INVESTING IN THE REAL WORLD: PRACTICE AND THEORY by C. L. Mattoli RedHill Capital Corporation Investing In the Real World: Practice and Theory Copyright © by Craig L. Mattoli 2004-2006 All rights reserved. No part of this monograph may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior express written permission from Craig L. Mattoli, Redhill Capital Corp., Delaware, U.S.A.: Contents: PREFACE ..................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTORY INVESTMENT THINKINGERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 1.1 INTRODCUTION TO INVESTING ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. The Scope Error! Bookmark not defined. Analytics Error! Bookmark not defined. Legal Character Error! Bookmark not defined. Psychology Error! Bookmark not defined. The Nature of the Business Error! Bookmark not defined. What is Investing? Error! Bookmark not defined. The Modern Approach to Finance Error! Bookmark not defined. 1.2 THE BASIC PROBLEM POSED ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Why Invest? Error! Bookmark not defined. Inflation as Investment Motivation Error! Bookmark not defined. 1.3 THE TIME VALUE OF MONEY: A TECHNICAL INTERLUDE ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. What's it Worth? Error! Bookmark not defined. Interest Error! Bookmark not defined. Future Value Error! Bookmark not defined. Compound versus Simple Interest Error! Bookmark not defined. Compounding During a Year Error! Bookmark not defined. Return Error! Bookmark not defined. The Relativity of Money Error! Bookmark not defined. Present Value Error! Bookmark not defined. Annuities Error! Bookmark not defined. Time Value and Equations: Inside and Out Error! Bookmark not defined. 1.4 THE SEGMENTATION OF CAPITALISM ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Chapter Summary .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Thought Experiments .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Technical Exercises ........................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. CHAPTER 2: THE CREATION OF SECURITIES AND BUSINESS ENTITIESERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 2.1 INTRODUCTION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 2.2 ECONOMIES, SAVINGS & CAPITAL FORMATION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Savings versus Consumption Error! Bookmark not defined. Paper Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.3 PRELIMINARY INVESTMENT VENUES: MONEY MARKETS AND GOVERNMENT BONDS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Money Market Error! Bookmark not defined. Government Debt Error! Bookmark not defined. Eurodollars Error! Bookmark not defined. Commercial Paper Error! Bookmark not defined. Federal Agency Obligations Error! Bookmark not defined. Inter-Bank Market Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.4 BASIC BUSINESS ORGANIZATION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Sole Proprietorships Error! Bookmark not defined. Partnerships Error! Bookmark not defined. Corporations Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.5 THE SECURITIZATION OF CORPORATE OBLIGATIONS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Paper Debt Error! Bookmark not defined. Common Stock Error! Bookmark not defined. Preferred Stock Error! Bookmark not defined. The Value of Paper Error! Bookmark not defined. A Tale of Corporate Law Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.6 INVESTMENT BANKS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. The Beginning of Business’ Paper Life Error! Bookmark not defined. Markets, Markets Error! Bookmark not defined. The Prospectus Error! Bookmark not defined. Initial Public Offering Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.7 A PRELUDE TO INVESTMENT SUPPLY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Beyond Traditional Stocks and Bonds Error! Bookmark not defined. Financial Derivatives Error! Bookmark not defined. Art and Antiques Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.8 THE FLOW OF FUNDS: SUPPLY MEETS DEMAND ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Chapter Summary .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Thought Experiments .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Technical Exercises ........................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. CHAPTER 3: BASIC INVESTMENT VALUATION .............. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 3.1 INTRODUCTION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 3.2 THE FUNDAMENTAL VARIABLE OF INVESTMENT THEORY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Calculus and Change Error! Bookmark not defined. Continuous Compounding and the Exponential Function Error! Bookmark not defined. Percentage Change and the Natural Log Error! Bookmark not defined. The Relation of Exponentials and Logs Error! Bookmark not defined. Logic and Investment Analysis Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.3 BASIC VALUATION CONSIDERATIONS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Discount Securities Error! Bookmark not defined. Basic Bond Valuation Error! Bookmark not defined. Basic Equity Value Error! Bookmark not defined. Stock Tales Error! Bookmark not defined. The Dividend Decision Error! Bookmark not defined. Ex-Dates and Other States Error! Bookmark not defined. Which Cash Flow? Error! Bookmark not defined. Leverage and Equity Value Error! Bookmark not defined. What are the Rates Error! Bookmark not defined. Who Needs Dividends: the P/E Valuation Model Error! Bookmark not defined. The Reality of Simple Valuation Models Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.4 THE TERM STRUCTURE OF INTEREST RATES ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Real and Nominal Rates Error! Bookmark not defined. Money, Inflation and Interest Rates Error! Bookmark not defined. Treasury Yield Curve Error! Bookmark not defined. Understanding Term Structure Error! Bookmark not defined. The Uniqueness of Zero-Coupon Bonds Error! Bookmark not defined. Beyond the ZCB Yield Curve Error! Bookmark not defined. A World without ZCB’s Error! Bookmark not defined. Pure Expectations Error! Bookmark not defined. The Liquidity or Risk Premium Theory Error! Bookmark not defined. Market Segmentations Error! Bookmark not defined. Term Structure: Concluding Comments Error! Bookmark not defined. Term Structure for Non-Zero Risk Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.5 ADVANCED VALUATION THINKING ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Multi-Period Discounting and the Internal Rate of Return Assumption Error! Bookmark not defined. Discounted Value Inversely Related to Rate Error! Bookmark not defined. Bond Sensitivity Error! Bookmark not defined. Bond Trading Profits Error! Bookmark not defined. Chapter Summary .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Thought Experiments .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Technical Exercises ........................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. CHAPTER 4: SECURITIES MARKETS .................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 4.1 INTRODUCTION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 4.2 SECONDARY MARKETS FOR SECURITIES ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Price versus Value Error! Bookmark not defined. What Markets Should Provide Error! Bookmark not defined. Main Securities Markets Error! Bookmark not defined. Securities Market Mechanics Error! Bookmark not defined. The Third Market Error! Bookmark not defined. Electronic Markets Error! Bookmark not defined. Electronic Market Connections Error! Bookmark not defined. Market Symbology Error! Bookmark not defined. Securities Trading Error! Bookmark not defined. Listing of Securities on an Exchange Error! Bookmark not defined. When and Where to Trade Error! Bookmark not defined. Market Indexes Error! Bookmark not defined. Concluding Comments Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.3 BASIC SECURITIES AND INVESTMENT POSITIONING ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Long Positions Error! Bookmark not defined. Short Positions Error! Bookmark not defined. Margin and Cash Accounts Error! Bookmark not defined. Additional Considerations Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.4 SECURITIES MARKETS & REGULATION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Issuer Regulation Error! Bookmark not defined. Exchange Reglation Error! Bookmark not defined. Anti-Manipulation Regulation Error! Bookmark not defined. Glass-Steagall and Other Regulation Error! Bookmark not defined. Forms and Filings Error! Bookmark not defined. Tangential Regulation Error! Bookmark not defined. The Character of Law Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.5 A CLOSER LOOK AT THE INSIDER ISSUE ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. What is Inside Information? Error! Bookmark not defined. The Misappropriation Theory Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.6 SECURITIES TRANSFER & CLEARING: THE BACK OFFICE ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Chapter Summary .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Thought Experiments .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Technical Exercises ........................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. CHAPTER 5: INFORMATION, UNCERTAINTY, AND RISKERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 5.1 INTRODUCTION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 5.2 INFORMATION, MARKET EFFICIENCY, AND ARBITRAGE ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 5.3 PROBABILITY, EXCPECTED VALUES, AND RISK ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Rudiments of Probability Theory Error! Bookmark not defined. A Definition of Risk Error! Bookmark not defined. The Meaning of Probability Error! Bookmark not defined. Probability and Investments Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.4 MARKET HYPOTHESES IN MORE DETAIL ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Strong EMH Error! Bookmark not defined. Semi-Strong EMH Error! Bookmark not defined. Weak EMH Error! Bookmark not defined. The Cootner Model Error! Bookmark not defined. Other Directions for Models Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.5 RISK AND CAPITAL ASSET PRICING: FIRST ENCOUNTERS OF THE PORTFOLIO KIND ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Risk and Return Error! Bookmark not defined. The Meaning of Covariance Error! Bookmark not defined. The Fundamentals of Regression Analysis Error! Bookmark not defined. Risk and Asset Combinations: the Basic Result Error! Bookmark not defined. The Completed Portfolio and the Seperation Principle Error! Bookmark not defined. Simplifying the Model of Asset Risk and Pricing Error! Bookmark not defined. Towards a Theory of Equilibrium Asset Pricing Error! Bookmark not defined. The Capital Asset Pricing Model Error! Bookmark not defined. Practical Applications Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.6 CERTAINTY EQUIVALENTS, FRAMING, AND BIAS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Certainty Equivalents Error! Bookmark not defined. Behavioral Extensions Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.7 BEYOND BETA ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. The CAPM: Through the Mill Error! Bookmark not defined. The Study of Fama and French, and Other Scales of Price Error! Bookmark not defined. Behavior: Beyond Rationality Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.8 THE ARBITRAGE PRICING MODEL ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 5.9 SOME FURTHER THOUGHTS ABOUT PROBABILITY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Probability and Statistics Error! Bookmark not defined. The Long and Short of Skewness and Kurtosis Error! Bookmark not defined. Gaussian or Not Error! Bookmark not defined. Risk Measures Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.10 OF EFFICIENT MARKETS AND ASSET PRICING ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Investor Efficiency Error! Bookmark not defined. Liquidity Error! Bookmark not defined. Gurus and Gauges Error! Bookmark not defined. Post-Earnings Announcement Drift Error! Bookmark not defined. Serial Correlation, Momewntum, and Reversals Error! Bookmark not defined. Investment Advice Error! Bookmark not defined. Overreaction, Underreaction, and Efficiency: the Great Debate Error! Bookmark not defined. In the End Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.11 ACTIVE VERSUS PASSIVE MANAGEMENT ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 5.12 INFORMATION AND PROBABILITY IN A UNIVERSAL CONTEXT ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Chapter Summary .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Thought Experiments .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Technical Exercises ........................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. CHAPTER 6: THE INVESTMENT BUSINESS ....................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 6.1 INTRODUCTION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 6.2 THE STUCTURE OF THE INVESTMENT COMMUNITY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Members Only, Please: Pay to Play Error! Bookmark not defined. The Risks the Sell-Side Takes Error! Bookmark not defined. Welcome to the Buy-Side Everyone Error! Bookmark not defined. 6.3 INVESTMENT COMPANIES: A LONG WALK ON THE BUY-SIDE ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. A Share of Shares: Jump into the Pool Error! Bookmark not defined. The Feeling is Mutual Error! Bookmark not defined. Is that Loaded? Error! Bookmark not defined. Oh, What Fund Error! Bookmark not defined. 6.4 THE CONTROL OF INVESTMENT FUND MANAGERS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Fund Control Error! Bookmark not defined. Advisor Limitations Error! Bookmark not defined. Taxation Regulations Error! Bookmark not defined. The New Generation Error! Bookmark not defined. 6.5 FUND, MANAGEMENT, AND ADVISOR PROLIFERATION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Lots of Hugs; Not Many Kisses Error! Bookmark not defined. An Object Lesson Error! Bookmark not defined. Those Mutual Funds Have Style Error! Bookmark not defined. Fund Followers Error! Bookmark not defined. Hedge Funds Error! Bookmark not defined. More Funds Error! Bookmark not defined. Advisors and Consultants Error! Bookmark not defined. Games Fund Promoters Play Error! Bookmark not defined. 6.6 THE CUSTOMERS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Life Insurance Companies Error! Bookmark not defined. Property Casualty Insurance Companies Error! Bookmark not defined. Banks and Savings Institutions Error! Bookmark not defined. Pension Funds Error! Bookmark not defined. Other Institutional Investors Error! Bookmark not defined. Individual Investors Error! Bookmark not defined. Concluding Comments Error! Bookmark not defined. 6.7 A CENTURY OF FINANCIAL SERVICES ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Chapter Summary .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Thought Experiments .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Technical Exercises ........................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. CHAPTER 7: DERIVATIVES.................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 7.1 THE DEVELOPMENT OF DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 7.2 SHORT SELLING: THE ORIGINAL DERIVATIVE PROSESS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 7.3 COMMODITIES , FORWARDS, AND FUTURES ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Forward and Futures Contracts Error! Bookmark not defined. Margin, Clearing, and Limits for Futures Contracts Error! Bookmark not defined. Futures Pricing Model Error! Bookmark not defined. Interest Rate Futures Error! Bookmark not defined. Interest Rate Forwards Error! Bookmark not defined. Lingering Basis Risk Error! Bookmark not defined. Weather the Storm Error! Bookmark not defined. Stock Market Futures Error! Bookmark not defined. Foreign Exchange Forwards and Futures Error! Bookmark not defined. Spreads Error! Bookmark not defined. Mixed Market Trading Error! Bookmark not defined. Arbitrages Error! Bookmark not defined. 7.4 OPTIONS: AN ORIGINAL DERIVATIVE INSTRUMENT ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Options Basics Error! Bookmark not defined. Stock Options Trading, Clearing, and Regulation Error! Bookmark not defined. Basic Options Positions Error! Bookmark not defined. Basic Options Strategies Error! Bookmark not defined. The Value in Options Error! Bookmark not defined. The Perfect Hedge: the Basis for Option Valuation Error! Bookmark not defined. A Simplified Option Pricing Model Error! Bookmark not defined. Bye, Binomial: Try Trinomial………………………………………..……………………………………..468 Black Scholes Option Pricing Model Error! Bookmark not defined. Black Scholes Example Error! Bookmark not defined. Advanced Options Thoughts Error! Bookmark not defined. Smile Error! Bookmark not defined. Options on Other Vehicles Error! Bookmark not defined. Portfolio Error! Bookmark not defined. Options on Futures Error! Bookmark not defined. Exotic Options Error! Bookmark not defined. Company-issued Stock Options 485 Additional Options Framing Error! Bookmark not defined. Concluding Comments Error! Bookmark not defined. 7.5 SWAPS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Interest Rate Swaps Error! Bookmark not defined. Primitive Swap Incentive Error! Bookmark not defined. Swap Valuation Error! Bookmark not defined. Swap Markets Error! Bookmark not defined. Swap Futures Error! Bookmark not defined. Other Commodity Swap Products Error! Bookmark not defined. Credit Swaps Error! Bookmark not defined. Equity Swaps Error! Bookmark not defined. Swap Hedging Error! Bookmark not defined. In Conclusion Error! Bookmark not defined. 7.6 AN EXAMPLE OF A SPLIT AGGREGATE STOCK DERIVATIVE ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 7.7 CONVERTIBLES: NOT THE CARS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 7.8 CORPORATE TAKEOVERS: AN ORIGINAL DERIVATIVE TRANSACTIONAL OPPORTUNITY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Motivations of Buyers and Sellers Error! Bookmark not defined. The Basis for Arbitrage Error! Bookmark not defined. Arbitrage Examples Error! Bookmark not defined. Antitrust Issues in Mergers Error! Bookmark not defined. Tax Considerations Error! Bookmark not defined. 7.9 STOCK BASKET SHARES: ONE STOP STOCK MARKET SHOPPING ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Of Syders and WEBS Error! Bookmark not defined. Exchange-Traded Portfolios and Options Error! Bookmark not defined. 7.10 EPILOGUE ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Inter-Market Connections Error! Bookmark not defined. The Equitization of Derivatives Error! Bookmark not defined. FASB Rules for Derivatives Error! Bookmark not defined. Chapter Summary .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Thought Experiments .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Technical Exercises ........................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. CHAPTER 8: MATHEMATICAL INVESTMENT MODELINGERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 8.1 INTRODUCTION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 8.2 A ROADMAP TO THE MATHEMATICAL SECTIONS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 8.3 MATHEMATICS, HISTORY & NATURE ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 8.4 INVESTMENTS AS AN INTERACTING ASSET NETWORK & ABSTRACT GRAPH THEORY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Electrical Networks and Graph Theory Error! Bookmark not defined. The Correspondence between Electrical and Mechanical Systems Error! Bookmark not defined. The Connection with Heat and Markets Error! Bookmark not defined. Introducing Options into the Circuit Error! Bookmark not defined. Basic Investment Porocess Graphs Error! Bookmark not defined. 8.5 PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS AND OTHER ALGEBRAS: A PRIMER ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Vector Spaces Error! Bookmark not defined. Linear Transformations Error! Bookmark not defined. Fourier Transforms: Changing Calculus to Algebra Error! Bookmark not defined. Green's Functions Error! Bookmark not defined. Laplace Transforms Error! Bookmark not defined. Vector Spaces of Functions Error! Bookmark not defined. 8.6 THE CHARACTER OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. The Transport Equation Error! Bookmark not defined. Diffusion Error! Bookmark not defined. The Algebra and Geometry of PDE Analysis Error! Bookmark not defined. Boundary Conditions Error! Bookmark not defined. Concluding Comments Error! Bookmark not defined. 8.7 ABSTRACT PROBABILITY THEORY AND STOCHASTIC PROCESSES ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Measures and Integration Error! Bookmark not defined. Probability Measure Spaces Error! Bookmark not defined. Conditional and Marginal Probabilities Error! Bookmark not defined. Gaussian Random Variables Error! Bookmark not defined. Characteristic and Moment Generating Function……………………………………………………….586 Stochastic Processes and Martingales ….Error! Bookmark not defined. Stopping and Other Times……………………………………………………………………………...……600 Dynamics and Transition Probabilities Error! Bookmark not defined. Various Processes and Equations………………………………………………………………….……….597 Integral Equations and Other Useful Tools….…………………………….……………………………….600 8.8 THE BLACK SCHOLES OPTIONS MODEL ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. The Generalized Heat Equation Error! Bookmark not defined. The Black-Scholes Equation Error! Bookmark not defined. Inside Black-Scholes Error! Bookmark not defined. Beyond Black Scholes……………………………………………...……………………………….598 8.9 EXPONENTIAL PROPAGTORS AND RANDOM FIELDS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Operators and Semigroups Error! Bookmark not defined. Sobolev Spaces Error! Bookmark not defined. Boundary Conditions Error! Bookmark not defined. Generalized Stochastic Processes Error! Bookmark not defined. Concluding Comments Error! Bookmark not defined. 8.10 CURRENT CONSTRUCTIVE MATHEMATICAL FINANCE…………………………………………..619 Chapter Summary .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Thought Experiments ................................................................................................................................. 604 Technical Exercises ..................................................................................................................................... 604 CHAPTER 9: FINANCIAL INVESTMENT ANALYSIS ........ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 9.1 INTRODUCTION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 9.2 SECURITIES ANALYSTS AND VALUATION SERVICES ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. About Analysts Error! Bookmark not defined. Stock Valuation Services Error! Bookmark not defined. Bond Rating Services Error! Bookmark not defined. Stock Ratings Error! Bookmark not defined. 9.3 FUNDAMENTAL SECURITIES ANALYSIS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Basic Error! Bookmark not defined. Financial Ratio Analysis Error! Bookmark not defined. Ratio Analysis Example Error! Bookmark not defined. Stock Price Ratios: Connecting Accounting and Market Numbers Error! Bookmark not defined. Private Market Value Error! Bookmark not defined. Debt Analysis Error! Bookmark not defined. Financial Distress Error! Bookmark not defined. Epilogue Error! Bookmark not defined. 9.4 SOME FURTHER COMMENTS ON CORPORATE CAPITAL STRUCTURE AND COST ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Types of Leverage Error! Bookmark not defined. Leverage Example Error! Bookmark not defined. Leverage and the Future of the Firm Error! Bookmark not defined. 9.5 THE MAGIC OF ACCOUNTANCY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Leeway Error! Bookmark not defined. Pension Fund Accounting Error! Bookmark not defined. Deferred Taxes Error! Bookmark not defined. Capitalization Error! Bookmark not defined. Accounting Standards Error! Bookmark not defined. 9.6 CONTRARIAN INVESTMENT STRATEGIES ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 9.7 TECHNICAL ANALYSIS: A SUPPLEMENTAL ANALYTICAL FORMALISM ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Breadth Error! Bookmark not defined. Sentiment Error! Bookmark not defined. Basic Charting: Bars, Bands, and Moving Averages Error! Bookmark not defined. Basic Chart Patterns Error! Bookmark not defined. Oscillators Error! Bookmark not defined. Point and Figure Charting Error! Bookmark not defined. Frameworks for Technical Analysis Error! Bookmark not defined. Epilogue Error! Bookmark not defined. 9.8 MACRO ECONOMIC & INDUSTRY INFORMATION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Industrial Classification Error! Bookmark not defined. Industry Data Sources Error! Bookmark not defined. Other Divisions of Economic Data Error! Bookmark not defined. Sentiment and Complement Error! Bookmark not defined. 9.9 CYCLES ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Aggregate Business Cycle Error! Bookmark not defined. Business Cycles and the Stock Market Error! Bookmark not defined. Inflationary Cycles Error! Bookmark not defined. People Cycles Error! Bookmark not defined. Sub-Cycles in Markets Error! Bookmark not defined. Cycles and Analysis Error! Bookmark not defined. 9.10 EARNINGS AND MARKETS: THE MOST SOUGHT-AFTER MODELS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Chapter Summary .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Thought Experiments ................................................................................................................................. 709 Technical Exercises ..................................................................................................................................... 712 CHAPTER 10: PORTFOLIO THEORY ................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 10.1 INTRODUCTION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 10.2 INVESTMENT DEMAND: UTILITY AND OTHER INVESTOR VARIABLES AND CONSTRAINTS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Origins of Utility in Investment Theory Error! Bookmark not defined. Expected Utility Calculations Error! Bookmark not defined. Utility, Risk, and Return Error! Bookmark not defined. Marginal Utility Error! Bookmark not defined. Prospect Theory: an Alternative to Utility Error! Bookmark not defined. Toward Practical Investor Portfolio Advising Error! Bookmark not defined. Concluding Comments Error! Bookmark not defined. 10.3 INTRODUCTORY PORTFROLIO ANALYSIS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Diversification Error! Bookmark not defined. The Algebra of the Two-Asset Portfolio Error! Bookmark not defined. Three-Asset Portfolio Mechanics Error! Bookmark not defined. Portfolio Phase Space Error! Bookmark not defined. Three-Asset Portfolio Solution Error! Bookmark not defined. Logical Considerations Error! Bookmark not defined. Solving for the Minimum Risk Portfolio Error! Bookmark not defined. Finding the Allocation Line Error! Bookmark not defined. Concluding Comments Error! Bookmark not defined. 10.4 MATRIX THEORY APPLICATIONS TO PORTFOLIO PROBLEMS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. The N-Asset Portfolio Problem Error! Bookmark not defined. The Geometry of Constrained Solutions Error! Bookmark not defined. Method of Solution Error! Bookmark not defined. The Graphical Results Error! Bookmark not defined. Concluding Comments Error! Bookmark not defined. 10.5 POST-CONSTRUCTION PORTFOLIO CARE ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Balancing Act Error! Bookmark not defined. The Rebalancing Equation Error! Bookmark not defined. Rebalancing Example Error! Bookmark not defined. Destined to Lose Your Balance Error! Bookmark not defined. 10.6 PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Active versus Passive Management Error! Bookmark not defined. Practical Portfolio Construction Error! Bookmark not defined. 10.7 ADVANCED PORTFOLIO THEORY CONSIDERATIONS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Patching Standard Portfolio Theory Error! Bookmark not defined. A Backfill Apporach Error! Bookmark not defined. Further Remedial Considerations Error! Bookmark not defined. 10.8 IMMUNIZATION AND BOND PORTFOLIOS: FURTHER PORTFOLIO EXPLORATIONS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Simple Bond Portfolio Construction Error! Bookmark not defined. Deeper into Duration Error! Bookmark not defined. Parsing Bond Return Error! Bookmark not defined. Bond Portfolio Analysis Error! Bookmark not defined. 10.9 BEYOND IMMUNIZATION: BOND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. The Meaning of Duration Error! Bookmark not defined. Immunization Example Error! Bookmark not defined. Changing Duration Error! Bookmark not defined. Convexity: Second Order Bond Evaluation Error! Bookmark not defined. Bond Portfolio Construction Error! Bookmark not defined. 10.10 ABSTRACT GRAPHS, OTHER PATHS, AND PORTFOLIO DYNAMICS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Portfolio Dynamics and Graph Theory Error! Bookmark not defined. Asset Number Change and Path Integrals Error! Bookmark not defined. 10.11 ABSTRACT PORTFOLIO THEORY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Constructing Portfolio Vectors and the Portfolio Ground State Error! Bookmark not defined. Security Spaces Error! Bookmark not defined. Security Creation and Annihilation Operators Error! Bookmark not defined. Portfolio Space Error! Bookmark not defined. Green's Function Propagators Error! Bookmark not defined. Chapter Summary .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Thought Experiments ................................................................................................................................. 813 Technical Exercises ..................................................................................................................................... 815 CHAPTER 11: PSYCHOLOGICAL, SOCIAL, AND GEOPOLITICAL FACTORSERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 11.1 INTRODUCTION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 11.2 MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY,..., MONEY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Money and Control Error! Bookmark not defined. Interest Rate Parity: Dressed Cash Error! Bookmark not defined. Margin Money: Underdressed Cash Error! Bookmark not defined. 11.3 PSYCHOLOGY AND MARKETS: BEHAVIORAL ASPECTS OF FINANCE ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Understanding the Mind Error! Bookmark not defined. Control Error! Bookmark not defined. Uncertainty Error! Bookmark not defined. Crowds Error! Bookmark not defined. Fortune Tellers Error! Bookmark not defined. Gamblers Error! Bookmark not defined. Simplifying Decisions Error! Bookmark not defined. Anchors and Representativeness Error! Bookmark not defined. Relativity and Psychophysics Error! Bookmark not defined. Mental Accounting and Framing Error! Bookmark not defined. Dissonance Error! Bookmark not defined. The Power of Numbers Error! Bookmark not defined. Bubbles Error! Bookmark not defined. Concluding Comments Error! Bookmark not defined. 11.4 A PEEK AT COMPANY PERSPECTIVES ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. The Board of Directors Error! Bookmark not defined. Management:: Agency and Conflict Error! Bookmark not defined. Perqs and Other Self-Interests Error! Bookmark not defined. Of Egos and Fiefdoms Error! Bookmark not defined. Corporate governance……………………………………………………………………… ……………….839 Management Analysis Error! Bookmark not defined. 11.5 THE TRUST DYNAMIC IN INVESTING ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Up the Ladder of Trust Error! Bookmark not defined. Who's Holding the Ladder? Error! Bookmark not defined. 11.6 MARKETING ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Unlimited Limited Marketing Error! Bookmark not defined. Frames, Mental Accounts, and Marketeers Error! Bookmark not defined. Marketing: a Double-Edged Sword for Investors Error! Bookmark not defined. 11.7 GEOPOLITICS & GLOBAL MARKETS: PERSPECTIVES AND RISKS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Economic Evolution Error! Bookmark not defined. The Natural Development of Free Markets Error! Bookmark not defined. Along the Road in the Twentieth Century Error! Bookmark not defined. Economies, Politics, and Legal Systems Error! Bookmark not defined. Agility, Survival, and Change Error! Bookmark not defined. 11.8 GLOBAL INVESTMENT THINKING ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Global Business Error! Bookmark not defined. World Economics Error! Bookmark not defined. Market Performance: a First Look Error! Bookmark not defined. Currency Considerations Error! Bookmark not defined. Risk Measures Error! Bookmark not defined. Dividends Error! Bookmark not defined. Multipliers: Leveraging Accounting Values Error! Bookmark not defined. Liquidity: Turnover Rates Error! Bookmark not defined. Diversity of Foreign Markets: Unsystematic Risk Error! Bookmark not defined. Trading Costs in Foreign Markets Error! Bookmark not defined. Country Risk: Economic and Political Error! Bookmark not defined. Read the Fine Print…………………………………………………………………………………………….895 Correlations Error! Bookmark not defined. Options for Managing International Portfolios Error! Bookmark not defined. Investing in International Securities Markets Error! Bookmark not defined. Affiliation and Consolidation: a Worldwide Trend Error! Bookmark not defined. Summary Error! Bookmark not defined. 11.9 A DETOUR OFF THE MAIN ROAD: NON-TRADITIONAL INVESTMENTS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Numismatics and Metal Coins Error! Bookmark not defined. The Art Market Error! Bookmark not defined. The Value of Art Error! Bookmark not defined. Markets for Art Error! Bookmark not defined. Classic Automobiles: Art You can Drive Error! Bookmark not defined. Art Research Error! Bookmark not defined. Concluding Comments Error! Bookmark not defined. Chapter Summary .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Thought Experiments ................................................................................................................................. 927 Technical Exercises ..................................................................................................................................... 930 CHAPTER 12: INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENTERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 12.1 INTRODUCTION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 12.2 MANAGING INVESTMENTS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. The Investment Baseline Error! Bookmark not defined. Irrationality Error! Bookmark not defined. Maximal Incomplete Information Error! Bookmark not defined. Professional Lessons Error! Bookmark not defined. Indexes and Funds Error! Bookmark not defined. International Markets Error! Bookmark not defined. Individual Stock Picking Error! Bookmark not defined. Portfolio Construction Error! Bookmark not defined. Make Friends Error! Bookmark not defined. Discipline Error! Bookmark not defined. Performance Evaluation Error! Bookmark not defined. Conclusion Error! Bookmark not defined. 12.3 TIMING ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Time What? Error! Bookmark not defined. Timing in the Research Journals Error! Bookmark not defined. 12.4 TAX CONSIDERATIONS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Differential Tax Treatment Error! Bookmark not defined. Tax Deferral Error! Bookmark not defined. 12.5 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Performance Attribution Error! Bookmark not defined. Basic One-Asset Comparisons Error! Bookmark not defined. Risk-Adjusted Comparisons Error! Bookmark not defined. Performance Allocation for International Portfolios Error! Bookmark not defined. What, Which, and Why Error! Bookmark not defined. 12.6 LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Arbitrage over Time Error! Bookmark not defined. Technology Error! Bookmark not defined. Low Tech Error! Bookmark not defined. Material Science Error! Bookmark not defined. The Future of Computing Error! Bookmark not defined. On Land and in the Air Error! Bookmark not defined. The Nano Scale Error! Bookmark not defined. Medical Science Error! Bookmark not defined. Concluding Comments Error! Bookmark not defined. 12.7 FINAL INVESTMENT THOUGHTS: PEOPLE ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Population and Technology Error! Bookmark not defined. Spurts Error! Bookmark not defined. Population Trends Error! Bookmark not defined. 12.8 COLLECTING INFORMATION FOR MODELING ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Traditional Information Error! Bookmark not defined. Non-Traditional Information Error! Bookmark not defined. Chapter Summary .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Thought Experiments ....................................................................................................................................... Technical Exercises ........................................................................................................................................... APPENDICES .............................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. A00. TABLE OF MATHEMATICAL LANGUAGE & SYMBOLS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. A0. SOME BASIC MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. A1 BASIC ALGEBRA ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. A2 LINEAR ALGEBRA ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. A3 CALCULUS MADE EASY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. A4 PROBABILITY & STATISTICS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. INDEX ..........................................................................................................................................................14 REFERENCES & FURTHER READING ................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. INDEX # , 287 Certainty equvalent adjustor, 287 Risk index, 288 1 10-K, 195 10-Q, 195 12b1 expenses, 341 13-D, 190 1-form, 998 3 3M Company, 172 4 401k plan, 940 8 8-K, 196 A A/D line, 648, 650, 651 A/D volume ratio, 650 AAA, 591, 790 AAA Bond, 338 Absolute return, 358, 361, 922 Correlations, 360, 921 Funds of, 358 Absolute value, 776, 979, 1043 AC Cobra, 819, 912 Acadian Asset Management, 894 Accountancy, 606, 633 Accounts receivable turnover, 597 Accredited investor, 185 accredited investors, 185 Adaption level theory, 816 Adjoint, 543, 580, 581, 797, 801, 1007 Self-, 543 ADR, 164, 838 ADS, 164, 839 Advance-decline, 652 Affiliate, 642 Afghanistan, 66, 835 African markets, 308 After hours trading, 170 Agriculture, 875 AIMR, 589 AISI, 681 Algebra, 562, 1016 Basic, 986 Matrix, 1000 σ-, 562 Algebraic Field, 994 Group, 994, 1009 Ring, 994 Algerian Stock Exchange, 900 Alliance Capital, 894 ALM, 389, 509, 783, 1093 Almost everywhere, 570 Almost linear, 556 Alpha and the SCL, 260 Risk Index, 287 Altman, Edward, 614, 631, 1068 Altria Group Inc., 172 American Bankers Association, 165 American Depository Receipts, 839 American Depository Shares, 839 American Express, 163, 172 American International Group, 172 American Iron & Steel Institute, 681 American option, 419 American Petroleum Institute, 681 American Stock Exchange, 157 Americus Trust, 487 AMEX, 157, 161, 169, 170, 372, 420, 653, 843, See, American Stock Exchange Analysis Basic. See Bottom-up, 701 Fundamental, 594 Technical, 235, 648 Top-down, 701 Analyst Credit, 610 Securities, 332, 589, 928, 973 Anchors, 815 Annual Report, 195 Annuity, 22 Deferred, 22 Single premium deferred, 790 Antimatter, 798 Antitrust, 197, 200, 373, 503 API. See American Petroleum Institute Applied Material Device, 163 APT. See Arbitrage Pricing Model Arab Oil Embargo, 698, 832 Arbitrage, 134, 213, 298, 403, 626 Convertible, 489 covered interest, 851 Crush value, 416 Inter-corporate market, 493 Interest rate, 127 LBO, 626 Market index, 409 Merger, 493 Options, 433, 437 PE, 645 Arbitrage Pricing Model, 298 Archer Daniels Midland, 163 Archipelago ECN, 162 Argentina, 843 Armenia, 845 ARMS index, 652 Art Dealers, 912 Margin on, 910 Market, 909 Asbestos, 613 Ask, 160 Ask price, 160 Asset-liability gap, 467 Asset-liability management. See ALM Association for Investment Management and Research, 589 Asuncion, 844 Attain, 162 Austria, 844 Automakers, 831 Automobiles, 691, 831, 914 Average age of conversion, 598 Azerbaijan, 846 B B shares Chinese, 847 Back office, 204, 332, 504 Back-of-envelope. See Heuristics Bahrain, 846 Baku, 846 Balance sheet, 594 Balancing Portfolio, 781 Ballistic path, 988, 1025 Baltic region exchanges, 896 Bangladesh, 846 Banja Luka Exchange, 897 Bank Commercial, 727 Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, 372 Banking Act of 1933. See Glass-Steagall Bankruptcy, 55, 490, 612 and Multivariate discriminant analysis, 614 Chapter 11, 612 Chapter 7, 612 Funds, 613 Barbados, 844 Barbell approach to bond portfolio management, 779 Barbershop, 681 Barcelona, 895 Barrels of oil, 386 Barriers to entry, 332, 613, 921, 925, See BAS. See Block Automation System Basis point, 86 Price value of, 86, 398 Basis risk, 404 BD, 190, 196, 332 Form, 196 BEA. See Bureau of Economic Analysis Bear Spread, 432 Bear hug, 495 Bear Sterns, 331 Bearer bonds, 208 Beauty salon, 681 Beer, 700 Behavioral finance, 290, 307 Behavioral Finance, 97 Behavioral school, 297 Belgrade, 844 Bell curve, 228, 1033 Benchmark, 345, 594, 766 Hugging, 345, 589 Benin, 900 Berkshire Hathaway, 594, 608 Bermuda, 838, 893 Bernoulli trials, 1040 Bessel Functions, 232 Best efforts, 57 Bet, 463 Beta, 630, 631 Convertible bond, 492 Portfolio, 771 Stock option, 451 Bicycle, 5 Bid, 160 Bid price, 160 Bilbao, 895 Bill, 49 Binomial Coefficient, 1039 Distribution, 1039 Expansion, 1040 Theorem, 1040 Black box, 354, 930 Black market, 832 Black Scholes, 299 Black, Fisher, 299 Black-Scholes, 447, 574, 575 Block, 584 Desk, 333 Large, 333 Trading index, 651 Block automation system, 162 Bloomberg, 162, 375, 919 Blue chip, 172, 653 Blue Sky Laws, 183 BME. See Bolsas y Mercados Españoles Board of directors, 48, 185, 822 Staggered, 185 Boeing, 172 Boesky, Ivan, 203 Bolivia, 844 Bollinger bands, 657 Bolsas y Mercados Españoles, 895 Bond, 49 AAA, 591 Callable, 80, 464 Convertible, 488 Convexity, 143, 787 Coupon, 81 Debenture, 49 Double-A, 592 Duration, 141, 611, 779 High-grade, 592 Immunization, 142 Indenture, 50 Junk, 592, 613 Medium grade, 592 Municipal, 42 Picture of, 50 Ratings, 591 Sensitivity, 84 Sinking fund, 81 Speculative grade, 592 Subordination, 50 Swap, 790 Swapping, 492 Triple-A, 592 Trustee, 50 Turnpike, 42 Valuation equation, 81 yield to maturity, 83 Yield to maturity, 83 Zero coupon, 85 Book Maker, 160 Specialist, 159 Bootstrapping, 122, 125 Borel set, 562 Botswana, 850, 902 Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières de L’ouest. See West African Regional Exchange BOVESPA, 850 Bratislava, 845 Break-even point, 627 Breakout, 670 Breakup value, 610 Bricks-and-mortar, 493, 610 Bride, 494 British Pound, 413 Broker, 56, 86, 159, 334 Floor, 159 Broker call rate, 168, 180 Broker dealer, 190, 920, See, also BD Browian Motion, 552 Brownian motion, 571, 1049 Bubbles, 183, 374, 649, 818, 835, 919, 922 Bucharest, 845 Budapest, 842 Buffet, Warren, 594, 608 Bulgaria, 845 Bull Spread, 430 Bundles, 401 Bureau of Economic Analysis, 680 Burkina-Faso, 900 Burroughs, 504 Bush Administration, 936 Business Week Magazine, 615, 688 Butter, 458 Butterfly spread, 432 Buttonwood Tree Agreement, 372 Buy program, 410 Buy side, 331 Buy-write, 430 By-laws, 48 C CAC 40, 850 Cage, 205 Cairo and Alexandria Exchange, 176 Cairo and Alexandria stock exchange, 863 CAL. See Capital Allocation Line, See Capital allocation line Calamos, J., 1073 Calculus, 1012 Fundamental theorem of, 1024 Integral, 1022 Calculus of variations, 1025 Fundamental lemma, 1028 Call Covered, 427 Call provision, 80 Calls, 417 Cameroon, 900 Capacitance Electrical, 531 Capacitor, 529 Capacity Utilization, 695 Capital allocation line, 257 Capital Allocation Line, 256, 257, 747 Capital Asset Pricing Model. See, also CAPM Capital gain, 89, 139, 487, 499, 504, 607, 910, 937, 938 Capital Market Line, 273 Capital One, 829 Capitalism, 32 Capitalization rate, 93 CAPM, 275, 450, 540, 655, 731, 734, 756, 776, 919 CAR. See Cumulative Abnormal Returns Carpenter v. United States, 204 Carrier pigeons, 299 Casablanca, 872, 900 CASE 30, 863 Cash account, 179 Cash flow, xv, 10, 27, 30, 40, 83, 90, 101, 138, 141, 363, 501, 503, 510, 594, 595, 608, 626, 640, 730, 823, 909, 918, 924, 926, 940 Cash ratio, 597 Caterpillar Inc., 172 Causality, 812 Cayman Islands, 844 CBOE, 420 Volatility index, 652 CBOT. See Chicago Board of Trade CD. See Certificate of deposit CE. See Certainty equivalent Celler Kefauver Act, 200 Cement, 875 Central African exchange, 900 Central African Republic, 900 Central Intelligence Agency, 877 CEO confidence, 681 Cerebral cortex, 811 Certainty equivalent, 286 certainty equivalents, 631 Certificates of deposit, 41 CFA. See Chartered Financial Analyst CFA exam, 589 CFTC. See Commodities Futures Trading Commission Channel Islands, 844 Characteristic Curve, 551 Form, 558 Function, 566 Line, 550 Vector field, 551 Charles Schwab, 374, 828 Chart Bar, 164 OCHL, 164 Point-and-figure, 669 Charter, 48 Chartered Financial Analyst, 589 Chartist, 654 Chase Manhattan Bank, 194 Chen, H. Y., 286 Chen-Roll-Ross APT model, 310 Chiarella v. U. S., 204 Chicago Board of Trade, 171, 383 Chicago Board Options Exchanges, 158 Chile, 843, 850 China, 52, 831, 832, 833, 834, 845, 893 Chittagong, 846 Christie’s, 819 Cinncinnati Stock Exchange, 158 Circuit Electrical, 526 Circuit breakers, 170 Circuit-breakers, 411 Citibank, 375 Citigroup, 172 Class, 51 Clayton Act, 200 Clean price, 87 Clientele effect, 97 Clorox, 200 CME International Monetary Market divisiuon, 412 CML. See Capital Market Line Coca-Cola, 172 Cocoa, 387 Code of conduct, 186 Coefficient of variation, 251 Cofactor, 1007 Cognitive dissonance, 817 Coincident Indicators, 688 Coins, 909 COMEX, 171 Commercial banking, 373 Commercial banks, 727 Commercial paper, 44 Commissions, 167, 332, 372, 494 Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures, 165 Commodieties Spot, 171 Commodities, 6, 159, 171, 334, 464, 509, 651, 662, 674, 909, 961 Commodities Futures Limits, 392 Commodities Futures Trading Commission, 422 Commodities Research Bureau, 384 Commodities spot market, 383 Commodity Swap, 482 Common stock. See Stock Communism, 32 Company Insider Forms, 196 Comparative advantage, 472 Complex number, 542, 979, 983 Compounding Continuous, 71 Computer industry, 696 Conference Board, 688 Congo Republic, 900 Consolidated quote service, 158 Consolidated tape, 158 Constraint, 1028 Constraint equation, 749 Consultant Fund placement, 364 Consumer price index, 8 Consumer sentiment, 681 Contract, 3, 40, 48, 50, 56, 152, 183, 200, 506, 613, 630, 662, 833 Option, 416 Contrarian, 588, 923 Convertible Arbitrage, 489 Beta, 492 Bond, 488 Break-even analysis, 490 Preferred, 493 Convex, 548, 756 Convexity, 143, 787 Convolution, 545 Cook the books, 824 Cootner, 235, 1076 Core Portfolio, 769 Position, 769 Corn, 460, 1033 Corner a market, 190 Corning, 836 Corporate raider, 493, 610 Corporation Defined, 46 Limited liability, 48 Not-for-profit, 49 Private, 49, 923 Public, 49 S, 48 Subsidiary, 48 Correlation, 241 and International markets, 882 Function, 250, 251, 1045 Phantom, 777 Correlations, 883 Cost Opportunity, 10 Costa Rica, 844 Coupon Bond, 81, 84 Clipping, 81 Rate, 83 Covariance, 239, 1048 Matrix, 245 Cover call writing, 427 Covered, 424 Covered interest arbitrage, 851 Credit card companies, 829 Credit event, 483 Credit swap, 483 Default, 483 Total return, 483, 484 Croatia, 840, 897 Cross-correlations, 887 Crowd, 159 Crush value, 300, 416 CSFB, 360, 894 Cumulative. See Stock, preferred Cumulative abnormal returns, 310 Cumulative normal distribution, 448 Curb, 157 Currency risk, 860 Current Account, 879 Current account balance, 852 Current ratio, 597 Curve, 69 Convertible price, 489 Option price, 437 Portfolio, 276, 733 Utility indifference, 715 Yield, 103, 110 Cusip, 165, 190, 205 CUSIP International numbering system, 165 Cycles, 589, 680, 691, 913 Bull-bear, 922 Business, 696 Product, 696 Style, 701 Cyprus, 845 Czech Republic, 869, 874 D Day order, 168 DBA, 46 DCFV, 89 Dean Witter Reynolds, 373 Debenture, 49 Debt, 40, 49, 56, 168, 363, 497, 594, 596, 608, 611, 613, 626, 630, 822, 827, 836 Margin, 808 Mezzanine, 609 Portfolio, 775 Debtors committee, 613 Default, 40, 53, 610, 612, 614 Default swap, 483 Deferred Annuity, 22 Charges, 595 Taxes, 608 Defined benefit plan, 636, 637, 939 Defined contribution plan, 940 Deflation, 18 Degree Of operating leverage, 627 Delaware, 54 Delta, 438 Delta function. See Dirac delta DeMoivre, 1041 Denmark, 850 Department of Commerce, 680 Department of Justice. See DOJ Depository Trust Corporation, 205 Depression, 698 Derivative, 1014 Financial, 381 flexible, 417 Partial, 980, 1021 Radon-Nikodym, 562 Derivative instruments, 301 Designated Order Transfer, 162 Deutsche Borse, 840 Deutsche Telecom, 838 Developed countries, 839 Devon Energy, 184 Dhaka, 846 Diamonds, 834, 919 Index fund, 504 Dicount window, 112 Differential, 68, 1021 Gateaux, 1027 Diffusion, 231, 450, 531, 1049 Diffusion process, 552 Digital system, 320 Dipole, 1043 Dirac Delta distribution, 230 Dirac Delta Distribution, 566 Dirks, Raymond, 203 Dirty price, 87 Discipline, 518, 766, 769, 812, 919, 923 Discount rate, 77 Discounted cash flow value, 89 Discounted value of growth, 95 Discounting, 8, 19 Discriminant, 738 Discriminant analysis, 614 Discrimination line, 614 Disney, 52 Disposable Income, 699 Distressed securities, 358, 700 Funds, 613 Diversification, 55, 769 And risk, xv, 46 Portfolio, 730 Dividend, 51, 52, 88 and double taxation, 936 and Stock Options, 419, 578 Ex-, 168, 575 Franking, 936 Fully franked, 936 Payout Ratio, 92 Short, 490, 492 Yeld, 88 Yield, 487, 490, 607, 635 Dividend declaration, 98, 168 Dividend payout ratio, 630 Dividend reinvestment plan, 97 Dividend signaling, 98 Dividend yield, 89, 607, 867 Dividends and Foreign markets, 867 DJIA. See Dow Jones Industrial averages, See Dow Jones Industrial Average Futures Contract, 386 DK, 205 Dog and Cat Food Manufacturing, 681 Doing businesss as, 46 DOJ, 200, 503 Dominance, 298 DOT, 200, See Designated Order Transfer Double-A, 592 Dow Theory, 672 Dow Jones Industrial averages, 505, 649, 653, 672, 968 Transportation averages, 672 Dow Jones Industrial Averages, 172 Dow Jones 30 Industrial Averages, 172 Dow Jones Industrial Average, 386 Dr. Spock, 810 Dreman, David, 313, 919, 1077 Drexel Burnham Lambert, 373 Dreyfus, 340 Driver’s license model, 332 DTC. See Depository Trust Company Dunn & Bradstreet, 590 DuPont System, 597 Duration, 141, 611, 785 Adjusted, 141 Fulcrum of, 142 Gap, 485 DVG. See Discounted value of growth E E.F. Hutton, 828 E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., 172 EAFE, 848, See Europe Australasia Far East Earnings retention rate, 631 Earnings retention ratio, 92 East Africa, 901 East Asian and Oceanian Stock Exchanges Federation, 892 Ebay, 911 E-Bay, 61 ECN. See Electronic communication network EDGAR, 196, See Electronic Data Gathering and Retrieval On-line, 615 EDGAR-On-Line, 197 EEU, 52, 833 Effective, 184 Effective interest rate, 14 Efficient Market Hypotheses, 213 Efficient market hypothesis, 234 Efficient Market Hypothesis Semi-strong, 234 Strong, 234 Weak, 235 Efficient portfolio frontier and International markets, 890 Einstein, 570 El Salvador, 844 Electron, 553 Electronic communication network, 162 Electronic Data Gathering And Retrieval system, 197 Elementary particle, 798, 985, 1028 Elliott wave, 673 Ellipse, 735, 989, 991 Elliptic equation, 558 Emerging market, 361, 362 Emerging markets, 359, 361, 839 EMH. See Efficient Market Hypothesis Employee Retirement Income Security Act, 369 Endowment effect, 818 Enron, 53, 824 Entropy, 321 EPS, 88 Equatorial Guinea, 900 Equity, 40, 48, 51, 56, 87, 363, 487, 488, 509, 595, 598, 606, 626, 808, 822, 923, 924 Court of, 55 Margin account, 180 Method, 642 Option, 421 Swap, 484 Synthetic, 433 Equity Funding Corporation of America, 203 E-Signal, 919 Euler-Lagrange equation, 1028 Euler-Lagrange Equation, 752 Eurodollar deposits, 467 Eurodollar market, 43 Euronext, 896 EuroNext, 162, 166, 171, 308 European option, 419 Exchange Commodities, 159, 171 Floor, 159 Member, 331, 373 New York, 157 Options, 419 Regulation of, 183 Seat, 331 Stock, 157 Exchange offer, 499 Exchange options, 890 Exchange Rate Model Fundamental equilibrium, 851 monetary approach, 851 portfolio balance approach, 851 Purchasing power parity, 851 Ex-dividend, 168, 419, 578 Exercise, 417 Irrevocable, 433 Expectations hypothesis, 115 Expected value, 217, See Mean Expiration, 81, 197, 417, 421, 422, 576, 651, 808 Exponential And continuous compounding, 71 Function, 71, 982 Smooting, 657 Extrema, 1018 Exxon Mobil, 172 Eyeglasses, 836 F Factorial, 1038 Fair game, 229 Fairness opinion, 199 Fama, Eugene, 304 Fannie Mae, 45 FASB, 510, 643, 841 FCC. See Federal Communications Commission FD, 590 FDA, 200 FDIC. See Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal agency obligations, 44 Federal Communications Commission, 200 Federal Deposit Incurance Corporation, 41 Federal Express, 163, 831 Federal funds rate, 45 Federal Funds Rate, 112 Federal Home Loan Bank, 44 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, 44 Federal National Mortgage Association, 44 Federal Reserve Bank, 45, 807 Federal Reserve Board, 108, 168, 183, 911 Federal Trade Commission, 200 Act, 200 Federation of European and Asian Exchanges, 892, 898 Federation of European Stock Exchanges, 892 Federation of Financial Analysts, 589 Federation of IberoAmerican Bourses, 892 FESE, 308, See Federation of European and Asian Exchanges FF model. See Fama & French FHLB. See Federal Home Loan Bank FHLMC. See Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporationj FIAB. See Federation of Ibero-American Bourses Fibonacci, 675 Fill or kill, 168 Filter rule, 311 Financial Accounting Standards Board, 643 Financial Ratios DuPont System, 597 Financial statement analysis, 594 Fincncial asset, 40 First Call, 314 Fisher effect, 110, 851 International, 851 Five-card-stud, 1039 Fixed charge coverage, 597 Flat, 468 Flexible, 417 Floor, 159 Flour Milling, 681 Fluoride, 1032 FNMA. See Fedral National Mortgage Association Fokker-Planck equation, 571 Ford, 831 Foreign exchange, 17, 213, 851 Spot rate, 808 Foreign Exchange Rates, 857 Foreign government debt obligations, 43 Fortune Tellers, 813 Forward Looking Statements, 828 Forward rate, 115, 117, 401, 807 Forward rate agreement, 402 Forward-looking statements, 185 Fourier Transform, 545 FRA, 402, See Forward rate agreement Framing, 290, 298, 725, 817, 829 Franking, 99, 936 FRB. See Federal Reserve Board Freddie Mac, 44 Freud Sigmund, 810 Frontier Efficient portfolio, 756 FTC, 372, 503, See Federal Trade Commission FTSE, 176 Fuel cells, 959 Fulcrum of duration, 142 Fuller & Thaler Asset Management, 311 Function, 981 Generalized, 544 Functional, 544 Functional Analysis, 585 Fundamental equilibrium exchange rate model, 851 Fundamental variable of investment theory, 67 Funds Private Capital, 725 Future contract, 386 Future value, 8, 11 Futures, 464 Commodity, 373 Currency, 807 Currency crossrate, 890 Margin on, 411 Market index, 506 Options on, 373, 457 Trend index, 652 G GAAP. See Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Gabon, 900 Gambler, 715, 827 Gambler’s fallacy, 815 Gambling, 160, 333, 832 House, 160, 333 Gamler’s Falacy, 231 Gap Asset-Liability, 467 Duration, 485 Gaussian, 886, 1041 Distribution, 565, 1033 Elimination, 1005 Gaussian distribution, 228 GDP, 692, 839 Price deflator, 697 General Electric, 164, 172, 823 General linear group, 1009 General Motors, 52, 172 Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, 101 Georgia, 846 Germany, 844 Getty Gordon, 54 J. Paul, 54 Oil, 54 Ghana, 900 Giant Foods, 685 GIC. See Guaranteed investment contract GIC’s. See Gauranteed investment contract Ginnie Mae, 45 GL(n,R), 1009 Glass-Steagall Act, 205, 375 GM, 262 GNMA, 460, See Government National Mortgage Association Gold, 363, 806, 831 Coins, 909 Standard, 17, 698 Golden Rule, 675 Goldman Sachs, 331, 807 Government National Mortgage Association, 45 Graham and Dodd, 594 Graham, Benjamin, 594 Gramm-Leachey, 194 Grand Metropolitan PLC, 204 Granville, Joe, 309 Graph Theory, 528 Greece, 850, 893 Green’s function, 802 Green's function, 546 GRETAI, 845 Groom, 493 Gross Domestic Product, 680 GTC, 168 Guaranteed investment contract, 786, 790 Guaranteed investment contracts, 367, 519 Guinea Bissau, 900 H H shares. See Hong Kong Exchange Haircut, 168 Hamada, Robert, 630 Hammer, Armand, 823 Hand-holding, 298 Hang Seng, 849 Hart Scott Rodino, 200, 503 Head and shoulders, 658 Heat Conductance, 575 Equation, 450, 570, 574 Equation, Generalized, 575 Transfer, 231, 1049 Heat equation, 450 Heat flow, 552 Heaviside function, 544 Hedge, 333, 437, 490, 510, 540, 771, 802, 920, 927 Fund, 185, 342, 358, 511, 921, 928 Money market, 401 Natural, 486 Ratio, 437, 491, 495 Hedge fund, 893 Hedge ratio, 404 Hedging Dynamic, 454 Herfindahl-Hirshman Index, 503 Heuristics, 297, 814 Hewlett-Packard, 172 HHI, 503, See, HerfindahlHirshman Index Hilbert space, 548 Holding period, 15 Holding period return, 15, 77 Holographic image, 321 Home Depot, 172 Honduras, 843 Honeywell International, 173 Hong Kong, 834, 845 Horizon investment, 725 Hotels, 363 House Brokerage, 331 Gambling, 160 HSR, 200, 503, See Hart Scott Rodino Hungary, 844, 871 Hunt brothers, 909 I I Ching, 813 IASB. See International Accounting Standards Board, See International Accounting Standards Board IBM, 109, 163, 262, 280, 836, 962 ICRG. See International Country Risk Guide Identity Function, 73 Matrix, 1001 Illusion Money, 110 Illusion of control, 812 Illusion of validity, 298, 818 Imaginary number, 983 Imclone, 203 Immunization, 142, 785 And ALM, 783 Bond Portfolio, 779 Implied volatility, 507 Imputation tax credit, 936 Income statement, 594 Incorporation, 48 Indenture, 50 Index Float-adjusted, 174 Total return, 174 Index fund, 924 Exchange-traded, 365 Indexing, 768 India, 845 Individual Retirement Accounts, 939 Indonesia, 871 Induction, 215, 1041 Mutual, 534 Inductive reasoning, 1018 Inductor, 529 Industrial Production, 694 Inflation, 7, 9, 17, 66, 697 Rate, 18 Information, 4, 57, 76, 160, 184, 212, 213, 224, 229, 234, 531, 646, 833, 918, 919, 973 Correlation function, 320 Function, 320 Material nonpublic, 215 Theory, 320 Information Agent, 198 Information Statements, 195 Initial public offering, 57 Inner product, 251, 543 Inside information, 193, 215, 374, See also, Information, Inside Instinet, 162, 163 Institute for Scrap Recycling Industries, 681 Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts, 589 Institutional investor, 178 Institutional sales, 332 Insurance companies, 727 Insurance Company Life, 366 Property and casualty, 368 Integration, 562, 1024 By parts, 1025 Symbol, 979 Weiner path, 585 Integration by parts, 1025 Intel Corp., 173 Interest, 9, 10 Arbitrage, 127 Bond, 40 Conflict of, 194, 341 Continuously compounded, 71 Rate, 2, 10 Rate cycles, 696 Rate on options, 434 Rate risk, 710 Rate sensitivity, 84 Riskless rate, 237, 430 Sensitivity, 138 Simple, 13 Term structure, 110 Interest rate Annual effective, 14 Nominal, 14 Per period, 14 Real, 110 term structure, 113 Intermarket trading system, 158 Internal rate of return, 502 Internal Revenue Service, 342 International Accounting Standards Board, 643, 841 International Association of Swap Dealers Association, 480 International Country Risk Guide, 878 International Monetary Fund, 877 International Securities Identification Number system, 166 Intrinsic value, 89 Inventory turnover, 597 Inventory-sales ratios, 688 Investment Horizon, 725 Investment advisor, 194, 652 Sentiment index, 652 Investment Advisors Act of 1940, 194, 342 Investment bank, 56 Investment Company Act of 1940, 194, 340 Inveswtment Intrinsic value of, 89 IPO, 912, See Initial public offering IRA, 939 Roth, 939 IRS, 487 ISDA. See International Swap Dealers Association ISDA Benchmark Rate, 481 ISIN. See International Securities Identification Number System Island, 162 ISLAND, 159 Iso-mean, 735 Iso-variance, 735 Israel, 846 ISRI. See Institute for Scrap Recycling Inustries Istanbul, 308 ITS. See Intermarket trading system Ivory Coast, 900 J J.P. Morgan, 194, 373 J.P. Morgan Chase, 173 Jakarta, 842 Japan, 18, 170, 215, 832, 833, 923, 926 Jeffries Boyd, 373 Securities, 373 Jensen, 947 Jetsons, 961 Johannesburg Stock Exchange, 902 John Deere Tractor, 434 Johnson & Johnson, 173 Joint venture, 642 Jordan, 846, 893 Jung, C. G., 812 Junk bond, 592 Funds, 613 Market, 373 K K Mart, 613 Kansas City Board of Trade, 383 Karachi, 846 Kazakhstan, 846 Kellogg’s, 262, 460 Kelloggs, 685 Kenya, 901 Keough plan, 939 King, B. F., 291 Kirchoff, 529 Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, 493 Kolmolgorov Theorems of, 570 Komologorov, 570 KOSDAQ, 842 KOSPI, 849 Kravis Henry, 493 Kurtosis, 227, 1045 Kuwait, 846 Kyrgyzstan, 846 L L shares, 892 Laddered approach to bond portfolio management, 779 Lagging Indicators, 688 Lagrange, 1028 Lagrangian, 585, 1026 Multiplier, 752, 1028 Lahore, 846 Laplace Approximation of binomial, 1041 Equation, 559 Transform, 546, 582 Large-cap Index fund, 506 Stocks, 352 Law, 2, 3, 47, 54, 55, 59, 183, 185, 199, 200, 201, 495, 613, 822, 833, 936 Law of large numbers, 230, 1036 Law of one price, 851 LBO, 364, See Leveraged Buy Out LCE, 383 Leading indicators, 688 LEAPS, 421 Lebanon, 846 Lebesgue spaces, 547 Legal list, 727 Leibnitz, 1012 Lennon, John, 819 Leptokurtic, 304 Lesotho, 902 Leverage Financial, 627 First-stage. See Operating Leverage Operating, 627 Leveraged Buy Out, 609 liability Spontaneous, 630 LIBOR, 467, 481, See London InterBank Offer Rate Flat, 468 Life Insurance, 724 Life-cycle, 723 LIFFE, 171, 308, 896 Lima, 842, 893 Limbic cortex, 811 Limit, 1013 Limit order, 168 Linear Operator, 543, 999 Transformation, 543, 999 Liquidation value, 610 Liquidity, 308, 870 Liquidity premium hypothesis, 115 liquidity risk, 726 Listed, 169 Ljubljana, 845 Logarithm And price, 72 London business day, 481 London Commodities Exchange, 383 London Inter-Bank Offer Rate, 45 London Interbank Offerd Rate, 467 London Internation Futures Exchange, 171 London Stock Exchange, 162, 170 Long, 166 position, 178 Long position, 178 Long Term Capital Management, 299, 906, 919 Lopez, Lola, 370 Loss aversion, 290 Lumber, 388 Lusaka Exchange, 873 LuSE index, 176 Luxembourg, 844, 906 LYONs, 829 M M2, 949 Macaulay, 611 Macedonia, 845 Machiavelli, 1089 MacLean Paul, 811 Madrid, 895 Malawi, 902 Malaysia, 845, 871 Mali, 900 Malkiel, Burtram, 630 Maloney Act, 194 Mammals, 811 Mandlebrot, Benoit, 304 Manipulation, 59, 183, 190, 375, 643, 813, 973 Exemption, 192 Margin, 168, 183, 411, 423, 499, 734, 772, 910, 920, 1049 and Portfolio Theory, 775 Call, 919 Commodities futures, 392 Convertible arbitrage, 488 Limits, 183 Maintenance, 180 On stock options, 423 Margin account, 179 Margin call, 181 Margin loan, 180 Marginal productivity of capital, 110 Mark to market, 178 Market Bear, 278, 648 Black, 832 Breadth, 648 Bull, 278, 648 Cornering, 190 Efficient, 213 Electronic, 162 Emerging. See Emerging Markets Index funds, 505 Inefficient, 214, 613, 920, 923, 926 Inside, 160 Inter-bank, 45 Primary, 57, 154 Secondary, 154 Specialist, 159 Third, 161 Market capitalization to GDP ratio, 841 Market index Capitalization weighted, 173 Price weighted, 173 market indexes, 172 Market indexes, 847 Market maker, 160 Market segmentation hypothesis, 131 Marketing, 331, 358, 364, 626, 806, 821, 823, 828, 910 Markets National regional, 158 Trendless, 662 World regional, 158 Markets, National, 158 Markov condition, 562, 569 Markowitz, Harry, 259 Mark-to-market, 166 Martha Stewart, 613 Martingale, 235 Matrix, 245, 543, 1000 Addition, 1004 Determinant, 1006 Inverse, 754, 1001 Multiplication, 1002 Transition, 548 Transpose, 1004 Mattoli, 1091 Mauritius, 902 May Day, 373 McDonald's, 173 McGraw Hill, 591 McGraw-Hill, 375, 615 Mean, 217, 564 Mean-variance decision-making, 259 Measure, 562 Space, 562 Medical science, 962, 1032 Member, 331 MENA, 900 Mental accounting, 298 Mental Accounting, 817 Mental accounts, 290, 814, 829 Merck & Co., 173 Merger. See Takeover Merrill Lynch, 829 Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner and Smith, 373 MICEX, 842 Michael Milken, 374 Microsoft, 109, 163, 173, 262, 421 Mid-Cap, 352 Middle East, 460, 831, 834 Milken, Michael, 373 Minimization, 1017 Minor, 1007 Mint, 909 Mitchell Energy, 184 MMM, 109, 260, 262 MOB, 415 Mobius strip, 985 Modigliani-Miller, 823 Moldavia, 845 Molecular gas, 563 Molecule, 219, 320, 962 Moligdiani, 949 Moment First, 217 Fourth, 1045 Second, 224 Third, 776 Momentum, 655, 662 Monetary approach exchange rate model, 851 Money, 17 Bare, 807 Dressed, 807 Supply, 807 Time value, 19 Money illusion, 110 Money market, 41 Money market hedge, 401, 403 Mongolia, 845 Montevideo, 844 Moody’s, 590 Morgan Stanley, 374, 828 Morgan Stanley Capital International, 176, 505 Morocco, 846 Mortgaged-backed securities, 338 Moving averages, 655 Mozambique, 902 MSCI, 505, 848, See Morgan Stanley Capital International MSCI All country Index, 953 MSCI Developed Country Index, 905 Mulhern, John, 203, 262, 615 Multinomial Coefficient, 1040 Distribution, 1041 Mumbai, 845 Municipal bonds, 42 Murdock, Rupert, 504 Mutual fund, 234, 340 Back-end load, 338 Closed-end, 336 Front-end loaded, 338 Large cap, 352 Mid cap, 352 No-load, 338 Open-end, 336, 341 Pass-through status, 342 Small cap, 352 Supermarkets, 340 theorem, 308 Value, 352 Mutual fund theorem, 308 Mutual funds, 903 Mutual Funds Integrity and Fee Transparency Act of 2003, 343, 375 Muuler-Lyer diagram, 816 Myers, S. C., 286 N NAICS. See North American Industry Classification System Naked, 424 Namibian Stock Exchange, 902 Nano technology, 962 NAR. See National Association of Realtors NASD, 331 NASDAQ, 158, 843 Sucription levels, 161 National Association of Realtors, 681 National Association of Securities Dealers. See NASD National Income and Products Accounts, 680 Natural log, 71 NAV, 337, See Net asset value Neighborhood, 547, 1013 Net asset value, 335 New York Mercantile Exchange, 383 New York Stock Exchange, 157 New York Times, 973 New Zealand, 845 Newton, 1012 Newton, Isaac, 1040 NexTrade, 162 Nickels and dimes, 421 Niger, 900 Nikkei 225, 176 Nikkei 225 Futures, 891 NIPA. See National Income and Product Accounts NOB, 414 Nominal interest rate, 14, 20 NOREX alliance, 896 Normal distribution, 228, 1048 Cumulative, 448 Nortel, 838 North American Industry Classification System, 680 Norwalk Agreement, 841 Note, 49 Nouveau Systeme de Cotation, 162 Noxzema, 828 Nuclear Fusion, 959 Magnetic resonance, 959 Missile, 966 Particles, 798 Power, 528, 959 Threat, 835 Numismatics, 909 NYMEX, 383 NYSE, 157, 162, 331, 360, 362, 372, 411, 648, 696, 843, 965, 966, See, also New York Stock Exchange Most expensive stock on, 594 NYSE composite index, 172 NYSE Index, 174 O O’Connor, William, 294 Oats, 386 OCC. See Options Clearing Corporation Occidental Petroleum, 823 Octonion, 985 Octopole, 777, 1045 Odd-lot, 168 Buy/sell ratio, 652 Offer price, 160 Ohm’s Law, 531 Oil, 215, 363, 372, 460, 691, 831, 832, 834, 836 Oman, 846 OMX Exchanges, 308 OMX group, 896 Onassiss, 831 OPEC, 834, 836 Open interest, 417, 662 Operating leverage, 627 Operator Annihilation, 798 Creation, 797 Linear, 523 Opportunity cost, 10 Option American, 419, 451 Asian, 462 Assingment, 419 Barrier, 463 call, 417 Contract, 416 Covered, 424 Currency crossrate, 890 Delta, 438, 453 European, 419, 451 Exercise, 417 Exotic, 462 Expiration, 417, 422 Foreign currencies, 456 Gamma, 453 In the money, 417 Interest rate, 456 Intrinsic value, 418 Kappa, 453 Margin on, 423 Market indexes, 456 Naked, 424 On futures, 457 Open interest, 417 Out of the money, 417 Premiums, 436 put, 417 Replication, 454 Rho, 453 smile, 455 Spread, 430 Straddle, 431 Strike price, 422 Theta, 453 Vega, 453 Writing, 417 Options Flexiblystructured, 420 Parity Equation, 450 Options arbitrage, 433 Options Clearing Corporation, 422 Options Replication, 454 Orbis Mutual Funds, 894 Order Day, 168 GTC, 168 Imbalance, 170 Limit. See Stop, 168 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 877 Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, 877 Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, 571 OSCE. See Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Oscillator, 662 Oslo Børs, 841 OTC, 157 OTC Bulletin Board, 169 Outer product, 1002 Overbought, 662, 665 Oversold, 662, 665 Over-the-counter, 157 P P/E ratio, 93, 152, 606, 607 Pacific Rim, 834 Pacific Stock Exchange, 170, 420 Packs, 401 Pakistan, 846 Paleomammalian Part of the brain, 811 Palestine, 846 Panama, 844 Papua New Guinea, 899 Par value, 51, 52, 192, 197, See Stock, par value Paraguay, 844 Paretian distribution, 235, 304 Paris Bourse, 170 Parking, 190 Partial derivative, 1021 Symbol, 980 Partial differential equation, 544 Partnership, 47 Limited, 47 Pass on, 57, 184 Path integral, 585 PB. See Price to book ratio PDE. See Partial differential equation PE ratio, 88, 868 PEAD. See Postearningsannouncement drift, See Postearningsannouncement drift Peers, 929 Pennies, 169 Pennzoil, 54 Pension fund, 334, 369, 636 Past service liability, 636 Vesting, 637 Pension funds, 725 Per period interest rate, 14 Perpetuity, 53 Perqs, 823 Personal flying machine, 961 Personal income, 687 Pet rock, 828 Pfizer, 173 Phase space, 563 Orbit, 736 Phase Space Portfolio, 736 Philadelphia Stock Exchange, 157, 420 Philippines, 850 PHLX, 157, 170, 420, See Phialdelphia Stock Exchange Photo finishing, 681 Picker, 912 Pillsbury, 204 Pink Sheets, 169 Pit, 159 Platinum, 909 PMV. See Private market value Poison pill, 495 Poisson approximation, 1041 Poisson equation, 558 Poker, 1039 Polaroid, 836 Political Risk Services Group, 878 Pooling of interests, 642 Population, 216, 220, 615, 698, 701, 962, 964 Port Moresby exchange, 899 Portfolio, 239, 253, 730 Diversification, 730 Efficiency, 737 Efficient frontier, 256 Exchange-traded, 506 Frontier, 756 Insurance, 790 Minimum risk, 745 Most efficient, 745 Optimal risky, 257 Phase space, 736 Rebalancing, 538, 761 Weight, 731 Portfolio insurance, 457 Portfolio management Active, 768 Passive, 768 Portfolio space, 797 Position Virtual, 424 Positioning, 178 Posner, Victor, 938 Post Cereals, 685 Post-earningsannouncement drift, 309 Prague, 842 Prague Stock Exchange, 874 Pre-emergent markets, 861 Preemptive rights, 53 Preferred stock, 52, 594 Convertible, 493 Cumulative, 53 Valuation model, 88 Voting rights, 53 Preffered stock Par value, 52 Premium Risk, 434 Time, 434 Present value, 8, 18, 27, 135, 212, 497, 611, 780 Annuity table, 27 Graph, 22 Table, 20 Price deflator, 8 Price inflator, 8 Price to book ratio, 869 Price value of a basis point, 86, 398 Prime rate, 112, 608 PRIMEs, 829 PRIME's, 487 Principal Registered, 190 Private capital Funds, 493, 923 Private capital fund, 364 Private Capital Fund, 725 Private market value, 608 Private placement, 56, 364 Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, 185 Pro rata, 498 Probability, 216, 562 Conditional, 240, 564, 1048 Cumulative, 222 Distribution, 216, 563, 1033 Joint, 240, 1048 Marginal, 240, 565, 1048 Measure, 563 Measure space, 563 Moments, 533, 534 Transition, 570 Probability distribution Skewed, 302 Procter & Gamble, 173 Procter and Gamble, 200 Prohibition, 832 Projection, 997, 998 Proprietary trading, 333 Prospect theory, 290 Prospectus, 56 Provenance, 911 Proxy Contest, 185 Material, 195 Solicitation, 185 PRS. See Political Risk Services Group Prudent person rule, 727 PSE. See Pacific Stock Exchange, See Pacific Stock Exchange Psychology, 2, 650, 677, 810, 822, 824, 1077 Psychophysics, 816 Public Utilities Holding Company Act of 1935, 497 PUCHA, 375 Purchase method, 642 Purchasing manager sentiment, 681 Purchasing power parity, 851 Purchasing power risk, 7 Puts, 417 PVBP. See Basis point, price value of Pythagorean Theorem, 224, 994 Q Quadratic formula, 988 Quadrupole, 776, 1045 Quanto, 891 Quark, 798 Quaternion, 985 Queen Dido of Carthage, 1025 Quick ratio, 597 R R.J. Reynolds, 493 Radon-Nikodym Theorem, 562 Railroads, 497, 831 Random variable, 217, 563, 1033 Random walk, 447, 450, 552, 1049 Rate Of return, 13, 19, 41, 70, 83, 88, 135, 227, 237, 493, 494, 607, 675, 781, 812, 927 Riskless, 237 Ratio analysis, 596 Ratios and Technical analysis, 649 Coverage, 597 Put/call, 652 Turnover, 597 R-complex, 811 Real asset, 32, 38 Real Estate Investment Trust. See REIT Real interest rate, 20, See Marginal productivity of capital Rebalancing Equation, 762 Portfolio, 761, 783 Record date, 99 Red Chip Index, 848 REDIBook ECN, 162 Reg D, 185, 342 Reg T, 183 Registered principal, 190 Registered representative, 189 Registration Statements, 194 Regression, 246, 1049 Regret aversion, 818 REIT, 363, 460, 725 Relative advantage, 468 Relative strength index, 665 Reorg, 205, 504 Replacement cost value, 610 Repo, 45 Representativeness, 297, 815 Reptiles, 811 Repurchase agreement, 45 Reverse, 45 Resistance Electrical, 529 Level, 660, 671 Restricted stock, 196 Retracement, 660, 672 Return on investment, 15 Rho Correlation coefficient, 253 Rights, 100 Risk, 227 and number of portfolio constituents, 255 And variance, 226 Basis, 404 Interest rate, 138 Liquidity, 726 Management, xv, xvii, 46, 353, 487, 710, 731, 765, 769, 770, 920, 926, 927, 929 Political, 878 Purchasing power, 7 systematic, 259 Systematic, 246 Timing, 725 unsystematic, 259 Unsystematic, 246 Risk premium Option, 434 Riskless Virtual position, 439 Robinson Patman Act, 200 Rodichek, A. A., 286 Rogers, Kenny, 76 ROI, 15, See Return on investment Rolls-Royce, 831 Romania, 871 Ross, Stephen, 299 Rothschildes The Baron de, 299 Royal Dutch Shell Oil, 52 Royalty Trusts, 363 RSI, 665 RTS. See Russian Trading System, See Russian Trading System Rubin, Robert, 807 Rudin, 1096 Rukeryser, Louis, 314 Rule FD, 590 Russel indexes, 176 Russia, 831, 832, 833, 834, 846 Russian Trading System, 174, 871 S S&P, 591, See Standard & Poors, See Standard & Poors SADC. See South African Development Community Sale-and-lease-back, 727 Salience, 828 Sample, 216, 1036 Santiago, 842 Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 926 SARS, 962 Saudi Arabia, 850 Savings & Loan, 464 Savings & Loan industry, 592 Savings bond, 9 Savings Rate, 699 Sawmills, 681 SAXESS trading system, 896 Scalar, 994 Schroedinger equation, 584 SCL. See Security characteristic line Scorched earth, 494 SCORE's, 487 SEAQS. See Stock Exchange Automated Quote System Sears, 373 Seat, 331 SEC. See Securities & Exchange Commission vs. Equity Funding Corp. of America, 203 Securities Borrowing, 166, 167 Clearing, 204 Listed, 169 Long position, 166 Registered, 184 Short position, 166 Thinly-traded, 166 Transfer, 204, 205 Transferability, 53 Securities account, 167 Buying power, 181 Cash, 179 Institutional, 178 Margin, 179 Retail, 178 Securities Act of 1933, 183 Securities and Exchange Commission, 56, 169 Securities exchange. See Exchange Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 183 Section 13e-2, 196 Securities Investor Protection Act of 1970, 182 Securities Investor Protection Corporation, 182 Security characteristic line, 260 Security exchange symbol. See Ticker symbol Security market line, 275 Security Space, 796 Sell side, 331 semiconductor industry, 689 Semigroup, 580 Senegal, 900 Sensitivity, 84, See Bond; interest Separation principle, 258, 770 Serbia, 871 Serial correlation, 311 Series Seven Exam, 189 SETS. See Stock Exchange Electronic Transaction Service Settlement, 205 Shanghai, 842 Shanghai Stock Exchange, 847 Shannon Claude, 320, 1097 Share Of profits, 334 Partnership, 48 Stock, 49 Share buyback, 97 Shareholder-ofrecord, 168 Shareholders' meeting Special, 186 Shareholders’ meeting Annual, 186 Sharon Steel, 938 Sharpe ratio, 947 Sharpe, William F., 260 Shelby Cobra, 912 Shelby, Carroll, 819 Shelf registration, 184 Shenzhen, 842 Sherman Act, 200 Shock wave, 572, 578 Short Against the box, 182 Covering, 179 Position, 179 Sale, 166 Selling, 382 Tender, 499 Short against the box, 182 Short interest, 167, 662 Short sale Against the box, 420 Rule, 382 Short tender restriction, 499 Short-swing Profit rule, 193 SIC, 680 sigma, 23 Silent partner, 47 Silver, 17, 806, 831 Certificate, 17 Coins, 909 Simple interest, 13 Singapore, 845 Single city girl, 215 single factor model, 259 Single premium deferred annuities, 790 Sinking fund, 81 SIPC. See Securities Investor Protection Corporation Skewness, 226, 1044 Sky Bar, 836 SL(n,R), 1009 Slovakia, 845, 864 Slovenia, 845 Small Order Execution system, 162 Small-cap Index fund, 506 Stocks, 352 Smart money, 651 Smeared, 584 Smile, 455 SML, 275 Sobolev Space, 581 Social security, 939 Social Security, 370 SOES. See Small Order Execution System Sole proprietorship, 46 Sony, 838 Soros, George, 926 South Africa, 872, 902 South African Development Community, 902 South Penn Oil, 54 South Seas Bubble, 818 SPDA’s. See Single premium deferred annuity SPDR, 510 Special linear group, 1009 Specialist, 59, 159 Sperry, 504 Spin-off, 497 Spot rate, 808 Spread, 86, 113, 214, 215, 224, 237, 277, 423, 494, 495, 626, 917 Bear, 432 Bull, 430 Butterfly, 432 Calendar, 430 Diagonal, 431 Horizontal, 430 Options, 430 Vertical, 430 Spyders, 505 Sri Lanka, 845 Srpska Republic, 897 SSE. See Shanghai Stock Exchange Standard & Poors, 165, 175, 375, 590, 591, 615 Standard deviation, 225, 1043 Standard error, 247, 1050 Standard Industry Classification. See, also SIC Standard Oil, 200 Standardized unexpected earnings, 310 State-preference, 298 State-preference model, 631 Statistics, 1032 Bose-Einstein, 1037 Fermi-Dirac, 1037 Lying with, 1047 MaxwellBoltzman, 1037 Status quo bias, 818 Stirling approximation, 1042 Stochastic process, 450, 568, 1049 Generalized, 580 Stochastics, 667 Stock, 40 Baskets, 409 Certificate, 48 Classes, 51 Common, 51 Convertible preferred, 493 Dividends, 51 Par value, 51 Picture, 52 Preferred, 52 Restricted, 196 Voting rights, 51 Warrants, 463 Stock Exchange Automeated Quote System, 162 Stock Exchange Electronic Transaction Service, 163 Stop. See Stop loss Stop loss, 168, 308 Straddle, 431 Street name, 168 Strike ECN, 162 Strike price, 417 Strip, 400 Bond, 85 Stripping Bond, 85 Subsidiary, 48, 52, 54, 197, 497, 642 Suburban soccer mom, 215 SUE. See Standardized Unexpected Returns Sun Tzu, 1101 Sunk cost effect, 818 Super DOT, 162 Super Fresh, 685 Super-conductor, 960 Support, 660 Supreme Court, 203, 204 Surabaya, 842 Swap Bond, 790 Commodity, 482 Currency, 482 Default, 483 Equity, 484 Interest rate, 468 swap agreement, 469 Swap transactions, 467 Swaps, 467 Symbol Security, 163 Syndicate Crime, 832 Underwriting, 57 Synthetic, 423 T T + 3, 205 Taiwan, 850 Taiwanese dollar, 689 Takeover, 30, 54, 90, 186 and fairness, 199 Arbitrage, 375, 493 Cash tender, 504 Contested, 494 Friendly, 494 Hostile, 494 TANDEM, 415 Tanzania, 901 Tape Consolidated, 158 TASI, 176, 849 Tax and Foreign Investment, 892 Progressive, 939 Tax shelter, 939 Taxes, 936 Deferred, 608, 640, 940 taxi medallion model, 332 Taylor expansion, 1020 Taylor Expansion, 453 Taylor Theorem, 232 Taylor’s Theorem, 1020 Tbilisi, 308 T-bills, 42 T-bonds, 42 t-distribution, 302 Tear sheets, 590 Technical analysis. See Analysis, Technical Technical Market Analysis, 236 TED, 415 Tel Aviv, 308, 841 Telecommunications, 875 Telex machines, 162 Temperature, 219, 575 Tempered distribution, 547 Templeton, 894 Tender offer, 195, 496, 504 Tender Offer, 197 Dutch Auction, 497 Tensor, 1002 Product, 563, 797, 1002 TEPIX, 176 Term structure, 113 Texaco, 54, 837 Texas Oil Co., 54 Texas State Court of Appeals, 55 Thai Baht, 905 Thailand, 845 The Street. See Wall Street Thinly-traded, 166 Third market, 161 Ticker Symbol, 163 Tape, 171 Times interest earned, 597 Tobacco, 874 Tobin James, 770 Tobin q-ratio, 610 Tobin, James, 258 Togo, 900 Tombstone ad, 57, 196 Tonalist school, 911 TOPIX, 176 Topological vector space, 548 Locally convex, 583 Topology, 547 Tradebook ECN, 162 Trading After hours, 170 Trading ahead, 186 Trading Costs in Foreign Markets, 876 Trading halt, 170 Trading index, 651 Transfer agent, 165, 176, 205 Transferability, 53 Translation invariance, 67, 250, 534, 995 Translation invariant, 995 Translation-invariant, 495 Translation-invariant variable, 139, 230, 535, 574 Transport equation, 550 Transportation, 672, 831, 875, 965 Treasuries, 42, 237, 363 Treasury yield curve, 110 Tremont Advisors, 360, 894 Treynor, 947 Treynor, Jack, 260 TRIN, 652 Trinidad & Tobago, 844 Triple-A, 592 Triple-witching, 410 Triune brain, 811 Trust Indenture Act, 194 Filings, 196 Tulipmania, 818 Tunis, 900 Turkey, 844, 850 Turnover rate, 343 Turnover Rate, 870 Tyco, 838 U U. S. Supreme Court, 55 U.S. v. O’Hagan, 204 Uganda, 901 Ukraine, 846 Underwriter, 57 Unit investment trust, 335 United Technologies, 173 Upstairs, 165 Uptick Rule, 433 Uruguay, 844 Utility, 286 and risk aversion, 713 Company, 52, 497 Indifference curves, 715 Investor, 237 Marginal, 715 Quadratic, 715 V Valencia, 895 Value added, 683 Value Line, 590 Value stock Fund, 352 Index fund, 506 Vangaurd, 340 Vanguard, 893 Varadzin Exchange, 897 Variance, 224, 564, 1043 Of expected return, 227 Residual, 247, 1050 Vector, 251, 994 Dual space, 999 Inner product, 251 Space, 542, 996 Venezuela, 843 Venice, 298 Venture capital, 364 Verizon Communications, 173 Vertical spread, 430 Virtual Composite security, 488, 489 Funds flow, 538 Position, 539, 795 Processes, 585 Riskless portfolio, 792 Riskless position, 447, 450 Synthetic security, 539 Warrant, 487 VISX, 190 VIX index, 652 Volatility, 224, 228, 434 Implied, 507 Index, 652 Voltage, 529 Volume, 86, 164, 232, 235, 507, 518, 589, 616, 649, 660, 669, 793 Volume indicators, 649 Volume spike compression, 648 Vote, 51 Probability, 217 Space, 757 Welch, Jack, 823 West African Monetary Union, 900 West African Regional Exchange, 900 WFE. See World Federation of Exchanges When-issued, 214, 497 White knight, 495 Wholesale price index, 8 Wiener Börse, 841 WIG Index, 176 Wilshire 5000, 175 Working capital turnover, 597 World Equity Benchmark Securities, 505 World Federation of Exchanges, 892 World GDP, 840 WorldCom, 824 Writing, 417 Zacks Investment Service, 313 Zagreb, 845 Zambeef, 872 Zambia, 872 ZCB. See Zero Coupon Bond Zero sum game, 4, 75, 235, 333, 589, 613, 917 Zero-coupon bond, 152, 611 Zero-risk, 133 Zeta, 615 Zimbabwe, 902 Z-score, 615 Α α SCL Coefficient, 260 Β β, 260 W X Wall Street, 176 The movie, 928, 930 Wall Street Journal, 198, 313 Briefing books, 615 Wall Street Week, 314 Wal-Mart, 173 Walt Disney, 173 WAMU. See West African Monetary Union Warrant, 463, 487, 488, 508, 539, See Stock warrant Warren, Justice, 200 Warsaw Stock Exchange, 904 Wash sale, 190 Water, 960 Waxel, Stanley, 203 WEBS, 510, 893, 903, See World Equity Benchmark Securities Weight Potfolio, 731 Xerox, 836 Γ Γ Option, 453 Y Y2K, 863 Y-2K, 835 Yahoo, 109, 262 Yield Curve, 113 Pick-up, 471 Yield curve, 103, 110, 113 Yield pick-up, 471 Yield to maturity, 83, 610 York Peppermint Patty, 18 ytm, 489, See, also YTM, Yield to maturity YTM, 83, 136, 501, 780, 783, See Yield to maturity Ρ Z Δ Δ Option, 453 Θ Θ Option, 453 Κ Κ Option, 453 Μ μ, 562 ρ Correlation Coefficient, 250 Option, 453 Σ σ, 224 Σ, 23 σ-algebra, 562