PHOTOGRAPHY I/FAS147- SUMMER 2013 Art & Art History UTM/SHERIDAN Instructor: Arnold Koroshegyi ( Room: (Studio) AA2 (Digital Lab) J318 [Second half of term] Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:30-12:30 & 12:30-4:30pm Website: May 7 to June 18 This introductory course emphasizes the use photography as a tool for artistic expression. Students will build skills using a manual-operation camera, processing B&W film, creating silver-based photographic prints in the darkroom, and in acquiring basic digital processing and printing techniques in colour photography. Photography is presented as a medium for communication through in-class discussion, analysis and interpretation. Classes will consist of lectures, demonstrations, lab and studio time, individual consultation and group critiques. Through assigned projects, students will organize visual information, create metaphors with photographic imagery, relate images to each other, cultivate a personal style, and refine their technical expertise and ability to read, understand and critique photographic imagery. Written work will focus on the description and interpretation of photographic works. Group critiques will provide students with the opportunity to seek and to offer feedback and support. In order to successfully complete this course you must: 1) Attend all classes punctually. 2) Students are responsible for all material and information provided in class and must comply with the dates and Assignments given. The student is responsible for keeping up with class activities if he/she has missed a class. Term work must be submitted by the assigned date. A penalty of 10% per day of lateness up to and including work submitted on the last day of the term will be applied by the Instructor. 3) All absences and any supporting documentation (e.g. U of T medical certificate, death certificate, etc) should be reported through ROSI and be accompanied by an absence declaration. 4) Utilize assigned studio and lab times. 5) Participate in discussions, group critiques and field trips. 6) Adhere to the Academic Honesty Policy: demic%20Honesty&Searchstring=Academic%20Honesty Academic Honesty The principle of academic honesty requires that all work submitted for evaluation and course credit be the original, unassisted work of the student. Cheating or plagiarism including borrowing, copying, purchasing or collaborating on work, except for group projects arranged and approved by the faculty member, or otherwise submitting work that is not the student’s own violates this principle and will not be tolerated. Instances of academic dishonesty, including assisting another student to cheat, will be penalized as detailed in the Student Handbook. Students who have any questions regarding whether or not specific circumstances involve a breach of academic honesty are advised to discuss them with the faculty member prior to submitting the assignment in question. Discrimination and Harassment Sheridan is committed to provide a learning environment that respects the dignity, self esteem and fair treatment of every person engaged in the learning process. Behaviour which is inconsistent with this principle will not be tolerated. Details of Sheridan’s policy on Harassment and Discrimination are available in the Student Handbook. Other Rules and Expectations: •ABSOLUTELY NO FOOD OR DRINK IN AA2 (including chewing gum) •Cell Phones and MP3 players (or other personal portable audio devices) are prohibited in AA2. Please turn off your phones prior to coming to class. •Dark room and studio must be kept tidy and in good working order at all times. •Friends and participants in projects are permitted in AA2 during lab and studio time, but are not permitted at any other time (critiques, lectures, etc.) •Punctuality and attendance are MANDATORY FOR ALL CLASSES •Appropriate footwear should be worn: no flip flops or sandals. • “Ozone” Rules must be followed strictly or fines will be levied. TERM Assignment #1: Pinholes and Photograms Assignment #2: Like nothing you’ve seen before Assignment #3: Mimic Assignment #4: The Portrait Assignment #5: Tabletop Theatre Photographic Scavenger Hunt Technical Test Attendance and Participation Total 10% 15% 15% 15% 15% 10% 10% 10% 100% UTM Marking Guide: 90-100%: A+ 77-79%: B+ 67-69%: C+ 57-59%: D+ Under 50: FAIL 85-89%: 73-76%: 63-66%: 53-56%: A B C D 80-84%: 70-72%: 60-62%: 50-52%: ABCD- Lockers As your tools and materials will be required in class on a regular basis, you will need to obtain a locker at Sheridan College for storage of these items. There is no charge for lockers at Sheridan - you simply find an empty locker and claim it by bringing your own lock. Do this ASAP. Summer students should indicate that they are occupying the locker with a sign. The following textbook is optional for this course: London, Barbara and Stone, Jim. A Short Course in Photography: An Introduction to Photographic Technique, (Seventh or Eighth edition) New Jersey, Prentice Hall (ISBN: 0131933809) Assigned Readings: Barrett, Terry. Chapter Three “Interpreting Photographs.”— Criticizing Photographs: An Introduction to Understanding Images, McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages; 3rd edition 1999. pp. 36-58. (ISBN-13: 978-0767411868) The following tools and materials will be necessary for you to carry out the requirements of this course: ~A portable USB memory stick (2 gigabytes minimum) ~2 to 4 DVD-R 4.7 GB disks (optional) ~X-ACTO knife and blades ~a 35mm camera, which allows for manual exposure control. (optional) ~a normal (recommended) or zoom lens. (optional) ~ a tripod and a long cable release (optional) ~a skylight or UV filter, to protect your lens. (optional) ~a package of lens tissue (optional) ~an antistatic cloth ~a large blower bulb (optional) ~a two-reel film processing tank (optional) ~plastic negative sleeves (for 35mm, 36 exposures) ~a three-ring binder for storing negatives ~ Black and white film, 36 exposures, 100-400 ISO, 6-8 rolls (refer to each project for particular ISO requirements) ~100 sheets black & white, resin coated: RC photo paper, 8"x10", (NOT FIBRE) ~a notebook for keeping a log ~a fine point permanent marking pen to record information on the back of your prints. A “Sharpee” is perfect. ~#3 Spotone retouching liquid for b&w print spotting. (optional) ~spotting brush, size 3 to 5 zero for print spotting. (optional) ~personal safety equipment. i.e., rubber gloves; respirator mask - with organic vapour cartridges; darkroom apron; towel to dry hands; etc. (optional) Sources for Photo Equipment and Supplies Sheridan College Bookstore (for film, paper, mounting board, etc.) 905.815.4050 Oakville: Henry’s Oakville (10% off for students) 220 North Service Road (QEW and Dorval) 905.337.9331 Mississauga: Henry’s Mississauga (10% off for students) 4587 Hurontario Street and Eglinton 905.568.1922 Burlington: Burlington Camera 489 Guelph Line (2km south of QEW) 905.632.7722 (closed Wednesday and Sunday) Downtown Toronto: Henry’s (10% off for students) 119 Church Street, south of Queen Street 416.868.0872 Downtown Camera (10% off for students) 55 Queen Street East, just east of Yonge Street 416.363.1749 Vistek 496 Queen Street East, east of Parliament St. 416.365.1777 Toronto Image Works (10% off for students) (photofinishing, film and paper) 80 Spadina Avenue, Suite 207 (Near King West) 416-703-1999 Course Outline: (proposed: changes may occur) Class IN CLASS #1:AM TUE. May 7 Introduction to course, go over outline, review materials list, in class activity and tour of facility, presentation on camera controls/functions. Darkroom Introduction. Print demo. Work in groups on Pinholes and Photograms. #1:PM TUE. May 7 #2:AM THUR. May 9 #3:AM TUE. MAY 14 Explore composition and framing/aesthetic and style Lecture: Introduction to camera, How to Develop Your Own Film Presentation on camera controls/functions. In depth camera controls presentation. (Aperture, shutter, exposure, metering). Look at photographers. Camera Controls Review. Intro to B&W: Grey card, film, processing… #3:PM TUE. MAY 14 DEVELOP YOUR FIRST ROLL OF B&W FILM. Make your first contact sheet. #4:AM THUR. MAY 16 Burning in and dodging, Spotting and mounting demo. Look at images and lighting examples. Lab Time Critique Lighting demo in studio #2:PM THUR. May 9 #4:PM THUR. MAY 16 HANDOUTS BRING Materials for photograms. PURCHASE: B&W, RC PAPER (8X10) (Printing 1 ) Supplies for studio/lab time NEW ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNMENT #1: Pinholes and Photograms. DUE THIS CLASS ASSIGNMENT #2: Like nothing You’ve Seen before IT IS STRONGLY ADVISED THAT YOU PURCHASE MOST OF YOUR FILM AND OTHER MATERIALS ON THIS DAY. Supplies for studio/lab time Film and your camera. (Camera 1) Your camera and light meter (if you have one) (Film 1) Your shot but unprocessed roll of film. Darkroom (Printing 2 ) Negative sleeves ASSIGN. #1: Pinhole and Photograms. ASSIGNMENT #3: Mimic Supplies for studio/lab time ASSIGN. #2: Like nothing You’ve Seen before Is due #5:AM TUE. MAY 21 Digital camera introduction Middle grey, White Balance and lighting demo Lab Time (Lighting 1) #6:AM THUR. MAY 23 Looking at images: Lecture Review Assignment #4 and upload images from digital cameras. Basic Photoshop lecture. (Digital 1) #6:PM THUR. MAY 23 Video: TBA Interim Review Lab Time #5:PM TUE. MAY 21 DAY IN CLASS #7:AM TUE. MAY 28 #7:PM TUE. MAY 28 Critique #8:AM THUR. MAY 30 Colour and Light lecture Colour correction demo Look at the work of colour photographers. Intro to studio lighting. Digital Lab (Demo) #8:PM THUR. MAY 30 DSLR Demo Review #9:AM TUE. JUNE 4 #9:PM TUE. JUNE 4 Technical Test, lab time #10:AM THUR. JUNE 6 Digital Lab (Printing Demo) Fake, but accurate Lecture Demo: Advanced studio lighting Your Digital camera if you have one In-class activity The good, the bad and the ugly. Supplies for studio/lab time Your Digital camera if you have one ASSIGNMENT #4: The Portrait Supplies for studio/lab time HAVE READ BRING NEW ASSIGNMENT ASSIGN. #3: Mimic IS DUE Finished project (Digital 2) Supplies for studio/lab time (Digital 3) Your DSLR if you have one Supplies for studio/lab time Technical Test Supplies for studio/, work in progress ASSIGNMENT #5: Tabletop Theatre (Lighting 2) Props, etc. to shoot tabletop DUE THIS CLASS #10:PM THUR. JUNE 6 Critique #11:AM TUE. JUNE 11 #11:PM TUE. JUNE 11 #12:AM THUR. JUNE 13 #12:PM THUR. JUNE 13 Digital Lab (Demo) JUNE 18 Studio/lab time. assign. Finished project ASSIGN. #4 The Portrait IS DUE Props,, etc. to shoot tabletop assign. Barrett, T. “Interpreting Photographs” Studio/lab time. Supplies for studio/lab time Photographic Scavenger Hunt LAST CLASS! Critique of Assignment #5 Finished project ASSIGN. #5 Tabletop Theatre IS DUE ALL LATE PROJECTS ARE DUE NO PROJECTS ACCEPTED AFTER THIS DATE. Studio and Darkroom Rules: This is a co-operative facility. Each person using this space is responsible for keeping the studio safe and the darkroom running smoothly. All procedures and rules must be followed. Failure to do so will result in the loss of studio and darkroom privileges. Absence Policy / Penalties for Lateness / Late Assignments: Term work must be submitted by the assigned date. Work not handed in on the due date is reduced 10% in value each week. (There is no “daily rate” for lateness, so assignments handed in one day late and those handed in 6 days late will be penalized the same amount of 10%). No late work will be accepted after 3 weeks. Students will be deducted 5% for failing to attend a critique. Procedures and Rules Missed Term Work, Tests and Extensions Extensions or deferred tests (including the final exam) can only be granted because of dire circumstances (severe illness, death of a loved one, etc.). We cannot make allowances because of work schedules, pre-arranged holidays, and so on. Student absences must be declared on ROSI. Supporting documentation is required (e.g. U of T medical certificate, death certificate, etc.). Students who missed a test due to circumstances beyond their control (e.g. illness, or an accident), can request that the Department grant them special consideration. All requests for make-up tests and for extended time to submit term work beyond the last day of classes, must be completed on a special form obtained from the DVS Office or and submitted to the Program Administrative Officer in the Sheridan School of Animation, Arts and Design (A100) within one week from due date. If you submit medical documentation make sure it contains the statement "This student was unable to write the test (or submit term work by the last day of classes, if applicable) on (date) for medical reasons". You MUST see your physician on the day of the missed test or the day later or your request will be denied. A statement merely acknowledging a report of illness made by the student to the physician is NOT acceptable. For further information on this procedure visit You have up to one week from the date of the missed test to submit your request; late submissions will NOT be considered. In case of emergencies (medical or other) contact the Program Administrative Officer on 905 845 9430 ext. 2571 or email within 24hrs of the due date of an assignment or test. No penalty will be assigned if your request for special consideration, described above, was successful. Notes: