Communication 1010 – Speech Outline - Meghan Short's e

Meghan Short
Roger Johnson
Communication 1020 Principals of Public Speaking
Speech 5 Outline # 2
Topic: Sports Drinks in the Sports World
Audience Analysis: Because some of my audience may not know about the side effects of
Energy Drinks in sports I will spend Main Point 2 explaining them.
General Purpose: To … To persuade.
Specific Purpose: To …To persuade my audience that Energy Drinks should not be used
to boost energy.
Thesis: Energy Drinks and exercise can be dangerous and even fatal.
I. A. Would you be confused of you saw a health teenage boy fall down in the
middle of a sport game and die? (Attention)
B. Through my research I learned that Energy Drinks cause serious to fatal
problem in children, teens, and adults. (Credibility)
A. Energy Drinks can cause serious or fatal problems in children, teens, and
adults; they are dangerous, and are now illegal in Europe and in the teen Sports world
here in America. (Purpose)
B. When you drink an energy drink you are putting yourself at risk for serious
problems that could be life threatening. (Relevant to listeners)
C. I want to show you how dangerous these drinks can be, and other ways that
you can avoid them. (Motivate audience) (Ethos)
BODY (Problem Solution Pattern)
I. (1st Main Point) Energy Drinks are Dangerous In General By Charlie Rouse
A. Energy Drinks are dangerous in general, they started out just to help give
people energy; they didn’t start out for sports.
1- Alcohol mixed with Energy Drinks became an issue in teens.
B. The caffeine level is enough to stop a heart depending on the weight of the
person consuming it and how many are drunk.
II (2nd Main Point) Side Effects of Energy Drinks By Manny Alverez and Alex
Mecdonald. (Testimony) (Example) (Logos)
A. Hypertension is a side effect
1- High blood pressure from the heart beating to fast.
B. Stroke is a Side Effect
C. Heart Attack is a side effect.
1- Because of the elevated blood pressure.
D. Anxiety is a side effect aka adrenalin
1- Elevated attention causes this side effect
E. Headaches are another side effect.
F. Disturbed Sleep patterns are a side effect.
1- Because of the caffeine.
G. Side Effects of going off Energy Drinks
1- Headaches
2- Nausea
3- Weakness
4- Tiredness
5- Lethargic
6- Irritability
III. (3rd Main Point) Katlyn Aschenbrenner’s story. By Melissa Burnner
A. Katlyn drank 2 Monster Energy Drinks before a soccer practice; halfway
through she started to go numb on her right side and fell down to a seizure and died on
the way to the hospital
B. Doctors concluded that Katlyn had a heart attack from to much caffeine in the
body because of the Monster Energy drink plus exercise- it caused the heart to beat to
IV. (4th Main Point) It is now illegal to drink Energy Drinks. (Facts) (Logos)
A. After to many deaths due to Energy drinks in teens, Energy Drinks became
illegal in 2010.
B. In the teen sports world in America you it is illegal to drink energy drinks
before, during, or after a game in the sports.
V. (5 Main Point) Other ways to get energy. (Shape Fit) (Pathos)
A. Sufficient amounts of sleep.
B. Stretching before, during, after exercise.
C. Watered down sports drinks before and during exercise; not watered down
after exercise.
D. Protein the day before strenuous exercise.
VI. (5ht Main Point) The caffeine Content in the most common Energy Drinks.
According to fitnessSingles. (Facts) (Logos)
A. 5 hour energy contains 138 mg of caffeine.
B. Amp contains 75 mg of caffeine.
C. Monster contains 160 mg of caffeine.
D. NOS contains 260 mg of caffeine.
E. Red bull contains 80 mg of caffeine.
F. Rockstar contains 160 mg of caffeine.
G. Full Throttle contains 87 mg of caffeine.
H. All while coffee only contains 40 mg of caffeine per cup.
I. Tea contains 30 mg of caffeine per cup.
I In Conclusion. (Alert Audience)
II A. In Conclusion energy drinks are scary and can be serious or even fata in any age of
human. (Remind of Topic/ Purpose)
B. Energy Drinks are dangerous, they have horrible side effects, they are illegal and
their caffeine content is to high for any human being. (Main Points)
C. I challenge you all to find healthy ways to get energy rather than using energy
drinks. (Challenge audience)
D. I hope I helped you to understand the dangers of energy drinks, and that you will
pass this knowledge to others. (Impression)
(Ended soon after audience was alerted; lasted no more than 1/6 of speech)
Presentation Aid: Picture of the most common energy drinks in America.
Supporting Materials (Citations)
1.Alex Mcdonald, “Energy Drinks and Exercise”, (Internet) PowerBar Power to
Push. [Cited 2011 Aug 9]. Available From:
2.Melissa Burnner, “Teens Story Illustrates Dangers of Sports Drinks”,, (Internet). 2002-2011 [cited 2011 Aug 9].
Available From
3. CharIie Rouse, “Are Energy Drinks Dangerous?”, The Medicine Man,
(Internet), 2010 [cited 2011 Aug 9]. Available From:
4. Manny Alvarez “Harmful Effects of Energy Drinks”, Healing Wellness Center,
(Internet). Feb 8 2011 (Cited 2011 Aug 9). Available From:
5. “Shape Fit”, fitnessSingles, (Internet). 2011 (Cited 2011 Aug 9). Available