Websites for Student Digital Science Projects CLASS WEBSITE 8 Grade Physical Science: th 7th Grade Life Science: 7th Grade PBL: SCIENCE WEB SEARCH ENGINE Scirus Science Web Search Engine ( ); this is a great search engine you can use to find just science stuff on the web. BUILD A WEBSITE OF YOUR OWN TO DISPLAY YOUR WORK… WikiSpaces; (; Create a wiki website to display the work you do. PBWorks; ( ); an alternative to (looks nice); has free option. Webs ( ); Build a website easily here. Merlot, ( ); another web page builder but more complex than a wiki. INFORMATION PRESENTATION SITES Picasa School; (; create slide shows to present information Phrasr; ( ) Start w/phrase; ties to photos in Flickr. Go to the site and search for the following… Bubblr; ( ) Same as Phrasr but with caption bubbles Bookr; ( Same as phrasr and bubblr but in book form (use with vocab) ShowBeyond Presentation Site ( ) DigitalStoryTeller ( ); use still graphics, video and personal narration to tell a digital story. Screencasting; Create a screencast presentation; Glogster; Make your Own Poster ( ) OTHER COOL SITES Gizmos ( ); way cool science site. Embed in a presentation. Free trial. Make your Own Quiz; ( ); (8th grade password; “physical”; 7th grade password; “life”) Flashcard Program; Create a set of Flashcards Thompson Science Blogg; Webspiration ( ); Online concept mapping Google Aardvark; ( ) Ask a question and Google finds the perfect person to answer the question. Writing Assistance; iWrite; ( ) Create a Graph ( (Super simple easy great graph-creating site) Wikipedia Mind Map ( ); wikipedia searches laid out in concept map format. choose en.wikipedia Wordle; ( Cloud generator Visuwords; ( ); Like Google WonderWheel… Science Method Tututor (with biology); ( ) Evernote; ( ); Remember everything. StumbleUpon ( ); Awesome web crawler Edublog; ( ); Teacher and student blogs Google Labs new search engines ( ) Create a Custom Search Engine ( ) Wonder Wheel; ( ); after a google search in the “View options” menu choose “Wonder Wheel” Google Squared ( ) Google backwards, Online Youth Magazine (written by teens since 1989) Submit Science Project Summaries to the magazine. Image Swirl; ( ); loads photos from many photo sites in simple page presentation Animoto; educator acct (; ) 60 sec “learn more” video. Use w/images, music, video. Create a ppt then save as jpg. to upload to animoto. Google Goggles; ( )Take a photo from your phone and then search the web for related Online Movie Maker; ( ) Vimeo Video Site ( ); quality and artistic better than YouTube. Net-Based Voice Recording Storage ( ) Blender ( ); Cool 3-D rendering COMIC BUILDING SITES Comiqs; ( ) PikiKids ( ) BeFunky ( ); Super Cool!! Creates cartoonized images from photos MyWebFace; ( ); More cartoonization, but better than BeFunky. Talking Pictures Blabberize ( ); Super cool talking photo creation site. 100 Best Science Websites Lab Science & Experiment Sites Physics Demos & Labs; University of Illinois; Urbana-Champagne ( ) Exploratorium Science Labs ( ) Science Videos from Frostbite Theater at Jefferson Labs ( ); science videos, static, liquid nitrogen, dry ice. CHEMISTRY SITES The Atoms Family ( ): Visit here for a website that teaches chemistry to students with monsters. Mummies, vampires, and more teach about energy, light, atoms, and conservation. The Comic Book Periodic Table of Elements: ( )If your students have trouble memorizing the table, click here. Superheroes and cartoon characters are used to teach all about them. WebElements ( ) BIOLOGY SITES Biology Textbook ( ) Biointeractive ( ) Human Body Atlas ( ) ASTRONOMY SITES Nasa ( ) Astronomy ( ) Sky & Telescope ( ) ( ) Students for the Exploration and Development of Space ( ) EARTH SCIENCE SITES Earth Science Resource Site ( ) Earth Science ( ) Earthquakes for kids ( ) CALCULATOR SITES ( )