M.Sc Zoology – Scheme, Course Structure & Mark Distribution Annexure I Semester Paper code Zo211 Title of the Paper Distributi on hrs Per Semester Instruc tional hrs Per Week L P 5 - Dura Maximum Marks tion ESA hrs CA ESA Total 3hrs 25 75 100 Systematic & 100 Evolutionary Biology Zo212 Biochemistry 100 5 3hrs 25 75 100 I Zo213 Biophysics, 100 5 3hrs 25 75 100 Instrumentation & Computer Application Zo214 Practical 120 10 4hrs 25 75 100 Total for S 1 450* 15 10 100 300 400 Zo221 Functional Anatomy 100 5 3hrs 25 75 100 Zo222 Genetics & Quantitative 100 5 3hrs 25 75 100 II Analysis Zo223 Cell & Molecular 100 5 3hrs 25 75 100 Biology Zo224 Practical 120 10 4hrs 25 75 100 Total for S II 450* 15 10 100 300 400 Zo231 Advanced Physiology 100 5 3hrs 25 75 100 Zo232 Ecology, Ethology & 100 5 3hrs 25 75 100 Biodiversity III Conservation Zo233 Experimental 100 5 3hrs 25 75 100 embryology & Immunology Zo234 Practical 120 1- 4hrs 25 75 100 Total for S III 450* 15 10 100 300 400 Zo241 Microbiology & 100 5 3hrs 25 75 100 Biotechnology IV Zo242 Special Paper I 100 5 3hrs 25 75 100 Zo243 Special Paper II 100 5 3hrs 25 75 100 Zo244 Practical 120 10 4hrs 25 75 100 Total for S IV 450* 15 10 100 300 400 Zo201 Dissertation 100 100 Zo202 Comprehensive viva 100 100 voce Grand total 400 1400 1800 L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, CA: Continuous Assessment, ESA: End Semester Examination * Tutorial 30 hours Per Semester M.Sc. ZOOLOGY Semester System-2001 onwards Semester I 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Systematics and Evolutionary Biology Biochemistry Biophysics, Instrumentation and Computer Application Practical (A, B, C) Semester II 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Functional Anatomy Genetics and Quantitative Analysis Cell and Molecular Biology Practical (A, B, C) Semester III 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Advanced Physiology Ecology, Ethology and Biodiversity Conservation Experimental Embryology and Immunology Practical (A, B, C) Semester IV 4.1 Microbiology and Biotechnology Special Paper : Endocrinology / Fish Biology and Fisheries Science / Environmental Biology / Insect Science Endocrinology 4.2Physiology of Reproduction (Special Reference to Mammals) 4.3 Vertebrate Endocrinology 4.4 Practical Fish Biology and Fisheries Science 4.2 Ichthyology 4.3 Fisheries and Aquaculture 4.4 Practical Environmental Biology 4.2 Pollution Biology and Environmental Physiology 4.3 Environmental Management 4.4 Practical Insect Science 4.2 General Entomology 4.3 Applied Insect Science 4.4 Practical 4.5 Dissertation 4.6 Comprehensive viva voce Mark Distribution Theory Exam .................................. 75 Internal Assessment .........................25 Practical Exam..................................75 Internal Assessment..........................100 Viva voce..........................................100 Total : 1800 UNIVERSITY OF KERALA M.Sc. ZOOLOGY – SEMESTER SYSTEM (2001 onwards) SYLLABUS Semester I : Paper I – Systematics and Evolutionary Biology SYSTEMATICS UNIT : 1. Microtaxonomy Total hours: 100 (5 hrs) The history of taxonomy – Phenon – Taxon – Category – Species and classification – Species concepts – Intraspecific categories and terms – The superspecies – The origin of new species taxa. UNIT : 2. Macrotaxonomy 18 Theories of biological classification and their history – Basic principles of classification – Identification – Criteria of zoological classification – Classification and phytogeny – The function of classification – The steps in the taxonomic procedure – Difficulties encountered in Macrotaxonomy. UNIT :3. Taxonomic Characters and Evolutionary Classification 18 Characters and signifiers – Kinds of characters – Characters and categorical rank – Differences between cladistic and evolutionary classification – The Linnaean hierarchy – The traditional concept of a common ancestor – Various concepts of monophyli – Polyphyli – Advantages of evolutionary classification. UNIT :4. Methodological Issues 9 Taxonomic collections and the process of identification : Systematic collections, curating collections, identification – Form and style of the taxonomic article – The rules of zoological nomenclature : The most important properties of Taxa names, The interventional code. EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY UNIT :5. Cosmic evolution and the origin of life 9 Cosmic evolution – Physical basis of life – Theories of origin of life – Origin of life through biochemical evolution – Experimental evidences for origin of life – The origin of natural selection – The nature of protocells – Extraterrestrial life. UNIT :6. The Ladder of Biological Evolution 26 Evolution of the eukaryotic cell from the prokaryotic cell : Symbiosis, Margulis theory of the symbiotic origin – Evolution of the Metarzoa – Evolution of chordata and the evolution of the major vertebrate classes – Origin of man : Fossil history – Dryopithecus, Ramapithecus, Australopithecine, fossils, Homoerectus fossils – Current status – Place and time of origin – Cultural evolution of man – Future prospects. UNIT :7. Tempo of Evolution (5 hrs) Gradualism vs punctuated equilibrium – Gould’s motion of the roles of heterochromy and developmental constraints in cladogenic evolution. UNIT :8. Biochemical and Genomic Evolution (10 hrs) The evolutionary history of proteins and the concept of molecular clock : Cytochrome C, globin chains, histones – Outline of organization of prokaryotic and enkaryotic genomes – The “C-Value paradox” – Evolutionary history of neural integration – Evolution of the endocrine system – Hormones and Evolution. REFERENCES SYSTEMATICS 1. Clark, A.B. and Panchen, A.L. (1974). Synopsis of animal classification. John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York. 2. Earrist Mayr, Peter, D. Ashlock (1991). Principles of Systematic Zoology. McGraw Hill Internatinal Edition. ISBN 0-07-112701-1 Singapore. 3. Earnst Mayr. Principles of Systematic Zoology. Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co. Bombay. 4. George Gaylord Simpson (1969). Principles of Animal Taxonomy. Oxford and IBH Publishing (o. Bombay). 5. Goodman, M. (Ed.) (1982). Macromolecular sequences in Systematic and Evolutionary Biology. Plenum Press, New York. 6. Azhicode, G. (1990). Taxidermi. State Institute of Languages, Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram. EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 1. Ayala, F.J. (Ed.) (1976). Molecular Evolution : Simanv Associates, Sunderiand, Mass, USA. 2. caalier, Smith, T. (Ed.) (1985). The evolution of genome size. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, U.K. 3. Dover, G.A., Flavell, R.B. (Eds.) (1982). Genome Evolution. Academic Press, New York. 4. Edwin, H. Colbert (1984). Evolution of vertebrates, Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi. 5. Fergusom, A. (1980). Biochemical systematics and evolution. Blackie and Sons, Glasgow (U.K.). 6. Goodman, M. (Ed.) (1982). Macromolecular sequences in systematic and evolutionary biology, Plenum Press, New Delhi. 7. Gould, S.J. (1977). Ontogeny and Phylogeny. Bellnap Press, Harward University, Mass, USA. 8. Gould, S.J. (1979). Ever since Darwin. W.W.Nortion, New York. 9. Jmush, J.(1966). Origins of Man : Physical Anthropology. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 10. Theodosius Dobahznsky, Francisco J. Ayala, Ledyard Stebbins, G., James Co. Valentine (1973). Evolution. Surjut Publication, New Delhi. UNIVERSITY OF KERALA M.Sc. ZOOLOGY – SEMESTER SYSTEM (2001 onwards) Semester I : Paper II – Biochemistry Total Hours : 100 UNIT :1. 25 1. The molecular logic of Living Organism 2. Water- properties, Electrolytic dissociation into cations and anions – Henderson – Hasselbalch equation. 3. Proteins – General structural design. Aminoacids and peptides – covalent structure, three – dimensional structure and subunit structure. Fibrous proteins and Globular proteins. Structure and function of Haemoglobin and Myoglobin. 4. Carbohydrates – structure and biological function. 5. Enzymes – classification of enzymes. Specificity of enzyme action. Allosteric enzymes, enzyme inhibition and regulation of enzyme activity. Enzyme kinetics. Factors affecting enzyme activity. Vitamins as Coeznymes. Isoenzymes (LDH). 6. Lipids – Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Triglycerides, phospholipids, glycolipids. Sterols – prostaglandins. UNIT :2. Cellular Metabolism (15 hrs) 1. Thermodynamics of cellular reactions. Redox potential 2. Energy rich compounds and their biological significance. 3. Biological oxidation, Mitochondrial Electron transport, Oxidative phosphorylation and ATP synthesis. 4. Chemiosmotic theory UNIT :3. Metabolic Cycles and Energy Production 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (18 hrs) Glycolysis – A central pathway of glucose catabolism TCA cycle and its significance Hexosc – Mono-phosphate shunt Fatty acid oxidation, ketone bodies, ketosis and metabolism of ketone bodies Glycogenolysis Glycerol metabolism UNIT :4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (12 hrs) Glycogenesis Gluconeogenesis Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism Biosynthesis of fatty acids Interrlationship between carbohydrate and lipid metabolism Cholesterol synthesis and degradation UNIT :5. Protein Metabolism (5 hrs) 1. Deamination, transmination, decarhoxylation 2. Urea cycle UNIT :6. (15 hrs) 1. General characteristics of hormones 2. Chemistry and function of hormones, hormone receptors and hormone action 3. Hormonal control of cellular metabolism. UNIT :7. Nucleic acids structure and function 1. 2. 3. 4. Purine and pyramidine derivatives Nucleosides, nucleotides and internucleotide linkages Chemical nature of DNA and RNA Biological functions of nucleic acids REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. Biochemistry Principles of Biochemistry Concepts in Biochemistry Principles of Biochemistry Vol. I & II (7th Edn.) 5. Harper’s Biochemistry - L.Stryer A.L.Lehninger Conn & Stumpf E.L.Smith, R.L.Hill et al - Murray, R.K., Granner, D.K., Mayes, P.A. & Rodwell, V.W. (10 hrs) UNIVERSITY OF KERALA M.Sc. ZOOLOGY – SEMESTER SYSTEM (2001 onwards) Semester I : Paper III Biophysics, Instrumentation & Computer application Total Hours : 1000 BIOPHYSICS (25 hrs) UNIT :1. Concept of energy and laws of thermodynamics – introduction, matter and energy – life as an energy system – order disorder entropy – life as an autocatalytic system. (5 hrs) UNIT :2. Electromagnetic spectrum. Cosmic radiation – Gamma radiation, X-rays, UV radiation, Visible spectrum, infrared rays, micro waves and radio waves (10 hrs) UNIT :3. Radiation – ionizing radiation, radioactivity, isotopes and their application in biology, induced mutations, fluorescence. (10 hrs) INSTRUMENTATION (60 hrs) UNIT :1. Methodology and working of microscopes (1) Light microscope (2) Phase contrast microscope (3) Fluorescent microscope (4) Electron microscopy (5) Transmission electron microscope and scanning (6) Laser scan confocal microscope – brief description (7) Environmental scanning electron microscope (brief description) (20 hrs) UNIT :2. Centrifugation – Ordinary, high speed centrifuge, ultracentrifuge, density gradient centrifugation (10 hrs) UNIT :3. Electrophoresis – Principle, SDS PAGE, Immunotetraphoresis – Principle and Application, Southern/Northern/Western blot (10 hrs) UNIT :4. Chromatography – Principle, Column chromatography, HPLC, Gas chromatography (10 hrs) UNIT :5. Calorimeter, spectrophotometer, fluorescent spectrometer, infrared spectrophotometry, NMR spectrophotometry, mass spectrometry (10 hrs) UNIT :6. Computer Application (15 hrs) 1. Computers – Introduction, characteristics of its components : input/output devices storage devices, processor units. Operating systems : WINDOWS, DOS 2. Computer generations : its classification 3. Computer languages : Programming languages BASIC, FORTRAN, PASCAL, COBOL. 4. Computer Graphics : Generative and Cognitive 5. Computer and Communication : LAN, Network Websites, Medline, Preview and BIOSIS. PRACTICAL Semester I (All 18 practical to be carried out) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A. Systematics and Evolutionary Biology Collection and identification of the following using standard keys: A. Insects (5 nos) B. Prawn and Crab (5 nos.) (3 + 2) C. Fishes (5 nos.) Study of preservation media and tools and materials for taxidermi. Stuffing of a (1) frog, (2) lizard, (3) bird and (4) mammal. Spreading and pinning of insects (5 nos.) Skinning of rat/rabbit, and preservation of bones of frog/bird. Comparative study of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells by staining and mounting (evolutionary significance). B. Biochemistry 1. Titration curve of acetic acid. Titration of a measured volume of acetic acid with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to determine the amount of acid in the given solution and pKa of acetic acid. 2. Determination of the isoelectric pH of the given amino acid by titration method. 3. Quantitative estimation of glycogen, glucose and protein using a colorimeter. Prepare standard curve. 4. Determination of acid value and saponification value of the given fat. 5. Estimation of serum cholesterol using a standard protocol. 6. Determination of the Michaelis constant (Km value) for the digestion of casein by trypsin. C. Biophysics, Instrumentation and Computer Application 1. 2. 3. 4. Micrometry : Measurement of microscopic objects using micrometer. Separation of haemolymph of serum protein by gel electrophoresis. Sketching of biological specimens using a camera Lucida. Quantification estimation of Na, K, Ca of the given sample with the help of flame photometer/spectrophotometer preparing standard curve. 5. Preparation of tables and bar diagrams using suitable software, from the data provided. 6. Statistical Analysis (Chi-square, t-test, correlation, repression, standard deviation and standard error) of the given data using a suitable software. REFERENCE 1. An introduction to practical Biochemistry – Plummer 2. Practical Biochemistry – Jayaraman. UNIVERSITY OF KERALA M.Sc. ZOOLOGY – SEMESTER SYSTEM (2001 onwards) Semester II : Paper I – Functional anatomy Total hours : 100 UNIT :1. Locomotion (18 hrs) Theories of Amoeboid movement, characteristics of ciliaxy and flogellar movement – Principles of hydrostatic skeleton – Vertebrate skeleton and muscular in locomotion – Comparative anatomy of flight muscles in insects, birds and mammals. UNIT :2. Nutrition (9 hrs) Food intake mechanisms – particulate, mucus and filter feeding, ingestion of soluble food – symbiotic nutrition. UNIT :3. Body Fluids and Circulation (18 hrs) Body fluids and circulation – Open and closed types of blood vascular system. Role of somatic muscles in circulation of body fluids. Characteristics of vertebrates cardiac muscle – Initiation, conduction and regulation of heart beat. UNIT :4. Respiration (9 hrs) Respiratory organs of invertebrates and vertebrates. Aquatic respiration and aerial aspirations. Chemistry and function of respiratory pigments UNIT :5. Excretions and Osmotic Balance (18 hrs) Nephritea in excretion – Role of vertebrate kidney in body water regulation, water regulation in desert mammals. Types of excretion patterns – Urine formation – Ornithive cycle. Formation of excretory products. Osmoconformers and osmoregulators – Osmotic conformity in poikifosmotic animals – Osmotic regulation in hypo-osmotic media, Osmoregulation in terrestrial animals – Salt regulation somal control of osmo-ionic regulation. UNIT :6. Co-ordination of body functions (18 hrs) Neurohormones – Endocrine organs in invertebrates and vertebrates and hormonal regulation. Physiology of nerve net systems and giant fibre systems – Functional anatomy of vertebrate brain. Receptor organs and their function – Mehcanoreceptors, chemoreceptors and thermoreceptors. UNIT :7. Reproductions (10 hrs) Patterns of reproduction in invertebrates – Urinogenetal system in vertebrates – Organs of reproduction in vertebrates – reproductive processes. UNIVERSITY OF KERALA M.Sc. ZOOLOGY – SEMESTER SYSTEM (2001 onwards) Semester II : Paper II – Genetics and Quantitative analysis Total hours 100 GENETICS (80 hrs) UNIT :1. An Introduction to the Science of Genetics (10 hrs) 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Genetics and modern agriculture Genetics and medicine Genetics and human behaviour Misuse of genetics UNIT :2. Mendelian Genetics and its Applications 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Gene mapping Recombination frequency Chromosome banding Genetics in animal breeding general effects of inbreeding and out-breeding – hybrid vigour Expressivity, penetrance Non-mendelian pattern of inheritance Modern mendelism UNIT :3. Population Genetics 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 (13 hrs) (13 hrs) Genetic variations Polymorphism Gene pool Gene frequency Distribution patterns Hardy Weinberg equilibrium Disequilibrium Factors disrupting gene equilibrium UNIT :4. Gene Resultation and Gene Activity 4.1 Induction and repression 4.2 Inducible enzymes 4.3 The operon (e.g., Histidine Operon, Tvp Operon) (13 hrs) 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Sigma factor and its role in prokaryotic transcription Regulation in eukaryotes Signals for gene control – Hormones and growth factors Transcriptional signals – TATA BOX, CAAT BOX, Enhancers UNIT :5. Human genetics 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 Pedigree analysis – Karyotype analysis X chromosome dosage Lyon hypothesis and origin of tumors – mosaicism genetics of ABO system Rh disease and inheritance Sickle haemoglobin and inheritance – Thalassemias Human genome project – Gene therapy DNA figure printing and foot printing Genetic disorders – Patau, Edward’s, Chriduchat Syndromes, Philadelphia Chromosome. UNIT :6. Immunogenetics 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 (15 hrs) Immunoglobulin gene Serum protein genetics and antibody diversity H2, HLA antigens, haptoglobulin – MHC system Structure and life cycle of HIV – The HIV genome Auto immunity Tissue transplantation and tissue rejection Polygenic environmental disorders UNIT :7. Microbial Genetics 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 (16 hrs) (15 hrs) Reproductive cycle of RNA virus Retrovirus Viral genome and multiplication Chromosome mediated gene transfer Plasmids – vecter DNA – Insert DNA Lamda phages, charron phages Microbes in genetic engineering QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS (20 hrs) UNIT :1. 1.1 General principles 1.2 Sampling 1.3 Sampling errors 1.4 Skewness and Kurtosis UNIT :2. Measures of Central Tendency (2 hrs) (4 hrs) Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation and Standard Error UNIT :3. Distribution 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 (6 hrs) Probability Probability rules in genetics – Product and addition rules Normal and binomial distribution Poisson distribution – Frequency distribution UNIT :4. Testing and Significance (2 hrs) 4.1 Paired T-test 4.2 Unpaired T-test 4.3 Chi-squire test UNIT :5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 (2 hrs) F-ratio One way analysis Two way analysis Multiple range test, Dunkens test UNIT :6. Correlation and Regression (2 hrs) 1.1 Dose response – LC 50 UNIT :7. Construction of Graphs and Diagrams 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 (2 hrs) Bar diagram Pie diagram Histogram Frequency curve and O give REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. Genetics Molecular Genetics Part I and II Principles of Genetics III Edn. Principles of Genetics - Eldon. J.Gardner J.Herbert Taylor Eldon.J.Gardner Sinnot, Dunn, Dobzhansky TMH Edn. 5. Gene Structure and Expression III Edn - 6. - 7. A Text Book of Genetics and Evolution Genetics Engineering with PCR 8. Principles of Gene Manipulation - 9. Population genetics and Ecology - 10. Heredity - 11. The Science of Genetics - 12. Molecular Genetics - 13. Genetics - 14. Immuno Biology - 15. An introduction to Modern Genetics - 16. Molecular Genetics - 17. Immunology - - John D.Hawkins, Cambridge University Press – Edinberg Buildings – Cambridge CNZ/ZRU – UK PKU Nair and K.Prabhakar Achar – Konark Publishers Robert M.Horton and Robert C. Tait Horizon Scientific Press, Wymondham Norfolk NR 18 – OEH – UK R.Wold and S.B.Prim Rose – Black Well Scientific Publishers, Melbourne, Paris. Samuel Karlin Eviatar Nevo, Academic Press New York. A.Franklin Shull – IV Edn. Mc Graw Hill Book Co., London. George. W.Burns – Mac Millan Co. New York. A.Gib De Busk – Mac Millan Co. New York. Edgar Altenberg, Oxford and IBH Publisher, New Delhi. II Edn. 1996 – Janeway, Travens – Current Biology Ltd. _ Middle Sex House – 34-42, Cleveland Street, London. Donald l. Patt/Gail. R. Patt Addison – Wesley Pub. Company, London. Gunther. S. Stent, Richard Calender C.M.S. Publsihers 485 Jain Bhawan Bholanath Nagar, Shahdara, New Delhi. K.R.Johi, No.O.Osma 2000 Agro Prios India, Jodhpur 18. Genes V - 19. 20. The Molecular Biology & Genes Genetics - Benjamin Lewin – Oxford University Press, New York James Dwatson Strick Berger - Fisher.R.A. - Dover Publication, New York Ostle.B. Eldon J.Hardner Quantitative Analysis 1. 2. 3. 4. Statistical Methods of Research Work, 10th Edn. Biometrical Genetics Statistics in Research Genetics UNIVERSITY OF KERALA M.Sc. ZOOLOGY – SEMESTER SYSTEM (2001 onwards) Semester II : Paper III – Cell and Molecular biology Total Hours : 100 UNIT :1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 (18 hrs) Membrane structure and function (self study) Principles of membrane transport – carrier proteins. Active transport – ion channels Intracellular compartments and protein sorting Transport of molecules into and out of nucleus, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum Vesicular transport in secretory and endocytic pathways. Transport from EPR through Golgi apparatus to lysosomes from plasma membrane via endosomes. UNIT :2. Chromatin Structure (8 hrs) 2.1 Types of chromatin 2.2 Nucleosome structure in detail and higher order structure of chromatin – Scaffold proteins and Radial loop model of chromosomes. UNIT :3. Chemistry and Structure of Nucleic Acids 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 (16 hrs) DNA, Polymorphic DNAs and RNAs Replication of DNA Enzymes involved in DNA replication Unscheduled DNA UNIT :4. DNA Repair (13 hrs) 4.1 Restriction, modification and repair of DNA – including the role of Rec. A in repair of DNA and SOS response. 4.2 Enzymes involved in RNA transcription 4.3 Characteristics features of FNA polymerase of bacteria, phages and eukaryotes 4.4 Transcription and processing of mRNA, rRNA and tRNA – capping, poly A tailing and splicing, transcription factors and reverse transcription. 4.5 RNA as a catalyst during splicing UNIT :5. Molecular Structure of Gene 5.1 Molecular basis of mutation 5.2 Colinearity, split genes 5.3 Mobile genetic elements – transpones (13 hrs) 5.4 Replicon – Okasaki fragments – Wobbling 5.5 Transpones – replication UNIT :6. Protein Synthesis (Introduction) (Self-Study) (10 hrs) 6.1 Translation – Details of translation 6.2 Transcription and its cumpling with translation in bacteria and polysystronic messenger of bacteria 6.3 Hormonal regulation of protein synthesis UNIT :7. Ribosomes and Proteins (8 hrs) 1.1 Ribosome specific association of rRNA and rRNA proteins 1.2 Ribosome formation in eukaryotes and prokaryotes and its function 1.3 Active centres of ribosome – prokaryotes and eukaryotes UNIT :8. Molecular Events in Cell Cycle 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 (14 hrs) Molecular organization and functional role of mitotic spindle Regulation of cell division in normal cell and malignant cells Molecular change in DNA associated with cell-cycle Control of cell-cycle – Control of sequence events, External, internal mitotic inducers. Cell death REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Essentials of Cell and Mole Biology Molecular Biology of the Gene – 3rd ed. Control of Gene Expression Gene Expression Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology - De Roberti and De Robertis Watson Maclean Benjamin Lewin Walker, J.M. and Gingold.E.B. Stephen L. Wolfe PRACTICAL Semester II (All the following 18 practicals to be carried out) Functional Anatomy, Genetics and Quantitative Analysis, Cell and Molecular Biology Section A Functional Anatomy 1. Observations of feeding – Mounting of mouth parts of housefly, honeybee and mosquito in relation to food and feeding. 2. Observations on ciliary movement in bivalve gills in relation to temperature and pH. 3. Blood histology of cockroach, fish and frog. 4. Enumeration of RBC and WBC of human blood. 5. Comparative anatomy of brain of fish, frog, calotes, pigeon and rat. 6. Anatomy of excretory organs in fish, frog, lizard, bird and rat. Section B Genetics and Quantitative Analysis 7. Calculation of mean, standard deviation, standard error and student’s t-test. 8. Calculation of correlation coefficient significant test. 9. Preparation of histogram, frequency polygon and pie diagram. 10. Chromosome study – squash preparations of Drosophila/Chironomus larvae. 11. Techniques of etherization and sexing of Drosophila. 12. Study of chromosomal disorders in man (Text Book photographs) Section C Cell and Molecular Biology 13. Meiosis study – squash preparation of grass hopper testis. 14. Histochemical localization of protein and glycogen in paraffin sections. 15. Histological preparation of muscle, nerve and epithelium of frog/cockroach. 16. Estimation of DNA using tissue extract. 17. (a) Demonstration of mitochondria in the flight muscle of bird. (b) Demonstrate phagocytosis in cockroach using Indian ink. 18. Demonstrate of effect of ATP on glycerinated muscle fibre. UNIVERSITY OF KERALA M.Sc. ZOOLOGY – SEMESTER SYSTEM (2001 onwards) Semester III : Paper I – Advanced Physiology Total Hours : 100 UNIT :1. Cell and Environment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (15 hrs) Water in the cell environment Salts in the cell environment resistance of cells to acidity and alkalinity – Buffers Effects of oxygen availability and variation in ambient pressure on cells Heat resistance and cold resistance Cellular and molecular effects of ionising radiation and the mechanism of radio-protection. Physical nature and chemical basis of bioluminescence UNIT :2. Gastrointestinal Physiology (15 hrs) 1. Neuronal and hormonal control of gastrointestinal motility 2. Transport and mixing of food in the alimentary tract 3. Secretary functions : Secretion of saliva, gastric secretion, pancreatic secretion and intestinal secretion. 4. Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Formation of faeces. 5. Physiology of gastrointestinal disorders. 6. Human nutritional requirements 7. Nutrition and health Dietary recommendations UNIT :3. Membrane Physiology (18 hrs) 1. Nerve action potential voltage – gated sodium and potassium channels 2. Propagation of action potential and rate of conduction of nerve impulse 3. Mechanism of synaptic transmission, neuro transmitters, pharmacology of autonomic nervous system. 4. Types of reflex arc 5. Molecular mechanism of muscle contraction 6. Molecular regulation and energetics of contraction 7. Excitation – contraction coupling UNIT :5. Regulation of Acid-Base Balance 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Function of acid-base buffers Respiratory regulation of acid-base balance Renal control of hydrogen-ion concentration Renal regulation of blood volume and extra cellular fluid volume Abnormalities of acid-base balance Renal and associated mechanisms for controlling extra cellular fluid osmolality and sodium concentration UNIT :5. Circulatory Physiology 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (10 hrs) Effects of low oxygen pressure on the body Effects of acceleratory forces on the body in aviation and space physiology Environmental stress and organismal response Physiology of deep sea diving UNIT :7. Sports Physiology 1. 2. 3. 4. (20 hrs) Physiology of cardiac and smooth muscles Cardiac cycle Regulation of heart pumping Rhythmic excitation of heart Inter relationships among pressure flow and resistance Mechanism of smooth muscle stimulation and contraction Integrated system for pressure control UNIT :6. Aviation, Space & Deep Sea Diving Physiology 1. 2. 3. 4. (14 hrs) The muscles and exercise Respiration and cardiovascular system in exercise Dop test Drug abuse REFERENCE 1.A.G. Giese Cell Physiology; W.B.Saunders Co. 2.H.T.Yost Cellular Physiology, Prentice Hall 3.Edwards & Hassall (1980) Biochemistry & Physiology of Cells; Mc Graw Hill (8 hrs) 4. Arthur C.Guyton (1996) Textbook of Medical Physiology, W.B.Saunders Co. 5. C.C.Chatterjee Human Physiology Vol. 1 & 2; Medical Allied Agency 6. William F.Ganong (1995) Review of Medical Physiology, Lange Medical Publications 7. William S Hoar (1993) General and Comparative Physiology, Prentice Hall 8. John B West (1990) Best and Taylor’s Physiological Basis of Medical Practice, William & Wilkins 9. Eckert and Randall (1987) UNIVERSITY OF KERALA M.Sc. ZOOLOGY – SEMESTER SYSTEM (2001 onwards) Semester III : Paper II – Ecology, Ethology & Biodiversity conservation Total hours : 100 Section A : ECOLOGY & ETHOLOGY UNIT :1. Competition and Ecological niche (13 hrs) (1) Mechanism of competition, (2) Lotka – Voltena competition theory, (3) Principles of competition exclusion, (4) Balance between intra and interspecific competition, (5) Ecological niche – Hyper volume model – niche – overlap – niche dynamics, (6) Compression hypothesis. UNIT :2. Life History Strategies (5 hrs) r & k selection, chetch size, sex ration UNIT :3. Ecology and Energetics (5 hrs) Energy transfer, ecological efficiency, strategies of ecological succession. UNIT :4. Introduction to Animal Behaviour (2 hrs) History, development and applications UNIT :5. Mechanisms of Animal Behaviour (15 hrs) Stimulus response, innate release mechanism, motivation – Feeding as a goal oriented behaviour, rhythmically in animal behaviour – Chronobiology, animal communication- Models of motivation – Animal communication : Visual, auditory, offactiory, chemical communication in insects, and mammal – Role of pheromones. UNIT :6. Hormonal Control of Behaviour (3 hrs) Hormones and behaviour – Hormonal influence of reproductive behaviour UNIT :7. Learning (7 hrs) Learning behaviour – Classification of learning, physiological and biochemical mechanisms of learning, brain and behaviour – Neural mechanisms of learning. Section B : BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION UNIT :1. Biodiversity (4 hrs) Introduction, definition, scope of study, levels of biodiversity, the earth summit, biodiversity convention UNIT :2. Biodiversity in Natural and Man-made Habitat (10 hrs) Biodiversity in natural habitat – Wild life, biodiversity in man-made habitat – Those maintained and developed by man, world conservation strategy 1980. UNIT :3. Estimates of Biodiversity (7 hrs) Methods of assessment, diversity indices, global biodiversity, tropical biodiversity, economics of biodiversity. UNIT :4. Conservation Biology (2 hrs) Introduction – History and development UNIT :5. Extinction of Species (4 hrs) Extinction – Problems and processes IUCN categories of threatened species – Endemism – Red data books. UNIT :6. Protected Area Systems (5 hrs) Categories and features of protected area, management of natural habitats UNIT :7. Conventions International Strategies Treaties (8 hrs) Brief studies on : Need for international conventions organizations – The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) – World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) – The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) – World Commission on Environment and Development (WCRD) – Conventions – The African convention on the conservation of nature and natural resources (The African Convention, Algeres 1968) Convention on evetlands of international importance especially as water foul habitat (The Ramsar Convention 1971), The convention concerning the protection of the world. Cultural and natural heritage (UNESCO 1972), The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES, Washington 1972), The convention on the conservation of migratory species of wild animals (The Bonn Convention (Bonn 1979)). UNIT :8. Problems and Prospects of Biodiversity Conservation (15 hrs) Problems in general, national, regional and local, recent advancements in biodiversity conservation, role of students and youth in biodiversity conservation programme. Regulation on the use of laboratory animals. Intellectual Property Right (IPR) GATT. REFERENCES Evolutionary Ecology Mechanisms of Behaviour Introduction to Animal Behaviour Mechanism of Behaviour - Pianka Mc Farland Manning Marvel and Hamilton UNIVERSITY OF KERALA M.Sc. ZOOLOGY – SEMESTER SYSTEM (2001 onwards) Semester III : Paper III – Experimental Embryology and Immunology Total hours : 100 EXPERIMENTAL EMBRYOLOGY (65 hrs) UNIT :1. Scope of Experimental Embryology (3 hrs) 1.1 Development among he unicellular eukaryotes 1.2 Colonical eukaryotes. The evolution of differentiation UNIT :2. Embryonic Induction and Competence (11 hrs) 2.1 Types of embryonic induction – Neural induction – Morphology – Gene activation. Mechanism – Chemical basis and occurrence in different vertebrates 2.2 Mesodermal induction – Secondary and tertiary induction of vertebrates 2.3 Competence – Molecular biology reciprocal action – Morphogenetic patterns and fields. UNIT :3. Teratogenesis 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 (16 hrs) Genetic teratogenesis in animals and in human beings Gene – phene relationship, autophone, allophene and pleiotropy Environmental terratogenesis – Due to drugs – Radiation – Autoimmunization and malnutrition. Developmental mechanisms of teratogenesis Effects of foreign nucleus of early development Problems of arrested gastrulation UNIT :4. Genetic Control of Development (10 hrs) 4.1 Genes controlling embryogenesis 4.2 Homeotic genes 4.3 Genes and development – metaplaria. Gene targeting (knock out ) experiments UNIT :5. Nuclear Equivalence Vs Nuclear Differentiation 5.1 Grey crescent and its implication 5.2 Ligation experiment, delayed nucleation 5.3 Compression experiments 5.4 Multiple potencies in development 5.5 Problems of nuclear differentiation (15 hrs) UNIT :6. Techniques in Experimental Embryology 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 (10 hrs) Medically assisted human reproductive technologies (INV-ET) Gametic intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) Zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT) Tubal embryo stage transfer (TET) Embryo culture REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. Developmental Biology Developmental Biology Development Biology Development Biology Patterns, Problems and Principles 5. Vertebrate Embryology - Scott F. Gilbert Walbot Holder Browder John W. Saunders. Jr. - Mc Even IMMUNOLOGY (35 HRS) UNIT :1. Historical Background (8 hrs) 1.1 Survey of modern immunology – Origin of T and B cells 1.2 Adaptive and innate immunity cells and organs of immune system 1.3 Lymphoid tissues in vertebrates and invertebrates 1.4 Immunity of microbes, protoza and worms UNIT :2, Antigens (3 hrs) 2.1 Basis of specificity 2.2 Essential factors for antigenicity 2.3 Antigen processing and presentation UNIT :3. Immunoglobulins 3.1 Classes 3.2 General properties 3.3 Structure and function 3.4 Variability and diversity (4 hrs) UNIT :4. Antigen-Antibody Interaction (8 hrs) 4.1 Theories of antibody formation 4.2 Complement systems – Activation of compliment – Compliment receptors – biological effects of compliments. 4.3 Cell mediated reactions 4.4 Humoral reactions UNIT :5. Regulation of Immune System (4 hrs) 5.1 Overview of immune regulation – Immune suppression by drugs and viruses – Immunologic tolerance – Immunopotentiation UNIT :6. Transplantation (5 hrs) 6.1 Classification of grifts 6.2 MHC and HLA in tissue transplantation 6.3 Immunologic basis of graft retention and rejection UNIT :7. 7.1 Immunological approaches to fertility control 7.2 Immune deficiency syndromes (3 hrs) REFERENCE 1. Clark, W.R. (1983). The Experimental Foundations of Modern Immunology. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 2. Coleman, Lombard and Sicard (1992). Fundamental Immunology. Wm. C. Brown Publishers. 3. Kuby, J. (1994). Immunology. W.H. Freeman and Company, New York. 4. Tizard, I.R. (1995). Immunology – An Introduction (IVth Ed.) Saunders College Publications, Philadelphia. 5. Daniel. P.Stites and Abba. l. Terr (1991). Basic and Clinical Immunology. Prentice Hall International Inc. PRACTICAL Semester III (All 18 practicals to be carried out) Section A. Ethology, Ecology and Biodiversity 1. Transect method of animal survey, observation/bird counting. 2. Biodiversity indices – (a) population, (b) densitive and relative density, (c) frequency and relative frequency, (f) abundance and distribution, (g) modified similarity index, (h) ShannonWiener index. 3. 4. 5. 6. Habituation in Pila, Alarm response in fishes, Maize learning in rats. Estimation of NPK, Primary productivity using dark and light bottles. Ecological adaptation (10 numbers) Quantitative estimation of Marine Plankton Section B. Advanced Physiology 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Transportation of sugar through intestinal wall(exerted sac) of frog/rat. Measurement of Isoelectric pH of an amino acid. Kymograph recording of simple twitch and summation. Effect of temperature on muscle contraction. Kymograph recording of heart beat of frog and the effect of drugs. Effect of concentrations of NaCl (0.1 to 2%) on RBC diameter using micrometry. Section C. Experimental Embryology and Immunology 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Induced ovulation and fertilization of frog/sea urchin. Vital staining of chick embryo (in vitro) (48-72 hrs.) Window preparation. Demonstration of experimental set up to illustrate morphogenetic movements. Preparation of permanent slides of embryos and larvae. Identification of cross sections of chick embryo, through eye, ear, heart. Study of different types of placenta in mammals (3 numbers). UNIVERSITY OF KERALA M.Sc. ZOOLOGY – SEMESTER SYSTEM (2001 onwards) Semester IV Paper I Microbiology and Biotechnology Total hours : 100 MICROBIOLOGY (50 hrs) UNIT 1: (9 hrs) Scope and history of microbiology – Classification of microorganisms – Salient features of bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa and algae – Detailed structure of bacteria with special reference to bacterial cell wall and peptidoglycan component in gram negative and gram positive bacteria. UNIT :2 (13 hrs) Bacterial growth and nutritional requirements – Growth factors – Oxygen requirements, temperature, pH and oxidation – pure cultures and culture characteristics control of microorganisms – Antimicrobial physical agents, chemical agents, antibiotics and other antimicrobial drugs – Resistance to drugs. UNIT :3 (18 hrs) Industrial microbiology – Basic design of fermentation – Types of fermentation – Fermentation of ethylalcohol, acetic acid and penicillin Food microbiology – Microbial flora of fresh food (meat, poultry, eggs, fruits and vegetables, fish, milk) – Biochemical types of bacteria in milk – Temperature characteristics of bacteria in milk – Pathogenic types of bacteria in milk – Microbial spoilage of foods (fresh food, milk, canned food) – Preservation of foods – Aseptic handling, high temperature, low temperature, dehydration, osmotic pressure, chemicals and radiation. UNIT :4. (10 hrs) Host microbe interactions – The process of infection – Pathogenicity, virulence and infection – Microbial adherence – Penetration of epithelial cell layers – Events in infection following penetration – Infection of lymphatic system – Infection of blood Exotoxins – Classification of exotoxins – Mechanism of action of exotoxins – Diphtheria toxin, Botulinum toxin, Tetanus toxin and Cholera toxin. REFERENCES 1. M.J.Pelczar, Jr., E.C.S.Chan & N.R.Krieg (1997). Microbiology. 2. R.Y.Stainer, J.L. Ingraham, M.L. Wheelis & P.R. Painter (1992). General Microbiology, Macmillan, London 3. R. Ananthanarayan and C.K.Jeyaram Panicker (1986). Textbook of Microbiology, Orient Longman, Madras. 4. Creager, J.C., Black, J.G. and Davison, V.E. (1990). Microbiology, Principles and Applications. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey. 5. Power, C.B. and Diginawala, H.F. (1982). General Microbiology Vol. I & II, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay. 6. Purohit,S.S. (1992). Microbiology ; Fundamentals and Applications, Agrobotanical Publishers. 7. Sharma, P.D. (1993). Microbiology. Rastogi and Co. Meerut. BIOTECHNOLOGY (50 hrs) UNIT :1. (12 hrs) Definition, History Major steps in gene cloning – Sources and isolation of gene – Shotgun method – Reverse transcriptase method – Synthetic gene, genomic and DNA library vectors – Properties of ideal vector – Plasmids _ Isolation and kinds – Cutting and joining of DNA – Restriction endonucleases – Types – Ligation – Homopolymer tailing, linkers and adapters – Host cells Gene transfer techniques – Calcium chloride transformation – Calcium phosphate coprecipitation – DEAE – Dextron – Electroporation, protoplast fusion, microinjection, lipofection, retrovirus. UNIT :2. (13 hrs) Animal cell culture – Primary culture, cell lines – Media culture systems – Hybridoma technology Diagnosis of genetic disorders – DNA probes in the detection of thalassemias and sickle cell anaemia Gene therapy – Types – Site of gene therapy – Protocol – Gene therapy against cancer. UNIT :3. (10 hrs) Biotechnology in aquaculture – Ploidy induction – gynogenesis – androgenesis – transgenic fish. UNIT :4. (15 hrs) Biotechnology in animal husbandry : In vitro fertilization – Gamete selection – Embryonic sex selection – Embryo manipulation – Demi embryos – Embryo transfer safety in Biotechnology, bioethics. REFERENCE 1. Babiuk, L.A., J.P. Phillips and M. Moo-Young (1989). Animal Biotechnology, Pergamon Press, Oxford. 2. Brown, C.M., Cambell, I and Priest, F.G. (1988). Introduction to Biotechnology, Blackwell Science. 3. Bulock, J and K. Bjorn (1987) Basic Biotechnology, Academic Press, London. 4. Gor Dard and Lucassen, E. (1993). In vitro culture of animal Cells, Butterworth – Heineman Publications. 5. Higgms. I.J., Best, D.J. and Jones, J (1988). Biotechnology – Principles and Applications, Blackwell Science, Oxford. 6. Marx, J.L. (1989). A revolution in Biotechnology, Cambridge University Press. 7. Old, R.W. and Primrose, S.B. (1989). Principles of gene manipulation, Blackwell Scientific Publications. 8. Primrose, S.B. (1989). Modern Biotechnology, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford. 9. Prentis, S (1985) Biotechnology – New Industrial Revolution, Orbis, London. 10. Smith Jon, E (1988) Biotechnology, Edward Arnold, London. 11. Watson, J.D. Michael Gilman, Jan, Wittowski and Mark Zoller. Recombinant DNA. Scientific American Books, W.H. Freeman & Co., New York. MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY PRACTICALS (All 6 practicals to be carried out) 1. 2. 3. 4. Enumeration of bacteria in water Enumeration of bacteria from soil Gram staining of bacteria Determination of BOD 5. Determination of COD 6. Determination of quality of milk by methylene blue reductase test REFERENCE Experiments in Microbiology, Plant Pathology, Tissue Culture and Mushroom cultivation K.R. Aneja – New Age International 1996. UNIVERSITY OF KERALA M.Sc. ZOOLOGY – SEMESTER SYSTEM (2001 onwards) Semester IV Special Paper Endocrinology Paper I Physiology of Reproduction (with special reference to mammals) Total hours : 100 UNIT :1. Foetal and Embryonic Gonads and Genital ducts (20 hrs) 1.1 Sex determination : Chromosomal, genetic and environment – Environmental influence on chromosomal and genetic mechanisms of sex determination. 1.2 Origin of the primordial germ cells – Migration to the genital ridge – Differentiation of the cell types. 1.3 Differentiation of the testis ; Germinal epithelium, interstitial tissue, foetal androgens and role. 1.4 Differentiation of ovary ; Foetal estrogens and role. 1.5 Origin and differentiation of the genital duct – Wolffian duct, Mullerian duct, mullerian inhibiting substance. 1.6 Hormonal basis of sex differentiation. 1.7 Histology, cytology and endocrinology of the foetal gonads. 1.8 Disorders of sexual differentiation development – True hermaphroditism, psuedohermaphroditism, chromosomal errors and sex determination – Penile agenesis, double penis, bifid penis, micro penis – Arcuate uterus – double uterus. UNIT :2. Physiology of Female Reproduction – Ovary and Reproductive Cycles (13 hrs) 2.1 Anatomy of female reproductive system – Gross anatomy of ovary – Microanatomy of ovary – Histology of ovary. 2.2 Follicular and oogenesis and their hormonal control 2.3 Ovulation – Leuteinization, atresia – Structural changes and endocrinology. 2.4 Concept of puberty. 2.5 Reproductive cycles (estrus and menstrual) – Structural changes, endocrine regulation. UNIT :3. Physiology of Reproduction – Implantation, Pregnancy and Parturition (10 hrs) 3.1 Nidation, Desidualization – Dependence of early embryo on female reproductive tract. 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Placentation – Types of placenta, placental hormones – Regulation Foeto – Placental unit as an endocrine entity. Physiology of pregnancy – Endocrine basis Physiology of parturition and endocrine control. UNIT :4. Female reproductive Physiology – Mammary gland and Lactation (10 hrs) 4.1 Infantile mammary gland, pubertal changes in mammary gland; Structure of adult mammary gland. 4.2 Synthesis, composition and secretion of milk – galactopoiesis – Milk let down. 4.3 Multiple hormonal interaction in regulation of mammary gland structure and function. UNIT :5. Physiology of male reproduction: Testis, reproductive tract and ARGs (15 hrs) 5.1 Histology and cytology of the adult testis; unique testicular temperature mechanism and significance. 5.2 Spermatogenesis and its hormonal control 5.3 Spermatogenesis as a cyclical process, stages in spermatogenesis, steps in spermiogenesis. 5.4 Sertoli cell – Cytology – Structural changes in relation to cycle of the seminiferous epithelium – Sertoli cell – Germ cell interaction. 5.5 Endocrine/Paracrine/Autocrine function of Sertoli cell. 5.6 Leydig cells – Distribution – Ultrastructure – Androgenesis – Role of male hormones. 5.7 Rete testis – Ductuli efferentes – Epididymis – Vas deferens – Ampulla – Seminal vesicles – Prostate gland – Cowper’s gland – Preputial gland – Structure, cytology and functions and their regulation. UNIT :6. Male Reproductive Physiology – Spermatology 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 (8 hrs) Structure of sperm – Comparative morphology of sperm mammals. Physiological maturation of sperm. (Initiation of motility and capacitation) Biochemistry of semen. Sperm motility and energetics. Fertilization. UNIT :7. Reproductive Behaviour 7.1 Sexual behavior in infancy, pre-adolescence, adolescence and of adult. 7.2 Senescence – Impact of age on reproduction. 7.3 Menopause. (7 hrs) UNIT :8. Fertility Regulation and Reproductive Toxicology (17 hrs) 8.1 Disorders of female and female reproductive systems – Sexual dysfunction. 8.2 Infertility – Causes and curative measures. 8.3 Population control, birth control devices (Female and male) – Social, physical, surgical, chemical, hormonal and immunological – Emergency contraception. 8.4 Assisted reproductive technology (ART) – MART – FART social and ethical considerations of contraception and ART-biotechnological approach in regulation of reproduction. 8.5 Reproductive toxicology of environmental chemicals industrial chemicals, drug and alcohol – Fertility regulation in farm animals. REFERENCE 1. Physiology of reproduction – Vol I & II. Edited by E Knobil & J.D. Neill, Raven Press, New York (1994). 2. Human reproductive biology – R.E. Jones, Academic Press, London (1997). 3. Comparative endocrinology and reproduction – Joy K.P., Krishan A,Haldar L, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi (1999). 4. Male infertility and sexual dysfunction – W.J.G. Hellstrom, Spinger – Verlag, New York (1997). 5. Reproduction in Mammals. Vol I & II. Edited by C.R. Austine & R.V. Short. Cambridge University Press, London, (1986). 6. Principles of vertebrate reproductive biology – H.B.D. Sarkar, Himalaya Publishing House, (1993). 7. Current concepts in fertility regulation. Edited by C.P. Puri and P.F.A. Van Look, Wiley Eastern Ltd. (1994). UNIVERSITY OF KERALA M.Sc. ZOOLOGY- SEMESTER SYSTEM (2001 onwards) Semester IV Special Paper: Fish Biology & Fishery Science Paper I- Ichthyology 100 hrs UNIT : 1. Classification and Distribution of Fishes 10 hrs Classification of fishes upto family – distinguishing characters with examples Geographical distribution of fresh water and marine fishes. Distribution of marine and freshwater fishes in India and Kerala. UNIT :2. Adaptations to Special conditions of life 10 hrs Deep sea fishes Cave dwelling fishes Hill stream fishes UNIT : 3. Functional Morphology of Fishes 10 hrs Body form,fins,fin rays and scales Coloration in fishes- Chromatophores,types,significance Swim bladder evolution-Structure- Function- Composition of gas – Homology UNIT : 4. Endoskeleton and musculature 10 hrs General features of endoskeleton- Chondrocranium, Splanchocranium, Osteocranium, Pectoral and pelvic girdles ,Vertebrae column. Types of jaw suspension Locomotion in fishes- Types of swimming movements- Non-swimming movements UNIT : 5. Nutrition and Digestion 15 hrs Food and feeding habits Feeding in relation to season, growth, sex and breeding Digestion in herbivores, carnivores and omnivores, gastrosomatic index UNIT : 6. Endocrine Glands in Fishes 15 hrs Pitutary, ultimobranchial gland, caudal neurosecretary cells, urophysis, corpuscles of stannous. Sense organs- Eye-Structure and function – Visual pigments Lateral line sense organs, Ampullae of Lorenzini, Webberian ossicles REFERENCES 1. Endocrinology- Mac.E. Hadley, Printice Hall,International,2000. 2. Williams Text Book of Endocrinology Edited by Jean D. Wilson and Daniel W.Foster, Saunders Company 8th Edn. 1992. 3. Hormones from Molecular to disease Elby- Elienne-Eruile Bautieu and Paul A Kelly.1990. 4. Horones- Anthony – W.Norman and Gerald Litwark- Academic Press.1997. 5. Endocrinology- Basic and Clinical Principle –P. Michael Corn and Shlomo Mel med. Humana Press The Totowa 1997. 6. Vertebrate Endocrinology – Daniel O Norris Academic Press. 3rd Edn. 1997. 7. General and Comparative Endocrinolgy, Turner and Bagnara. Saunders Company, 6th Edn. 1976. Semester IV. PRACTICAL Special Paper Endoorinolgy A. Physiology of Reproduction with Special Reference to Mammals 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Histology of testes of fish, fogs, calottes, chick and rat (any two animals). Histology of ovary of fish, frog, calottes, chick and rat (any two animals). Dissection of male and female reproductive system of frog, calottes, chick and rat. Vaginel smear of rat. Sperm smear of any one vertebrate. Demonstration of induced ovulation in any one vertebrate. B. Vertebrates Endocrinology 7. Dissection of endocrine glands in fish, frog, calottes, chick and rat (any two vertebrates) 8. Demonstration of glandectomy experiments in any two vertebrates. 9. Simple experiment to study the effect of Thyroxin, insulin and cortisol on blood glucose/total protein in fish/frog. 10. Preparation of single cell suspension of any one tissue for in vitro study. 11. Histological study of endocrine gland using haematoxylin cosinstain in any two vertebrates. 12. Disorders of endocrine glands. (5 nos. for short notes) REFERENCES 1. Endocrinology – Mac. E. Hadley, Printice Hall. International, 2001. 2. Williams Text Book Of Endocrinology Edited By Jean D. Wilson And Daniel. W. Foster, Saunders Company 8th Edn, 1992. 3. Hormones From Molecular To Disease Elby – Elienne – Eruile Bautiey And Paul A Kelly. 1990. 4. Hormones – Anthony – W. Norman And Gerald Litwark – Academic Press. 1997. 5. Endocrinology – Basic And Clinical Principle – P. Michael Corn And Shlomo Mel Med. Humana Press The Totowa. 1997 6. Vertebrate Endocrinology – Daniel O Norris Academic Press. 3rd Edn. 1997. 7. General And Comparative Endocrinolgy, Turner And Bagnara. Saunders Company, 6 th Edn. 1976. Semester IV. PRACTICAL Special Paper Endoorinolgy A. Physiology of Reproduction with Special Reference to Mammals 1. Histology of testes of fish, fogs, calottes, chick and rat (any two animals). 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Histology of ovary of fish, frog, calottes, chick and rat (any two animals). Dissection of male and female reproductive system of frog, calottes, chick and rat. Vaginel smear of rat. Sperm smear of any one vertebrate. Demonstration of induced ovulation in any one vertebrate. B. Vertebrates Endocrinology 7. Dissection of endocrine glands in fish, frog, calottes, chick and rat (any two vertebrates) 8. Demonstration of glandectomy experiments in any two vertebrates. 9. Simple experiment to study the effect of Thyroxin, insulin and cortisol on blood glucose/total protein in fish/frog. 10. Preparation of single cell suspension of any one tissue for in vitro study. 11. Histological study of endocrine gland using haematoxylin cosinstain in any two vertebrates. 12. Disorders of endocrine glands. (5 nos. for short notes) UNIVERSITY OF KERALA M.Sc. ZOOLOGY- SEMESTER SYSTEM (2001 onwards) Semester IV Special Paper: Fish Biology & Fishery Science Paper I- Ichthyology Total 100 hrs UNIT : 1. Classification and Distribution of Fishes 10 hrs Classification of fishes upto family – distinguishing characters with examples Geographical distribution of fresh water and marine fishes. Distribution of marine and freshwater fishes in India and Kerala. UNIT :2. Adaptations to Special conditions of life 10 hrs Deep sea fishes Cave dwelling fishes Hill stream fishes UNIT : 3. Functional Morphology of Fishes 10 hrs Body form ,fins, fin rays and scales Coloration in fishes- Chromatophores, types, significance Swim bladder evolution-Structure- Function- Composition of gas – Homology UNIT : 4. Endoskeleton and musculature 10 hrs General features of endoskeleton- Chondrocranium, Splanchocranium, Osteocranium, Pectoral and pelvic girdles ,Vertebrae column. Types of jaw suspension Locomotion in fishes- Types of swimming movements- Non-swimming movements UNIT : 5. Nutrition and Digestion 15 hrs Food and feeding habits Feeding in relation to season, growth, sex and breeding Digestion in herbivores, carnivores and omnivores, gastrosomatic index UNIT : 6. Endocrine Glands in Fishes 15 hrs Pitutary, ultimobranchial gland, caudal neurosecretary cells, urophysis, corpuscles of stannous. Sense organs- Eye-Structure and function – Visual pigments Lateral line sense organs, Ampulle of Lorenzini, Webberian ossicles Unit: 7. Reproduction in Fishes 15 hrs Organs and modes of reproduction – Breeding habits, courtship and mating, nest building and parental care. Unit: 8. Water and Electrolyte Fishes and Mode of Excretion in Fishes Regulation in Marine and Freshwater 15 hrs Air- breathing fishes Fish migration Schooling in fishes Larvicidal fishes and biological control Electric organs Luminiscent organs Poisonous and venomous fishes Ornamental fishes. UNIVERSITY OF KERALA M.Sc. ZOOLOGY- SEMESTER SYSTEM (2001 onwards) Semester IV Special Paper: Fish Biology & Fishery Science Paper II- Fisheries and Aquaculture 100 hrs Unit : I. Inland and Marine Capture Fisheries 10 hrs Importance of fishery science – Inland capture fisheries – Riverine –Reservoir – Cold water – estuarine fisheries Marine capture fisheries of India – Fishes, Crustaceans and molluses Unit 2. Methods of Fishing 10 hrs Fishing crafts and gear Fish preservation Unit 3. Fish and Man 15 hrs Fish on food – Biochemical composition and nutritive value of fish – Fish products and byproducts – Fish live oil Poisoning toxicity and allergies from fish as food Quality control of fish as food. Fish diseases- Bacterial, viral, fungal and protozoan – Symptoms and control measures Unit 4. Pisciculture 20 hrs Bionomics of important cultivable species of fish (mullet, pearl spot, carps) and penacid prawns Seed production in fishes Breeding of fishes with special reference to Indian major carps – Natural and induced Hatcheries, transport of live fishes – Cryopreservation Unit 5. Methods of Freshwater and Brackish Water Culture 20 hrs Monoculture, composite culture, culture of air breathing fishes, culture of ornamental fishes. Methods for prawn culture Method for frog culture Brackish water fish and prawn culture in India. Traditional brackish water fish and prawn culture in practice prevailing in India, especially in Kerala. Unit 6. Mariculture 15 hrs Culture of pearl oyster, mussel Unit 7. Integrated Fish Culture 10 hrs Paddy and fish culture Sewage – fed fish culture Designing and construction of aqua farms Fishery education, training and extension PRACTICAL Semester IV Special Paper: Fish Biology & Fishery Science (All practical to be carried out) 1. Identification and classification of important local fishes and prawns (10 fishes + 5 prawns) 2. Mounting of membraneous labyrinth 3. Mounting of scales – Cycloid and ctenoid 4. Study of effect of Nael on chromatophores 5. Demonstration of enzymes in the alimentary canal of fishes 6. Determination of rate of oxygen consumption at room temperature 7. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of gut content of fishes – Carnivorous and hervorous. 8. Study of principal types of fishing crafts and gear 9. Identification and study of fish byproducts 10. Demonstration of induced breeding – Preparation of pituitary extract and injection 11. Determination of gonado – somatic index. UNIVERSITY OF KERALA M.Sc. ZOOLOGY- SEMESTER SYSTEM (2001 onwards) Semester IV Special Paper: Environmental Biology Paper I : Pollution Biology & Environmental Physiology 100 hrs UNIT: 1. Introduction (10 hrs) 1.1 Environmental pollution – Concepts and definitions 1.2 Environmental pollutants (Brief account of chemical aspects too) 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 Organic pollutants Heavy metals, industrial effluents Pesticides Radioactive pollutants Oil, food additives and contaminants. UNIT: 2. Air Pollution (18 hrs) 2.1 Chief air pollutants – Occurrence, sources and effects 2.2 Interaction of air pollutants in the atmosphere – Photochemical reactions – Formation and effects of secondary pollutants and smog 2.3 Effects of air pollutants on materials ,building metals ,vegetation and human health A brief survey of major air pollution episodes 2.4 Air pollution abatement technology- Design and working of bag filters ,electrostatic Precipitators, scrubbers ,absorption and devices for controlling automobile emissions 2.5 Noise pollution-Sources ,effect of noise pollution on animals and humans Unit 3. Water Pollution 3.1 Organic Pollution 3.1.1 Origin and sources of organic pollutants- Biodegradable and non biodegradable domestic, agricultural and industrial sources Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) – Importance and method of estimation Effects of Organic pollution on aquatic systems Eutrophication- Sources and effects. Biocides, fungicides and herbicides- sources and effects 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 3.1.6 3.1.7 Biomagnification: Toxic effects on non-target organisms and hazards to man 3.2 3.2.1 Industrial pollution Heavy metals – Effects of various metals in the ecosystem and human population (Hg, Pb, Cd, As, Cr, Cu, Zn, etc) 3.1.6.Biocides,fungicides and herbicides –Sources and effects 3.1.7.Biomagnification: Toxic effects on non-largest organisms and hazards to man. 3.2 Industrial pollution 3.2.1. Heavy meals-Effects of various metals in the ecosystem and human population (Hg,Pb,Cd, As,Cr, Cu, Zn etc.) Fluride pollution on human life 3.2.2 Thermal pollution- Sources, effects and control devices such as cooling towers 3.2.3 Oil spills-Sources, effects and control 3.3 Pollution aspects of radioactivity 3.3.1. Biological effects of ionising radiations 3.3.2. Nuclear waste disposal 3.4.Water pollution abatement technology 3.4.1. Primary, secondary and tertiary treatment systems 3.4.2. Design and operations of screens, grit chambers, sedimentation tanks and oxidation ponds. 3.4.3. Design and operations of biological treatment systems like aerated lagoons, activated sludge process, tricking filters and sludge digestion. UNIT: 4 Terrestrial Pollution (10hrs) 4.1 Solid wastes and disposal ( garbage, ashes, rubbish, debris, street litter, agricultural waste, mining waste and industrial wastes) 4.2 Strategies for control of solid waste pollution UNIT:5 Pollution Monitoring and Management (10hrs) 5.1 Biological indicators and their use in pollution monitoring 5.2 Biotechnology and its applications in the management of environmental pollution 5.3 Pollution control through law UNIT:6 Environmental Physiology (27 hrs) 6.1 Temperature adaptations 6.1.1. Morphological and physiological 6.1.2. Adaptive and acclamatory mechanisms- Homeotherms and poikilotherms 6.1.3 Thermal migration 6.2 Pressure adaptation 6.2.1. Structural and rate effects 6.2.2. Enzymatic adaptations to hyperbaric stress with particular reference to deep sea organisms. 6.2.3. Biochemical mechanisms of animals to high altitudes (hypobaria and hypoxia) 6.3 Osmoregulation and ionic regulation 6.3.1. Osmoregulation in fresh water, marine estuarine and terrestrial animals 6.3.2. Sodium pump Na+and K+ ATPase in relation to salinity adaptations 6.4 Eco-physiological adaptations 6.4.1. Mimicry and colouration 6.4.2. Echo-location 6.4.3. Light 6.4.4. Bio-luminescence 6.4.5 Electric organs UNIVERSITY OF KERALA M.Sc. ZOOLOGY –SEMESTER SYSTEM (2001onwards) Semester IV Special Paper Environmental Biology Paper 2. Environmental Management Total hours:100 UNIT:1 Resources of Earth (20hrs) 1.1 Renewable and non-renewable resources 1.1.1. Forests, wildlife, endangered species fisheries 1.1.2. Fossil fuels, minerals-their over exploitation for domestic, agriculture and industrial purposes 1.1.3. Water resources-protection of water shed reclamation of sewage and waste water and water management in India. 1.2 Conservation of natural resources 1.3 Remote sensing for resource management UNIT :2 Human Population 2.1 Exponential growth-age structure and population momentum 2.2 Current trends in global population with particular reference to developed and developing countries 2.3 Population explosion –its consequences and control UNIT :3 Human Exploitation of Earth’s Resources 3.1 Human interferences in ecosystems-consequences of over –exploitation 3.2 Brief account of weather modifications, desalination, artificial rain making acid rain, green house effect and its consequences and destruction of ozone umbrella 3.3 Green revolution- a critical assessment UNIT :4 Biological Conservation and Management (22hrs) 4.1. Principles of conservation 4.2. Conservation and economic use of energy and energy audit 4.3. Ecological problems due to intensive aquaculture –importance trawling-Ban 4.4. Conservation of wild life – present status and strategies of conservation 4.5. Deforestation and its consequence – need for scientific management and conservation of forests, social forestry and tropical rain forests. 4.6. Bio-diversity in India-Bio-diversity conservation-in situ and ex-situ methods. Bio-diversity registering and patenting of bio-diversity. UNIT:5 Environmental Policy and Education (15hrs) 5.1 Environmental policy- social, economic and legal aspects 5.2 Environmental laws and their enforcement 5.3 Environmental awareness- role of Govt., media and voluntary organizations 5.4 Environmental education and tribal welfare. UNIT:6 Environmental Impact Assessment and Sustainable Development (15 hrs) 6.1 Environ impact assessment (ELA) 6.1.1. Definition, aim, principles and concepts of EIA 6.1.2. Elements of environmental impacts 6.1.3 Methods for preparing EIA- check list method, Werner- Prestroit study 6.1.4 EIA process making inventories, sampling and data processing, impact prediction and stimulation. 6.2 Sustainable development 6.2.1. Concepts and dimensions 6.2.2. Basic needs 6.2.3. Unavoidable impacts and imperatives relating to sustainable development 6.2.4. Alternative strategies. UNIVERSITY OF KERALA M.SC. ZOOLOGY – SEMESTER SYSTEM (2001 onwards) PRACTICAL Semester IV-Special Paper: Environmental Biology (All practicals to be carried out) 1. Analysis of purity of water- suspended matter, smell, appearance etc. 2. Toxicity analysis of water pollution- determination of chlorine, dissolved oxygen, hydrogen sulphide, pH. 3. Short term bioassays and determination of LC50 for fish exposed to a given pollutant (pesticide/effluent) 4. Effect of soil pollution in the population of earthworm. 5. Study of indicator organisms (any three) 6. Effect of pollution on the oxygen consumption of fishes. 7. Study of histopathological changes in selected tissues (blood, gill, liver, kidney intestine, skin- any 5) of fish exposed to given concentration of a pollutant for a specific period – Five slides should be submitted at the time of examination. 8. Temperature/pH preference in fisher. 9. Influence of temperature /pH in the ciliary activity of lamelli branch gill 10. Determination of porosity/water retaining capacity of soil. 11. Effect of light on skin pigmentation of lizard (exposed to light different wave lengths) 12. Species diversity estimation with reference to afresh water pond/soil. 13. Field work:- Students are expected to make field studies on the problem of environmental pollution in their area. UNIVERSITY OF KERALA M.Sc. ZOOLOGY- SEMESTER SYSTEM (2001 onwards) SYLLABUS Semester IV Special Paper Insect Science Paper 2. General Entomology UNIT:1 Introduction 1.1 Origin of insect 1.1.2 History of Entomology in India 1.1.3 Significance of Insect Science UNIT:2 Structure 2.1. Integument 2.2 Head 2.3 Thorax 2.4 Abdomen 2.5 Wings 2.6 Appendages UNIT:3 Development 3.1 Egg 3.2 . Embryogenesis 3.3. Post embryonic Development 3.4.1.Metamorphosis 3.4.2. Endocrine mechanisms in metamorphosis UNIT: 4 Systematics 4.1 ion upto Orders 4.2 Distribution 4.3 Biodiversity 4.4 Habitat selection 4.5 Adaptations UNIT:5 Functions 5.1 Digestion 5.2 Respiration 5.3 Circulation 5.4 Excretion 5.5 Neuroendocrines 5.6.1 Sense organs 5.6.2 Receptors 5.7 Reproduction UNIT :6 Insect communication 6.1 Hormones (25hrs) Total hours: 100 (15hrs) (20hrs) (25hrs) 6.2.1 Pheromones 6.2.2 Kairomones 6.2.3 Allomones 6.3. Insect immunity (10 hrs) References 1. The Insects- Structure and function – R.F Chapman 2. General and Applied Entomology- K.K.Nayar et al. 3. Modern Entomology- D.B. Tembhare 4. The Insects- An Outline of Entomology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology 5. Comprehensive Insect Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology Vol.1,2 and 3- G.A Kerkut and L.I .Gilbert 6. Insect Hormones- V.J.A . Novak 7. Pheromones- M.C. Birch 8. Biology of Insect Midgut – M.J.Lehane 9. The Science of Entomology- W.S Romoser and J,G. Stoffolano 10. Recent Advances in Insect Physiology and Toxicology- G. T. Gujar UNIVERSITY OF KERALA M.Sc.ZOOLOGY- SEMESTER SYSTEM (2001 Onwards) Semester IV Special paper Insect Science Paper III Applied Insect Science Total hours 100 UNIT:1 Introduction 1.1. Insects and Humans 1.2. Beneficial insects in General 1.3. Harmful insects (5hrs) Unit:2 Pest Insects 2.1 Pests of major crops-Paddy, Coconut, Vegetables, Pulses, Coffee, Tea sugarcane, Banana, Tapioca, Cashew, Pepper, Cardamom 2.2 Stored grain pests 2.3 Insect vectors and pest insects of medical importance 2.4 Household pest insects 2.5 Pest insects of veterinary importance (25 hrs) UNIT 3. Pest Management Strategies 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.5 Pesticides Chemical pesticides Biopesticides Biological control Parasites- Predators Microbial pesticides Genetic insect pest control Cultural – Mechanical control 3.3.6 3.3.7 Hormones and Growth regulators in insect management Integrated Pest Management Strategy. UNIT :4 Industrial Entomology 4.1 Silkworm technology-Sericulture 4.2 Honeybee- Apiculture 4.3 Lac Insect- Lac culture 4.4 Insects as human food 4.5 Insects as scavengers 4.6 4.6 Other benefits of insects to human (25 hrs) (25hrs) UNIT:5 Insect Biotechnology 5.1 Drosophila-Experimental model in Biotechnology 5.2.1. Neurohormones- Neuropeptides-Receptors 5.2.2.Endocrine-based insect pest management strategies 5.3Insect tissue culture-Cell lines- applications 5.4 Insect toxins and venom (20hrs) References:1.Entomology-Second edition- Cedric Gillott 2. Economic Importance of Insects- D.S.Gill 3. Destructive and useful insects- C.L. Metcalf and V.P. Flit 4. Handbook of Economic Entomology for South India-T.V. Ramakrishna Iyyar 5. Sericulture Manual Part I II and III – S. Krishnaveni 6. Comprehensive Insect Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology Vol 10 -Kerkut and Gilbert(Ed) 7.Recent Advances in Insect Endocrine Research- D. Muraleedharan and Mariamma Jacob 8.Insect Cell Biotechnology –K.Maranorosch and A.H. Melntosh 9.General and Applied Entomology-K.K.Nayar et al. 11. Techniques in Pheromones and Their Uses in Pestmanagement- Philip House et al. 12. Applied Soil Zoology and Ecology- G.K.Veeresh and D. Rajgopal 13. Invertebrate Tissue culture- Applications in Medicine, Biology and Agriculture-K. Maramporosch 14. Integrated Pest Mangement-David Dent 15. Handbook of Pest Mangement Ed. John R. Ruberon 16. Biological Control- R. Van den Bosch and Massenger 17. Modern Entomology- D.B Tembhare. PRACTICAL Semester IV Special paper : Insect Science 1. Culture a holometabolous and hemimetabolous insect in the laboratory and make Recordings on their life cycle (a caterpillar/ a bug) 2. Dissections: Digestive system, Neuroendocrine system (Iphita, Dysdercus, Honey bee) 3. Collection, Preservation and display of any 10 common insects (Classification upto Family) 4. Whole mount staining preparation of insect brain to demonstrate neurosecretory cells(Dysdercus, Iphita, - PAVB technique) 5. Electrophoretic (PAGE/paper) separation of insect hemolymph proteins (Dysdercus/Iphita, Cockroach) 6. Whole mount preparation of developing insect embryo (eggs of Iphita/ Dysdercus) 7. Preparation of paraffin sections of insect digestive tract and staining with Haematoxyoin-eosin to demonstarate histological details of midgut epithelium (Dysdercus/Iphita, Cockroach) 8. Head ligature experiment ot demonstrate hormonal control of insect moulting (Drosophila larva) 9. Camera lucida sketching of oocytes (Dysdercus/Iphita, Cockroach) 10. Preparation of permanent mount of two different types of insect mouth parts (biting, sucking) 11. Extraction and microscopic identification of any 5 soil arthropod species (extraction by funnel method) 12. Mounting of prothoracic glands (PTG) of cockroach /Achaea Reference: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Applied Soil Biology and Ecology- G.K. Veeresh and D. Rajagopal Insect Hormones- V.J.A. Novak General and Applied Entomology – K.K. Nayar et al. Entomology second edition- Cedric Gillott Insect endocrinology – K.K. Nayar