Parent night flier - CTEMSScience

Back to School Parent Night
C.T. English Middle School Science;
7th Grade Life Science; 8th Grade Physical Science; 6th/7th Grade Project-Based Learning (PBL)
Wayne Thompson
Phone; 831-535-8545
Office hours; M-F 7:45am-8:00am and 2:45pm-3:15pm except Wed; and by appointment. Test make up day; Thursday; 2:45pm
Weekly class schedule:
Mondays; Grade homework from prior week, review for Tuesday Test
Tuesdays; Test day, Introduction of next topic
Wednesday; Slide show, movie, lecture notes and/or desk work
Thursday; Practical and/or Lab
Friday; Lab and/or Practical
Class websites:
8th Grade Physical Science:
7th Grade Life Science:
7th Grade PBL:
Online Science Quizes; ( ); (8th grade password; “physical”; 7th grade password; “life”)
Media Fire ( Turn in science assignments for class online (at teacher’s direction)
Online textbook; Textbook reader activities such as worksheets, videos, & assessments; id & pw.
Prentiss Hall School; Planet diary; type in web code from text, Success Tracker; online assessment as
assigned; Active Art; type in web code from text
SciLinks; type in web code from text to retrieve website links on specific topics
Discovery Channel Video Field Trips linked to the student textbok
Flashcard Program; Vocabulary is on the first page of each chapter
Thompson Science Blogg;
Parent Involvement:
a. Technology support
b. Set up/break down labs
c. Research
d. Preparing lessons
e. Guest teacher; solo
f. Guest teacher; aid
Student supply list; pen(cil); metric ruler; scissors; protractor; (calculator; 8 th gr only); colored pencils; mini 3-hole punch helpful.
Science supplies needed; If you are making a run to the Goodwill, think of our science program first…
Expectations; Discussion; see “Expectation Guide”
Student-directed parent-teacher meetings; Discussion
More Fun Science Web Support
Science Fair Assistance; ( ); Help with developing science fair ideas.
Webspiration ( ); Online concept mapping
OVER ----------
Google Aardvark; ( ) Ask a question and Google finds the perfect person to answer the question.
Writing Assistance; iWrite; ( )
Gizmos at Explore Learning: Web-based science applets explaining various concepts
Create a Graph ( (Super simple easy great graph-creating site)
Bibliography Building Site; (; (Create accurate bibliographies in seconds!)
Wikipedia Mind Map ( ); wikipedia searches laid out in concept map format. choose en.wikipedia
Wordle; ( Cloud generator
Visuwords; ( ); Like Google WonderWheel…
Middle School Science; (
Science Method Tututor (with biology); ( )
Nobel Prize Online Games ( )
How-To-Science Toons ( ); a science DIY lab site in cartoon format! Very cool.
Khan Science Videos ( ); prolific collection of science videos.
Evernote; ( ); Remember everything.
StumbleUpon ( ); Awesome web crawler
Edublog; ( ); Teacher and student blogs
All Things Google
Google Labs new search engines ( )
Create a Custom Search Engine ( )
Wonder Wheel; ( ); after a google search in the “View options” menu choose “Wonder Wheel”
Google Squared ( )
Google backwards,
Google Fudd,
Student Presentation Sites
Picasa School; ( Students can create slide shows to present in class
Phrasr; ( ) Start w/phrase; ties to photos in Flickr. Go to the site and search for the following…
 Ch 12 8th grade Mr. Thompson
 7th grade Ch 13 Mr Thompson
Bubblr; ( ) Same as Phrasr but with caption bubbles
Bookr; ( Same as phrasr and bubblr but in book form (use with vocab)
ShowBeyond Presentation Site ( )
DigitalStoryTeller ( ); use still graphics, video and personal narration to tell a digital story.
Screencasting; ; Easily create screencasts for presentations.