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Curriculum vitae
Name : Hakon Kofoed, born 27.06.1943 in Copenhagen, Denmark (DK)
June 1962, High School, Christianshavns Gymnasium: Mathematical line. Copenhagen, DK
June 1972, Scientific Medical Examination. University of Copenhagen. Denmark
June 1972, Authorisation as Danish Medical Doctor
Jan. 1978, Authorisation as Independent Medical Doctor
Jan. 1976-Jan. 2009. Assoc. Prof. Orthopaedics, University of Copenhagen. Denmark
Okt. 1980, Authorisation as Specialist in Orthopædic Surgery
Aug. 1986, Chief Orthopaedic Surgeon Acute and Emergency Dept., National University, DK
Aug. 1993, Senior Orthopaedic Surgeon, and Director of Pre-and Postgraduate Education,
Orthopaedic University Clinic, Frederiksberg Hosp., Copenhagen, Denmark
Jan, 1996, Director of the Elective Foot Ankle Surgical Section, University Clinic, Copenhagen
Apr. 2002, Hon. Prof. of Orthop., Tianjin University Hospital, Tianjin, China
Nov. 2003, Hon. Prof. of Orthop.,Peoples Liberation Army Hospital, University of Beijing, China
Jun. 2008 Senior Consultant, Orthopaedics, Kysthospitalet, Skodsborg, Denmark
Clinical Education :
010772-140574 Ortop.Surg. National University, Denmark
150574-300974 Medical Rheumatol Dept. TA, National University
011174-300475 Surg.,Gyn.,Obstet.,Thisted Central Hospital.
150575-310775 Medical Rheumatol Dept. TA, National University
22.5 mo.
4 mo.
6 mo.
2.5 mo.
Internship in General Surgery, National University Hospital (NUH), Copenhagen, Denmark
Urology and Vascular Surg Dept, NUH
Thoracic and Endocrin. Surg. Dept. R NUH
Ortopaedic Surg. Dept. U, NUH
Gastroenterol. Surg., Dept C, NUH
Specialist training
Orthop. Surg., Södersjukhuset, Stockholm, Sweden
Neurosurg. Karolinska Sjukhuset,Stockholm, Sweden
Orthop.Surg. Dept.U, NUH, Denmark
Orthop.Surg. Dept.U, NUH, Denmark
Orthop.Surg. Dept. O, Frederiksberg Hospital, DK
Orthopaedic Surgery Training in total:
9 mo.
12 mo.
12 mo.
senior reg 17 mo.
senior reg 60 mo.
senior reg 54 mo.
11 years and 11mo.
Specialist Compentences:
010580-300981 Consultant, The Radiumstation, Copenhagen.
Hard and soft-tissue sarcomas.
010580-300981 and
010284-310786 Consultant RheumaSurgery, NUH, Copenhagen.
011081-310184 Scientific Fellow in Orthopaedics, University of Copenhagen
010284-310189 Consultant Developmental Orthopaedic Surgery and Adult Spinal
Surgery, NUH, Copenhagen
010886-160887 Chief Acute and Emergency Depart., NUH, Copenhagen
010196-310510 Chief Elective Foot Ankle Surgery, Copenhagen University
010608Senior orthopaedic consultant, Kysthospitalet Skodsborg
60 Mo
12.5 Mo
173 Mo
Scientific jobs
Since 1985 Referee: Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica
Since 1996 Editorial Board: Foot & Ankle Surgery
Since 2003 Referee: Clinical Orthopedics and Related research
Since 2004 Referee: European Instructional lectures (EFORT)
Since 2005 Editorial board: Journal Rehabilitation Research Development
Since 2012 Editorial board: Clinical Research on Foot & Ankle
Union jobs
2004-2010 ,
2008-2010 ,
2008- 2011,
2010- 2012,
Council Member young doctors council, Frederiksberg Hospital
Representative Young Doctors National Council, Denmark.
Council Member Doctors Advisory Board, Frederiksberg Hospital
Council Member LSU and
Operation theatres, Frederiksberg Hospital.
Council Member of Postgraduate Educational Committee, Frederiksberg Hospital
Danish Representative of ESFAS (European Societies Foot Ankle Surgery)
DRG-responsibility for Orthopaedic clinic, Frederiksberg Hospital
Boardmember and treasurer and founding member of EFAS (European Foot
Ankle Society)
President of council for the building of the Alpha Instituttet (hands-onlaboratory), Frederiksberg Hospital
Board member of EFAS, special responsibility for the new EU-countries
Boardmember and founding member of DFAS (Danish Foot Ankle Society
President of DFAS
National Health Authority judge of Applicants for Chiefs of Foot and Ankle Surg.
President elect EFAS (European Foot Ankle Society).
President EFAS
Board member IFFAS
Past president EFAS
2010 -
Board member, special committees for 1) European F&A certification, 2) European
Total Ankle register (chair), and 3) EFAS foot ankle scoring system
Receiver of Funds from Scientific Foundations
1976 Asta og Jul. P. Justesen Fonden
1983 Guildal Fonden
1993 Bodil Petersen Fonden
1994 Lyckfeldt Fonden
Scientific memberships
1972, D.A.D.L. (Danish Doctors League)
1976, DOS (Danish Orthopaedic Society)
1977, DKS (Danish Surgical Society)
1980, FAS (Federation of medical specialists)
1983, NOF (Nordic Orthopaedic Federation)
1989, ARCO (Association Research Circulation Osseous)
1993, EHS (European Hip Society)
1994, DRKS (Danish rheumasurgical society)
1996, ESFAS (European Society Foot and Ankle Surgeons)
1998, EFAS (European Society of Foot and Ankle Surgery)
2000, DFAS (Danish Foot-Ankle Society)
2003, AOFAS (American Orthopedic Foot Ankle Society)
2011, DAF (German Foot ankle Society), Honorable Corresponding member
2011, SCCOT (Colombian Orthopaedic Society), Honorable Corresponding member
Participation in Courses
Juli 1975, S.I.C.O.T. xiii world congress, Copenhagen, Denmark :
1. Malignant Bone Tumours
2. Rheumatoid Surgery
3. Peripheral Nerve Surgery
Juli 1975, Postcongress meeting, Stockholm :
1. Malignant Soft Tissue Tumours
Danish Surgical Society Postgraduate Obligatory courses :
Sep 1975, Statistics(1 week)
Nov 1975, Rheumasurgery(3-days)
Feb 1976, Microbiology(1 week)
Mar 1976, Vascular Surgery(3-days)
Maj 1976, Hip Traumatology(3-days)
Okt 1976, Electrolyte-, and Saltbalance(1 week)
Okt 1976, Knee Orthopaedics(3-days)
Nov 1976, Urological Immunology(3-days )
Jan 1977, Oncology(3-dages kursus)
Maj 1977, Open Heart Surgery(3-days)
Other Courses
Juni 1977, Nordic Surgical Federation, Bergen, Norge
Acute abdomen (1 day)
Juli 1984, NATO, Marbella, Spain :
1. Application of material Science to the Practice of Implant Orthopedic Surgery
(1 week)
Nov 1985, First International Congress on BACK PAIN, Vienna, Austria (5-days)
Feb 1986, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, New Orleans, USA (8-days
Apr 1986, International Back Pain Society, Copenhagen, Denmark (1-day)
Sep 1987, SICO, iv International Symposium on Bone Circulation. Toulouse, France
Okt 1987, Howmedica Symposium on External Fixation, Stockholm,Sweden (1-day)
Apr 1988, First European Symposium on Low Contact Stress Knee prosthesis. Amsterdam,
Holland (3-days)
Okt 1988, The use of Hydroxy-Apatite Ceramic Coating in Orthopaedic Surgery. London,
England (1-day)
Feb 1989, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Las Vegas, USA (8-days)
Dec 1989, Association Research Circulation Osseous, Toulouse, France (2-days)
Sep 1990, S.I.C.O.T.,xviii World Congress, Montreal, Canada (5-days)
Nov 1990, Association Research Circulation Osseous. Naples, Italy (2-days)
Feb 1991, Danish Orthopædic Society postgraduate course. Foot diseases. Brøndby. (3-days)
Nov 1991, Danish Orthopædic Society postgraduate course. Footdiseases. Brøndby. (3-Days)
Dec 1991, Association Research Circulation Osseous, Basel, Switzerland (2-days)
Mar 1992,Frederiksberg Communes Course 1) Guidance and communication (1-day)
Apr 1992, Frederiksberg Communes Course 2) Guidance and communication (1-day)
Jun 1992, Nordic Orthopædic Federation. Malmö, Sverige ( 3-days)
Sep 1992, International Orthopaedic Postgraduate Course. Brussel, Belgien( 3-days)
Nov 1992, Danish Ortopædic Society postgraduate course: Foot diseases. Brøndby. (3-Days)
Aug 1993, S.I.C.O.T., XIX World Congress, Seoul, Korea (5-days)
Okt 1993, Course in Postgraduate Education. Frederiksberg Kommune (2-days).
Sep 1994, First EFFAS Congress, Zürich, Schweiz (3-days)
Okt 1994, IV Nimes Orthopaedic Congress, Nimes, Frankrig (2-days)
Jan 1995, Second ESFAS Congress, Davos, Schweiz (2-days)
Sep 1995, Danish Ortopædic Society postgraduate course. Foot diseases. Brøndby (3-days)
Okt 1995, 92. SPLLOT Congress, St. Margaritha, Italien (2-days)
Mar 1996, First Academic Congress of Asian Foot Surgery. Kaoshiung, Taiwan (2-days)
Aug 1996, S.I.C.O.T., XX World Congress, Amsterdam, Holland (5-days)
Dec 1996, Total Joint Arthroplasty Congress. Chang Gung Memortial Hospital. 20 th Year
Anniversary, Taipei, Taiwan (2-days)
Maj 1997, Dutch National Orthop. Society. Small joint Symposium. Patersvolde, Holland (1 day)
Maj 1997, Foot & Ankle Course. The Royal National Orthop. Hosp. London, UK. (2-days)
Maj 1997, Spanish National Orthopaedic Soc., Barcelona, Spain (3 days)
Maj 1997, French National Orthop. Soc., Reims, France, (2 days)
Jun 1997, First International Congress on Ankle Arthroplasty. Copenhagen, DK (2 days)
Sep 1997, 9th Congress of ERASS (European Rheumatoid Arthritis Surgical Society)
Prague,Czechia (4–days)
Okt 1997, First EFAS Congress, Paris, France. (2-days)
Nov 1997, Danish Orthopaedic Society postgraduate course in Foot and Ankel surgery. Brøndby,
DK (3-days)
Nov 1997, Portuguise National Orthop. Soc. Coimbra, Portugal (3 days)
Mar 1998, Finnish National Orthop. Society., Levituuna, Finland (2-days)
Maj 1998, First Ankle Arthroplasty Course, The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic
Hospital, Oswestry, UK, (1-day)
Jun 1998, FOOT, The Congress. The second EFAS Congress. Cologne, Germany.( 3-days)
Jul 1998, AOFAS Congress, Boston, USA. (3-days)
Sep 1998, Sec. Combined Foot Ankle meeting (AOFAS and EFAS), Venice, Italy (3 days)
Okt 1998, Greece National Orthop. Society., Athens, Greece (1 day)
Okt 1998, 83.rd Italian National Orthop. Congress. Genua, Italy. (3-days)
Okt 1998, 2. International Foot and Ankle Surgical Institute, Frankfurt, Germany (2 days)
Apr 1999, Japanese Orthopaedic Association 72. Meeting, Yokohama, Japan (3 days)
Apr 1999, SICOT, 21st World Congress, Sydney, Australia (5 days)
Maj 1999, 2. Ankle Arthroplasty Course, Bologna, Italy (1-day)
Sep 1999, German S.T.A.R. Symposium, BadOeynhausen, Germany (1-day)
Sep 1999, 3. International Foot and Ankle Surgical Institute, Frankfurt, Germany (2 days)
Okt 1999, American S.T.A.R.-users meeting, New York , USA (2-days)
Jan 2000, Foot Ankle Clinics, USA, Washington DC,Tampa, Iowa, Ohio (5 days course).
Mar 2000, South African Foot and Ankle Association, Johannesburg, SA (2-days)
Jun 2000, 50. NOF-meeting, Tampere, Finland (3 days)
Jun 2000, EFAS 4th congress. Stockholm, Sverige (3 days)
Aug 2000, ERASS, Millennium Course 2000, Bad Oeynhausen, Germany (5 days)
Sep 2000, Discovery Courses in Medical Education, Dundee University,UK (1 week)
Okt 2000, The Current State of arthroplasty in Europe. Zûrich, Switzerland (3-days)
Jan 2001, Danish Foot Ankle Society, Foot-ankle course, Svendborg, Danmark (2 days)
Jan 2001, Czech Orthopaedic Society, Prague, Czechia (2-days)
Feb 2001, 68. meeting AAOS, San Francisco, USA (5-days)
Jun 2001, 5th. EFORT meeting, Rhodos (5-days)
Aug 2001, Danish Foot Ankle Society summermeeting, Gern, Jylland (2 days)
Sep 2001, EFAS Instructional Course, Holland (3-days)
Apr 2002, 4th International meeting of the Austrian Foot Society, Zürs, Østrig (2-days)
Apr 2002, New trends of joint reconstructive surgery, Peking, Kina (3-days)
Maj 2002, Curso erfermados los pies, Barcelona, Spain (2 days)
Jun 2002, Wrightington International Arthroplasty Symposium, Manchester, UK (3 days)
Sep 2002, Danish Foot Ankle Society summermeeting, Tisvildeleje, Denmark(2-days)
Sep 2002, Second IFFAS World Congress, San Francisco, USA (4-days)
Okt 2002, Finnish Total joint Society, Helsinki , Finland (1 day)
Maj 2003, British Orthopaedic Foot Surgery Society, Cumbria, UK (3 days)
Jun 2003, EFORT, Helsinki, Finland (5 days)
Nov 2003, Sino-European Symposium on knee-and ankle arthroplasty. Beijing, China (3 days)
Dec 2003, European STAR users meeting, Munich, Tyskland (1 day)
Feb 2004, 12th C.I.O. congress, Sesto di Pusteria, Italien (2 days)
Mar 2004, 71. meeting AAOS, San Francisco, USA (5-days)
Apr 2004, 5. EFAS Congress, Montpellier, France (3 days)
Jun 2004, Russian-German Symposium, Ilizarov Institute, Kurgan, Russia (5-days)
Aug 2004, Danish Foot Ankle Society summermeeting, Nyborg, Danmark (2 days)
Sep 2004, Asiatic Pacific Orthopaedic Association, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (5-days)
Sep 2004, 6th EFAS instructional course, Heidelberg, Germany. (2 days)
Okt 2004, Norwegian Orthopædic Society, Rheumasection, Oslo, Norge (1-day)
Dec 2004, Egg-Nogg Fusschirurgie, Endoklinikum, Hamburg, Germany (1-day)
Feb 2005, 72. meeting AAOS, Washington, USA (5-days)
Maj 2005, 7th EFAS Instructional Course, Copenhagen, Denmark (2 days)
Jun 2005, 7th EFORT Congress, Lisbon, Portugal (5 days)
Jun 2005, International Hip and Knee Course, Kiel, Germany (2-days)
Jul 2005, AOFAS Summer meeting, Boston, USA (4 days)
Sep 2005, 22nd SICOT world congress, Istanbul, Turkey (5 days)
Sep 2005, 3rd IFFAS world congress, Naples, Italy (4 days)
Oct 2005, 10th Anniversary of Bad Oeynhausen Orthopaedic Hospital, Frank Gehry Museum.
Herforth, Germany ( 1 day)
Jan 2006, DFAS, Basis course in Foot & Ankle surgery, Nyborg (2 days)
Feb 2006, Minimal invasive surgery, University of Cologne, Germany (2 days)
Mar 2006, DAF, Heidelberg, Germany (2 days)
Apr 2006, First Russian Foot Ankle Congress, Moscow, Russia ( 3 days)
Jun 2006, French Foot Ankle society, Toulouse, France (2 days)
Jun 2006, Finnish Rheumaorthopaedic society, Turku, Finland (2 days)
Sep 2006, 6th EFAS Congress, Prague, Czech republic (2 days)
Sep 2006, Ministry of Health Course on Foot & Ankle Surgery, Aalborg, Denmark (2 days)
Dec 2006, SFMCP (French Foot society), Paris, France (2 days)
Mar 2007, Pauwels Symposium, University of Aachen, Germany (2 days)
Apr 2007, DFAS Course in Advanced Foot & Ankle Surgery, Vejle, Denmark (2 days)
May 2007, EFORT, Firenze, Italy (3 days)
Jun 2007, NOV 56th meeting, Hamburg, Germany (2 days)
Nov 2007, S.I.O.T. 92nd meeting, Bologna, Italy
Dec 2007, EFAS Advanced course in Foot Ankle surgery, Paris, France (2 days)
Dec 2007, SFMCP, Paris, France (1 day)
Mar 2008, 5th Hannover International Videosymposium, Hannover, Germany (2 days)
Apr 2008, German Foot Ankle Society, Coburg, Germany (2 days)
May 2008, 2. Russian International Foot and Ankle congress, St. Petersburg (2 days)
Oct 2008, 7th EFAS congress, Vilamoura, Portugal (3 days)
Dec 2008, EFAS advanced hindfoot course, Paris, France (2 days)
Mar 2009, AAOS Las Vegas, USA (5 days)
Apr 2009, EFAS 11th Instructional course, Verona. Italy (2 days)
Jun 2009, EFORT congress, Vienna (5 days)
Dec 2009, EFAS advanced forefoot course, Brussels, Belgium (2 days)
Mar 2009, Egyptian orthopaedic society, Mansoura, Egypt. (5 days)
2010 Apr, Italian society of Ankle arthroplasty, Genova, Italy (2 days)
2010 May, Malaysia Orthopaedic Association, Johor, Malaysia (3 days)
2010 Jun, EFAS 12th Instructional Course, Dublin, Ireland (2 days)
2010 Sep, 8th EFAS Congress. Geneva, Switzerland (4 days)
2010 0ct. USA STAR users meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, USA (3 days)
2010 Oct. German Orthopaedic and Traumatology congress, Berlin, Germany (3 days)
2010 Nov. German STAR users meeting, Magdeburg, Germany (2 days)
2010 Dec. German Foot Ankle Society meeting, Berlin, Germany 3 days)
2011 Apr. 17th German Foot Ankle Society Congress, Wuppertal, Germany, 2 days
2011 Apr. EFAS 13th Instructional course. Vilnius, Lithuania, 2 days
2011 May. SCCOT Congress, Carthagena, Colombia, 3 days
2011 Jun, EFORT Congress Copenhagen, Denmark , 4 days
2011, Oct, APSFAS Congress, Chongqing, China, 3 days
2011, Nov, Emirates First International Congress on Orthopaedics, Dubai, 3 days
2011, Dec, EFAS advanced course, Munich, Germany 2 days
2012, May, Italian Foot and Ankle society, Genova, Italy, 2 days
2012,May, 43th curso de enfermades de los pies, Barcelona, Spain, 2 days
2012, Sep, 9th EFAS congress, The Netherlands, 3 days
2013, Mar, DAF congress, Stuttgart, Germany, 2 days
2013, Jun, EFORT congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 3 days
Study-tours with surgery
1975, OrthopSurg. Södersjukhuset, University Hospital of Stockholm, Sweden (6 weeks)
Ender-nailing of pertrochanteric fractures, Percutaneous nailing of femoral neck fractures,
Total Knee Replaeement, Total Hip Replacement and Spinal Surgery
1979, Dept. of Orthopaedics, Heath Hospital, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK (3 days)
Jenkins Carbon Fiber Implants
1980, Dept. of Orthopaedics, Royal Elisabeth University Hospital, Exeter, UK (3 days)
Cement pressurising for Total Hip Replacement
1981, Princess Margaret Rose Orthopaedic Hospital, University of Edinburgh, UK (2 days)
The Souter-Stratclyde Total Elbow Arthroplasty
1981, Dept. of Orthopaedics, Royal Infirmery, Glasgow University, UK (2 days)
The Miller Total Elbow Arthroplasty System
1981, Dept. of Orthopaedics, St. Bartolomeuws Hospital, University of London, UK (2 days)
The Wadsworths Total Elbow Arthroplasty
1991, Dept. of Rheuma-Orthopaedics, Bad Bramsted, University of Hamburg, Germany (3 days)
Shoulder-synovectomy, Acromioplastic, Total shoulder replacement
1992, Dept. of Orthopaedics, Ålesund, Norge (2 days)
Ucemented Total Hip Replacement
1992, Dept. Orthopaedics, Bad Kreutznach, University of Frankfurt, Germany. (2 days)
Uncemented Hip-and Knee Replacements
1994, Dept. of Orthopaedics, Zwente, Holland ( 2 days) Uncemented Total Hip Replacements
1998, The Oakland Clinic (Roger A. Mann), San Francisco, USA (3 days). Foot/Ankle Surgery
1998, Duke University (James Nunley), Durban, N.Carolina,USA (2 days) Foot/Ankle Surgery
1999, Baylor College (James Brodsky), Dallas University, Texas,USA (2 days). Foot/Ankle Surg
2000, Ohio State University (Thomas Lee), Columbus Ohio, USA (2 days). Foot/Ankle Surg
Iowa State University (Charles Saltzman), Iowa USA (2 days). Foot/Ankle Surg
Tampa General Hospital (Art Walling), Tampa, USA (1 day). Foot/Ankle Surg
2004, Ilizarov Institute, Kurgan, Russia (5 dage) Knee and Foot/Ankle Surgery
2010 Coburg, Germany. 2 days (foot Ankle Surgery)
OWN Educational services
010173-300674, Orthopaedics, Copenhagen Nurses School, Hvidovre
010873-300674, Orthopaedics, National University Hospital School for nurses,
010277-300677, Orthopaedics, Copenhagen Scholl for Physiotherapeuts
in all 6 semestres
010976-300677, Orthopaedics. Associate Professor. Section III Copenhagen University
5 semestres
- in all 41 semestres
Jun 1975, The O.T.O.D.I. European Study Tour, Copenhagen (1-day)
1) Long-term results of extra-articular tibial fractures (50 delegates)
May 1976, Dansk Orthopædic Society, A-kursus. København (3-days)
1) Treatment of trochanteric fractures with Ender nails. (50 delegates)
Juni 1976, Nordic Surgical Federation, E-kursus. Bergen, Norge(1 day).
1) Abdominal Aortic aneurisms (300 delegates)
Jan 1978, Metropolitan Orthopaedic Club, Stockholm, Sverige (1 day)
1) The Attenborough Total Knee Prosthesis
2) Congenital Dislocation of the Patella( 75 delegates)
Mar 1978, Mälardalens Orthopædic Society, Stockholm, Sverige(1 day)
1) Thoracic Outlet Syndrom (120 delegates)
Juni 1979, Swedish Orthopædic Society, Boden, Sweden (1 day)
1) Diagnostic Analgesic Lumbar Disc Puncture (200 delegates)
Nov 1979, Danish Surgical Society, A-kursus, Copenhagen (2-days)
1) Femoral neck fractures in young patients
2) Femoral neck fractures treated witrh percutaneous nails (100 delegates)
Feb.1982, Danish Orthopaedic Society, Copenhagen, E-kursFus(2 days)
1) Total hip replacement in patients undr 50 years.
2) Non-hinged Total Elbow Replacement
3) Total Ankle Replacement (150 delegates)
Apr. 1984, Danish Orthpaedic Society, A-kursus, Copenhagen (2 days)
1) New measuring devices in basic science of bone metabolism
2) Medical thrombosis profylaxis
3) Shoulder-, Elbow-, and Ankle replacements ( 50 delegates)
Juli 1984, NATO, Advanced Study Institute, Marbella, Spain(1-week)
1) A new total ankle joint prosthesis (120 delegates)
Sept 1984, Nordic Surgical Federation, Experimental surgical section,
Helsingfors Finland(3-days)
1) Metabolic and haemodynamic changes in the unstable lumbar spine.
2) Stabilisation of the upper cervical spine by carbon fibers (100 delegates)
Oct 1984, Nordic Orthopædic Federation, Copenhagen ( 2-days)
1) Symposium on vascularisation : Mass spectrometry for continuous
in vivo measurement of subchondral pO2, pCO2, and qualitative bone
blood flow. ( 50 delegates)
Jan 1985, Carbon Fiber Research Group, University of New Jersey, USA. Paris Meeting.
(2 days)
1) Long-term study of carbon fibers in three different spinal compartments.
2) Stabilisation of the human spine with flexible carbon fibers( 20 delegates)
May 1985, Scandinavian Symposium on Carbon Fiber Implants, Copenhagen ( 1 day)
1) Experimental models for long-term studies of carbon fiber implants.
2) Clinical applications of carbon fibers in the human spine (50 delegates)
Oct 1985, Nordic Orthopædic Federation, Society for Podology, Stockholm, Sweden
1) A new ankle joint prosthesis (100 delegates)
Nov 1985, First International Congress on BACK PAIN, Vienna, Austria (3-days)
1) Effect of experimental lumbar epidural venous stasis.
2) Ruptured interspinous ligament associated with lateral recess stenosis
(300 delegates)
May 1986, Danish Orthopaedic Society, A-kursus, Gentofte (3-days)
1) Ankle arthrosis
2) Ankle joint lesions (The Pilon fracture)
3) Forefoot classical orthopaedics (adults) (50 delegates)
Oct 1986, Nordic Orthopædic Federation. Copenhagen.
Symposium : On behavior of trabecular bone. (2 days)
1) Subchondral metabolism in Arthrosis. (75 delegates)
Jan 1987, Eksjö-Nässjö Klinikkerne, Sweden. A-kursus( 1 day)
1) Periferal joint prostheses: 6 years experience from the National University
Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark. (100 delegates)
Mar 1987, Danish Rheumatologic Society, Copenhagen, E-kursus (1 day)
1) Total Ankle Replacement
2) Elbow Surgery
3) Shoulder Surgery (100 delegates)
Apr 1987, Nordic Orthopædic Federation. Society for Podology. Eskilstuna, Sweden
(2-days )
1) The Arnoldi Total prosthesis for the great toe.(150 delegates)
May 1987, NOF-SOFCOT, Rouen, France(3 days )
1) Displaced proximal humeral fractures treated by external fixation.(450 delegates)
Sep 1987, SICO iv International Symposium on : Bone Circulation. Toulouse, France ( 3-days)
1) Effect of Joint effusion on subchondral bone circulation
2) Circulatory and morphologic effects of non-cemented and cemented hip alloplasty.
(150 delegates)
Apr 1988, Internatiol Symposium on : Low Back Pain, Hirtshals, Denmark (2-days)
Chairman, and
1) Spinal instability. Surgical treatment. (300 delegates)
Oct 1988, Danish Orthopædic Society, A-kursus, København. (3-days)
1) The Pilon Fracture
2) Subtalar arthrosis
3) Ankle arthrosis (50 delegates)
Oct 1988, Danish Orthopædic Society, Copenhagen (2-days)
1) Total ankle arthroplasy. Seven years’ experience. (200 delegates)
Jan 1989, Danish Orthopaedic Society. A-kursus. Hillerød (2-days)
1) Arthrosis in the foot
2) Arthrosis in shoulder-and elbow joints (50 delegates)
Nov 1990, Association Research Circulation Osseous. Naples, Italy (2-days)
1) Epidural venous stasis (50 delegates)
Feb 1991, Danish Orthopaedic Society. A-kursus, Copenhagen (3-days)
1) Talocrural-, and subtalo arthrodeses
2) Total Ankle Replacement ( 35 delegates)
Nov 1991, Danish Orthopaedic Society. A-kursus. Brøndby. (3-days)
1) Talocrural-, and subtalo arthrodeses
2) Total Ankle Replacement (35 delegates)
Dec 1991, Association Research Circulation Osseus. Basel, Switzerland (2-days)
1) Immediate effect of osteotomy on the bone marrow. (75 delegates)
Juni 1992, Scandinavian Orthopedic Association. Malmö, Sweden. (4-days)
1) Stabilization of the upper cervical spine by flexible carbon fibers - 10 years
of experimental and clinical work.( 300 delegates)
Sep 1992, Bone Circulation in Normal and Pathological Conditions - The State of the Art.
International Postgraduate Course. Brussels. Belgium (2-days)
1) Intraosseous pressure, gas tensions, and bone blood flow; in normal and
pathological situations. (250 delegates)
Nov 1992, Danish Orthopaedic Society, A-kursus. Brøndby (3-days)
1) Talocrural-, and subtalo arthrodeses
2) Total Ankle Replacement (35 delegates)
Aug 1993, S.I.C.O.T. IXX World Congress. Seoul, Korea. (5-days)
1) Hydroxy-apatite-coated total ankle arthroplasty. (250 delegates)
May 1994, Osteoarthritis of the ankle, Sheffield University, UK (1-day)
1) Survival analysis of uncemented ankle arthroplasty (60 delegates)
May 1994, Arthroplastic procedures. Universitaire St. Péres, Paris, France (1-day course)
Chairman, and
1) Comparison and performance of different ankle prosthetic designs.
2) Work-shop on the S.T.A.R. ankle prosthesis (80 delegates)
Sep 1994, First EFFAS Congress, Milan, Italy (3 days)
Presidential speaker.
1) Ankle arthroplasty. The first thirty years. (250 delegates)
Oct 1994, IV Nimes Congress on : Pathology on the osteoarthritic ankle joint (3 days)
Presidential speaker.
1) The Concept of S.T.A.R. ankle prosthesis.
2) Management of the osteoarthritic ankle joint: Long-term result of ankle
arthroplasty (200 delegates)
Jan 1995, Second EFFAS Congress, Zürich, Switzerland(3-days)
1) Television live-operation of the S.T.A.R. ankle prosthesis (350 delegates)
Feb 1995, Combined Foot and Ankle Meeting, the Universities of Bologna, Milan, Padova,
Turino, Varese and Vicenza, Italy.
Chairman, and
1) Comparison of cemented and uncemented, meniscal-bearing or non-meniscalbearing ankle arthroplasty. (300 delegates)
Jun 1995, Second ESFAS Congress, Davos, Switzerland (3-days)
1) Stabilometry of uncemented ankle arthroplasty (150 delegates)
Aug 1995, Orthopaedic Staff meeting, Princess Margaret Rose Orthopaedic Hospital,
University of Edinburgh (1 day)
1) Long-term results of of cemented and cementless ankle prosthesis (65 delegates)
Aug 1995, Orthopaedic Staff meeting, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore, UK
( 1-day)
1) Is ankle arthroplasty a safe procedure ? ( 60 delegates)
Sep 1995, Colloqium Medicorum, Frederiksberg Hospital, Denmark
1) Boneloc versus Simplex cement for femoral stem fixation(100 delegates)
Sep 1995, Danish Orthopaedic Society A-kursus. Brøndby:Foot, Ankle and Orthosis
(3-days) (45 delegates)
1) Talocrural-, and subtalo arthrodeses
2) Total Ankle Replacement
Oct 1995, 92. SPLLOT Congress, St. Margaritha, Universitata di Genoa Italy (3-days)
Presidential speaker, and chairman
1) Round table Symposium: La protesi di caviglia : esperienza a confronto
(300 delegates)
Mar 1996, Current Advances in Arthroplasty. Joint Reconstruction Society, R.O.C., University
of Tainan, Taiwan, Republic of China( 1-day)
1) Is Ankle Arthroplasty still an Experimental Procedure? (100 delegates)
Mar 1996, First Academic Congress of Asian CIP & Second Asian Symposium on Foot Surgery,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Republic of China (3 days)
Presidential speaker, and chairman
1) Is Ankle Arthroplasty still an Experimental Procedure? ( 450 delegates)
Apr 1996, Slovenian Orthopaedic Society: Course on Ankle Arthroplasty. University of Ljubliana, Slovenia(2 days)
Invited speaker and demonstrator
1) 3 TV-transmitted live-operations. Technical features of ankle arthroplasty
(60 delegates)
Apr 1996, Course and work-shop for Orthopaedic Theatre nurses :
Hip-, knee-, shoulder-, elbow-, and great toe prosthses. 2-Days course (27 delegates)
May 1996, Jornada sobre Arthroplastia de Tobilo. Ankle ArthroplastyMeeting, University of
Barcelona, Spain. (2-days)
Presidential speaker and chairman
1) A new era for ankle arthroplasty? (75 delegates)
Aug 1996, S.I.C.O.T. XX World Congress, Amsterdam. Symposium: The Rheumatoid Foot:
Invited speaker, and Chairman
1) Ankle Arthroplasty in Rheumatoid Arthritis. (200 delegaes)
Sep 1996, ESFAS. 3. European Congress. Liverpool .
1) Ankle Arthroplasty: Comparison of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis.
(160 delegates)
Dec 1996, Total Joint Arthroplasty Symposium. University of Taipei, Taiwan
Presidential speaker, and
1) Ankle arthroplasty is a safe procedure. (300 delegates)
May 1997, Dutch Orthopaedic Society. Small Joint Arthroplasty. Patervolde, Holland
Chairman (150 delegates)
May 1997, Foot & Ankle Course. The Royal National Orthopaedic Teaching Centre,
London,UK, Guest lecturer
1) Ankle Arthroplasty. Current concepts. (200 delegates)
May 1997, Spanish Orthopaedic Society. Foot and Ankle Congress. Barcelona, Spain
Presidential speaker and chairman (250 delegates)
May1997, French Orthopaedic Society. Foot and Ankle Congress, Reims, France
Chairman (600 delegates)
Jun 1997, First World Congress on Ankle Arthroplasty. Copenhagen, DK (160 delegates)
Congress President, chairman, and
1) Ankle prosthesis: Indications, Alignment, Gain in mobility
2) Comparison of cemented and cementless ankle arthroplasty
3) Can the ankle joint be replaced? YES
Sep 1997, ERASS (European Rheuma-Arthritis Surgical Society). Prague, Czech Rep. (200
1) Presidential speaker: Ankle arthroplasty.
Oct 1997, First EFAS Congress, Paris, France (250 delegates)
1) Invited speaker: Ankle arthroplasty versus ankle arthrodesis
Nov 1997, Danish Orthopaedic Society A-kursus: Foot and Ankle Course. Brøndby, DK (45
Nov 1997, Portuguise National Orthopaedic Congress, Coimbra, Portugal (300 delegates)
Chairman and
1) Invited speaker: Can the ankle be replaced?
Jan 1998, Endoprothetik 2000, Aussichten, Neue Konzepte, Lösungsmöhlichkeiten,
Münster Universitet, Germany (500 delegates)
Presidential speaker, and Chairman
Mar 1998, Spring meeting of the Finnish Orthopaedic Society, Levituna,Finland (170 delegates)
Presidential speaker, and chairman
1) Ankle arthroplasty versus ankle arthrodesis.
May 1998, 1st International Ankle Arthroplasty Course. Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt
Orthopaedic Hospital, Oswestry, UK (100 delegates)
1) Live Demo-operation
June 1998, Foot The Congress, Second EFAS Congress, Cologne. Germany. (400 delegates)
1) Chairman of 2 sessions
2) Ankle prosthesis workshop (56 delegates)
3) Can the ankle joint be replaced ?
4) Scoring systems for ankle arthroplasty. Do they reflect the reality ?
Jul 1998, AOFAS (American Orthopaedic Foot Ankle Society) summer meeting, Boston,
USA. (500 delegates)
Presidential speaker
1) The Scandinavian Total Ankle Replacement
Sep 1998, 2nd ComFAS (Combined meeting European and American Foot Ankle Societies)
Venice, Italy (600 delegates)
Invited speaker and chairman
Oct 1998, Hellenic Orthopaedic Society, Foot Ankle Speciality Day, Athens, Greece.
Invited speaker and chairman (135 delegates)
1) Total ankle arthroplasty
Oct 1998, 83rd SIOT Congress, Genova, Italy (2600 delegates)
Invited speaker.
1) Ankle Arthroplasty: Complications, Failure modes, and contraindications.
Oct 1998; International Institute of Foot and Ankle Surgery, Frankfurt, Germany
Instructor and Invited speaker (300 delegates)
1) The surgical technique of ankle arthroplasty.
Apr 1999, 72. Japanese Orthop. Association., Yokohama, Japan
Chairman (4000 delegates)
1) Failure mode and failure rate of ankle arthroplasty
2) Ankle arthroplasty: Concept and surgical technique
3) Long-term results of ankle arthroplasty
Apr 1999, 21st SICOT world Congress, Sydney, Australia (3600 delegates)
1) Comparison of cemented and uncemented ankle arthroplasty
May 1999, 2nd . International Ankle Arthroplasty Course. Uni. of Bologna, Italy. (75 delegates)
1) Long-term results of uncemented ankle arthroplasty
Sep 1999, 3rd International Foot and Ankle Surgical Institute, Frankfurt, Germany (300
delegates). Chairman 2 sessions.
1) Excional arthroplasty for hallux valgus
2) Surgical treatment of the rheumatoid forefoot
3) Surgical technique of the S.T.A.R. prosthesis
Sep 1999, German S.T.A.R. symposium, BadOeynhausen, Germany (75 delegates),
Chairman 2 sessions.
1) Surgical technique of the S.T.A.R-prosthesis
Oct 1999, American S.T.A.R.-users meeting. New York, USA (20 delegates).
1) Special techniques and instruments.
Oct 1999, Portuguise meeting on Ankle Arthroplasty. Lisbon. Portugal (20 delegates)
Chairman, and
1) Technique of S.T.A.R. implantation
2) Biological and biomechanical rationale of ankle arthroplasty
Jan 2000, Grand Rounds, State University of Ohio, Columbus,Ohio. Visiting professor.
(120 delegates)
1) The design, rationale and long-term results of S.T.A.R.
Mar 2000, South African Foot Ankle Association, Johannes burg, SA (35delegates)
Chairman og
1) Long-term results of S.T.A.R.
Jun 2000, 50th NOF meeting, Tampere, Finland. Invited speaker
1) Long-term results of ankle arthroplasty in rheumatoid arthritis (130 delegates)
Jun 2000, 4th EFAS Congress, Stockholm, Sweden. Invited speaker
1) Outcome measures (EFAS commitee suggestions) (120 delegates)
Aug 2000, ERASS Millennium Course 2000, Bad Oeynhausen, Germany (150 delegates)
Chairman og co-course leader
1) Is ankle arthroplasty superior to ankle arthrodesis in rheumatoid arthritis?
Oct 2000, The Current State of Arthroplasty in Europe, Zürich University, Switzerland
Presidential speaker
1) Ankle arthroplasty. What are the limitations? (350 delegates)
Jan 2001, DFAS foot-ankle course, Svendborg, Denmark
Chairman og
1) Hallux rigidus
2) Hindfoot and Ankle Arthrosis and Arthritis. (30 delegates)
Feb 2001, What’s new in ankle arthroplasty. University of Prague, Czech republic
1) Meniscal-bearing ankle arthroplasty. Long-term results (65 delegates)
Feb 2001,
Neues und bewährtes in der Fussorthopädie. University of Cologne, Germany
Presidential speaker
1) Total ankle arthroplasty –indication, surgical technique, postoperative results.
120 delegates
Mar 2001, AAOS 68th Meeting, San Francisco,USA. Invited speaker
1) Ankle Arthroplasty Symposium: Unanswered questions and unquestioned
Answers: The S.T.A.R. prosthesis. (3000 delegates).
Jun 2001,
5th EFORT meeting, Rhodos, Greece
Symposium and Instructional lecturer: Controversy Ankle arthroplasty or
arthrodesis (chairman and organiser) and
1) Ankle Arthroplasty for osteoarthritis. (350 delegates)
Aug 2001, DFAS møde, Gern Bakker, Denmark
1) Overview of Total replacement of the MTP-1 joint in arthrosis. (35 delegates)
Oct 2001, Five different ankle arthroplasties. DEMO operations and work shop on cadavers
University St. Peres, Paris, Frankrig (50 delegates)
Jan 2002,
DFAS Foot-Ankle Course, Svendborg, Denmark
Chairman og
1) Hallux rigidus
2) Hindfoot and ankle arthrosis and arthritis (30 delegates)
Apr 2002,
4th International meeting of the Austrian Foot Society, Zürs, Austria (200 delegates)
Chairman and, speaker
1) Why do we need an ankle prosthesis
2) The S.T.A.R. prosthesis
3) Complications of Total Ankle Replacement
Apr 2002,
New Trends of Reconstructive Surgery, Peking, China (450 delegates)
Chairman and, speaker
1) Applied anatomy and biomechanics of total ankle replacement
2) Clinical aspects of total ankle replacement
May 2002
Curso Enfermatos los pies, Barcelonsa, Spain (250 delegates)
Chairman, and invited speaker
1) Ankle arthroplasty
2) Implant arthroplasty of the first MTP-joint
Jun 2002,
Sep 2002,
Sep 2002,
Oct 2002
Mar 2003
Apr 2003
May 2003
Aug 2003
Nov 2003
Dec 2003
Feb 2004
The Charnley Era- International arthroplasty Symposium, Manchester, UK
(500 delegates)
Chairman, and invited speaker
1) Ankle arthroplasty workshop
2) The concept of the Scandinavian Total Ankle Replacement
3) Old lateral ligament ruptures and ankle arthroplasty
DFAS meeting, Tisvildeleje, Denmark (30 delegates)
1) The electronic medical file and scoring systems
IFFAS, 3rd Congress, San Francisco, USA (800 delegates).
Presedential speaker:
1) The STAR prosthesis
2) Old lateral ligament ruptures, arthritis and ankle arthroplasty
3) The modified Waterman osteotomy of the first MTP-joint.
4) Failures and revisions of the STAR
5) The Rotoglide prosthesis for osteoarthritis of the first MTP-joint
Finnish Total Arthroplasty Society, Helsinki, Finland (200 delegates),
Invited speaker: Talocrural arthroplasty. Design, concept and long-term results
DFAS kursus, Svendborg, Denmark (30 delegates)
Chairman, and
1) Hallux rigidus
2) Artrosis of the himndfoot
Colloqium Medicorum, Frederiksberg Hospital, Staff meeting ( 120 delegates)
1) Total Ankle Arthroplasty. They do work
British Orthopaedic Foot Surgery Society, Cumbria, UK (160 delegates)
Invited speaker and chairman
1) Total ankle replacement – how long do they last?
Deutsche Fuss Ankel geselschaft (DAF) Hands-on cadaver workshop,
CologneUniversity, Germany. (30 Orthopaedic specialists ). Co-organiser
1) Triple arthrodesis
2) Talocrural arthrodesis
3) Total Ankle Replacement
Sino-Euro symposium on knee-and ankle replacement. Beijing. China. 600
Chairman and invited speaker
1) Total ankle replacement. Where are we heading?
2) Demo live operation.
European STAR users meeting. Munich, Germany. 100 delegates.
President and Chairman
1) Design and rationale of the STAR
2) Pitfalls and tricks
3) More than 10 years results of the uncemented Ankle prostheis
12th Congress of C.I.O., Sesto di Pusteria, Italy. 250 delegates
Magistral Lecture: Surgical indications and technique for TA replacement.
May 2004,
May 2004,
Aug 2004,
Sep 2004,
Sep 2004,
Oct 2004,
Dec 2004
May 2005,
Jun 2005,
Jun 2005,
Lithuanian Foot Ankle Society, Vilnius, Litauen, 25 delegates
Invited speaker
1) Ankle replacement
2) Two demo-operationerJun 2004,
Russian-German Symposium on Joint Replacement, Ilizarov Institute, Russsia.
Chairman and invited speaker
1) Anatomy, biomechanics and kinematics of ankle replacement
2) Long-term results of the STAR
3) Two demo-operationer
DFAS summer course, Nyborg Denmark. 2 days. (40 delegates)
1) Waterman osteotomy for hallux rigidus
2) MTP-1 joint Total Replacement
3) Alignment of the rheumatoid ankle and hindfoot in combination with total
ankle replacement.
14th Triennial CongressAsian Pacific Orthopaedic Association (APOA), , Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia. 5 dages kursus (1200 delegates)
Chairman, and
1) Biomechanics and biological rationale of ankle arthroplasty
2) Long-term results and complications of ankle arthroplasty
3)Technical difficult cases and salvage of failures in ankle arthroplasty
6th EFAS course, Heidelberg, Germany 2-days course, 135 delegates
Chairman, and
1) Total ankle arthroplasty symposium: Complications and failures
Norwegian Orthopædic Society, rheumasection, Oslo, Norway (1-day), 50
1) Scandinavian Total Ankle Replacement
Endo-klinik symposium on Foot surgery. Hamburg, Tyskland (1-day,200 del.)
Invited speaker:
1) Concept and long-term results of ankle replacement
7Th EFAS Instructional Course, Copenhagen, (2 days, 165 delegates)
Local host and chairman,
1) Hallux rigidus: Plate and screw arthrodesis
2) Hallux rigidus: Total replacement of the MTP-1 joint
3) Total ankle replacement: Overview
4) Total ankle replacement: Complications and Failures
7th EFORT Congress, Lisbon, Portugal (8000 delegates)
Chairman, and
1) Instructional course lecture: Total replacement of the ankle joint
International Knee-and Hip replacement Symposium, Kiel, Germany (100
Chairman, and
1) The physiological bone response to cemented and uncemented femoral
Jul 2005,
Aug 2005,
Sep 2005,
Sep 2005,
Sep 2005,
Oct 2005,
Jan 2006,
Mar 2006,
Apr 2006,
Jun 2006,
Jun 2006,
Sep 2006,
Sep 2006,
Dec 2006,
Mar 2007,
AOFAS Summer meeting, Boston, USA (600 delegates)
1) The Roto-Glide Total prosthesis for MTP-1 joint replacement
Australian Orthop. Foot Ankle Society, Darwin, Ausstralia (135 delegates.)
1) Scandinavian Total Ankle Replacement. Concept and long-term results.
SICOT 22. world Congress, Istanbul, Tyrkey (2000 delegates)
1) 15 years results of the uncemented Scandinavian Total Ankle Replacement
IFFAS 3. world Congress, Naples, Italiy (600 delegates)
1) chairman: Total ankle replacement
2) chairman: Treatment of non-unions
Italian Society of Revision Total Joint Replacement, Genua, Italien (1200
1) Revision of Total Ankle Replacements.
10th Anniversery of Bad Oeynhausen Orthopaedic Hospital, Frank Gehry
Museum . Bad Oeynhausen, Germany: CON SENSUS (500 delegates)
1) Key Note Speaker: Status of the Art of Total Ankle Replacement.
DFAS Basic course in Foot Ankle surgery, Nyborg, Denmark (35 del.)
1) hallux rigidus – arthrodesis or total replacement?
2) Arthritis and Arthrosis in the hindfoot
DAF, Heidelberg, Germany (300 del.)
1) presidential lecture: State of the art in total ankle replacement
First Russian Foot Ankle Congress, Moscow, Russia (1000 del.)
1) Chairman
2) Total ankle replacement, operative technique
3) Failures and solutions
4) Total replacement of MTP-1 joint
French Foot Ankle society, Toulouse, France (120 del.)
1) MTP-1 total replacement
Finnish Rheumaorthopaedic society, Turku, Finland (100 del.)
1) Scandinavian total ankle replacement
2) Failures and solutions
3) Soft tissue reconstruction of instability
4) Long-term results of TAR
6th EFAS Congress, Prague, Czech Republic. (350 del.)
Chairman, and
1) Why total replacement in MTP-1- is superior to arthrodesis
2) Osteochondral lesions of the talus
Danish ministry of health course in Foot Ankle surgery, Aalborg (30 del)
1) Hallux rigidus. Surgical stragegies
2) Osteochondral lesions
3) Ankle: arthrosis- arthritis
SFMCP (French foot society) Paris, France (100 del.)
1) Compression Dowel arthrodesis
Pauwels Symposium, University of Aachen, Germany (300 del.)
Apr 2007,
DFAS Advanced course in Foot Ankle Surg., Vejle, Denmark (45 del.)
Course leader,
1) Treatment strategies
2) Subtalo- triple and Choparts arthrodeses
3) Osteochondral lesions
4) Total replacement in foot and ankle
May 2007,
Jun 2007
EFORT, Firenze, Italy (8000 del.)
Chairman EFAS speciality day: Sports and Trauma Symposium
Jun 2007,
NOV 56.meeting, Hamburg, Germany (180 del.)
1) Replacement of MTP-1
2) What is new in foot and ankle surgery?
Nov 2007,
S.I.O.T. 92nd meeting , Bologna, Italy (600 del.)
1) Presidential speaker: Techniques of Total ankle Replacement.
Dec 2007,
EFAS advanced course in hindfoot surgery, Paris, France( 160 del.)
1) The S.T.A.R. prosthesis
2) Intraoperative failures. Tips to avoid them
Mar 2008,
5th International Hannover Videosymposium, Hannover, Germany (300 del.)
1) Special lecture: Ankle arthroplasty
2) Surgical technique with STAR (with video)
3) Dowel compression arthrodesis in foot and ankle (with video)
4) Arthroplasty of MTP-1 joint (with video)
Chairman Special lecture: Dr. Mark Myerson, Baltimore, USA
1) operative techniques of supramalleolar osteotomy for correction of ankle
2) Operative techniques of ankle arthrodesis including techniques with severe
bone loss.
3) Bone block arthrodesis for posttraumatic hindfoot collapse.
Apr 2008,
DAF Congress, Coburg, Germany (450 del.) Chairman and,
1) Ankle replacement. Stragegy for correction of deformities. Hard and soft
tissue procedures.
2) MTP-a total replacement.
May 2008,
2. International Russian Foot and Ankle Congress, St. Petersbrug (150 del.)
Chairman, and
1) Total ankle replacement
Not updated since June 2008
Oct 2010,
Oct 2010,
USA STAR users meeting, Phoenix, USA (50 del.)
1) Failures and Revisions of STAR
German orthopaedic and Traumatology Congress, Berlin (11000 del.)
1) Chairman and
2) Update on total Ankle replacement
Nov 2010,
Dec 2010,
Apr 2011,
Apr 2011,
May 2011,
Jun 2011,
Oct 2011,
Nov 2011,
Dec 2011,
May 2012
May 2012
Sep 2012
Mar 2013
Jun 2013
German STAR users meeting. Magdeburg, Germany (20 del.)
1) Realignment of and stabilisation of the entire hindfoot. Preoperative
2) The spectrum of failures and their treatment
German Foot Ankle Society, Berlin (200 del.)
1) Total replacement of 1st MTP joint
2) work shop on Rotoglide
German Foot Ankle Society Congress, Wuppertal, Germany (360 del.)
Chairman: Forefoot surgery
1) Management of Complications (STAR prosthesis)
2) Update on Scandinavian Total Ankle Replacement
3) Replacement of MTP-1
Lithuanian foot ankle society, Vilnius, Lithuania (200 del.)
1) Total ankle replacement. Difficult cases and complications
2) Chairman :Hindfoot surgery
Colombian Orthopaedic Society, Congress, Carthagena, Colombia (1000 del)
1) from my head to the ankles of the world
2) Complications and revisions of ankle replacement
3) Pilon Fractures. Strategy and managements.
EFORT Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark (350 del.)
Symposium: Ankle arthroplasty versus ankle arthrodesis
APSFAS Congress, Chongqing, China (300 del.)
Chairman and,
1) Update on Total Ankle replacement
2) The Rotoglide MTP-1 replacement for hallux rigidus
Emirates First International Congress on Orthopaedics, Dubai (300 del.)
Chairman, and
1) Is replacement arthroplasty a satisfactory alternative in the management of
hallux rigidus?
2) Arthrodesis is the gold standard for ankle arthritis?
EFAS, Advanced course, Munich, Germany (260 del.)
Chairman session: Update on total ankle replacement
2nd Consensus conference TAR, Genova, Italy (80 del.)
1) video. Rationale and Surgical Technique of STAR
2) Treatment of TAR failures and revisions
43rd Courso de enfermadadaes de los pies, Barcelona, Spain (200 del)
1) Failures of TAR
EFAS congress, Netherlands (360 del)
Chairman and
1) Total ankle replacement failures, and how to avoid them
DAF congress – Pro et Con. Stuttgart, Germany (500 del)
Chairman and
2) Do we really need more new ankle replacements?
EFORT congress, Istanbul, Turkey
Chairman: Total ankle arthroplasty
Theoretical and Practical Surgical Education in Non-Constrained Total Ankle Arthroplasty.
jan 1985, Chief Engineer,Director, Hans Malmgren. Stille-Werner Company
Stockholm, Sverige
maj 1985, Drs. Roy M. Rusch and Robert Wells, Portland, University of Oregon, USA
maj 1987, Chief Engineer, Director, Arnold Keller, Waldemar Link & Co GmbH,
Hamburg, Tyskland
okt 1988, Prof. Harold W. Vogler, dept. of Reconstruct. Surg. of Foot and Ankle,
Philadelphia, Penn., USA
aug 1989, Dr. Ilona Hirsch, Dept. of Orthop. Surg., UCLA, Calif., USA
nov 1989, Chief Surgeon Veijo Vahvanen, Orthop. Hospital of the Invalid Foundation,
Helsinki, Finland
feb 1990, Prof. Karl Tillmann, Rheumaklinik. Bad Bramstedt, Univ. of Hamburg. Tyskland
okt 1990, Chief Surgeon John Slördahl, Dept. of Orthopaedics, Ålesund, Norge
okt 1991, Chief Surgeon Urban James, Dept. of Orthopaedics, Örebro, Sverige
okt 1992, Chief Surgeon Heiner Thabe, Bad Kreutznach, Frankfurt, Tyskland
apr 1993, Chief Surgeon Åke Carlsson, Dept. of Orthopaedics University of Malmö, Sverige
jun 1993, Mr. Peter Wood, Dept. of Orthopaedics, Wrightington Hospital, UK
sep 1993, Chief Surgeon Zbigniew Kacsan, Jonschera Hospital, Lotz, Polen
sep 1993, prof. E. Engelbrecht, ENDO-clinic, Hamburg, Tysskland
okt 1993, Dr. Hans Lubinus, LUBINUS clinic, Kiel, Tyskland
nov 1993, Mr. TEW Smith, Dept. of Orthopaedics, Sheffield University, UK
feb 1994, Chief Surgeon Rune Meinerts, University of Linköping, US Rheumaklin. Sverige
feb 1994, prof. Francesco Malerba, Galeazzi Orthopaedic Institute, Milan, Italien
apr 1994, Mr. Allan Gayner, Dept. of Orthop., North Tyne Hospital, UK
maj 1994, Dr. Blanchard, Clinque l’APAS, Paris, Frankrig
, prof. Schernberg, Dept. of Orthop., CHU, University of Reims, Frankrig
, prof. Lasalle, Dept. of Orthop.,CHU, University of Amiens, Frankrig
jun 1994, prof. Pasquale-Lasagni, The Orthop. Center, Rome, Italien
, prof. Cherubino, Dept. of Orthop.,Varese, Italien
dec 1994, prof. Metzdagh, Dept. of Orthop., CHU, University of Lille, Frankrig
jan 1995, prof. Hans Zollinger, Balgrist Hospital, University of Zürich, Switzerland
, prof. Melanotte, Dept. of Orthop., University of Padova, Italien
, prof. Buccanera, Dept. of Orthop., University of Bologna, Italien
, Dr. Nogarin , Dept. of Orthop., University of Vicenza, Italien
feb 1995, prof. Pipino, Dept. of Orthop. University of Genova, Italien
, Mr. John Miller, May Day Hospital, University of London, UK
jun 1995, The Board of Directors of the Swiss and the Belgium Societies of Foot and Ankle.
aug 1995, Mr. Souter, Princess Margaret Orthopaedic Hospital, Edinburgh, UK
, Mr. Hinvers, The Conquest Hospital, Hastings & Mr.D’Arcy, Eastbourne, UK
nov 1995, Mr. McGeogh, Robert Jones & Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital, Oswestry, UK
dec 1995, prof. G. Bentley, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, London, UK
jan 1996, dr. Burgers, Dept- of Orthop.,Tilburg Hospital, Holland
jan 1996, prof. G. Dereymaeker, Dept. Orthop., Pellenberg, University of Leuven, Belgien feb
1996, dr. E. Funke, Schulthess Klinik, Zürich, Switzerland
mar 1996, prof. Tang-Kue Liu, Dept. of Orthop.,National University of Taipeh, Taiwan
mar 1996, prof. Cheng Yu Min, Dept. of Orthop., National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan
mar 1996, prof. You-Li Chou, Orthop. Dept. National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
mar 1996, dr.s Veneziani & Cristiano, Dept. Orthop. University of Florens, Italien
apr 1996, prof. Hermann, Dept. of Orthop, University of Ljubliana, Slovenia
maj 1996, ovl. H.Svendsen, Dept. of Orthop.,Vest-Agder CounntyHospital.Kristianssand.Norge
maj 1996, prof. A.Viladot, Dept. of Orthop.,San Rafael Hospital, University of Barcelona, Spain
aug 1996, Dr. Pierre Roussouw,Dept. of Orthopaedics, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
okt 1996, prof. Alex Staubli, Kantonspital, Luzern, Switzerland
nov 1996, prof. De Roberto, Dept. Orthop., University of Naples, Italien
nov 1996, ovl. R. Löfvenberg, Dept. Orthop., University of Umeå, Sverige
nov 1996, ovl. Ylinen. Dept. of Orthop., Invalidstiftelsen, Helsinki, Finland
nov 1996, prof. Giacomo Pisani, University of Turin, Italien
nov 1996, Dr. WalterHörbst, Dept. of Orthopedics, University of Innsbruck, Østrig
dec 1996, prof. Au,Dept. of Orthop., Military University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
dec 1996, prof. In-Heon Park, Dept. of Orthop., Hallym University, Seoul, Korea
dec 1996, prof. Sung-Kon Kim,Guro Hospital, Korea Univ. College of Medicin, Seoul,Korea
dec 1996, prof. Jong-Oh Kim,Dept. of Orthop., EWHA University, Seoul, Korea
jan 1997, Mr. John Corrigan, Orthop. Dept. Waterford , Irland
jan 1997, Mr. Michael Stephens, Orthop.Dept., University of Dublin, Irland
jan 1997, Overlæge Henricsson, Falu lasarett, Sverige
feb 1997, prof. Fonseca, Dept. of Orthop.,University of Lisabon, Portugal
feb 1997, prof. Gafarov & dr. Ahtianov. Iliazarov Institute, Kazan, Rusland
nov 1997, prof. Martti Hämaläinen, Dept. Orthop., University of Oulu, Finland
jan 1998, prof. Hajo Thermann, Univ. of Hannover, Tyskland
feb 1998, Dr. Roger A. Mann, Univ. of San Francisco, USA
feb 1998, prof. Kerschbaumer & prof. Schumacher, Univ. of Frankfurt, Tyskland
mar 1998, prof Wanivenhaus, Univ. of Vienna, Østrig
mar 1998, dr. Waertel, BKR-rheumazentrum, Bad Abbach, Tyskland
apr 1998, Mr. John Hodkinson, Univ. of Manchester, UK
maj 1998, prof. Frank Hagena, Viktoria-Auguste Klinik, Bad Oeynhausen, Germany
maj 1998, Drs. Burger & Hubach, Alkmaar Hosp., Holland
maj 1998, prof. James Richardson, Agnes Hunt and Robert Jones Orthop.Hosp., Oswestry, UK
aug 1998, prof. James Nunley, Duke Univ., N. Carolina, USA
aug 1998, Drs. TakehiroKanda (National Univ. Japan), Jun Hasegawa (Metropolitan Hosp.,
Tokyo), and Minuro Ohtsuka (Prefectoral Chuo Hosp), Japan
sep 1998, prof. J. Sammarco, Cincinatti, Ohio, USA
okt 1998, ÖL Michael Jacobsen, Västerås lasarett, Sverige
dec 1998, prof. Carfagni og Dr. Scala, Ospedale San Carlo di Nancy, Rom, Italien
jan 1999, ÖL Hans Rahm. Uppsala Univ., Sverige
feb 1999, Prof.Hans Rudolf Hensche, Dept.Orthop., Rheinfelder, Tyskland
feb 1999, Prof. Karl-Klaus Dittel, Dept.Orthop., Marienhospital, Stuttgart, Tyskland
feb 1999, Dr.James Brodsky, Baylor Medical Center, Dallas, Texas,USA
apr 1999, Mr. Tim Slater, Mater Hospital, Sydney,Australien
apr 1999, prof. Eugene Sherry, University of Sydney, Australien
sep 1999, Overlægerne Espen Haukeland og Jan Mjørud,Diakonhjemmets sygehus, Oslo, Norge
dec 1999, Dr. Bernhard Schley, Elisabeth RheumaOrthopaedic Klinik, Bigge-Olsberg, Tyskland
dec 1999, Prof. Rolf Miehlke, Rheuma-Orthopaedic Hospital, Sendenhorst, Tyskland
jan 2000, Prof. Charles Saltzmann, Iowa State University,Iowa,USA
jan 2000, Dr.Thomas Lee, Ohio State University, Columbus Ohio, USA
jan 2000, Dr. Arthur Walling, Dept.Orthop., Tampa General Hospital, Tampa Florida,USA
Mar 2000, Dr. ManfredThomas, Orthop. Dept., Hessing Stiftung, Augsburg, Tyskland
Mar 2000, Dr. Willy Seubert, Dept.Orthop. Kreiskrankenhaus Zwiesel, Tyskland
Sep 2000, German Foot Ankle Society fellows (Dr. Mona Abbara-Czardybon, Dr. Christian
Jantea, Düsseldorf), Tyskland
Feb 2001, Prof. Sosna, Dept.Orthop., University of Prague, Czech republic
Jun 2001, Prof. Meir Nyska, Dept. Orthop., University of Tel Aviv, Israel
Aug 2001, Dozent Ernst Orthner, Dept.Orthop., Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Schwesteren
vom Heiligen Kreuz, Wels, Østrig
Okt 2001, Dr. Thomas Spiegel, Vienna, Østrig
Dec 2001, Prof.Gottsauner, Vienna, Østrig
Jan 2002, Dr. Pierluigi Guidi, Turino, Italien
Jan 2002, Dr. Ronald Koppelent, Evangelisches Krankenhaus, Wahring, Østrig
Feb 2002, Dr. Widhalm. Pölsen Orthopaedic Hospital, Vienna,Østrig
Mar 2002, Prof. V. , Slovenia
Apr 2002, ovl. Kari Eikstad, Rikshospitalet, Oslo, Norge
Maj 2002, Dr. Anderle, Orthopædisk klinik, Wels, Østrig
Jun 2002, Dr. Avi Stern, Dept. of Orthop., Israel
Jul 2002, Prof. Frischutt Orthop. University Department, Innsbruch, Østrig
Sep 2002, Dr Klauser, Lubinus Klinik, Kiel, Tyskland
Okt 2002, Dr. Wolfgang Schneider, Orthop.Spital SpreisingWien, Østrig
Dec 2002, Dr. Klaus Zhuber, Dept. of Orthopaedics,Wels, Østrig
Jan 2003, Dr. Antonio Marques, Evang Stiftung,Vollmarstein, Wetter, University of Bochum,
Mar 2003, Dr Christian Döttl, Dept. Orthop., Barmhertzigen Schwesteren, Linz Austria
Maj 2003, Dr. Koppelent, Wien, Østrig
Jun 2002, Prof. Messler og Dr. Neff, Maria Hilf krankenhaus, Mönchen Gladbach, Tyskland
Okt 2003, Prof. Strosche, University of Stuttgart, Tyskland
Okt 2003, Dr. Jiri Beznoska, Benesov Hospital, Prag, Czechia
Okt 2003, Dr. Jürgen Murmann, Vulpius klinik, Bad Rappenau, Tyskland
Nov 2003, Dr. hans Peter Schmelz, Immerstadt, Tyskland
Nov 2003, Dr. Christisan Burgeois, Saarbrücken, Tyskland
Nov 2003, Dr. Jan Lidström, GöteborgUniversitets klinik f. Ortopedi, Göteborg, Sverige
Dec 2003, Dr. Hubert Eschler, Ebensfeld, Tyskland
Dec 2003, Mr. Sunil Dhar, Dept. of Orthop., Queens University Hospital, Nottingham, UK
Dec 2003, Dr. Martin Huber, Bern, Schweiz
Feb 2004, Dr. Christian Kinast, Riefler Klinik. Munich, Tyskland
Mar 2004, Dr. Claudio Zorsi, Verona, Italien
Apr 2004, Mr. Mark Heron & Mr. Andrew Thomas, Royal Orthop. Hosp., Birmingham, UK
May 2004, Mr. Chris Blundell, Sheffield Univeristy Hospital, UK
May 2004, Mr. Simon Henderson, Belfast, N. Ireland
May 2004, Dr. A. Makulavicius, University of Vilnius, Litauen
Jun 2004, Prof. V.I. Svevtsov, Ilizarov Institute, Kurgan, Rusland
Jun 2004, Prof. A.V. Karlov, University of Tomsk, Rusland Not updated since July 2004
Scientific production
1. Sneppen O, Heerfordt J, Kofoed H: Needle biopsy of the vertebral body. Ugeskr. f. laeg
1974; 136: 971-974
2. Kofoed H, Heerfordt J, Sneppen O: Boringsbiopsi som metode ved diagnosticering af
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3. Sneppen O, Klaumann U, Kofoed H, Heerfordt J: Non-specific haematogenous spondylitis.
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4. Kofoed H, Buchart Hansen HJ: Arterial embolism in the upper limb. Acta Chir Scand
1976 Suppl 472: 113-115
5. Kofoed H, Alberts A: Femoral neck fractures. 165 cases treated with percutaneous pinning.
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6. Kofoed H, Hult L: Diagnostic analgesic lumbar disc puncture. Acta Orthop Scand 1980;
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7. Kofoed H: Thoracic outlet syndrome. Clin Orthop 1981; 156: 145-148
8. Kofoed H: The Attenborough total knee prosthesis. Acta Orthop Scand 1981; 52: 561-568
9. Kofoed H: Peripheral nerve blocks at the knee and ankle in operations for common foot
disorders. Clin Orthop 1982; 168: 97-101
10. Kofoed H: Femoral neck fractures in young adults. Injury 1982; 14: 146-150
11. Kofoed H, Lindenberg S: Postirradiation chondroblastic osteogenic sarcoma. J Bone Joint
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12. Kofoed H, Kofod J: Moore prosthesis in the treatment of fresh femoral neck fractures.
A critical review with special attention to secondary acetabular degeneration. Injury 1983;
14: 531-540
13. Kofoed H, Nielsen PR: Myonecrotic gas gangrene of the extremities. Acta Orthop Scand
1983; 54: 220-225
14. Kofoed H: Comminuted displaced Colles’ fractures. Treatment with intramedullary methylmetacrylate stabilisation. Acta Orthop Scand 1983; 54: 307-311
15. Kofoed H, Svalastoga E, Grønlund J, Jensen B, Kofod J, Svendsen P: Continuous measurement of subchondral pO2 and pCO2 by mass spectrometry. IRCS Med Sci 1983; 11: 583-84
16. Kofoed H: Revascularization of the humeral head. Clin Orthop 1983; 179: 175-178
17. Kofoed H, Solgaard S: Resection alloplasty in certain malignant bone tumours. Cancer
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18. Grønlund J, Kofoed H, Svalastoga E: Effect of increased knee joint pressure on oxygen
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19. Kofoed H, Lindenberg S: Continuous in vivo measurement of pH in subchondral bone.
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20. Svalastoga E, Grønlund J, Kofoed H: Subchondral pO2 and pCO2 are unaffected in
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21. Kofoed H, Kamby C, Anagnostaki L: Aggressive Fibromatosis. Surg, Gyn, Obstst 1985;
60: 124-127
22. Kofoed H, Thomsen P, Lindenberg S: Serous synovitis of the sternoclavicular joint.
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23. Kofoed H: Mass spectrometry for continous in vivo measurement of subchondral pO2,
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24. Kofoed H: Accuracy of subchondral pO2 and pCO2 measured by mass spectrometry.
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25. Kofoed H, Sjøntoft E, Siemssen SO, Olesen HP: Effect of osteotomy on bone marrow
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1985; 56: 400-403
26. Siemssen SO, Sjøntoft E, Kofoed H, Olesen HP: On the blood supply of muscle-pedicled
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27. Kofoed H: A new total ankle joint prosthesis. in: Material Sciences and Implant Orthopedic
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28. Kofoed H, Lindenberg S: Effect of simulated joint effusion on subchondral haemodynamics
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29. Kofoed H, Lindenberg S: Synovitis causes hypoxia and acidity in synovial fluid and subchondral bone. Injury 1986; 17: 391-39430.
30. Kamby C, Kofoed H, Anagnostaki L: Aggressive Fibromatosis. Report of two rare clinicopathological manifestations. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 1986; 104: 382-384
31. Kofoed H: Correlations between pO2, pCO2 and pH in normal synovial fluid and subchondral bone. IRCS Med Sci 1986; 14: 248-249
32. Kofoed H: Oxygen gradients between arterial blood and normal synovial fluid and subchondral bone. IRCS Med Sci 1986; 14: 250-251
33. Kofoed H: Hemodynamics and metabolism in arthrosis. Acta Orthop Scand 1986; 57:
34. Kofoed H, Levander B: Metabolic and haemodynamic changes in the pathologic hypermobile spine. Clin Biomech 1986; 1: 185-190
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36. Kofoed H, Asmussen C, Lindewald H: Long-term results of Marmor arthroplasty in varus
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38. Kristiansen B, Kofoed H: External fixation of displaced fractures of the proximal humerus.
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39. Kofoed H, Levander B: Respiratory gases in the spine. Acta Orthop Scand 1987; 58:
40. Backer M, Kofoed H: Weightbearing and non-weightbearing ankle joint mobility. Med Res
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41. Kofoed H: Subchondral bone metabolism in arthrosis: In situ measurement of respiratory
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42. Olesen HP, Levander B, Kofoed H: Strength of implanted carbon fibers. Acta Orthop
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43. Kofoed H: The Arnoldi total alloplasty of the great toe. Acta Orthop Scand 1988; 59: 105
44. Kristiansen B, Kofoed H: Displaced proximal humeral fractures treated by externalfixation.
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45. Kristiansen B, Kofoed H: Transcutaneous reduction and external fixation of displaced
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46. Backer M, Kofoed H: Passive ankle mobility. Clinical measurement compared with
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47. Kofoed H: Total ankle alloplasty: Seven years experience. Acta Orthop Scand 1989; 60;
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48. Kofoed H: Circulatory and morphological effects of noncemented and cemented hip
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49. Kofoed H: Effect of joint effusion on subchondral bone circulation. in: Bone Circulation and
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50. Bjerregaard P, Hagen K, Daugaard S, Kofoed H: Intramuscular lipomas of the lower limb.
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51. Levander B, Kofoed H, Molander H, Österberg B: Carbon fiber implant in the cervical
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52. Baech J, Kofoed H: Failure of metal-backed patellar arthroplasty. Acta Orthop Scand
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53. Kofoed H, Levander B: Epidural venous stasis of the lumbar spine. ARCO 1991; 3: 34-43
54. Leicht P, Kofoed H: Subtalar arthrosis following ankle arthrodesis. FOOT 1992; 2: 89-92
55. Levander B, Kofoed H, Löfgren H: Stabilization of the upper cervical spine by flexible
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56. Kofoed H: Intraosseous pressure, gas tension and bone blood flow; in normal and
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57. Levi N, Kofoed H: Fracture of the femoral neck. Identification of the oprimal screw position
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58. Kofoed H, Stürup J: Comparison of ankle arthroplasty and arthrodesis. A prospective
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59. Levi N, Kofoed H: Early failure of metal-backed patellar arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg
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60. Kofoed H, Danborg L: Biological fixation of ankle arthroplasty. FOOT 1995; 5: 27-31
61. Kofoed H: Cylindrical cemented ankle arthroplasty : A prospective series with long-term
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62. Garde L, Kofoed H: Meniscal-bearing ankle arthroplasty is stable. In vivo analysis using
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63. Klyver H, Jacobsen K, Kofoed H: Boneloc versus Simplex cement for fixation of femoral
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64. Levi N, Kofoed H: Fracture of the femoral neck: predicting success of internal fixation with
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Levi N, Kofoed H: Intertrochanteric femoral fractures. Identification of the optimal screw
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Levi N, Garde L, Kofoed H. Avulsion fracture of the calcaneus. J OrthopTrauma 1997; 11
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68. Kofoed H, Sandberg T: Ankle arthroplasty for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
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69. Kofoed H.(Ed.): Current status of ankle arthroplasty. Springer Scientific Publ.,
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70. Helweg J, Kofoed H. The fibula rotates during motion in the ankle joint. In Current status of
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71. Lundberg-Jensen A, Kofoed H, Levi N. Visual analogue scoring and importance rating for
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72. Levi N, Lundberg-Jensen A, Kofoed H. Comparison of five different ankle scoring systems in
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73. Elgaard T, Kofoed H: Radiographic passive mobility in ankle arthroplasty. Foot Ankle
Surg 1999; 5 (2): 95-99
74. Kofoed H: Can the ankle joint be replaced? In : Fuchs S & Linnenbecker S (Eds.):
Endoprothetik 2000. Shaker Verlag, Aachen 1999: 91-92
75. Kofoed H, Lundberg-Jensen A. Ankle arthroplasty in patients younger and older than 50
Years: A prospective series with long-term follow-up. Foot Ankle Int 1999; 20 (8): 501-506
76. Kofoed H. The evolution of ankle arthroplasty. Der Orthopäde 1999; 28 (9): 801-808
77. Zerahn B, Kofoed H, Borgwardt A. Increased Bone Mineral Density adjacent to HydroxyApatite-Coated Ankle Arthroplasty. Foot Ankle Int 2000; 21 (4): 285-289
78. Kofoed H. Total Replacement of the Ankle Joint. in: Surgical Techniques in Orthopaedics
and Traumatology. Ed. J. DuPark et al. Elsevier Publications 2000. 55-630-D-10: 1-6
79. Kofoed H, Tillmann K. The upper ankle joint. Orthopade 2000; 29 (2): 171-172
80. Lundberg-Jensen A, Kourakis AH, Rossen B, Kofoed H. Radiolucency adjacent to the
tibial component in total knee arthroplasty. Orthopedics 2002; 25(1): 49-51
81. Kofoed H. Réflexions sur l`evolution´des prothéses de cheville. In: Le pied et la cheville
rhumatoides. Eds M. Bouysset, Y. Tourné et K. Tillmann. Springer. Paris 2003, 207-212
82. Zaric D, Boysen K, Christiansen J, Haastrup U, Kofoed H, Rawal N. Continous popliteal
sciatic nerve block for outpatients foot surgery - A randomized, controlled trial. Acta
Anaesthesiol Scand 2004; 48: 337-347
83. Kofoed H. Ankle Arthroplasty: Scandinavian Total Ankle Replacement (STAR) Clin
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84. Zerahn B, Kofoed H. Ankle arthroplasty. Bone Mineral Density, Gait Analysis and Patients
Satisfaction Before and After Ankle Arthroplasty. Foot Ankle Int. 2004; 25(4): 208-214
85. Kofoed H. Surgical indications and techniques in ankle prosthesis. Aggiorn Club Ital
Osteosint 2004; 10: 17-23
86. Kofoed H. Total Ankle replacement for Rheumatoid arthritis. Importance of alignment of
the entire hindfoot. Akt Rheumatol 2004; 29: 328-331
87. Kofoed H. STAR ankle. Techniques in Foot & Ankle Surgery 2005; 4: 455-461
88. Kofoed H. Total Replacement of the Ankle Joint. I: European Instructional Course Lectures
(Eds. R. Lemaire (EFORT), J Scott, R Horan and R Villar) J Bone Joint Surg , London
2005; 7: 198-205
89. Bonde HV, Talman M-L M, Kofoed.H. The area of the tidemark in osteoarthritis- a threedimensional stereological study in 21 patients. AMPIS 2005; 113: 349-352
90. Kofoed H. Some reflexions about the evolution of ankle prostheses. In: Foot and Ankle in
Rheumatoid Arthritis. Eds Bouysset,Tourne,Tillmann K: Springer, Paris 2006: 201- 206
91. Kofoed H. Replacing ankle joints. In: Joint replacement technology. Ed. PA Revell.
Woodhead Publ., Cambridge, UK 2008; 23: 571-57891.
92. Kofoed H. Concept and use of the Scandinavian Total Ankle Replacement. Foot & Ankle
Specialists. 2009; 282): 89-94
93. Kofoed H. Reflexions sur la prothese totale de cheville. In: Pathologie du pied et de la
cheville. Eds. Leemrijse and Valtin. Elsevier MASSON 2009, pp. 390-392
94. Kofoed H. Is total replacement of the first MTP-joint for arthrosis an option?
Fuss &Sprunggelenk 2011; 9:39-45
95. Wetke E, Zerahn B, Kofoed H. Prospective analysis of a first MTP total joint replacement.
Evaluation by bone mineral densiometry, pedography, and visual analogue score for pain.
Foot Ankle Surg 2012; 18: 136-140
96. Kofoed H. The S.T.A.R. prosthesis: Why I designed it this way. In: Total Ankle Arthroplasty
(Ed. S.Haddad) AAOS monograph 2013
97. Kofoed H. Overview of total replacement of the first metatarso-phalangeal joint. In: ((Ed.
PA Revell). Joint replacement technology. 2. Edition. Woodhead Publ. Cambridge, UK, 2013
98. Kofoed H, Kojstu T, Goldberg A. Editorial: European registers for total ankle replacements,
Foot Ankle Surg 2013; 19: 1
99. Kofoed H. Editorial. Total Ankle Replacement: Back to the Future? Clin Res Foot Ankle
2013; 1: 1
100. Kofoed H. Active Weight Bearing Tibio-talar Motion and meniscal Translation in the
S.T.A.R. Prosthesis. A Radiographic Comparative Study of the S.T.A.R. toward the
Opposite Normal Ankle Joint. Clin Res Foot Ankle 2013; 1
101.Kofoed H.
Editorial. Ankle replacement revision. Foot Ankle Surg 2013; 19: 69