KENYATTA UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY Reviewed BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CURRICULUM Submitted to the Registrar – Academic Affairs Kenyatta University MAIN CAMPUS NAIROBI By Chairman CIT Department Kenyatta University September 2011 Table of Contents PREAMBLE...................................................................................................................................................... 5 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FOR IT GRADUATES ........................................................................ 7 RATIONALE .................................................................................................................................................... 7 MISSION ........................................................................................................................................................... 7 OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................................... 8 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................................... 8 DURATION AND DEGREE PATTERN ................................................................................................ 8 REGULATIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 9 PROGRAM STRUCTURE FOR THE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEGREE ........................................................................................................................ 10 Communication skills .............................................................................................................................. 15 Development Studies ............................................................................................................................... 16 Introduction to critical and creative thinking .................................................................................... 17 Hiv / Aids And Drugs .............................................................................................................................. 18 Information Technology Fundamentals .............................................................................................. 19 Object Oriented Programming I ........................................................................................................... 20 Fundamentals of Programming ............................................................................................................. 21 Probability and Statistics......................................................................................................................... 22 Introduction to Computer Hardware.................................................................................................... 23 Web Technologies I.................................................................................................................................. 24 Mathematics for IT ................................................................................................................................... 25 Introduction to Digital Electronics ....................................................................................................... 26 Organizational Behavior ......................................................................................................................... 27 Operating System I ................................................................................................................................... 28 Introduction to Logic ............................................................................................................................... 29 Data Communication and Networks.................................................................................................... 30 Object Oriented Programming II .......................................................................................................... 31 2 Management Information Systems ...................................................................................................... 32 Operating Systems II ................................................................................................................................ 33 Fundamentals of Business ...................................................................................................................... 34 Database systems ...................................................................................................................................... 35 Object Oriented Analysis and Design ................................................................................................. 36 Event Driven Programming ................................................................................................................... 37 System Development Methodologies.................................................................................................. 38 Web Systems and Methodologies II .................................................................................................... 39 Computer Networks ................................................................................................................................. 40 Data structures and Algorithms............................................................................................................. 41 Strategic Information Systems .............................................................................................................. 42 System Analysis and Design.................................................................................................................. 43 IT and Society ............................................................................................................................................ 44 Human Computer Interaction ................................................................................................................ 45 Research Methods and Technical Writing ......................................................................................... 46 Simulation and Modeling........................................................................................................................ 47 Object Oriented Analysis and Design ................................................................................................. 48 Software Testing &Quality Assurance ............................................................................................... 49 Code .............................................................................................................................................................. 49 SIT 303 ......................................................................................................................................................... 49 Information System Management ........................................................................................................ 50 Information System Assurance and Security .................................................................................... 51 System Management and Administration .......................................................................................... 52 Business Analysis Requirement............................................................................................................ 53 E-Commerce ............................................................................................................................................... 54 Database Administration ......................................................................................................................... 55 Software architecture ............................................................................................................................... 56 Computer Architecture ............................................................................................................................ 57 3 Industrial Attachment............................................................................................................................... 58 Information Technology Project ........................................................................................................... 59 Principles of Management ...................................................................................................................... 60 Software Project Management .............................................................................................................. 61 Information Systems Security ............................................................................................................... 62 Entrepreneurship ....................................................................................................................................... 63 Distributed Systems .................................................................................................................................. 64 Social and professional issues in IT ..................................................................................................... 65 Network administration and management ......................................................................................... 66 Network Performance Optimization .................................................................................................... 67 Cryptography and Network Security ................................................................................................... 68 Wireless Communication........................................................................................................................ 69 Mobile Computing .................................................................................................................................... 70 Enterprise Solution Development ........................................................................................................ 71 Multimedia Systems ................................................................................................................................. 72 Decision Support Systems ...................................................................................................................... 73 Advanced Database Systems ................................................................................................................. 74 Information Forensics and Auditing .................................................................................................... 75 4 PREAMBLE Information technology is a vibrant field that emerged at the end of the 21st century as our society experienced a fundamental change from an industrial society to an “information society.” In the last century, computers permeated our daily lives including workplaces. Taking that we live in a dynamic society, IT field therefore evolves rapidly. This means the technology that is modern today might be obsolete tomorrow. For example, while by 2009/2010 the in-thing was web based technologies, 2011 saw a rise in mobile computing. As a university course program, IT develops human skills to deal with this dynamic ICT trends n the market. This IT curriculum reflects on those aspects that set Information Technology apart from other computing disciplines. IT programs have some unique features that set it apart from existing programs in computing. While the computer science looks at computer hardware, software and pay particular attention to the theoretical foundations in complexity theory, IT course focuses on development of skills in managing IT. Therefore, while a degree in computer science can be expected to concentrate on the scientific aspects of computing, a degree in information technology can be expected to concentrate on the business and communication applications of computing. . IT is an intensive program offering the state of the art knowledge and skills required to excel in the ever changing field of information technology. The program ensures an understanding of business organization computer applications through the course modules of computer science, software engineering, databases, networking, theory and programming. The program also enhances students’ communication, research, cognitive, managerial and interpersonal skills. IT is a course that brings together two key aspects of computer training, that is, the link between Computer Science and the business environment. IT Body of Knowledge (BoK) contains: Information Technology Fundamentals; Human Computer Interaction; Information Assurance and Security; Information Management; Integrative Programming and Technologies; Math and Statistics for IT; Networking; Programming Fundamentals; Platform Technologies; Systems Administration and Maintenance; System Integration & Architecture; Social and Professional Issues and Web 5 Systems and Technologies. This is the internationally acknowledged BoK that the curriculum reviewers also looked at before embarking on review process. The reviewers therefore arranged that body of knowledge hierarchically, subdividing the field into knowledge areas, which are then broken down further into units, which are defined in terms of individual topics and learning outcomes. These units are logically organized so that prerequisites are taken before units that need these prerequisites. The process of reviewing this curriculum looked at the contemporary ICT skills needed in market place while benchmarking with the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE) and Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) guidelines. Other research conducted in area of IT was also reviewed. The reviewers also looked at the Kenya’s Commission for Higher Education (CHE) and University Senate guidelines while drafting final report. Review task looked at The IT body of knowledge. 6 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FOR IT GRADUATES Graduates are exposed to management, humanities, business ethics and languages, which gives them a wider scope of business organizations and how they are run or should be run. The courses prepares candidates to meet the demands in the modern business environment with wide knowledge of business management, technical skills and capacity to harness and implement IT strategies taking advantage of emerging SIT technologies. Job opportunities are like any other IT course: Systems analysts and designers , Systems developers , Network administrators , Database developers/ and administrators , Managers of IT departments , Project managers , Researchers in IT field and any other DISCIPLINES, Trainers in IT field, Computer Service Representative, IT Consultant, Customer Support Coordinator, Data Specialist, Data Processing Manager, Help Desk Analyst, Human Resources Info. Specialist, Information Officer, Instructional Technology Designer, IT Specialist, Systems Consultant, Technical Analyst, Technical Evaluator, Technical Researcher, Technical Writer and Future CEOs of companies. RATIONALE Logical organisation of units, scope of coverage, qualification for admission and need for industrial attachment were not adequately addressed in the current BIT programme. A need therefore arises to frequently review the curriculum to keep up with current changes in technological trends. VISION To provide first choice graduates to the industry in the areas of computer networks and systems support MISSION To provide first choice graduates to the industry in the areas of computer networks and systems support by striving to excel in helping our youth release their ICT capabilities and leaders in ICT innovations. We will therefore not just disseminate knowledge, but we will strive to instill innovative tendencies. 7 OBJECTIVES On successful completion of the course, graduates should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Apply knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to the discipline. Analyze problems, and provide solutions to IT based problems. Effectively communicate information, ideas, problems and IT-based solutions. Demonstrate professionalism, ethics, legal, security and social responsibilities as well as best practices and standards and their application in Information Technology fields. 5. Analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations, and society. 6. Apply current technical concepts and practices in the core information technologies to solve IT problems. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS A candidate must satisfy any of the following minimum requirements: a) Be a holder of KCSE (or equivalent examination) certificate with a minimum aggregate of C+ and a minimum of C+ in both Mathematics and English or a distinction in bridging Mathematics of KU. OR b) Be a holder of KACE certificate with a minimum of two principal passes and one subsidiary pass at A-level, and a minimum of a principal pass in i. Mathematics OR ii. Physics with credit pass in mathematics at O-level OR Accredited Diploma Holders c) Candidates with an accredited Diploma in IT or related field with a credit pass and a C in both English and Mathematics may be admitted into the first year of study and acquire credit transfer for equivalent courses with credit grade at diploma level. DURATION AND DEGREE PATTERN The common regulations for all undergraduate degree programs of Kenyatta University and the School of Engineering and Technology shall apply. The program comprises 16 units in the first level, 14 units in the second, 12 units in both third and fourth levels. A student will be expected to take at least 52 units and should take industrial attachment for at least 10 weeks before graduating with a bachelor’s degree. 8 REGULATIONS 1. To qualify for the award of a degree, a student shall satisfy all the university requirements pertaining to the degree and must have taken not less than 52 units. 2. Students shall take all the units offered in the first, second and third levels of study. 3. At the end of third level, a student will undertake industrial attachment for a period of not less than 12 weeks. Industrial attachment will be included for classification but the student will be required to obtain a pass in order to graduate. 4. In the fourth level a student shall take eight (8) core units including a final year project (equivalent to 2 units) and four (4) electives. 5. The department shall determine the choice of electives offered in any given semester. EXAMINATION Common University regulations shall apply. For industrial attachment, assessment will be based on a written industrial attachment report, university lecturer grading logbook, and the industrial attachment host supervisor grading; For the final year project, assessment will be on presentation, project demonstration and marking of project documentation. 9 PROGRAM STRUCTURE FOR THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEGREE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER UCU 100 Communication Skills Existing UCU 105 HIV / AIDS and drugs Existing SIT 100 Information Technology fundamentals Existing SIT 102 Fundamentals of Computer Programming Reviewed (SIT102$104) SIT 104 Introduction to Computer Hardware Existing SIT 106 Mathematics for IT Reviewed SIT 404 SIT 108 Organizational Behavior Existing level 4) SIT 110 Introduction to Logic Existing (moved from (moved from SECOND SEMESTER UCU 103 Thinking Introduction to Critical UCU 101 Development Studies and Creative Existing Existing SIT 101 Object Oriented Programming 1 Existing level 2) SIT 103 Probability and Statistics Reviewed SIT 110 SIT 105 Web systems and technologies I Reviewed SIT 109 10 IN SIT 107 Introduction to Digital Electronics Existing SIT 109 Operating System 1 Reviewed SIT 304 SIT 111 Data communications and networks Existing(moved from level 2 SIT201) SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SIT 200 Object Oriented Programming II New SIT 202 Operating systems II Reviewed SIT 304 SIT 204 Database Systems Existing SIT 206 Event Driven Programming Existing SIT 208 Web systems and technologies II Existing SIT 210 Data Structures and Algorithms Existing SIT 212 System Analysis and Design Existing SECOND SEMESTER SIT 201 Management Information Systems Existing SIT 203 Fundamentals of Business Reviewed SIT 205 SIT 205 Object Oriented Analysis and Design Existing SIT 207 System development methodologies Reviewed SIT 209 Computer Networks Reviewed SIT 306 11 SIT 211 SIT 213 Strategic Information Systems New Computer and society Existing (moved level one) THIRD YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SIT 300 Human Computer Interaction Existing SIT 302 Simulation and Modeling New SIT 304 Information system Management Existing SIT 306 System Administration and Management Existing SIT 308 E – Commerce Existing SIT 310 Software Architecture New SECOND SEMESTER SIT 301 Research Methodology and Technical Writing New SIT 303 Software Testing and Quality Assurance New SIT 305 Information Assurance and Security New SIT 307 Business Analysis Requirement New SIT 309 Database Administration Existing SIT 311 Computer Architecture Existing 12 from THIRD SEMESTER SIT 312 Industrial Attachment Existing FOURTH YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SIT 400 SIT 402 Project (2 units) Software Project Management SIT 404 SIT 406 Existing Existing Entrepreneurship Existing Social and Professional Issues in IT Reviewed SIT 208 SECOND SEMESTER SIT 400 Project (2 units) Existing SIT 401 Principles of Management Existing SIT 403 Information System Security Existing SIT 405 Distributed Systems Existing ELECTIVES Select two units from one of the following areas of specialization NETWORKING SIT 407 Network Administration and Management 13 New SIT 408 Network Performance and Optimization New SIT 409 Cryptography and Network Security New SIT 410 Wireless Communication New SIT 411 Mobile Computing New INFORMATION SYSTEMS SIT 413 Multimedia Systems Existing SIT 412 Enterprise Solution Development New SIT 414 Decision Support Systems Existing SIT 415 Information System Forensics New SIT 416 Advanced Database Systems Reviewed SIT 409 14 Core Units Title Code Communication skills UCU100 Description Reading skills: Listening skills: Library skills: collecting and abstracting information: Speaking skills: Writing skills: analyzing tasks, panning, drafting and editing various types of writing skills: Study techniques: Planning work, organizing, storing and retrieving information. Course learning outcomes At the end of the semester, the students should be able to: Demonstrate capacity to obtain information from listening. Demonstrate ability to obtain and synthesis information on a subject from various written sources. Demonstrate ability to communicate in writing. Demonstrate ability to make oral presentations. 15 Title Code Development Studies UCU101 Description Concepts of development, underdevelopment, Theories of development and underdevelopment. Historical roots of African development and underdevelopment, Concept of Gender and rationale for mainstreaming gender, Approaches to development. Development strategies, indicators, problems and regional integration, population, resources and development, agriculture and rural development, urbanization, industrialization and development, science, technology and development, law, justice, politics and development, ethics, morality and development. Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the students are expected to: Explain concepts of development and apply them in the context of African country. Discuss the gender issues in the context of development. Discuss factors which affect development. Learning and teaching methods Lectures, Tutorials exercises Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 16 Title Introduction to critical and creative thinking Code UCU103 Description Topics such as self-examination, individually, collectively, morality. Meaning of education, critically and creativity, intellectual standards, (accuracy, clarity, precision, relevance), intellectual dispositions, elements of reasoning, assumptions, evidence, inferences, deduction, induction, validity, soundness, fallaciousness and their consequences. Course learning outcomes At the end of the semester, the students should be able to: Effectively discuss morality, the individual and the society. Discuss goals of education. Participate in intellectual discourse. Learning methodologies and teaching Lectures, tutorials, case studies Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 17 Title Code Hiv / Aids And Drugs UCU105 Description Adolescent development, fertility, pre- marital pregnancies: Adolescent problems; abortions; STDs; drug use and abuse; hard drugs; sex tourism and trade, child marriage. Definition of AIDS, demystifying AIDS; nature of AIDS, origin, classification and spread of the virus, management of AIDS; living with AIDS, impact of AIDS on families, organizations and institutions. Social and cultural beliefs and practices, HIV/AIDS and the law, confidentiality, attitudes, poverty and urbanization. Participatory education mode, communication skills, mass media approach, peer education approach model; preventative counseling and services; storage and use of condoms; hospitals visits and reports. Course learning outcomes At the end of the semester, the students should be able to: Know what is HIV /AIDS and its social and economic impact. Understand spreading in Kenya and the world at large. Create awareness of factors causes HIV / AIDS. Know and use the HIV /AIDS prevention methods and facilities. Know how to manage the infected and affected HIV /AIDS persons. Know about other sexually transmitted diseases (STD), and fertility. Learning and teaching methods Lectures , Tutorials and Case studies Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 18 Title Information Technology Fundamentals Code SIT100 Description History and classification of computers, different number systems, memory and storage, input/output peripherals discussion and familiarizations, algorithms, flow charting, introduce different programming languages. Operating System installation, basic computer troubleshooting, assembly and disassembly, basic networking theories and concepts, introduction to the Internet, introduction to data and information security. Course learning outcomes At the end of the semester, the students should be able to: i. Explain the basic principles of computer communication through number systems, data representations and computer networks. ii. Discuss the evolution of computers, its different parts and integration. iii. Write and simulate algorithms. iv. Draw and analyze flowcharts. v. Assemble and disassemble computers parts. And troubleshoot basic computer problems and install operating system. Learning and teaching methods Lectures, Tutorials exercises Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 19 Title Code Object Oriented Programming I SIT101 Description Introduction to OOP; primitive data types; variables, constants, operands and operators;; Input/output; Floating point input; control structures; logical; file I/O; arrays (onedimensional, two-dimensional); Separation of behavior and implementation, Objects, classes and subclasses; compound types; control loops; pointers; function; abstraction; Encapsulation and information-hiding; inheritance(overriding, dynamic dispatch); Multiple inheritance; Polymorphism; (subtype polymorphism vs. inheritance), virtual function Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to, Demonstrate understanding of object technology and its applications, as well as explain the main principles of good OO design, Design well-structured algorithms and develop programs in an object oriented language using abstract data types, Explain the application of a variety of data structures, understand the advantages and disadvantages of those structures, Demonstrate mastery of object oriented programming concepts such as inheritance, polymorphism and operators Learning and teaching methods Lectures and Lab exercises Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 20 Title Code Fundamentals of Programming SIT102 Description History and overview of programming languages, overview of programming paradigm, , Structured programming: problem solving techniques, algorithms, pseudo code, Basic syntax and semantics of a higher-level language, data types, expressions, statements, input/output, control structures, data structures. Basic sequencing, alternation, and looping control constructs. Subprograms: functional and procedural abstractions and data abstraction, files. Introduction to programming can be done using either C or Pascal (Modula-2, Ada, Python are also possibilities). Course learning outcomes On completion of this module the students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental issues in programming, 2. Write, compile, and run simple programs on a computer, 3. Write programs involving sequence, selection, and iteration operators, 4. Create algorithms for solving simple problems. 5. Use a structured programming language to implement, test, and debug algorithms for solving simple problems. Learning and teaching methods Lectures and Lab exercises Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 21 Title Code Probability and Statistics SIT103 Purpose of the course Students will be introduced to organizing data, descriptive statistics, and inferential statistics while incorporating problem solving and critical thinking skills to real life situations Description Introduction to statistics ; fundamental elements of statistical analysis; introduction to the use of computers in statistical analysis; description and distributions of data, measures of location, measures of variation, basic elements of probability; random variables; moments and moment generating functions, linear combination of random variables; Bernoulli trials and the binomial distribution, the geometric and negative binomial distributions; sampling without replacement; the Poison distribution; the normal distribution; the central limit theorem; confidence intervals and sample sizes. Basic concepts of inference, correlation, regression and hypothesis testing. Course learning outcomes On successfully completing this course, students will be able to: Interpret and construct statistical charts and tables. Perform a wide variety of probability calculations and derivations to solve problems using probability Communicate the results of statistical analyses graphically and verbally, Accurately compute numerical summaries used to describe the central tendency, spread and shape in the distribution of numerical data sets, Demonstrate understanding of application of correlation, regression and hypothesis testing. Learning methodologies Lectures, tutorial exercises Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 22 Title Code Introduction to Computer Hardware SIT104 Processors, memory, bus systems, BIOS, power supplies, display systems and video adapters, interface ports, modems, printers, hard drives, floppy drives, CD-ROM drives, interface cards and motherboard. The art of digital design; Algorithmic State Machines (ASM); Instruction Set Architecture (ISA): Types, formats; Hardware Systems Architecture from ISA: Processor unit organization: Control unit design: Hardwired and microprogrammed control; ALU, processor registers and internal buses; control signals; Memory organization and addressing; Input/Output and storage devices; System Architecture. Course learning outcomes At the end of the semester, the students should be able to: Explain the functions of various components of a PC demonstrate an understanding of the operation of various components of a PC perform basic troubleshooting Learning and methodologies teaching Lectures and Labs Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 23 Title Code Web Technologies I SIT105 Description World wide web ,HTTP protocol; Presentation abstractions; Web-markup and display languages; Client-side programming; Server-side programming; Web services; Web servers; Emerging technologies; Web standards & standards bodies. The Internet, Browsers, Web servers and HTTP protocol Client / Server Architectures, Search Engines and information Retrieval Creating Web Pages and Websites: Introduction to Basic HTML, incorporating usability and accessibility principles in web site design, Client-side Scripting with JavaScript. Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to, Describe the structure of the World Wide Web, protocols and technologies used in web services and distributed Web applications, Web standards and standards bodies. Create and validate HTML/XHTML documents., use some presentation technologies, such as Cascading Style Sheets and DHTML. Describe the use of server-side backend databases in web sites and web applications. Learning and teaching methods Lectures and Lab exercises Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 24 Title Code Mathematics for IT SIT106 Description Sets, relations, functions, basic logic, graphs, Trees, Undirected graphs, Directed graphs, Spanning trees, Traversal strategies, Functions, Calculus: differentiation, rules of differentiation, integration; definite and indefinite integrals, rules of integration, role of mathematics in IT Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to, Explain, with examples, the importance of a range of mathematical concepts, including sets, relations, functions, basic logic, and graphs and trees for IT. Explain, with examples, the role of mathematics in IT. Demonstrate different traversal methods for trees and graphs. Model problems in IT using graphs and trees. Learning and teaching methods Lectures and exercises Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 25 Title Code Introduction to Digital Electronics SIT107 Description Logic gates (NOT, OR, AND, NOR, NAND) & application. Boolean algebra: Boolean theorem, Karnaugh maps, minimization. Combinational logic circuits: adders, comparators, decoders, encoders, multiplexers, demultiplexers & error control circuits. Number systems: binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal, floating-point & operations, BCD & excess-3 codes. Sequential circuits: latches and flip-flops. Memory components: counters, decoders, shiftregisters, BCD counters, data registers. Introduction to data transmission: synchronous and asynchronous transfer. Course learning outcomes At the end of the semester, the students should be able to: Identify the main building blocks of digital circuits. Explain Microprocessor systems, in particular microcontrollers. Explain the practical aspects of digital electronics. Design combinational logic circuits. Design sequential logic systems such as binary counters. Understand the basic philosophy of microcontrollers. Construct digital electronic circuits. De-bug hardware faults within digital electronic circuits. Learning and teaching methods Lectures and Lab exercises Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 26 Title Code Organizational Behavior SIT108 Description Introduction to organization theory, behavior and interpersonal communication; concepts of power, authority and influence; the role of philosophy and values in organizations. Organizational behavior from the perspective of the practicing manager. Group and individual behavior as they relate to the organization, communication, motivation, leadership, culture, and a working organizational structure. The necessity of assessing the internal and external environment of an organization as it relates to interpersonal skills in a dynamic and ever-changing business environment. Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to, Assess their own behavioral characteristics relevant to personal and organizational success. Effectively contribute to and lead team-based activities. Effectively communicate in oral, written, and presentational contexts. Analyze organizational performance in several key O.B. areas. These O.B. concepts include but are not limited to: leadership, motivation, diversity, ethical behavior, power/politics, communication, stress management, change management, conflict management, and teams. Learning and teaching methods Lectures Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 27 Title Code Operating System I SIT109 Prerequisites Fundamentals of programming, Introduction to computer hardware Purpose of the course To expose the student to the interaction between programming languages, operating systems and architecture Description Evolution of operating systems, components of operating systems, performance and functionality in design and implementation of an OS, single and multi-tasking systems and graphical user interfaces. Operating systems for microcomputers, work stations, minicomputers and mainframe computers Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to, Work with an operating system environment and systems tools for software construction Demonstrate a working knowledge of the key concepts of modern operating systems; Gauge system performance tuning and system administration; Enforce suitable synchronization in designing multithreaded applications. Learning methodology and teaching Lectures and Lab tutorials Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 28 Title Code Introduction to Logic SIT110 Description Nature of Logic: meaning and definition; truth and validity; informal fallacies; categorical propositions; categorical syllogisms; arguments ordinary language. Basic concepts, methods and principles used to distinguish correct from incorrect reasoning, with an emphasis on deduction. Traditional categorical logic, propositional and predicate symbolic logic Course learning outcomes At the end of the semester the students will be able to Correctly evaluate arguments and determine the validity and cogency of said arguments. Recognize arguments in ordinary language and distinguish them from non arguments. Analyze arguments by identifying premises and conclusions, by determining whether they express deductive or inductive reasoning, and by paraphrasing and diagramming them. Evaluate deductive arguments for validity in traditional categorical logic or in contemporary symbolic logic. Learning and teaching methods Lectures Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 29 Title Code Data Communication and Networks SIT111 Purpose of the course Provides a fundamental overview of the hardware, protocols and techniques used in the modern data communications environment. Description Fundamentals of data communication, transmission and coding, multiplexing, wired media, wireless media ,packet switching and circuit switching, Internetworking with TCP/IP: structure and functionality, WAN, LAN, MAN, Internet traffic: data and multimedia payload Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, The various techniques used in data communications The standards and protocols in use in Data networks The fundamental concepts of telephone networks Analogue to digital to analogue conversion Understand the nature of the different communication requirements that exist. (Data, Voice, Graphics, Video) Define and distinguish between WAN, MAN, LAN Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 30 Title Code Object Oriented Programming II SIT200 Prerequisites Object Oriented Programming I ,Data structures and algorithms Purpose of course The purpose of this course is to ground students to advanced concepts in object-oriented programming and in writing more difficult/complex programs Description Hiding the Implementation, Initialization & Cleanup, Passing & Returning Objects, dynamic object creation, Reusing classes (Inheritance and composition). Advanced Object Oriented Programming topics: Interfaces & Inner Classes, Polymorphism and inheritance, memory management internals, handling exception and safety. generic programming: run-time type identification, templates and partial specialization, auto pointers, traits and traits classes, design patterns, proxy classes, multiple dispatch, operator overloading etc. Collections of Objects: Arrays, Container, Iterators. I/O System with streams. Concurrency. Coding guidelines, programming guidelines. CASE STUDIES: the Standard Library, the STL - its use and its internals. Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Demonstrate use of important features of OOP such as exception handling, polymorphism, overloading and inheritance. Work with advanced techniques such as smart pointers and reference counting. Work with Standard Template Library and templates in general Develop multi-thread applications Develop interfaces using MFC files Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 31 Title Code Management Information Systems SIT201 Prerequisites Information Technology Fundamentals Purpose of the course To impart an understanding of information systems concepts and general development and application of MIS Description Information Systems concepts: classifications of information systems. Information system infrastructure, managing information resources. Application of MIS in organizations. Strategic information systems: Strategic advantage of information technology. Transaction processing and management reporting. Information systems and decision making. Decision support and executive support systems (DSS, ESS). Information systems development. The evolution of IT planning, Information Technology Economic: Evaluating IT benefits, costs and performance. Managing information system resources. IT impact: on organizations, on individuals at work, societies Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Define and classify information systems Apply information systems in making decisions Assess the impact of MIS in organisations Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, case studies, and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 32 Title Code Operating Systems II SIT202 Prerequisites Operating systems I Purpose of the course Learn a lot of practical information about how programming languages, operating systems, and architectures interact and how to use each effectively. Description OS subsystems: process management (processes, threads, CPU scheduling, synchronization, and deadlock), memory management (segmentation, paging, swapping), and file systems; and on operating system support for distributed systems. Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Design and implementation of microkernel-based, Object-oriented and distributed operating systems. support for interprocess communication, Interaction between computer architecture and operating systems, distributed file systems, transactions, and distributed shared memory. Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 33 Title Code Fundamentals of Business SIT203 Prerequisites Organizational Behavior Purpose of the course To study different types of business organizations, decision making and management issues Description Dynamic Business Environment, The Creation and Distribution of Wealth, Competing in Global Markets, Demonstrating ethical Behavior, Forms of Business Ownership, Entrepreneurship, Management, Leadership and Employee Empowerment Customer Driven Business Organizations, Managing Production and Operations, Teams building, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Developing and Pricing Products and Services Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Identify and describe different types of business entities. Describe a range of organizational structures and explain the implications for reporting systems. Explain the importance of budgeting; describe the budgeting process and the way it is supported by information systems. Identify alternative sources of capital. Explain the time value of money and its implication for businesses. Identify fundamental human resource issues associated with managing various types of business entity. Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, case studies and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, (40%) and written examinations (60%) 34 Title Code Database systems SIT204 Prerequisites Software engineering Purpose of the course To provide students with an in-depth understanding of the design and implementation of database systems. Description Introduction to database systems. File systems and databases. Definitions and terminology. Database models + Modeling techniques. Entity Relational Modeling, Normalization techniques; Normalization anomalies. The relational system; Relational Calculus; Relational Algebra. Enterprise rules and constraints; Joins and relational algebra operations. Introduction to Transaction management and concurrency control. Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Develop a database from logical to physical design. Map a physical design to a database management system. Work with databases with a comfortable level of skill and knowledge using SQL. Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 35 Title Object Oriented Analysis and Design Code SIT205 Prerequisites Object oriented programming I&II, Data Structures and Algorithms Purpose of the course The purpose of this course is to enable students to use object oriented approach in system development Description Fundamental concepts: Systems, requirements, events, and objects. Requirements specification: Problem analysis, use cases, usage scenarios, interaction diagrams, and event identification. Requirements analysis: Event stimuli, business rules, event responses, system context models, domain object models, and state transition diagrams. Preliminary design: Mapping essential events into practical events and mapping domain object models into design object models. Verification, validation and testing. The various models are based on the Unified Modeling Language (UML). Course Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, differentiate between structured system analysis and object system analysis list the advantages offered by object oriented analysis write an effective requirements specification document in object oriented nomenclature specify functional requirements of a system using cases Identify system objects, their data and methods use UML to develop a complete system design specification perform verification, validation and testing of the system models against requirements using standardized procedures Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 36 Title Code Event Driven Programming SIT206 Prerequisites Introduction to programming Purpose of the course The purpose of this course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to harness the power of a computer to do new tasks by creating their own software as opposed to using existing programs in an event driven program development environment. Description Event-driven programming; Objects, data types, variables and constants, input box and message box. Intrinsic controls: picture box, label, list box, combo box, image, line and shape, timer, drive, directory, file list box, scroll bar, option button, check box and data control. Multiple document interface. Event-handling methods, Event propagation, Database development: data access objects, working with data files, retrieving remote data, multiple user issues, performance issues and attaching SQL tables. Create a database using the data manager program. Active-x/applets controls, Exception handling Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Use of the various controls included with event driven programming languages. design, develop, test and implement software application projects, Write, test, debug and document event procedure coding, Demonstrate the use of menus, forms and dialog boxes in an event driven program Develop code that responds to exception conditions raised during execution. Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 37 Title Code System Development Methodologies SIT207 Prerequisites Software engineering Purpose of the course This course unit provides students with an introduction to the basic tools and techniques which are used to design and implement information systems in organizations, with an emphasis on web-based systems. Description Overview of design methodologies and paradigms, project management, SSADM, object oriented analysis and design, analysis and design using UML, use cases and sequence diagrams, implementation considerations, quality assurance and methods of evaluation Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Understand the process and tools of analysis and design in general and object-oriented analysis in design with particular focus on distributed and web-based environments. Have knowledge of SSADM and OO concepts and analysis and design techniques and be able to solve problems the analysis, design and documentation of information systems. Have knowledge and understanding of the requirements and analysis methods of UML and be able to solve problems on the modeling of complex distributed information systems. Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 38 Title Code Web Systems and Methodologies II SIT208 Prerequisites Web systems and technologies I Purpose of the course This knowledge area covers the design, implementation and testing of web-based applications including related software, databases, interfaces and digital media. It also covers social, ethical and security issues arising from the Web and social software. Description Web interfaces; Web site implementation and integration; Database integration; Accessibility issues, Web accessibility initiative.Client Security: Cookies and web beacons, Phishing, Transaction security – certificates and secure connections, Spyware, Viruses, Man-in-themiddle attacks; Server security: Securing a server, Securing a host, Denial-of-service attacks; Attacks via clients (e.g. zombies and DOS); DNS poisoning. Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Describe the issues involved in developing a web interface, explaining the importance of interfacing web sites to underlying databases and catering for accessibility issues Describe the methods of security for cookies user privacy, security certificates, public key encryption, identify DNS poisoning to implement phishing, SQL injection techniques Design and implement a web application implementing client-side and server-side cookies and executing xsecure server-side processing Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 39 Title Code Computer Networks SIT209 Prerequisite Data communication and networks Purpose of the course The main purpose of this course is to provide a theoretical background and practical understanding of the techniques and technologies that are used to build data communications networks and the applications which use them. Description Types of computer networks, peer-to-peer and server-based networking, public and private networks, value added networks, error detection and correction: Topologies, OSI reference model, ISDN, Multimedia, emerging services, standard components. Telephone systems, key systems, switches, bridges, routers configurations, facilities in exchanges, connecting to LAN/PBX/ACD, computer telephone integration, cables – fiber, Copper, connections, Switches – configuration, ISDN, DSL technologies, ATM, SONET, WAP, VOIP, Mobile services. Internet: Introduction, web functions, privacy and security, Internet addressing and Domain Name Service (DNS); ICMP, IPV4 and IPV6;. Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Design, install, and configure a home computer network, Describe the differences between networks based on telephony and Internet standards including topology, services, philosophy, and the standards process, Explain why packet loss occurs in the Internet and why packet loss reduces network cost and improves latency, Demonstrate and explain the purpose for each of the following technologies: ISDN, DSL, ATM, SONET, WAP, VOIP and DNS. Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 40 Title Code Data structures and Algorithms SIT210 Prerequisites Introduction to logic Purpose of the course This course unit is designed to focuses on implementation and mathematical analysis of fundamental data structures and algorithms. Description Representation of numeric data; Range, precision, and rounding errors; Arrays; Representation of character data; Strings and string processing; Runtime storage management; Pointers and references; Linked structures; Implementation strategies for stacks, queues, and hash tables; Implementation strategies for graphs and trees; Strategies for choosing the right data structure. Recursion: Recursive mathematical functions, Simple recursive functions. Introduction to algorithm analysis. Non Linear Structures: Trees; Binary Trees, Binary Search Trees, Binary Heaps. Abstract Data Types: stacks, queues, lists, Priority Queues. Introduction to Graphs. Introduction to: Huffman codes, Heapsort, TreeSort, Linear Search Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Describe the representation of numeric and character data. Discuss the use of primitive data types and built-in data structures. Describe common applications for each data structure in the topic list. Implement the user-defined data structures in a high-level language. Compare alternative implementations of data structures with respect to performance. Write programs that use each of the following data structures: arrays, strings, linked lists, stacks, queues, hash tables, trees and graphs. Compare and contrast the costs and benefits of dynamic and static data structure implementations. Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 41 Title Code Strategic Information Systems SIT211 Prerequisites MIS Purpose of the course To help students Develop the core executive IS skills, competencies knowledge, planning, control, problem-solving and communication. Focuses on best practices, tools and models to implement an effective IS management system Description Benefits and beneficiaries. Values of IT in business. “Strategic versus supporting IT. IT in the value chain and use for competitive advantage. Customer Resource Life Cycle and IT deployment. Organizational analysis. Frameworks for assessing IT deployment. Horizontal and vertical integration without equity. Market-Power and Sales-Power frames IT strategies. IT planning and alignment. IT organization and governance versus the business strategy. Cost justification for strategic systems. Scenario planning approaches and use in strategic technology deployment. Risk management. Reengineering as a change program. Major approaches to reengineering in the supply chain. Critical success factors along the supply chain and the role of technology. Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, To understand the challenges of CIOs and IS Managers Focuses on best practices, tools and models to implement an effective IS management system Provides insights on how to develop and implement enterprise-wide IS strategies, initiatives and programs Explores Management Information Systems (MIS) subsystems and technologies including hardware, software and networking; however the coursework focuses on technology management not on engineering. Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 42 Title Code System Analysis and Design SIT212 Prerequisites Information Technology Fundamentals Fundaments of programming Purpose of the course To expose the students into the field of system analysis and design, feasibility studies, data gathering, system design and software documentation. Description Introduction to systems analysis and design. Introduction to general systems theory. Players in the systems. Information systems building blocks. Information systems development: Software development life cycle; specification, analysis, design, implementation and testing. Project Management: project management tools and source code control systems, Feasibility analysis and system proposal. Systems Analysis; Requirements discovery; deliverables; CASE tools for system analysis and design, data modeling and process modeling tools , traditional and prototyping approaches; Data modeling and analysis; Process modeling. Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Explain the concept of feasibility studies and data gathering. Explain essential analysis process technique for effective software design. Design system based on the concepts the system development lifecycle Formulate data dictionaries, process specifications and structured decisions. Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 43 Title Code IT and Society SIT213 Prerequisites IT fundamentals Purpose of the course Includes professional communications, social and organizational context of computing, Teamwork concepts and issues, intellectual property, legal issues, professional and ethical issues, privacy and civil liberties Description Professional Communications: Oral presentations; System documentation; Technical requirements. Teamwork Concepts and Issues: Collaboration; Group dynamics; Leadership styles; Personality types; Collaboration tools. Social Context of Computing: Social informatics; Social impact of IT on society; Gender-related issues; Cultural issues ,Accessibility issues; Globalization issues; Economic issues in computing; Digital divide. Intellectual Property: Foundations of intellectual property; Ownership of information; Plagiarism; Software piracy; Fair use; Digital Millennium Copyright Act ; Copyrights, patents, trademarks and trade secrets, NDAs; International differences. Legal Issues in Computing: Compliance; Hackers/crackers; Computer crime; Viruses; System use policies & monitoring; Risks and liabilities of computer-based systems; Accountability, responsibility, liability. Organizational Context; IT environment; Organizational culture; Professionalism. Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Operate effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal Assess professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities Communicate effectively with a range of audiences Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, case studies and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests(40%) and written examinations (60%) 44 Title Code Human Computer Interaction SIT300 Prerequisite Programming Purpose of the course Introduces students to HCI. Includes human factors, HCI aspects of application domains, human-centered evaluation, developing effective interfaces, accessibility, emerging technologies, human –centered software development Description Human Factors: Cognitive principles; perception, memory, problem solving; Understanding the user; Designing for humans; affordances, conceptual models, feedback, constraints, mapping, stages of action; Ergonomics HCI Aspects of Application Domains: Types of environments; Cognitive models; Approaches. Human-Centered Evaluation: Heuristics; Usability testing; Usability standards; international, OS, accessibility. Developing Effective Interfaces: Understanding the user experience; Understanding interaction styles; Matching interface elements to user requirements; Graphical user interfaces; Non-graphical user interfaces; Localization & globalization; Development tools; environments, HTML; Prototyping. Accessibility: Biometrics; Repetitive stress syndrome; Accessibility guidelines and regulations; ADA 508, NIMAS, UDL, WCAG. Emerging Technologies: Alternative input/output devices; Alternative displays (heads-up, goggles, etc.); Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs identify and analyze user needs and take them into account in the selection, creation, evaluation and administration of computer-based systems effectively integrate IT-based solutions into the user environment illustrate how cognitive principles are applied to product design. Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 45 Title Research Methods and Technical Writing Code SIT301 Prerequisites Probability and statistics IT project management Purpose of the course To equip students with the necessary tools to undertake a scientific research; To be able to present convincing and data-based project proposals; Become more research-oriented in their professional work. Description Nature and Characteristics of Research; Characteristics of Research; Research Problem and Objectives; Review of Related Literature; Research Design; Qualities of a Good Research Instrument; Sampling Designs; Statistical Treatment; Data Analysis and Interpretation; Participatory Research; Preparation of Proposals for IS Projects; Thesis Writing; Documentation of IS Paper Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Develop skills of finding and analyzing data Explain and criticize approaches to the construction of knowledge Conduct, document and report a state-of-the-art Research. Compare various research techniques Collect, analyze, consolidate and interpret data; Apply statistical tools to arrive at conclusions. Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests(40%) and written examinations (60%) 46 Title Code Simulation and Modeling SIT302 Prerequisites Probability and Statistics Purpose of the course To induct students into the field of developing mathematical models of real events and subsequently obtaining computer simulation Description Modeling: various types of models. Properties of linear models. Model building techniques. The black box approach. Role of models in a study. Financial modeling. Inter linked models. Corporate modeling. Simulation: Simulation methodology. Use of simulation methodology. Use of simulation languages. Generation of random variables. Pseudo-random number generators. Transformation of random numbers. Test of randomness. Parameter estimation. Maximum likelihood. Least mean square error. Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Define simulation and modeling in relation to real world situations. Highlight the role of simulation in system modeling. Describe the principles and practice of continuous and discrete event simulation. Apply simulation software to run models in sample manufacturing, service or transport systems. Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 47 Title Object Oriented Analysis and Design Code SIT 205 Prerequisites Object oriented programming I&II, Data Structures and Algorithms Purpose of the course The purpose of this course is to enable students to use object oriented approach in system development Description Fundamental concepts: Systems, requirements, events, and objects. Requirements specification: Problem analysis, use cases, usage scenarios, interaction diagrams, and event identification. Requirements analysis: Event stimuli, business rules, event responses, system context models, domain object models, and state transition diagrams. Preliminary design: Mapping essential events into practical events and mapping domain object models into design object models. Verification, validation and testing. The various models are based on the Unified Modeling Language (UML). Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, differentiate between structured system analysis and object system analysis list the advantages offered by object oriented analysis write an effective requirements specification document in object oriented nomenclature specify functional requirements of a system using cases Identify system objects, their data and methods use UML to develop a complete system design specification perform verification, validation and testing of the system models against requirements using standardized procedures Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 48 Unit Software Testing &Quality Assurance Prerequisite Code SIT 303 Systems Analysis and Design Purpose This course examines the theory and practice behind software testing and quality assurance. Emphasis is placed on understanding the software testing process, planning, strategy, criteria, and testing methods, as well as software quality assurance concepts & control process. Course Learning Outcomes This course equips the students with a solid understanding of: Practices that support the production of quality software Software testing techniques Life-cycle models for requirements, defects, test cases, and test results Process models for units, integration, system, and acceptance testing Quality Models The student will demonstrate proficiency in managing a software project to customer requirements. The impact of ISO 9000 and the capability maturity model on software quality and testing will be addressed. Description/Content Introduction to software testing, Unit Testing, Control Flow Testing, Data Flow Testing, System Integration Testing, System Test Categories, Functional Testing, System Test Design, System Test Planning And Automation, System Test Execution, Acceptance Testing, Software Quality Learning and Teaching Methodology Lectures: 2 Hours per week; Tutorials: 2hours per week; Laboratory Exercises: Three Sessions per semester each being 3 hours long. Assessments Regular Examination at end of semester; 70 %, Continuous Assessment: 30 % where 20 % shall be continuous assessment tests, 10 % shall be assignments. 49 Title Code Information System Management SIT304 Prerequisites Database systems Purpose of the course To impart an understanding of concepts and fundamentals in information management Description Information systems: purpose, use, value Properties of data (quality, accuracy, timeliness) Database systems, Analysis of data, forms and sources, Data collection, Data retention, Information backup and recovery Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Explain the role of data, information, database management systems and data mining in organizations appreciating the advantages of a database approach compared to traditional file processing. Identify and explain the general types of databases: personal, workgroup, department, enterprise. Describe mechanisms for data collection and their implications. Explain basic issues of data retention, including the need for retention, physical storage, security. Explain why data backup is important and how organizations use backup and recovery systems. Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 50 Title Information System Assurance and Security Code SIT305 Prerequisites Computer Networks, Operating systems. Purpose of the course This course includes an introduction to the fundamental aspects of IAS, vulnerabilities, attacks and defense mechanisms and security services. Description History and terminology; Security mindset Design principles , System/security life-cycle; Security implementation mechanisms: Gates, guards, guns; cryptography; Information assurance analysis model: MSR model, threats, vulnerabilities, attacks, countermeasures; Disaster recovery Social engineering; Denial of service; Protocol attacks; Active attacks; Passive attacks’Buffer overflow attacks; Malware Trends; Auditing; Cost / benefit analysis; Asset management; Standards; Enforcement; Legal issues; Disaster recovery, Creation of policies; Maintenance of policies; Prevention; Avoidance; Incident response; Domain integration Legal systems; Digital forensics and its relationship to other forensic disciplines; Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Explain the relationship between threats, vulnerabilities, countermeasures, attacks, compromises and remediation. Explain and give examples of why information assurance and security must be "built in" to design and architecture from the beginning to be most effective. Outline the system life-cycle and its relationship to security. Describe the Security Services as defined by the MSR model. Explain and give examples of the social engineering techniques used to gain access to computing and network assets in an organization. Describe white hat, black hat, hacker and cracker.. Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 51 Title System Management and Administration Code SIT306 Prerequisite Design and Analysis Systems Development Operating Systems Purpose of the course To impart an understanding of fundamental concepts underlying current developments systems management and administration. Description Installation, Configuration, Maintenance (service packs, patches, etc.),Server services (print, file, DHCP, DNS, FTP, HTTP, mail, SNMP, telnet),Client services, Support, Content management, Content deployment (file system planning and structure), Server administration and management, User and group management, Backup management, Security management, Disaster recovery, Resource management, Automation management (automatic job scheduling), Site management notebooks and documents, System support, User support and education, Web domain, Network domain, Database domain, OS domain, Support domain Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Analyse the importance of System configuration to an organization. Exemplify the importance of system maintenance to an organization. Distinguish between server and client services. Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 52 Title Code Business Analysis Requirement SIT307 Prerequisite Fundamentals of business, system analysis and design Purpose of the course Analyze and scope the area of analysis, working with project managers and business sponsors to clarify the level and complexity of the business analysis effort needed for the project. Select the appropriate elicitation technique to efficiently identify critical requirements. Description Business analysis planning & monitoring, Requirements Management and communication, Plan-driven Approach Vs Change-Driven Approach, Change Management, Stakeholder analysis, Business Analysis Techniques, Eliciting Requirements, Solutions Scope Management, Conflict & Issue management, Traceability Management, Impact analysis, Gap Analysis, Life Cycle(SDLC, RUP, Spiral, Agile etc), Business Case definition, Business Requirements Document preparation, Functional Requirements Development, Various Requirements Analysis techniques, Solutions assessment and validation, Risk analysis, Root Cause analysis, UML -Use Case Modeling, Sequence diagrams, State Diagrams. Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Clarifying the role of the business analyst Analyzing and prioritizing competing business needs Creating dynamic business models using workflow diagrams Writing SMART business objectives Quantifying business case benefits and costs Communicating the requirements package to stakeholders Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 53 Title Code E-Commerce SIT308 Prerequisites Web technologies I&II Purpose of the course To apply e-commerce theories and concepts to what e-marketers are doing in the real world. To improve farmiliarity with the current issues and challenges in e-commerce Description Introduction to e-Commerce; e-Commerce Infrastructure ;Business Models and e-Commerce, e-Commerce Strategy; Supply Chain Management and e-Commerce ;Marketing Strategies and e-Commerce ;e-Commerce Security and Controls ;Electronic Payment Systems; Mobile Commerce and Pervasive Computing; Legal and Ethical Issues in e-Commerce ;Global, Social, and Other Issues in e-Commerce Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, To gain an understanding of the theories and concepts underlying e-commerce To apply e-commerce theories and concepts to what e-marketers are doing in the real world. To improve farmiliarity with the current issues and challenges in e-commerce Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 54 Title Code Database Administration SIT309 Prerequisite Database systems Purpose of the course This unit of study provides the knowledge and skills required to install, configure, administer, and troubleshoot the client - server based database management system. Description Database Server Fundamentals: Architecture, Integration, Files and Databases, Security. Database server Installation: Hardware and Software requirements, Methods of Installation, Configuring the database server, Troubleshooting. Managing Database Files: data structures, creating and managing databases, optimizing the database, performance considerations. Managing Security: Authentication, Users and Roles, Permissions, application and enterprise security. Administrative Tasks: Configuring Tasks, Scheduling Routine Maintenance Tasks. Backing up databases: preventing data loss, database recovery model, backup and methods of backup, backup strategy and performance issues. Restore a database: recovery process, restoring a database from different backups. Database server performance monitoring and Tuning. Transferring data. Maintaining High Availability: Failover Clustering, Standby servers and Log shipping. Distributed Data: Replication, Replication Agents and Types, Replication Models, Fragmentation. Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Describe database server architecture. Plan for a database server installation, and then install an instance of the database server. Manage files and databases, including determining resource requirements. Choose a login security method, configure login security, plan and implement database permissions, and describe how to help protect the database server in an enterprise network. Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 55 Title Code Software architecture SIT310 Prerequisite System analysis and design Purpose of the course This course teaches the essentials of modern model-based engineering techniques and technologies and how these can be used in the Architectural design and specifications of complex systems. Description Software Architecture, architectural design, design problems, model based software engineering, UML, Recursive control patterns. Acceptable platform patterns, trends and research issues Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Understanding what constitutes a software architecture and why architecture is so important Understanding the basics of modern model-based methods Introduction to standard architectural description languages An introduction to the UML modeling language and its application as an architectural description language Architectures and architectural patterns for complex systems (with focus on real-time and embedded) Introduction to current trends in architectural specification Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 56 Title Code Computer Architecture SIT311 Prerequisite Introduction to computer Hardware Purpose of the course This course teaches the essentials of computer Organization, memory description and microprocessors Description Basic organization of the von Neumann machine. Memory systems: Storage systems and their technology. Memory hierarchy; main memory organization and operations; latency, cycle time, bandwidth, and interleaving; cache memories; virtual memory. Interfacing and communication: I/O fundamentals: handshaking, buffering, interrupt structures: vectored and prioritized acknowledgment; external storage, bus protocols, direct-memory access (DMA); introduction to networks; raid architectures. Functional organization: Implementation of simple datapaths; control unit: pipelining; introduction to ILP. Multiprocessor & alternative architectures. Performance enhancements: RISC architecture. Contemporary architectures: Hand-held devices; embedded systems. Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand: Explain how an instruction is executed in a classical von Neumann machine. Understand the computer system organization and structure in general Understand Instruction execution through instruction cycles Understand the system interconnection and the different I/O techniques Explain the basic concepts of interrupts and how interrupts are used to implement I/O Control and data transfers. Identify various types of buses in a computer system Understand PCI bus traffic and how data transfers are performed Explain the reasons for using different formats to represent numerical data Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 57 Title Code Industrial Attachment SIT312 Course learning outcomes The three-month Industrial Attachment aims to extend the knowledge gained throughout the academic course, and to develop skills needed to work in an industrial environment. The student should develop the social, technical and communication skills needed to work effectively in a team. Assessment will be based on a written industrial attachment report, student logbook, and recommendation from the supervisor. 58 Title Code Information Technology Project SIT400 Prerequisites object oriented programming 2 system analysis and design database systems Purpose of the course To create a project that is primarily based from the different concepts learnt in the first two years of the program. Description This is a project in which the candidate develops a business system that can be implemented, using the techniques introduced in the courses already undertaken. Each project will be supervised by a member of the teaching staff and will run in one semester. Students will be expected to attend a series of seminars on contemporary issues and problems. They will also be expected to give oral presentations of their projects within a semester so as to demonstrate their progress in the project. The deliverables are the developed information system and its related documentation. Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Apply technical writing and correct documentation. Design and implement an information system using the concepts learnt in system analysis and design, software engineering and database system. Present a small-scale IS Project to a panel Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) Core Text There is no prime text, but various software manuals, research papers and previous project reports, as well as relevant textbooks will be used. Other Texts 59 Title Code Principles of Management SIT401 Prerequisite Fundamentals of business Purpose of the course Equip the learner with various managerial concepts applied in organizations and management skills that are relevant in managing organizations. It also enables the learner to develop conceptual and analytical skills that would enhance good decision-making and problem solving. Description The concept of managers and management: the evolution of management: background to modern management. Approaches to IT project management. Moral and social dimensions of management: functions of management: dynamics of management. Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Appreciate the principles of management in relation to business Understand the need for management practice Understand the role of management in business organizations Understand modern approaches to management Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 60 Title Code Software Project Management SIT402 Prerequisite Research methods and technical writing, Purpose of the course To introduce the students to IT project management and prepare them for Research Methods. Description Definitions, Managing Change; The Organizational Framework; The Profile of a Project Justifying the Project; Project Planning –Estimating; Scheduling and Resourcing; Monitoring Progress; Exercising Control; Reporting Progress; Quality Management; Risk Management; Value Management; Marketing the Project; Client Management Issues; Managing Suppliers; Leadership; Performance Management; Project Teams; The Working Environment; The Project Manager Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Explain the nature, purposes, significance and techniques of project management in dealing with various Information Systems; Exemplify decision making based on the feasibility of a chosen project proposal implementing defined criteria and considerations, writing accurate IS project estimates on time and budget Enhance research-oriented skills in collecting, analyzing, and consolidating data; and to be able to present convincing and data-based project proposals; Develop skills for managing change, risks, clients, teams and suppliers brought about by any IS project; Appreciate the importance of planning, monitoring, controlling, and reporting an IS project Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 61 Title Code Information Systems Security SIT403 Prerequisite Information Technology fundamentals and Management of Information Systems Purpose of the course This course teaches the essentials of modern model-based engineering techniques and technologies and how these can be used in the Architectural design and specifications of complex systems. Description Risks and vulnerabilities, policy formation, controls and protection methods, database security, encryption, authentication technologies, host-based and network-based security issues, personnel and physical security issues, issues of law and privacy. Areas of particular focus include secure network design, implementation and transition issues, and techniques for responding to security breaches, Disaster data recovery, privacy and cyberspace law Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Understanding of Information Security (InfoSec) principles and approaches Understanding of the basic components of InfoSec Understanding of basic InfoSec applications Ability to remain current with InfoSec literature Ability to progress to independent work in the field Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, case studies and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 62 Title Code Entrepreneurship SIT404 Prerequisite Business analysis requirement Purpose of the course To give students an understanding of entrepreneurship and the necessary skills needed to become an entrepreneur Description Entrepreneurship and entrepreneur defined. The entrepreneur and society. Entrepreneurship and self-employment. The government and Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial behaviour. The characteristics/ qualities/traits of an entrepreneur. The entrepreneur (owner-manager) and the entrepreneur (employed manager) - differences. Business ideas and opportunities: sources for business idea enabling environmental public policies. NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) and evaluating the businessman’s resources. Legal aspects of business. Business formation: form of business organization. Registration of business. Trading licenses and other contracts. Sources of finance for small entrepreneurs. Private sources, banks, financial institutions and NGO’s co-operatives. Decision-making and risk taking. Decision making process, decision making techniques, types of risks of business, assessing risks in self-employment, minimizing risks. Starting a small IT Enterprise. Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Examine the nature of entrepreneurship Evaluate the issues involved in developing businesses Analyze the process of starting business ventures Analyze the problems faced by entrepreneurs Formulate a simple business plan for a small IT enterprise Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 63 Title Code Distributed Systems SIT405 Prerequisite Operating system I and II and Computer networks Purpose of the course Provide the students with principles, techniques, and practices relevant to the design and implementation of distributed systems Description The characteristics and objectives of distributed systems. Separation of logical design from implementation. Impact on the design of high-level languages. Distribution of data, management, control; maintenance and administration. Network support requirements. Network owners vs. network users. Processors and processes. Process communication and resource sharing. Communication primitives. Application oriented services; Virtual processors, virtual file service, virtual terminal service, job transfer, their design and implementation. Concurrency control and replication. Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Explain the design and desired properties of distributed systems List the principles underlying the functioning of distributed systems, describe the problems and challenges associated with these principles, and evaluate the effectiveness and shortcomings of their solutions; Recognize how the principles are applied in contemporary distributed systems, explain how they affect the software design, and be able to identify features and design decisions that may cause problems; Build distributed system software using basic OS mechanisms as well as higher-level middleware and languages. Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 64 Title Code Social and professional issues in IT SIT406 Prerequisite IT and society Purpose of the course social and organizational context of computing, Teamwork concepts and issues, intellectual property, legal issues, professional and ethical issues, privacy and civil liberties Description Accessibility issues; Globalization issues; Economic issues in computing; Digital divide. Intellectual Property: Foundations of intellectual property; Ownership of information; Plagiarism; Software piracy; Fair use; Digital Millennium Copyright Act; Copyrights, patents, trademarks and trade secrets, International differences. Legal Issues in Computing: Compliance ; Computer crime; Viruses; System use policies & monitoring; Professional and Ethical Issues & Responsibilities: Codes of professional conduct, history of ethics; Whistleblowing; Workplace issues (harassment, discrimination); Identify theft; Ethical hacking. Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to Communicate effectively with a range of audiences Analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations, and society Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 65 Title Network administration and management Code SIT407 Prerequisite Computer networks Purpose of the course The purpose of this course is to provide students with the principles of computer network administration and help them acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and practical experiences Description Server services; print, file, DHCP, DNS, FTP, HTTP, mail, SNMP, telnet; Client services; Support. Applications: Installation; Configuration; Maintenance; service packs, patches; Support Administrative Activities: Content management; Content deployment; (file system planning and structure); Server administration and management; User and group management; Backup management; Security management; Disaster recovery; Resource management; Automation management (automatic job scheduling); Site management notebooks and documents; System support; User support and trainning. Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Install and maintain services and daemons Backup and restore all or parts of the system Develop management plans for procurement, installation and maintenance of networks Carry out network performance audits including security and performance tuning. Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 66 Title Code Network Performance Optimization SIT408 Prerequisite Network administration and management System administration Computer networks Purpose of the course Understand techniques in network measurement Description Network performance measurements, network monitoring techniques and tools, network quality measurements and assurance, directory services and associated concepts and challenges of optimization , Routing and routed protocols, Network architecture, Network quality assurance and testing, Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Understand the techniques and tools used in measuring and analysing network performance. understand network quality assurance and testing knowledge be exposed to network architecture and optimization Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 67 Title Code Cryptography and Network Security SIT409 Prerequisite Information Assurance and Security Computer Networks Purpose of the course Develop an understanding of computer security as practiced in computer operating systems, distributed systems, networks and representative applications. Description Operating system protection mechanisms, intrusion detection systems, formal models of security, cryptography, network and distributed system security, denial of service (and other) attack strategies, worms, viruses, transfer of funds/value across networks, electronic voting, secure applications, homeland cyber-security policy, and government regulation of information technology. Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Develop an understanding of information assurance as practiced in computer operating systems, distributed systems, networks and representative applications. Gain familiarity with prevalent network and distributed system attacks, defenses against them, and forensics to investigate the aftermath. Develop a basic understanding of cryptography, how it has evolved, and some key encryption techniques used today. Develop an understanding of security policies (such as authentication, integrity and confidentiality), as well as protocols to implement such policies in the form of message exchanges Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 68 Title Code Wireless Communication SIT410 Prerequisite Computer networks Purpose of the course Fundamental understanding of the design, performance and state of the art of wireless communication systems and standards Description Evolution of wireless communications , wireless systems: 3G, 4G,LTE, 802.11a/b/g, 802.16, WiMAX, 802.22 Introduction to wireless networking. Characteristics of radio propagation. Fading, Multipath propagation.. Definition of bit-rate and signalling rate. The need for pulse shaping, synchronisation and line-coding. Calculation of bit-error probabilities. Narrowband digital modulation.. Binary and multi-level (M-ary) amplitude-shift keying (ASK), frequency-shift keying (FSK) and phase-shift keying (PSK),frequency division multiplex (FSK). Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, structure of wireless networks current wireless systems wireless network performance and security Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 69 Title Code Mobile Computing SIT411 Prerequisite Introduction to databases Object-Oriented Programming I and II Purpose of the course To impart an understanding of fundamental concepts underlying current developments in mobile applications and wireless networks. Description Overview of current hardware, software, and communication standards for mobile computing, Development of mobile applications, software tools, languages, and APIs; Mobile networking and standards in depth, service location, data dissemination, routing; Mobile agents, caching, and data replication and synchronization MAC protocols for digital cellular systems such as GSM.Protocols supporting mobility. Mobile transport layer protocols such as mobile-TCP, indirect-TCP. Wireless Application Protocol (WAP). Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, mobile computing protocols design issues in mobile technology programming techniques Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 70 Title Code Enterprise Solution Development SIT412 Prerequisite Software Testing and quality Assurance Purpose of the course To gain a solid understanding of how to develop software solution for a whole enterprise. Description Enterprise Architecture Overview: the one-, two- and n-tier models; application design. Assemblies. Interoperation with Existing Components - platform invoke; understanding the need to marshal data; working with structures; issues with strings; using COM objects from .NET; exposing .NET components to COM; primary assemblies; dealing with SafeHandles; performance and security issues. Asynchronous Programming. Interacting with the Data Store: Creation of Data Access Layer; The .Net 2.0 Provider Factory model; dealing with concurrency; working with transactions; using stored procedures; performance and security issues. Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Understand the enterprise software architecture Use the architecture to design software solutions for the enterprise. Use varying enterprise technologies of software development Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 71 Title Code Multimedia Systems SIT413 Prerequisites Human Computer Interaction Purpose of the course To inculcate good practice in the design of multimedia software Description Fundamentals of digital media, current technology, standards, media compression, authoring techniques, implications of real-time performance requirements on the resource management in operating systems and computer networks. Distributed multimedia applications and their requirements. Fundamentals of human perception and its impact on compression hierarchical/pyramid algorithms. Analog and digital media representation, storage, and transmission. Compression technologies and standards. Media synchronization. Implementation technologies. Multimedia content authoring. Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Understand the component parts of multimedia and the delivery platforms and human-computer interaction which bring them and the user together. Demonstrate competence in scripting of multimedia products and the use of multimedia authoring software according to HCI design guidelines; Demonstrate skills in problem-solving and integrating innovative concepts within a multimedia programming framework. Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 72 Title Code Decision Support Systems SIT414 Prerequisite MIS, Strategic Information Systems Purpose of the course This course aims at exposing the student to one of the important applications of the computer. Description support Systems and Models – Modeling process ,Decision support systems , Decision Support System Development, Development platforms Tool selection Developing DSS, Enterprise systems, Evolution of information systems , Comparing and Integrating EIS and DSS ,EIS data access, Data Warehouse, OLAP, Multidimensional analysis, Presentation and the web ,Organizational DSS , supply chain problems and solutions ,frontline decision support systems. Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Development of support system Methods of managing knowledge Intelligent decision system development Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, practical demonstrations of communication services, and hands-on laboratory sessions and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 73 Title Code Advanced Database Systems SIT415 Prerequisite Database systems, Database administration Purpose of the course To give the student a good coverage of the current advanced database concepts and implementation of the same. Description Transaction processing, Models of Transactions, Isolation, Models for Concurrency Controls, Objects and Semantic Commutative. Distributed Databases, Distributed Deadlock, Global Serialization, Security. Data Warehousing, OLAP and Data Mining, Aggregation. XML and Web Data, Object Databases, Historical Developments, Conceptual Object Data Model, ODMG Standard, Objects in SQL, Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA). Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Demonstrate competent skills in the following areas in transaction management, database recovery, distributed databases, data warehousing and object oriented databases. Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 74 Title Code Information Forensics and Auditing SIT416 Prerequisite Information Systems Security Purpose of the course Present from a practical perspective underlying principles and techniques of network security and forensics. Description Introduction: Nature of Forensics Evidence. Ethical and Legal Issues: Hard Drive Facts. FAT,NTFS File Systems I. Hard Drive Imaging, Email Tracing, Internet Fraud, Live Systems Investigations, Network analysis, hacking: network scanning and denial of service attacks, Incidence Response Policies: Incidence Reporting, Forensics and Intrusion Detection Tools. Course learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand, Evaluate network and internet security issues Understand the fundamentals of network forensics and cybercrime scene analysis and investigations Exposed to ethical hacking through survey attack techniques and tools Learning and teaching methodology Lectures, directed reading, and projects. Assessment Assignments, tutorials, tests, practical exercises (40%) and written examinations (60%) 75 76