Working Paper

Working Paper
Implementing the Personal Software Process (PSP)
with Undergraduate Students
M. F. Murphy
This paper describes an empirical case-study which used techniques and concepts
from the Personal Software Process (PSP), developed by Watts Humphrey (1995), to
teach software process improvement to under-graduate, computing students. The PSP
claims to provide individual software developers with a structured and systematic
way to improve the quality and predictability of the software they write (Humphrey,
1995). The objectives of this case study were twofold: First, to study the impact
learning an adapted version of the PSP had on the estimating ability, the
programming habits, and the quality of work produced by a group of PSP-trained
students. Second, to compare the software development processes of this group with a
control group of non-PSP trained students. A number of hypotheses were tested,
dealing with four aspects of the PSP, namely: size estimation, time estimation, time
management and software quality management. A post-course survey was also
administered to the PSP-trained students. The results of the case study are described
and discussed in this paper and recommendations are made for the future practice of
the PSP.
Emerging Need for Software Process Education
Attention has focused in recent years on the need to provide software process
improvement education to industrial software developers. This need arose because of
the acute problem of low quality software produced by the software industry. Methods
which support a disciplined and systematic approach to software development and
improvement have been introduced into industry e.g. Capability Maturity Model
(CMM) developed by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) and the SPICE
standard. However, in recent years it has been suggested that the best way to
introduce software process improvement into industry is to educate students in
efficient, disciplined methods and quality programming practices during the course of
their formal computing studies.
Personal Software Process
There has been a recent movement to include the Personal Software Process (PSP),
developed by Watts Humphrey (1995), as a topic on under-graduate and post-graduate
computing courses. The PSP was developed as a means of improving the processes of
individual software engineers (Humphrey, 1995). It allows developers to keep track of
their personal performance and to make estimations on their future performance based
on these records. It has proved to be an effective methodology for learning a
disciplined process for software development and for improving the quality of
software produced by an individual.
Learning the PSP requires students to work on ten small programming exercises at the
rate of one per week. The students keep precise measurements such as the number of
lines of code (new, reused, changed), defects found, phase of defect injection and
removal, time spent fixing defects, time spent on each phase of the programming
exercise, estimated and actual value of program size and development time. A new
concept is introduced each week such as:
Measuring and Tracking the project
Software Project Planning
Methods for estimating Size and Time
Code Reviews and Defect Prevention Techniques
Structured Design Methods
Cyclic Personal Process
PSP data is recorded on PSP logs and forms and PSP summary reports.
Research Method:
The subjects consisted of 32 undergraduate students who were entering their second
year of computing studies. They were assigned alphabetically into two groups, of 16
students each – an experimental group, referred to as the PSP group, and a control
group, referred to as the Non-PSP group.
Content of PSP Course
Students were taught an abridged version of the PSP course, which lasted 6 weeks and
involved writing 5 programs. The course included the following subset of PSP skills
namely: size and time estimation, how to record of program size and program
development time, how to record defect data (injection and removal) and how to
perform code reviews.
Evaluation Methods Employed
The impact of PSP training was evaluated from three different perspectives:
A longitudinal study on the effectiveness of training on the PSP group
A comparative study, between the PSP group and the Non-PSP group
A post-course survey was administered to the PSP group.
3.3.1 Longitudinal Study of PSP Group
PSP data collected at the beginning of the course of instruction was compared with
PSP data collected during the course and with data collected at the end of the course.
Paired one-tailed student t-tests were used to determine the accuracy of estimates
made. Data was collected on the following PSP measurements: Program Size
(estimate V actual), Time to complete program (estimate V actual), Time/effort spent
per program phase (estimate V actual), Defect Data (defects injected/removed per
program phase).
3.3.2 Comparative Study of the Non-PSP and PSP Group
The results of a pre-test programming exercise and a post-test programming exercise
administered to both the PSP and the Non-PSP group were compared. Two-sample ttests were used to test the difference between a number of the variables recorded for
the two groups.
3.3.3 Post-Course Survey
An anonymous, voluntary, post-course survey was also administered to the PSPtrained students. The purpose of this survey was:
To ascertain the students’ opinions of the usefulness of the PSP techniques
To discover their attitude towards the PSP
To elicit their evaluation of the quality of the data they recorded in their exercises
A number of hypotheses were tested, dealing with four aspects of the PSP, namely:
size estimation, time estimation, time management and software quality management.
The hypotheses, and their corresponding results, are detailed in Table 4.1.
The students logged their primary PSP data onto simplified PSP forms which were
available in paper format and also implemented in Excel. The Excel forms had builtin equations and supported data transfer between various cells and forms. The
following PSP forms were used in the case study: Time/Size Estimation Log,Time
Log, Time Summary Log, LOC Summary Log, Time/Size/Defects Estimation, Defect
Recording Log, Time/Size/Defects Summary.
Students were provided with a standard code review document, or checklist, for use
during code review. The checklist concentrated primarily on checking for syntax
Data Gathering Approach
The PSP process activities, associated with each of the programming exercises, are
listed in Table 3.1 below.
Estimates of time
Collect time by
from Programs
from Programs
from Programs
from Programs
1, 2
1, 2 3 and 4.
1, 2 3 and 4.
Estimate of size
time based on
time based on
time based on
time based on
Measure of size
Collect time by
Collect time by
Collect time by
Collect time by
Table 3.1
Collect defect
data by phase
Code Review
Code Review
Collect defect
Collect defect
data by phase
data by phase
Research Data Gathering Requirements
(Adapted from Coleman and O’Connor (2000)
The main results of the empirical study are summarised in Table 4.1, according to the
various hypotheses proposed in the case study.
Summary of Results
Hypothesis 1: The PSP group will become more accurate, over time, at estimating the size
measurement requirements of their programs.
Hypothesis 2: The PSP group will become more accurate, over time, at estimating the size
measurement requirements of their programs than the Non-PSP group.
PSP Group
Non-PSP V PSP Group
Underestimated size at start
Both groups underestimated at start
More accurate at end
PSP group more accurate than NonPSP at end
Hypothesis 1 accepted
Hypothesis 2 accepted
Hypothesis 3: The PSP group will become more accurate, over time, at estimating the time/effort
measurement requirements of their programs.
Hypothesis 4: The PSP group will become more accurate, over time, at estimating the time/effort
measurement requirements of their programs than the Non-PSP group.
PSP Group
Non-PSP V PSP Group
Underestimated time at start
Both groups underestimated at start
More accurate at end
PSP group more accurate than Non-
PSP at end
Hypothesis 3 accepted
Hypothesis 4 accepted
Hypothesis 5: The PSP group will spend longer on the earlier phases of their programs and less
time compiling and testing, over the period of the study.
Hypothesis 6: The PSP group will spend longer on the earlier phases of their programs and less
time on compiling and testing than the Non-PSP group.
PSP Group
Non-PSP V PSP Group
Bulk of time spent in Compile and
Test at start
No difference between groups at
More time spent on front-end
PSP-group spent longer on front-
activities at end
end activities than Non-PSP group
Decrease in Compile and Test time
at end
at end
Non-PSP group spent longer on
Compile and Test at end
Compile than Non-PSP group but
shorter on combined Compile and
Hypothesis 5 accepted
Hypothesis 6 accepted
Hypothesis 7: The number of defects, detected in the Compile and Test phases, in the PSP
group’s programs will reduce considerably, over the period of the study, as a result of using code
Hypothesis 8: The PSP group will detect fewer defects in the Compile and Test phases than the
Non-PSP group.
PSP Group
Non-PSP V PSP Group
Defect densities improved
(but similar to Non-PSP group)
Partial success with code reviews
Bulk of time still spent in
Compile and Test phases
groups at the start
densities for both groups at end
removed in Compile
Many defects found in Test
Defect densities similar for both
Smaller proportion of defects found
by PSP group in Test phase
PSP group better at using code
Non-PSP group spend twice as long
in the Test phase
substantially in the Test phase
Table 4.1
Hypothesis 7 rejected
Hypothesis 8 accepted
Summary of Results
A general discussion of the findings and the gained understanding, from the empirical
aspects of the case study, is provided in subsequent sections.
Size and Time Estimation
The early size and time estimates made by the PSP group tended to be optimistic, with
the majority of the group underestimating the size of their programs and the time to
complete them. Later estimates indicated that the group used feedback from previous
estimates to inform their subsequent estimates. Some students managed to gain good
control over their estimates whilst others displayed considerable variability in their
individual performance. In some instances, estimates for individual students
oscillated, between under-estimates and over-estimates, or vice-versa, from one
program to the next. These oscillations occurred because students had only a small
data set on which to base their estimates on.
There were more fluctuations in the time data compared to the size estimation data.
These can be attributed to various factors ranging from difficulty of the PSP
programming exercises being developed to the data recording activities required for
the specific PSP process being implemented.
The findings from the case study indicated that the size and the time estimation skills
of the PSP group improved as a result of training. However, no firm conclusions, can
be claimed about an improvement in size or time estimating accuracy in the group.
This is due to the fact that there is evidence of large estimation errors in the study and
considerable variability in individual performance. Furthermore, the number of data
points in the case study was extremely limited.
The Non- PSP group under-estimated the size of both Program 1 and Program 5. They
also under-estimated the time it would take them to develop the programs. This data
provides strong evidence that students, without direction or guidance, will produce
optimistic estimates of the sizes of the programs they are required to develop. The
time estimates from the Non-PSP group provided strong evidence also that students,
in the absence of historical data on time estimations, will produce optimistic estimates
of the length of time it will take them to develop a program.
Time Distribution
The time distribution data, for the Non-PSP group and the early programs of the PSP
group, revealed how beginner programmers approach programming. Minimal effort
was put into planning or designing activities. Students equated coding with design,
and spent the bulk of their development time in coding, compiling and testing
activities. Neither group was required to submit any design material with their PSP
data. In the absence of this requirement, the majority of students did not adopt a
disciplined approach to programming
The need to follow a disciplined approach and to put effort into planning and design
activities was re-emphasised during each PSP session. As a consequence of this
repeated message, the PSP group spent increasing proportions of their time on these
activities and less time compiling and testing.
The time distribution data for Program 5 indicated that the PSP group, spent longer
(42%) in the compile phase than the Non-PSP group. This was due to the fact that the
PSP group wrote longer, more-complete first-versions of their program than the NonPSP group. The Non-PSP group spent more than double the length of time the PSP
group spent in the test phase due to the fact that they wrote an abridged version of the
program initially. This required less time to compile than the equivalent, more
complete, version of the program written by the PSP group. The Non-PSP group then
developed their programs iteratively, using frequent edit-code-debug cycles, in the
test phase, to address design requirements omitted in the original version of the
program they wrote.
The PSP group produced better quality code for Programs 4 and 5 than they did for
Program 3. This improvement, however, cannot be attributed to the impact of learning
the PSP or to the use of code reviews, as the Non-PSP group produced code of a
similar quality for Program 5. It was due to a combination of performing regular
programming exercises and increased familiarity with the syntax of the programming
An analysis of the phases when defects were injected and removed provided an
insight into the quality of code produced by the PSP group. The vast majority of
defects were injected in the coding phase and were removed in the compile phase.
This pattern provided evidence that the students were not fluent with the syntax of the
programming language. Both groups injected and removed a high number of defects
in the test phase. According to the Time Distribution data, both groups spent a large
amount of time in this phase, addressing design deficiencies that had been overlooked
when developing the programs. This indicates that both groups still adopted a
“hacking” approach to developing software rather than a process approach.
An analysis of the defects collected by the PSP group during code reviews indicates
that they used code reviews to remove compile errors rather than to remove logic
errors. These compile defects could probably have been found faster by the compiler
than by review methods.
Before the introduction of code reviews, the PSP group, relied exclusively on the
compile and test phases for defect removal. However, it is apparent they continued to
rely on these phases even after the introduction of code reviews, but to a lesser extent.
The results from the two code review sessions in this case study (25% and 40%
respectively) were moderately successfully. These results are encouraging for
providing students with more code reviewing skills and for the continuation of code
reviews in the future.
Student Perspective on the PSP
Initially the students were quite receptive to the concepts and techniques used in the PSP.
However, as the number of processes increased, students adopted a more negative
attitude. This coincided with the introduction of defect gathering activities.
In the voluntary, post-course survey administered to the PSP-trained students and
completed by 75% of the group, 78% indicated that they felt they learnt the PSP easily
and that it gave them a better understanding of the software development process (80%).
The most negative response (100%) concerned the increased workload caused by using
the PSP. Students frequently complained about the overhead involved in recording PSP
processes manually. The most common complaint was that it distracted them from their
principle task of producing a working program. They also complained about the lack of
an automatic tool to simplify the task of logging time and error data. Many students
objected to recording and submitting defect data. They considered that it took them
longer to record some of this erroneous data than it did to actually correct it. A large
proportion of students experienced difficulty understanding the purpose of statically
desk-checking code and performing code reviews. Only half the respondents in the postcourse survey acknowledging the usefulness of code reviews.
The majority students (80%) attributed any improvement in code quality in their
programs to an improvement in their programming skills, which was primarily due to
increased practice in writing code and not due to using the PSP. A large proportion of
students in the survey acknowledged that they did not see the benefits or relevance of
doing size estimations. More students, however, felt it was worthwhile to collect the time
data. As the students had no experience of large projects, the students did not see project
planning as an essential programming skill. The majority of students thought the time
distribution data was very informative and even motivational. Most students considered
that collecting defect data was worthwhile, but there needed to be an easier method of
collecting and recording it. They acknowledged that defect collection made them aware
of their personal weaknesses and that they could use this information to improve the
quality of their code in future.
Respondents to the post-course survey indicated that their size data (100%) was more
accurate than either their time or defect data (80%). This was due to fact they became
engrossed in programming activities and may have overlooked recording PSP data at the
time of its occurrence. The PSP group was asked if they applied the PSP techniques to
their programming activities during their non-PSP session. None of them did so. These
replies indicate the students had not yet developed a PSP mind-set. They also indicate
that students often do not apply or transfer skills they learn in one area to another area,
unless they are explicitly required or told to do so. The students’ negative attitude to the
PSP is reflected in the fact that over 80% did not intend to use the PSP in the future.
Though the majority of students stated that they found that learning the PSP was easy,
they found that applying it was more difficult. The strict waterfall approach of the PSP
was difficult to adhere to. A number of students had difficulty analysing and interpreting
the outputs from the PSP techniques and applying these results to future estimates. Other
students had difficulty initially in understanding the distinction between the various
phases in the software development cycle. Some students acknowledged that using the
PSP summary forms helped them to gain an understanding of the phases of software
Instructor’s Perspective on the PSP
There were particular challenges for the author associated with teaching and
implementing the PSP. The students who participated in this case study were all
essentially novice programmers. Thus, the students lack of fluency in Java coupled with
the data collection activities imposed by the PSP meant that the students often felt
overwhelmed by the both the programming and the PSP tasks. It was also difficult to
teach the PSP material as an add-on to the existing syllabus, The manual cross-checking
and reviewing of student data for validity and consistency was an onerous administrative
task for the author, particularly with increasing levels of PSP activities.
One side-benefit of doing the PSP, was that the author was provided with a wealth of data
on how students approached problem-solving and the types of defects they injected into
their programs.
The modifications the PSP group made to their programming practices, as a result of
being taught the subset of PSP skills, provided evidence to the instructor that students
learn what they are taught. The results from the Non-PSP group also provided evidence
that PSP techniques and a disciplined method need to be instilled in students.
Conclusions and Recommendations
The data from the PSP group indicated that their performance improved in the four areas
of interest over the course of PSP instruction. However, this data did not provide
conclusive proof of the effectiveness of the PSP. Due to the short duration of the case
study, there were too few data points on which to base definitive conclusions.
Furthermore, the students exhibited wide variability within their own individual
performances. To sum up, the empirical results indicate partial success with realising the
objectives of the case study. They also provide encouraging indicators for future research
into the most valuable subset of PSP skills beginning programmers should be taught.
The most significant finding from the case study, from a teaching perspective, is that
these results indicate that students learn what they are taught. If students are not taught
planning and estimating activities, they are likely to grossly under-estimate the size of
their software products and the time it will take them to develop them. In the absence of
being encouraged to use a disciplined method to develop software, they will adopt a trialand-error approach. In the absence of being encouraged to spend more time at the frontend activities of the life-cycle they will spend their time “hacking code” in order to
produce a working program. If students’ attention is not drawn to the quantity and nature
of the time-consuming defects in their own data, they are not likely to find efficient
methods of preventing them.
A side-benefit of the quantitative data collected for the case study was that it provided the
author with a valuable insight into how each individual student approached software
development. This data can be used to target instruction towards areas of weakness and to
provide more focused attention and assistance to individual students. In this instance of
the PSP, the data clearly indicates that the students need to develop better conceptualising
skills. They also need to master both the syntax and structure of the Java language.
Additionally, they need to acquire more effective desk-checking skills, which will enable
them to perform more thorough and careful code reviews.
The anonymous survey conducted at the end of the course indicated that there were
several features of the PSP that were issues for the students, for example: the requirement
to collect data manually, the practice of reviewing code before the first compile, the
recording of defect data and the overhead in collecting PSP data. Section 6.4 on
Recommendations for the Future Practice of the PSP addresses the issue of providing
automatic tool support for the collection of PSP data. It also looks at adapting aspects of
PSP instruction to make it more amenable to students.
In many ways, the qualitative results of this study are consistent with the findings of other
studies on implementing the software process with undergraduate students and with
novice programmers, in particular. Indeed many of these studies advise against teaching
the PSP to novice programmers. The author would concur with some of this advice, on
the following grounds: The students in this study had not mastered the syntax and
constructs of the programming language nor had they a sufficiently strong background in
programming to appreciate the value of some of the concepts taught.
Nevertheless, the author believes that teaching some type of personal process
improvement is worthwhile and that the PSP can be used as a tool to teach good software
practices. The benefits of teaching the PSP should outweigh some of the difficulties
inherent in the process. Students should therefore acquire a subset of PSP skills before
have developed ingrained poor habits of software development. The questions then are:
what subset of PSP skills should students be taught and when should they be taught
them? PSP skills should also to be reinforced throughout the students’ computing studies
so that students develop a PSP mindset. The education system then will have addressed
the industry’s need for software developers with good skills, who have been instilled in
quality practices.
Recommendations for the Future Practice of the PSP
Future work by the author with the PSP would include adaptations to the initial
instruction given on the PSP and adaptations to the method of data collection. It is hoped
that this would improve the students’ acceptance of the PSP and actively engage them in
learning the concepts of the PSP.
The remainder of this section looks at specific techniques on how both the instruction and
acceptance of the PSP could be improved in the future. This would include the provision
of automated tool support for collecting PSP data. Students would not be introduced to
the PSP until they had a sufficiently strong programming background and were fluent
with the syntax and constructs of a programming language. In addition to being taught
the syntax of a language, they would be taught program design skills which would enable
them to conceptualise a solution. Students would also be required to hand up program
design material with their PSP data. In order to convince students of the value of the PSP,
students would need to implement the PSP for a longer period than the short period of
this case study. In addition, each PSP process should be repeated several times before
moving on to the next one. This would reduce the cognitive overload on the students and
should also help students to develop a PSP mind-set. If the case study were repeated by
the author, the study omit the collection of size data and focus on getting the students to
acquire good programming habits. Code reviewing skills would also be introduced at an
earlier stage. Some further adaptations would be made to the PSP forms to simplify data
Humphrey, Watts S., 1995. “A Discipline for Software Engineering”, Addison-Wesley,
Reading, MA 1995.
O’Connor, R., Duncan H. et al, 2001. “Improving the Professional Software Skills in
Industry”, Dublin City University, Working Paper Series, CA-0201.