestinian issue. A
number of us have been
concerned and have worked on
this issue for many years. We
will participate in the Tree of Life
program, which attempts to listen
to both the voices from the Israeli
and Palestinian communities.
Recently several of us
participated in the program
related to Israeli/Palestinian
concerns at the Brewster Ladies
Library. Larry Minear traveled to
the area this past fall and was
part of a program that helped
Palestinian farmers pick olives.
For more information on the
various programs available please
contact Larry Minear or Don Wick.
We are interested in gathering
further information from the
congregation on justice issues.
We plan to take a few minutes
from one of the worship services
this summer to get your input.
Don Wick
"Federated Church of Orleans"
Grab your family/house
guests/friends and head to
Provincetown for a 5K walk/run
... all to benefit the AIDS Support
Group of Cape Cod. Sign-up
sheets are in the vestry for
walkers, runners and pledgers for
our team members. Let's have
some fun while generating funds
for an amazing local organization!
(Provincetown to Falmouth) will
begin July 14th. A few people
walk the distance; others walk
segments of the trail; still others
walk on their own, choosing their
location(s), date, and time.
Sponsors of walkers from this
church assist the Homeless
Prevention Council. Those who
have signed up as walkers to date
are Priscilla Morrison, Carolyn
Witt, Dave King, and Ken Chase.
If you want to be a walker, please
notify Phil Mitchell (508 2551228) and he will provide the
signup sheets. Please see the
table in the Vestry where you
may sponsor walkers.
Date: Sunday, July 20
Time: 8:30 A.M.
Questions? Call Amy Redihan,
Ross MacLean and Tina Meservey
will hold their fifth annual house
party on Sunday, August 3 from 3
to 5 pm. The party will be
catered by Deborah Collins of
Idgy's Restaurant. We request
that folks NOT bring anything
besides themselves -- with the
exception of fruit still in its skins.
Please rsvp by Thursday, August
1, at
5:00 pm.
Ross and Tina
Summer Breakfast Host
Members of the following boards
and committees will be your
hosts at the 8:15 am Sunday
Continental Breakfasts before
9:00 a.m. worship:
July 6
July 13
July 20
July 27
Board of Deacons
Flower Committee
Christian Ed
August 3 Board of Trustees
August 10
Lay Ministry
August 17
August 24
What a joy to be with 500+
people working for similar goals:
Hearing 500 voices singing the
beloved hymns of our tradition
Learning of the extreme needs of
so many people and how to work
for a more just world
Shining the light on our church’s
innovative, ‘knock your socks off,’
work –Mary Avellar’s Saturday
morning breakfasts and the
Calsson’s Easter Dinner
Walking the indoor labyrinth
Thanking God for all blessings
Absorbing the vast experience
and knowledge of Jean Souther
Debating issues in a strong, but
loving voice
Embracing the presence of two
therapy dogs
Enjoying healthy and delicious
Voting unanimously on most
issues –there were a few
And, seeing and hearing Pastor
Sally —our leader and the MA
Conference leader, par
Jan Laster
donations to
Fellowship Room
beginning Thursday, June 25th
and every Tuesday and Thursday
thereafter between Noon and
2:00 PM. Call Dot Walters if you
need help with delivery. Donate
clean, saleable, good/best
condition items.
PLEASE – NO: Plastic,
Christmas-related, magazines,
appliances needing repair
(obvious rejects).
WELCOME: Any help with
unpacking, arranging and pricing.
This opportunity will benefit
domicile, yourselves and The
Federated Church. Donate tennis
racquets, bowling balls, serving
trays, ceramic Cherubs and
unused yoga mats! Your item
may be unique, antique,
collectible, one-of-a-kind, hard to
find….let us price it, display it,
Dot Walters
508 255-7591
Adult and children’s books - Fiction, non-fiction, cookbooks,
DVD’s, CD’s and videos
They are musty smelling and
have bugs in them. This
results in many trips to the
Please help me in this.
Contact Sandy Stockwell at 508
255-4946. Books may be
dropped off at our house --- 37
Gibson Road, Orleans --- from
July 14th until July 31st.
Magazines, sheet music or
Readers Digest Condensed Books
We have a great Strong for Life
exercise class here at The
Federated Church on Tuesday
and Friday from 10:00-10:45
year round - and its free! The
exercises are designed for seniors
and are safe and effective as well
as easily adapted for the
handicapped. The 2 different
lessons include light aerobic
warm up followed by strength
training using resistance bands
(you probably have one at home
from PT) The muscles of the
chest, back, shoulders, arms, and
legs are worked with stretching
incorporated. The whole thing is
on a DVD. All of the exercises
are done standing beside or
holding on to a chair or seated.
Those who use a cane would
especially profit from
strengthening their upper bodies.
For the 14th
year I will be
swimming for
the "Against the
Tide" Event at
Flax Pond in Brewster on August
16. If you’d like to sponsor me,
you can help in any one of three
Come and give us a try, or ask
Priscilla for more information so
you can check with your doctor
before participating. It’s a lot
more fun to exercise with a group
and doesn't require as much will
power as going it alone.
“You have always been my best
supporters, so thanks in
Priscilla Morrison
Do you have a pop-up canopy (10
x 10 or 12 x 12) that we can use
- Make a pledge when you see
for the Church FAIR? Call Dave
King (508 240-0228) and he will
- Mail me a check made out to
(Mass Breast Cancer Coalition) to
190 Route 6A #13B, Orleans MA
pick it up the week of the FAIR
- Make a donation on line to:
and return it immediately after
the FAIR.
Thank you.
WANTED: Tried and
true pie crust
recipe that rolls out
easily and is flaky.
Email to so I
can buy the correct ingredients.
Also, if you have a Tupperware
pie kit (plastic roll out sheet and
rolling pin) that we could borrow
that would be great. Otherwise
look for a sign-up sheet and sign
with your name and telephone
number that you will participate
on Thursday, August 7 at 7:00
PM in the church kitchen.
Indicate any fruit that you will
donate to the cause (pick those
raspberries and blueberries and
stick them in your freezer till
then). I'm hoping to get
additional fresh stuff from
If you're like me and cannot roll
out a crust then you can peel the
apples or prepare the fruit. We'll
have a fun night and the bake
sale will earn more as everyone
will want a homemade pie. See
you then (Mark Your Calendar).
Don't forget those pie plates
you've been saving. I'll have a
box in the kitchen for you to fill.
Summer Comes Alive:
Fresh Voices of
Inspiration and Action
Continental Breakfast - 8:15 am
Worship - 9:00 am
Month of July
July 6 – Rev. Sally Norris
“Voices of Faith”
with Holy Communion
July 13 – Dr. Olivia White
Dr. White, a theologically trained
laywoman, was born in Jabalpur,
India as a third generation
Christian. She came to the
United States in 1962, and had a
career as a professor and as
Executive Minister for Wider
Church Ministries, UCC. She will
share her fascinating and lively
July 20 – Rev. Dr. Chuck
“The Twenty-first Century
Dr. Wildman is a retired UCC
minister having served for over
20 years at Rock Spring
Congregational UCC in Arlington,
Virginia. Following retirement he
served as Interim Conference
Minister in Connecticut. He now
serves on the Board of Directors
of the Massachusetts Conference,
August 24 – Artist Ellen
July 27 – Rev. Don Remick
Rev. Remick is Associate
Conference Minister for the
Southeast Region of the MACUCC,
and is a lively, engaging,
energetic preacher!
August 3 – August 24
Wellfleet artist Ellen LeBow has
worked for over 15 years in a
women’s art center in Matenwa,
Haiti, and has created a
connection between Nauset High
School and her Haitian projects.
August 3 – Rev. Sally Norris
with Holy Communion
August 31 – 10:00 a.m.
August 10 – Rev. Dr. William
“Have You Walked on Water
Dr. McKinney is a sociologist of
American religion and served for
14 years as president of Pacific
School of Religion. He currently
is a consultant with the Center for
Progressive Renewal.
August 17 –
Worship from 1814
As part of the Orleans Historical
Society commemoration of the
Battle of Rock Harbor in 1814, we
will re-create an historic worship
service from that year!
An Interfaith Dialogue
“Christian, Jewish, and
Muslim Perspectives on
Contemporary Questions”
Father Ken Campbell, Dr. Sharon
Leder, and Dr. Abdul Raouf