Dyeing Machines: Types, Requirements & Principles

Dyeing machine
Chapter - 6
The basic requirements of a dyeing m/c:
It should provide sufficient movement for the liquor to penetrate uniformly into every
part of the goods.
The movement must not be so vigorous that it will damage fibre mtls.
The m/c must be constructed of a mtl. which will withstand prolonged boiling with
acid or alkaline solutions.
The heating arrangements must be such that a comparatively
uniform temp. will be maintained throughout the liquor.
There should be some means of adding the concentrated dyestuff solution in such a way
that it becomes well diluted before it comes into contact with goods.
Types of dyeing m/c:
1. Fibre dyeing m/c.
2. Yarn dyeing m/c.
3. Fabric dyeing m/c.
Fiber dyeing m/c: (Loose stock form):
a) Annular cage for loose stock dyeing m/c.
b) Hussong loose cotton dyeing m/c.
c) Simplex dyeing m/c.
d) Long close loose cotton dyeing m/c.
Yarn dyeing m/c:
a. Hank form:
I. Hussong hank dyeing m/c.
II. G.S.H hank dyeing m/c.
b. Package form:
I. Cop dyeing m/c.
II. Cheese dyeing m/c.
III. Warp dyeing m/c.
I.Cop dyeing m/c:
Mather & Platt cop dyeing m/c.
 Long close cop dyeing m/c.
II. Cheese dyeing m/c:
 Franklin cheese dyeing m/c.
 Krantz gop cheese dyeing m/c.
III.Warp dyeing m/c:
o Ball warp dyeing m/c.
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Chain warp dyeing m/c.
Fabric dyeing m/c:
 Jet dyeing m/c.
 Jigger dyeing m/c.
 Beam dyeing m/c.
 Winch dyeing m/c.
 High temp winch dyeing m/c.
 Pad dyeing m/c or Padding mangle dyeing m/c.
a) Jet dyeing m/c:
 Partially folded jet dyeing m/c.
 Fully folded jet dyeing m/c.
b) Jigger dyeing m/c:
 Mather and Platt jigger dyeing m/c.
 Closed jigger dyeing m/c.
c) Padding mangle dyeing m/c:
 Two bowl padding mangle.
 Three bowl padding mangle.
 Fibre bowl padding mangle..
According to dyeing process:
1. Open dyeing m/c process.
2. Enclosed dyeing m/c
Depending on mtl. and liquor movement:
1. Mtl. moves but liquor does not circulate e.g. Jigger, winch etc.
2. Liquor circulates but mtl. does not move e.g. All package dyeing m/cs.
3. Both mtl. and liquor circulate. e.g. Jet dyeing m/c.
Fibre form: continuous loose cotton dyeing m/c:Feature:
 When large amount of fibre (loose cotton) is to be dyed in standard shades, continuous
dyeing may be carried out.
 The output of the m/c can be as high as 2000lb/hr.
 Vat and Sulpher dyes are dyed on cotton fibres in m/cs.
Working principle:
Fig: Continuous loose cotton dyeing sequence
In this m/c the dye liquor is kept stationary while the cotton is moved in the liquor.
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Cotton fibers are fed in the form of laps, 2” thick and 36” wide, which are uniformly
packed. The lap is passed through a squeeze rollers are fed into the m/c by conveyer
The method of circulation of the dye liquor through the conveyers and the cotton lap is
shown as figure.
There are five units (Wetting, Dyeing, Dyeing, Cold wash, Hot wash, Drying) with this
type of cylinder and every unit has a definite liquor.
Sequence of dyeing:
Loose fibre
Lap formation
Dyed cotton
Cold wash
Hot wash
Hussong loose cotton dyeing m/c:(Discontinuous)
 In this m/c the paddle is placed in the side compartment instead of at the centre.
The solution rises in the side compartment and gets poured over the mtl, through which
it percolates down
Fig: Hussong loose cotton dyeing m/c
The solution is collected at the bottom compartment from where it is sucked and again
forced up the side compartment.
Yarn dyeing: Hank dyeing:Hussong hank dyeing m/c:
Fig: Hussong hand dyeing m/c
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Working principle:
When the dye liquor flows top to bottom, the liquor does not come into sufficiently
intimate contact with the portions of the hanks resting on the poles leading to lighter
dyeing at these portions.
When the liquor is circulated in the opposite direction(Upwards), the hanks are slightly
lifted and this deflect does not occur.
Therefore, upward direction of circulation is maintained during the greater portion of
the dyeing cycle when the hanks are pressed into a compact mass against the perforated
top of the pole frame.
Package dyeing m/c: Beaumont cop dyeing m/c:Feature:
This m/c consists of a copper hemispherical dye vessel provided with a tightly fitting lid.
 The bottom of the vessel is connected to the suction end of a centrifugal pump while the
delivery end of the pump is connected to one side of the dye vessel.
 A period of 5 to 10 mins is sufficient to dye the cops.
 Rapid circulation (25 to 50 gallon/min) takes place.
 The m/c is simple in construction and operation and gives good results.
 More than about 100 lb yarn can be dyed.
Working Principle:
 The cops are placed on perforated metal spindle which are inserted in a perforated metal
circular plate. Another thin metal plate is placed over the spindles to prevent the cops
being detached from the plate.
 The plates, full of cops are placed in the dye vessel and rest on a flange provided for the
purpose into the chambers.
 The pump draws the liquor under the cop plate (lower chamber) and creates partial
vacuum, which during the working of the m/c could reach 25 to 50 cm Hg.
 The dye liquor is then forced through the cops. The pump return the liquor to the dye
Fig: Beaumont cop dyeing m/c
Fabric dyeing m/c: Jet dyeing m/c: Feature:
 Modern discontinuous dyeing m/c.
Used for woven i.e. synthetic fabric.
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Both dye liquor and fabrics are circulated.
Generally of two types -1. Vertical and 2. Horizontal
Time is required 6-8 hrs.
Dyeing temp. 1400c.
M/c capacity is normally 150 kg.
Pressure up to 5 kg/cm2.
Jet dyeing m/c is a complete closed vessel m/c.
The fabric is dyed in rope form.
Working principle:
 Jet dyeing m/c is a cylindrical pressure vessel and centrifugal pump rotate the liquor
with the help of Jet throttle valve.
The circular movement of the liquor carries the fabric round with it in a totally enclosed
tubular chamber.
The primary flow is given by a centrifugal pump but it is useful to incorporate also a few
inclined steam jets to boost the movement of both the fabric and liquor.
Uniform dyeing is possible.
Knitted fabric can be dyed.
M:L ration is very small and easily adjustable.
Better dyeing is possible than other discontinuous dyeing.
 Easy to maintain uniform temp. through out the m/c.
 Elongation of the fabric due to the tension.
Discontinuous process.
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 Slight and dark mark is found to the fabric for relax of shrinkage fabric post processing.
Jigger dyeing m/c: Features:
 Discontinuous dyeing m/c.
Fabric is dyed in open width in uniform tension.
Fabric moves but liquor does not circulate.
M:L is 1:7 to 1:10
In normal atmospheric pressure and under 1000c, fabric can be dyed.
Time is required 4-10 hrs for dyeing.
500-1000 yds fabric can be dyed.
Fabric transport speed is 200-800m/hr.
It is used specially for woven fabrics.
Rollers rotate clockwise and anti clockwise.
Working principle:
 The jigger consists of a trough fitted with rollers known as draw rollers arranged one
along either side and supported in metal bearings. Guide rollers and stream line are
provided in the trough.
The mtl./Fabric is wound, in open width, over rollers standing above a shallow trough
containing the dye liquor.
The rollers, by rotating in clockwise and anticlockwise directions alternately, pull the
fabric backward and forward through the dye liquor, completely immersion being
ensured by guide rollers at the bottom of the trough.
The time required for one end usually 10 to 15 mins and on the depth of shade being
=Uneven dyeing in fabric selvedge.
=Weak fabric may be damaged due
to more tension.
=Dyeing room becomes dirty and
=Heat may be lost due to roller.
=Fabric is out of liquor in dyeing tank.
 High speed dyeing m/c.
Low M:L ratio.
Better dye penetration.
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No crease marks in fabric.
Economical dyeing process.
Used for cotton fabrics specially woven fabric.
Winch dyeing m/c: Feature:
 The fabric is immersed and pulled on from dye liquor with the help of winch and guide
roller. So its named winch dyeing m/c.
Essentially, consists of a heated container and a revolving winch
Discontinuous type dyeing m/c.
In the m/c, fabric moves but dye liquor does not move.
The fabric is dyed in rope form.
Winch speed is 70 r.p.m and fabric moving speed 30 to 80 m/min.
M:L ratio 1:20 to 1:40.
The more speed, the more dyeing.
 Mostly fabric is kept on dye liquor during dyeing.
Working principle:
Fig: Winch dyeing m/c
The m/c consists of a driven elliptical winch having a perforated partition dividing the
vat into two compartments.
Water inlet and outlet arrangements are made in small compartment and line steam can
be let in the small compartment.
The fabric is passed over the winch into the dye and taken over the circular guide roller
at the other ends are sewn together making a long continuous loop, which is then
worked in the m/c for dyeing.
When the cloth is dyed in the rope form, a no. of pieces can be dyed simultaneously.
Dye solution is made and kept in a small compartment. Then through perforated
partition dye liquor enters into cloth compartment.
 Now the fabric is circulated by winch and guide rollers and fabric becomes dyed.
 Easy to operate and easy to enter and let out of the fabric of the m/c.
 Suitable for dyeing both woven and knitted fabric.
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Due to revolving winch, fabric folding become small as a result better and level dyeing.
Dyed fabric is soft and durable.
Knitted fabric can be dyed easily due to low tension on fabric.
Many batches can be dyed at a time.
 Difficult to maintain uniform temperature.
 Due to high liquor ratio (1:40) product cost is higher.
 Elongation of fabrics occur due to tension.
 Uneven dyeing due to folding.
 Permanent crease many occur due to not heat set of fabric.
 Labour and production cost is increase due to high temp. and pressure.
 More fabrics cannot be dyed as Beam dyeing.
 Discontinuous process.
Semi Continuous m/c:
1. Pad jig method.
2. Pad roll (Pad Batch) method.
Continuous m/c:
1. Pad steam method.
2. Pad thermofix method.
3. Pad dry method
4. Pad high temp. steam.
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