Hi, my name is Gabriella D'Angelo, and I am the new editor of Villa

Hi, my name is Gabriella D’Angelo,
and I am the new editor of Villa
411. I am so excited to be the new
editor of our school newspaper. We
have many new ideas for this year’s
edition, such as new columns and a new
logo. We also have a whole new staff,
of course, so you will get to see many
new writing styles. We hope that you
like the first addition of Villa
411!!!!!!!!!! Bye for now. 
Hi my name is Juviand
Rivera and I am in the 7th
grade. I’m proud to say
that I am the NEW Assistant
Editor of Villa 411. We
put a lot of effort into
making this first issue,
considering that it was a
bit delayed. I hope that
we will make a good example
to the future generations
that will be part of Villa
411. I hope you guys
enjoy! X0x0x0x0
By: Kaitlyn Mattera, Grade 4
If you look around today, you’ll notice
that more people are trying to help the
environment. Everyone is going green
by recycling and conserving more
energy. Here are some ways we can
conserve energy:
1. Buy energy saving light bulbs
and replace your old ones.
2. Turn down the heat in your
3. Shop at your local farmer’s
4. Hang your clothes out to dry
instead of using a dryer.
5. Pull the plug out of any appliance
you’re not using.
6. Drink tap water instead of bottled
7. Stop receiving junk mail.
8. Take shorter showers to conserve
These are some helpful tips to
Ms. Connelly
By: Angelo D’Angelo, Grade 6
Anisa Lajka, Grade 6
Q. What made you want to be a
teacher here at St. John Villa?
A. I wanted to work in a school
that was Catholic and my heart
was set here.
Q. What subjects interest you
the most?
A. Science and Religion, because
I am fascinated how things
work; like science, for
example, but I am amazed that
God created it all.
Q. What other schools have you
taught at?
A. P.S. 72, the Children’s School,
St. Catherine of Alexandria, and
Q. Who is your best friend here
at Villa?
A. Everyone!
Q. What other jobs would you
pick besides a teacher?
A. A rock star, an ice skater, a
nun, or a forensic scientist.
Q. What hobbies do you have at
A. Arts and crafts, Googling,
and reading.
Q. What do you do with your
spare time here at Villa?
A. I prepare for my next class
and eat.
Q. Which three people would
you have dinner with?
A. Jesus, Albert Einstein, and
Paul Klee.
Q. Do you like being a science
teacher for the upper grades?
A. Yes, because the material is
interesting but I miss the little
Q. Where would you want to go
on a dream vacation?
A. I would want to travel the
world for three months.
Q. What would you do with one
million dollars?
A. I would pay my family’s debt,
set up schools in third world
countries, go on a dream trip,
and save the rest.
Q. What advice, saying, or quote
do you have for your students?
A. “If you refuse to learn you
are hurting yourself. If you
accept correction you will
become wiser.” (Proverbs 15:32)
By: Joseph Somma - Grade 6
By: Angelo D’Angelo, Grade 6
M.V.P. is a new addition to the
newspaper. In this section, the
coach of either the basketball
team or the track team will be
asked which athlete is the most
hardworking. Each issue will
highlight that person(s).
This time we asked track coach
Michele who the M.V.P. of the
track team is and this is what she
“Athletes that have shown a good
work ethic and great results for
their competitive division for 5th
and 6th grade boys are Joseph
Malangone and Matthew Anticev.
This division consists of
competitive athletes who have
been running for many years.
Joseph and Matthew are
performing at a higher level than
expected coming off a track field
season consisting of shorter sprint
races. Joseph’s best time is 7:05
and Matthew’s best time is 7:19
for their one mile cross country
course at Royal Oak in Clove Lakes
Here are a few things about
Joseph and Matthew:
Q: How many years have you been
running track?
A: Joseph: 3 years
A: Matthew: 2 years
Q:What other sports are you
involved in?
A: Joseph: basketball, soccer,
baseball, and football.
A: Matthew: basketball, soccer,
baseball, and football.
Q: How does it feel to be MVP?
A: Joseph: It is exciting and I feel
A: Matthew: It is an honor to be
The Villa teams are off to a great start
this year. The track season has
ended and everybody did a good job.
Look below to see how they did
for the first race of the season.
Lauren Pitarresi – 10th
Joseph Malangone
– 6th
Matthew Anticev –
Christina Marchitelli –
Alexandra LaBarca – 8th
Jordana Graziano – 15th
Matthew Pitarresi –
Isabella Gallagher – 2nd
Christina LaBarca – 3rd
Chioma Nweke – 4th
Emily Zona – 6th
Emily Lynch – 11th
Brielle Santostefano –
Vincent Masters –
Papismedov – 14th
Basketball and hockey have begun their
seasons. So there are plenty of
sports to go around for everyone! I wish
all of the teams in New York
good luck in the future. Go Teams!!!
(Yea, Yankees!!!#27)
New York City Marathon
By Peter Patrizio, Grade 7
Angelo D’Angelo, Grade 6
On Sunday, November 1st, two of
our very own Villa students were
on NBC. Those two students were
at the start of the New York City
Marathon. The two students were
fifth grader, Lauren Pitarresi, and
John Rini, from Grade 6. They
were announcing the male and
female runners from Staten
Island. This was the first time our
school was chosen to have a
cheering section at the Verrazano
Dear fourth and fifth graders,
Hey, this is the time for
fashion tips. Yeah, Yeah,
Yeah. I know we’ve only
been in school a short time,
but, there are a lot of dress
downs coming up and there
are fashion emergencies in
this school. This is for the
boys. Here it goes: a pair of
jeans, a long sleeve shirt, and
sneakers. As for the girls:
skinny jeans, boot cut jeans,
a sweater, and pony tails.
This is what I want to see.
(Wink, wink!)
By: Anisa Lajka, Grade 6
A.K.A Fashionista
This fall season we have so many new
styles coming out and we have some styles
from the old days. Every year for girls,
the styles really change. Here are some
great fall fashion style tips for 6th, 7th,
and 8th grade girls.
First, we’ll start with what your style
is: tomboy, fashionista, or if you are just
in- between and you change your style for
an occasion. First, tomboy. If you’re a
tomboy then what you should be wearing
should be jeans such as skinny, low- rise,
flare, etc, but nothing that looks silly.
Also for the bottoms you can wear cute
sweat pants. Then you should casually
wear a t- shirt and a cute hoodie. For
shoes, what are definitely in are Converse
sneakers, or Ed Hardy sneakers. Many
stores sell these various items but where
I usually go to get these items are
Abercrombie, Hollister, or Justice. But if
you’re looking for a low price, TJMaxx or
Marshalls are great places because they
have great designers at everyday low
Next, my favorite- fashionista! Okay,
so this is all about fashion when you’re a
fashionista. If you’re a fashionista don’t
be caught not wearing amazing styles.
First the bottoms again- you should wear
jeans but what’s in are skinny jeans and
low- rise jeans. You can also wear loose,
but not too loose, sweat- pants. Next the
top. Many tops are “in” such as t-shirts,
tight sleeve shirts, layering, sweaters and
so much more. As for shoes, everybody is
talking about the latest UGG boots; I love
them too. There are different types of
UGG boots like suede, knit, and leather.
Colors that are in are chocolate, chestnut,
black, white, winter white and grey. Don’t
wear fake UGG boots from other stores;
make sure they say UGG on the heel. So
many stores have these items and what I
recommend would be Abercrombie,
Hollister, Nordstrom and other
department stores. For low prices head to
TJMaxx or Marshalls.
Now finally, if you’re in the middle,
just mix and match from tomboy and
fashionista: for example, UGG boots
(brown), skinny jeans, a tight long sleeved
shirt, and a hoodie. See what I mean?
Anyway, whatever fashion person you are,
a tomboy or in between, whatever you
wear that I recommended, you will always
look like a fashionista!
A: Well what do you mean you
have a problem with friends? Do
you mean that you have trouble
making friends? Well if you do
try talking to them often. Instead
The Advice Column
of waiting for them to come to
you, you come to them. Sit with
them at lunch, or try playing with
them at recess. Do this and see
how that works! 
Q: There is a boy in the school
and we were great friends, but
now he won’t talk to me anymore.
What should I do?
~Broken Friendship 596387
Q: I can’t concentrate during
tests. Do you have any ideas that
can help me?
A: When you’re taking a test, try
not to put a lot of pressure on
yourself. If you think too much
you’ll run out of time. Just take
deep breaths and relax. 
Q: I’m a geek and nerd and some
people talk behind my back. Can
you please help me?!!!
~ Vampire from the Fourth
A: You should ignore what
everybody says, and be yourself.
Don’t be someone that you’re not.
If it still continues to bother you,
you should tell an adult.
Q: I have a problem with friends.
How should I take it?
~ 11
A: Try talking to him again, and
ask him whatever happened to
your friendship. See what he
says, and maybe you guys can
build your friendship back up
again. 
Q; I’m really struggling in school
and I keep forgetting a lot of
things. I’m not doing as well as I
hoped I would. I study hard but
sometimes I just don’t get the
grade I’m looking for. Please help
~ Not-so-smarty pants
A: Maybe you just can’t study by
yourself. I know for me I have to
have a study buddy. Try forming
a study group or studying with a
friend, and see how that works
out. 
Q: I have problems waking up in
the morning. Do you have any
advice for me?
~Trickster 206
A: Try going to sleep a little
earlier than you do. Maybe you’re
just not getting enough sleep.
By: Autumn Johnson, Grade 7
Joanna Catalano Grade 8
Where the Wild Things Are
(Rated PG) - A mixture of real
actors, computer animation,
and live puppeteer, follow the
adventures of a young boy
named Max as he enters the
world of the Wild Things, a
race of strange and enormous
creatures who gradually turn
the young boy into their king.
Our Rating (****) Critic’s Rating
Whip It (Rated PG-13) - This
movie is about an ex-beauty
pageant contestant named
Bliss, who leaves her crowns
behind after joining a roller –
derby team.
Our Rating (*****) Critic’s
Rating (***)
A Christmas Carol (Rated PG –
13) – Ebenezer Scrooge begins
the Christmas holiday with
his usual miserly contempt,
barking at his faithful clerk
and his cheery nephew. But
when the ghosts of Christmas
Past, Present, and Future
take him on an eye-opening
journey of revealing truths
that Scrooge is reluctant to
face, he must open his heart
to undo years of ill will before
it’s too late.
Our Rating (****) Critic’s Rating
Astroboy (Rated PG) – A young
robot with incredible powers,
super strength, and the
purest spirit on the planet,
discovers the joys of being
human while embarking on a
worldwide journey to discover
his true potential.
Our Rating (***) Critic’s Rating
New Moon (Rated PG – 13) –
This is the sequel to the
popular movie Twilight.
Following Bella’s 18th birthday
party, Edward leaves in an
effort to protect her from the
dangers of his vampire world.
The heartbroken Bella
discovers Edward’s image
comes to her whenever she
puts herself in jeopardy. Her
desire to be with him at any
cost leads her to take greater
and greater risks. When they
reunite she finds herself in
extreme danger when she
meets the members of the
Our Rating (****) Critic’s Rating
Carnival Day
By: Joanna Catalano, Grade 8
On Saturday, September 26, 2009, there
was an epic battle between two teachers,
Ms. Connelly vs. Mrs. Sullivan, in a
blow up obstacle course. It was a match
to remember. A day no one will ever
forget. The great Mrs. Sullivan lost
devastatingly against the rookie Ms.
By Mark Ward Grade 6
1. Did you know that emus
cannot walk backwards?
2. Did you know that the top
layer of a wedding cake,
known as the groom's cake,
traditionally is a fruit cake?
That way it will save until the
first anniversary.
3. Did you know our eyes are
always the same size from
birth, but our nose and ears
never stop growing?
4. Did you know there are over 58
million dogs in the U.S.?
5. Did you know in every episode
of Seinfeld there is a Superman
6. Did you know there are only
thirteen blimps in the world?
7. Did you know nine of the
thirteen blimps are in the
United States?
8. Did you know if you stretch a
standard Slinky out flat it
measures 87 feet long?
9. Did you know the pupil of an
octopus' eye is rectangular?
10. Did you know a Chinese
checkerboard has 121 holes?
11. Did you know all porcupines
float in water?
12. Did you know that there are
coffee flavored PEZ?
13. Did you know on the cartoon
show “The Jetsons’', Jane is
33 years old and her
daughter Judy is 15?
14. Did you know the only two
days of the year in which
there are no professional
sports games (MLB, NBA,
NHL, or NFL) are the day
before and the day after the
Major League Baseball AllStar Game?
15. Did you know Maine is the
only state whose name is just
one syllable?
16. Did you know Mickey Mouse
is known as "Topolino" in
17. Did you know there was once
a town named "6" in West
18. Did you know a cat has 32
muscles in each ear?
19. Did you know an ostrich's eye
is bigger than its brain?
20. Did you know the oldest word
in the English language is
By: Joanna Catalano, Grade 8 and
Simona Bruno, Grade 4
1. Say  (1x) - Betty Botter bought
some butter, but she said, "This
butter's bitter! But a bit of better
butter will make my butter better." So
she bought some better butter, better
than the bitter butter, and it made her
butter better so 'twas
better Betty Botter bought a bit of
better butter!
2. Say  (1x) - If you understand, say
If you don't understand, say "don't
But if you understand and say "don't
how do I understand that you
understand? Understand?
3. Say  (2 xs) - I wish to wish the
wish you wish to wish, but if you wish
the wish the witch wishes, I won't
wish the wish you wish to wish.
4. Say  (2 xs) - If one doctor doctors
another doctor does the doctor who
doctors the doctor doctor the doctor
the way the doctor he is doctoring
doctors? Or does the doctor doctor the
way the doctor who doctors doctors?
5. Say  (4 xs) - Jolly juggling jesters
jauntily juggled jingling jacks.
Locate Me
Silly Questions
By: Christian Rizzi, Grade 7
By: Christian Rizzi
Grade 7,
Peter Patrizio, Grade7
Where in the school
are these items?
1. How do you make seven even?
2. What do you call a country
where all the automobiles are
3. The beginning of eternity, the
end of space, the beginning of
every, end the end of every
What am I???
4. What starts with P, ends with E,
and has thousands of letters in
5. What is the difference between
a teacher and a train?
6. Ten copycats were sitting on a
bridge. One jumped off, how
many were left?
7. Why is the letter T like an
8. What do you get when Batman
and Robin get run over by a
steam roller?
9. Why did the farmer bury all his
money in his fields?
(Answers will be in the next
By: Elizabeth
Fall is fun
Fall is great
It’s filled with
Holidays to
Which is better, Coca- Cola or
Well you voted and Coca- Cola
is the winner!
Top 5 songs are…….
1. Run This Town by Jay-Z
feat. Rihanna
2. Tick Tock by Ke$ha
3. Empire State of Mind by
Jay-Z feat. Alisha Keys
4. Party in the USA by Miley
Paparazzi by Lady Gaga
Children smiling
Leaves are piling
It’s getting colder
With every day
Here comes Columbus
Thanksgiving Day is
on its way
Don’t forget about
Fall is here
Let’s all cheer!
By Jasmine Cira, Grade 7
Recipe fo Thanksgiving
By: Christian Rizzi Gr.7
By Felicia Napoli, Grade 4 and
Simona Bruno, Grade 4
Thanksgiving in a Bun
The Ingredients are as
A cooked piece of turkey
 Cranberry Sauce
 A Round roll
 Stuffing (optional)
Place a big piece of turkey
onto the roll of your
choice, then put the
cranberry sauce in it and
if you want, stuffing.
Eat and Enjoy!!!!!!!!
3. an acknowledgment of gratitude for a benefit
5. a formal agreement between two or more
countries or organizations.
1. any sumptuous and elaborate meal, usually
for many people; banquet.
2. a territory governed by a distant country, often
settled by citizens of that country.
6. someone who undertakes an unusually long
trip for a religious purpose, such as to visit a
holy place.
4. a person who settles in a previously
uninhabited or new area; colonist.
7. a North American shrub growing in marshy
ground and bearing a tart, red, edible berry, or
the berry itself.
5. a large, originally North American bird with
brownish feathers and a wattled head, now
domesticated in many parts of the world.
10. the gathering of ripe crops, the crops or the
amount so gathered, or the season in which
they are gathered.
6. a public procession of people or things, esp.
on the occasion of a celebration or ceremony,
and usu. including band music.
12. feeling or showing appreciation for
kindnesses or benefits; thankful.
8. being the place of birth or origin.
9. the edible starchy, tuberous root of a tropical
climbing plant, or the plant itself.
11. the season of the year between summer and
winter, in the northern hemisphere continuing
from the September equinox to the December
solstice; fall.
12. juice that drips from cooking meat, or a
sauce made by thickening and seasoning this
Question: What are your strengths and what are your weaknesses?
Mrs. Hartje- I am flexible, creative, funny, and a
perfectionist. I am weak at
making decisions.
Mrs. Armento- My strength is that I am very organized. My weakness is being
Mrs. Bruns- My strength is my perseverance. My weakness is that I don’t know
when to say “no.”
Ms. Henderson- I am flexible, pretty, smart, organized, up to date, fashionable,
nice. I have no weaknesses. (Like really!)
Nurse Helen- My strength is that I try to get along with people. My weakness is
I don’t/can’t say “no.”
Mr. Lucadamo- My strengths are: I am upbeat, organized, and active in my life.
My weakness is that I am too trusting at times.
Mrs. Storch-My strength is that I am organized. My weakness is that at times I
am a bit cranky.
Mrs. Azzaretto- My strength is that “I think” I am organized, but my
weakness is that I am not too prompt when it comes to grading papers.
Mrs. Sklenar- I am a wonderful secretary. My weakness is potato chips. (I can’t
stop eating them!)
Mrs. Raimondi- My strengths are I like people and get along with everyone,
and my writing skills are above average. My weaknesses are that I can never say
“no” and I worry more than I should.
Mrs. Sullivan- My strengths is that I am very organized. My weakness is that I
tend to misplace things.
Fall Word Jumble
By Peter Patrizio 7 grade and Angelo D’Angelo 6th grade
ornc ndyca-
uatedhn usoeh-___________
upnkipm epi-_____________
Grade 4
Hi, my name is Simona Bruno. I just started the 4th grade and I am already
having fun. I have been elected as home room representative too! I’m an
outgoing person and I enjoy volunteering, but most importantly, I love to
write. So, I guarantee you that this year’s newspaper will be the best ever!
Hello, my name is Kaitlyn Mattera and I am in the fourth grade. I want to be
a journalist when I grow up. I will be taking surveys and I will write a column
about the earth.
Hello, my name is Abigail Morrissette and I am in the fourth grade. I am a
very good student and I have the qualities of a reporter. I can get in on the
Villa stories, make good speeches, write, read, and have fun. I like school
because it is fun. I can correct some spelling mistakes up to my level. I
am happy to be on the school newspaper. Have a good year!
Hello, my name is Felicia Napoli. I am in the 4th grade and I will be creating a
comic strip. I love to read and write, and there is nothing I can’t accomplish.
I’m only 9 but I have lots of ideas. I hope you enjoy my comics!
Grade 6
Hello, my name is Daniel Bruzzese and I am in the sixth grade. I am
very happy to have been selected to be on Villa 411. I am interested in
doing the topics of Did You Know?, Optical Illusions, riddles, and
Hello, my name is Anisa Lajka, a 6th grade student here at St. John
Villa. This is my first year at St. John Villa and on the Villa 411 staff.
I’m very excited to be a part of this project and to help the newspaper
be “big news.” I can’t wait to write many different articles and to
become a journalist. I have good grades in school and I love writing
and school education. I also love fashion and international news. I’m
so anxious and I am looking forward to writing my first article and to
be officially a part of the Villa 411 newspaper!!!
Hello, my name is Angelo D’Angelo and I am in the 6th grade. I was on
the newspaper last year and this year’s paper will be great. My favorite
food is chocolate. I play basketball for Villa and I am on the Student
Council. I am on honors and I am hoping to keep it up.
Hello my name is Joseph Somma and I am in the 6th grade. I
participate in a lot of sports including track, basketball, swimming and
karate. I try my hardest and always make honors. I love to read and I
am a perfectionist. I have been on the Villa 411 before and I know
how to manage the responsibility. This is a little bit about me.
My name is Mark Ward I am in the 6th grade, and this is my second
year on the newspaper and I am very happy to be back.
7th Grade
Hello newspaper reader, my name is Federica Bruno and I
have been recently selected to be on the Villa’s 411
newspaper staff. I just started the 7th grade and have also
been elected as home room representative. I am a straight A
student and I guarantee you that this year’s newspaper will
blow your minds away with some great new columns and games.
Hey, we’re also going green this year, so that’s why you
are reading the newspaper online.
Hello, my name is Jasmine Cira . I am in the 7th grade and
this is my first year on the Villa Newspaper. I enjoy
writing interesting stories. I love pizza and french fries
(yummy!!!!). When I am not working on the
newspaper, I am home doing my homework and studying. These
are some things about me. :] <3
Hey! My name is Autumn Johnson and I’m in the 7th grade. I
am one of the new additions to Villa 411. I’ve been coming
to Villa since I was a little girl in kindergarten. .
This year’s newspaper is going to be the BEST OF ALL
TIME!!!!!! The newspaper is also GOING GREEN, by being on
the S.J.V.A. website. So please, please, please continue
reading each edition! I am most interested in the Advice
Column, because I like giving others wise advice. I am also
interested in the Movie Reviews Column, because I like
giving my opinion on what I think about that topic too! 
Hello, my name is Peter Patrizio. I am in the 7th grade and
this is my first year on the newspaper. I am very proud to
be on the newspaper staff for 2009/2010. I am a member of
my parish basketball team and baseball league team. My
grades are good and I make honors. I think SJVA is a great
school and the newspaper is too.
Hey! My name is Christian Rizzi and I am in 7th grade. I was
picked by the editor and assistant editor to be on the
2009-2010 Villa 411 staff. I am in many activities besides
newspaper, like band (I play the piano) and track. I
started Villa last year and this is my first year on the
I was so happy when they picked me because this year we’re
going to save some trees and not print the newspaper. This
will be our best year ever!
Hello my name is Elizabeth Sokolovski. I am in 7th grade.
I recently joined the Villa Newspaper :). My favorite
hobby is writing, which is why I joined the newspaper.
have a brother that graduated from S.J.V.A. last year. He
was on the newspaper too. I love to DANCE. My birthday is
in April and my favorite food is ice
Grade 8
Hey! My name is Joanna Catalano and I am in the eighth grade. I
am new to Villa 411 and I am so happy to be sharing my interests
with you. I am interested in movies and I hope to write about
movies, both current and future. This is my last year at Villa and I
am looking forward to working on bigger and better things. =)