1997-1998 Annual Report Part 6. Narrative Frances Simes Hastings Natural History Reservation Prepared by: Mark R. Stromberg Research Program Hastings primarily supports graduate level field research in the biological sciences. Both resident, full-time UC staff and full-time visiting researchers from other universities live and work at Hastings. The number of research user-days (about 5,200) was typical of the recent years, and just below last year’s record. Most housing units at Hastings were occupied during each week. Numbers of individual researchers using Hastings was slightly down from the previous record year, primarily due to fewer non-Berkeley UC faculty users. As has been the case for many years, the majority of users are academic faculty and staff from the UC system. Resident UC staff include Dr. Walter Koenig (Research Zoologist, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology) and Dr. Mark R. Stromberg (Reserve Manager and Academic Coordinator, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology). Dr. Janis Dickinson, a full-time resident researcher, is a Research Associate, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. Dr. David Gubernick, a faculty associate at the Department of Psychology , UC-Davis (Animal Behavior Group) and associate editor of the Condor was given a final one-year residency and so was a full time resident for much of the year. Mark Johnson, the fulltime Hastings reserve steward (Museum of Vertebrate Zoology), commutes from a nearby residence. Dr. Koenig’s research program on Acorn Woodpeckers has spanned nearly 20 years at Hastings, and this year included Dr. Joe Haydock (Post-doctoral fellow, full time resident), several graduate students and many undergraduate field assistants. Dr. Haydock, with Dr. Dickinson (see below), continues to process DNA samples in the Hastings lab, to determine paternal and maternal relationships in woodpeckers that have simultaneously been observed in complex social settings. Dr. Johannes Knops, resident several years ago as a post-graduate fellow, continued to work with Dr. Koenig on projects investigating patterns in acorn production, and nutrient cycling in the oak forest. Dr. Koenig’s resident graduate student was Ginger Bolen, who spent her last field year studying social behavior of the Yellow-billed Magpie on an NSF graduate fellowship. Dr. Koenig directed a Hastings Annual Report 1997-98. Page 1 group of field assistants year round to collect behavioral data from breeding groups of acorn woodpeckers and biomass production by oaks. Dr. Koenig hosted a crew from Oxford Scientific Films who produced a documentary on the social behavior of the acorn woodpecker. This was shown in February of 1998 on TBS as a part of the National Geographic Society’s Explorer series. Dr. Janis Dickinson continued to add to the Hastings lab for DNA analysis to determine parental relationships in western bluebirds. Similar research was conducted by Dr. Haydock on acorn woodpeckers. Dr. Dickinson organized a group of field assistants to observe the social behavior of over 100 breeding pairs of western bluebirds and she has maintained an active publication record. Dr. Dickinson worked with Jon Akre as a full time lab assistant and coordinator for the bluebird field team. Mark Stromberg’s part-time research focused on ecological restoration of native, perennial grasslands as well as setting up a geographic information system (GIS) and global positioning system (GPS) at Hastings. Stromberg, Koenig and Dr. Brad Shaffer (UC-Davis, Zoology), along with graduate student Peter Trenham (UC-Davis) and several field assistants, have completed the 9th year of monitoring all amphibians at Blomquist Pond, just off the edge of the Hastings reserve. Matina Kalcounis, Univ. of W. Ontario, (Canada) spent five months during the first winter of a field study comparing parental care in two species of deer mice. Matina and her assistant trapped and marked all the deer mice on study grids in Madrone Canyon and Robertson Creek. Dr. Paul Neal, Haifa University, returned to re-sample oak flowers and follow up on acorn production on several species. In the summer of 1997, the geographic information system, based on an easily learned Macintosh program (“GeoNavigator”) was fully installed and was used by Ken Kraaijeveld (Western Bluebirds) , Kalcounis (radio telemetry of deer mice) and Bolen (movements of magpies). By far, Hastings’ primary user group is the UC System, dominated by local staff (Koenig, Dickinson) and UC-Faculty and academic staff (about 1100 user days) and their field assistants (1500 user-days). UC-Berkeley alone accounted for most of the UC system use (4000 user-days). Koenig and Dickinson accounted for almost all of the research assistant user-days (1700). Hastings Annual Report 1997-98. Page 2 Graduate student education and research continues to be a primary focus at Hastings. A total of 799 user-days by graduate students were recorded, with 404 user-days associated with UCBerkeley. Most of that was by one student of Dr. Koenig, Ginger Bolen. Peter Trenham, a graduate student of Dr. Brad Shaffer, continued his resident field work on the long-term population monitoring of the threatened California tiger salamanders in Blomquist Pond and Laguna Conejo over the mid-winter. Peter marked over 39,000 newts and over 1,500 California tiger salamanders. Peter finished his dissertation research and accepted a position with EPA in Duluth, MN. Marjorie Matocq, UCB, was a significant new user of Hasttings, working on the genetic and population structure of woodrats. Matina Kalcounis, and her graduate student assistant Peter Smithen from the University of Western Ontario worked at Hastings for several months. Hastings continues to support undergraduate students (as field assistant primarily) and nonUC biologists. Other users include researchers from the US Forest Service, Colorado, and elsewhere (Appendix 1). Our high school students (mostly seniors) from Carmel High School were disappointingly rare in 1998, as the most enthusiastic volunteer leaders graduated. Road closures and storm damage during the unusually wet El Niño winter limited access by many high school students. Research papers published in late 1996 and through August of 1997 year by investigators active at Hastings are listed in Table 1. Educational Program Hastings hosted eight classes (Appendix 2). Stromberg, Koenig and Dickinson all contributed to local K-12 schools, serving on various committees, presenting in individual classes and assisting with teachers. Our high school volunteer involved only 2-3 students. Hastings’ web site is hosted by NRS (http://www.nrs.ucop.edu/reserves/hastings/hastings.html). Mark Stromberg is now able to update that web site, and so added species lists and updated bibliographic information. Mark Stromberg maintains a home page for the Organization of Biological Field Stations (OBFS) which is maintained at the Jasper Ridge server at Stanford (http://jasper.stanford.edu/OBFS/). Hastings Annual Report 1997-98. Page 3 Every two months, a newsletter was written and mailed to about 125 local neighbors as well as those doing research on Hastings, administrators on the Berkeley campus, and the statewide NRS office. These four-page newsletters, now with photographs, summarize the environment, research, teaching and facilities work at Hastings. This newsletter is also posted on the Hastings website. Hastings continues to contribute to the local newspaper. Working with a few writers, we have consistently published information on the research conducted at Hastings in a simple, direct reporting which can be read by the general public. Several of these articles are listed in Appendix 3. Facilities Development Hastings did not have any major capital projects in 1997-98. With help from NRS, we qualified for federal surplus property and so added a fire engine to our vehicle inventory. We also acquired a good Chevy S-10 pickup, a wide variety of shop tools, and many building materials. Significant flooding occurred during the El Niño winter of 1997-1998. Again declared a national disaster area, we applied for and obtained about $57,000 from FEMA. We used this money to contract for road repair, culvert replacements on the entry lane, and for new road surface material on the entry lane. Damage was largely resticted to the dirt roads, with two major slides on Martin Road, with some damage at the Hallisy House. Several stream crossings were repaired or replaced with culverts. Outreach In 1998, Mark Stromberg wrote an outreach plan and assembled a group of six local Hastings supporters in an organizational meeting of the “Friends of Hastings”. The outreach plan is summarized here: Hastings has always been focused on research, with over 300 scientific publications since the 1940’s. Much of this work provides an impressive long-term data set for comparison to changes we are seeing in Carmel Valley. Hastings Annual Report 1997-98. Page 4 “One of the penalties of an ecological education is that one lives alone in a world of wounds. Much of the damage inflicted on land is quite invisible to laymen. An ecologist must either harden his shell and make believe that the consequences of science are none of his business, or he must be the doctor who sees the marks of death in a community that believes itself well and does not want to be told otherwise” --Leopold, Aldo: Round River, Oxford University Press, New York, 1993, pg. 165. My goal is to make ecological information available to residents of Monterey county so they can live on their piece of land while doing the least possible damage to its biological integrity, and where possible, restore that land’s beauty, diversity and natural values. Hastings can become a central, authoritative source for ecological information about the Monterey Peninsula. Hastings has become an unmatched local repository for ecological information; sharing this information in a meaningful way is the goal of the outreach program. The wildlands at Hastings are limited; they cannot be the site for both continued research and public outreach. The site is remote and increasing public visitation, particularly by the public at large and K-12 students, would degrade the research values. To reach the largest possible audience, the outreach efforts at Hastings must amplify or leverage the limited resources at Hastings. Hastings’ outreach must integrate with existing educational programs. Whenever possible, we will try to enhance and network with ongoing programs, foundation support and individual interests. With the help and encouragement from Sean Flavin, Tom Gray, Ted Horton, Bill Landreth, Mike Markkula, Hampton Stewart and Lee Riordan, I am starting to seek support for several projects. Some can be started with minimal input and others will take some time and work with the community. Hastings Annual Report 1997-98. Page 5 Group Facility A new facility is probably the most challenging part of the program. This entails planning with existing parks, local schools, UC, NRS and others interested in environmental education. The most important tool here, and one which will have the greatest leverage over the long run, and affect all levels of outreach, will be a group facility at Hastings. Such facilities at other NRS reserves-Bodega Marine Lab, Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Lab-SNARL, and the James Reserve-- have been so successful in outreach that the NRS is actively seeking funds for additional centers for environmental education at other reserves. We could build a group facility near the Robertson House, where roads, water, power, exemplary ecosystems, and bus access are available. Having a place to house up to 30 people, 2-3 per bedroom with a dining hall / lecture room, kitchen facilities, and bath facilities would enable many outreach activities. K-12 Outreach -Organize and offer continuing education classes in natural history for credit to teachers in Monterey County. Involve local and regional faculty and working scientists at Hastings in a selfsupporting summer program. - Support innovative curriculum development based on the natural sciences; provide biological materials, expertise, and guest lectures to local teachers. - Offer an expanded intern program for high school students who could work with ongoing research programs at Hastings. - Offer college internships to students willing to use the knowledge base at Hastings to serve as guest lecturers, develop and improve nature trails or kiosks at nature centers used by local schools, web pages, etc. Hastings Annual Report 1997-98. Page 6 College Classes College classes (undergraduate, graduate) visiting Hastings have had to basically camp out or spread out 25 sleeping bags on the floor of one of the old houses here. The marvelous diversity of Monterey County no doubt would see the group facility booked much of the winter. Classes from local, regional and the UC system have all expressed an interest in visiting Hastings, but access has been limited. Distance learning is making it possible for students at several levels to observe without being present. Extensive GIS databases can be made available. As telecommunication capacity increases at Hastings, we could add real time observation capacity of weather, bird nests, stream life, much like the remote viewing capacity of the Monterey bay by the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Graduate Students Graduate students could be supported by fellowships which give them funds to do their individual research with the stipulation that they help develop parts of the outreach program; help teach summer classes, work on a website, with a video production, develop kiosk materials, etc. Local Property Owners, Private Citizens, The Public Hastings can offer a knowledge product to the people of Monterey County. We could develop a “ecological user’s guide” and make it available to everyone seeking information, or a building permit in Monterey County. Parts could be extracted and revised for; - Public Service Announcements for local TV, Radio stations - An extensive website and associated print publications describing the environment how to minimize damages; showcase good stewardship. - Organize continuing adult education * Natural history courses for park docents * Continue course with Jepson Herbarium Hastings Annual Report 1997-98. Page 7 * Master Classes in visual arts (UCLA faculty * Regional workshops in natural resource management And our course, we would continue to encourage use of Hastings in natural history films and videos (BBC, Nature, National Geographic, etc.). Land Management A “Vegetation Management Plan” (VMP Program, California Department of Forestry) is in effect and allows us to do a prescriptive burn on School Hill on Hastings. The agreement between CDF and the University is now in place and no further EIR or other documentation is required. The burn, scheduled for summer of 1998 was postponed to allow Marjorie Matocq to complete her woodrat study without complications. The burn is rescheduled for summer of 1999. Contiguous land owned by Jim Kirk was put on the market. Mark Stromberg, working with The Nature Conservancy and the Packard Foundation, worked to conserve these approximate 2,000 ac. immediately to the west of Hastings that are used by research staff from UC. An option was purchased by a prospective (third party) landowner, and a use agreement was drafted. The option was pending in June. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Hastings Annual Report 1997-98. Page 8 Table 1. Publications from research at the Hastings Reservation, 1997-1998. Publications in preparation or in press are not listed. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Barthell, J. F., T. L. Griswold, R. W. Frankie, and R. T. Thorpe 1997. Osmia (Hymenoptera:Megachilidae) diversity at a site in central coastal California. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 73: 141-151. Dickinson, J. L. 1997. [Review]. Handbook of Ethological Methods, Philip N. Lehner American Zoologist 37(4): 434-435. Fincke, O. M., J. K. Waage and W. D. Koenig. 1997. Natural and sexual selection components of odonate mating patterns. in Jae C. Choe and Bernard J. Crespi, (eds.) The Evolution of Mating Systems in Insects and arachnids. Cambridge University Press 58-74. Koenig, W. and J. Knops 1997. Geographical ecology of acorn production by California oaks. Oaks ‘n’ Folks, Univ. of California Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program 12(2): 6-7. Reynolds, M. D. and W. D. Koenig 1997. Reproductive success of Yellow-billed magpies Pica nuttalli in central coastal California. Acta Ornithoologica 32: 99-109. Stromberg, M. R. 1997. Taricha torosa (California newt) response to fire. Herpetological Review 28: 82-83. Wolf, J. O. and W. D. Koenig 1997. Cooperative Mammals; a review of Cooperative Breeding in Mammals. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 12: 412-413. Dickinson, J. L. and J. J. Akre 1998. Extrapair paternity, inclusive fitness, and within-group benefits of helping in western bluebirds. Molecular Ecology 7: 95-105. Koenig, W. D. 1998. [Review] Made for Each Other: A Symbiosis of Birds and Pines. by Ronal M. Lanner Quarterly Review of Biology 73: 100. Koenig, W. D. 1998. Spatial autocorrelation in California land birds. Conservation Biology 12: 612-620. Koenig, W. D., J. Haydock, and M. T. Stanback 1998. Reproductive roles in the cooperatively breeding acorn woodpecker: incest avoidance versus reproductive competition. The American Naturalist 151: 243-255. Koenig, W. D. and M. K. Heck 1998. Ability of two species of oak woodland birds to subsist on acorns. Condor 90: 705-708. Koenig, W. and J. Knops 1998. Patterns of geographic synchrony in growth and reproduction of oaks within California and beyond. USDA Forest Service Gen. Technical Report PSW-GTR-160. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Hastings Annual Report 1997-98. Page 9 University of California- Berkeley Hastings Natural History Reservation, Carmel Valley. 6000 Other-Staff, Visitor 5000 Class User-Days 4000 Non-UC Research Assistant 3000 UC Research Assistant 2000 Non-UC Graduate Student 1000 UC- Graduate Student Non-UC Faculty/ Acad. Staff 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 0 UC Faculty/Acad. Staff A reporting year includes academic year;"1995" includes data from 1994-1995. Figure 1. Number of user-days at Hastings Natural History Reservation 140 120 Other Field Assistant 100 UC Field Assistant Other Graduate Student 80 UC Graduate Student 60 Other Faculty/ Staff 40 UC Faculty/ Staff 20 97-98 96-97 95-96 94-95 93-94 92-93 91-92 90-91 89-90 88-89 87-88 86-87 85-86 0 Figure 2. Number of individual users at Hastings Natural History Reservation. Hastings Annual Report 1997-98. Page 10 Appendix 1. University Student, Staff and Faculty users of the Hastings Reserve, 1997-1998. Title Afil Name Sponsor/Institution Facility Used Arrive Depart On-Site MVZ Staff 1 RS UCB 2 O UCB 3 F UCB 4 RS UCB Janis Dickinson Mark Johnson Walt Koenig Mark Stromberg MVZ, Hastings Staff MVZ, Hastings Staff MVZ, Hastings Staff MVZ, Hastings Staff School House Linsdale Library School House Hallisey House 7/1/97 7/1/97 7/1/97 7/1/97 6/30/98 6/30/98 6/30/98 6/30/98 Subtotal 364 364 364 364 1456 Graduate Students 1 G UCB 1 G UCB 2 G UCSC 3 G UCD 4 G UCD 5 G UCI 6 G UCB 6 G UCB 6 G UCB 6 G UCB 6 G UCB 6 G UCB 6 G UCB 6 G UCB 6 G UCB 6 G UCB 6 G UCB 6 G UCB 6 G UCB 6 G UCB 6 G UCB 6 G UCB 6 G UCB 6 G UCB 7 G O 8 G UCD 9 G UCI 10 G UCB 10 G UCB 10 G UCB 10 G UCB 10 G UCB 10 G UCB 11 G SFSU 12 G O 13 G O 14 G UCB 15 G UCB 16 G UCD 17 G UCSC 18 G UCSC 19 G UCD 20 G UCB 21 G O Ginger Bolen Ginger Bolen Sanjayan Muttulingam Peter Trenham Jessica Goren Bryan Rourke Jenny Pretare Jenny Pretare Jenny Pretare Jenny Pretare Jenny Pretare Jenny Pretare Jenny Pretare Jenny Pretare Jenny Pretare Jenny Pretare Jenny Pretare Jenny Pretare Jenny Pretare Jenny Pretare Jenny Pretare Jenny Pretare Jenny Pretare Jenny Pretare Douglas Sejberg Arlene Alvarado Bryan Rourke Marjorie Matocq Marjorie Matocq Marjorie Matocq Marjorie Matocq Marjorie Matocq Marjorie Matocq Leslie Dunipace Stan Harpole Matina Kalcounis J. Hamlin Dan Rubinoff Eric Baack Bret Elderd Priya Shakani Sheri Gill Kaen Nutt Peter Smithen MVZ, Walt Koenig MVZ, Walt Koenig UCSC- Mike Soule's lab UCD-Zoology, Salamander UCD- Shaffer's lab, UCI- Working on Grasshoppers UCB-with Janis Dickinson UCB-with Janis Dickinson UCB-with Janis Dickinson UCB-with Janis Dickinson UCB-with Janis Dickinson UCB-with Janis Dickinson UCB-with Janis Dickinson UCB-with Janis Dickinson UCB-with Janis Dickinson UCB-with Janis Dickinson UCB-with Janis Dickinson UCB-with Janis Dickinson UCB-with Janis Dickinson UCB-with Janis Dickinson UCB-with Janis Dickinson UCB-with Janis Dickinson UCB-with Janis Dickinson UCB-with Janis Dickinson Lund University, Sweden UC Davis, Behavior Group UC-Irvine, Bee Study UCB-MVZ, Jim Patton UCB-MVZ, Jim Patton UCB-MVZ, Jim Patton UCB-MVZ, Jim Patton UCB-MVZ, Jim Patton UCB-MVZ, Jim Patton SFSU- with Greg Spicer Univ. Minnesota-Ecology Univ. Western Ontario UCB UCB UC- Davis UC Santa Cruz UC Santa Cruz UCD- Louise Jackson UCB- with Eileen Lacey Univ. Western Ontario Fanny's Cabin Fanny's Cabin Bunk House Bunk House Bunk House Bunk House Bunk House Bunk House Bunk House Bunk House Bunk House Bunk House Bunk House Red House Red House Red House Red House Red House Red House Red House Red House Red House Red House Bnk House Stucco House Bunk House Ranch House Ranch House Ranch House Bunk House Bunk House Bunk House Ranch House Ranch House Bunk House Stucco House Stucco House Bunk House Stucco House Bunk House Bunk House 7/1/97 12/15/97 7/1/97 11/1/97 7/16/97 7/17/97 9/2/97 9/8/97 9/15/97 9/23/97 10/20/97 11/5/97 11/11/97 11/24/97 2/10/98 2/17/98 2/21/98 3/9/98 3/17/98 3/24/98 4/6/98 4/20/98 7/19/98 8/8/98 10/24/97 8/4/97 8/17/97 8/11/97 8/11/97 2/27/98 3/20/98 4/25/98 6/2/98 3/12/98 2/20/98 12/21/97 4/25/98 4/25/98 5/23/98 5/14/98 5/14/98 6/13/98 6/5/98 12/21/97 9/1/97 8/10/98 7/13/96 3/14/98 7/16/97 7/17/97 9/5/97 9/12/97 9/19/97 9/25/97 10/24/97 11/7/97 11/13/97 11/25/97 2/12/98 2/19/98 2/24/98 3/10/98 3/19/98 3/27/98 4/9/98 4/23/98 7/21/98 8/10/98 10/26/97 8/5/97 8/18/97 8/16/97 8/16/97 2/28/98 3/30/98 4/30/98 6/4/98 3/12/98 2/22/98 4/30/98 4/26/98 4/26/98 5/25/98 5/14/98 5/14/98 6/20/98 7/1/98 4/11/98 Subtotal 63 239 25 134 1 1 3 4 4 2 4 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 5 5 1 10 5 2 1 2 131 1 1 2 1 1 8 27 112 543 Hastings Annual Report 1997-98. Page 11 User-Days Visiting Faculty, Post-Doctoral Fellows, and Professionals 1 PD UCB Joe Haydock UCB- Walt Koenig, AW 2 F UCD David Gubernick U.C.D.- Psychology 3 F UCB Chris Meacham UCB-Botany 3 F UCB Chris Meacham UCB-Botany 3 F UCB Chris Meacham UCB-Botany 4 F UCB Gordon Frankie UCB-Entomology 4 F UCB Gordon Frankie UCB-Entomology 4 F UCB Gordon Frankie UCB-Entomology 4 F UCB Gordon Frankie UCB-Entomology 4 F UCB Gordon Frankie UCB-Entomology 4 F UCB Gordon Frankie UCB-Entomology 4 F UCB Gordon Frankie UCB-Entomology 4 F UCB Gordon Frankie UCB-Entomology 4 F UCB Gordon Frankie UCB-Entomology 4 F UCB Gordon Frankie UCB-Entomology 4 F UCB Gordon Frankie UCB-Entomology 5 O O Keith Brust Oxford Scientific Films 5 O O Keith Brust Oxford Scientific Films 5 O O Keith Brust BBC Films6 F UCD Sharon Collinge UCD-Botany, Long-horned Beetle 7 O O Jessica Reiner Oxford Scientific Films 7 O O Jessica Reiner Oxford Scientific Films 8 F UCD Dick Hemmes Vassar & UCD- Behaviour Group 8 F UCD Dick Hemmes Vassar & UCD- Behaviour Group 8 F UCD Dick Hemmes Vassar & UCD- Behaviour Group 8 F UCD Dick Hemmes Vassar & UCD- Behaviour Group 8 F UCD Dick Hemmes Vassar & UCD- Behaviour Group 8 F UCD Dick Hemmes Vassar & UCD- Behaviour Group 8 F UCD Dick Hemmes Vassar & UCD- Behaviour Group 9 F O Jean Knops Univ. Minnesota 9 F O Jean Knops Univ. Minnesota 10 F O Paul Neal Miami University 10 PD O Paul Neal Univ. of Miami, Dept. of Biology 10 PD O Paul Neal Univ. of Miami, Dept. of Biology 11 O O Dick Sage UCB and Consulting 12 F UCB Vernard Lewis UCB Entomology 13 F UCSF Christian Orrego UCSF- Biology 13 F UCSF Christian Orrego UCSF- Biology 14 RS O Bill Carmen UCB-with Walt Koenig, 15 PD UCB Kurstin Graham UCB-with Vernard Lewis 16 F O Janet Shellman-Reeve Cornell University 16 F O Janet Shellman-Reeve Cornell University 17 F SFSU Greg Spicer SFSU- Biology 18 F UCB Carla Dantonio UCB-Integrative Biology/ESPM 19 F UCB Jerry A Powell UCB- Entomology 19 F UCB Jerry A Powell UCB- Entomology 19 F UCB Jerry A Powell UCB- Entomology 19 F UCB Jerry A Powell UCB- Entomology 20 F UCB Felix Sperling UCB- Entomology 21 F UCD Louise Jackson UCD- Vegetable Crops 22 F UCD Pat MacGuire UCD-Genetic Conservation 23 O O Joseph Clark USGS- fault survey 24 F UCB Carla Cicero UCB-MVZ 25 PD UCB Soowoo Cho UCB- Entomology 26 PD UCD Francisco Calderon UCD-Crop Science 27 RS UCD Amy Aasen UCD-Crop Science 29 O F Mark Stanback Davidson College, NC 30 O F Paul Arnaud Cal Academy Sci- Entomology 31 O F Richard Joffre CNRS, Montpellier, France 32 O O Ivan Shukster Author, Alberta Canada, Magpies 33 O O Phil Savoie BBC Films- Red House Hastings Cabin Ranch House Ranch House Ranch House Ranch House Ranch House Ranch House Ranch House Stucco House Stucco House Stucco House Stucco House Stucco House Stucco House Stucco House Ranch House Ranch House Ranch House Stucco House Ranch House Ranch House Ranch House Ranch House Stucco House Stucco House Stucco House Bunk House Ranch House School House Ranch House Bunk House Ranch House Ranch House Ranch House Ranch House Ranch House Ranch House Ranch House Ranch House Ranch House School House Ranch House Ranch House Ranch House Stucco House Stucco House Ranch House Ranch House Stucco House Stucco House Bunk House Ranch House Stucco House Stucco House Ranch House Ranch House Bunk House Bunk House Ranch House Hastings Annual Report 1997-98. Page 12 7/1/97 7/1/97 7/15/97 5/18/98 6/3/98 7/19/97 10/18/97 1/20/98 4/12/98 4/3/98 4/27/98 5/6/98 5/14/98 5/21/98 6/3/98 6/28/98 7/15/97 7/28/97 4/22/98 7/14/97 7/15/97 7/28/97 7/8/97 7/21/97 7/28/97 8/4/97 3/16/98 6/10/98 6/16/98 9/9/97 2/22/98 9/18/97 4/3/98 4/9/98 10/13/97 7/29/97 8/29/97 12/31/97 9/13/97 2/9/98 3/11/98 3/25/98 3/13/98 3/25/98 3/25/98 5/23/98 6/6/98 6/27/98 6/28/98 2/2/98 2/2/98 5/6/98 5/7/98 6/28/98 6/13/98 6/13/98 2/28/98 6/19/98 5/13/98 5/22/98 4/22/98 6/30/98 6/30/98 7/21/97 5/20/98 6/7/98 7/19/97 10/19/97 1/21/98 4/12/98 4/4/98 4/28/98 5/8/98 5/16/98 5/23/98 6/4/98 6/29/98 7/25/97 7/31/97 5/12/98 7/14/97 7/25/97 7/31/97 7/10/97 7/23/97 7/29/97 8/5/97 3/16/98 6/12/98 6/18/98 9/27/97 2/24/98 9/20/97 4/8/98 4/14/98 10/14/97 7/30/97 8/31/97 1/1/98 9/14/97 2/11/98 3/24/98 4/10/98 3/14/98 3/27/98 3/26/98 5/24/98 6/7/98 6/28/98 6/29/98 4/1/98 4/1/98 5/8/98 5/9/98 6/29/98 6/20/98 6/20/98 3/7/98 6/21/98 5/13/98 5/24/98 5/12/98 365 365 7 3 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 11 4 21 1 11 4 3 3 2 2 1 2 2 19 2 2 6 6 1 1 3 2 2 3 14 17 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 59 59 3 3 1 8 8 8 3 1 3 21 Faculty Users: Field Assistants, Undergraduate Research, Others 1 FA UCB Elizabeth Coscia UCB-Staff 2 FA UCD Katie Kulkjian UCD- With Peter Trenham, CTS 3 FA UCB Michelle Soenksen UCB- with Janis Dickinson 4 FA UCB June Kaiser UCB-with Walt Koenig, AW 5 FA UCB Denise Marie Woods UCB-with Walt Koenig, AW 6 FA UCB Kara Peterson UCB- with Janis Dickinson 7 FA UCB Rebecca Jansen UCB- with Janis Dickinson 8 FA UCD Ben Sinwell UCD- Behaviour Group 8 FA UCD Ben Sinwell UCD- Behaviour Group 8 FA UCD Ben Sinwell UCD- Behaviour Group 8 FA UCD Ben Sinwell UCD- Behaviour Group 9 FA UCB Erin Wright UCB- WIth Walter Koenig, AW 10 FA UCI John Larson UCI- Assistant to Bryan Rourke 11 FA UCI Tina Chen UCI- Assistant to Bryan Rourke 12 FA UCB Chris Feldman SFSU- Assistant Marjorie Matocq 12 FA UCB Chris Feldman SFSU- w/Marjorie Matocq 12 FA UCB Chris Feldman SFSU- w/Matocq 12 FA UCB Chris Feldman SFSU- w/ Marjorie Matocq 12 FA UCB Chris Feldman SFSU- wMarjorie Matocq 12 FA UCB Chris Feldman SFSU- w/ Marjorie Matocq 13 FA UCB Ken Craaijeveld UCB- with Janis Dickinson 14 FA UCB Femmie Craaijeveld UCB- with Walter Koenig 15 FA UCB Dianne Wong UCB- with Walter Koenig 16 FA UCB Hannie Smit-HoutenbosUCB- with Femmie Craaijeveld 16 FA UCB Hannie Smit-HoutenbosUCB- with Femmie Craaijeveld 17 FA UCB Wim Smit UCB- with Ken Craaiejeveld 18 FA UCB Karen Hondick UCB- with Janis Dickinson 19 FA UCB Nick Sprang UCB- with Walt Koenig 20 FA UCB Lalania Garner-Winter UCB- with Walt Koenig 21 FA UCB Lisa Krummer UCB- with Janis Dickinson 22 FA UCB Jineille Morisson UCB- with Joey Haydock 23 FA O Peter Smithen Univ. Western Ontario 26 FA O Alma Guye UCB- with Nick Spang 27 FA UCD April Avnayim Student, Dick Hemmes (Vassar) 27 FA UCD April Avnayim Student, Dick Hemmes (Vassar) 28 FA UCD Carrie O'Brien Student,Dick Hemmes (Vassar) 28 FA UCD Carrie O'Brien Student Dick Hemmes (Vassar) 29 FA O Madeline Arnaud w/Paul Arnaud, Cal Acad. Bunk House Robertson House Robertson House Robertson House Robertson House Robertson House Robertson House Ranch House Ranch House Stucco House Stucco House Robertson House Bunk House Bunk House Ranch House Ranch House Ranch House Bunk House Bunk House Bunk House Robertson House Robertson House Robertson House Robertson House Robertson House Robertson House Robertson House Robertson House Robertson House Robertson House Red House Bunk House Bunk House Bunk House Bunk House Bunk House Bunk House Ranch House 7/21/96 6/30/97 6/30/97 6/30/97 6/30/97 6/30/97 6/30/97 7/8/97 7/21/97 7/28/97 8/4/97 7/16/97 7/17/97 7/17/97 8/11/97 8/11/97 2/27/98 3/20/98 4/25/98 6/2/98 10/15/97 10/15/97 11/6/97 1/14/98 1/25/98 2/20/98 2/27/98 3/2/98 3/15/98 4/1/98 3/29/98 12/21/97 5/14/98 6/10/98 6/16/98 6/10/98 6/16/98 6/19/98 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Hastings Annual Report 1997-98. Page 13 7/22/96 7/15/98 7/15/97 7/15/97 7/15/97 7/15/97 7/15/97 7/10/97 7/23/97 7/29/97 8/5/97 9/15/97 7/17/97 7/17/97 8/16/97 8/16/97 2/28/98 3/30/98 4/30/98 6/4/98 7/1/98 7/1/98 3/10/98 1/17/98 2/7/98 2/26/98 7/1/98 7/1/98 7/1/98 7/1/98 4/1/98 4/11/98 5/27/98 6/12/98 6/17/98 6/12/98 6/17/98 6/21/98 Subtotal Total Subtotal 1068 2 381 16 16 16 16 16 3 3 2 2 62 1 1 5 5 1 10 5 2 260 260 125 4 14 7 125 122 109 92 4 112 14 3 2 3 2 3 1823 4890 Appendix 2. Teaching Use of Hastings Natural History Reservation, 1997-1998 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Visiting Sponsoring User Classes Individual or Institution Facility Used No. Arrival Departure F U PD U F U F U F U F U F U F U Wayne Ferrin Wetland Ecool. Steve Takata Biology 1B Tom Parker Field Botany 1 Jim Patton Jim Patton Mark Stanback Field Biology Walt Koenig UCB 257A Larry Kirkendall Plant Ecology Louise Richardson Soil Science UCB- Jepson Herbarium Ranch, Stucco UCB- Jepson Herbarium Ranch, Stucco UCB-Intg. Biology Ranch House 1 UCB-Integrative Biology Ranch House SFSU-Biology Ranch House SFSU-BIology Ranch House UCB-MVZ Ranch House UCB-MVZ Ranch House Davidson College, NC Ranch House Davidson College, NC Ranch House UCB-MVZ, Ranch House UCB-MVZ, Ranch House U. of Bergen,Norway Ranch House U. of Bergen,Norway Ranch House UCD- Vegetable Crops Ranch House UCD- Vegetable Crops Ranch House 1 14 10/24/97 10 1 15 1 22 1 6 1 10 1 15 1 15 7/25/97 7/25/97 10/26/97 10/24/97 10/31/97 10/31/97 11/7/97 11/7/97 2/28/98 2/28/98 3/6/98 3/6/98 3/9/98 3/9/98 3/31/98 3/31/98 7/27/97 7/27/97 2 10/26/97 20 11/2/97 2 11/2/97 30 11/9/97 11/9/97 3/7/98 3/7/98 3/8/98 3/8/98 3/10/98 3/10/98 4/1/98 4/1/98 Total 43 Total ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Days 3 42 2 44 7 42 3 21 2 16 2 30 268 Appendix 3. Newspaper articles based on research at the Hastings Reserve, 1997-1998. _________________________________________________________________________________ Rice, C. 1977. A face only a mother could love. Bats have friends, too. Monterey Herald Feb 15. C2. Marks, J. 1998. Scientist eyes woodpeckers. Monterey Herald March 24. B1 Pitnick, R. 1988. Native sons; valley oaks face an uncertain future. Coast Weekly April 16-22, 17 Hastings Annual Report 1997-98. Page 14