Program Guide - Teachers College Columbia University

Teachers College, Columbia University
Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology
Program Study Guide for:
Science Education
Degree: M.A.
Major Code: SCDT
This academic Program Study Guide has been developed to assist you in planning your
course of study at Teachers College. Below you will find the Study Guide for the program
to which you have been admitted.
We hope this Study Guide provides a helpful introduction and orientation to your
program. Given the richness and complexity of graduate and professional programs at
Teachers College, these Study Guides are intended to be illustrative, rather than definitive.
The TC Catalog, for the year in which you were admitted, is available online
( and remains the official reference document for College
policies and program requirements and, if applicable, the appropriate doctoral
requirements bulletin.
Congratulations, again, on your admission to graduate study at Teachers College,
Columbia University!
Revised: AY14-15
Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology
Master of Arts in Science and Dental Education
M.A. Degree (SCDT)1
Brief Program Description
Welcome to the 32-point M.A. degree in Science and Dental Education. The 32-point
M.A. degree in Science and Dental Education serves students whose professional interests are
centered in the enhancement of teaching and learning in the fields of oral and dental surgery
based on scientific and clinical research and evidence of best practices. This enables selected
dental students, who have expressed a genuine interest in becoming dental educators, to earn an
M.A. degree at Teachers College while working toward their professional degree in dentistry
(D.D.S.). Traditionally, health sciences education has been content-oriented and the vast majority
of medical, dental educators have professional doctorates without grounding in education. This
lack of preparation to become teachers of the profession, rather than just being excellent
practitioners, is recognized keenly by many dental educators. This program will provide you
with a sound preparation in theory and practice of dental education drawing from some of the
best course offerings in the College of Dental Medicine and Teachers College Columbia
University. The program of studies combines content courses from the School of Dental
Medicine with professional education courses in dental medical research and practice,
complemented by courses that establish breadth in modern theory and practice of education, with
special emphasis on adult learning.
In addition to completion of the required course of study (see attached course guideline in
the Appendix) all M.A. students will submit a final Integrative Project. This is typically an essay
of approximately 15 to 20 pages that presents an integrative perspective on theory and practice
within your domain of professional interest and demonstrates your mastery of the relevant major
principles and practices of your field of study. It may also be an appropriate data-gathering
research report.
Requirements for dual registration at Teachers College and the College of Physicians and
This program is officially registered as a dual program with New York State; therefore, it
is possible that a student in the program may be registered in both Teachers College and the
Dental School at the same time. Please keep the following in mind:
1. As an admitted student, you cannot take over 18 points (or equivalent) each term
combined in both institutions to be in accordance with NYSED requirements; e.g., a student
could not take the equivalent of 16 points at the Dental School and 4 points at TC, because the
combined total of the registration would be 20 points.
2. It is not possible to take courses as a TC student and cross-register for TC courses as a
CU student the same semester. It is possible, however to take Dental School courses as a Dental
School student and TC courses as a TC student in the same semester.
Note: This degree does not lead to New York State Certification as a public school teacher.
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3. Students must register a minimum of two terms as a TC student to maintain residence
and take a minimum of 12 points through their TC registration.
Note: Please check carefully the following websites. You are responsible for being
aware of all deadlines, especially to apply for graduation. Your application must be
submitted by the deadline if you are to be included in the ceremonies for award of the
Getting Started
There are some typical questions that our new students ask about the M.A. Program. We
provide some guidance by addressing some of the topics that often are addressed for your
convenience, and we also include a list of faculty members who can assist you with specific
questions and issues that may arise.
To be admitted to the program, students are required to be enrolled in the D.D.S. degree
program at Columbia University (College of Dental Medicine), recommended for admission to
the M.A. degree by faculty in the College of Dental Medicine, and subsequently approved by the
faculty of the Science Department at Teachers College. Application for admission to the Dental
Science Education Program should be submitted to the Office of Admission at Teachers College.
Information on general admission requirements and on-line versions of application materials are
available at the Admissions Office website:
Time commitment
Students, on average, can complete their coursework and submit the Integrative Project
within two academic years. This assumes that you plan your studies to complete the 12 points of
core courses in dental medicine before you begin the remaining 20 points of coursework in the
M.A. degree program. Some courses can be taken during summer sessions if necessary to
accommodate commitments to clinical work and other coursework and professional obligations
in the College of Dental Medicine. Some students may take longer if personal and professional
commitments require a less intense commitment to the course of study. For example, some
courses in the broad and basic areas of education offered outside of the department are offered in
the summer. Careful planning of your course of study including summer offerings can enhance
your rate of progress toward completion of the degree. Please consult carefully with your
advisor in planning your program of studies to make the most effective and efficient use of the
opportunities for study.
Faculty Advisors for the 32-point M. A. Degree
The faculty who advise students in the M.A. program are listed alphabetically, including
their area of expertise.
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Teachers College
O. Roger Anderson: Biology content and curriculum research including the application
of cognitive theory to science teaching and learning. Prof. Anderson also holds a joint
appointment at Columbia University as a Senior Research Scientist (Biology: Lamont-Doherty
Earth Observatory). E-mail:
College of Dental Medicine
Dr. Letty Moss-Salentijn: Dr. Moss-Salentijn is Edwin S. Robinson Professor of
Dentistry and Senior Associate Dean in the College of Dental Medicine. Her research is in
anatomy and cell biology, including oral histology. E-mail:
Dr. Roseanna Graham: Dr. Graham is an Assistant Professor in the College of Dental
Medicine – Restorative Dentistry. E-mail:
Dr. Laureen Zubiaurre Bitzer: Dr. Bitzer is an Associate Professor in the College of
Dental Medicine – Restorative Dentistry. E-mail:
Dr. Marlene Klyvert: Dr. Klyvert is Special Research Scientist and Special Lecturer in
the Department of CDM-Diversity Affairs/DATP. E-mail:
General Organization of M.A. Degree Requirements
The 32-point M.A. program in Science and Dental Education at Teachers College
Columbia University focuses on five key areas of study as detailed in the Appendix:
1. Basic and Applied Sciences in the Health Sciences Professions
2. Instructional Theory and Practice
3. Adult Learning
4. Instructional Design
5. Research Competencies in Education
In addition to the core courses listed in the five key areas of study, students will also be
required to study courses in their own area of interest within each section of the guide or to enroll
in an Independent Study course where appropriate to provide in-depth explorations in areas of
specific professional or academic interests related to your final integrative project.
Core Courses and Breadth Requirement
The M.A. degree requires 32 points as outlined in the Appendix. In addition to courses in
dental science (co-linear with the D.D.S. degree) and dental science education, all M.A. students
are required to take 9 points to gain breadth in educational theory listed specifically in Sections
2, 3 and 4 of the Appendix (Bold font core courses).
Please note: the course MSTC 5044 (004) Selected Topics: Educational Practices and
Research (Scientific Foundations of Medical Practice) should be taken as early as possible in
your course of study in the program to gain breadth in basic knowledge and practices in the field.
Integrative Project
The integrative essay/project as stated above is approximately a 15 to 20 page document
written with the advice of your advisor and should demonstrate your broad and integrated
understanding of the major principles and theory within your field of study, including but not
limited to current theory and practice in dental education in the classroom and/or clinic, or
education of patients and topics in public literacy in dental medical issues related to oral and
Revised: AY14-15
dental health. The project must be submitted and approved by your advisor before you can be
recommended for award of the degree. It is wise to seek advice early in your course of studies to
begin to focus on a general theme or topic for your project report. However, in some cases, the
final topic and organizational outline for the written report may not be assembled until the last
semester of your degree program. At that point you are more likely to have a clearer
understanding of the broad aspects of your field that need to be included in your final project
report. It is expected that your advisor will provide guidance during your completion of the
written project and she/he will determine when the project has been adequately prepared to meet
the criteria of excellence required by the program faculty.
Statement on Satisfactory Progress and Academic Performance
Students are expected to make satisfactory progress toward the completion of degree
requirements. Program faculty will annually review each student’s progress. Where there are
concerns about satisfactory progress, students will be informed by the program faculty. If a
student is performing below expectations he/she may be required to complete additional course
work. The program will provide a plan and timeline for remediation so students know the
expectation for them to continue in the program. If satisfactory progress is not maintained a
student may be dismissed from the program. For additional information about Academic
Performance, please refer to Degree Requirements in the TC Catalog.
An average grade of B or better is expected for satisfactory completion of the degree.
According to College policy, no more than 3 points of C- may be credited toward any degree or
diploma. Students completing requirements for more than one degree or diploma may count 3
points of C- toward only one such award. A student who accumulates 8 points or more in C- or
lower grades will not be permitted to continue study at the College and will not be awarded a
degree or diploma. Please see the statement on policy of grades at Teachers College. (URL:
Transfer Credits
By College policy, no transfer credits can be applied to a 32-point degree. However, if you
choose to continue on for an advanced Master’s Degree, up to 30 points of acceptable prior
graduate credits can be applied to the degree. Please note that the courses listed in Section 1 of
the course guideline (Appendix) are not transfer credits. They are taken at Columbia University
as part of the approved degree program.
Obligations That You Have to Complete the Degree
It is wise to maintain close communication with your M.A. advisor. However, as a
graduate student, it is important to remember that it is your responsibility to seek advisement and
that not seeking advisement can have unintended financial consequences including delay in
completion of degree requirements and/or enrolling in additional courses beyond the specified
required points; e.g., if you have not properly selected courses as stipulated in the course
guidelines, and you can seriously compromise the successful completion of degree requirements.
You must submit your final approved copy of the Integrative Project to your advisor. It is your
obligation to obtain and complete all of the applications required for the degree including the
Application for Award of the M.A. degree and if necessary the supplementary sheet that your
advisor signs to verify that you have successfully completed the requirements for the Integrative
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Standard Policies and Practices of the College
Services for Students with Disabilities: The College will make reasonable
accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. Students are encouraged to contact
the Office of Access and Services for Individuals with Disabilities for information about
registration (163 Thorndike Hall). Services are available only to students who are registered and
submit appropriate documentation.
Statement on Academic Conduct: A Teachers College student is expected to refrain from
any conduct, including cheating, plagiarizing, or purchasing documents submitted for academic
evaluation, that calls into question his/her academic and/or professional probity. Decisions
regarding academic evaluation in all aspects of students’ work at the college, including course
work, certification examinations, clinical or field experiences, and preparation of dissertations,
are within the sole jurisdiction of the faculty concerned, including as appropriate, the department
or program staff members. Disciplinary actions (e.g., reprimand, suspension, or dismissal) in
cases of academic misconduct can be imposed by the Vice Provost or the Committee on Student
Resolution of Student Academic Program Concerns: Any student who has a concern
regarding an academic matter may seek assistance. The procedure for resolving academic
program concerns (see note of grade correction process below) begins with either the faculty
member (if the concern is related to a course) or the student’s advisor. If the student is not
satisfied with the response or resolution achieved at this first level, or if speaking with the faculty
member presents a conflict of interest for the student, the student should proceed to speak with
the Program Coordinator in the area in which the academic concern resides. If the student is not
satisfied with the response or resolution achieved through the Program Coordinator, the student
should proceed to speak with the Chair of the academic department in which the academic
concern resides. If the student is still not satisfied with the response or resolution achieved
through the Department Chair, or if speaking with the Department Chair presents a conflict of
interest for the student, the next step is to contact the Office of the Vice Provost. At any stage of
the process, students are welcome to seek the advice and guidance of the Ombudsman, who is
charged with attempting to informally resolve student dissatisfaction of an academic nature on a
completely confidential basis.
Grade Correction Procedure: The instructor for a course has the responsibility for setting
the requirements for a course and making an evaluation of students’ work. Once a grade has been
given, the instructor is not free to change the grade unless the instructor indicates to the Registrar
that an error was made in the original grade transmitted. If a student believes that an error has
been made, he/she must take the initiative in bringing about the necessary correction prior to the
conclusion of the semester immediately following the semester in which the course was taken.
The normal procedure for effecting a correction would be through direct discussion between the
student and the instructor. If redress cannot be attained through such discussions, the student may
next appeal to the department chairperson of the department offering the course. If resolution
cannot be attained through appeal, the student may next appeal to the Dean. In situations where
the student feels that such an appeal process might not be in the student’s interest, counsel and
assistance can be sought from the Office of the College Ombudsman and the Office of the Vice
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Keeping in Communication after Graduation
We are eager to remain in communication with our graduates upon completion of their
degrees. Our graduates enter the educating professions at many different levels and at institutions
around the world. Our Alumni Office will remain in communication with you at the College
level, but we also would like to keep you informed about events and accomplishments of our
students, graduates, and faculty of the Department by informal and formal means. Informally,
we do hope that you will make an opportunity from time-to-time to keep us informed of your
current address and any of your professional and academic activities and achievements by
sending an e-mail message or other forms of communication to our Director of Academic
Administration ( and/or the faculty. Formally, we will be pleased to
send you the Newsletter published by the Department that contains newsworthy information
about the College, our Department and our alumni. From time-to-time we also have events
specifically for our alumni and we would be most pleased if you were able to attend. Please
consult the website for the Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology for up-to-date
information. URL:
(continued on next page)
Revised: AY14-15
Advising Checklist and Course Guidelines
M.A. Degree in Science and Dental Education (SCDT)
Date of enrollment:
Science Content Area:
Dental Sciences
Course Requirements
Basic and Applied Courses
Instructional Theory and Practice
Adult Learning
Instructional Design
Research Competencies
(12 points)
(6 points)
(6-8 points)
(5-8 points)
(2-3 points)
32 points
This program is officially registered as a dual program with New York State; therefore, it
is possible that a student in the program may be registered in both Teachers College and the
Dental School at the same time. Please keep the following in mind:
1. As an admitted student, you cannot take over 18 points (or equivalent) each term
combined in both institutions to be in accordance with NYSED requirements; e.g., a student
could not take the equivalent of 16 points at the Dental School and 4 points at TC, because the
combined total of the registration would be 20 points.
2. It is not possible to take courses as a TC student and cross-register for TC courses as a
CU student the same semester. It is possible, however to take Dental School courses as a Dental
School student and TC courses as a TC student in the same semester.
3. Students must register a minimum of two terms as a TC student to maintain residence
and take a minimum of 12 points through their TC registration.
Courses in Section 1 are allocated from the College of Dental Medicine. Please be certain
that all Core courses are included in your program of studies for the M.A. Degree.
1. Basic and Applied Sciences in the Health Science Professions (12 points)
Term Completed
INTC D5001: Scientific Inquiry and Decision Making in
Dentistry (Core; 50 contact hours)
PATH D5102: Molecular Mechanisms in Health and
Disease (Core; 114 contact hours)
MEDI D5108: Immunology, Microbiology/Infectious
Diseases modules (Core; 58 contact hours)
ORBL D6110: Oral Histology, Growth and Development
(Core; 85 contact hours)
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2. Instructional Theory and Practice (6 points)
MSTC 5009: Selected Topics: Educational Practices and
Research (Scientific Foundations of Medical
Practice) (Core)
HUDK 4029 Cognition and Learning
MSTC 5041: Nature and Practices of Science
HUDK 4015 Psychology of Thinking
Term Completed
3. Adult Learning (6-8 points)
ORLD 4051: How Adults Learn (Core)
ORLD 4844 Helping Adults Learn
ORLD 4815 Developing Critical Thinking
ORLD 4053 Facilitating Adult Learning (see also
attached list)
Term Completed
4. Instructional Design (5-8 points)
C&T 4005: Principles of Teaching and Learning (Core)
C&T 4052: Designing Curriculum and Instruction (Core)
MSTU 4052 Computers & Cooperative Learning
C&T 4029: Creativity: Its Nature and Nurture (or other)
Term Completed
5. Research Competencies in Education (2-3 points)
ORL 5521: Research Methods in Education
HUD 4120: Methods of Empirical Research
ORLJ 4009: Understanding Behavioral Research
MSTC 4902: Guided Study (may be used for final MA
HUDM 4122: Statistical Inference
Term Completed
6. M.A. Project & Degree Completion Status
Summative M.A. Project Completed
Total Time for Completion of Degree
Deadline for Submission of Application for M.A. Degree
February 1 of Spring Semester: Last day to file or to renew an application in the
Registrar’s Office for Master’s degrees and certificates to be awarded in May. (After this date
application may be filed only until February 15 upon payment of $25 late fee.)
Revised: AY14-15
Additional Recommended Courses to be Considered for Section 3: On Learning
List 1: Foundations/philosophy/history/policy/culture
A&HH 4070 History of education in the United States
A&HH 4076 History of urban education
A&HH 5076 History of African American education
A&H 4061
Introduction to cultural studies
A&HF 4090 Philosophies of education
A&HF 4094 School and society
A&HF 4190 American philosophies of education
A&HF 4194 Dialogue and difference in the multicultural classroom
A&H 4060
Youth cultures
A&HF 5190 Critical perspectives on philosophy and education
A&HW 5530 History of American social thought
C&T 4004
School change
C&T 4002
Curriculum theory and history
C&T 4005
Principles of teaching and learning
C&T 4032
Gender, difference and curriculum
C&T 4161
The teacher: Socio-historical, cultural contexts of teaching
C&T 5074
Curriculum and teaching policy
EDPS 4000 Education and public policy
ITSF 4010
Cultural and social bases of education
ITSF 4011
Social context of education
ITSF 4012
Cross-cultural studies of learning
ITSF 4014
Urban situations and education
A&HB 4075 Cross-cultural communication and classroom ecology
EDPE 4051 Education and economic development
EDPE 4057 Economics of urban and minority education
MSTU 4005 Equity, ethical, and social issues in educational technology
EDPP 4040 American politics and education
EDPP 4043 Political thought and education
EDPP 5042 Urban politics and education
EDPP 5044 Modern political theory and education
List 2: Sociology/psychology/cognition
A&HF 5093 Ways of knowing
BBS 4032
Neuroscience of human speech
HUDK 4015 Psychology of thinking
HUDK 4029 Human cognition and learning
HUDK 4080 Educational psychology
HUDK 4820 Education for thinking: Goals and methods for middle school
HUDK 5023 Cognitive development
HUDK 5125 Cross-cultural developmental psychology
EDPS 4021 Sociology of education
EDPS 4022 Sociology of urban education
EDPS 4027 Sociology of classrooms
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EDPS 4029 Sociology of schools
EDPS 5022 Sociological analysis of educational systems
MSTU 4133-34 Cognition and computers
MSTU 5035 Technology and metacognition
ORLJ 4005 Organizational psychology
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